The Atlanta daily intelligencer and examiner. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1857-1858, September 29, 1857, Image 3

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T HE uodmigced Laung opened tteFUL- TON HOlriE. to this city. dergr king it an sgrreihie resting pise* hr ihr traveling pthbe who j»»j favor these with tbser ti HOVE? TEES A ttl>LOW‘* r.AJiv-E (tara ukn ta# km Premie*. i» tteCn»aJ PxJ- arc JUkifcttioe.f r nine p*bu» otoxmBmm,** t| irw *ti fear ef sxraCeeee cm theatattUsatud »«#t w**w»sd tenese rw VuuiCcki rwvita! ta* first p*w«dn** l* » Mate ef ATLANTA, GRORuK^K r-.H $: T**lcn;«. Aru*ti, |m a*e. rS iV. -■*-* A 50 MTUI7 d| *»*• •♦*• • r t-ai ? «w sftictad 4.U Dyef-tt ns.M .5 !J*m!ira» HQ^unatatrvJ fra• t« tim*. ail wk rtawftee ex Ur* Hu ral rawsewhi.ara *h p*9*St «♦: Wt car*’ nunroN-ranwi tj vteUftl ieisms, at k*i*:>«»4 ttwt*giesfsasf ftt Vra* stent; g^# ui ••» o«l i{ t« frersr* irac'iiM On^^H - .4 — .< -. •U*4.i '151 V * .. JOftJ* -ct- * 10. Hi nm $1.60. flllyii^ jniclligt (it fc Ei^tnwf. DUNCAN A LOCHRANE. ATLANTA, StrTKMHKlt J J, HIT. Col. Lci'liriut •III »J,lreu tl» clllwm of Atkuu »t lb, Albreraa ou Tbunftiy ore- cJbi> Mil. ftt I O'clock. All U* mptctraii; iodMi R«mov»l. Tin 1 * j-riatip, ••Ublioh* ml b»« two moored from Um «M «t»»d, lo Contort Jloll, oror Smith A Eriord't Dm* Store, from «hleb pitot Iht "UuUi- (nun f Ttramiiur" will bontfUr U It- ■ntd DttU of t prominent Citixen. Wt regret to tnnooDeo.tho dnth of oor ttwtmod ftllotreolutoa, Jottph A. tr Et,., formerly Solicitor Omtrtl of Iho flinl Circuit, which look.pltoo tt hit - donct notr thin city, oo Sundtjr night to hi 1% o'clock. Ur. Thrtthee »>» «t.« .! oor prominent, highlj roopoofri cit.. t mtaof moltpopultr rato . mo- lent qntlitioc. Hit lore wii. * O' . ' la thlt oommnnitj, wh ' ' - namhec of frioadt ttro> f y Me* rueliy Ordo- • v . t-.i*-, ■ •• .<• F- UtiKtdnttro. . A Funui, H - . to bj found ir ■ i lighltood ooMcitoco." If they do thtL there orill httoendtoRnowN'othiogUm— dtrk-ltntorn bomlioggcry tod doinmerjr. An tad to rulnone ter . to end to plt< oiog fra aiorti m l> o . . reference to free •bite men—tr «oi 'he people’* money to ini .r: - In oBot-to end to u ce. .. on the oalA if ft < .'.. »> 1 - . rettlnieg the me . j t■» r.. eietui hH LATEST NfWa iufimr* ARRIVAL Of THE •0(1 to A, bM3BMM D«cr the Ko« N finally. r n tt. ll«r Wie.-a ll*C je jt.pll b««f. I Micbt. iy ll.rf V a L# tu fdx.^1 I l> .S La»« *r r o J v«r Ur. i .ill MrvUjr, ac i • %• t; i>g‘ ! Mom I rC r•!*/.