Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, March 29, 1871, Image 1

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“ERROR CEASES TO BE DANGEROUS WHEN REASON IS I$FT FREE TO COMBAT IT.”—Jeffierson. VOU MR XXII ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1871. NUMBER 13 lUfeklt} Jutetligenifr ATL IN rA GEORGIA- Wednesday March 28, 1871. I Democratic SlanewbMfieer*—The S»ntli- ern Specie*. j There is a class of Democratic editors in the South who, unfortunately lor trie respectability ol the Southern pre^s, anti the cause of true [gf ilu-.l joke ol the season : —Nobody doubts tlie honesty ol the R !W1 party. C3T A glorious exttiiple: New Hampshire. Let nood u:d Conrcc'm it follow it! 1*72 II the Democracy mi low after Moderation, they will prove themselves invincible in 1872 lb-publican laces are as Ions as the moral law. : The news Irom New Hampshire How is that lor altitude? Political P li’ical flre-eatir <*mpi Fire Ealing. e tliar has nothing but health, is welline words to keep it in good bort-liv d and apt to have fits. moderation v». Violence. Fire and sword are but slow engim-s of des truction in comparison with violence in South ern pop ics. We invoke a spirit ol moderation It is t i i.ulual to look upon, and should b< cul tivated by ail. Worried. The “fire-eating” Democratic editors ol Georei are worried over the name of the True Gto..oiAS, fit) line it “ so-called ” etc. Well, we hive worried many a feilow hefore this, on an orthodox r ame. The True Georgian means—'t rue Democracy Judee I tiiton Stephen*. Our (i -t ngui-hi d itiz»n, Judge Linton Ste phen will (ind that pu lie opinion does not draw h w ay. The people are not lor resisting the (1 i .n s, or the dt crees ol the “ inevitable.” To tiur.-i ine- bruins out against a rock that might in line- tio moved out of the way is bad poli< ■ , and the National Democracy are not inclined iu that direction. The Finance* of Ceorgla. Weed! allot,'j.,,. to the tetter ot U. Clews & Co., of New York, in relation to the Finances of Georeia TU" article should have appeared yesterday, in conjiiclion with the able expose of its lallaeies and falsehoods ma te by the t-hron- ide and Sentinel ol Augusta, and which was puhli hed hy u- yes'er 1 ay Uy con.; aring the t vo articles the gist of the whole matter will tic appurant. A Onree. Fire-eating Dcifmcrats, and Radical Repub licans, are a i uisc to tin States and the nation. We It ive a tout as mui li use tor the one, as we have for the other Away with them—they know not what they do. Moderation alone can save the country. A New Candidate. The N' w York Sun ol the 19th instant, sug gests Mr. Charles -hiinner, of Massachusetts, as the 1) tmocratic candidate for the Presidency in 1872. 1’lie Sun t-ttys it wid ensure an over whelmin' victory to the Democracy. £2?“ 15' * 1 cattle end mules ire arriving every, dav. in itie ci'y, iu largo numbers.—Atlanta In- telligencer. Home jftckiss«8 have gone there, too. [ Waynesboro Expositor, 1 Hth Gome imitate t.ue example of the Expositor, aud slay at h me. A Delusion. We h ive n lew lire-eating DtmocratR in Georgia who extv. ct to direct lie counsels of the Deinociutio parly in the (mining National Convention We think they will wake up about that tune and find tlc m-eives laboring under a sad delusion. Aniediluviauism cau’t win in this . k '• p' grcss Oid-t a.visin must go to the wall or Democracy will bo beaten out of sight. Rather Singular. It is 8*nted, a- i singular circumstance, that the President has not received a single dispatch or letter, c nsoh.torv <t otherwise, Irom any ol his bu nds in New Hampshire, concerning the late S ate election. But this utter silence has a peculi ir eloqm n <• ol i»s own. more impressive than words. B ‘Tides, it is in had taste to over whelm the rhiel mourner at a funeral with ob sequious symp .thy. W< a-'vi-e th Riiical party to reserve all its tears and oimuury tl unmery for its great and final political lutieral in 1872. A bundt For many 1- New England St crati-' n the aunu Util!: ICudlcitllam. P't .r to 1854, several of the ics had steadily gone Demo- al t h eti'ins. Ii was in 1854 that ‘Maine shri< ked lor freidom,” as the Re public ms ol that dav expressed it, and com- pleti'v rtversid its political character. Rhode Island ..hand nidihi* Democratic party the same year; i oniueucul 'ollowi d in 1855 and New Hampshire, long the strong hold ol Democracy, in 185fi Now tv hold the wanderers coming back to the !• Id. Connecticut returned in 1867, and has been virtuous, with one exception, ever since. N.« 11 impt-bire is the second case ot repentance. Marne wt 1 follow iu September. Governor lloflmau. Governor o'rim at '■u.i?. u,e City Treasury hetW' i n $50.0C0 eud $(>0 000 by his veto bill on the 17 n A I the vetoes ol the Governor are sustained; r, • iih it in wnat house they originate—A' Express. Yes, h> .' id he " su-lained” by the whole peopd in 1872 or the Presidency. He is most emph itieai.v tl < pc. p'e’s man, and the people have aiitalic d citle.i that he shall he the next Chiet .Magi.-'i .'e ot the Nation. Wliat the people have ahead, willed politicians can netllur flank nor sit aside. MgiiIU.mil. If anything else we e ...ee- ary to prove the r old dissolution of the Radical Administration Extremists, and their tola' lo»s ot prestige, the rc. i nt < xiiaorcinarv contest between• Speaker Blame aud Ben Ihud.-r, in tiie House ol R pre- ds i significant proof. Ful- the awful Sumner crash, • n timbers o', the Admiuis- tiu- keen cutiiug, meiciltss h Bailer r> ceived from cme ol his owu patty, th'ws Radical party is dritting V« S, \Vv»Ui'! 1 tun lowing hard 11 p u which -I10, k ilu IMtt tratiou 1 mono)). 1 tune; " las! ing »\ hie! ol tb-j ablest leac IlTS how c »mi>U te!y the noon t shoals M isle activity” should • the cue of every patriot, so as to allow arnpant lions to destroy each other ad ' Wb as Governor 11 fl nan done to i lie-si .u. B ird, that he shon'd seek to , >v the U. veruor’s political prospects here ie > t'h where he has stood so well with Democracy, hy placing h name at the head s editorial columns as his nominee for lent ? Bard, at a time wneu suen uuprin- i adventurers art ! hirliugs hau some influx out l'T.-tl poiitics,aidc.i in lastening upon 'des of k saves and plunderers with whom are at picseut cursed. Having lullen out Bull.