The Atlanta Georgian. (Atlanta, GA.) 1906-1907, January 12, 1907, Image 8

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THE ATLANTA GEORGIAN. RATTBDAY. JAKCABT tt W7. Items ofInterest*) to Women SOCIETY / j Some Gossip of ' People and of the South J MRS. GEO. C. BALL, Editor. CHARLOTTE STEWART, SELENE ARMSTRONG, Aidtfanto. Their Pastimes 1 , J | “DAINTY CUT GLASS” Dot* wonder* In making A room look attractive and make* an a<-. ceplable wedding gift. J.C.Mellichamp = J.C.Mellichamp arti' Street. trie Sign. Atlanta's Only Popular Price Jewelry Establishment. MENACE. Fhe leave* her bnbe to other* T.» cllmlt the factory »talr; Wtie . ,-v,-;;3 hnrnr ill night to tier chib dreo. Ton weary to bind her hair. With the earn'd chrism of motherhood In hrr lit.'.) and nitric** hands, Thrntiah It* r they must come. With *oul» born dumb— The men w ho shall rule our land*! —Groce AlacQowan Cooke. TO MISS BENZIOER. Ml** Katharine fiholatln will among thoae entertaining In honor of Ml** Ursula Remitter, the gueat Ml** Mary Thomas. IN HONOR MISS PORTER. Mlaeee Rebecca and Roalne Raoul will give a buffet eupper neat Wedpe*. day. In honor of their gu*»t. Mlaa Bee. ale Porter, of Jarkaonvllle, Fla. MISS HARRIE STOCKOELL TO ENTERTAIN NEXT WEEK. Mlaa Harrle Hlockdell will entertain neat week In compliment to Mlea Urau- la Benalger, of New York city, who In the city. attractive MISS KNOWLES' TEA IN HONOR VISITORS. Mlaa Constane* Knnwtea will be the hone** at an afternoon tea neat Wed nesday. the gueete of honor to be Mlaa Maud* Flournoy, of Columbua, the guest of Mlaa Florence liohba: Mlaa Ureula Benalger, of New York, the gueat of Mlaa Mary Thomaa. and Mlaa Beaalr Porter, of Jarkaonvllle, the gueat of Mlaa Rebecca Raoul. IN HONOR MI88 BENZIOER. Mlaa Kate Roblnaon will be the hoe- - tea* at a paely-neai week when Mia* ITrauIa Brntlaer wilt he the gueat of honor. A number of affair* are being planned for Mlaa Benilaef. who »* the guret of Mlaa Mary Thomaa. A charming dinner gown la ahown here In black lace. The bodice le b and the velvet "itrair over The ahouldere give a pretty finish. CHILD'S 8TUDV SECTION. Mre. William King, chairman .of }he Child's Study Section of the Atlanta Woman'* Club, cordially Invite* all member* of the varloua circle* of the flaorata Mother*' Uongre** and all other women Intending to form clrrlei for child'* atudy to meet Monday aft ernoon at S o'clock, at the club rootna at the Orund. PIEDMONT CHAPTER, D. A. R. The Piedmont Continental chapter. Daughter* of the American Revolution, will meet aL Uie.Pltdm'>ni holel-Tutt- ilav, January' It., il I a m. MISS HATTIE SMITH. Corrcapondtng Secretary. - CITY -B. Y. P. U. MEETINQ. The regular monthly meeting of the City llaptlat Young People'a Union will be held next Thuraday evening, Jan uary 17. at 7:40 o'clock with tb* Hcc- It I* urged'that not teaa than three repreeentatlvee front every B*|Ulat church In thla city and auburbe be prraent at thla meeting, which will be a conference In the Interest of every lornl union, and at wHUh time talk* will be made concerning the Raptlat Young People'* Union work of thla city. Every effort will be made to batter organlae the local work through- oat the Raptlat churchea of thla city ami auburha. A gprdlal Invitation la extended to every one to he present at thla meet ing on the above date. 8CHIFF-BAUM. Special to Tha Groritao. Dublin, fla, Jan. 11—A coming mar. rlage of Interest to people In various parts of the state la that of Mia* Hlanche Alexandria Baum, of thla city, and Mr. F. Junlua Schtff, of Atlanta. The engagement of thla popular young couple has been announced, hut no date ha* yet been aet for the mar riage. Thla will l>e announced