>. witl kiodau. M- ■ *" Lt. Wbo introduce. * •pproprinlion bill, in aiv which th* National America** and condemn! ? Col. Jamea M. Wbo autod that John L. liarria a ftaied a certain appropriation at the last aaaaion; when the fiacU are—that the ap> propria inn waa carried bj a large majori ty, and ia pabliabed in the la we, on page SI f The National American. Atlanta being rained by high Tazei. Within tbo last twelve months, quite a comber of gentlemen wbo desired to settle, with their famtliae, in Atlanta, have declin ed doing no, in consequence of tbe enor- Eaone city taxes. Oar population would have been largely increased, within the last year or two, by tbe settling among us, of gentlemen of high character and abundant means, had thay not been driven off by tbe high texea pat upon us by the Know Noth ing party, wbo alone ere responsible for Ibis destructive and suicidal policy. If neceeeary, we can give the names of several gentlemen, wbo have been hero to examine property, with a view of settling in tbe city —bat upon learning that our County tax mxsUM . exhibit!»• .propriety X*f of eeheola, tl< doing so *4<a.i *t party sot f*»*ra. js of it* at aim t — « in (ever of pruwiplee t to the dsaoersry, wt ■ Ulan course somsthiag of t ell maokind which ha* Use j ie its preotiee. Tbe Jwc- .# show that Jlssrvn is Urge •ie ike wltole tuu* (Ssaily, s&d Aolievs io it* prsoopu sod prsciu* Hr. Jonas, Hep. tt. TV- AfeCept Moupir.baea - verb on 'lliursday, the 17th, and j 'ftdon dates of Tuesday the I5tb j rerpoo! of Wednesday, ICtli of Hep- j it. CoHinercui. No cotton quotations receifed. ftt London, on Tuesday, ('unxdo were quoted at *J0\ for money—and the money , market waa slightly more stringent. Breadstuff* were dull, but \Vh«-at active sad firm. Gen. Havcleek had defeated ten thou •and :ifbels near Lucknow. r f iwXifa tiiijtOTTERifs'' Tbe nuii;trilli**(. Scb<MU« *\a | dniui. - « jRBKi TICKETS Olttf $10 i uij i* l*.e inre i*n— ur - el edwete. Oerele. Ie '1.1 ■ mtrt* j Class 51, f t. U draws ia tbe ensilage** Qh, k peb- iatcrdai. ocf#jb mt ClassfiT, - Ts W draws la tbs City sf As****, «wf|'* 1 m •aTCRo/rfocr. tw asst Class 58, Te V* Ie ike CUj «f A reel I*. Wree^e. - e»Tr»DA^,"ocV. ltm, I Ml. Class 59, Tv ks draws |e tbs City ef IsgSMs, tfssrgta. ts At Liverpool on Wednesday, Red Wheat had advanced 3d. /7our was bnoyant. Corn active. T# u un ^ tks&ty *r *swaits. ossvfW. The fare b,ought only on. pepei. ee T l»DA?, otr I... The cbolort was raging in Jlsniburg and |~v .l pl-n D * Stockholm, and the morality was greet. c|Mft| g Jd|]|JpCDft I !• lisle- front Delhi to the 29tb July had blflffLC HUMtHi I la been receivesi. Several sorties bed takea j /fs*4^s«s*M wn pieoc, and were reputed with great loss to 11An wuY " tbe rebels. Five hondred f*( *’ e British . , . I4TCKOAY. OOT • itn, list Class GO, •rial balk -srrsatsao all m l s&it ■u pr*««pi», • .din tbsir load • 4 trtbtieally cm and Ubtrkl | riucip thsjr drew (tom U ( ni44. Meat tit tlxe Ths ftaulsa j is n.sot at bt Pvtsrsl portauou uf pr«psr ' Francs. The facto •outb of RsMis sbi tie css be pBrchsss pared meat can b# • than fre*h beef. yivcmt to bs employ ad will U that of Faatier, which ia adoptad at