Newspaper Page Text
Tin-: .vti.aNta iikokoian, 'itkkiiav. novemiikw i:s, iso,;.
Memphis, .Tenn., Nov. 1*.—The hie
University uf Mississippi football team
ilM not make the expected showing
against Hewanee and the Tennessee Ti
mers defeated the Mlsslsslpplan* by a
score of ft to t>. .The Mountaineers
played first-class football and out
classed the Deltaltes at every stage of
the game.
The line-up:
Mississippi. Position. Seuanee.
Woods left end .... Williams
t'onner left tackle Stone
Headers .. .. left guard Evans
McLeod center Watkins (Capt.)
Robertson .. rlfHt 'guard .. Lumpkin
Bates .. .... right tackle .. .. Harris
Elmer right end Lewis
Wetttln .... quarter .... Lyne-Ktsele
('unnlngham left half Jlarkly
sanitary, fuel ant
Range in your
kitchen for
Longman, of Michigan, and Watklnn,
of Tcnnrfseo.
The Chattanooga bowling team put
up a fairly interesting light against the
local bowlers in the match at the Cose
alleys Monday night, but lost by a
score of 2,738 to 2.044. J. H. Elliot did
the star work for the Atlanta team,
bowling Oil. This was too lively u
clip for his team mates. Their scores
New York, Nov.. 12—Jack O'Brien
Is at present In Los Angeles peddling
the bull. Jack ia training for his light
with Tommy Burns, which comes off on
In an Inter-
This range has a large white V'W®
enameled oven, a hot t>last fire-
back, a fuel saving fire box, a
non-waring top, and many oth
er improvements not found in
ordinary ranges.
In order that you may he thoroughly con
vinced of its merits, we will put one in your
kitchen for «*ne month free of any charge what
Let us send you one today.
Thanksgiving evening. __
view the other day he stated that he
was up against It as far as opponent!
went. Jack says that If he should win
from Burns he will be In the same boat
as Jeffries—"no one to fight."
That's funny. There used to be a
black gent going around under the
name of Johnson. Woncfcr If O'Brien
knows that Arthur Is still on the map?
Is O’Brien champion pugilist of tlic
world? Can he beat any mun alive?
Strange that Jack will be go lone
some after the Burns fight. Is not It?
0 Berlin. Nov. 13.—The game of O
O golf, which has attained mueh O
{•'popularity In Oermdny, Is likely O
0 to receive an Imiwtus from the O
O: kaiser's olTer to allow the Berlin O
O Oolf Club the use of the beautiful O
Q grounds of the admiralty, adjoin- O
O Ing the royal estates at Potsdam. O
O It (a understood (hat the kaiser 0
O hopes to Interest Qermun officers O
The Upper photo shows a number of crack A. A. U. sprinters getting
swsy for a 100-yard dash. Balow ia a snapshot showing Gilbsrt, of Yala,
clearing the bar in a record High ju mp.
Major Clubs Are Worth Barrels of Money
a Cent for Thirty Days* Use,
The Dartmouth baseball team Is to
ploy the Annniiolls naval cadets next
season for the first time.
•Harry Baker, the little Frisco fighter,
Is coming to the front at a fast pace.
His 20-round fight with Abe Attell
stamped him a comer.
Will Billy Delaney make a champion
of Al Koufmanu? In the past Delaney
has handled several of the greatest
fighters ever seen In the ring.
Losing the National League pennant
was a hitter pill for Mnnager McUraw
to swallow, and It's a cuse of up nnd
doing for John now gettlpg ready for
Washington, D. Nov. 13.—Suc
cessful as was tha season of 1800 In
haafcbsdl, it will not, for many reasons,
be a marker to that of 1807.
It was not so very long ago that the
croakers were predicting the deca
dence of the aporl. According to them
the sport was going backward, and It
.would. not be long before It would go
to rack and ruin. “Tell me," you would
hear one say. “Is baseball'aa prosper
ous as It used to be? Do many people
turn out to attend the games?"
Nothing like last season was ever
kndwn. Tho Chicago National l.cugtm
club earned over ItuO.OOO, tho largest
preiflts ever recorded, and far above
anything that ever happened during
the Hart regime. People marveled
that the club should have ever been
allowed to go for such a sum us tlUD.-
»00, isr that It virtually paid for Itself
In a single season, und there Is no
■louht that the next season will l>«
equally as successful.
