The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, December 29, 1906, Image 8

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Miss Edith Russell will entertain at
an egg-nog party New Tears day at
her apartments In the Marlborough.
Among the many events of the week
perhaps none was more keenly en
joyed than the Christmas tree given.
by the ••Little St. CeelUana" In the
studio of their teacher and directress,
Mrs. Sarah J. Hanna, on Wednesday
afternoon, 26th Inst. The attractive
studio in the Lowndes building was
decorated with Christmas bells and
ribbons. A beautiful tree had been
provided which the young folks had
ornamented with candles and bright
Christmas designs and loaded with
gifts and bags of bon bona for many
little friends, their guests on this oc
casion, as well as for each member of
the club. Their teacher, too, was
gracefully remembered. Peals of
laughter and shouts from happy voices
testified to the unalloyed pleasure of
entertainers and their guests.
Miss Ethel Gay was the guest of
< honor at an elegant luncheon given
I Saturday by Miss Katharine Gholstln.
• The lable was most attractive with
\ Its decorations of red roses and maiden
1 hair ferns. The centerpiece was a
mound of red roses and the silver can
dlesticks were capped with red and
silver shades. The place cards were
decorated with the crest of the hostess
and the name of the guest. In one
( corner of the card there was a silver
' horaeahoe.
' Miss Gholstln was gowned In a pale
f blu* silk, trimmed with lace and em
broidered In gold threads.
Miss Gay was much admired In a
toilet of lavender velvet, trimmed with
Irish lace. She wore a hat of lavender,
\ trimmed with plumes.
Mrs. Sidney Stubbs wore a gown of
blue velvet and a hat of black, trim
med with white plumes.
The guests included: Miss Bessie
Woodward. Miss Mary Deas Tupper,
l Miss Louise Hawkins, Miss Lottie Peck
I Wylie, Miss Laura Hill Payne and Mrs.
{ Thomas B. Paine. Mrs. Sidney Stubbs
! end Mlaa Ruth Hallman.
Saturday afternoon Misses Lena and
Alice Orr were hostesses at a beauti
ful card party given at their home on
East Pine street. Their guests includ
ed about forty young women, and the
occasion was characterised by happy
The home of the Misses Orr was
Artistically decorated with palms, ferns
and tall vases of narcissus. The first
prise was a beautiful Austrian toast
glass, and the consolation u Christy
rlil book. After the game elegant
refreshments were nerved.
Those invited were: Mrs. Lee Doug
las, Mrs. George Muse, Mrs. Haralson
Bleckley, Mrs. Hugh Lokey. Mrs. A. J.
Hmlth. Mrs. Turner Goldsmith, Mrs.
Drake. Mrs. Alfred Truitt, Mrs. Julc
Edwards, Mrs. Neal. Mrs. Prank Berry,
Mrs. McKinley. Mrs. J. H. Smith, Mrs,
Wilson Runette, Mrs. Fred Lulck, Mrs.
Marcus Beck. Mrs. Elmo Massengale,
Mrs. John Davis farter, Mrs. Helman
Wright, Mrs. McConnell, Mra. W. C.
Warren. Mrs. Orion Nunnally, Mrs. J.
P. Averlll. Mrs. Clarence Paine, Mrs.
8. T. Marett, Mrs. A. E. Wheeler, Mrs.
Virgil Perryman. Mrs. Tom Daniel,
Mrs. Hinton Hopkins, Mra. J. J. Lynch,
. Mrs. Guy Wool ford, Mrs. E. E. Pome-
( roy, Mrs. David Crockett. Mrs. C.
, R. Jolly, Mrs. Felker, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs.
. Paul Wright, Mrs. Lawahe, Mrs. 8. W.
‘ Foster, Mrs. Maurice Thomas, Miss
\ Ruth Lewis, Miss Louise Horlne, Miss
Hattie Price, Miss Minna Reck, Miss
Ethel Knslev, Miss l^ouise lianie. Miss
Helen Muse. Miss Mabel Taylor, Mias
Llxsle May Dougherty. Misses Carroll,
Miss Katherine Wootten. Miss Louise
Catching. Miss Virginia Polak,Miss Jes
sie Mitchell, Miss ora Hue Mitchell,
Mlaa McIntyre. Miss May Pagett, Miss
Nell Wise, Miss Hardwick. Miss Martha
Mitchell. Miss Ruth Blodgett. Miss
Ethel Massengale, Miss Nell Myna-
! han. Miss Nunnally, Miss Grace Lan-
J drum. Miss Armstrong. #
On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs.