later, and the marriage will prove to be one of the aortal evenl* of the Aason. It la expected that the marrlnge ceremony will be performed some lime this win ter In this city. Mlaa Baum la the third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Rnum. of thla city, and la well known In Macon. Atlanta and other point* In thla state. She ta a graduate of the Dublin public achoola and la a very bright and attractive young woman today were the following Atlantana, members of the famous Homoaaaaa Flailing Club: H. W. McCord. H. R. Durand, Judge Howard Van Eppa, Dr. A. W. Calhoun, t>r. J. 8. Todd. D. W. Woodward. D. 11. DeSauaaure, J. N. Berkle. George Muae, W. M. Crumley. W. S. Duncan, I.. Konta, W. H. Fogg. Fred Wil liams. Macon Sharp, Charles Helm and AUte Dnker. Hater In the day the party left In their private rar for Hnmoaaaca-on- the-Oulf. commonly known to Flori dians a* llie "Bporteman'a Paradise." Practically all the member* of the club are well known In thla city, almost Invariably atopplng a few hours both going and returning. Homoaaaaa ik about forty mile* west of Ocala and la one of the moat beautiful points on the gulf. Among other Atlantana registered it 4ho-Qcala-HouBe are; Mr*.-Morntnmt Dtckxnn. W. E. Trounwell. S. D. Lilac. W. H. Hunt and J. M. Thomaa. Front preaent'indication* Florida la beginning the greatest tourist season In her history. The ponce Del-eon nt bU.AugU»llne_np»n»d ye«terday_and hy Sunday every resort house In the slate, large or email, will be open for bust- neaa. It may not generally b* known, hut It I* probably a fact, that next to the elate of New Yoork. Georgia fur nishes the largest number of winter visitors to the Land of Flowers. SUPPERS AT CLUB. A number of box parties were given Friday evrnlng ut the Grand and after- ward* there were served congenial par ties enjoying supper at the club. Thoae seen at the club were: Mr. and Mr*. Albert Howell. Mr. ami Mrs. Roby Roblnaon, Mr. and Mra. llunnlrutt, Mr. nnd Mrs IIchert. Mr. and Mr*. J. G Hollenheek. Mr. and Mra. Charles Conklin, Mr. and Mr*. R. Mr. Schlff I* one of the prominent young business men In Atlanta, and I* well known and popular In that city. He ho* purchased an Intereat In the Sam Weirhaelhnuin Company, of thla cltv, nnd will be assistant manager or that firm In the future. He I* said to ta- an excellent young man. IN HONOR OF MI8S EL0I8E GAY. Ml»s Annie Held* entertained Friday afternoon nt her home In Marietta In honor ot Mtss-Klolse Gay, of Atlanta. Progressive domino was the game played The prlxe was won by the guest of honor. Mis* Gay. Those pres ent wot. Misses Gay, ldtura Mars*- let lloppe. Klolse Barnes, Cora Brown. Millie Itrown. Willie J. Wallace and Alice Wallen*. ATLANTANS AT OCALA Sih* i*i to The tinorglan. Ocala. Fla.. Jan. 12 —Among the dis tinguished arrivals nt the Ocala House Mr. and Mr*. Clnrenc and Jdr*. Charles Conklin. Jr., Mlea Mary Thomas. Mlsa Conatance Knowles. Miss Nannie Nlonlaon. Miss Marlon Perl, Miss Wise Lipscomb. Mias Martha Whitman. Miss Janie Hpeer, Mis* Mnud Flournoy. Miss Florence Hobbs, Mis* llarrle 8'ockdell. Mr. Hugh Arinins, Mr. Madison Bell. Mr. William Ellsworth. Mr. Joe Brown Connolly. Mr. Volatile Glenn. Mr. Rob Keely. Mr. Gus Ryan, Mr. Rob Clarke. Mr. Lynn Werner, Mr. Joseph Nash, Mr. Dick Bell. die Covington contributed several mu. alcal numbers. A hot supper was served at a late hour. Mlaa Covington recalved her guests In a green silk gown with touches of lavender. Mlaa Luclle Covington wore a toilet of rrenm crepe de chine, with bow* and allppera of blue. Mlaa Kathleen Marks' costume was of brown silk with trimmings of red, made empire. Mlaa Grace McDonald wore a gown of red valla. — —. Mlaa