-, k Mi l betrayed his Radical confed- in political knavery, he now, as a pre- teen- i Democrat, seeks to praduev the dis'.rac- I'on aud demoralization ia the ranks ol »h< par' v which he tailed to accomplish iu his true ch t ac'.er as a Radical. \\ e have no apprehen- s-oii that Le will succeed iu Ms designs against l c I). inoira.iC party, though he may be suc- :-rai. ,. Letter From the Hnn. Jnhn Qilney Adam ■ of Uauacbuselli. We have the honor to print the following let- te- Irom that eminently sound and practical Dt mocra', Hon. John Quincy Adams, of Massa- Denocracy, have" mistaken their caiiinc ; and, | ch setts The letter is brief and to the point, in the belief that personal denunciation is ar- j W< commend it to the careful perusal of all. gument, and that a promiscuous application ot ; It t ie Democrats ot the South will follow the filthy epithets is the true science ot logic hy which to overcome an opponent, fill their Daily Blunderbusses with as much B .tirigsgate slang as '.hey will hold, in order to bespatter better me" than th. mseives with tne nauseous con tents. L uable to master, hy Force of reason, any of the weighty political probh ins now discussed br educated and sensible men, they are willing to eud ttieir columns, lor various unworthy con- sid. .aliens, to cia.ty and unscrupulous parti sans. lor me spread of tatee doctrines, injurious to the si.fi.. r.itg masses of our people, and reek ing with the venom ol cnisbtd hate and Radi cal fanaticism Ur. in order to pick up a pre- cat i lus living in tbc suburbs of respectability they gather together ail thecas', off ragsot j'ur- nalti-m, and crumbs ot musty wit floating along the sewers ol language, run the dirty mass through the course sieveoMbeirowu debauched mn Is, auu dish it up lor a literary breaktast to their wearied and insgus'ed readers It is, in- deeu, a sorry reflection that our enlightened age will tolerate, not lo say countenance these Ish- ma< lites of the Southern press. Tiie mingy aud surly dogs of that portion of the Democratic pre?s alluded to, make an indi vidual matter ot every legitimate subject ol public consideration ; drag the bone of conten tion upon their own uuug-hi 1, aud how! and sun'! at any one who may desire to inept ct the object they are defi.ing with jaw and paw. In other words, it is impossible lor fair- minded, honest men, seiking by a calm, con siderate and moderate manner to dtecuss the bes' means by which the dihat ol the National Democratic parly can be averted, to optu their mouths or gtasp their pens without finding this gaunt and angry borne ol Democratic tire eaters yelling at their heels Every man who has the mm tl courage to defend the lion, sly O. his mo tive', and to prove by his devotion to princi ples bis deep tntcKSi in ihe welfare ol our common country, is immediately bespattered with foul epithets, and ‘ unprincipled adven turer.” “ hireling,” “ knave,” “ pltinden r,’ '* Ues- siaD,” .“ traitor,” etc., are bandied about by this craea-brained, antediluvian clique, as the best aud snly weapons in tueir armory ot political war.are, by wnich an honest aud truib-loviue citizen, fighting under the broad and glorious banner ot the Union Democracy, cau lie crushed or tdeuced. B it the very haste and recklessness of their attai ks causes them to over-shoot their mark and should their low-t oru elections, peradven- ture, hit anyone, the consideration ol the r souice would silence the reproach of decert. ihorghlul meu ; just as the switching of sorte straggling oxen’s wet tail across your broal- clothcoat would disgust you, without, however, inel.ning you to hit back at the offensive raem ier We are sorry, tor the sake of our good De no cratic cause, aud for the reason that not', if ever, the greatest prudence and sell contri 1 on the part of our people is necessary to insure success hereafter, that these political bullies and journalistic shoulder-bitters are allowed lo dis turb the harmony ol our people, and to evoke Ihe censure ol civilized men throughout the country. But our taith is, nevertheless, strong in the good seme of the moderate masses of the Bouth, and that the efforts of these partisan slang slingers will accomplish nothing but their own individual di-grace. Southern Fire Eater* Southern fire-eaters ai d N rthem Radicals, form, in our opinion, a distinction without a difl rence. Both are attempting to debauch the people, to defile the Republican heritage be queathed lo us by our fathers, and to plunge the country into utispeakat le misery aud suffering by revolutionary harangues aud fanatical up- peu’s to passi m and prejudice. I: both thc-e extreme factions could, by some means, be packed upon a gigantic vessel, towed out to the middle ot the Atlantic Ocean, and there sunk lorever, it wou d be the guatest blissing that, under present political circumstances, could he- lall our people. But as such a proceeding could not well he accomplished without super-human aid, besides the danger ol poisoning every fish he broad ocean, our people must turn to the slow but sure measure ol decreeing the death ot tin se dangerous agitators by ostracising them, politically, at the polls,and by publicly and per sistently declaring them to be enemies to the public good. We have as little use ior Radicalism South as we have tor Ra licalism North. Each is capable ol domg great harm to the best interests, not only ol their peculiar section, but to these of the whole country. Both should be equally de nounced, both equally shunned on account of thi ir political leprosy. The greatest fire-eaters al the South, with some notable exceptioLS, are ihose who managed by hook and hy crook, to ktep out ot the ranks of the fighting armies ol the Confederacy, and by plunging headlong into desperate speculations aud a'I sorts of disgrace ful gambling “rings,” occupied their time in the rear by preying upon the necessities ol the wives and children, the widows and orphans ot those who, like men, breasted the storm of battle at the lront, or died like heroes tor the cause they ha i espoused. Are such men to he trusted ? Another class of fire eating and fire vomiting gentlemen is composed ot individuals who op posed secession bitterly, but who are now re solved to rule or rum the Democracy ol the South, hy urging them to endless buds and pro claiming anew the learful doc'rine ot intestine revolution. Are these men, too, to be trusted ? Assuredly not, it our peop e have any desire to perpetuate the blessings ot peace, aud to so order the machinery of government that no vi* lent shot ks may t-uak its delicate wheels and cogs, and its onward movement be directed by wisdom, justice and moderation thecorner- stone ol true Republican Government. Should th< se hot-headi d vengeful, “ rule or ruiu” per sons succeed in their designs, the Democratic party will find itself checked through to perdi tion—nothing could avert the common ruin. The hope ol our party, the hope of the South, the hope of the couutry, North and S< utb, lies in steadiness, prudence, principle, and a noble determination to make common ca tse against a common enemy. Let the peo ple leel distinctly that our oul\ hope ol success jtes in setting Southern and Northern iunatics aside; let them act up" n this conviction, and a glorious triumph in 1872 is an assured event. President Grant and (be New York Sun. The continued dirty abuse of Prts - d nt Grant, by the “New York Sun,” is as ch ap as it is disgusting It the Sun would deal iu tacts and less in vulgarity, it would be a decided improve menu Dana is a disappointed office seeker, and the people attach no importance whatever to his persistent personal viliifie-inon o! the President. It is stmpty sickening to men of propriety, de cency and common sense. in d ,-r:-o* magiug tne Presidential proatrecta Hoffman — Savannah Sties, ISfA. ir a repris mauve or the Demo ded save the country! He is a vui-ky Keg iii ill' morning, and a cot wl -kviii night K .in-loads D fmoci n t', and ru-.v i ever It is an exceedingly bad habit to abase people because you politically disagree with them. None but a small mind can be guiliy of such an outrageous