The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, September 29, 1857, Image 1

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NEW ««»»»»», - & Ex^iiiiK’r. • 'DAILY & WEEKLY. T" b'v DUNCAN & LOOHRANE. tEkmd of bi/usoiuption. Dally Intolligeneer, per annum In mlvancc, SC Weekly, ' _ “ " *' XIATKS Oer ADVKUTISISU. Advertising in the Daily Intelligencer w Inserted At tbo following rates por sijuarc UneA: 60 OtS. I One month, . $1 00 Two, “ * t I 26 I Three “ • ‘l 60 I Four, *' •• 1 76 Six, Ij 2 00 Oneyohr. Position, m (ndi <racj. npolis Suv WilJOji CEASES in Li, MiNUKk'il ATLlxf A. y Gl^li;jA. Tt &W C:i VS I N •KEE TO 1WIBAT IT.”4ekKLH ■ INING. SEPTEMBER 2i>. !te. Irra " r '“"Li... 1 '..IS!? w t*a Dte»! Tbo clcurl* cy of 6** j. iitiu*>i ibtii ..ftb« !■ v *r»- ,.,tVory quwtiui. : "■vliana ato coll ton 1 -> the principles •* by the ' ' the r, j,, * iw ett, fri’wfiMq Three, » rear,’. " &z $p*otyloontract8 will bema' - triiomenU occupying a qua. j&t*' Advertiaemonts fr mt must bo paid In advanco jhiegal advertisement? rates* Obur .ry notices t ed as advertisenents.-Am office, $6 00, to he 'it: 1 When advertiser...ntr , flhouid ' j« S\V.- nal' alli?bed.i' ; wc ling ten iir ..uu'-iutf'la.nii : advance, e ordered la Ter V ith tii*. v a'.tJ, ill'* I [. .Hi f. Daily, and Wool,j, 23 pur .an., tr the above n>>-' The prlvilog• o(yearly limited to their ■ nro imm.-Jiatu baeiaees. Profeeslora; C»rd» aoioacMtl-.Q,- per anno. . Advert' >mtuunot»peoiflvJ pttbllab ' ilorderod out ad' 1 rates , A'' ■■ -'oetnenp.In.crta'i ln 1,1 Hues Pin* ) ill b ... , jt •. if the jtuoatic tlio Tor- . .-potisoi, ai tho govern- jitizens of the ,1(1 meet with re- obletu of elavory .or tho present puli- . i the • on.■ for tho host interests a! ceneev .setter than any other .,.,1,1. roan probably bo, eug- ■ >, i i,a j pouatitution. So beliovo , ; ■ jtunerauy, and a just regard 'i as of all tho States thoy think nis vexed qaoetion should bo so » sed. Wo nro happy to notice that niueraey, in their primary asaomhlas .'nth common consent, throughout the •!es, take -bis view of tho quostion. .icy will never consent to any social or political equality vni»-a,„ negro race, which all experience provoa tends to ju.irV.vato the whito without hencfitting the black. They will never allow a false philanthropy j jjj to indueo knokn 1 etlcr 'fi° 0 of their own race ItiocA is lat [t Murray (lilinnr, WbitBel.l, C’rdon, Walker Uadc. Rytrtnett; Mgj. W. Y Hanvelf, Mari etta, llan»*!l & Simpson, M«rt«jtt». Junes Itj t,«wbuQ,E«| ,,'Uahionega. ^aT’i’arlicular attention paiil t“ the rutccUng business. May 28, r ft57 dawly r ci. ATT 1 J. LAW. Atlanta, Urvrg'a. November ft, 1554 J OHN AT LAW,—Colquitt. M V. lIEiltV- W. — march H 1 ri',7 ATTUKNBV AT il ly • ATTORNEY er co.', Georgia • 5. V' * ' A., , tit ,~! A ,1, R >j * x ±U xi THK riUffiBfKTMS' bating recently aiitA iW fL< JOB DSfABTHBHT of ihp Krl*b •jisbrneota LAKUK and VAHIK11 ; j, M t l»ssortment of tk« £att*iHtyU PLAIN AliO FAUCV . Kuio and Kegololioin of At* last tit Poil4(lie«, S^T'lUiWSa ivOlbr opta for IslKVry vf torts I A from » 45 a. m. ***■ — i bl}i1 [tori | p. na. 1,. half-post savvt, p, tt. ■ ‘ ' 1 Tho Mail pMeg West *.