The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, October 06, 1906, Image 12

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN, »ATCnDAT. orTnnRn a, iw. .TO, MISS WITH AM. ' Mrs.-John S. Ralne entertained at a Beautiful' luncheon Saturday In honor of Miss Laura With am and her brides maids. . V ■ . ' , i ::The table, 5 whlch was covered .w ith a lace clppi.'-had as a centerpiece a bowl of yelmw ddfillnt. The IIelite were seen through yellow shades, and the whole . effect was especially artistic and pleas- Inir < was gowned In a white ““ pith* dainty* laces. Amerlcun, who Is the In^/worera^ becoming der fashioned •. with tfA$rorera pretty toilette _ . hand embroidered anfl ‘tifimrtled with baby Irish lace. Her *nat ifcaa black trimmed with plumes. ;Besides the guest of honor ond Mrs. Bncot, there were preseht: Miss Effle 'Beale Phelan. Miss Agnes Ladson. Miss 1 Martha Whitman, Miss Emily Lowndes COMPLIMENTARY TO k j MR8. DICKINSON. ;.*Mrs. Edward, Buford at he'r home, at IllsATsnn charge,-assisted by^ Rev. llendree Har rison, of Ocala, iFIa. v j , ■ The bride's toilet was of 4?hlto mes-? saline trimmed with rose point lace. The bridesmaid and maid of Honor j wore decolette go\yi* of while silk i mull primmed wjth Ducjiess lace. t | After thn wedding an elegant'recep- , tton was given by Mrs. William Mar-. | land at her home on Solomon street. ; The house was profusely decorated . with palms and vases of*©*- .. * Mrs. Starnes and Mrs. Watt received thotguests In the hall and'Mrs. Harrl- „ „ on-4nd Miss Opal Smith pjpskled In h*.dlnli)g room. - ’ * * nlpg room. w . < .The out-of-town guests at the wedi ^Uhg and reception were Miss Helen Muliand/of Boston, Mass.,’and Messrs, tfahison and Dllllnghnm, of Augusta. Dr. and Mrs. Littleton - left on the Southern, at 8 o'clock for a trip to Washington city and New York. AULD-BALLOWE. The marriage of Miss Kate B^llowe* of Eufaula, and Rev. Marlon Auld, of South Carolina, will take place October 10 at* the home of the bride at Eu- faula. I^nnville/Tenn., gave.a charming din-* 'ner party Thursday .evening In honor . her slrfter, Mrs.'A. A. Dickinson, of Jtlanfa, Wflo Is Mrs. Buford's guest at* esept. Q0R8EY-WITHAM. jMiyifind fcfrejwllllftm Stuart Wltham • jhve 4 lssued< Invitations to the marriage of their daughter,* Laura, to Dr. Rufus •Thomas Dorsey, the wedding to take ■ place /on the evening , of Thursday, the. 18th of October, at' 9 : o'clock, at th4 home* of Mr. and .Mrs. Wltham, 795 'Peachtree street. Dr.,Dorsey and his bride will be at *N>me after November 1 at 312 Juniper street.' Photo by Motes and Clark,. M.IS8 '8ILVEY 'SPfEEto Miss Speer la'the<.'daU«hter"ot.M r . and Mrs. Vv. A. Speer, of this city, and Is one of the most attractive members of the younger set. A •:» * % n A MRS. GORbON^M. B^CK, NEE MISS WHEELER. LUNCHEON TO MIS8 WITHAM. ’ Miss' Laura Wltham will be the guest . next Saturday by Miss Agnes Ladson at her home, on Peachtree street.’ J . Y. W. C. A. 'C’Tha. Toppgj Women's Chrlatlan As soc I a yin n has announced the opening o( tlielr '..educational department for Oc- •Mber.'lS.i ; . "■ , ; * ,c IThefcourse In millinery Is very much . ehlargyd this year and Includes every- flilng-necessary for the construction of hats, as well as (the art of, handling ribbons, etc. . . The lessons may be taken as de- - sired and will embrace botti winter and summer millinery. Then are two courses, one of twenty, the other of fifty lessons. , ■; . . Stenography Is also taught on Mon days and Fridays from fi: SO to 7:19. ' V vVciasses In English will he formed, sm-, bracing courses In arithmetic, historic grammar,. spelling, etc. If you are- contemplating a civil service examlna- [bn ll Is well to brush up. on these subjects, likely to have grown rusty from disuse. • French, German and Spanish will also be taught. The gymnasium will maintain Its record 1 of; the mult and be one of the float "popular natures of the associa tion. jClasrteirahe to be held as follows: Mdndiys and Hati aturdnys, Juniors, 3:15 to t ip. in.: yonug women, 4:15 to 5:15 p. hi : btfslqjm kdJndn?