indiscretion. cou rsels of such wise statesmen as Mr. Adams, vie try cannot fail to perch upon the banners ol L emocracy in 1872. Qciscy, Mass., March 17,1871. Sam tel Hard, Esq : If: iar Sir—I have received two copies of the Trut Georgian, the first containing an able arti cle or Judge Stephen’s speech, and the latter, one m “The Present and the Future.” I need not i ay that the policy indicated seems to me wise and the only one which ensures success The North can never be carried tor a new re vo lutin l We must go forward and not back. We nasi demand self-government lor all, and guat inty equal rights to every man. D lnocrats must be Democratic to succeed. G ve a Democratic administration wh : ch shall sect re the rights of the States and regard the lirni s <>t ihe Federal Constitution, and all of us, Sou ;h as well a= North, can conduct our home ma ters as the people at home desire, and it that is i ot the best way then the whole fabric is a vis on. Very respectfully, J. Q Adams. Get Hub DlasnHed. The better class ot Uegubltcdua are mortified an t disgusted at the militaryism that cbarac- tet izes tne Government of the United States, and at the tyrannical aud dangerous manner in which the civil administration ot public affairs is c/ershadowed by military flunkeyism. / distinguished Republican o.nator, who ar- det tly oppo.-ed the political assassination ot Se iat ir Sumner at the hands ot his friends, re- ce itiy said: • i’he people bad already given in their dis- a[ probation ol a party ruled entirely by Briga- uier Generals, and that unless there was a c .ange, nothing undo heaven could prevent t ie deteat of the Republican party at the next I residential election." As we firmly believe that nothing in Heaven ii disposed to assist Radicalism id its conteinpti- ile wartare upon the remaining rights and priv- ieges ol our people, we may take it ior granted ,h it the defeat ol the Radical party in 1872 is a pre-deBtined fact. Holden Deponed. The High Court of Impeachment of North Carolina, sitting for the trial of W. W. Holden Governor ot that State, has finished us labors, and the telegraph announced its crave decision. All the members of the Court, wi'.ii the excep tion ot one, were present. Found guilty ot six of the eight articles ot impeachment, Holden, by order ol the Court, has been removed Irom the office he has so notoriously disgraced, and has been forever disqualified from holding any office ol honor or profit in the State ot Nortn Carolina. The vote upon the verdict stood 36 ayes to 13 navs. Thus hns the great State trial ended. One of tbc most unique and suggestive oi any recorded in the judicial chronicles oi the South. Granted. A Radical contempoiary states that no one doubts but what President Grant will have his old place in 1872. We grant our contempora ry’s correctness of surmise—he will certaiuly occupy his old place in Galena, unkss he sells it in the meantime. Sellins Oui. While Bismarck wishes to sell Alsace and Lorraine, its is reported that Grant is willing to seli, at a very low rate, all his right, title, and interest in aud to the voteot New Hampshire, in the next Presidential election. It is also be lieved that ins stock in Connecticut can be had at a cheap figure. A Bad Job. It is generally believed in political circles that, inconsequence ot the defeat ot Butler’s Ku Klux slaughtering bill; the defection ot powerful Sumner—Trumbull Republicans, and the Dem ocratic victory in New Hampshire, the 8an Do mingo job will go by the board, rather than to overload the gro&niug camel’s back of Radical- ism, which, like the leather iu the lable, might break its back too suddenly. A Modest Slice of the Public Land —The Northern Pacific Railroad Company, ot which Jay Cooke is President, and General Sehenck is to be law officer, with a salary oi $25,000, was voted a subsidy of seventy millions ot acres ot public land, an equivalent in money, at $2 50 an acre, ot $175,000,UOO. Economy is the Re publican motto lion. I*. ,H. B. Young, Our valiant representative in Congress, for f '>»ngie .ion—D.-sUict, having been charged by in irresponsible, slangwangish newspaper corivsponcent as having publicly expressed a . ‘-ti- to “ctia'ge through the House with a i ot cavalry, snooting and killing,” has i.n!y denounced the charge as false, ridicu lous and preposterous. He says: “ I have lcvi r leit Irom the d»v ot my admission, or g' n utterance to sentiments that could war— statement. L:ke ihe people whom 1 i. ve ihe honor lo represent, 1 desiieand intend to o ey the laws of my couutry, and to do allin iuv power lor its peace, prosperity and its Brave words, bravely spoken, and totally in uii sou with tue high character and sound sense pt our distinguished ineud. R B. Doweli shot and wounded his lather-in law, George Bowling, at Knoxv.iie, on Friday last Dowell had married Bowling’s daughter at Clinton three nights previous when the tatii'r-in-l iw administered, soon after the nuptial knot was tied, a severe castigation to the newly made groom, and re.-eut-d his daugh ter Irom the hnshsnd’s herd®. Dowell obtained a writ ot habeas corpus, aud a 1 parties went to Koox' He, ite f*ith r i. > ! The daughter .and W!e. Trie jiar'iee >">-1 nC“T tne Lia.ar house. lb.wl.ng • • , -t wi,tn D.*-v.I. fired two shuts, < ae ot which loot efiect iu me Spurgeon's Advice Gbatis.—Nobody is moie like an honest man than a thorough rogue When you see a man with a great deal ot religion displaved iu his window you may de pend upon it he keeps a very small stock with in. Do not choose your friend by his looks; hand some shoes ulten ptnch the feet. Do not be fond ot compliments; remember that “ thank you, pussy, aud thank you, pussy ” killed tue cat. Dou’t believe the man who talks the most, for mewing cats are very seldom good mousers. By no means put yourself in another person’s power; it you put your thumb between two grinders they are very apt to bite. Drink nothing without seeing it, sign nothing without reading it, and make sure that it means no more than it says. Don’t go to law unless you have nothing to lose; lawyers’ houses are built on fools’ heads. In any business dou’t wade into water where you cannot see the bottom bee the sack open before you buy what is in it; for be who trades in the dark asks to be cheattd Democracy’s Greatest Danger. bays the New York Herald ;n a recent edito rial on the political outlook: “ The general prospect is very encouraging to the nnterrified Democracy. They are morally certain, Irom present appearances, ot their old Southirn Democratic balance of power in the coming Presidential contest, aud their chances north ot Mason and Dixon and the Ohio, E -st and West, for a suffljient number of States to give thi m the election appear to be good. Their greatest danger is the danger ot another sop to the Southirn fire-eaters of 1872,7 like that of 1868, declaring all the reconstruction doings of Congress “ unconstitutional, revolutionary, null and void or like that of 1864, declaring the war for the Union “a Mlure.” Upon ihis rock the Democracy, if rash tnough again to try the experiment, will .again be dashed to pieces. The Democratic platform of 1864 de feated McClellan with his nomination; the Tammany platform of 1868 enabled General Grant to walk over the course. Northern copperheads at Chicago, and Southern fire- eaters lresh and h 't irom the rebellion, >ii Tammanny Hall, did the business. Yet there is the danger ot another repetition ot this stu pid blunder. L t ihe D‘ mocrats avoid it and they may regain New Ji rsey; let them re eat it, and they may lose New Y -ik Time would, indeed, be but a sorry teacher, and experience a worthless thiDg, if neither of them had been able to imprers upon the think ing masses ot our countrymen, what is the best political policy to pursue in the comiDg contest with the Radical enemies ot cor country. The firm and cautions leaders ot the National Democratic party, ihe prudence and influence ot its leading press, backed cy the endorse ment of a majority o» men of goad sense, will prove more then a ir.aich lor Ssr.aiical experi- iim-d's UO..U the sue nt tbe nati. n. North er 8cu'-t=. ! it- g'va' danger ol “s»» ipiLg b^o.