Newspaper Page Text
IDtrkift JntrlliflfUfrr
,, -, iU .-iKl* D** ' L ' AN » « KLY FT
Wednesday, January If, 1870.
Yutkuuav waa c* »>; tt' U \> .ouy, uul clear.
Uniinca ?ruake needs a l>ra.*s hand.
I’gpf* 'Wat..—Col. \V 1*. Price, recently elected
to Corgr m lrrnn 8'U I)i«*riet, is in the city.
, Bucru.—The b«*t and cheapest Bucba in the ! U V TPT.rOU A 1MI ! k’S'^uro. twenty ooo bilU «t the Kat I
‘ * * ■ ♦ s i« mat prepared by Uromgoole ! D 1 1 li iJ ,iU 11 ! fwatan, roverlng rppmnrlahons -t -■•nfcn** to
.to. I : fx millions right hundred And • v ntjr five f
For all Jtaetwa of the nnnarv •rfftnt itn ac- 1 NK ' r YORK Aom ' 1 HIFATOH—■ tbooMod dolhnuBd fire handred tbui
tlnn is quick, powerful and satisfactory, The
Gravel, Gout, Dropy, milky, ropy, or bloody
urine, frequent deore to urinate, ilifticulty and
pain in urinating, burning pain aud weakness
in the small of the hark, t-fleets ,,f habits of
dissipation, and a'l kindred com plain u it acts
in auch a manner tv> to gain the entire confi
dence of phy.-iciao.i and others. One bottle
will cure aii\ ordinary case I’rirc $1, or six
(or $> bold by druggists aud dealers every-
where. Jsnl-dawloi
1 1 1 Wln/n ii "II uio UMiKLi. 1 p|| ^ Pi-' 114K No 1 flO\V r?Ail r*)C
Among the bills vetoed is one /or the guaranty train* i ok ubkciik -.with sevresi port ran* and
; of the Alexandria, Hoient and Pulton llii!- bL-grsi it d.c,*fl d, tie merchant: u. B. Wood
" L<
Thvvki. c- ntinnea to b
h* b»**el legiftera.
on the decrease, from
Nob toy, but " si'enre” at ibe theatre this
Bcsinkm in the city, yesterday, somewhat re
sembled Saturday.
Thu days are so short, a lair view of tbepretty
girls can't be er j >yed bclore night drive* them
TnR disappearance oi every vestige of theat
rical performances is like a calm alter a violent
iloim, or tbe subsiding and receding of the
waters aficr an overflow.
Sthkkt improvement* are going on in some
parts of the city, and we are forcibly reminded
that in certain other parts it is not going on.
. Multitude ok Facitj.’
I ”ut it fails to paint the pic cheek, to gUdoen
the heart or conceal the iiueare ihat ia lurking
j and making rapid inroad* noon yonder rapidly
j declining fen a'e beauty! II r wan features are
j bedewed wnb tewre, her pui.»e is feeble and her
day*dreams arc growing im, as night wim its
heavy p ill ot gloom tellies on hi r brow! 1 Gan
she not lie restored Yes Health, with all its
enticing charms and beauties will send a tliri 1
of joy through her feeble frame, by the tire of
Hi.gnsl) Female Hit»*re, which arc advertiicd in
ano ber column. Go thou and buy them.
|anl tm
Newspapers — We notice there ia an average
of one newspaper to eviry 7,000 inhabitants in
the United States ; one to every 300 in Switzer
land ; and a hotel man told us recently thal he
met wi'h about 1,000 newspaper men ID. EL 1 *,)
to one paying patron.
jfcjv urs I IN CJ IHII’ATCIt KN
W>«ntNi.T >N, .lanr.ary I —Senate-There are i road; second mortgage bonds of Me
numerous petition* for the removal of ditabil- | I'etroteumCompany; !*ouj»iana Dredging Com-
ities, ! nary; Mississippi Iasvcc Company three mi>-
A memorial frrm the New York Chamber of lions per annum , to increase ths expense of the ,
Commerce, upon the Importance oi a cable | metropolitan police to forty-four thousand per;
front the western roast to Asia presented. annum.
The Judiciary Committee reported a • »H that, The Picayune, Time* and K« publican ap-
Presidential electors and mem!*ers of C ongress prove the Governor's vetoes
N*ew .Atlv < u* timo11 u 1 n th.
IfIIK Vi IKMi K OP UAH.-For the host tt-
acter, eapaniii ir«, iu4 u»"*; Appio; rUh p irralt# are
Riven, »•« TilK PliRiNULOGiCAL JOURNAL, for
Mormon*, ’ sir religion,
my, etc., with tn tiluatr.i
■M abase of an the henaa
'Mil, P l ygimy, etc
**■' n*o and *Huf
V R \ It, or »l cent* a camber.
IV. c, LEE, Pre»’t.
be elected by ball.'t, ■ H H
House —Bills were Introduced for an addi- |- the Joint Uommitree for the mti'iineut oi
tional Federal Judge in A! ibaina, at.d grant- i t j, e q,,-^tion atUing from the Cuban rotnplica
<lrcrs, S. I{ ’Vsl.l v » J l»ro*iw*y. krw Yorli.
Fulton Sharin’* Sale* tor February, 1871
W M.Lf>M« iha cm irt b<vito Root In ths
TV -liv •»? v v r i Dm con .ijr, u.i., wuhln the
W A*nrNOT«'V l January 0 — The preliminaries h°o r '»« a on -ho flr»t mc»day loFHiruary
-• n>„ |., i ,wt u propntr. t<» wits
f » i . In th ■ i hi dUtrtct ..f ..rtirl
a fl’t •**'i*il f. m Ka
“ Tna Untvwrkal Atkr”—On my journeys
over the continent—through Turkty, India,
China, Japan, l\rn, Chili, Pwraguav, Brazil, and
the Uuiui! States—in them nil to some ex ent
and in some to a great extent, I have die Uni-
yetsal Ayer represented by hifl istnily medicines,
which are olUn held in fabulous esteem.—
W hether they win their marvelous reputation
by ; b A ir cure., I Kmiw not, but 1 know 'bey
“ towch > decree th»t it Irtqu. ally tta« I ot „„„ ,„ n,
iuj! the ripb* ot w»y tbronph tlie pnbbc l.nil. ] t j„ na| w |„., the 1,’oiUil StntM .ml f*p
to the New Orletn. nut Nortlieiutern It.ilw.y, j j n t,. r . ,te«l wo ; ''.iipnr.teil hen. tool.v.
Biwin* tt« tm rey ari.lng Irom the t»h . pi pith-1 MePlmxin, tier. «l tbe M - v., .lewlBii.tiw
lie l.eils tor five yean, to the onmmon ieh. oi. ,|soM.m.1 Vtr*inie.n o' Hichraon.i, and the
of the South, reimbursing I eia« tor the frontier of Ljun,),,,,*, ror pii'-Uc printing
defence amt espu «re; alio relinqoUhing the Th „ Mlnl.ter dirawow* any inteie«l , ,,
government titie to certain !a n ds in r.avt Baton upon either side la the San Domingo question, ' a*» >, *t c •
Itoiue and defining the swamp law*. Missouri circle* consider Blair s elcctioa l» j 2"., ’,1,,
A Besolutlou instructing a Joint committee ! , hn Scr)Hte qnlte pro bable. ' SS!*iS*yrS«*Vt
ot fiYO Senators and eight members, on the ( j n j !ie }f OQM ihe majority resolutions cen- 1 nmg b*c* r
. fho
ns on iu« iw»t *uio i.f Noith LMI-
bonh ».<1 t>f K'iro*i Are-
'11 Tiriut* <>i ami
Owl, in 'i
v W r Wat**
i 'artir of I
>i if
. H*m !
'j*Mi rr|»aio moufy. Property j
Ocesn trlcgrapb, w th power to send for per »uring 'Adrairaiv Gordon end Davis parsed
sons and papers was passed.
t'.cy order acoert oi enquiry notwithstanding 1 thereat 1
A motion to tsko up tin* San Domingo bid j tqpip course was approved by WV. HH
failed, receiving a two thirds vote, ail Demo- | t v $ yy Departmest.
” 1 Brook* presented a memorial for tho exfen-
<*f Atlanta, la Wars
o or Ima, and mi
to an alley,
Ar.ssKA,—Where on this globe can wc go be
yond the orunipiestnt Yankee? Landing at
bad walked but a short distance into
when we reached the northern depot
the to 1 r
of Dr. Ayer’s medicines in full display amoni
the huts, shanties and dourts ot these boreal
tiilies. Tnere the familiar, homelike numes of
I his Cherry Pectoral, Pills, Ac., salute us from
*• Per me tn My Littlk Bkd ” sounds any- J ' u, ® ri " r °* a blore ^bich showb
thing hot poetically euphonious, supno«e
the “ waters ot oblivion " flow over the “ bed
part, what would be the result ? A wet sheet
and a fl >wing—river.