John K. Ottley gave a delightful bird
aupper In honor of Judge and Mrs. Don
, Pardee, who go early In Januury to
This smart walking costume Is made up In navy blue cloth. The three-
charter length cont is trimmed with braid and over the shoulders there
are three little capes. The skirt Is made with wide tucks going around
the skirt and Is finished with a plaiting of the goods.
New' Orleans for a lengthy stay.
Pretty holiday decorations were used
on the handsomely appointed table,
which had for Its centerpiece a mound
of pink blossoms, around which was a
wreath of holly. Tall vases, filled with
crimson carnationa, were placed on the
table, and on each end were candela
bra with crimson silk shades.
The place cards were Inscribed with
Pretty littl# mountain latelae. the
Daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Taylor, of Tallu
lah Valla, Ga.
We desire to thank our friends and cus
tomers for their liberal patronage during
the season which has been most grati
fying. Wishing you all A Happy and
Prosperous 1907,
We are, respectfully yours,
Have your accordion
side plaiting and pink
ing done at the
Southern Accordion
Plaiting Company,
781-2 Whitehall Sf.
and have it done right.
Prices reasonable. Per
fect satisfaction guaran
teed. Sun Burst Skirts
a Specialty.
apnroprlate toasts and greetings for
the holiday Hpaaon.
An elaborate menu was nerved.
Mr. and Mrs. Ottley's guests were:
Judge and Mrs. Pardee, Mrs. E. G. Mc-
( a be, Ml ms English. Miss Dorothy Hor-
8f. 55**" McCarthy of Los Angeles,
Mrs Perofvaf Sneed, Mr. Eugene Ott-
ley. Mr. J c. Lusk. Mr. Morton Marye
and Mi*. James F. Alexander.
Scarcely haa social Amerlcus wit
nessed a more brilliantly beautiful wed
ding than that which blended the lives
of Mlaa Lula Browne and Mr. Timothy
Furlow Callaway Thursday evening at
7:30 o’clock, at the First Baptist church.
Long before the appointed hour the
church was filled with a large assembly
of Interested friends.
Unusually attractive w*ere decora
tions here In red and green, graceful
garlands of wild sinllax festooning the
windows and chandeliers and combined
with stately palms, ferns and a profit-
»lon of red carnations and American
Beauty rosea, rendered the altar a pic
ture of Idealistic beauty.
Mendelssohn’s wedding march, ren
dered by Mrs. Joe Irvin, announced the
entrance of the bridal party. First
came the ribbon-bearers. Misses Mattie
Pope Haggerty and Mamie Browne,
wearing white frocks with red ribbons,
then the ushers, who were Messrs.
Hinton Browne. George Callaway, of
Albany; Ed Gyles, Merrtl Callaway, Ed
Andrews and Stewart Furlow, of Ma
The little flower girls. Misses Mar
jorie Browne and Frances Loving,
came next, wearing cherry red dresses
and carrying baskets of red carnations.
The maid of honor, Miss A file Mae
Kleckley, entered alone, wearing a love
ly gown of white messallne. fashioned
with many tucks and elaborately lace
trimmed. She carried a bouquet of
American Beauty roses.
The groom came In with his best
man, Rev. Alhfi Fort, Jr. The bride,
a picture of girlish loveliness, wearing
an artistically fashioned gown of white
eollenne, trimmed in rare old lace, her
veil of tulle falling to the hem of her
dress, held In place with a wreath of
white hyacinths and carrying a bou
quet of bride’s roses, entered on the
arm of her futher, Mr. W. E. Browne.
The ceremony was very Impressively
performed by Rev. Walton Callaway,
of Macon, assisted by Rev. R. E. Neigh
bor. of Salisbury. N. C.
After the ceremony an elaborate re
ception was tendered them at the beau
tiful home of the bride’s parents, Mr.
and Mra. W. K. Browne. The entire
lower floor of this spacious home, made
especially attractive on this occasion
with its decorations of holly, mistletoe,
numbers of burning tapers and quanti
ties of red cut flowers, was thrown open
to several hundred guests.
Assisting In receiving were: Mr*.
Emmet to Murray. Mrs. R. L. McLeod.
Mra, Frank Sheffield and Mrs. 8.
McKee. •
The decorations In the dining room
were all In red and green, an Immense
plateau of red carnations forming the
centerpiece. Red shaded candles were
helot In silver candelabra. The mints
In red and green were placed here In
cut glass dishes.