-Min Practical and Impractical. We regret to see even id one of our exchjwiges remarks like the following from the Aughs' a (Ga.) Constitutionalist nf llth instant, in rep':y to an article upon the results oi tbe Convention ot 1872: “ The Democrats of New York and other 8tates outside of the carpet-bag rule would no doubt drop the whole subject and devote them selves to o'hers in which they have a direct per sonal interest. Wuen tue South was in tr «iLie brought ou by N ithern denial ol justice, the South looked vainly to other States ior cvrap .- thy aud redress; so she to -k up arms to vindi cate her right to sell-government. Where were the Democrats of New Y rk then ? In arms against her. Those 50,006 Democrats who-e dead bodies were to be matched 'ver by th Republicans before the South could he ai tasked were enrolled on the R publican side. ’Inose valiant champions ot the right of self-govern ment became suddenly converted into War Democrats to fight tbe South. It may he agree able to these champions to igr ore the past, aod set down every wiong done during and a nee the war as dead issues It would well suit their views of expediency io strangle in natimai con vention, in 1872, the voice ot Southern indigna tion, and silence the demand f >r repudiation of past unconstitutional action. But it is not prob able the South will complacently submu-her throat to the political garrote. “ It Southern Democrats are to be musg’td and choked down by a majority vote in v al Convention they had better not go ir.-fj it. They may agree among themselves to be client on these subj -cts, and not to raise any tn.T'de- some questions ol the kind to embarrass the Northern Democracy; but if they do this they will have comparatively few sympathies s ffi it as a national party ; for of what especial value to the South will an alliance be with a na nal party which surrenders constitutional qnei '.ions to the will of a majority, and abandons a prin ciple ihe moment they are oui-vo ed.” It would be difficut to collect words mm-" un provoked and uncalled lor. Tbe 5H.000 New York Democrats did not take up arms lor th" Government any too s<*ou or any tod late When the Southern States, one hy one, seceded Irom the Govcrumeut upon the tact nt Mr Lin coln’s election, the Democrats ot New .Yoik did not see in that act any justificative for breaking up the Government, and whea.thrse Southern States seceded from Congress delibe rately they handed the Government over to the Repuolican party. The Supreme Court »t that time was not Radical, but eminently Conserva tive, and the Senate of the- United States was Democratic by a largo majority. It was ks im possible then to pul any unconstitutional meas ure through Conureas, or to secure tin*, ap proval of any such measure by the .federal judiciary, as it is now impossible u. se cure the passage of any really conservative or politically cons’itutional measure by act Con gress, or by the majority of the Supreme Court. The Secession States not only turued over two ot the three branches ol the Government to the Radicals by their act of secession, but in that act became mainly, it not entirely, responsible for tbe consequences oi the civil war, which gave Congress and the Sta'es tne right to pass the de plored 14th and 15 h Amendments. Such art. the facts and the worst tacts which Kilo wed, in “firing the Southern heart,” under ihe lead ol the Yanceys, Pickens, and fire-eaters, whe meant rebellion lroua the start. Then c une 'he iormal burial ot tbe American flag deep iu the lirt, as in Memphis, Tennessee, lm fii ing up m i he little band of troops in Fort Sumter, the refusal to permit the fortress to be relieved, and all the bloody incidents which cu urinated in a lull- blown civil war. “The D mocrats of New York,” nor any other Democrats out of tne ex treme South, were expected by white men to see the Union coolly dissolved, and the iederal capital coolly taken possession ot by a sectional party South, uny more than by a section^ parly North. They had seen too much oi the wrong and evil ot the one deliberately to em brace the other They complain uowvs they must always complain when tbe tiuthdpL.story is,as at present, wrung from them, that the South pretered secession and civil war, with all their attending horrors, to remaining in the Union to save the Constitution and its compromises They complain that the United Stales Senate and the Supreme Court were hauded over to some ot the worst men, and to tue worst pariy ever organized in the country. These being the tacts, the sneers and assaults of our Georgia friend as are ungracious and ill- timed as they are unbecoming. The North, from 1861 on to 1865, was handhd over by the South to the tender mercies ot the very men who passed the 14th and 15th Amendments. What the Democratic Convention of 1872 may do, we know not, aud we do not now pro pose to discuss. Every State will be repre sented, and fairly represented. We trust, in ad vance, that what shall then be done will be well done, and with proper regard for ihe Constitu tional rights ot the Stales and of the Federal Government. There will be Isas disposition to ch‘ ck discussion, we predict, than there was twenty and thirty years ago in the House anc! Senate, whenever any sectional que:tion was brought forward. As for the 14th and 15th Amendments, we concede that the whole modus operandi ot their approval by the necessary number of States has been most offensive aud atrocious, but it is not an ea^y thing to remedy a political evil fastened upon the country in the throes ot revolution. The two important things done iu the abolition of slavery and in giving the ballot to the negro, we rarely hear any one at the South propose to undo, and never in regard to the abolition of slavery. Tbe manner ol the usurpation, we know, burns like a fire in the minds and hearts ot many people, and no true man can approve of the usurpation or its manner. There was a fair way and a foul way to test these amend ments after the civil war ended, and the Ad ministration as naturally chose the bad way as Alexander or Cssar, Uanaibal or Napokon, chose to crush the people by military power l’ne right way was to have shown some respect for public opinion—lo submit amendments to the people—to call a Constitutional Convention The result in regard to slavery would have been the same, and, in all human probability—-slavery being abolished—in regard to the negro also But neither decency of manner, kindness ot purpose conciliation, nor justice suited the dominant parly, and heuce their legion ol blun ders and tn >ny crimes. But because they were alternately foolish and knavish, it does not fol low that any party at the South should be equally pig beaded and obstinate, not to say wicked. We need at once a Union ot equal States. We netd also a good and stable gov ernment. And tbe Democratic party, North and South, East and West, is the only hope which can give U9 this stable government and these equal Slates.