Despite the reverses sustained, the
New York National league club made
large profits during the past season,
and despite the Immense expenses, that
•iub has made larger profits the past
three seasons than any club In the his
tory of .the game.
The. Boftnn American I-eagur club
has been uniformly successful finan
cially since Its start In 180m. At one
time this club could have been pur
chased at a very low price, and Its
present owners secured It for n nomi
nal song, and It Is safe to say that the
earnings of the past three seasons have
been 3150.000.
The Boston Nationals have cleared
over 3100,000 In a single season, and
.. - .. .. .1. 4 « I- I*
There Is certainly no need at ull of
any talk about transfer of a dub In any
city that has two major league clubs.
As the schedule Is almost entirely non-
conlllctlng, there Is no reason why each
club should noj have the entire sup
port of the baseball loving public.
The people who l)ke busebull will go
to cither ground If the game Is prop
erly conducted und If the clubs are of a
kind that merit patronage.
There seems small chance for Jimmy
Hebrlng to gel hark Into organised
hull, and the prospect Is that ho will
be permanently burred when tho com-
One of- our fine BUCK RANGES is set up in one of our big windows, turn
ing out biscuits from 9 to 5. Come in und lunch with tig. Maxwell' House
Bleud Coffee uud Biscuits of La Rosa Flour baked iti n BUCK are an irresist-
i' \ '
ible combination. .
American ls>ague Into a paying matter, mission takes up his rase upon the
has made that city Ills home and owns return of President Pulliam from Eu-
some valuable rout estate In that, city, rope (text month.
In tho oir-seuson he has a bowling ul- Clrttlrman Hermann said tliut he
ley and billiard room, which Is a fa- would vote for the reinstatement of So.
vorite resort with those fond of those bring, provided the latter could show
recreations. The Philadelphia Amcrl- that Ids case hud not .been aggravated,
ran League cUlli has eleured till uf slnco he Jumped the Cincinnati club
3125,000 the two Reasons past. over a year ago. tuklng with him aev- |
-— eral hundred dollars belonging to the
.Never la the history of the guiuc was management and also smaller sums be
lt us dltfirult to ob|ulii u foothold In longing to Frank Bancroft. Mr. Her-
any city as for tha New York Attierl- mono Is Inclined to Isj lenient In Se-
cans to land In .Manhattan Island. It brlng’a case. He bears no III will
took a deal of labor and a lot of money, against the ptuyer for nuver attempt-
Farrell was the angel, and theru were Ing to repay the sum uf money due the
many who could not possibly scu haw tlnclnuat! club, even when he was
he could get tils money liack, but tills alleged to bo drawing 3750 a month us j
he succeeded In accomplishing and I manager of thu' Williamsport outlaws,
came off with Hying colors. The Ban Johnson, however, affirms that 8e-
Ani,■clean 1-eaguo did, made a lot of bring has been very offensive against
money In New York lust seuson and the I the Nutlonnl management.
103—5—7—9—11 , WHITEHALL.
George Winters’ Father
'Killed by an E
Yale in Bad Condition
For Princeton Battle
Winter.* Im* wiitton a letter
tuu BHIy STTilt^ taUinff -Jr~the death of
hU.foher. who >v«» klfieri by an engine
In Pueblo. «'d»o.
^ According to the newspaper clipping
vvKU-i. accompanied the letter George's
father, whose nhme was Michael Win?
Atlanta liu* hail all Mud* of football
here‘this year—collcgo games, prep guinea,
tie game*, close games nnd runaways—tint
nest Mattmluy rortic* a game nlilelt rank*
among the few real ••feature gntneii" of
the Southern Ken noli.
This game U the VuiuierbWt-Teeli eouteat.
An hu exhibition alone. It would be a
pretty lively proposition. For Yuiulerbllt
has t&f* yesr the best team of <hc ftomft,
nu«J one which rsuks among the first ten,
perhaps, In the country.
At soy rare, the aggregation which up-
the tseorv* they are making would show,
they eoiiht not bold their own with llela*
man's men.