*:30 to'7,:S0 p. m.f TiuMleye and Frlrmys, matron*' class, in to lla.|m.; (advanced clas, 3 to ♦ business wom«n,iS;to •foie last class Is the 6. I.iS. P. Club on Tuesday and the Clover on Friday. . Both of these clubs have a literary fea ture with supper. First meeting nl 6 p: m. 1 j j Fencing will again ho n part of tho iInstruction under Mr. A. D. Dupont., tlnstructlona In corrective gymnastics edn t>c hnd privately by special np- ipolntment with the physical director. fThtp rainy weather has dlsappolnt- led many tennis enthusiasts. The courts ' at Ponee -DeLeon can bo used nt nny , time by gymnasium members, weath er permitting, hut present conditions [bsntlnalng prospects for the proposed 'Opirnktient will be very black. i should register nl the ‘dirtiest possible date. 1 ^Devotional services are held In the 1 association rooms on Tuesdays and Fridays nt 6 for 15 minutes, and on •Wednesdays for a like period nt 12:46. A Friday st 4 the Sunday school les- 'son Is studied. Any one Interested In •Invited to attend. On Tuesdays nt 7 ‘there Is a sendee nt the Boarding fThe only department of the nssocls- 'tlon to continue the entire year Is the "Tho'wii'of fare'is simple, but Wholesome, and very reasonable prices prevail. Many men ns well ns women are numbered, npipng the patrons. MEETING OF EXECUTIVE , COMMITTEE WOMAN’S CLUB. Ah Interesting meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the Woman's pit* .wins ^q|dN this moijdng at the *|\jf f ' | I feft * ***** (tome 'of the president. Mrs. A. McD. Wilson. There was n full attendance and many Important affairs were transacted. DANCE AT SEGADLO’S. The dance at Segadlo’s Friday even ing was one of the most successful of the season. The chaperons were: Mrs. Carroll Payne, Sirs. Nash Broyles and [llr. and Mrs. Edward Fortson, and among those dancing were: Misses MacOowan Phelan, M. A. Phelan. Ro- llne 'Clarke. Hattie May High, Laura Payne, Leone Ladson. Janie Speer, Helen O'Brien.; Bessie Pope, Susie Mny Pope, Julia ’ ifisdor, Lottie Peck Wy- M'lNTOSH-GOODMAN. The engagement of Miss Roberta Qarollne Goodman, of Marietta, to Mr. Bayard McIntosh has been- announced, tho wedding to take place early Jh De cember. ;• ' rf [SELDEfTWALTON. Invitations have been Issued to the marriage, of Miss Jennie Lee Walton, of Augusta, to Dr. J. M. Selden, of Sewanect which will take place Wed nesday, October 17, at the Church of the Good Shepherd, on The Hill, near Augusta.' "* COMPLIMENTARY TO MISS MABLE Mrs. Mitchell Rogers, of Macon, was the hostess at a dinner party of twelve covers on Tuesday evening in,compli ment to her guest. Miss Mable, of At lanta. 7 ATLANTA WHI8T CLUB. , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Johnson renthlried the members of > the* -Sjlaritfr -Whlsl Club Friday evenlnr'at tlft club rooms In’the Grand. Miss Jlpry Klngsbery, playing With Mr. Oscar Pappenhclmer, and Mr. Samuel Meyer, playing with Mr. Ai'ch- lltnld Davis, made top scores, playing north and south. Judge' Walter Colquitt and Mr. George Howard made top scores, play ing east.