—New York Evening Express, {Democratic.) March 14 -—- -■*— ■“ *—- i fire-caUis” in 187., u iuuy appreciated oy mei thigh, ii la Uui uiunu t—" Will Q « ££IVC -!.it Luuiu ill LUG iauka oi tiue De lully appreciated by men prove mortal. Dowell was arrested, and the general opinion is that he will be acquitted. rg" The deposits of bullion at the United States mint and branches during tbe lost fiscal year were as follows : Gold, $29.4S6.2o8 45; silver, $3,504,842 51. Total deposits, $32,096,210 99. Deducting the re-deposits of bars made at one Dranch ol the mint and re-deposited in another for coinage, the amount will be $30,498,788 10. Tbe coinage for the same period was as follows: Gold coin, number ot pieces, 1,156.087; value, $22^57,312 50; unparted and line gold bars, $7,»46 052 25; silver coin, pieces, 4,6l9,39S; value $1,767,253 50; silver bars, $902,800 66; mckle, copper and bronze pieces, 18,143,000; value. $611,445. Total number of pieces struck, 23,961,292; total value ol coinage, 33,364,86319. mocraev, and all schemes looking in that direc tion will be assuredly trustrated. Tue“ stupid blunder” of dashing its head against the same rock which nearly cost it its life in ’64 and ’68, will not be repeated by the National Demo cratic paxty in 1872, and its enemies need not waste their bieath upon any prediction of this sort. Common sense must prevail. rag" The death rate of Bridgeport for 1870 is said to be without a parallel in this country, beiDg less than one to ninety-two ot the entire population. In New York the death rate is one in thirty-five; in Philadelphia, one in forty-five; Baltimore, one in thirty-seven; Boston, one in forty-one; Cbareston, one in thirty-six; while in the rural towns of the Northern States it is one in sixty-seven. From tie Onrocic e and Sentinel, 19th.] Georgia H >«i li-Henrj Clews A Co. Ii ano'a=r coin mu we print a letter, written hv Henry Ckt- Jc Co., New York brokers, to tue Time newspaper. By reference to the let ter of these brokers it will be seen that they volunteer an attempt to correct the statements made by the Treasurer of the State, in his offi cial report in re! ition to the bonded debt of Georgia. Tbe pblic will seek to learn why Henry Clews & Ca, New York brokers, should throw themselves into the breach between Bul lock and the State Treasurer, with no purpose ot shielding the former from the terrible expos ure made by Dr. Angier, our State Treasurer. We think we can give the explanation. Henry Clews & Co., brokers and bond and stock jobbers, are largely interested in these un lawful and worthless bonds. They also hold a large amount ot what are called Slate aid bonds. They are the paid agents ot Bullock to negoti ate and sell tbe illegal bonds referred to by Treasurer Angier. They have doubtless nego tiated a large amount ot the bonds, recommend ing them ns a safe and reliable investment. Their pay depends mainly upon the amount of bonds which they may be able lo impose upon the pnblic, their per centage upon the ne gotiation of these fraudulent bonds is said to be very large. They are making for them selves, and doubtless for their principal, the rob ber, Bullock, immense sums lor handling and getting upon the rtock market ih*s last batch ol illegal bonds. These are tbe reasons which in duce these Wall street jobbers to take so much interest in the credit of these late bonds. The facts set forth in Treasurer AngiePs re port are no doubt strictly true. His character as au honest man, although a Southern Repub lican, is above suspicion, and welKlieve hisoffi cial statements can be implici ly relied on in every particular. We know that he is a con scientious, painstaking and industrial official, who watches well the affairs of his office. His exhibit of the bonded debt of the State, if un true, can he easily exposed by re erence to the ifleia! records. Neither Bullock nor his agents, Henry Clews & Co., dare to attempt such a course. They know that Angier is right. How is it, we would like to inquire, that H nry Clews & Co., know so much as they pre tend about ihe financial aflairs of our State ? It is apparent that their information is not de rived from offi :ial sources. They must depend entirely upon the statements of Bullock. The people of Georgia and of the whole country know how much credit is to be given to any such statements. A man who is so unscrupu lous in his thelts and rouberies ot the public, would hardly be over sensitive about making any statement necessary to hide or bolster up his misdeeds. B ie the coolest piece of impertinence and falsehood contained in this letter of Henry Claws & Co., is lound in the declaration that “ many roads to v hich State aid ia granted have voluntarily suriemlered the priviiige.” This is a plain, direct and palpable falsehood, and Hen ry Clews & Co. must hive known it was false or else they have been imposed upon by Bui lock, which we think entirely improbable. We undertake to say that not a single road in the State which has been granted aid by the last Legislature, has voluntarily surrendered one iota of their privileges. We have heard it stated, but we cannot vouch tor its truth, that one ot the roads to whom aid was voted, has so far declined f o cal! fo" the bonds on twenty miles ol the road, which is said to be completed But this road we learn has not in any way inti mated its design to “ surrender ” their right to the aid granted them. Tuey only deter calling tor it just now. But Henry Clews & Co., Bullock's financial ageuts, are not the oniy “ Bankers ” io Wall street, nor will their positive assertion on one point and wilfully convenient ignorance on another subserve the purpose ot delusion. We have evidence ot this iu a nta r little volume, entitled a “ Manual ot National, State and Itaii- roa l Indebtedness,” compiled by Messrs. Con- dict & Co, Bankers, No. 78 Broadway, City. The “ Manual” gives description of the outs'.and- the State of Georgia, except This we do pot find included in But we do find a de.aiied state ment as to the State aid granted, which Messrs. Henry Clews & Co seem to think a mere baga telle. This “ aid” swells the aggregate ot the State debt Irom $6,614.500 to $28,469,300, ex clusive of the bonds issued by Bullock and Henry Clews & Co. Another of the falsehoods of Henry Clews & Co., is the statement that the State aid mounted only to the extent of ten to twelve thousand dol lars a mile. Many of the largest roads which procured aid have fifteen thousand dollars a mile, and one in particular, a loud ol about 300 miles in length, has twenty three thousad dollars a mile in gold. We assure the public that, notwithstanding Henry Clews & Co.’s denial ot the fact, the peo pie ol Georgia will never pay the principal or interest of the bonds fraudulently issued by Bullock, and which Treasurer Aneier Says amounts to nearly fioe millions of dollars. We caution the public against the statements ot Henry Clews & Co., because they are made pureiy in the interest of Bullock and his thiev- tug clan, and their aiders aud abettors. New York tbe public a ing debt of sterling debt, the statement. UsP" Hon. Jared I. Whitaker has retired from the management ot tbe Atlanta Intelligen ce!;, and is succeeded by Governor Samuel Bard. Mr. Whitaker has been connected with the Intelligencer as editor and proprietor ior nearly twenty years, and retires with the good wishes ot all his brethren of the quill. Governor Bard is one ot the ablest editors in the South, and will m ike the Intelligencer a real spicy paper.