*« W* 1 A jkr R. B, art! | loss, at half- past, 7 a. m.—Wo Atlaata K taf. Orange ar.d Mnvm A Wtalons Baslrtariatt half- at' L ama rUHXIKS AT Z*A W-Macon Utorgia. n «. LAMAR. 0 A. LOCHItANK. July 1.3, 1857 f*Awtf uri UIAM3I. DA S FORTH- - V> ATTnn.NKX AT I.AW—Fairburn. Georgia. July 2.'), 1857. dawU UNiiERIVOOD 5a IIAKIlIS, A 11 o r n e y s a I 1, a w, I •Ytlauui, . . ■ . . Georgia. O KfICRou Whltahallslraet oivi A. W. Hill " few | vlryStore. Hirsh 12th IV,T. (dly) lioa. W. it. L'at,«awo,,a. | | H sst IIibkii, | UAKTHKI.I. At GLENN, Attorneys at Law, I Atlanta, Georgia.; Wiliattond the Courts iu life Counties of Ful ton, Dolaalb, Fayette, Campbell, Meriwether, Coweta, Carroll, Henry, Troup, Hear!, Cobb, and Spalding. T. C. HOWARD, P. 1 of the itlrt hotter, :'m soil, t *trai(!iittr arc tho | ncros of 'these 1 >n leadened by ‘h. if putting fro,' i, utr'.er-gei'. y milos, hut on . ,|jt',o: tching'th Atlantic and Gulf - » y dtiutfroa-riry to forty miles ..eatloeiug .nd of stinted Kovti., nr... . r.-vt worth! ;s foreommorce, c’xv. f t ii r; nine: fo mat it may be "sly mtimated that that ion of tho pine niVaptrd !vr thecutb f timber can* notBi-od M rveregti ol . /othansovens 1v0 Biih’'n width a»t /.this, probably, nOld'art ho! d ti a i>- war silico the first ;i*,i ">».* ,,r r-r-i” ■ fi^V«ta dead. A * f toe , ,1 p! iltivntiko...... ; mown he strongsr and ger, longer, and tnd thousands of ts aro annually tor tho purp%ac ^ rultiration, while ling and cutting -a is within a eon- ... .I.i.uince.ljt water carriago. Nor will Iho planter Jesist from this wholesale destruction of iloao forests until the value of the trees ahill bo so enhanced ns to uiako it an object for him to hold them for their value as lumUr. ' ! XhudwiH'ii 1 0 forest oontinuo rapidly to disappear, uStil it will be found, perhaps too late, tiagtiisro is a scarcity of this val- usblstiaV r v ttn< l which, if ever rcplacod, will reqejhidentttriod. For o/r* than a quarter of a century the United MAtca Government has been guard ing on( protecting the livo oaks that grow wilbii'a limited dietanco of the seaboard, and jot it Is a well established fact that the litre daks are oi a much more rapid growth I than the yellow pine, f UMbeen estimated by tho timbor-got- 1 tors tbqj a bugs pine sufficient for tho spars i or betms of a first class ship requires from I two to throe bnndrod years to grow. The pine threat of Virginia, North and South Carolina, which is within a conveni ent hauling distanoo to wator carriage, is already nearly exhausted. In Qeorgio, that whioh is on tbo princi pal rivers'has boen culled for epmo niiles on oither aide of tbo atrsams, and timbor is now being hauled from ten to fifteen milos tojtho Savannah river for shipment. The French Government at tho present timeik hawing itsordsrs for timber filled by , trpea