-nnd west. The lady’s prise was a pearl pin and the gentleman's were library knives. The players included: Miss Mary Klngsbery, Mr. Pappenhclmer, Mr. Samuel Moyers. Mr. Archibald Davis, qnd Mrs. Thomas Irwin, Mr. nrid . Charles Eleyea, Mrs. Harvey Johnson. Miss Julia Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. A. c. Coles, Mr. Harvey Johnson, Mrs. Thod Hammond, Misses Calhoun, Mr. Henry Mills, Mrs. Ralph Van Land- Inglmm, Mr. Bon Conyers, Mr. Ralph Van Laqdlngham. Mr. Sam Conyers, Mr. Llthcol, Mr. Wnlter Colquitt, Mr, George Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Lowry. Arnold, Captain Hansell, Mr. George Stevens.. Judge Shelby, of Huntsville, Ala. Pink'rose* were'use® In profusion In ‘the aft 1stIc decoration of Judge' and 6trs. Pardee's home. The table was beautiful with a cut glass vase filled with plnksroses placed In. thf venter. while the pink shades of silv.erjcande- labra, plnij bon-bj/Tls, Ices ’nhity other, CHILDREN OF THE U.,D. C. TO BE ENTERTAINED The efilldrcn of- the '..Confederacy, Julia'Jackson Chapter, will be enter tained at their regular meeting Friday, October 11. by Mrs. A. J. Wurm at her The chapter promptly at 3 p. m. An excellent pro gram will be rendered and a full at tendance is expedted. TO MISS DUNCAN. Mrs. George S. Obear will be among those entertaining next week for Miss Margaret Duncan, whose marriage to Mr. Virgil Shepard will be an Interest ing event' of October 17. Mrs. Obear will give a delightfully Informal Dutch supper, only the members of the bridal ptif-ly to he invited. . . AFTERNOON TgA. A pretty ’ event rift next week will) he tne afternoon tt-a-ot •Alilch Mrs. Jojtn Davis Carter, Jr., Ml entertain next Friday afternoon at her home on Bal timore Block. • it IN HONOR MISS MOBLEY. Mr. and Mrs.“Henry DoGIvc-ghve a theater party Friday night In honor of* Miss Ethel Mobley and J R^r. Sims Bray. Tiio.iother members of’the’par- ty included Miss Kate Robtitt’on, Rtlss Jennie Mobley,'Mr. 81ms Bray, Mr.-Ju lius DcGIve, Mr. Burt Adams, MRS. LONQINO’S LUNCHEON. Mrs. Thomas C. Longlno will enter tain at a luncheon'next Wednesday. In honor of M(ss Laura Wltham and her attendants. ,, ,, ;t ■ Mrs. Bonglno’s guests wilt. Include Miss Laura Wltham, Miss Martha Whitman, Miss Agnes Ladson, Miss Elite Beale Phelan, Miss Samuella Whitman, Miss Elizabeth Adair, Miss Emily Lowndes, .RIIss Gladys Levin, MIssvBesslq Pope, Mlls' M. A. Phelan, Miss Alma Pope, Miss Grace Calloway, Miss Ethel Kelly, RIIss'Ethel Mobley. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES. Gate City Hive No. 4 held a special meeting Thursday evening In their hall, 123.Peachtree, which was well at tended .and much Interest was,mani fested In the affairs that were dlscuss- Qulte a number of names were balloted on.. Several visiting members from Atlanth Hive were present.. -Mrs. R. X, Oplrln, stdte dpmpjander, assisted by members'.from the differ ent hives In Atlanta, will entertain In a rest tent on the fair grounds during the ten day's of the fair season. All are cordially Invited to visit the ladles and partake of their hospitality. , WEDDINGS~AT MACON. Several Interesting marriages oc curred during this week at Rlacon, all of them on Wednesday, October,3. At /clock, In the jifternoon of that date JiflSs Hortcnse; Morris w)ts married to Mr.‘ Samuel Dlumberg, of New York, •t the residence of the pride's parents, Mr/, and Rtrs. M. J. Rloirls. .The bride .. _ sister of Dr. RInx RIorris, and the groom Is an architect of repute, being now occupied In.lhe construction of the new poatofflee building In Rta- con. The wedding was a pretty,home affair with no attendants. The bride wore n white satin .wedding gow trimmed In duchessc lace, a tulle veil nnd cnrrled white roses. A reception followed the wdddlng, after which the «_ l-Sx V..ol/ Simply Fine to Eat! The aboye expression applies exactly to . Nunnally’s candy. It states in four simple words the great distinctive quality of this delightful con- vfeetion. It is made to eat, and is simply irresist ibly delicious. Besides tasting good, candy must possess the qualities of a really good food if it is td stand the test of a high grade confection. It must be pure, healthful, arid nourishing. Nunnally’s Candy truthfully lays claim to the above named attributes, and also, to the fact that it is manufactured in the cleanest factory in the country. Comparison with the ,best ;of other brands is welcomed. A. ver- :ditt in favor of Nunnally’s would be a sure result. . ; HARR0LD-8HAW. The moat prominent wedding for the autumn in Macon, annoupced no far, will be flat of Mis* Helen Shaw.nqd ~ •. C. C%arrold, which occurs on ()c- llllam Checkley Shdj^.J Mrs. Gordon M. Buck, daughter of the lato General Joseph Wheel- , or, * who twar manied^at her 'home . In »Whee|er Alu.