Abstained—We met a certain gentleman
yesterday who informed us that he bail posl
lively abstained from the dangerous habit ol
imbibing We would suegcat to the temperance
organizations now is your time—gobble him.
Promisino.—“1 he preeent city administration
is very promising lor the intens's of tbe citi
zens, in every reaped," The above, we hear
every day on the streets, and it is very compli
mentary to His Honor, Mayor Hammond. Bo
mole it bo.
Patmck FnzaiBBON.—For the 10th year
that faiihlul servant of the city (in the capacity
ot Hall Keeper) enters upon the discharge ol
his duties, having been recently elected, for the
ensuing year, - Pat has been complimented by
His Honor Judge H >pkio», Judge Superior
Court, lor his faithfulness and integrity, aud
was presented by tbe O'd Council with a do
nation oi | .‘5 for his faithluJ and obliging ser
vices rendered in the past.
FniKMRu’s Elkctiin.—At a meeting of Fire
Department ol tbe city, held at the City Hall,
Monday evening the lost,’for tbe purpose of
select lag a Chief and Assistants, for the ensuing
year. The following cand'datcs were elected
Chief Fire Department, John Berkele, 1st As
sistant, Gorge A. Wallace; 2nd Assistant, Joe.
Kelsey. The Assistauta were elected by accla
mation. The grevest harmony pervaded the
meeting, and brief remarks were made by 'he
successful Candida'**, pledging their support to
the Dcpnrtm nt aud >.he interests of the city, &c
Adjourned. ^
Cauottt at Last.—A very cautious and
stealthy rjs’era at flltchL.g has Iwen conduct
ed tor some time past, in tbe euisins ot Pease
and Ids Wile’s Restaurant, evidence of which,
o*va*dnnally • xcitrO Pease’s vigilance, and last
(Saturday night, bo aud his assi»tant, Mr. J. C*
Connally, la’d a nice little trap, info which one
of the suspicious parlies, unconsciously stepped.
Bundrics to the value ol G or 8 dollars, con
sisting chiefly of oysters, etcak «fcc , were rccov*
end, and the mortified darky turned over.
Fire.—Alnut four o’clock yesterday morn-
business than ils neighbor, ami proves that
these simple but sure remedies are even more
necessary to savage li'c than t j ourselves where
they visit every fireside —(Jet Ale-rand. Journal
duel daw ini
“ A Slight (’old," Coughs. Few arc aware
of Hie importance ni ch'iking a cough or
"Slight (.bill" in us flrkt stage; that which in
the beginning would yield le, a mild remedy, it
neglected, onen attHi ks the lungs "Brown's
Bronchial Trochi s’’ vlve sure aud almost imme
diate rebel. " The Troches’’ have proved inetr
efficacy by a test ol many year*-, ami have re
ceived te>l;moiiiah Iroiu emiueut me*p who have
used them. jan7d*wlw
Tiik T.vniRa arc in rsptures at the introduc
tion ol Phaion’s Vitalia, or Salvation for the
Hair This grand discovery enables them to
fdmk<* their ringlets at the frosting hand ol time
in di fiance. Free from any s* diluent, i' rapidly
darkens the grayest beads. Bout bv all drug
gists and fancy goods dealers. )an*7 dawlw
From (J F J. (’oi.nuitN. Doctor ot Dental
Surgery, Newark, N. J.: The popular dentri-
flee known as 8 zodont, liesides fM*ing a very
pleasant addition to the toilet, contains ingredi-
ents, that, if u*od according to directions, will
prove ot the greatest utility to the health of the
mouth and teeth.
Spalding's ai.rE,"
rith Brush, ready for
use. jan7 dawlw
Pimples on tub F*cR~For Gomodones,
Blackworms or Grubs, Pimp y Eruptions and
blotched disfigurations on the Face, u«* Perry’s
Comedone and Pimple Remedy. Denot 49
Bond Street, New York. Bold bv Druggists
everywhere. decJO-eoddm.
Monetary ancpCommercial
Atlanta, Ga., January 9—P. M.
FINANCIAL—Broker? were buying and eel-
iiug to-day at the following quotations:
Gold, buying 100
Gold, selling Ill
Silver, buying V. : ‘i -%
Silver, selling . .T... 108
Georgia Railroad Block .‘bilOn
New Yoih Kxchtinge, > t<- discount.
New Yolk Exchange, h' iiiugfr far
, ’UTTON—The market ' >Nivy ban been
quiet and steady: middling•« 13; r
124 ; go*»d ordinary 12; ordinary il.
GRAIN—Wheat fl 10 to |1 40. Corn 90
lift 00. Oats 00 to 05c. Rye $1 20. Bariev
|1 00
MKAL-fl 00. Feed meal $V
BULK MEAT—Clear sides 124; clear rib
sides 12 ; shoulders 9.
FLOUR—Fancy frauds f7 25; family $0 75.
BUGAR—'Grushcd and granuialod. per lb.
in* the city w ,» .l.tllod ly ,b. .I.rm bell, ring- ‘ 5 ‘ N " W
ing tho usual alarm, and it proved to be tbe
Washington Exchango Baloiin and adjoining
barber shop on flrik The whole building is
a total loss save the walls, the front of which
t-tands in good condition. The occupants sus
taining I', are; Abel Crawford, proprietor
Washington Exchange Saloon, loss $1,200—no
insurance. Loyd A Chisolm occupying rooms
over the saloon, loss about $1,00 ». bhelport,
the barber, loss about $500—no insurance. The
building was insured tor $3,000, and damaged
about $1 0:00. The fire was caused by placing
hot embers in a wi>oden box, which igniting
was c mimunicuted to the fl or, and hence the
conflagration. The firemen were promptly on
the spot, and labored with their accustomed
z.-al aud laithlulucss.
The Courts—Sup rior Coart—His Honor,
Judge Hopkins was engaged for a short time in
hear ng motions ami eertiore.rie on yesterday, end
adjourned until this morning. No case requiring
a jury is on the dockets.
Mayor's Court—An unusual number of delin
querns, witness's and lookersom attended the
first levee et II s Honor, Judge Hammond, yes
terday morning. About leu casts were pre-
Btnted and disp *scd of summarily. Kioea were
imposed to the amount ol 30 or 40 d dlars^-,
d* tault ot payment, ot which the r.*aj .rity of
the oflenders were *cnt beck.
Justice’s’ Courts—Nothing «f much impor
tance to the reading public, is going on IrKtlitS"
courts. Justice Spencer bound over one negro
for petty larceny In ,lbe sum ot one hundred
City Officers.—At the regular meeting cl
Council last night, the following city
officer* were announced as elected for the ensu
ing year. At 14 o'clock, the Council adjourned
urtil Tuesday next:
T* intsa Williams Msrabal
Uapatj Msr'fcal
Ct rk ol Cooncl
City Attorney
Bet|yr o' Magas ne
8ire'»tC*;mialsr»f>u( r
...Firvt LUnteoaat 1’ollet
.HmilS l.iea’t-naat Pol rr
Keeper of Almd. 0*e
Orleans, raw, 12 to 14lc.
LIME—Ten iessee. Georgia and Alabama 50
to 60c. per bushel: hydraulic Cement $5 per
barrel; Plaster ol Parin $d |>er barr*l.
I'ARI)—lu barreis, 144 ; in kegs and cans,
lli to 13 cents.
LEATHER—White oak sole, per lb, 40 to
50c; hemlock sole, per lb, 31 to 33c; upper, pet
dozen, $30 to $35; harness leather, per lb, 40
to 48c.
BACON—Clear sides none; clear rib
aides none; shoulders none, llama shphf
cured CHnvassed 24 , plain canvassed 20 to 22
MOLABBlfiB—Cuba, per gallon, hhiR 32
per bbl. 88; Florida 05 to 76; .New Orleans
prime, 75; choice 80, Byrup, per gallon
75to $1.
TOBACCO—Low grades, unsound, 55 to 00
low grades, sound, 02* to 05 , medium grades,
sound 65 to 75; fine grades, sound, 75 to $1 ;
choice $1 25.
APPLES—Per barrel $4 50 to $5 00.
Market Mrporia r>r Telegraph
> riuo Brown
!*. B Love
v T. Newman...
J H. Porter
Tfc ima* rmure'l .