tbs imperi al factory of fiordsanx. Tbs ebarur ha* baas coafirmsd by a ukaaa, baariag data July 23d !a*u Tha propri«tor*art flea in oambvr—four assiiaa* and u&a Frtnehman, M.MaximiliaeChailat—aad tb* capital ievaflad i* 12,000,000 fra&n* Tbs Rauiaa laborer* have already reached the pleoe where operation* are to be commenced, in th* HCUEMK it. 2d. j Jed ttete > » * ioy« it pnaw of.. •rtiallv 1PPKOX1MATIOX PIUZKI J ; « pn»*- «-f o*oa *rrv««4'ia* t (tank i.. UJFar. r-*'x . Nor. i n '• f eetu- *’» » ?* - vr. lacks jA of No failures bere. WuxxuMii, Va., Sept. 20, P. M. Tbe citizens have recommfctded. ia a pub lic mettitg, that the beck* soapeui rpccie payment*. Nxw York. Sept. 26. P. M Garner k Co , ovt of the largest domestic commission bouaea, dcalcra in prints, Ac 1 tCKCIS llUi 1111 quarters $iUO. Fua at du tinuerf. The NiaWn fram 1 taSO.eei, aarryfaaltag vUk Umm Mambera as tk* 7MM »raUC ea Mperet* •UyavT aapar.ateewclreM vittmaUi rW la as* WsmL ?ti Crit ZU PnaM.itmbarly, yrtatad aa« aeiwataS ar* *1* »■* la istlfirr r>vtt Tk* eaavUaie Uw revalvad, aad aaamberNSrava from tbe wheel *( V»Nn, mm* at Uavam* t Frla* i* fceva Wvm tb* atfcsv wkml Tka Xi an<JFt a* 4rew% set arv «y*a ■< *ai vabrntatuit* ii^miii,aa* rwbUrW I; i*i(«iaiimMri; tk* mm *Mag via—4 afala—te* 4>am—r «tewa Tfcta fri—vU>B u —f—tad a*m aUU* Frlaw "kvpratlaaailaa Prtaaa*That— la I mu ta* tw *aoe—Stag NtaNnU tl tuV— tm lt Pr—a«Ul — eeWtM UO, Mil KoiM—tM* Fn—*- F— etaiapla. tr Ti*aa« V*. 113M —w ta* aso.aao in—, t— wa.u >*»>*< a, :a nut liiu. 112x2, wtu m<i m mum - gas. ■flU’t of .0 op., ociuitrj. «u»l tw. mini from j [ >iM t0 .,l.y fot over ODfl million dollrnv Reatoff, anJ Franch colonist* ar* also collecting > iathatam* vu-iaity. Tbe Sttie. chartered at! tNIcaoo, Sept. S5. Mar-ill** by Meaar*. Challat A Co., ha* taken on j Thc of lht Steamer Effie Aflon fo was two hundred and forty per cent on the | bo4rl thaw.rkmawatdtban*ce«aryi®pl#t»#eu. | the Rock Island Railroad Company which -^**4 1 th— I'HUTifr-r auii v u a— State tax; end that we had to pay the oity ‘ Th * flnt cir * M * of this daeirshle produce will be has been on trial for two weeks waa closed \ —ta l viii——vitwau axo if u* nuMm dollar, and fifty cents, for erary etykty j ** — Tlita him lipani*K hf if .wnha..fiil It Tick** Ji* UO 4r»«. U4IW.M True U-v T«k*u vu&bvrvd MS. Me. Ml. M2. wUteack be settO* taco, *>4 — — —reiag t* ta* tk*** nWm t,ewm*M«( »*iwui m <u—cvm— by uet InreifU, NuNf Uat—av* lb* MO.aoa fra* r*v tuayb, tf U4bamber4*ev«H tb* too,COCK cente paid tbe State, have abandoned tbe idee, end sought homes elsewhere. Who ie responsible for this t Wbo ie rtsponsis hie, we eak, for Urns driving population end wealth from oar midst! Lei tbe Ameri can party, wbo 00atool oar city end Coanty Tbi* ntw branch of*ladu*try, if aaoceuful, will doubtla** be fait ia th* meat market* of France, ia