Heated around this pretty table with
the bride and groom were: Misses
Marie Haggerty. May Wheat I y, Allle
Mae Kieckly. Mabel Carson, of Co
lumbus; Mamie Bailey. Susanne Sim
mons and Mm. George Lanier, of West
Point; Messrs. Hinton Browne, Ed
Gyles. Allen Fort, Jr.. Merret Calla
way, E. Y. Andrews, Stewart Furlow
ami George Callaway, of Albany.
The girls serving were: Misses Chloe
Littlejohn. Ruth Lamar. Floyd Fort.
Mattie Rylunder. Rose Sherlock and
Ruth Arrington, who wore pretty red
Never haa a more gorgeous and ele
gant array of presents scarcely been
received, consisting of silver, cut glass
and rare bric-a-brac.
The bride | a the eldest daughter of
r. and Mrs. W. E. Browne and has
since her debut been exceedingly popu
lar, being a young woman of charming
The groom la one of the most be
loved young men ever known In this
place. He Is now* a minister of a
bright and brilliant future of Salisbury,
N. C., for which place he and hla bride
left at 10:30 o’clock Thursday evening.
Special to The Georgian.
Dunwoody, Ga., pec. 29.—A quiet but
pretty home wedding was that of Miss
Nettle Southern and Mr. Glenn Aus
tin, which took place at the bride's
home Tuesday evening, December* 25.
1906. Only the relatives and a x few
intimate friends were present. At 6:30
o’clock the wedding party entered the
parlor, where the ceremony waa per
formed by Rev. E. W. Jones. The
bride and groom were met at the im
provised altar by the matron of honor,
Miss Ermle Moss, and the groom's best
man, Mr. Dorris Austin, a brother of
the groom. The bride was very at
tractive In a toilet of albertross. The
bride Is the only daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Southern, and Is a sweet
and lovable girl.
Mr. Glenn Austin is a young man of
sterling business qualities.
The bride and groom are at the
home of the groom’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Austin, near Dunwoody.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Austin have
many relatives and friends In Atlanta,
who will be surprised to hear of their
marrfage. Miss Southern was at one
time teacher of the Dunwoody school,
The Wednesday Morning Domino
Club was delightfully entertained this
week by Miss Emma Phillips, who
made a charming hostess, receiving her
guests In a dainty, frock of light .blue
silk, trimmed with Cluny lace and
thread tucks. The prize, a pretty
piece of lingerie, was won by Miss
Willis Loyless. After the game a de
licious course luncheon was served.
Those playing were: Miss Emma
Philllns, Miss Lillian Bennett, Miss
Adeline Helfner, Miss Ola Bob Jester,
Miss Harriett Lee Angler. Miss Len-
ble Adams, Miss Willie Helfner and
Miss Willis Loyless.
Mr. Clifford Wiley, of New York,
splendid baritone, who made a lasting
Impression, altogether favorable, upon
Atlanta concert goers Inst season, la
to sing In the Marslt College hall on
January 15. This will be a welcome
announcement to those Interested In
vocal artistry, as well as In pleasing
Mr. Wiley will be assisted by Miss
Grace Lee Brown, soprano; Miss
E. Hunt, violinist; Miss Maude M.
Campbell, pianist, and Dr. J. Lewis
Browne, accompanist.
All members of Clara Rebekah de
gree stafT are requested to be at the
hall. No. 8081-2 Mavella street, to
night to attend their annual Christ
mas tree.
Misses Ida and Ruth King were
among the charming yrfung hostesses
of the week, the “speculative party’’
given by them Thursday evening at
their home In Inman Park assembling
nearly one hundred young people. Be
sides games of ’’speculation,’' there
were u Christmas tree and a Santa
The handsome horye of Mr. and Mrs.
George King was decorated with
Christmas bells, holly and mistletoe,
and during the evening delicious re
freshments were served. The young
hostesses received their guests in be
coming frocks of w*hlte mull, trimmed
with lace.
What “Quality” Signifies
The claim of “.quality,” is now quite universal. Every manu
facturer applies it to his product regardless of its merits; until it has
become a comparative term. One article has qualfty, another, better
quality, and a third, the best quality. %
Nunnally’s Candy is, in every respect, of the very best quality.
'The ingredients used are the highest priced and best grade to be ob
tained; it is made in a factory that is declared the cleanest candy fac
tory in the country; the labor employed is the best that can be had; and
when packed, each piece has a definite position in the box, and is sepa
rated from every other piece by partitions, wax paper, or paper cases.
Add to these points, the style of the box, the way it is wrapped, tied
and sealed, and you have a fair idea of the high quality of Nunnally’s
Candy. ",
vases throughout the house.