I* S qieen
s I II >. lATid .
• Y. Langfurd...
T. Htiuon*
New York, January ft—Cotton firm; sales
4 060 a 164 Fu-nr unchanged. Nt’hi<*k> ft') to
Wheti opened su a.ty, but elo e»i 1 cent
gtnr. Corn a shade firmer; new 79 to 79
P -rk unc.baniel. B* *T quiet. Money active
ai 6 to 7 bterhng steady 94 Go d 1U| to 10}
Baltimohb, January 0-Flour firm ami
dull. Wheat firm t in ti’in ami higher;
white*0 '<*81; y.pow 75 to 70 Provim.n—
tint little doing. Poik $20 50. Bhoulders 1*J
Whirky 91 t) 92. Cotton du 1; middling" 11|
Louisville, .1 in nary 7 —Bigg’ng quiet. To-
ttaeco firm Hwinp bu«* fl**t 25 10 z<i Flour
qu et. Corn very quiet,
Cincinnati, January ft.—F’our firm and in
fiir demand. Corn dull at 63 to 51. Provis
ions firm. Whliky 87. Pork $19 50.
ItosT'iN, January 9 —Cotton dull; middling
1 -V| to 154
Wilmington, January 0—Cotton firm;
middliugs 14
Norfolk, Jir.tiarv 9.—Colton quiet; low
middliog9 14; sales i50. ^
New Oiu.rans January 2.—Cotton act’ve | b*it lut
middlings 144 to 14|
8t Loi;ib, Januaiy 9—Flour firm Corn
dull at 42 to 45 Tohacco and bagging—noth
ing doing. Whisky 89 Provision* very firm.
L»rd 11 to 114
Galveston, J musry ft —Cotton firm ; good
ordinary 18).
Mobile, January 9 —Cotton quiet; mid-
Bavamnah, January 9 —Cotton in good de
mand ; middlirga 14| to 14).
<'raui.r**ton, January 9 —Cotton quiet;
middlings 14) 10 14)
Augusts, J tnuary 9 —Cotton firm; middling
14 to 114 ; sal • 4GO
ami Amber. Beatty, Boyd, Fonklinburg,
Hoar, Peter** and Willard voting nay. The vote
ouly requires a defection ot seven Republicans
to carry the measure riquiring stwe. thirds vote.
The bill came up again. Ambler moved sn
amendment that nothing in the rwoln'ion be so
mmiltmg Congress to the policy
. Several repub
licans cried " that's rglt" The Democrats fit-
libustered, and finally agreed to vote at two
o’cli'ek, to-morrow. The House then adjourned.
It is understood that Amblers amendment
will be di fi sted an it would Cau«e delay, and
the resolution ttill pt^ - a tt came from toe Sen
ate. Abt»ott contests V a nee's seat in tlio Senate,
on the ground that votes ca«t tor Yance were
null as being cast lor an inelligible person, aud
that be ( \Mw>t) ie**eived a m*iJority of the legal
votes polled.
Robert W. Filtbughwas nominated Collector
of Customs at Natom a, and Wm HuuU-r Ap
praiser ot Merchandise at Mobile.
The Judiciary Committee considered the ap
portionment bill, ami also considered tnvoiably
ihe amendment to thu bankrupt bill, provided
it should not *i,ve*t tt.o dower ol Iho baukrupt’i
^vile, provided i’ did not confl'Ct w ih tbe State
The Motley and Fob eorrenpondenen coven
thirteen thousand words I lie details are mostly
per ooal. Motley decltnr-d t » r< sign, and at-
»ribute* his removal to Sumner's course upon
the San Domingo question.
The following illustrates the animus of the
Secretary Fish to Mr. Moran, December 30,
reviewing Motley’s course, he nays; It may
possibly occur t«» some sensitive persons that
delicacy, not to say propriety, would suggest to
retired official of the government, wishing to
place Ids views on its official archives, to make
a request to that effect which certainly would
bavt- been most cheerfully accorded to a gentle
ol Mr. Motley’s eminent distinction and
great ability; but Mr. Motley having closed his
mission. Hsk* no permission, but assumes, as a
right, to place his statement on record, ques-
tii n'tig tno taste and dcryina tho light ot this
assumption I nevertheless allow a place in the
diplomatic records 0/ the country to Mr. Mot
ley’s history of the era of his mission, ft is not
tor me to question tiie measure ot Mr. Moiley’s
appreciation ol his position in the coo terrace ot
hia government, but I cannot accent bin state
ment that no shadow ol adiflerence if opinion
existed beiweeu the President and his Govern
ment, ami him«elf. as to our r» lations with
Great Britain. The Secretary then reviowa
with considerable severity Mr Motley's course
at length, and atatea that the instructions given
to Mr. Motley at the time of his appointment
were not fully carried out by lorn as Minister,
and cenniri-s him lor submitting to Lord Clar
endon a dispatch tor verification be tore submit*
ling it to ins own government. 'I he Secretary
says, in commenting on Mr. Motley’s statement
as to the unanimity ol the Senate on the occa
sion of hia confirmation and ns to tha cause ol
hia removal, "Itremains only to notice Mr.
Mutiny's adi»|**.iou oi tho rumor which had its
origin in tb:a city, inra source bitterly, person
ally and vindictively hostile to ihe I'resident.
Mr. Motley aaya it ha* been rumored that he
wan removed from tbe post of Minister to Eng
land on account of the opposition made by an
eminent Senator who honors him with hi*
)»•*** '«hip to th** 8an D.Mntngn Ireaty. There
can lie no question as to the identity of tho enu-
neut Senator at whose doer Mr. Motley ia will
ing to deposit his removal, au-J it ia unworthy
r.1 Mr. Motley's loal merit and ability, ami an
injustice to Ihe Honorable Senator alluded to,
to whose influence and urgency, he was origin
ally indebted for hia nomination, to attribute lo
hint the cau«e of his removal.
Mr Fish says Mr. Alotloy must know that
many Senators opposed tbe Ban Domingo treaty
especially, and with as much efficiency an did
Mr. Burauer, and that they continued to enjoy
the sx>i fidence of the President.
Mr. Fish proceeds at considerate length, to
point out the untenable ground taken tiv Mr.
Motley, and shows the time cnosen lor Mr. Mot
ley’s removal, was the p.roperone oo Diplomat
ic considerations.
The Court ol Claims decided to-day that a
document cer“ ‘
there was proof a* to i»a authenticity. This
question originated in respect to iho Archives of
ilie Confederate Govt rnment adec ing the polit
ics! s a'.ues o! claimants in tn. Court.
New Yonx, January ft —The City of Brook
lyn, Hence to Liverpool, wa« spoken pailitlly
disabled and proceeding under canvas. The
mails and a part ol the psMblgcrs woro trans
fer! vd to the 11 ansa.
The oil refinery at Green Point burned—loss
$1 000000
L'.**u'en;»iit-Govcrnor David R. Floyd is dead.
Thomas Kells’ paper n*i ll, at Newton Fal.a*
B ist >n, January ft — The committee of cred
it *»rsol Oakes, Am-a A Co, ie|M»rt the assets
exceed liabilities $8 000,(KM) The credi'ors
gisrled autxtcnsion with 7 per cent inteieat.
Havannmi, Jtnuary 9—The newspaper
pinners in this eily are on a strike lor sixty
eriiL per thousand • ms. The propiietors iiave
refused to pay It Thu pilot now ti fifty crats,
and prim* rn who w<>rk a full week make from
$80 to $00 pi 1 «r* k at tbo prh -
Mlll’l'll < A MOLINA.
WiLkiNOTON, January 9 —'Tt a el* , e'lou for
ti n aldermen took place to-day. The entire
Republican ticket was elected.
of tho w. th q hydrographic office!- _ _
offieer# of the leading Marine I .Mimtire Com*
paniel, frbm tho Mail Steamship Company,
lbimm* WnilrnO^ I'^mnanv
- - . . IT Of
New. .m ** for Mr.*. TablU* J. P<
Tabltlu I t ‘>wrr* for iHirr’iaso munajr, tiy viitua ol
uiltri 1 ia iMUftl i rout Vaiton waiwrior Court,
lhcr«*m aimiaixia hall
tho north bjr
tu hy “ *
of W
Hi i.i i, on to* aontn hy Eilwaril
one aorn l uorao,
a tlmo and plare, ona roan horae and
Nai>ertor *
Panama Railroad Company, Atlantic Mail
Steamship Company, New York an t Mexican
Steamship Company, and a large nurtiber of
merchaots * whose commerce L all over the »i»«r»s**.' eonntf, ua , in faror of Wiu,
world. ; Thom*» Hmilli, fropwly (toiuted out oy pUiaUfl’i
A bill was introduced for tbe consolidation of I
ai.<lih« property ol ^i nomaa Hmtih ; !<
of and »«> aatialj a fl fa laatnrii
cleanetrg r.*r
Mur-; had odors In all hinds of slcknera
forbarns, aor
i\ wound*, -tln^a; for Erysipelas, rhea-
math.-! an 1
: >*kln diMises; for catarrh, sore month,
a. re ..’.*(’, .1
.:!i ia; for colic, dim bo*, cbo'era ; aaa
w»«h lo ••’<! heto'liylng ths slt'n; to remove *nk
ap to, i.i.Ul.