Emmie Hart's gown was ot brown voile with touches of blue. Mlaa Vnrah Hill wore an old rose toilet, with trimmings of black velvet. Mian Franeri Lniler’s toilet was of blue silk. Mlaa Emma McDonald's gown was of green plaid ellk, with trimmings of brnwn. • Mlaa Ruby George's costume was ot white voile, with touches of block velvet, — Mlaa Reble Upchurch wore a be coming gown of gray silk Those Invited to meet Mlaa Coving ton were: Mlsaaa Kathleen Marks, Grace and Emma McDonald, Varah Hill, Emmie Hart, Ruby George. Reble Upchurch,--Fmncetr-loi*ter and Messrs. Patterson, John Rrldwell, Ht. Elmo Mulllen, Tipton Hale. Hen Mapp. Hnr- ance Mellon, Matt Ghelallng, Homer Hill, Orlan Marks and James Moore. HAYDN’8 CREATION TO BE REPEATED. Haydn's Oratorio. "The Creation." which was given ut the Jewish temple on the evening of December 2*. will he repealed at the First Methodist church Sunday afternoon. January IS. at I o'clock The Work Is being present,il by the combined chorus of Trinity, liret Methmhst. First Presbyterian churches ntid the Jewish temple Mr .1 Fowler Richardson, organist and director. i TO MISS LOUI8E HAWKINS. An occasion characterised by, ele gance and beauty wns the -Informal luncheon'at which Mr*. John D. Little entertained len or twelve of her girl friends Saturday. The affair was com plimentary to Miss I-oulse Hawkins, who. since her debut In IVeember. ha* received some charming attentions. In. vlteil to meet Miss Hawkins were: Miser* Null nnd latum Payne, Marga ret taolnon, Alherta KunklD. I»ma Dooly. Knte Robinson. Holme Ularke. Harrle sioekdell, t’onMance Knowles, Nannie Nleolsnn, Mary Thomas and Jennie English. The guests were seated about a table elegant In Its appointment* or cut rlaoi and decorated In white and green. The centerpiece was a great cut glass bowl Of white roses, and pretty lace cards were In the design of green bow knots, Imnd-painted. Mr*. Little, the beautiful young hnet- »**. wore a gown of white chiffon cloth, showing an rffectlvo touch of green panne velvet. 1 ' Mis* Hawkins’ beautiful gown wo* of J pul,* blue broadcloth, the corsage of ! blue silk net, over which I* laid white | tucked chiffon. Applied hand* of cloth, j handsomely braided, make an effective trimming, and with this gown lire worn I a high velvet girdle and a , hie hat of j pule blue. i Ml** Margaret l-mls-m wa* most mt- | tractive In a gown of light blue cloth. I trimmed w ith t’luny luce and stiver tin. Itlery. Her black’hat was trlmipod UP-JINKS PARTY. Mlaa lva May I'ovlpgton entertained at an enjoyable up-JInks party In honor of her cousin. Mis* Luclle Covington, of Mnrlett*. The decomttjm* were In white and green, nnd games and music made up a charming program Miss Grace McDonald and Miss Lu- STERLING SILVERWARE FOR THE JANUARY BRIDES. Our stork is very large. Our engraving is known to lie the most artistic in the city. Knelt piece we sell is en graved by our expert etigraVer free of charge. EUGENE V. HAYNES CO. Jewelers. 37 Whitehall Street , Ith him* |»luni«' • MIhh AlhrrtH Uttnkln u.»rt» u gown 1 of i-o8«» tvloml rloth, lrtmm»*«l with ! ombr.*lilrry nml lm*t\ ami a hat I *»f rolor. trlmmotl with «hni|*d plumt'M. Mlt»r»*ity gown I will* of light blue chiffon cloth. trimmed with blur nIIW and »tlv»| embroidery. Ml** Uo|ln«r t’larkc wore .» green tisfTrtit. mails' pi line*i»«\ ller hat wan trimmed with white plume*. . Ml** iMita |v*o|y wns gownril In a Miuari Null of Bun metnl gray .loth, her lull a heoointnK touue of black vel vet. trimmed with roue*. Mb" Mary Thomaa* pretty rout time ttia of pink err|*o de .him*, trimmed with Imv and plaiting* nf silk, her hat of white fell, trimmed with while plume*. Ml** Nannie Nholwon wore white *llk. embroidered with ellk and trim med with hue Her hat of blnok vel-* vai uajL trlmmol with }Unk plume*. Ml** «*on*tniu o Know le* tuts pretti ly aow ne.l in old ro*o orepe de chine, her hat of old rose velvet, trimmed with plum** Ml** Jennie Fmrll*h wa* hecomlmtlv »'"'hed in lhirRund> colored velvet, wllh which -lie w*»ie a picture hat of bind* veixet. trimmed with plume*. •Ml** llan I. S;.