wbieb axborbitant price* have *0 loag ruled, that. U it bad not bees for th* m*Uriel rvJucttun of duu— so imported tneau. forced upon tba gev •rnaeot by th* oec—rhies cf the people th* ls,t rucb d—rription of fuod would bat* •Siire, Muw.rf An .ipluiUon i. mpwt- 1 ‘- 0 k.joaJ tt. mu of ilx Ur,, ftflly ulidtod bflfore next MooiUj. ; "“*• • 1| ° m * k * «P P«P.UU.m of CriUirUrru Ptrcctorg RAJ L-ROAD REGISTER- ttiorria Railroad. ATLevta 10 Acocm 171 Him F*ia •* M Third Congressional District I 1ION, DAVID J. BAILEY. It wss our good fortune to bear this gen* j Ueman’e speech at Griffin on Saturday last* end wo only regret that it waa not heard by I by tvtry voter in tbe District. He made : one of the very ablest speeches we hare ‘ beard during the canvass. For an hour he ! Mvruing Pa**'r. Train last held the large audience spell bound, during < Ervtuag •• » kevae Atinu at s.fco p which be reviewed the principle* it was hie andarriv— AaguiuatS.22 a priJ. to Wtoo..., .nJ .gain ,od ogam ih, M »-"“ P *-' r ' *2^ fiESSS*— l cheers of the crowd told how much they ' Kvaaiog •• •* p n dalightad w,ih th. .undard boanr of ! ,i*OAas“i55«E. A ^.«il?. Hrstern A Atlantic R. Road. iun. to CViTTAjrootf* 13$ Mill*.. .F*U S3 M S.Mpw m S.10 laava* ChatUneoga at T.2S adarr. Atlaau at«.Mp leave* Chattanooga at 7.SS p Atlanta & UGranxe R. Road. ATUtt. »,» Raff Pot*t *7 MiLa* ,..r*aa S4 M Mamin g Pi Etmior Morning Erasing the Third District. Col. Bailey is one of Nature's noblemen. He takes to the peo ple, fot hte aympathies are congenial with theirs, and the people take to him, for his i „ , —. , frank, bold, boiw.1, .indication of Ihrir | “» »♦ rights. We feel that it would be an injus- J Night — tics to the fidelity o^the Third District end j |, to principle, if phe will sacrifice him and j .Uet » opponent of the Kan.u Bill. Ii ; s, « k * ' Mj „ „ iUMU> - „ , ,, will show a toU) disregard o fthe rights j JAMKd M BPULLOCK, Sapariataedaat. and inuresta of the country. When Col. Bailey voted for that Hill, he did it by in structions from tbe Legislature of Georgia. Will Georgia repudiate her own act end adopt tbe instructions of the Legislature of Maine to her Sana tort and Representa tives 1 Will the voters of tho Th : rd prefer to stand tbe action of tbe State where ne groes are allowed to vote, rather than the re tetion of their own State t Forbid it, Hea ven, and interpose between ua and so black e calamity! When they voted before, they voted for Mr. Trippc ea • Kansas man: will they support him now in the very teeth of their twom principles f Thu honest American party man. will, we feel confi. dent,, hesitate before bp does it The best of the Party quit it, when it swallowed its own words end followed the light that dai sied them from Buffalo. We say fn the nemo of the Third Dis trict, never will she stand by the opponents of that