, f: 11.t -la'na; ta'.ou Intorra’ly aa well
aa apolled «•
l-T* ** v; ao h »'y rccommerde 1
all win Lav,
ii* .i it-!« for sa'e by all Dr'itrirlalsand
Century Mir,
unis, -.1 may 0” order**! directly
JURbT pifOiMiYLAtrrio co .
Is *i
1GI toiiHam Hfrswt N Y.
B v .
»»f Grd’narr of
‘ *re tho co
m*t .If i.tuialnlug one hundred
tho Indian tribo*,aud an organization syiietn fori
the Indian territory. Adjourned
N«w YpRK. January 0 -The French Gov
ernment iutormadbe telegraph c nijrany that
messages tor Paris l>o forwarded by p'geons, at
the 'Si-ndeFa usk—charges ten cents per word.
Messages must oof exceed twbofy wordy.
London, January 0.—Spanish Csbinet—
President, Berauo; Foreign, Marto*; Justice,
I’llra; Marine, Berrangor; Interior, Bagosta;
Public Works, Zorllla: Colonie*, Aya'iL
A dispatch from Havre, January 4th, con
firms the dispatch, already published, of a great
battle *’tt the left bank ol the beine. The battle
was very fierce nad sanguinary, and lasted
seven houra, but no decided advantace gained.
Loss of the l'r.tsaian* heavy. French troops
showed remarkable spirit ano daring.
Gen. Marteuflel telegraphs from Amiens, on
the 3d inet : Gen. Bartheim, with troops from
the first army corps, attacked the French early
in the morning ot that day, Tuesday, on the
lett bank of tbe Heine, and captured three can
non, three Hag", and five hundred prisoners.
Bartheim. himself, telegraphs from Klouen on
the 4th. confirming the above and adds he ha» j ^l 11 ,
pursued tho enemy beyond BottrgacharJ. The |
battle lasted throughout tho day,
VehharLLBs, January 5 —The bombardment
of the southeru fort* ot Paris commeucs I (Ids,
Thursday, morning.
lima an*! place, part of land 1o» Mo
77, iu me i»:a aiatncl. iheOarl ao levtid ou is in
W ant v, H>ock 10, fronting ft ’ tail on Mt'<'b«ll alrsai.
1 A lfi>r*l
ii'lng si .t Imuu in
r -i ll co iuly. on the r*»aa lead-
out vi*!o. Ho! asthupropiT-
<lrr«*ar.fur lh« baneiit of lh«
. r-MlTII, Ailmlniairstor, Me.
) propeitf n| Mi-Nmig
Hid I1OU80, tU
Aiianu. On raid loi
>* * •* »,*’ "*". d "?'*••' "“ ‘.".-'.''“Y, ■H*'** ! ' h ilt.lnct or Hgunl,*;,iry r
c. rt.» *• i'.o.'.t.y ol Ini. tioloB, )U, J rrmiiy iio.r.1,, ^..[a ... tb. |.[..portv ol
to . g|»I. .nd w«ntj UK A 1.4o*hi, ias |o; tlio r,;,t„oi U II lUrlio. d«a... d, loruSlM
Alio, at tho aamo ttmo and p
77, 11 tho 14th dlairlc*.
1, bloc* .*», roiuauilng
north anloof Branch Atmy, and
of th« haira
k Vik | novtD-ld
Korrjth airnvt. on tho | (•F.UItM.I, PaKx'
‘ 1 in Il« £omor u( tho
city of Atlanta, Ua.
d ix'fora tho coort
Jauna’-y lies', wit tile t l 'e It gal 1 oora of aalo
and twon
u.g fr.
heirs au*! credi
rOvt*' td
1 \ |( 1 rOt>l LALB.
I)V vlGna of an or*lrr of the ('oar of Ordinary ol
I 0 Kxye'fi* countV, will !msold before the Court lluueo
*•*»'r o the town ot Kttyouevthe, on tho tlrat I'lKtday
J- N* .arv n-* . wi**i 11 tLo logal houra of sal* ;ho
ntxtnlnv MU* acres, mora or
h dialrlti of orlKinaily M.ury now
.. .u- • (operiy of the
lor tha benefli
psia purs
« umo and placa, 1
. land lot No.
oAcoout) imx fl fa for hia or lor the year Ih7i*.
r -* * —, oi tar"
iron ling
rtory wood dwelling. In
-atiLa. ln.Tia.1 on a*« tht
iriifto** f *»r wife, to raiii*
... t.iuaiulng ibrea-toariha of
o).» hulk the property oi l»ClSii . _
nutlet rtrratr, tn tlia city ol Atlanta,
ua. 11* me a«i<l lot •
whim .he defendant
prop, r > <*l •lam"** ii.
• y a Ma.« and count7 ui a (a lor hia tax for the > war
lorn. ^
e.*t the ratso tlmo and place, part of land lot
No. (Vo, in tho U1I1 dlatrict. The part mi lavled on in m
Ward 4, city lo.a •* ai d 7, from* on Forest Avenue l’)»
laei, running hack ISO irot. In Ur City ot Atlanta, «•»
toe property 01 tbdwiu II Bucou, to rutia.y
1 con uiy
fa ;
tha yeai
Ume and plaeo, part of land lot
Now .A-clvortiNomento.
Fulton County Deouty Bhoritf. Juleo for
iebrUMy. 1871.
Tiu-aday in E .oraary n i
PVHIHHPiHI. wttiun the
no, the followiag doe. riivtd property, to wn ;
one lot cf laud containing x*Jy» aoi
being land lot SI; also, Sf acres, embMClug t:.<*
>ro or leaf,
g the r»al-
IS’U day ol
aiao Sff **nu.
aud hi* Iv.uwwry,
AUgH't. I #U, Iwing pari of land lol HI., and a’
on land lot »T. known aa W'nlto'a Sia;ix*:ier I'eu; all !*i
the l »ih diauict of orlgiua'ly Henry aow Fulton county;
.evKd on aa the property ol It ichael K. ra, by virtue oi
aud to rauaiy a mortgage S la, ltiued iroji Knlton
mi per! or Conn, In favor of Oil WooUwm<1 va. JklrJiael
Kr.ea. Property polulwi ont by plainiifl'a attorney,
llmr and place, IS acres of land, morn
a i.orthwuxt qtaruir ol Ibl 1 (-•* *;
nlaugh-ar tVu iot. nca^oan *>i »*it
I I VN>, and ue*crib*-it a - !*focki > 1* and
il) l. virion wtdi h a.Ip l'iv 4,-i *i fa-l w d«, rm
nlo< ka
ing lau '
tier on (he- e m W I’
William i tiara' catata oii ilia wcat.
to, conu'uiug *)a nee, more ..r leaa -ell in Ihe l4ih
diatrict oi or gluany li. nry now Tulton county,
Uin dtatrlet. 'iho|Mitr
warn i, minin g on btonewall atreo:.
property ol Mtlirrou and Love, and containing o
nail oi an acre, wore or lew, in the city <«i Adams,
Ua. On said .« the dtlcida*. raatdc**, .evled on aa tlm
property oi V au*. a. to aatialy a rttate an.1 coaniy
A i«. u* ili* .anM tim« and placa, part of land lot No.
Vi, in tr.** ii *. on, * i in- p.n »o levied oa lair.
Warn No a, training **n Camomi otrr.-t, aidotuiog iho
property ol iluM-eru, i«* rry ant Elgin, ano coiiiainlui;
«»na luaiU oi au acre, more or leea, lo iho city oi
On raid lut la a ob»i my dwelling,
.tn u ui. rturiea I'lneauey reeiuea; Icvicii on aa
properly ui U.r i hevea. I.) aaliafy a mate aud
Iiy in I fa fur hia tax lor tin* year 1H/0.
»<», at die st.ii ■ lime and placu, part ol lend lot No.