cut it). Georgia, upon tho rivers (bat flow into the Gulf of Mexico, and hero the xr''"fsyt i|mbor for miles across tt\p open Tpoints where the shipping can olvo it, renders it oxoeodingly no and expensive, and often at |lth tbn eptirpidys of tbo rafts. knowledge ;of those facts, and i started by Uin rapid dostruotion r 5«. fotests, our Geyerntnent in withdrawing from fim_tiin»l lj'_*^pr„: Janis [lor- Enter n-oin I'tair !Jy the way of New York we bav r It;- j news from Utah. Thu Times says : ... belt Irr-jf, . . and souih of' “News from Utah is at bond, (Augost 13,) ,ne lrwyn Ir i hosapeakt Bay by the arrival in this cltj^f Kltfcrs Samuel (taleiiv. u.Oarorina: Clio- !"■ Itichard mil Geo, (j. Snyder, direct ’r 1 jth Carolina', Au- J from Salt Lake, on their way to fulfil a utis- ambus in Georgia ;, si ci in England. The Uorinous were in a ion. . ... iiua. This litic may j hopeful condition, pot at all dismayed, nod in i said u. «* '■ r tho Bluo I’.idgo. u stale of profoun I wonder as to il« purpose •otching tothc sea- >f the government in tenJiog troop- against . gently undulating them. The harvest has been extraordinary . •• ,!!• intorsporsed with : *>!. nt.lul this reason Work wafpifogresirtn" -is great pine belt. Ion the new Temple. Business was reviving ns r-vr at nguo jetting into Rider HicharJs reports having pass, d on the i timitol from seventy-. plains a mormon immigration of 4.000 per. sons oa their way to Utah. All were in goad condition, and the land-carts were in high favor. Tliceuly (edvra! cflicers remaining in Utah were Drs. Hurt aid Armstrong, Indian ogenfs. Elder Uichard'a party passed a jaortieri pflhc-Uuitcd-States troops between Sort I/tramio and Fort Kearney. Nearly 200 tents on the road to Utah; and he thinks f.oni thisaud from the large number trains on the way—at least TOO government waggons—that far more have been sent tu nn it generally supposed here. The Prevent Mormon population of Utah is estimated at dO.QOO, The total population of the Territo ry, Gentile and Mormon, is SO,out) Just pre vious to tho departure of Elder Richards, there wore rumors of Indian dlsturlaaneej the immediate vicinity ofSult^Luke City " f'lliluria! Quarrel—’singular. Vault.— Seme two or three weoka since, u young law yer by the name of T. A.Grccu wrote apiece of poetry for the Decatur Goislfe, which tho editor ot that paper, Mr Davie, saw fit to criticise rather severely, Green took excep tions at this, aud wrote some sharp articles in the other papers of the place In reply. This drew, forth further remarks from Mr. Davis, whereupon Green challenged him to 'fight. This Davis refused, aud was ooosequently branded as a coward. As Mr. Uroen could nut have bis difficulties settled' according to "rules of honor," he determined to lake the matter entirely into his own bauds and ac cordingly, eded oa i t sterility to the oftiee of Mr. Davis. On hin way be met Mr, Charles Slicpord, u well known aud highly respoctable cilizcn of Dcvutr.r, whom he in vited to