Bill, whose opponents at the North ara the enemies of the couatry end the' vilest abolitionists, and whose opponents here are blindly sustaining the very men they denoence for the sake of obtaining power. Bat, true to principle, as Mr. Trippe has deserted the position he took on this hill when he wan elected, they will desert him and vote for the man who represents these principles on the most vital issne it was •ter the data of Southern men to support. The “Amtdc an a*' of IftM will not tram* Town consistency fend self-re- Ung Mr. ’’grippe. But like deaden, the; igsr iesv— Atlaau at 3.10 luI West Psistut 3.24 a m leaves Atlanta st 4.44 p m as J urr. at W—t Point st 14.H p m as J str. st Atlaats st 7.SS " l—vs* W#,t Paibtsl.IS.4ipB ss4 sir. st AUsuta st 4.32 p u tiKOKUB III'LL, euptrtstsudsnt. Jlacon A H'tsltra Railroad. 4<v>v »M Atuna 103 MitJM r«SS 14 OS. Train l—vs* Atlsnts nt 4.14 s snl att. st Msm st ll.Sts ItavM Ms cos nt I.M f •sd srr. in Atlanta at S.I4 p E. FOOTS, Enparintand—u Special Notices, CARROLL NllLRIl'F'N MALES. NOTICK Wbn,by,lT»th.tibfl8IIV'.R 1FF*S HALES of Curroll county, will be psb-lisbed in future in the Houtbem Dcmo- crut. ELI BEN HON, > bet iff. Cemdlton, Aog 31, »§57. Eureka Oil for C holic In Ilorseu. Os Hst unlay Is*t s mule, the property of Mr. John W. RmsvU county. AU’wisn, wss vioLnlly sturksd with eholie in the in Cehimbue, was wry much sweUsn, end iron nil appearances rou«J lira hu» e short time un. !r** relieved. Two ounces, Kqutd Eurek* Oil wss ndminiets^td and in fiw man. uus rtlief was pvtuspoM*, nnd in tvwnty min. uses the annual ess entirely ra,‘UTfd. I h.. an J vdusM* mixtor. - i* rcr'« n!y s te *hs • *t rt ram^is^jrT- .. 4*. whkb, InuddMsn > Its given hU ths .ch-Wi.-. i a*»Ail Prises Of |l,0M sad uahsr, paid la- —dislsiy after Iks drawtag ■ stkse Frit— st tbs , ts full «Ubi Orders fer Tirkvt* tkcald bs **st In early. today. The Jury failed to agree and were j Mra*! Join*—uum uMSmI ——^s *" ditchanred CsrUS—•—of r»«ksf—stubs sudst" atsenargeu. ntm uiUmt , CertiS—tasrrwnsgssf 10 Ws»;*Tkki Philadelphia, Sept. £5. •• •• xow—iwr .'•# At a general confrrenre of the Bank faordmng^TVcfa<i^«y^CV»T|^nata*, ^ ^ Presidents held this alVernoon, a temp ora- y^urt* 0 —dvrH, vnrarWpi tf*wbitb tbsy wUl b# ry sutpension of specie payments on -hecks ! forwsrdsd by first mod. . .... . , • Ths List of Drava Nsmbsr* bud Fris—will be nod bills exceeding ten col.ara, was re i*Mttktuntn—Siiitij *Autk* btvii|. solved upon by all the bank* of this City, j rrkusra will piss— to flffret to-morrow. ' «" »“*• r-« tLir f Tarwov N. J. Sept. 2?. Ths bsnks in this city were firm on Satur- dav. and no apprehensions felt about any numX time *f 44 days, in fsU witbsnt Me ,r j AU so—ankntfene ttoistly s—14—tlsl. suspension. ? - . - — •—- “ ’ —- CixcixwATt, Ohio, Sept. *.