^a few duyft.ago. ilisSrk, rWs Slarshnll, Arthur I^ane, LyTO.Wf*w;^w*Hn*jjiann ; ;^rthui>v*:R<jcolntti nil go to t and Logan Clarke, Tony Williams, church building fund. Gene Ottley, Walton Harper, Kugene Haynes, Messrs. McDmigal, Hhelhy, Eastman, McCarty, Dugus McClesky, Charlie Carson. , Miss Janie Speer wore-a becoming gown of blue silk mull. Miss M. A. Phelan was most attrac- trlinmnd with lace nnd medallions, nnd Miss M&cGowon Phelan's pretty gown was of white silk. Misses Martha and lfesslc Woodward wore white lingerie gowns, , trlmnyed Yflth'Iace.- * • Miss Hattie May High was beauti fully gowned In blue silk, accordeon plaited. Illsf 8u*lo Mny Pope were- white, fh^ red klrdlc giving a becoming touch of color. . * w . Miss'*'Resale Vep« was In White*.silk, and' Miss’ Halite ' Cobb Johnson" wore blue silk. LITTLETON • MARLAND. At Griffin tho largest event of the week was the wedding of Miss Mary King Murland to Dr. James Rufus Lit tleton. of Augusta St. George church was beautifully decorated for the occasion In palms and wild sinllax. To the strains of the wadding march, rendered by Mrs. J. A. Stewart, first came the ushers, Dr. M. F. Carson und Mr. D. J.‘ Bally, then the bridesmaids. Miss Lucia Starnes and the maid of nondr, Miss Helen Marlnnd. The bride came In with her broth er.. Mr. George Marl^and, and was met tered wtth hW best man, Mr. T. II. Ilf. Edith Russell, Elisabeth Adair, ijinrrlsou. Th© ceremony w*»«v »»v«- SAllie Cobb’ Johnson, Effle Huff, and’farmed ®y Rev. D. F. Iloke, rector in THINK THIS OVER. The owner of diamond* ha* the double natlefactlon of posaecslng an a**ot of Immediate convertibility and of Increasing value, and enjoy the pleasure of wearing the gem In the meantime. The possession of diamonds may In time take the place of life Insurance policies, sec our beautiful stock. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO., THE DIAMOND PALACE. 37 WHITEHALL ST. . MU8ICAL RECITAL'j • \ A delightful musical entertainment will be given at St, Puul Methodist Episcopal church. East Hunter street, Thursday evening, October It, nt 8 o'clock. The program will consist of male quartets, Interspersed with so prano solos, aim Filing Mr. R.sD. Armour, Mr. Frank Cun- doll, Mr. George McDaniel, Mr. Cart- Ildge Campbell, ueidHted by Mias Nol- He Nix, aoprano, will be the artlMte. Ith spe cial solo., The music will be of the very best class, nnd with these well- known singers an enjoyable evening Is assured. all go to the nck^dirJPdlils couple left for Niw York. Tho wedding of Miss Blanche Mack LAY-CALDWELL. 8peciol to The Georgian. Gadpden, Ala., Oct. 6.—The marriage of Mr. Carl 8. Lay arid Miss Joule D. Caldwell occurred at Jacksonville yes terday at 10 o'clock. The marriage was one of the social events of the senson In northeast Alabama, both young |»co pie having a large circle of friends in this section. Mr. Lay Is the son of Captain and Mrs. VV. ’ P.' Lay, of this city, and Is a member of the firm of Pincard & Lay, und Is held In |\lgh es teem. Ills bride Is much admired for her striking \>eauty and many accom pllshments. , , * After a short bridal trip they will come to this city, where they will re- Ido.*. A lafto party of ivlaHvds and antTfrqm tbl * ton to" tht* clfy nrid Annis- DOMINO CLUB. Mrs. tV. M. Weathers entertained charmingly the West End Domino Club at her home on Park street Friday afternoon. An elaborate course dinner followed the games. Mrs. Weathers' guests were Misses Arllne and Floyd Almand, Lillie and Corinne Anderson and Allle Arby, Mrs ICmmle Collier, Mrs. Fred Seay. Mrs. Charles Jones, Mrs. I. Arbut Meador, Mrs. J. Allen Carlisle, Mrs. C. R. Mat thews and Mrs. Hope. JUDGE AND MRS. PARDEE SHEPARD-DUNCAN. Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Duncan have Is sued invitations to the marlage of their daughter, Margaret Wilson, to Mr. Vir gil Hhepard on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at their home on Piedmont avenue. ATLANTA CHAPTER D. A. R. The Atlanta Chapter D. A. R. met Haturday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. David Woodward, 615 Peachtree street. ENTERTAINED ON FRIDAY. Judge and Mrs. Don A. Pardee gave a delightful dinner Friday evening to ten guests at their home on Ponce De Leon avenue, complimentary to Judge Meek, of Fort Worth, Tex., and to Accordion Plaiting Sun Plaiting, Side Plaiting and Pinkmg DONE PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. PRICE8 REASONABLE. SOUTHERN ACCOR DION PLAITING CO., 781-2 Whitehall. Bell ’Phone 799. DR. J. R. BARGE. OSTE EOPATH, Atlanta. Gd. 601 Austell Bldg. Office Hours. » to 11:30—1:30 to 6 Uesldcuce IVnehtje*. B Main and Mr. Samuel Pinkus Cronhetm, of Atlanta, took place on Wednesday afternoon at 8:30 o'clock and wn« at tended by a large number ot friends from Atlanta and other cities. On Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock Miss Florrle Rice and Mr. Joseph C. Fulford were married at the First Pres byterian church. . Mrs. J. D.' Goforth, »f 'Brunswick, was . matron of honor, and Mr. Robert Hodgson, of .Valdosta, the best man. TUE8DAY BRIDGE CLUB. Mrs. Evelyn Harris entertained• the Tuesday Bridge Club Saturday mov ing at her home on West Peachtree, foie first prise was a pair of silk hose. After the game a dainty salad course was served. Those ^present were Miss May du- Blgnon, Miss Janie Speer, Miss Josle Stockdell, Miss Ruth’ Hallman. Miss Nan duBIgnnn. Miss 51. A. Phelan, Miss Jennie English. BRIDGE LUNCHEON. Miss Emily Lowndes will entertain at a bridge luncheon next Friday morn ing In honor of Miss. Laura-Wltham and her bridesmaids. MISS FOWLER -ENTERTAIN$. , Friday’ dventhjr‘ it 'ier .home, Miss Helen FrfiVlef entsrtnlned Informally a number of her "friends. Those prestnt were Misses Edna Forrester, Mabel Tutwller, Mable Kelly, Mattie Huggins. Jeannette Wllllnms, Mabel Woodslde, Mary Thomas, Messrs. Paul Oawson, Ross Hunt, Hubert Talley, Erie Parke, Edward Hayes and Claude Arnold. .Re freshments were served and music was an .enjoyable feature of the evening. WALL PAPER FOR WORKING MEN Forty thousand rolls to pick from. Paper to suit your pocket book. WHITE WALL PAPER CO., 69 N. Pryor St. /—WEDDING SILVER—* An Entire! NEW STOCK from which to select. J. C. MELLICHAMP, DIAMOND IMPORTER, 70 WHITEHALL ST. Next to. Chamber! In-Johnson-Dubose Co. ATLANTA’8 ONLY POPULAR-PRICED JEWELRY STORE. ESSIG-M00RE. A marriage of Interest to many At lantans was that of Mr. Christopher Esslg and MJss Corllle Moore, which took place In San Francisco Wednes day afternoon, October 3, at 5:30 o’clock. Immediately following the ceremony, the bride nnd groom left San FranH?co for Atlanta. They will rench this city early next‘week. 5Ir. Esslg Is a prominent and popular young business, man of Atlanta, nnd his bride Is a woman of charming person ality and detlded social gifts. RAINWATER-EDMONDSON. wedding of; Interest to pinny friends wilt be that of Miss Blanche Brown Edmondson, of Anniston, Ala., to Mr. Charles Veazey Rainwater, of Au gusta, which will take place Tuesday evening, October 9, at Grace Episcopal Church at Anniston. Miss Edmondson Is the second daughter of Colonel and 5trs. William Edmondson, for , many years rest- dertts of Alabama, arid Is herself SUPERB COLLECTION OF STERLING SILVER SUITABLE FOR WEDDING GIFTS. LARGE HANDLER OF GORHAM STERLING SIL VER. MY FALL STOCK IS COMPLETE. Charles W. Crankshaw, Diamond Merchant and Jeweller. 