walk with him. Mr. Skcpcrd wai not apprised of was tu follow, or he would not have gone. Oa urriviug ut the olfir of the Gazette, Greenderaamlpdof D.t- v,? Mtisfaciion. This Mr. 1) refused to give. A fight earned, iu which both parti -; were eousiderahly injured , Most*. Davis anti Green were sriettal lor ujdistuthauco of the |>euco, ami Mr. tiheperd wus called upo n as a witness. Using a nor vnus nun, the excitement of the occasion overcame him, and, nfler giving In his testi mony, he fell dotvu and fmmcdialcly expired, The nftair has caused a good deal ofoxeitc ment in Decatur, and Mr. tj be peril's tleoth is felt deeply by his numerous friends.—Spring' field. (.I/a.) lUpublican. Sept. 15. - , "R- -r. noBERT. them to olovato the negro At the ' ^ Surgical c r^ctitlOIlCrj if their own race/' Marietta, . . . . Georgia, j Offive anitrresifonce. G. J.' WHIGIIT. Attorney u t L it vv , Albany, . . ... . (leortria. May IS, 1S57. WM. v. HARRIS, Attorney at L a \v , Iiaholla, Worth Co., Georgia. Refer* to—MaJ. J. L. Uarri;, MiHcdgoville; Hod. A. U. Hituscil, XhumaAvillo; .Miller A Hall, Oglethori>e: Hon. R. 11. Clark, Macon; Cal. J. W. Duncan, Atlanta. Juno 2—dly. JAUED IRWIN WHITAKER, Attorney at Law, Atlanta, Georgia. Office, from room* over J. R. A C. U. NS'ai- laccV Storo, corner Whitehall *uat AULtr May 2*, 1867. PartfrulnrHtteoHMi^lHhe (riven tr, the Print ia*6f . r * ^ Ciroulara, Blank Notes, . Blank Deeds, , , TProgTammek, Business Cards! I {A N1) BIL r<S) TpSTEBS, Aci .f We rcq/ectful}/ solicit tht patronage ot oar i friend* in the city and country, and assure them tbatall*>rder-will be promptly and *aHsfactornj attended to. <«. P. Eddy & €o., (si-ccEssonsfoo: *. HAsurrMfusco.) gffji, 103,Hfi \j.ip,o !>??!"[ AND Hoolz-B inclcry. Canter of ft hitehullanJ Alfibama *n. ATLANTA, GEORGIA G. P. EDDY & CO.., High, Peters & Ce. C0HKI8SI0H MJBECHAST8. Vbn. TB£ MfBCBJMB AXJ> 1 TENNESSEE PI COTTOX, OROC El A- llaiblazaa^S t iro a t, (Scati, at ty n«a* r. WMWni.DflJrt.F- Atlanta, Georgia . - Lout Twumm iSoatj Ukeo fit per ftrPtt*h»u ^U«oU Ceoryis, Judo, ^Hit, 1867. former extensive ar^ort- ment of HOOK and JOB T Y 1* t, C I TS, OKNA MBNTS, Jkc., » very large variety ol now mmerial#, of iht laitii ttuU», together wftl one of Hoe % ? celebrated ciiu ftf-pcriisctiifiit,". Ularkei Crubb, UO;Vi,-vU.-,sioN JlKH'.TiAnTb, Agent tor coUeetiunat of all Virid* And UtAiwt ta Mas] belsrtc&.tbuiJtod i&aduU *t - iiuvtl, Uiu, thitnivb LI it;, tult.-’C t |i. ii - l-.r Auuo-ta atj mtJm, at 5?Ta, ’ IiRDCiEBUie, it HOURS—Oita cytaii *»-« 4J «tUB biSatart,** Wlfuz-i, „ |*. in.- ua\ ty. anJttervI if 5 M'Tf. m. !'■ IVAMo, I*rS .rfftmi .7..*, ,, vs- it... -11 i-r«.ottmf a-xj*Ut* j*wi*P>MltB5*wii»«s ««>• .-«w,ja...•. , Md at;-,»«« for *4 U, make, it j HA ' "■ '.WJ uwm.j U» the jttthlifi of eVjring the wiiiis l»e itm I as-! SeaiittMH rnntftif j£t£». th■>' } *Lc.uu. * a MukJ—#%r ! i SEED UAILLEY : j l fi e1 ' ,'■&& S«pt. 7, to. 300 backs Dlcal, L’Kt.aJt grout,d (tom watt* corn, fox Wa by U June 2Q. IllOH, mkES, i CX>. OJita Wanted. ~ ^1' UP uadervi^od to pureKu*' Sre Cuoj A Mod bui'.M*ki of mu for wbirh ike bixkMt cm! nil] v pai-5 HR-H PETOB k CO- Aorost 15. 