Ward 4, Iroutu.g on ; o.nna eirec-i, adjoinli.j; the
UaDivxat * Lfvioa, Deccwkcr fb, 1H7U,
r W'. JONES epnllea for tellers of ednmletietloo on
# Iht* o*(ate o’ / U Jones. eased
All persona oc*pci*rne*l are n, tifled to Sle their nhlcc-
tlona, II any ext.t, w<ihln the tun- shewed My lew else
letit-ra wl 1m /rented tho ki ..llca.’t- ft '(ness mi
olllcial si ;i,el’ll-. J. L. W luHUT Ordinary.
oeciO ao-i (sri* ter'a fee td.
Guttriliitn’si Halo.
$)Y virtue of SB order mm the Court of Ordinary o;
9 Kulioit cm.'ily, on tho First Taoeriey tn Januerr
»t, will l M * s • d Iwfore ihe four* lloesu door iu
roBn'y, between the ItgeUouraoi
(>nr* cl ol land lying end being In
i known on tho map of said t.ty
H«iv;go a’rect, aud iho aouth oi
19 Kuluiii i
u. at, will b«*
Dalton, WVifl»-l
It o city of /Mlfon, i
Jeruiii aarh.
MART A. \N ILLI a. .4h, Onardlkfl,
US Spring Term oftbepreeeal session begins ot
tbe 1st of Pebrsary. The re arrangement of OltMes
Uua nude enables undents to cater the several school?
with *dva* tage. Stadente entering at Utl* time pay
A!l the Academic dchoola of the College, u wsU
i* thu rrofeeelonal Schools of
law and enoineekino,
For ftrther Information address
Wl LLI A VI DOLD, Clerk ot FsiHlIfi
MO l lU-hi.
Cf sax « Offivs, Scraaaa flornr o» (lioaert, •
Atiai.ta, Decern bar gl, 1110 f
l ' •lM*'ara frow the docket of the tiopreme Cenrt, tot
the January Term of W71, that th« order of Clrcmte,
i« r.unlwr ol cases trow each, le as follows t
'Taeaa ciaoviT.
souruwaaTsaN ontrurr.
rxraCLA ciacrir.
lari/ ."..Il.rill
Terra'J, (II continued)
eaxTTxaooiaaa ciBmnT.
novlO-lawtfan* printer's f-s *5 p.*'r ajuari'
(*. W. Vfltlll, InctloiHter,
A.f 1 ministmtor’a Sale.
B Y virtuo of *n order of the Court i«T Ordinary of
Fuliou rou 'y, G.wrgia, granted at the August [ Mo<
iinn,i *1 dav «*l Auruat. lap). ; will sell before the ' "
court ho .*. door m I’m city of Atlanta. In said county,
on thu i ,r* I'u.-an, tn February neat, between the
ntgai Do i-* o, ■, -i, • f i.towing proporty, to -wit:
Three lo'*, it i *- uo-h, fronting on Mitchell atree*
aflloinli g -n*i M** <•’• A Western Hallnad righi-of-wa*
January Xu, l»7n.
or less. Joining
known #• Wnits
l.iiig uoi (h ami couin,
lauds ol John A l/oar
i', and
Alao all oi land lot
on ar tho propsrry ol Mlcuael K t |o« hj v.rtiio ol ano io
-.ii- --*-—*- ' *- laaueu from Kmion hupi rlor
... Property
A lioiatuger vs M hin
atlly a moitgago fl I
pointed out :j> p amtifl'Butiori * y, Janutiy
pairei ol i >t *1 m said County >eiug part oi lai
, IU7l.
t tractor
•ant #td(Ml
tn* •» orn< r ot % afioru aero tract
i Peters r mng .-nat (W)
haitp or -4*sa ltd lu'width”, along
■ snd a sup o| GA i
— l*.^ in
i fl ia irtu-il from
V Al i ,inu.nghi:m vs lilcUard
i oat oj i Ui mill s etiorucy
$ ray of Hirhurd J
g -iontain
, by virtu*
i plan ot aanl tl’y aa lot «•»
■ <>l W*ikur ant h tone wail virvot*
the Jtib diatrhi •>' y lieory
™« ni 2» 1 *>' iw» r*>*-
it*nt could not lx* nflo-ed in rvMonce, unleaa smuok uiau.fa *, two hay pr*;a«M.
1 ro.- tly yiuin ad uui by
j>. Ml
piac*. one large framed
mic M-lory end hair
rurCaoi eua inaicbiug
shOUng, one ton-
u h.pley i
‘is ol en u
Un i
which ttioueleiidei.t realdea. Leviod o
lor till lex i
meets, enj • in lug u- prop
i bii.i'i eud comity tax U|_
nd plaeo, part of land lot No.
ng -;-«ia4) foot, on Foraytn |
lot la meant. Levied
lot No I, ucTt *>» Mio r.vlroad, la 7fl fuel
•“*’ ' v ' “ 1 f ot deop—«“
u*1 pie
fieri lug •
ir«e-Ogutr.a •>
I lot No.
a occupied
U fa for tier
bydoteudant t.-vi.d •
teliaheu, to aailsly n »
las Uii year i *• I.
^ Als'j, et in- aetna 'iroe and place, part of land lot No.
W ard «. Hip. k a. Ir-utlng o.i '( «*!..n<lon and Fair
aitiutr. edj *.nmg th*< ptonna-s <•! J J nl'.barda, and
conle.uiug one null u. ... « rr. ni^ie or lore, in the
city ot A.(ant*. . On said ol ij a onu aiory wood
dwi-liing, In which the rt«-lrn*l». * now rrs!>n*s. i.evleo
on i*a the p’up. r’y ol Mi
liroutiS, ndjotiutg i
iMvigcuou it *>g «wo eiMi e nail aeres, more or tera, tn
the cli) of A leiii* *fa i.. v .d on ea ta-j proper.y of
It N Waiuin, to s.ttiaiy a Htate aud county lax fl la tor
hia tax lor thu >«ir l * pi.
A’-oo, at tiioi*ain<) tim*i and place, part of land lot No.
77, lo tho 1 tt ll District. Tha Cbl Ml lrviert III. lain
lu Ward a. Itljrk i*. lr.)i.”r.<
th- iior.k I.) •»
rain . ,»n ity, d
balance . » ,
. -?*ft
>nth aid- of aatd
"■ w '' # ' ul dwelling of the iato John-
. tin* soul n aide of Mttchtil) street,
*».. «xl<! •troct aud raunlug backHH
n oi. soum aide of Hunter street
* 1 -‘1 vir-el. aud running back ISO
o • one story dwelling; said lot
Hi -mas Kej uolda, aud llotcklsa. ail
n'a Also, oi-s-fourth of an acre of
>r g'. d r «*vw Fuilen county,
'•» ’g * vir-o:, (u in*.' n .*: known) on
o bj Thomaa J » .rdan’a lot, aud on
n llridweit'a lot. All oreaM iota
r i*- of j ihnvon Hrt*1woll, lain ot
- I .-o,d f-»r the h-nefll of the liulra
of • lie- -one-half cash,
from *la’u. Notes
Deed# mad" when
KUi’ UHIDWELL, Adm'x, and
-N l..l.l>W*LU, Adi,IT,
ol Johuaou Uridws l, doeoarLl.
docih-td printer’s feegfl per agnare.
GEORGIA Clatton County.
Ordinary’s Office, October 10,18/0.
Fl fc ti em'lnapd).
TaLLarooea circuit.
Merrl well., r
Truap (1 (on tinned)
ZLSifflflg ' WuSEloa'.'..'.'
filed ro-
, part of land lot No.
li the l*tu u.a.nci ul or g tin I y i
ity, >«a. Tub pari ao [
ntv oi Ail»nta,irL.u.lng o
a snd place, part of land I"' No
A Morthi.t Msoaiirb a >e YorNotn HaaDiRa,
Term* f l fiO a year in aavtti* JSc a an .-!*• uiimb-r.
A uberai diacoont to r oha. Preialnma given tor new
subs riher* A sample tutuo *t lor 1'J tvi-ii
Address tbe Publisher,
• • par* of land 1)1 No
pert ro levtee on U In
; tronilng»c llarna onu
tli-ieisoil. has filedlita flutl retarn, show-
_n.t !
Which letter* will I.* grouted on Ihe Ora Monday
ermber nuxt, iimeea aouto valid ubJecUone *
cooling to Uw.