*6, P. M. There have been no additional failures PmLAMLFins, Sept. 2C The Far-famed and Popular m. i.«ooocct. oi mi too .mo,, h, Maryland Lotteries The Penueylvania Bank b** resumed boe- FOK SKPTEMUKR1857. iacas, with s total nupeneion of specie pay-. R. FRANCI A CQ^Mseagsr*. rnents. The Rank of Corn metm paying out notes but no specie. The Girard is redeeming fives oniy. The North American and Mechanics are paying specie nod certifying cbixk*. The Tradesman's pay* all biiis sod cheeks Brilliant Scheme. Grand Consolidated LOTTERY *f MARYLAND. ^ Class /„ All tbfl b-nk. W- stuffing cbtob, ud To be drawn onS»tnrd»y,Scpt.26. generslly pay specie on fives, bu 1 the Con- l’* Baltimore, Maryland. soljdstiuo, Penwylvanisu. Tuevbip, *’'1 Drawings feodueiod under tbe superintend City Banks pay do specie The Broker's board resolved lhs,t p*st *elee uf * locks end sales to came may b? pe d by certified checks oo any of the city Hanks current ou th*» day of scttlcrnivit up to three o'clock. Private dc. patches received twre sncouu.e tbe sutpen*ioo of tbe Rmdiognnd Pitttburg bsnks. PaiLADBLPIIU, 8cpt. 26. Every department of basiui— he* about sospeuded Baltin.L.r, >cpt. 26 TV suspeosiou since ten o'clock i« total with the exorption of sm-ll change for enrto* tact*. Wasuinuusi, Nept. 20 The Metropolis bank has resolved to oun- tinue specie payments. Tho Bsnkof Wash ington has)partially suspended. Tho di rectors of the Petriotio end Metropolis banks ara now in confereooe. CnrcptMAn. Sept. 26, Business it unsetlled owing tu reports off Havana Plan. J.'p«i. f»jwntw 7Tiz (j rand Consolidated ton. Baltimora • and Pittalurt beak* V » W * HUU vvu^waawvn*w« diipMch'frov Boiun ^,k^ I LO ITHKY ot MARYLAND. Mot, rtrwt u mch .teiud by PhiUiti, ,Extra Class 9, phi. hltlflu, but A, b*oki lH*p|y in- I *• lu ' “ Liditt,, creased their specie within e few days, end there ara no signs of vmapeosion. The] /viira New Koglaed beaks it is believed • III b j | fMM |U.M *bl. Ia atuil lb. preuure. | |{S3 'IS. Xiw Yoix, PreM. 5U I i w.m*j Tb. Buk. rfmiiaij .tree/; at Ik. .Imp { fP“" J;Sf »f baaintM. wiib M Hg», ol ' ! JJ-J- £22; WMJ i. K'uebt Lr .: ixcnwM raw. of. 1 •«.! mslB / !SSS IS fcr. JWistrtUnraus. \ew Spring GeedN!! JIST OPF.NEb ASD ftEADV FOR SALE! \fi •cppi.i.p/ AtAtsa oootm w .11 www ua|-te. aikt I mu ••KiUuUkuiiluln'Pu M'lUreUkualuInreiu tw BreUre mi Mu! uvk tr Hardwnre, Groceries, I tort** U*4mw tdwoM DRY GOOI iV M GeesMOf *rf Martin*, n tewfulS'liid AM M&ntiileUeH and Hats and •nrireaUfl uA ■ DOMESTICS. Aki treat UUr ktfldr bulMu. I* Anri. »» uA Ike mta. wU) U »■ fwd 1k.Udm.r-p ww . emi! H. i Fire Fire C H. STRONG* Have aowM ttm'.t HT.4PLK AXD « D B Y OOOl riiy tteo’.l tux.