2867. din Canvassed Iiaius. toe Piling*. ranvas.M and Sttgxr cared Hat flora. if 20 HIGH, PKTKKS A t)0: •trail and Shorts. A 2 Atiauu. Muir, liras 1C cfr.U. Dbtvt,, Si «uu. It. W2TEK.S i CO, /sly 55,1st. * OHi’t;!'. Tk*as4etilfTcSh*»* far aal*, atwhotr u, fo'-all, aUtsf Ua 2I£W hi Ml, l.lllt BhATtKS i OKI ?.}: Who wants any M-r::: Dtionsia Ham k iikVha L-ji ;c*t -r-.y r# x*rLis*m: ‘ ^ tin BBL . •^Vrtvs*trrki : .7 - try M*rvb Hi. 300 Barrel* Flour, /.at!. U r wtV- 1 F.xU'vzbo* Whishej! IVhiikt; 1 Wbjtkey (''LAJIEE >i GP.rJBL br* McDtoix'* Lxu- ». • r-r'rti U , Whiskey, asJ f r *.*•» . Le.; Mwc-l.. ALEX. St. KALLaCa vx.c iwsi; WJVUAY,* *•4 nit lemiuit .a \bt «quu JUreJl '■ jBu*v JONH*, M. Ir.. J. L. KiDBSSJL M. F'.. iWfWtkDf UOXK- t'.TJ- ■XAKZXS FTXML. M.J> , -L, C CffTAV~5 a \0TT. M !•, Vrvt enter efli Joeuc c yprr. m i> <jp ; IUOMA HTST, iL It. T*n>fatwoc cf rLZKzrtVl: f ■ Ut k Oetobw. * ■-* Cfiscwv, ZzHrtsre* wiB t« 4 Ah-^dilttUeof tk»r ?. '-Cl xaJ X*tid*e ». vruivattan€knxm% TIioMA? HOT, *7 It, l ^r>ct u>*-CL*rttj-HoFTitaJ’ nlxtHUAtom. ATLANTA STEAM MILLS- W E trill keep cc usually on Lu*i a 1 trgo tup. ply of yoi>J Floor—af?o Bran and Sb&rii. Thehlgkt.t e*»b price paid far Wheat 'lyx*4s, ” Wallace k liobinson savannah medical "cuiO Malta. MARK JOHNSTON, A ttorne-y tt 1 L a w , C'artersville C.oorgi n. r.b.-Js, lsio a**iy P. O. HARPER, Attorney at I. a w , West Point Georgia April IS, IS65. Jiwtf ,I.A. TIIRA.SHER~ Attorncy a t La w , Atlanta, Georgia. W1L!, pra^ticw in the o-iuntlee. to wi.: Fulton, Sfwton, il«.ty, Hpftl-liuj, KayUi, C <, b^ 1 CamoMljibnd Oowetk. Office on thetoacond door of Ibf ' on«r* nlllrfront ngt'ji** Pott Office. lW6'6vlwlj. Hutchins fo Young, A t t 0 r 11 tt y s at L a \v , Lnwrcnccville Georgia. Will pr&elioein the counties vi GwinnoU, Hull Wfltun, porsyth and DeKalb. Any bu»inc«s rn- trusted to Ihelr care irlll be re<^-ivotl with plert?* ure And attended to promptly. NATHAN IFF U. Ul’TClIIN?. Jr. ISAAC M. TXJUNO. JolyW(0«5?. a TNB.W. II. RIVERS ha» removed lTia I # Office to .heet, neei Alevrii- dtu'xDrug Store. I May U, IB5~ dawtaW jolt, H, DICKSON CAPERS. ' IhllOFVKIlSlii. l"ru(e»*aa*iSetviM» t.> tv,, -lii^ai JTofAtttBU. Office VhUetiillA ,‘V;Y»r Mr tvpleyfi f\lUuU, ti*,, Jane 45th. ISST-mIAiwU* ]W. T. C. Campbell & Brth, r*«r*o*ijjojj andMechnr 1- -’ — ore prepared to f Cylinder Prcuo, fully prepared than heretofore, to git e | di#patoh to all order*for workin tbeirllno—which. ■ thoy will execute in the belt style of U»e er fair prices for Cash- Particular attention' pai 1 to the execution FINE WORK for Railroad aid other Joint Stock Companies, Transportation Agents, Banks, Col lege* and School«, Attorneys, Publi- Officer Merchants, and others. Book*, PomphUtc. Catalogue*, Circular*. Card*, Promiuory Nous, BlankDtedt, Chock* Way Bills, ProgTamaei, Haad andShoTr