Miss Nunnally’s guests included 20
or more couples and dancing w*as en
joyed before and after the elegant
supper, which was served at 10 o'clock.
Miss Nunnally was assisted In the
entertainment of her guests by her
mother, and was a charming young
hostess in a frock of white mull, trim
med with lace, and w*orn with blue
Special to The Goorjflnn.
Roswell, Ga., Dec. 29.—Miss Ethel
Dryeman, of Roswell, and Mr. Richard
Nash, of Dunwoody, were married
Thursday night at Roswell, Rev. E. W,
Jones performing the ceremony.
Mr. Nash Is one of Dun woody's most
prominent merchants and business
men, and has many relatives and
friends In Atlanta and other places,
who will be glad to hear of his mar
riage. *
i pretty affair of last Tuesday at
Oxford was Mrs. Shelley Ivey’s enter
tainment In honor of Miss Pearle Bal
lou*. of Atlanta. The decorations were
artistically arranged and the reception
was a brilliant success.
T,he Wednesday Morning Bridge
Club met Friday morning with Mrs.
Anna Culberson Perry, the regular
meeting having been postponed from
Wednesday. The first prize, a pair of
silk hose, was won by Mrs. H. L. Har
alson, and the consolation, a stein,
went to Mrs. Edward Kennedy.
Charles W. Crankshaw,
Diamond Merchant and Jeweller.
16 Whitehall St., Century Bldg.
One of the moat charming of many
enjoyable parties which have been
given this week among the younger
set wax the itnnco at which Mle.s
Prance* Nunnally entertained Thurs
day evening at "Woodlawn," the home
of her parents on Peachtree road.
The beautiful home of the Nunnally*
a* decorated for the occasion with
polnsetlln blossoms and red Immor
telles. These were placed In Jars and
A happy occasion will be the recep
tion whhj|t wilt be held Monday night
from 8 to 11 at the parsonage of St
John's Methodist Church. All mem
bers of the church and their friends
are cordially Invited. The reception
will be In the nature of a welcome to
the pastor sntl hi* wife, Rev. and Mrs.
II. C. Christian, who have recently
been returned to St. Johns. After the
reception n watch service will be held
Rev. and Mrs. John Sanders Calla
way announce the engagement of their
daughter, Ednn Mae. to Mr. Edgar
Held Roswell, the marriage to take
place on the evening of January 23 at
the Baptist Church at Pentleld, (la.
Special to The Oenrglaa.
St. Augustine. Fla., Dec. 29.—In the
good old-fashioned way Mr. and Mr*.
H. M. Flagler enjoyed Christmas. A
magnificent Christmas tree was erect-
Famous Tapestry Designs
69 North Pryor Street.
The heavy demands on my stock have been replaced
and I am prepared to serve my friends and patrons
with new goods at the same popidar prices. With
many thanks for your liberal patronage, aud best
wishes for A HAPPY NEW YEAR
Atlanta’s Only Popular Priced Jewelry Establishment.
Next Door
DuBooo Co.
We have a good many gold brooch pius from $1.50 up in
various desigus. We will give a special discount up to
the first of the New Year. Don’t miss it. Come and see
A. HOLZMAN, 94 Whitehall Street.
Chocolate* and (Bon Bona.
uxr. 60c ib.
Wo Aro Atlanta Agents.
Frank Edmondson
& Brother.
Druggists, 14 South Broad.
ed In the rotunda of the Ponce DeLeon
hotel and was Illuminated by myriads
of varl-colored Incandescent Electric
bulbs. Costly gifts sprinkled the tree
and after these were distributed a ban
quet wus served In the main dining
room of the famous hostelry, which, by
the way. Is occupied at presant only
by Mr. and Mrs. Flagler and a party of
friends. The house party consists of
Mr. and Mrs. Flagler, Mrs. W. R. Ke
nan, Sr.. Mrs. Jessie Wise. Mr. and
Mrs. W. R. Kenan, Jr., Miss Louise
Wise and Miss Sarah Kenan.
Mr. William J. Andreu and Miss Te
resa Josephine Maguire were united
In marriage yesterday afternoon at the
Cathedral In the presence of many
friend*. They held a reception In the
evening at their home, on Cordova
Miss Daisy Estes entertained a num
ber of friends yesterday afternoon at
her home, on the bay front. She was
assisted In receiving by Misses Hazel
Hotvutt, Lucy Alexander, Anna Enslow
and Mrs. S. L. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Ivey, of Ten-
nllle, announce the marriage of their
daughter. Lillian, to Mr. Robert Davis,
which took place In the Baptist church
of Tennllle at noon of the 2«th Inst.