One thing whleh looks probable on Katur-
dsy Is the use by Tech of all tho trick
plays, forward pastas, on aide kicks, fuku
kicks, delayed passe* ami -stunt plays III
their large and varied repertoire, ft la
uot likely that Tech can gain against Von
dorfiHt by straight football. The Yellow
Jackets' only chance seems to be to ad-
yaiice the ball by tricks. And no man
knows wor« about devising fancy plays and
toachlug them to hls*tueu than J. W. dels
Just whut Tech Is going to spring no-
O . O
d a
Taklmt it ull in all. It Jh a toss-up
iia to which team will win the Her- 1
vard-Yale gam». They appear At the
preaetit time to be pretty well matched.
Hi^clal to The
Rntory I'nllnfe, , vgfont, tIn,. ,Vm. 1-- V ,
Junior* ui„l fmthmes. who were -.n,1 1 v-
in piny respectively the sophomore- s' 1 ' 1 *.
lifer- yosterdny nflcrunob, forfeit*!
Xante*. TUc cam, - to be plnyol In llf ' 1
xiondny arc senior* ainnisi «op"" ni " n •
and J union* nstlnsr flwsbnwn.
riuaea, w,u *■,», ..,u, *,,•-
amount 375,000 will l«i cash und the
Rldgway's Magaxlne should have
been credited with the article which
appeared on the sporting page Mon
day In regard to the ranking of South
ern golfer*. Through an overelght the
credit line was omitted.
San Francisco. Nov. It.—Jimmy
Britt has come out of retirement and
nays he la ready to fight again and
that'Dane. Hyland. Herrmann or Bat
tling Nelson can be accommodated by
him In ehort order.
-Yale showed no alarming weakness
In two departments where weakness
waa expected. The middle of the line
stood up well, and Veeder showed well
In our.ting. kicking t"* g,*od distances.
following the next week, the football
sekson may be said to have reached Us
{ final stage.
If Lockwood was a little more care
ful In making his tackles there la.noth-
Ing In the I'rlmson eleven that ran
touch hint, foach Reid will do well to I
keep him in the ’varsity back field.
j There Is talk of a game early In De
cember' between Swarthmore and
Pennsylvania for tlie state champion
ship. this In case both teams wlr. all
of their Remaining games. Pennsylva
nia state has lost one game, while
Swur'thmnre lias not lost any, so It ap
pears that the leeway pf on* defeat
ought to be allowed to Swarthmore.
.The latter has to tackle Cornell soon.—
Exchange. * '
body but the said lielunau knows, but the
public will he pot wise Saturday after-1
President Murphy. t*r the Cnhs, has with- j
drawn bis suggestion tbst he be preseated j
with one of the ehsntplousblp emblems to 1
be given meml*ers of the White Sox. Pretty I
nice of him. too. Especially ns nobody I
hsd any Intention of givlux him one any*,
way. •
Jakey .ttx la going to set hlmaelf mixed
up with the holy Ismtls of matrlmouy. Tie
Joke Is alleged to le- on Mias Itorla Kalman, j
“I want to have you Due the last call to Uarrc t Mm ten," said Jack
Foy, the local pugilist, Tuesday morning. "He challenged me through Joe
Elliot, his manager, to fight and stated that any terms would be agreea
ble. M. Ventura., my manager, posted 3200 with the sporting editor of
The (Seorgian for that bout and It la still up.
"Now Staten appears to have barked down completely and If he has
quit I want to know- It. ’ I think that I can get some fights on with out
side parties, but 1 prefer Staten. His ability Is known here and he Is the
man for me. 1
"When 1 last saw Staten he said that he was ready when some club
would put up the purse. Well. I have located the club, posted my forfeit
and am waiting. 1 have waited about three weeks but nothing luts hup-
liened thus fur.
"If Staten does not ••nine across I shall have to take on somelsnly
else, for I want another fight."
One of the practice stunts **
Tech football team Is to try fast *>" r *
Coach Helsntan lines hh.firtn up
stands In from of them with a
held on the ground. When, he s.,.*PJ
It the men dash forward at full stw*“
for u few paces. This above snaps"*
shows the line Just before the ball »**
snapped, ‘ ’ '
Bargains in unredeemed Dia
monds. Confidential loans on val
15 Decatur St. Kimball Hnnce.
your old soft ami stilt felt hats
issey to be cleaned. 23 1-2 White-
Mid-Week Calm Settles Over Sporting World
; ■ - -- - - - - I