J. 11. MORlU)W, Ordinary.
’ ' '■ * »..;j.e«‘# tee $4 *
UKOUolA, KavRTTi Uouati,
OarxeaRt 'a Ort'cr. December Sfi. 1ST
W T. WILLIAMS having applied for Leitere of
• Guardianship ■,{ in* j. -rson and property of
tho 1'iiuor «-hll'lr**n of l-*aa*: II. .-vmitb, deceased :
^|Yliia la, lli**r<f*.r. t*> noiiiyall |>er»on« eoncerned to
preacribt<’ by iw^.
i the .Iril J
i, within the time
•e !< tier* will l>« grantod ihe eppli
Fehrnary JHTl as applied
david v. minor,
OaDtNsRT’a OrvtOB, JauuarvS, 1IT1.
W H HTONt'KLL applies i.v-me lor exewptloa of
• per# . «ii) a.i-l tin* a. ttmK apart aud valuation of
the a.’.*#, mid [ will pwa upm tin: aama at my offlra in
", A. M , OB the 17ib dsy of
i amphuil andDrahe, Jauuary, 1871,
)SaMSf1l pr.nbw’a fee gS.
A.«liiiIiiImIriiLor'M Hulo.
N. R. FOWLER, Auotlonoor.
j£. »• *.f a* nrL»r of theOoBItof Ordinary of
levied oh j fir ml T.iiwdey
J. 11 MOKMOW .Ordinary,
sold h *fore the court ho'iac
h*>ara ol ■
uelei.iuni i ow i
o. at the ram** time and p
i*. eaUsfy a fc:
”.* vr,r *.
, part of mud lot No.
rt ro levi.'d on la In
j Lounty in fl fa for hie
lee, part of land lot No
so icvlrtu on ia in
W fuel i n Milchul
■roperty ol Thomai
. la On a* <: lot la i
ilrfcmient lonaony
•Tty Ot SS wn* r Lyons to
fl fa lor liia laa lor tbe
ira. part of land lot No
city lo' N
ea*t .*» '
: g rs' Uni
i.nry .
creditors of A K Mar«li*vl.,
(, being a |Hirtlon of
l iho I Sth Urtflei ol
lor Inc bouufllol heirs end
'. U. OIIBEVE*», Ada’r.
A-diniaLstrator’a Halo.
B l „:x°
iu J h *my i
I. ih« city ol
a inv properly
One hui ii d au*J u i> »
#f lleury < u«(y. . I Ui
tore#! ol Mvry Al«i *nda
a lexaoder, sc. dm eaa .
h id a* proneriv oi t.
ceaaerl. for kite benedl ol
r.*m the »Joort ef Ordinary ot
*a »*. d, on Iho flrat Tu* *day
' » > »’ houa*d*«.T tn Me|)>,n
i * * of laud the ate district
lo , J dilug •*.<)• of II I.
a id ku en aa the dower .’u
Jj* * saal. It’d widow of L
Alexander, Hr., d*s-
degfl wit
lltt Broomfl.-ld H rue’, ll**-ton.
‘la* k, to ta> i y a tar fl la lor Ida l
11Lo same Hint- am! par*, part of land lot No
ISardl contain ii.
GliOHUI A, llxxar Courtt.
oauiNABT'a OvriOR, Mov* .nhe ! I. 1870
I J7 L. H T :i LIV *N, Adnlnl tratr a Thomaa M
Jm hnUivau ai pi er f..r leave to in.) th* real eatat.
I ol »a’d Thomas M nullhan dec* aaed-
I If oh'.ectl'ina ea st, le li. in h<-fl ed with,
time, or tha .eave will be gre led
uty ufR:ial tl#nature.
' "OLA N, Ordinary
I Man
'J | art ro levied *
: one 'ninth ul en acre, more or (era,
ifi> of M*. f t.) and Auatlu, fronting
, in *r. c i» oi A’latte, «ia. l.evied
of j I hi’1 raon, to aet'aly a uut.
In' !. ■ .a* for tho yi
LOfIf flltt
deceased, rtpreeanls
New Y hik, J ii *irv ft - Tim Tammany I uKoHui.t, Pulton count?
Commlll'-*- i«' rew-MV*- tbe rnnlana by ibe Cuba | i;oubt or OaontaT. Nr
mol tr* <1 ty. Ricfiarl O Germain, I’reii lent of . H . chu 1,B
ll.c C ", mil ter, oppr.lnted » .flee. 8ul»c.l|,tion, I h* 1 **• u * '
i l ihe au'ierrlp'.lon lo l>e dispUyc*! ;
ninni of i' I*’ N* applii;*! t<i 1 liv bufteiRDtiiil relief
atid comfort < f the oh|rc( of thu demonstralion.
I osnos, J inuv) 9 —Tbe HLtnda r d int'mates
ed tor i ii v if the pew Alnbuma negofi itioni fail,
the lanll will be wbb America.
Tha goverment of P.iria Las i«-urr1 a decree
announcing the consolidation of all the military
organ F."ions
A Bjnnifi He publican iusurreciion has bro
ken out ir Baoii
primer's Le fi”.
ory I lvr**e*i»i e* :
i Ileal*), In
-, pan oi la d lot No.
’Wled on la In
ft, irouting.
dj*» i.'i.g ii.e | roperty of Tiiri.t-r~aiid
All |>eraoua cnec
Iona, If any exist, '
runs •' d muicIo
November Term 1*70.
dmiulstralor of t
uf iha hi lie of Ml i.
and praya for
notified to fl> their objec-
M. Hi
! Ward *
,'ir-g .
i T. Cooria, Clerk
Attest r .
d« 7 ♦ wi pelnter's
OBbiatav's Oyrxs, -'a* u
JOflN T BRANNON hav-ng app’led
• I diar.aiilp o. the p*reon a*,
a minor child of J f Loeb,
'1 nla is therefore to aotlfy a l persona .
i time
* Htyne and Mags
Lt»m—Labor !r capital H stow good I adtjimvi Kiroiun sii.k.
liCRlih ni»on a that he can labor every I —
n* out of acven daya, arui i o im»iGT Low poor |\, It. I O W I* I li, AllC*tlOllC©l*,
I e may have lieeo at thtc-imnicncementot ii!e’a 7— ,
.re, bem...n ,* «c,........ »
f'rtune, p» video hr lake* Cir? of I ■ * arnii gs l t f , nr , tl ,. , r „
Fiantation 1U’'*t» isc-Dam to make tbe weak x .r«* i'n«tK*.ay m February t
• nee strong, nr ! to r.res rve the health ot ^/J 1 *- w ,. .
.,,- .is b.nnr «• con t .4«Ml .-tVlISl*!„„*
Ing ordinary limit lor brain work. At the x-
j*ir*tion ot th s time the ph wpborua i* c.aercti
!f, an tin in .r* Lea-omea irtftahre and uervoua.
li he t« p<>-»r, ai d cohimiiea * n et hi* toak, aw
moat of ftoor doc • re, 1 iwyers and editors do, h*
wUl be, certain lo ah<.r'*n i> a days and fi'.un
untimely grave, as m i B r Wader K-'.itt, unl**s siKOMtilA
lie Uace P aniatioD It tiers, whii h speedily re
st >ree me viUs* energy repairs hia inoigeaiion,
t.nd c*irrtct« ihestugeiah circulation ol hia ulood
S«» M>« F.ipine f-om pure I isb Mufla, for
D ane Mange, J’ ffidmga. LUbUrde, Greatr.s, Ac ,
‘Vo. I d* cl)eH;*ea’, heultbieat, and most duli-
t out food : .u tbu WO*id. Jau7 dawlw
Kbki.iv, j»nn»rv » -Tiie Kin* In ; /rutad aid
to 1 tie fpiero from V er-ni I***, on llx 8th, that piicaotaa appite*i for.
Frederick Char lea continue’ hi % vittori^wa ad ... ' D\njkl fittman, Ordiaary.
vance on L°mona. E^rythlng haa been quiet | t Vr4 In r ’"’ , 00M “’ i*rtntcr's tee tt v.
UKOUlilA, DrKvi.i
Admluiatralor of 1
j j'opa
ol dla oifmJai t o >m r«* .
A Ml'n >’«■ to sen*
h a tai lor tnay*k( 1*
Alan, at ll * »»n.»
, Warn l.'c M a no . **,
enj .iL’ug '*.« | r
1 lii*i,tlug ol» ?-'.i j*'.a«**
Lav'.ed *. »• •• ;r<
a Hia’eaiel e***i* (y le
A a i, at tb- a n« l
7t, In the 1th dirt
1 Ward .'*, ceniaii it g o
0-1 Lo-.k’e »’r 1 '
' aa the l-rofcrty of
I BUI*' and r «o.*ty lax
h 31,1871.
Ka b county
a H-«i« aa 1 cwnn'y lex fl fe
1 <1 ple'e, pari of lead lot No.