16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg. A Truth About Wedding Presents With those who know our every offer has long ago come to mean an absolute value, and this .re may. apply In particular at present to our sil ver display. Every piece from platter to bonbonlere Is In material, atyle, design and finish the |>erfectlon of the silversmith’s art, and every piece has Individuality, a happy quality in any collection of wedding presents. DAVIS & FREEMAN, JEWELERS. native Alabaman. Educated at Noble Institute, she is a musician of rare ability and. possesses an attractive personality. Mr. Charles Veazey Rainwater Is a young and successful business man of Augusta, and a ‘member of several of tho best business and social associa tions of that. city. The wedding of Mr. Rainwater and Miss Edmondson will -take place Grace Episcopal church on .Tuesday evening nt 7:30 o’clock, the.ceremony to be performed by Rev. J. J. D. Hall, of Birmingham, the godfather of the bride, assisted by Rev. J.\G. Glass, rec tor of Grace church. The church will be handsomely decorated In lavender nnd white tints and several hundred guests from all parts of the South will be In attendance. Mis t Edmondson’* attendants will be Miss Maude Brown Edmondson, sister of the bride, maid of honor; Mrs. Raj- Thrasher Thomas, of Birmingham, matron of honor; Miss Julia Frazer, of Montgomery, first bridesmaid, and Miss Josephine Rainwater, of Atlanta; Miss Margaret Cobbs DuBose, of Gads den; Miss Lllltc Mae Lyles, of Colum biana, and Miss Hattie Rainwater, of Atlanta,. bridesmaids. Miss Martha Edmondson, sister of the bride, will be praj-er book carrier, and little Miss Au gusta Cobb will be ring bearer. 5!r. Rainwater’s beat man will be Mr. Eugene Cratley Hale, of Athens, and hi* groomsmen Messrs. J. Russell Compton, of Atlanta; Will Henry Mor ton, of Baltimore: Clarence Bell, of At lanta: Will T. Edmondson, Jr., of An niston, and Fred Washburn, of Atlan ta. The uehers will be Messrs. Harry F. Altchlaon, John Crook, Rlchnrd Stlckney and John McGuIrk, all of An niston. A number of entertainments have al ready been given in honor of the bride and next week will Include more af fairs to be in honor of Miss Edmond son and 5tr. Rainwater. The attend- aht* will arrive In the city Saturdas’. The brlde’e mother will entertain the entire party at a breakfast at 11 o’clock Monday. A reception will t* held nt the home of the bride Monday afternoon and a rehearsal at the church In the evening, to be followed by an elaborate dinner to be served In nn» of the private dining rooms at the Ho tel Alabama to' the attendants and s i large number of Anniston's excluilv* element. Tuesday morning tha society i ushers will give a bowling party at Oxford Lake, after which 5tr. w. T. Edmondson, Jr„ brother of the bride, will give a stag breakfast at the Ala bama In honor of Mr. Rainwater and his attendants, and the ladles of tha party will be entertained at a card party and luncheon. Immediately after the ceremony Tuesday evening 3tr. and Mrs. Rain water will leave for the East, whert they will spend three months, nnd after their return will make their home In Augusta. JOPLING-WINTER. Miss Cadle Winter, of Madison, and Mr. W. L. Jopllng, of Augusta, wera quietly married Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of the bride at Mndlsnn. Immediately rafter the cere mony Mr. and Mrs. Jopllng left f<* Augusta, where they will make their future home. BATEMAN-FOOTE. Among the early fall marriages wfl be that of Miss Janie Beatrice Foote to Mr. Claude N. Bateman, at Fort Contlnuod on Opposite Page- KENT ELECTRO; GAS-LITE The New Inverted Light- KENT LIGHT HOUSE 69 North Pryor Street Y. M. C. A. Bldg. Phone Main 4848