—Eiberlon Gazette. Georgia Gleaning*. Columbus denits beiDg a “dead” town. Amencus reports dull times. Lee and Sumpter counties have planted an excess oUVom this season. One hundred and twenty dollars are still re quired to brass band the Dalionites. Public schools, under the new system, will be opened next September. A village editor excuses the non-appearance ot editorial matter in bis paper hy slating that he had to “ fix np ” his garden. Happy rural 1 Rev. Dr. Pierce is to deliver a eulogy upon tbe late Bishop Andrews, at St Luke’s Church, Columbus, to day. Tbe ladies throughout the State are already moving in their preparations tor Decoration Day, on Wednesday, the 26.h of April. Marietta is covering her sidewalks with ground t m-baik. Tit ; ak ai Marietta is occasionally c-n’i- vened with the slraim> of a sit.or COu* baud, a la Central Park, New York. A large Me’hodist revival Is reported in pro gress at Marietta. Mile posts and sign-boards are needed on our country roads. One ot the choicest and moat varied cabinets ot mineralogical, geological and botanical spe cimens ot Georgia and the Booth, belong to tbe pnblic schools ot Columbus. The Madison Appeal tells of a cotton factory in Clark county. Dine mi es irotn Athens, which was built and equipped tor $4,000, and yields a net profit of thirty per cent, per annum. The yarns are said to be very superior. The Davenports appear in Savannah Monday. The ghostly trea- are diggers in Augusta, are still at work. Result to date—nix. The Lydia Thompson troupe is looked for in A.qgoaU, April lQui and llth. Rooles for Playing Onto a Organ in Meeting.—When the preacher comes in and neals down in the pulpit, pool out all the stop pers. That’s wot the stoppers is for. When a him is gave out io be suDg, play over the whole toon belore singm, but be sure to play it so they can't tell whether it is that toon or some other toon. It will amuse the people togess. When you play the interlude, sumtimes pull all the stoppeis out, and sumtimee pull them all in. Play the interludes about twice as long as the toou. The interludes is the best part of the mewsic, and should be the longest Play from the interludes into the toon wdh out letting them know when the toon begins This will teach them to mind their bizness. Al ways play tbe interludes faster or slower than the toon. This will keep if from being the same time as the toon. It the preacher gives out 5 viises, play 4 Tew many virees is tejus. Doorin the sermon go out ot the church and cum back in time lor the next toon. This will show that you don’t mean to be hard on the preacher by having too many listenin to him ai onsL—Ihe Occident. Hon. Llilton Stephen*’ Speech In Ken tucky. From the Augusta Constitutionolitt. 19'h. The Louisville (Ky) J: ff rsooian Democrat publishes Judge Stephens’ Augusta speech with the following editorial comments: “The Seed Time of Idea-”—This ex pression occurs in the speecu we publish this week. Mr. Stephens occupies in this speech the ground taken by us more than two years ago, and already reiterate and reiterated in this jour nal, that it is now necessary to red'seuss the broad principle and theory upon which our institu tions were firet planted. There is no help but in a readjustment ol our institutions, and in a renewal of our constitutions. Tuis is pre-emi nently the work of the tinkers, and the agita tion of thorough public discussion of funda mental principles will, indeeo, he the seed ume ot ideas. We are giaii jar. Stephens is for the country and the States more than for party, and that he can see a promise that the Southern people “ will be united in the resolve to recognize no alliance with any party” that w ill not stand by Democracy, and lead in the agitation which shall carry the country back to the Republican track. This is tbe only issue ot real importance to the people. The crime of reconstruction produces alienation and anarchy, and there is no escape but in restoration ; aye, we go lur- iher, and demand a readjustment of ear insti tutions upon renewed constitutions. We pro pose to rally ou a deeper and more significant cry than “ the Constitution is the cause ot us alL” Democracy, the State, the country, the liberty ot sell-government is the cause ot us all! In fact, then, you are in favor of another revo lution l Sabj Macon Telegraph and Messenger, March 15th j Tbe Isaac. Tue following from the Marietta Journal com prises in a nutshill the whole gist of the argu ment between ihe Democrats and their milder brethren the mush-and milk Conservatives, presents the issue precisely; The Era s»vs: “We arrive a? the conclusion that thare ia m >t a single living 'ssue between the occept-ihe-situatioa Democrats and the Re publicans ” How can there be ? The one accomplished usurpation—th other recognizes it not only legally de facto but defure, aud as a settled thing. There is only one k:nd of Democrat who diflere from the Ra iic iL He must b" of the Frank Blair stamp—one who denounces the usurpation as “unconstitutional, null and void.” He who accepts it has no Constitution, and consequently no principle, and is certaiuly no better than a Radical We find this in the Savannah News of Mon day. As what the News contemptuously calls the “ mush and milk Conservatives ” comprise a vast majority of those, whose votes will eject Radi calism from power in 1872 —if it is done at all— and as they wiil, in all probability, have the controlling voice and influence; in defining the issues upon which the noli-Radical* will go be fore the people in that year, we are somewhat curious to know what the pepper and vinegar Bourbons will do in the event their whims are disregarded ? Will they secede from the con vention and form a new party, and under the lead of some tossiliierous Don Quixote, proceed to open a campaign on their own acooont against wind mills, ot to stand still and cali names and make mouths ? The News and its allies had best go slow over this road. There can be but two parties in this country next year—the foes aud the friends oi Had calism. There is neither room nor excuse for guerrillas—this sort of mock heroics is “played out,” emphatically. When a conven tion of the American Democracy has clearly and finally ma^t-1 out the ground to be occupied