•-(>, Ia thu city ol AllanU, Ga
rtory dwelling, In wh'ch the
Levied on aa the property of
a Mato and coun'y tax fl fa for
e snd plare |*ar' of land lot No.
• ■■ *■
el. lo tl*e *11/ ol A'leou, Gi.
) o* t harl* e l»r«*eii, to Mt’.fy
« luf 1 IS tax lor Ihe year i •*■).
’I !*• par’ r . .v •••! on is '|.
PvInUr't fee S3 i*
Agents Wanted.
aaaTRBM circuit.
fierce (continued).
BRuaewinx circuit.
The Tele*'re ph M Messenger,
Navai 1,ati News, end Th L'lironlr.
((nested to puollsli thie n*»tice .
weeks, and send their bilJa to tMai.fflre
Z.D. HARKlIton,
de*-«i-;»wiw MmMh
AL.clmiiiistrator’o fc*ale.
B Y vl-.aeol an order from the Court of Ordinary of
* !ayt'*n « ' . 't *.» , wil! he #<*l«l borure Ibe coart
b*)0*e • ,r, .11 the *w” of Jonaa’iorn. between the
uaua . ia • *.n lb * first Tuesday lu Febmary
natt 4% 1 a< r*e *.f .aud * , wit; narta of loU No 87.
the t rill District of originally
L. Ft# 'Wi. u
No 81
on connly. Hold aa the property of H,
■ased, '#r d a'rihu tlsn, Tenas cash.
M A ICY J. FIELDt£it, Administratrix,
aerjtna printer's lee fr, prr square.
UKOKKli, PmenmOtravr.
W M A KM, lit* ap;,!ted lor exempt’
ally ..*4 friting MM -
on the da, Jan.;»ry,
decXl -ilflwli r. li Ur's lew gt.
4 V4IIO qi'ACKI. a victim or earlr Indlawe-
iV 1 * 1. • o-1 w i * v*.ua de*'v'*y. piomature decay,
** 1 . * . ; r* rn"dv, he* a
• U), 1 a s »I k- .icirr wi <..‘1 he will aeud free t«#
h sl* . : re. ACdr.-k J II TUTTLE, .A Na»-
uus’-ri , N s )i>r. cecfll—w8m
, minor, bat
* canvasser! wanted
1 Insurance Com
1 Uoi IM, A’leula IVat 0.71
by 1 sitter,
aeplIA uAwlf
MAICY H lIUDUEi, * Libel for Divorce In Foiayth
JOHN vr? IIUDJEH -J<?rl * r 000,1 AM,,t **"
I T appoeriug ho tl._ _
himrlo Uut thu deeudaut d«.*ea
county, a :d n lurffc* r ap,o aring t int ks do«-
s that tb/
I this
>nrldt*ed In du noli, aud
lid And ll I* fuilner
pabllaltod lu the Atlanta
U for lour n onlha.
N D. KNKiUr J. H. O.
row the n'.i.ttee. Augur. Term, 1810.
J. T. liaowx, ciera,
pilniur'a tee 8
AvLaar* (Ja , January flih, 1971.
^ FTIft iha Ir-i dayof Kihruary uext_ tbe^legel
A true eztrac
fail otvlw
' * BuVy'k
J an7 dfltl
a from Ihs Or Unary'
I be ps'ul.b
if a o/tl'-e
Atlanta L
of lul
l*i v* .pan of fond ffL* Offi:e Slate Agricu tural Soc’eiy,
derfii -
' A tte«t; Joua T ('ooran,
iD lh** North hlcc ti" *'M The trom'wrdmpnl I Ulll . * ;
I her*-1« proceeding tavira' lv. 9KOH9IA, DaKtia < ovrtv
j War'Iimitok, January -The Committee , - n htiU'ah’i/. 0rr,rB befvesher^is, inn
I on Fore gn R*-i»tu»n» look the t«et vote upon el. 1
b«’dore 1 • J,in D in 1 ngo question with two mecnbArs
o’ »a'1 coin, y,c*'#^<d '**’
> ni aiiaoia, on th**! abesii*, who rer'fntly wire ai* verse to the meaa
v t In Uie ureal hoar- \,»\ ng 1*. rum >*U .ti me iFur.-s. The vote
stood upon tli • motion direr*mg Banks to report
the fniiate MU on M'>ii»lay. Av»i — Banka,
Orth, .Myers Na>i—Shelfoa, of N* ; w York.
Wl liard, Ambler, Swan, Wood. Ahoeut— VN il
kin on and Judd.
to, at ti. t a.
» *1 *1 e'» * *nd| me*
elf MJ.i t * •*.'
Lla tu lor ffc« yea*!
1 *1 l' |A
1 ii; u.« wr-lo-utba of aa nr«, 1
' , 1'(*,*• rty <*f « nrt.e, from’ s. 1
u.i a 1 on n to b a>.Lb All y, In
M Lt.a, to sa'lsiy a Male and
Ui t ,r ms r*.4f 1-W*
r large marble 1
■VIE Om-si* and il-rr.h r
I 1mm dial 1* to Ihl* * t<
| with lbs 1(U roe.!- tbs ’
* tofr*
ilmWd by law, el»e isavs w : bo pran’ed 1
•en* »• applied or. J L \A jnaON, oMJnary
der!)l -Mfd Prleisr’a fus *a O'
Notice to Debtort and Creditors- *
fllHE n r *l«*»igT>od hershf |jiv«* uotlc* that he has'
A l)*an appointed by tbo court of Ord nar> c
af^, Admlbl.lratorof t'
I p ace, part of land
•J ’ 1^,
* property ol )V,
11 a a- rt.. more er less, o.( said Jo.
1 *a dwelling. Levied oa as Gmprop-
Uolcts, to satisfy a b’ata and
huperlater.* ^
l that ll 1* Impor ant that
I** the XPl F«b’u\ry Cob-
jr cu'tu-al buddy.
•a >u d bi sen; forward
aa. under tbe agreement
*14 ma«t Ik a.l*d out here
n. and tbsb id.; to tie
tea uM,s a by ikm f*,r
W U r _
sn*l piuperiy of IVililan .
e. plic i lor .save to tel! a |*orti(.a or tee real aslato
belonging io n a sa'd ward lur his benefit —
All i*erautis c*>ni.rn*d a:a hereby ....tilled to file tbel*
objeulon*. ii any txlit, wlthlu th lime allowed bf
law, eiac luava wi'l b ■ granted for ' sri« of seid reel
ratal* DANIEL PITTMAN, Ordinary.
» . * lator’e lee >41C,
UBDIMRY'* 1 *r»ire, December 10,1970.
U DHEMT J. PA UK Hit, Ex* n .»r of me estate uf
a.-s ■'! «. . ail. r,IK' «( voidc lunty.deceased,
rc|»r. •(.* t) iu Ii a i- iU.on do > fl H. fiat L* ha« tally
dlsrnar;* u 1
their 0'*! c iu • tf
eertb d L,
•Bid ap.J,tank.
Jan.) tod
Notice to Debtor* and Creditort-,
ewfd -in
will bn pr .utvd
•(.Or*: .ary.
fss M *0.
rayeue coeaty. e:
the untUrsIgi “d. ALy 1
eetaleur ' . i. *'. .
fled to pre*enl incut lo te
■ W-
1 time,
11 of ( apt H• r rv Uolms, to eallsfy a h'*'
u'.ty tax a fa f.* nl* tax f-.r toe 7ear L>-7 n
wh' in two ere Duniocra'a. N dwitbetandlng ! '"'JB'y, AdmlnUtratof of tn* et**'# oi A . liamLi.
11,1 f.,l*(.* •* v.ite It 1- ka h * a tn alter **t rnurt. ev f !ale of val *i county, d**ra#**i. a ! b**reey ntflra »
the aav» v*»ip. m aa, h « 01 court*ey, f , <r rn , having demands a*vfr.*i ee -1 eeutc u» pr*a 11
• iffy tax I
fl A KlflH, hherlf.
F R)
i y ft ed
nrnbert 1870,
*, deceased.
1 la lyo
Ait* at:
•lerA 4 <3
Ait* at: Job* T.Cocrea,«
Bee adyiutpoimknt of Dr. Butt* Di«r*n
»uy. hLAdc-t: Hook lor ihe mill- *n-Marriage WEOHOll. h
Gold* -:n another column, ll shook! br* rea<i
by ti. |eto-ly
Ga , iiyi of
I coDii'icr it
WitfiOUl IL” J at 11 wit
Me W Toceg, of Colum*!