Bills rosters, Ac., executed at «honnotice. Priming .a Goan mi Silted ituoxi* and Faxct Colohed Ixes, or onYellota, Satin Muslin, ac., done In beautiful style. ilaTing likewise connected * Book-Bindtii) with thoir Printing Establlshmert, they are pro- pared to execute orders for every description of work in that department—including RULING and BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURING—in a style superior to anj ever before done in this sec tion of the Slate. Their To <1* being all new and of thedates! patterns, their Stock of material! the but the Northern markets afford, and their work men oiual to any in the Sontb, they tool confident of their ability to give entiro satisfaction, and consequently h»vc~r.o hesitancy in coUcitbg the patronage of their friend* and the public. £3b»0rdcrifir work, in either deportment of their business, from anj part of Georgia and neighboring tales, will meet with prompt et ten tion. Atlanu *1h Feb. 2i», 1557. idAwly.) ccmmissIdVmebchants, . AND D2ALKKS i.S ^ ! TR ^ N E£8E K PROIM'CK! New Stock Coming iu j tard, Fltmr, 1 ,ra;r, WI. . I. t . . . • ’ 1 Cot.tip,at;.I, Uy ■ . .-***■ ;■l'i-l;' a t . ' “BfiS T UZ ir ttLvl tt-ta-a* tf L«t*re» 1 r - trr. Tseaisy it Tt^r.m%»ra*xt- ©5=©Tf’3^ GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND GAPS* A IW.11KKRIMO /- SOM’fa Ctating Mann- ^ n i. 1 **»-factory and Merchant Tailoring CvUollrt- j *" ] i ment, for rail and Winter, rdl the latest aty’.ff. • $«* is One of tho best stocks of Cloths, C a* id merer and | \ citing!* in ueorgio, frv.ia »L;ch Utinoko a seleo* j , mory Loazres oa 19lh C FACULTY-: ML., Tractice J ‘.M, Ll. Ohstesriet*, - M.D., Saxgrry, . • u.. Auiusay. • V; Prji.oWy, Y - Materia tSki . M. Lr. . Chaxdttrj, * «* •< —*-^11'lHirfjgHjBi ? ‘ ’ i Jus tit® tins. na* 1 * pt jxau. F»: ftninv i fin. ftt-ir'.t.D^-cr-.V-icr OrnttuT, CriraSi) JSS4VFto* b ,'7?U' 1 Dentes ilosietv, Glere-, Trawling SLvrA andixtUnu. »»;• *' ‘ Blankets. Tail'Tr:mu:L3gv, Av.. <-i at ihe t-tst- prices, Ia ine-- A tt’i'Jc.ui . -• W. HKBRLNti A'ftOS*5! 10 Whitehall it,, Ati&ata, oa. .Ub agents fer Fingtrf Sewing Machines. Seago, U»birtt& Co. M A ,;f Wm WBRItGI SHIRTS. !(, order. AIm, a lagre at t of JlEA\ I MADK SHIRTS ca band, rv W. UKKRIXii i nus. , ■ (itCCESSOKS T-j -EAuo A ABBCtl. ! COlfXISSIOK KEECKA77T' — V, - ■ j ta< rat. ofTwnr—v- F-.-dirr--'„ ir- '■ 1 •uotxsH'lj-o» kw,fit«tr.v »1 ‘ J-tv't., ' . Medical (Ullt/ge of GfeCffi tf AI ffUSTA.. V.av . vrae «f Lt*x; MID i n.aij tiu. » ' r ’‘:- t^.. i < A D. ■ ,V " ■■ UlOA-XM. IL „ ' Pr.-T /.r JfaJj® } ultl/, M. n. •TUX M, b C-. ■ j t- r’. .«. Jr. /’ - i • >, »•* I** - -•• -Mw-.-rta Mi ii':A< y 'i K rj;rijtOV^U Oui Stock : ” P.CijiKWg * . -1V H rc. I . C (! lUaf-AX? 031 We U hi) bfcds •- lear Tennc. -W kku* ribbed its." " hhds prime yUlu liut.. ATLANTA Dry Goods Emporium! luttiBg, White&€»; >y. \\ liitchali ,'t.. i near Roarks) I j. , K*h l t-.-.-j a.'dvk. X 1), i 'hjyFfriogv an J f' *<» paekoiTf hr.:?