*«k.leM*.N beautiful It" ' n w.i* »f cream col wed crepe de «ht»*e and embroidered with thread of Bold H» r hat wan tnmimd with black and w phi me*. Ml*' Nan t\»vne wa* p.turn'd in blue d doth, Iter hat of vel- Mr. Tayler to WeJ Miss Dugger APOLLO’S ■ Chocolates and (j)on Boris. nor.. 60c ib. W* Are AUanla Agents, Frank Edmondson & Brother. Druggist*, 14 South Broad. Mr. and Mrp. J. M. Dugger announce tha engagement ot their daugh ter, Lollle. to Mr. R. O. Taylor, the wadding to taka place January if, at I p. m.. In- 8L Mark church. A Conversation Overheard in a Strest Car By C. B. Several day* age* while riding out on a Peachtree car. an Interesting con versation Mra* overheard, the partici pants being an eminent Judge, a well- known. bustneaa man and a young ma tron. It seems tiny wars In s bested dis cussion as to whether U was Issa harm ful for a woman to drink a cocktail or •moka a cigarette. The young woman oakod the two men wbat they thought of the rapidly growing custom of amok Ing among woman, whereupon the bust among women wa* Introduced Into this country by the women of the moat exclusive set—the wives of the diplo mats—It Is to be hoped that a time will never com* when the habit among Southern women will be as prevalent as among the nobility of Europe or the so-called Foyr Hundred of New York and our other large cities. Among the very rich women who are worshippers at the shrine of My Lady Nicotine. It Is quite a fad to wear a chain around nese man condemned the pracllca thoef vigorously. Ha said, among other things, that ha much preferred to see a woman take a drink, while he thought a cigarette less harmful The Judge, a man who has (pent a great deal of his time among the Latin races (the women of which are almost all Inveterate smokers), and who Is thoroughly familiar with their habile, remarked that It was much more harm ful for a woman to amoke than to taka a drink, for the reason that nine times out of ten the smoking becomes a habit, while many women who do not glass ol social gathering. The hunbnnd of one of the bridge Sends In the city Joined In the con versation here, and with much empha sis slated that he would rather are his wife both drink and smoke than to see her play bridge for money nr prlxea. Although the cuatpm ot smoking was of pale tan cloth, and with this she wore a black velvet hat, trimmed with plumes. THE CLIFFORD WILEY CONCERT. On Tuesday night will occur the Clif ford Wiley concert In the Msrlst Col lege hall. Thla event will be In aid of the choir fund of the Sacred Heart church. That an artistic treat of the rarest order I* In store Is evidenced by the following beautiful program: Concerto In G minor, op. ]( (two movements): "Andante." “Presto, Molto Allegro e Vivace. Presto," Mendels sohn—Miss Campbell (second piano. Dr. Browne). fa) "Recompense.- Hammond; (bl “Woodland Bong." Chamlnade; tc) ‘Tiff lley, "Elegte,” Ernst—Mlsa Hunt. (al "Thou Ar( to Me." Chadwick; (b) “June," Beach—Mlaa Brown. (a) Waits In C sharp minor, op. <4, No. 2. Chopin: <b) I.tbellulea, op. 24 L Chamlnade; (Cl Petite Maxuraa, op. i, Rapellnlkoff—Mlaa Campbell. Re, Itnttvo and Arln. "II Italen." ("II Trovatore"), Verill—Mr. Wiley. tul ''Romance," Slmnwnettl; (b) Hnrantelle," Bohm—Mlsa Runt. "Tell Me. My Heart,'' Itlshop—Mias Brown (a) "If BtlU I Have Your Love" (new. words by F. Raymond Daniel), tb) “Mors et Vita" (text by William F. Collins), (c) "A Song of Dreams" (new. uorda by Frank L Santon), Browne—Mr. Wiley. ST. ANTHONY'S GUILD. There will be a regular meeting of I. Anthony’s Guild ut the residence of Miss Llxsle Murphy. 