Darby s Prophylactic F
impor an? axver t< u
.David TuRA^n, of Mocro« county, k in tb* Wl .
jBii*-ainth year ot hu age ; i« tn fine heallb, 1 ..-Vi
Oar/iesa- a OrruR, Octehsr 1*. 1810.
HERKAS 1 noma* G. Jacobs, ad nlnistrator of
* ep'esenta to the tonrt by h a
mi*.- i on r * *>rd nnt ha b**
I. Jitobe eeiate—
__ _ _ .0 cat* an perooci concerred.
both kindred a r .d cr***l or* 01 oatd docaaae 1. to be and
»t.pswr a* mj off. .*
JluCle LOI *: dlf* -Jir^^d troia
Hi be allowed to report the Senate bill t«» the 1 then and
Houser n Monday. ! to*, taw. w k. fpkkwell, Adi*:
The indication* are that Ihe •’earner Tennee- . pnaur
see. now fi'ing out U) carry the President's Ban [ lkohi*I4, Fairttb Cewav:
Domingo CommUMioners, will remain a' anchor
by Mtitodjo lie their j Th'* Adminis ittion, however, are Hill confl-
den\ and eip* «:l theC* inmlMionert to return in
lime tor action this seasion
The Hou-e U considering Paraguay.
No ecwsioa of the hena'e to-day.
Nrw Y he, January O —Arrived—A’ger‘a.
Helvetia, Catharine WL *
xi-dministrator’a Hulo.
■ 1V v rtus of an or ler from tb* Coart of Ordinary a
J I Vu i A *.; c anty. Ga., or 1 bs «.*!(. beh.ra Us tour
Planter's te# l< V’
at or OaoiRAkT, Doc* ai her K 1870.
J .)HN KL'hll having e,ogU**d f*r tfca Ouardlan-hip at
tbe p r-on ai.d prop* 1 y of Mary Fra .c* a Can ‘
dro*o, minor th‘id of Jepiaa l.ti.dma, eeeia*u4,
'1 ate la, UwraiotB, to aotify vl pemna t ’burnt
fl a their 00 wtlona, If tny (Key Love, w th n the t
pres r.Lcd by aw. alrvlatUra w.ll u-; 1 anted thi et
cant, on lh« flr.t Mor.Cay I., F#*.rn»r
Da* IP c. ‘ J
.' to
the folio'
l*.er month# prev <
^JL eoio>s the coafldgnce of td* ocifbkcre. I (cv*^ri
r can. way a. 1 ^
Lda> lu
»u>avv.. vi«
prater ilup a
Vt. ri 9IMMUNL Ord nary.
It the town of Da'las, bo'w «n tbs caaal 1 <.rd*»r«d _
:,oi. ti.s Tuoada) lu Dewaber b«.xt. ; raid ease by pno.icauoB in
No. SA, % da f
r tbel I ••r-.ion of i'au*itrg
party M lv c ». • * , o#r«a * n 'bola for (Uv*.aL<j#
I «crnM-credit utit.l November, D71
ited too iu.'i- {
. . _ at, as applied , .
Mi v)K, «.*r Ifnary. I
Jaul—40d Pr.ctor's ter |4 SO I.KkHf.l %, Psi.Lixae Coinrr.
Cisciemati, January 0 —The value of the lkomlii, mrba/Cotstt. \i7lifREiE, n r.w, Wyait ue.and w. j
“■ *>."«.»•—>*..<‘s£zkltls;
for Ivttrws of a^m nlatratlot I ot »a.d '•'•utty, i«-a*«d-
raru Kin*, lala oi aa'd county. ' “ *
lM>ioi,r»u>, J*nu,ry u —Thsre .re mnvti | "'irTJi-.t. ... wrtM 4 » «. i,«r the KcpuhliCaQ bcnalon 1ii'*.id to reeigu tt-ns It eay«x , .*a, win to. ino, time a< t*y .aw, e #*
. n A cr. hnviMk. ! *» V%uirc toe a *p leant.
wttnvis lot oMclat aignAoirv
fc . MOLAR. Ordinary.
prt*tor‘! fee $8.
!>• e^atoa.
I i U
F. A. 11 ill. I fl'LTON LL'PEHIOR COt'BT,
v«. < oernacaTa .a iJ7*j
JaRBTTeHat i i tLLENI .I'ld PkuPSCI bSUV1C1.
1 appear ng to th»Coart by in* rt'era of ike Hberif,
that ih« a«.c&(.aut. Ja’St'* Ha'l, **
'et toyoi.d tr.e
. ia not i
be feaiid 'n
ii having claims sgaJaat the
do. «isod, are hereby toll-
a o! iho law.
. LtNUUL'Mj ■* #c,u>rt» r*a fee M.
f .V<oM iha su-xrlbcr. In Allii 'a, Ga., oa the sight
IV U ol Docuilber, 'ffl'O Ml. i.hi
Due Day Mat MUCK, w. a amp« arroai alouldera,
log* and Gaea gw u marked, ahoa. am loar yaait old
'lkeolbe*. aback bora - h* L’i.S, a s#ai tot. years old
tig it- t)« oa’.. rather iu bod or«J »r, ntovea lltt e atifi and
tlugv.1 *h. shod, au 1 geat ua-trkrd
A iluerai reward will be pa d lor ilia recovery. Of la-
foruati**n Ihat will uad their recovary.
Address L C WELLE,
dac.l -tf CareT L. Walla, Allan ta. Qa»
University High School.
F|1 U B Eseretoee of tula kchool, lormerly kwows as U<
X “At aa. U ;U bebuo:wul bs rwaumea Is the
i*.h te bat.o.Lg, corner **l Li
on Ma. day, Jaaevy *, 1171.
, corner ol Lackte aad aprtag street a.
J no a KICU vltusO >, A M.,Math*maui
Per Scholastic Meoth, In advance,
5=1 H
, .n TT “ i Bta Mm* not tan i vor ieea **®e than one quarter,
appearing that toe m d defendant ( d ^ UC twa wih be matses^t la eaaee ol sick-
lad a ol aa d mate: It la lh> r-ifora _ #l .
I us t « ^a -rlfi perfect aorv ce to , i,, pura tyln tp>«» th#*th re«rof tbair ed
it occe a month, tor | 4^,. t , r . a . r . j( n'ae to aa*tti» tb# repa'Stlofi thla Uetita-
Term of eald LOhrt, . .. .» a!r« -dy gained. >7 «aru,a aad miUnto wore.
parties tare eW'Dot Cats 'ogsa.
1 next 1
id coart,
AtP.rr.ay for Ll re lion
A trae ex'; wt from th ’ mins'* a af ta« coaru
W. k. Yuajilb. Clerk.
October Term, 1VT *. deed La
A- 7tout, tvecing eap^r, rep'*r>0 io tb- ' Garcsaar'a
Piohai* Court, is; Mat-r ai, $<y»,G00; good c* aR\N UNO appii-*
will, $140,000. i" HIM eat« u of h ran
0 ait# end reqairet'l p*reor.«eo''
H New Obleais, January 6 —Gov. Warmo Hh
tu vetoed since Monday, an 1 returned to Ue
IV#1 (
1 my oil a, on or bwfora the
r ua, Pi ako* ca »«, if a* y
they bav-, * b; ealn U tura akocid not be graatod u.
u.ven uhd-r in7 hand a*.** '*fictol algr.a'are, October
t, 1570. J t. M(*JJUOGK. t»rd 'arr.
(rrtvW pr'.au, ifee I*,
UKOKliU, DaKsLi Oocari.
u j.nipi • orvica, December IT, 191*.
M E PuTTaaa Allan; 1 ko a.*eou, Jr , Adm'a-
_ ( letrt'ors ef ie 'la mpton, nr, dec-aeed.
Ja. “H *P -'led ’or '•*?% to aw 1 tut laud In DaKal*)
co** r ty. hatuag ig to sa'C eaUto, tor paying the debts
end d>trlbdttufi -
This te, Ihrvrefer*. to notify all peraoor rnmu»rm*d to
c.« toetr rbJecLoae. I auy tx at. »r*a«« ike tim« pre-
1 ecrisod by iae. way !•—a^dd nr bu gronud th*
-V .cacutor uti toieofia'd r*»l s*UU aa prayed .nr.
** J. w. WILeON, Ofdu>A»y,
finprdtoi s fee )V
Bar.Rooin and Basement
Ixxu>urli.T onu* D*aiT. Opm »«««».-
WAN 1 ID, alu, a few Uandred Cat#trot Poet*. AA*
live* Box 1,1 eat Oflce. L. D Awfldf
af»-"S82aw* tLS$
A*to -,xk.*Eaat,M wamMaliitreei. HkUKl