-hr FakLjy Laui. m Rag. 7.Xtr: 7. ■: »•: rre V barrel* Wkii.. r ilUt r V^XiLLLK.JkL I). \ f — v_ ... a » lia ca Blanks! Blanks! Blanks Ofall Description!). R LAN DE8l-*IUPTI0S*t6.c.. be ha 1 at r«l! times, at the * * • it UTTlNtJ, TV HITS k CO., ukn this method I - again colling tlm ottenuon t f the public.i f DtV 10 Boxes Adaojaativ''ati 5p . 4 •. large as*-, r.mcct of Drr- A# boxes'UMotlM'TcVs ' otf and Shoes, which they ore now I M Cvils' Ucs:V*r r: <•' »*.. ! aje ^ rcceuvaLg and opening, oed will continue to to- 1 • 'y? ccirc weekh. the newest rtvlts in aartrtt. consi biffci6(i c.ui licri. ( 1 H jafQinv :* ^•aCtUYY* «iflbc Ec.;-.ial ud it tree Jat*wo _ AX-tM**hoi» easiw. Dial vr.fiTtuku-qiocktt, (t« bbclen, y-r font..-: jitrtivulir. xpjilf ill fixiy-Tltc f’hilmklphm Jtmruul of venct- J»y is: “A ball was given last evening »i jiilgOjI’itUir'a farm, fey it number of fermil oflhc neighborhootl^'nnJ while tint metrl inent was at in height, onu of tbo )< jwtuls, ouujtJ AfittXatalur-luiuivl, ubuut Rotagr k ttodapj)*reutly Mnn«wlb«r. OURGEON and Mechanical Den* Otists, are prepared to inform oil durability and skill. ; , SirOffico ovor Alexander* Drugstore, White lit 11 it., Yf.T.X.CTWl'BKLL. G.P. CAMPBELL. Atlanta, Jivn. 20 dtf D U. H. T. Pi lurnei Irutn a t at»tt to Vivynnltf mil it*- •uinc the practice of hla prcfea»i^ In the -.-f Atlanta and iu-vicinity. (’an be font d at hbwfficc of at! hotiri,except when prafcMbnally engaged. C3T OmcqJSYASII li\G r TO.\ HAM- neplftdwtf / Found. IU* tuhttCtiUer ha« Jual found cut IU* Ureal S*cr«t in dfiurfa sav*cci*fttlbu»iD#aa, to mI) rheap h*»e a ncuit profit, aod advertUe an ! let the people kuo« what he he Um got, and occasionally gir» tpeu th# j.rica*. *«d only on* price, aadhaT# no friends to *ell chOAjwr to titan any per-on ala*. I bav* jast rarclr- f! * large lot ol Moot* and eiiocs, lor Lodi**. Urn, U»yv Uiribaa l CuiUrco. all f(**hlYu«d (be wanaUc- to nr. Crtvkrn j an-! <’U*» vape, Othu, l\U, rdtillrt*, KolTt*»and F«rk», Peel'et Karin*, rmhrem*, rowdor, »»Uot, Lea-1, Oil, Turp*«tln*, Whit* la-a.1, Sugar, fVBto UnlaaoM. NtlL Brandi, Wla*, Olo. Ka®, ^ w ‘ * Wbiakejaof ejery Wad, ki**,lo‘ oot tail you ay l ke*p in on# ad r andleok for jroartolvea, we or* ~ dout forfct l * 1 " “ ‘ lsr l tb(|pbrt l f| Examiner & Intelligencer Altcrniris Sheriff, Clerks of Court#, and Ordinaries, ran In; furtiv-:htd,ftt short notice,! any favorite form of DEED, WRIT, or PRO. CESS which they may dearie; ami all FORMS j ot U {?*.! r n*tiumcuu, couumml) in uses • r » ; i *~ • ways on hand, to be sold at the lowwt price?• Atlanta; M w £. in. SEAG0, 6l'Ct CiS0XT08XlC0 ft UttrRWra | WILL COSTIVUB THE PR Oil ITS CO}fA Mission s asm ess. x ( AT HIS NEW COMMODIOl S'PIRBi PROOF. BUILDING, t > rout ol Atlanu HotcLaudiMit door to Ft I ton Hon.