217 Gordon streot, Tuesday, January H>. at 3 p. m. LILLIAN HARRIS. Secretary. JOSEPH HABER8HAM CHAPTER. The Joseph Habersham Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, will meet Tuesday afternoon, January 13. at 3:30 o'clock, at the residence of the regent. Mr*. George J. Dexter, 133 Juniper street. Members are urged to attend this meeting. CARRIE L STANTON. Corresponding Secretary. I Vt becoming TARVERFRYER. Speelal ii> Tb* Uforilio. Blakfloy, on., Jan 12.—On Tuemlay nlffht. January .9, 19«7, the Mrthndtnt church wan the pcen* of one of the moat brilliant wedding” In Itn hlntory. and a large audience aaw united In the holy bond* of matrimony two of the mi»et tabular young iwnpie of Blakely— Mine Ellcne Fryer and .Mr, J. B. Tarver. The capacity of the church wil taxed to It* utmont to accommodate the friend* from nt home and abroad of the favored y«>ting couple In front of the chancel a large arch had been erected, covered In vine* nnd decorated with brtdc ro*e*. from the center of which rya* *u*pended a large white wedding bell, under which the bride and bride groom Blood while the ceremony wa* being performed, on the al*le* had been erected two other smaller arche*. ntmtlarty decorated with vine* and brldeamald n»e*. on one of which wa* the word Fryer and on the other Tar ver. At the appointed hour came the wed ding party, to the Rtraln* of the M Brtdal t'horu*” from Lohengrin, played by Mina Blocker and *ung by the Vocal flub. Flrot the dainty ribbon-hearer*, the little Ml**e* Vivian Alexander, Kate McLaurln. Emily Llvtngnton and lva Jnme*. and the little flower girls. Re«- *te Fort and Myrtin Freeman, followed hy the unher*. Me**r*. J. B. Joncn and F. «\. Barham; then the brtdc«matd* and groomsmen. Ml*»v" Euther Mint*. Mattie Butler. Clyde Purtfoy, Fannie Askew, Annie Kirkland and Emmie Lou Stewart. Messrs. Byron Collin*. \\\ A. Hall. J. II. Butler. J. tS. Butler. Craw ford Fryer and W. J. Ortst. Then came the matron* of h »nnr. Mr*. K L. Fryer. Jr., and Mr*. Esther Manning, nnd last ly the hcafttfful bride, upon the arm ««f her maul of honor, her sister. Ml** Mn- hie Fryer They were met nt the altar* hy the bridegroom and hi* bo*t man, Mr Orady Frnlth **cv. Whitley Langston Impreftlveiv the neck, to which l.«tUeh*d*J*w»l*d M t„j ut |a porter was case containing email gilt capped Turk- gowned In dark blue c) lak or Egyptian cigarette*, each cigar- *, ttl a Uce blouse. ed xrlt 1 - —— otto being engraved with th- monoxram of the smoker. To say that Atlanta boasts several fair smokers Is not divulging any ae creL Among the devotees la a veri pretty blonde, who wa* married not long since amid a gnat deal of pomp and ceremony. An attractive young matron le often seen In her boudoir, dressed In an ex quisite pale green ellk lingerie. Indulg ing In a quiet amoke. Another very young matron, with dreamy blue eyes and fair hair, smokes only on state occasions, aa for Instance when she entertains at dinner or lunch eon. A* .he does not particularly can about IL one would think ehe emoked for "pun cusaedneas." No moralist women becoming habitues of thla fad— they love admiration too much to do anything that le opposed by the sterner sex. and It le true that very few men. If any. can to see a woman amoke a cigarette. it Is a condemnation of the men only that will cause the cessation of this rapidly spnadlng (ad. nad the beautiful marriage service