+A J. NOKct* X OS Wk*ta-He/lMdU*rwuei* il*y »C-r tu thru Ui inotulo *t*4 ■ gtLrrilly.s dlditocko (-CAbHONLY.anAwradcttemtai lUtd—soUby any Lolas is th* city. ‘ U ceeataatly racsiving new tcpoLes brat eutfcr'f ia the ceeetoy. nxA in SI h-wg nMr IS ooO feeds as cheap ee Our Mork reanlslo la yertH Rirh Dre*s SuX*, Bsns/s »r.4 Mnsho JUt^H Ihur. bATTigra. /retch figerad JscUa***,tt Franck Ceisirad Jockonsts, 1 Figured BnJiewts. ’ lLteg* sad Li’n Geods, fc»Tr*v*lmg Dresses Fcack, botch dad Dsmesuc Gteghems, Checked Cembnc sad Musims. Frmtad Lawns in graei vnnsty, English end DomssTr Frrais, in grant variety. tklk and Late MantiUc* thetcea’t k* test, lnsk Lias**, and tfkerttegn. Cotton $hs*tiBga,«xhd Ticking*. Bisected nnd Brawn Rhwttas. 0—ufiurgs tttr.ym and Bisy teneLA. TnMe Linen* tad Napkins, Cocwn Drills. Hosiery, end P.c-Nkk Mils, Ac Ac. Don t forget to end on nest NOCkOW l Stand V4 • skaegs notte&g tor showing rgtexb- eg>34’57dwlj Cigar and Tobacco STORE. T HA Bt BriCRIBEKjbsgs mil trap.rtfnfly to inform ite Cnoeas of Atisats end sui- \re rounding country, thsi he has;»sl raemvod largeeddmon to brnforaer (Starksf largeaddiuoD to bmlavara (Starksf FINE C1GARB, TOBACCO. BNtTT, PIPES. SNI FF BOXES, MATCHES. AC, AC th hirh a tkderad at Whs! era Is or Brand «t vsay iow xaiess. Prawns dsawmg anything uiay te** wifi do waO *c roll nnd lunun my Stack balers pui- chnsiQg eisswhsra. X3T Stow on Mbits Hai. mr»ra.w4ps.ns ths Intelligencer often. JOHN FICKEN. Atlanta, March IF, i«7 dwu Prat Often, Cenatf M...IC pi rtf ’ FILTOX BOISE, kTI.AYTA. GEORGIA. BY X SIXPSOK ft W J- KILSY Ores th* dtaaertK t&it* oiths nouns. Mias KaeaI Kin, who— expenenee eni taiB m hotsl boame—. ur wsfl known, vril preside, Mr- T. C. Dural, thsu clsrk. wifi elwnra hr found prompt and sttsntira in ths nftes. TVTVLtoN Horse » th# asarara house cn ths w>uthw«ra aads of the Depot'— tiswents wfil bs m stundtneeutbs Depot ,n tbs eratral os each tram. Two fin* rats Limy Stater* era *ru wbm fioesss. ramefos, tad Heggies are for Lire. Th* undraw gaol s*k .*cJy Mr e truL ra it i* ihetr mtsnooe to piswra sad mart * libera! •Lars sf t«?r*nsge from th# uwelutg puhhr. ar mtsnooe to ptaara sad msnt * ;:bera! ire sf petraosg* from ths m*c!ut g puteir. BOfFBPN A KILBY. Atlanta, aspi idewii ToiuxrnmRKR*. T1 ^ E are now feesramg s jOTj Tl large lot of (Ms teeth ml er.CsKWham, t-uuncs, Bod waura rathe Wtrte*> Fwr -LrJ t- rags, Luu, Net KU, nnd pm* mwBttnjhemsad « svcrvthiag crnnerVed with ths Bora sod Not floras If. ‘«#*d tnetmmeai* (*r rant, a tesinrir wh-rt wifi te sold ni low prara* fw head taken * rarchrajpe fra asw •*•*- (Mk ,k.k'rere<r-re«^l'»» 1 - A1 radws ereorapenisd wnL Cs*L »it ««c — . i—k-w r£2rtr- rt m i rates—st ths fcign of the Big B-xh, Pesri. tree-1 srraet, Cherokee B*rak j u 9BADMVLUUL eplOdu* UIMICK A MIX ; Vhulwl-tuw, Atlaan. d*. f* r- * i ~ I»-»a ssi tteid Pm* Laaireth’s Sew Crwp, IS56 A-tani». Fnfc.». mr. _ . "• ^ j Plano*! Pianos’- Pikuot! diwIUI ciiflk uf ib. Sure Lotury CnkMMr ”scm KMll.:) > Xumbcn—I'J Dnn Bkllou! SPLENDID SCUKUKi: Sffrwt. lYw;