*, j A TTANTAt QEOtiGlA. Parititto* offrr^d to, -«*r-*rr* f raanvctfoUjaoliaiUd., . '■* 1 OrtHtb.IRSff x v '«nk*1j.) ' Robes, Black and color©i Silk:, CbeniUa Bordered Shawls Stella, *• • ** i'tcurc i Caabmtrc. Pride, fifty Siatfi*. ** ‘ Brovbe, Che nil! a Scar: - ' ' • itonoet Ribbeus. / French Bonnet Plane*, Bra-ads aed Lact Moir Anbt\vp Xrmm'mg t AU WoMjiolaiuc. Oetton Jrt.d Woe!. Merino, CtbAGu & ABBOTT. ! ■A BirO* Rjre J'Ame. i * • »• Aj«uu tttrtkc nU nt Xr. W I, T.- r r;ra,-,Tt Ljuk, poyiL. irei tisbt. i'cfo,. « I nmtrt'ft:; nantra, iS< tf raw»:..r • • ' - • »SJ .thtriiMnldia' IK, nartu, ' >-1 . . I. c t-nr .,..J .Sttforci xtl.u, ; r,.vr-1} •'HU Stone*. Boltin: ( InliiVfoc.' W t • • t kUo ngva:< inf Jlr- *fe FkrvH»;VrV ,*ug Just Re 1 4 Ca.- ks raw Lift*oed ! :: ~ trfiikvi “ winter-Train'd j.uroe Ro ' Oil for T*{uifl -i Yuntisbe iivuutfo.-.s: - a.u»f Ol :u*. A:*, i' it fre^ts! •..■* m? ,wiii : ■ i Rur’ ,rtt.jr,c id Drasse*, Jiioek and Colored Frlagr- X . * Calico, l.mcoy Jlwrtfj un, Pol de Ch^ji. ParumatU. Blaokcu, *u*Uj4 Negro Ooeds, Vke dr. 0*11 and m« tor ypumlvcs. atd n si. u'ev-nth.r; vt. ; auv beu*r eritcwuuw.. ' ' • 1 I- rrrtlNfl, . ' t*ui>oa-Uaxtt5, L'ac tor * \Atm. UNTS WHITS. “ J. A. BANT.!. • iVfr^Tr* X Burt’.t • * koa -4 *t .Hew Y«k peM't-r ftber, 1 ?, IT . so ^ V <^un)rtienf >)'iril*TurjiCQUBC.- i ^H _‘iUH.rei in*-White load, a-soi lto Bt v» Glaus afsisr -i-Mua.-t-Mj Matt, art xH-i Fttf«j«W IT 1 • - W X. XMM k/ Aaeta.Jau ih, ,TH7 SfSW Bacoiix, \otlcc fo Fa II :•> buy dunce IU : th« luarlrtir nKAitO Abiarrr & uo Adautn Ur)>tToad* Kuiportnni NXW SLMMfcfotJOODS-A Cire-tt areinJ t.1 ntA« and ‘^•nttitu! * 1 yler, jua: meiul by 'MJTTntfl. wniwparn- i TaIlov\. Three j-irr chri-'f V t t’ - ' Tcu J t.e* F*otorrTarci. „ Thrc* r.::n ICa. * Fo-.- C.-..— •• *pru J'.. rr?A-i,'.A; res IL Carter. SiAtjK •llRt-C rite the Waakfoxwaj ! fo Comuiia.ion filtr- rhaat. K.4SNAH. GA-. fot tu. ..Cl. »m,uav ■ ■ la AtUaU, .tanasit ir. Ooffn.XaUuo.i-.ll, U>v, bt»lu,ctw.a. tJ-auH Resignation. be** Mpng. t*keaU»ri »a*;b*l ^(retamv*vb*a U*wi. to hi* mwnds f*flWr litoral patiWMt*; un i rv- r«\U Iri f*e^*.rat* ' hr* Imtr^uaye tint maac*Td U»‘ *«*cef***t~I)U L ASi-lISJt ■Ui l ffitodaayTa^-einnwdMtaiianliwiA j...., U- riu Cl. to Uuo ,4*. Aw JUtqPUH. ^ I»5,.a4 «lorzt41»u JUeiuuwtU p.-cja.-^t rar, U >11 Mefi wnt> ahtch be maj h« f., ,atl, ot J IUnIHiSE . goad tern, uw be egralMt #e Aep»n erl •» •>* W \iiw .geed tern, aaeril ba ogMlMtia Aafmtt tr rite Uefolia. iS*vaaaali. «abtU.»Ariitina«t Frerighi. x J Boggit ^KiiMhaar--Jaftriss^r 1 *' t*" B i: fmsCRD 3ft|_ J -ry-f«rc.,. H XUM Sml -e t.r -■• cbe-rlca?* .lAi<ip*onU *JI<| i’ u. \^\»r. durabiUtv **4 ■ ar e ua. \*i*. too *i - - Jlny. uixad wixl» g, Uff. • n*ij, .» I at it,. (teas Witte, | if7.t «v..4 tJ-ca :t« writ,, aevla l&c . ,.rr.--< ut tree. pce,^*. jj !• it- tjeej iaki vKsl«i,ai*rMV*r^iav rciintel, ; at op Ik, *1., fax It tsv at .« , 15 : »r»‘ ?} is t’tulafo!|Aia.BSttm _.:S S1.«- It > r Pn. Eicjm 4] ' Ox. ft ! ■. t th. hi^x ;t.ra*: ■Vomi. *tf. G1. VS1 GLASS!! til 383 Boxeaii U - a kt.< tv tvr. ft. '- wtaJD-e ?;*♦«, ever U o; tow fra l^-i 2* wagbt ftj ' al4C > soBaeii*w fA SSORTEII UK tsWkRvI * r amily a.hufac-J tS* IH2 , CITX v>' A ' M»-D f * • « 4 r i Ik