of the Methodlet ritual. i While the ceremony was being per formed Mlsa Mamie Jones sang "O, Promt** Me." When the ceremony wee ended Mlea Blocker played the wedding march, with violin accompaniment from Mr. Will Fraxler. The reception which followed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mn. E. L. Fryer, was a brilliant oeca alon, and throughout the receiving houn the room* were thronged. The most exquisite taste pervaded every arrangement. A large number of handsome presents wen received. MRS. STEELE'8 BRIDGE PARTY IH HOMO* OF MRS. ORANGERY; Mrs. Aaron Burr Steele entertained at a delightful bridge party Saturday morning at her home on Peachtree street In compliment to.Mra. William Oran be ry, of Nashville, the guest of Mra Henry H. Jackson. The drawing room and front parlor were artistically decorated with pink nnd white carnations, tall'vases of the fragrant flnwen being placed on the mantel* and the bookcases. After the game of csrda a delirious luncheon wae served, the guests being seated at troall tables. The hrldge prises were a leather pocket-book and u neck lace of Venetian beads. Mr*. Bteele was • charming hostess, wearing a French gown of blue silk, trimmed with bands nf blue cloth and embroidered In silk threads. Sire. Granbeo’ wa* much admired In a gown of blue cloth, trimmed with Irlsl lace. With this gown she wore a ha* of blue, trimmed with white plumet. Mrs, Jackeon wore a gown of gray cloth, embroidered In atlver and pink threads. Her hat wa* gray, trimmed with pink wings. HODGES,M'CURRY. Mr. and Mra. Aebury Goss McCurry have Issued Invitations to the marriage of their daughter, Elolse Norton, to Mr. Walter Lee Hodges, on the evening of Wednesday. January 23. at 3:30 o'clock, at their home at Hartwell, Ga. MRS. F. L. WOODRUFF GIVES MATINEE PARTY. A vert' happy occasion was the box party at which Mr*. Frank Woodruff entertained a number of her Rule friends at "Rip Van Winkle" Thuraday afternoon. Assisting Mra. Woodruff In looking after her little guests were Misses Passle M,ay Ottley and Marjorie Brown, besides whom the party con sisted of: Misses Elisabeth Black. Frances Ewing. Ellen MacDonald Wolf, Masters Edward Black. Everhart Cun ningham nad Arthur Krug of Braxll. After th* play the party wa» In vited behind the scenes by Mr*. Wood ruff'* friend*. Mr. nml Mrs. Thomas Jefferson, and the children had the charming opportunity nf meeting a aura enough Rip Van Winkle In real life. MATINEE PARTY. Mrs. Perclva! Bneed gave a box par ty Saturday at the Grand. In honor of Mr*. Granbery. her guest* including: Mr*. Henry Jackson. Mr*. Robert Mad dox. Mr*. J. Carroll Payne. Mra. Frank Hnwklns. Mn*. A. B. Steele, Mlaa Wallace, Mr*. J K. Otilry, Mrs. Wil liam Marshall. Mr*. Edward Brown, Mlsa Frances Wallace, of Kentucky. ZUBER.R0QER8. ~ Mr. and Mr*. William T. Rogers have Issued card* announcing the marriage nf their daughter. Gertie, to Mr. John William Zither, on’Saturday, January* 3, At Atlanta. Ga. Mr. and Mr* Zuher are non at home to their friend*, at 134 North Jack*on *treet. ton'* friends among the married and unmarried seta. Mr*. Wood's attractive apartment was decorated with pink rose# and as paragus fern. The tsble in the dining room, where delicious refreshments were served, had tor Its -centerpiece a tall vase tilled with la Francs roses. Mrs. Wood received her friend* In s gown of white net made over white ellk. Mrs. Carleton waa In white lacs, made princess. . Of the bevy of attractive young wo men who assisted Mra. Wood In enter taining. Miss Rollne-CIsrk wore a gown of green taffeta made princess. Miss Ada Alexander waa becomingly gowned In gray voile, trimmed with clunr lacs. Mlea Loubs Black's pretty costume was of gray voile, made empire end trimmed with baby Irish lace. “ ** becomingly chiffon velvet CAROL SERVICE TO BE SUNG. A beautiful service will be that which will be held at the Sacred Heart church 8unday at 11 o'clock, when the chil dren. aided by the men's choir, will give the beautiful carol service which was rendered at the church Chriatmae night. The children have been beautl fully trained by Mrs. J. Lewis Browns, and the event will be one of unusual Intent and beauty. pup fSBSi jiNnlvt. tmSei?