by all who desire and would accomplish tbe overthrow ot Radicalism in tbe speediest and most effectual manner, the News and Its hand- hill of compatriots must come inside and stand with them, or go outside and take their chances in the cross fire. We are perfectly willing to re mit the p"e3ent untimely aud unseemly discus sion of issues that cannot be passed upon until t»72 to that conventiou, and we shall abide its decision. But we are not willing—nor will we permit it without rebuke—to have ourselves and those who think with us denounoed as no utter than Radicals because we express senti- tneuis aud avow convictions that are enter- innu d by nine-tenths of the Democrats of the U m.in—especially those In that section that has broken the back of Radicalism in the present Liouie of Representatives, and sh >wed itself at last a power in grappling with and frustrating the wicked desigus ol the monster. The Marietta Journal is singularly unfortu nate in it allusion to Frank Biair. That gen- ■ lemmhas expressly declared that he does recognize the Amendments as the law ol the land, so he too must be a Radical according to tue joint stock theory of'the News and Journal. Tue Lord help all who set out on the job in dicated by our fiery friends f It will be the hugest undertaking ever attempted in ancient or modern hist uy, aud will result just about as suc cessfully as Mrs. Partington's broom campaign against old oceau’s waves. Au to the Era, let it possess its soul with pa tience on the subject of “live issues.” The in- lamous “Enforcement Act,” the hardly less in famous tariff robbery devised and sustained by its allies, and the grinding taxation rendered necessary by the corruption and profligacy ot those whose meanness, malignity and wicked ness it champions with such ready zeal are •live” enough ‘issues’ for the Democracy, as Rad icalism will discover when the ballots are count ed in November, 1872. Stale New*. Augusta has a ghost sensation a la Memphis The Constitutionalist says; The medium through which tbe ghost carries on its excavt - tions in this city is, however, incog, as may be judged from the fact that on tiaturday night someunkuown excavator entered the premises o; Dr. Thomas B. Pbinizy, on Green street, and undiscovered, proceeded to sink a hole six or seven feet deep and several feet in circumference in the flower yard. The mysterious hole was discovered ou Sunday morning, with a portion ot the loose dirt thrown back into it, and nothing has been developed to reveal who were the diggers. It is conjectured, from impressions prevailing among some of the city negroes that a former owner ot the property bad buried a large sum of money on the premises, that some of their over-curious number were searching lor the reported deposit. • T. E. Lawience, of Augusta, an enterprising butcher, lately won nine thousand dollars in the Kentucky Lottery. Augusta has one thousand white and colored pupils in the public schools. The Davenports have completely mystified the Augustailes. More corn than usual is being planted throughout the State. Sensible. An old hoss was recently sold in Savan nah, and all the little papers ot that bamlet promulgate this important commercial fact. The tire at Camilla, on the 18tb, destroyed four stores and the*Masonic Lodge. Loss about $11,000. Insurance $6 000. The Albany News reports a small hurricane in that vicinity last Friday. It did small dam age. Augusta has a running race on the 31st of May, lor a purse of $2,000, arranged between Colonel T. G. Bacon and J. Crawford the for mer running his celebrated horse “Coreican,” who has made the best mile and a quarter on record, and the latter bringing out his well known horse, “John Kendrick”—distance three- fourths of a mile. Governor HoiTman’* Financial Policy. Governor Hoffman suggests, “that as onr present money consists of $400,000,000 of Gov ernment notes, the Treasury, having a surplus income ot gold, shall save such surplus, or apart of it, until it shall have coin enough wherewith to redeem the circulating notes, aud thus restore our monev to a specie value. This is the method by which the backs, when they have suspend ed, gpt back to specie payments. He expresses the opinion that it the Treasury will, for only one year, save its surplus gold income, which amounts tc over one million dollars, the legal tender notes wiil at tbe end oi that period have risen to tbe value ot specie, and can thereafter be maintained at specie value.” Commenting upon which the Columbus,Geor gia, Enquirer says: “We 1 ave often wondered at the policy pur sued by the Government in applying its gold to the purchase of bonds, instead of using most oi it in the redemp’ion of its currency. Most of the bonds draw interest payable in gold, and tbc rate of interest on all of them is fixed. Tbe Government, therefore, runs no risk of having to pay more tor interest, or in tbe redemption of the bonds, on account of the aoplication of its gold to the redemption of the currency. On tbe contrary, it can bring its currency up to a -pecie basis —which cannot well be done until the amount in circulation is reduced, or a differ ent policy adopted iu tbe disposition of its gold. - it can pay both the interest a’d principal of the b mils in curieucy. The common people ot ihe O'ULtry would then have as good a cur rency as the b ind-hoidere, and the evils and losses attend mg fluctuations in tbe value of he money in circulation, would be avoided. It is true that this plan would be liable to the Radical objection ot “conferring good upon the greatest number.” But even Radical Congress men may some day find that that is a principle ot government from twhich the people of tbe country are not yet entirely alienated. We are glad to hear that Governor Hoffman urges th*s c ange in the financial policy ot the Government. Should he be the Democratic nominee for the Presidency, he will sorely find his financial preposition a lavorite one with the people. Governor Hoffman displays as dear and statesman-like appreciation of the people’s wants in his financial as well as his political policy. He stands to-day a noble bulwark ol constitutional liberity and progressive civiliza tion, against the seething waves ot anarchy and the assaults of deluded demagogues, «nd his patriotic course meets the unqualified approval ot all honest and unbiased "minds. We but reiterate a well known tact that should be be the Presidential nominee of the National Dem ocratic party, he will take bis exalted station at the head of this Government as one ol the people’s favorites, and that all his acts and deeds, as chief magistrate of the Nation, will be in strict harmony with tbe dictates ot sound lessen and ennobled patriotism. Decision* or Supreme Coart of Georgia— January Term, 1871. Order of Circuits with the number of cases from each]: Maoon Circuit is Flint Clrcr.it TaUapooea Circuit ]..io Allaoahs o Atlanta Circuit IT Rome Circuit s Cherokee Circuit 11 Northern Circuit 9 Middle Circuit • Ucmulgee Circuit 9 Eastern Circuit 10 Brunawtck Circuit 4 Albany 19 Auguata 9 Wednesday, March 22,1871. Argument of No. 6, Atlanta Circuit. Camp bell Wallace, Superintendent Western and At lantic Railroad, vs. John W. Clayton & Co.