Rev. Ernes! Smith performed the cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are spend
ing several weeks In Florida. ,
Drcclnl to Tbs Georgian.
Newbern, Ga.. Dec. 29.—The greatest
surprise of the Christmas holidays for
Newbern was the quiet marriage on
Thursday night of Miss Nettle Smith
to Mr. R. O. Sams, Rev. M. B. Sams, of
Montlcello, officiating.
Mrs. Sams Is the daughter of Mr.
P. Smith, who Is one of our most
successful planters, and her attractive
disposition has won for her many lov
ing friends.
Mr. Sams Is one of our most enter
prising young business men, being one
of the firm of Pharr A Sams; who aro
the exclusive druggists of this section
of the country. He ts a young man of
excellent character, with a disposition
to win the confidence of all who have
dealings with him.
Misses Henrietta and Irene Beau
mont entertained at cards Saturday
afternoon In honor of. Miss Mars' Pow
ell, of Macon, the guest of Miss Willie
Mae Harrlsbn.
The house was decorated with the
Christmas color*. The prizes were a
gold pin, a powder box, a silver pin
tray and a box of candy.
Miss Henrietta Beaumont wore
gown of sttk fashioned with lace.
Miss Irene Beaumont wore pink silk
trimmed with chiffon and lace.
Miss Mary Powell was becomingly
gowned In cream voile nnd her hat was
of black velvet trimmed with rose*.
Miss Harrison wore a brown silk
toilette ami a hat of brown trimmed
with plumes.
After the game a salad rourse was
served. The guests Included Misses
Willie Mae Harrison. Mary Powell,
Adelaide Helfner, Seabte Adams, Cla
ra Mae Winn, Willie Asher, Iatulse
Baird, Georgia Donnell, Ella B. Rush-
ton, Lula Moyer, Felice Btoodworth,
Elisabeth Davisson, Lizzie Lyons, Wll-
lent Harper, Claire Hancock. Mary
Bostrum. Lnuelta Malshv, Edna Pugh
Marie Houston, Ruth Blodgett, Lucile
Kaiser. Bessie Dobbs, Jennie Lowry.
Lillie White, Ellen Lowry, Mary Jim
Dunlap, Dorothy Breltenbucher. Julia
Goode, Lamar Jeter, Annie Lou Pagett.
Lucie Millen. Jesale Mize, of Thomas-
ton; Mrs. Charles F. Blersdorfer,
with a profusion of cut flowers.
There was a very enjoyable contest
and many games, to which the con
cealed identity of the guests added a
piquant measure. The girls' prize was
a pair of gold baby pins, and was won
by Miss Hattie Cochran, the charming
guest of Miss Esther Smith. Mr. Hil
liard Spalding won the hoys' prize, a
gold scarf pin, and the consolation, a
silver pen, went to Mr. Archibald Da
vis. Mr. Clarence Holliday won the
prize offered to the guest who longest
concealed his Identity, a handsome sll.
ver knife.
Miss Moody received her guests In a
dress of white messallne silk, trimmed
with lace.
After the unmasking of the gueiti
delicious refreshments were aejved.
Friday afternoon Miss Nellie Belle
Catlett delightfully entertained many
friends at an afternoon tea In honor
of Miss Helen Ware, who returns to
her duties at Vassar early In Jznuary,
Holiday decorations made the home ul
the young hostess bright and attrac
tive, and dellcloua refreshment! were
served during the afternoon.
Miss May Briscoe and Miss Leonllne
Day served punch.
ills* Catlett was assisted In the en
tertainment of her guests by Mrs. Cat
lett, Miss Catlett and Mrs. E»teii«
Gruett Baker.
Miss Nellie Belle Catlett wore a
becoming gown of pale blue *H(, and
Miss Ware's pretty toilet was ol whit!
You can't know tho vazl
difference botwoen •
and tho "juzt-az-good”
kinds until you have tried
ib No other coffee equals
it at any prico,
3-lb. Canz |L00
1-lb. Cana 3 5c
Friday evening Mlaz Mary ■ Helen
Moody was hostess at a very merry
domino party, to which over one hun
dred young people were invited. Her
home was decorated with Christmas
bells, holly, bamboo and mistletoe,, and
Atlanta. Ga. E01 Austell BM
Office Hears. • to *
B. Phone Male »«. . .
Residence Peachtree. 0 *•“
Micue <ir*