*!!; IIbluntkwiU..., , ..f-. .-JsJyyttaT - c *“ 0*. SOI Austell Bldt tain pan, Mrs. John Oliver and u r 8am Conyers; score 11. TO MISS M'CARTHY. Mre. Edward Payson Chanil,*rlia Issued cards ( A UNIQUE ENTERPRISE. Sirs. Edward Hall* Is about to In augurate a very unique enterpriee, which should meet with the Immediate Indorsement ahV patronage of that portion of the community which drive or mortor out on Peachtree road. Mre. Halle has leased "Maplewood," the pretty home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Rogsman, who are now In th* West, and will serve coffee, tea, chocolate and light refreshments, also lunches, din ners and suppers, which will b* a great convenience to persons driving during the coming eprlng afternoons and even ings. ANNUAL BANQUET OF VIRGINIA TO BE BRILLIANT EVENT. The annual banquet of the Virginia 8oclety will be held Saturday evening. January 13, at the New Kimball, and will be a brilliant event, ("overs will be laid for over two hundred guests, and; Mr. Sam Hltcer, president of th* society, will act as toastmaster. John Skelton Wllllanis, of Richmond, Vs., will be the orator of the occasion, and Dr. J. Gray McAllister, president of Hampten-HIdney College, will be among the distinguished guests and speakers. ■ The committee ot arrangements ot ladles will contribute nn little, tn the, suecees of-the-evening,-**-thw name of Mra. Sam D. Jones as chairman would Indicate. . This committee consists ot Mrs. Jones, chairman; Mre. John 8. Candler, Mre. Norwood Mitchell, Mr*. R. B. luy. stra, K. G. Matheson. Mrs. Lin ton 0. Hopktn*. Mra. C. B. Wllmer, Mra. John T. Pendleton, and that of enter tainment of Mre. Maurice W. Thomp son, Mra. W. W, Landrum, Mra. J. C. Wngt, Mra. J. T. Gentry. Mrs. Hamilton Douglas. Mra. Z. 8. Farlsnd, Mrs. Arch ibald Davis, Mra. I. S. Mitchell. < JONES-SEWELL. Miss Edith Sewell and Mr. "William Cole Jones, of Atlanta, were marrlol Thursday afternoon at 4 .o'clock at ihe First Christian church, at Macon Tn< church was artistically and nr-.fu-iy decorated and GuttenbergeFa* played the wadding music. The icnerr were Merer*. Frank Sewalk Mnr-hitl X*ne. of Atlanta; Clarence Bnpi-r an-l Professor George Herbert Clarke The maid ot honor waa Mlsa MatlMt Anderson, of Jacksonville, Fla, an-l the bride cams In with her father, Mr. A. M. Sewell, as the groom ami !H< beet man. Mr. Davenport Guerry. cam* down an oppoilte aisle. The'bride wore a handsome gown of heavy white silk, made empire. nn4 trimmed In point lace and pearl pa**e. menterla. She wore a tulle veil caualtt with a chaplet of lilies of the vallrj, and carried a bouquet of white rose* and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore. a gown of white radium ellk, trimmed with duechesse lace, and a white chiffon tut laden with white roees. Her ffo-von were pink carnations tied with low pink satin ribbon streamers. Th* ceremony was performed bv ur Rev. Herman Jones, a brother qf th SONO RECITAL UNDER AU8PICE8 OP SOROBI8. An artistic and mualcal event will be the song recital which will be given at the First Baptist church Thursday evening. January 17. by Mre. Sarah MacDonald Sheridan. Mrs. Sheridan's friends and