— was resumed and concluded. Colonel Mynatt and Colonel Blakely, for plaintiff iu error. Judge J D. Pope, for defendant in error. Pending argument of No. 5, Atlanta Circuit, Campbell Wallace, Superintendent, vs. James W. Cason—the Court adjourned till 10 o’clock. a. m., to-morrow. Thursday, March 22,1871. Argument in No. 5, Atlanta Circuit—Camp bell Wallace, Superintendent Western & Atlan tic Railroad, vs. James M. Casun—was resumed and concluded. Col. P. JL. Mynatt and Sidney Dell, Esq, for plaintiff in error, and Col. George Hillyer for defendant in error. The death ot the Hon. E. A. Nesbit, a former member of this Circuit, having been announced by Col. N. J. Hammond, the Court appointed as a committee, to report at a future day resolu tion appropriate to the occasion, the following gentlemen, to-wit: Hon. Washington Poe ana James Jackson, of Macon; Hon. Julian Hart- ridge, of Savannah; Hon. D. A. Walker, of Dalton; Hon. Iverson L. Harris, of Milledge- ville; Hon. Henry L. Benning, of Columbus; and Col. L. E. Bleckley, ot Atlanta— And then, as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased, adjourned till 10 o’clock, A. M., to-morrow. Go Slow. The Macon Telegraph and Messenger of the 19th introduces an article under the above cap tion with these editorial comments: “ Under this head the Athens Watchman of fers some suggestions that we regard as emi nently wise and practical. We tear, though, they will bring down upon it the wrath of the handful of impracticaoles who are going through the motions ol reading everybody out of the Democratic party who refuses to accept their absurd utterances as the voice either ot wisdom or inspiration. We suppose the Watchman can take care ol itself, but we warn brother Christy to keep a close watch on his scalp, or he win find it dangling at the belt of some ot these fiery knights who are so free in tbe application of epithets to all who choose to differ with them.” Bays the Watchman: “‘Masterly inactivity* should now be tbe watchword of the Southern Democracy. There seems to be a disposition on the part of some very ardent members of the party to “ take time by the forelock,” and inject their peculiar notions into the public mind, so as to engraft them upon the next Democratic platform. It is time enough to erect tbe platform wheo the National Convention meets in 1872. There is no sense in quarreling over it beforehand. The tact is, our. party is not yet large enough to swarm 1 We need every man in it, and Bhall need all the recruits we can pick up between this time and the Presidential election. In reference to a platform, wo have a few re marks to offer, with due deference, we trust. Inasmuch as it requires Northern aud Western votes, and a good number oi them, to elect a President, it is essential that the platform shall not contain matters offensive to Northern and Western people. We take It, therefore, that the good sense ot the Southern delegates to that Convention will dictate to them the importance of leaving the matter in the hands of the North ern and Western delegations, who will, of course, better understand the temper of their people than we can. Most of the Southern States will vote for the Democratic nominee on any plat form which opposes Radicalism. Then, why should we, now or hereafter—and especially now—quarrel over the platform to be adopted in 1872? To insure success, we want a “party of size.” This idea was laughed at, when advanced by a distinguished Georgian, some years ago; but it is, nevertheless, an idea founded in common sense and practical wisdom. Of what practical use can correct principles to to a party which has not the power to enforce them ? In party machinery, as well as mechanical contrivances, power is an essential element ot success. Tbe moat magnificent machinery the world ever saw, erected where power caunot be applied, is, prac tically, worthless In like manner, the wisest, add tost political creed, without power to en force it, may like the machinery, be beautiful to look at, but practically, of no account I Power, then, is what we need. Democrats North and South, East and West, are sound enough. We are willing to trust them now— at all events, all wonld prefer them to the Radi cal*. Bat, unfortunately, they are not In power, and therefore cannot befriend us. Our interest requires that they should be placed in power. In order to do this, it is important to have a National Platform—one on wtiicb all anti-Rad- icals, from one extreme of the country to tbe other, can sately stand. Extreme men caunot build such a platform, and extreme views would shatter the party to atoms. “ Compromise and concession” must be the watchwords, if we would have a “ party of size”—oue of suf ficient power to enforce its views. A party falling short of these requirements, caunot relieve us from our distresses or deliver us from “ the body of this death,,’ known as Rad icalism. These things being so—and no intelligent man will attempt to gainsay the facts above stated—how important it becomes that South ern Democrats should “ go slow,” or, in other words, adopt tbe policy of “masterly in activity.” Radicalism is already gloating over the pros pect ot divisions in the Democratic party. “ Let us have peace 1" Poor France. According to dispatches from our Minister at Paris, and from other sources, a fearful anarchy reigns In that city, and murderous assaults are being perpetrated by the infuriated insurgents. Mob law is triumphant, and tbe constitutional government ot France has succumbed to the rioters. There is no doubt but what these fear ful troubles are in part instigated by tbe Or leans, Bourbon and Napoleonic factions, who are all anxious to take advantage of prostrate France, in order to reap gain from her present disaster. An interference of the European po w- .ra, to restore order and peace, may be one of the sequences of this unfortunate state ot affairs. Connecticut Election.—Connecticut is the next State to vote this Spring, following New Hampshire on the 3d proximo. It is tbe most wavering of all New England States, and is liable to frequent mutations. In 1868, it gave TCngliah, Democrat, for Governor, 1,764 majori- ty. This was at the Spring election. In the following Fall, Grant, lor President, carried the State by 2,936 majority. In 1869, Jewell, Re publican, had 411 majority. In 1870, the tables were again reversed, and English, Democrat, ■ elected by 843 majority. It will thus be n that the State is very close, and that a few hundred votes have generally decided the re sult. In the Foity-Uret Congress, the delega tion of Connecticut consisted of three Republi cans and one Democrat, tbe majorities being re spectively 738,424, 2,399 and 1,160, • Queen Victoria’s private fortune is estima ted at $17,000,000, and people ask why she did not dower the Princess Louisa, instead of asking Parliament to do iL The Atlanta Intelligencer.—This old established newspaper has lately passed into tbe poesession of Dr. Samuel Bard, who pro poses to enlarge and otherwise improve it. As we look upon Dr. Bard as one oi the best news paper men in Georgia, we predict for the old Intelligencer under its new management, a return to something like its former vigor and influence.—Qwinnett Atlas.