admirers In Atlanta are counted by the hundreds, and her ap pearance here last year under the aus- plcee of the Atlanta Art Association wo* one of the events of the winter, inasmuch aa Mrs. Sheridan will return to Paris In the spring, Atlanta au- dlenree will have few opportunities of hearing her. the recital of Thursday evening and a concert which will proh. ably be given later under the auspices of the Art Association being her only ap|>earancea here. MR8. PURTELL ENTERTAINS. Mrs. 8. J. Purtell entertained at her home on Tuesday afternoon the active members of the Gordon Circle of the King's Daughters and Sons. This rlr- ele nf ladles Is deeply Interested In the work of establishing a home for desti tute old women. Usually their meet ings are devoted tn thekerlous business of Ihe home, so this afternoon nf pleas ure wo* very much enjoyed. The parlor* were prettily decorated with narcissus and white roses. A salad course with delicious coffee was served Isle In the afternoon, bringing to a cloae a very happy occasion. ATLANTA CHAPTER, D. A. R. The Atlanta Chapter. D. A. R„ will meet Tuesday at’ 3 p. m.. at the resi dence of Mra. W. D. Ellis, Br„ 347 Peachtree street. The officer* for 1907 will be elected, also the delegates to Washington. Each member Is urged tn he preaent. MRS. 8 W. FOSTER. Corresponding Secretary Atlanta Chap ter. TO MRS. CARLETON. The ten given Saturday afternoon by Mra. Robert Wood to Mra. George carleton wa* a charmingly Informal event which assembled n small num ber of Mr*. Wood 1 * and Mrs. Carle- ANNUAL WHIST TROPHIES. The trophies for the highest score made In the Atlanta Whist Club were awarded Friday night an follows: Flrat annual trophy. Jeweled cuff buttons. Mr. Henry Miles; score 33.13. Second, annual trophy, a box of d- gara, Mr. Archibald Davla; score 33.13. Highest aggregate plus made In one month, a Jeweled pin. Mr*. Harvey Johnson: score 14.11. Greatest number of monthly top scores, a compote In French ware, Mra. Joseph Moody; score 2. Greatest number of weekly top score's, a gold barette, Mrs. Oscar Pap- penhelnier; score 10. Highest plus In any one game, north and aouth sides, a pair of gloves and fountain wn. Mra. Frank Putt and Colonel Jones; score 11. Highest plus In any on* game, east and weal aides a lace Din and a foim. - - home t- .. „„ afternoon of January 11 In honor „ her cousin. Mlsa Mary Barry Mre*,. thy. of Los Angelea, Cal. Mrs Cham- berlln'a married, friend* win -->! t r r, n 4 to 4 o'clock, and the young are Invited between the hours „r ; and 7. her violin Schubert's Serena Mr. and Mrs. Jones left soon afttr the wedding for Florida and the goto*. away gown of the bride was a dark green cloth tailored gown, worn with » pongee waliL hand.embroidered tur bat was castor, trimmod In green phrr- aahte' breasts and green velvet. After two weeks. Mr. and Mr*. Jone* will return to Atlanta, where they wilt reside In the future. They will be at the Piedmont for a while and later w III hav* apartment* on West Herrle str—i ACWORTH, Miss Llxsle Hill, nf Inmen. vlsli-l the Mieses Lunsford the first »f the Mr. and Mre. D. F. McClatchey. if Marietta, spent Tuesday night hen- Mr. J. N. Johnson spent Thursday In Marietta. Mra IV. T. Bailey has returned from a visit to relatives at Klngaton. Mra. Hannon Pyron, of Atlanta, vis ited relatives herp recently. Mis* Louise Awtrey returned Monday from a visit to Miss Luclle Oalnc at Calhoun. Meters. John Johnson and Clen-y McGee left the latter part of the week to resume their studies In Mereer I'm- verelty and Bouth Kentucky Collexi. Mr. Alvin Smith, of Rome, s|"-nt Sunday here with hie parents. Mlea Helen Crabb, of Cedarto«n l* spending lome time with Mlea llatlle