Weekly Atlanta intelligencer. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1865-18??, April 26, 1871, Image 2

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Hi UJffhlfl Jntrlligtncn ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Wed n—day, April 26, 1871. Col. Halbert oa HimwGu(« Railroad*. The Columboa Enquirer ol the 21st instant, publishes an interesting address delivered Colonel Halbert in that city on the 19th instant, on the snbject ol railroads, and particularly the the narrow gage track. Diseased Heat 1b Boston. Borne two weeks ago a botcher died in Bos ton irom blood poison, inoculated iuto his system, while dressing for the market an ox which had died of disease, whilst being trans ported to that city on the Boston and Albany Kaiiroad. The investigation before a coroner’s Jury fully established the above facts, and also brought to light several ins anccs in which such meat had been dressed at the slaughter pens and sold in the market. The jury called the attention of the Board of Health to tbe evil, and recommended the adoption ol more strin gent regulations to protect the lives of those engaged in slaughtering, and of the public against tbe purchase of unwholesome meat. This is a subject which deserves the watchiul attention cf the authorities of every city. The Arkansas Tyrant Hakes a Speech Ex-Governor Clayton, who lorded it over the people of Arkansas with high 1 and during the last tour years, and who has lately been elected from that Bute to the United Btates Senate, was serenaded at Washington city, on the night of the 18th insUnt, and made a speech on what he assumed tc be the issues before tbe American people, tbe substance of which is reported in the New York Herald of the next day. The theme he selected was the “second rebellion of the South,” and be rejoiced that one of first acts of his Senatorial career, was in favor of a measure to crush it out. The conduct of affairs in Ar kansas by this cruel satrap of Federal power, M^Go^ernor of that ill fated State, is fresh in thi- mirxiif of the people. By tbe use of bis negro militia he inflicted upon the people of that Bute unparalleled wrongs and atrocities. Arbitrary arreests, cruel punishments, without cause or justification, mark his d< spotic sway. In this speech he boasts of the success of his adminis tration—makes a virtue ol his monstrous acts ol cruelty and oppression, and is applauded by the radical mob that waited upon him. If Clayton alone were reponsible for his utterances—if he alone sought applause for infamy, his remarks on the occasion referred to, might well pass without note or comment. But he is a repre sentative man of his party—a henchman of the tyrant who now holds the leins of the Gov ernment, and would subvert the liberties it was established to protect and secure. It is in this view alone that he is en titled to notice. It is by such men as he that the party is to be judged. They are the chosen instrumentalities by which the party seeks to retain power. The speech referred to is a tissue ol falsehoods, invented and used to keep alive and inflame sectional hatred and pre judice, the means now relied upon by the radi cal party to save itself irom overthrow. This is its only hope. Its usurpations have been so flagrant, its profligacy so glaring, that its only chance oi success lies in appeals to feelings that should be buried as things of the past. It stands upon no principle—no act of the admin istration which it can commend to public lavor. Grant’s career as President has been a failure irom beginning to end. He has done nothing that entitles him to be called a states man. There have been men who have beiore figured in the world as tyrants, but who gilded their tyranny with something that served to relieve it ot its opprobrium—with some act that excited wonder and admiration, it not a nation’s love and gratitude. The Cromwells and Bona partes, and Uichclleur, whose deeds ot tyranny shocked the moral sense of mankind and made their very names a terror, at the same time daz zled the world with a magnificence and splen dor that served to abate, it not conceal, the enormity of their offense. But this man, Grant, stands before tbe country as a naked tyrant and usurper, without even the disgu'se of a great act, bad though it might be, to hide his shame and infamy. By the fortunes of war, his success in the field elevated him to the highest place in the gift oi the American people. His claims as a military man, we do not intend to discuss. In war success is, ordinarily, the measure of re nown. In his case, however, his reputation is shorn of much of its glory by the tact, that it rests not so much upon any exhibition ot military genius, as upon physical causes—overwhelming numbers and superiority in the materials oi war. But as a civivlan his administration is utterly wanting iu ability and dignity—has nothing in its history to relieve it ot its merited odium, His advisers are wanting in statesmanship, aud his minions, iu principle aud character. He has descended to make war upon a defenseless people, at the sacrifice ot ail lhat is generous and noble, and by trampling upon the constitu tion he has sworn to support The Claytons and lloldeus are fit instruments tor the promo ticn ol his ambitious aims. Practical Idea*. To be a good housekeeper r< qurios education and practict; but if a Woman's hi art is in the woik she will soon learn, it necessity places the duty beiore her. When tbe comlort and prosperity of a loved husband renders it ncceisary to economize and live to the blit advantage wi'h small means, a devoted wile will turn her thought and care to the duties ot her home. The help ol a got d, careful, pro dent house keeper, enablt s a man to advai.ee his business prognrets more than anything else & woman can do. Hu superficial accompl’shmeuts of a board- ing-sthool m ts are nothing ct mi and toa prac tical educaiiou iu nil that pertains to making home attractive, and sensible men know it. It is veiy imposing to witness the majestic ■weep ol yares upon yards ol expensive silk flounces ai d lac- s into a parlor, out, young man.it requires a lurge income to support so much style. It is delmiitful to talk with a yout g lady who knowo Frencn, aud all the latest n vels, and to have a diviue creature dispense her best ekir- tnis ies ol fl.rung with her eyes, smiles and fan, bat, young man, there olt is but little heart or sincerity in p.acticed charms. A girl who has only acoumiiD school education, aud the ac complishrneuts taught her by a loving mother, of cooking and all o her domestic duties, will be more likely to make you a good wile. She may not have tbe most polished address. She may not tu able to en au le you with bat talions of arts and wiles w.ih which a petted fashionable belle surrounds nud uapinres beaux, but she will prze tbe love ol an In mest heart more, anu truin and sincerity devote her life to requitting the love and ktuili.e s given her. It your iuox«me be only a K w hundreds a year, a fashionable devotee ol style aud hi art-smash ing will in a a few years fret htrseil into a mis erable disconslented wreck, and be a dead weight upon you; while a lnsh-b< artid, do mestic girl will develop into a bioom ng mat ronly woman ot seme and responsibility.—Elm Orlou. From Lonltnt le Courier-Jonrush Lizzie Carlioa. A boat thirty years ago there came to this city a stranger, a young girl in her teens, who gave her name as Lizze Carlton. Nothing more was known of her than that she was accompanied hither by a young man who was, or pretended to be, deal and who left at once after aiding her in securing a situation in the establishment of a Mis. Williams, a milliner and dressmaker, on Fourth street, nearly opposite tne spot where Barker’s New York Store now stands. Lizzie was a handsome brunette, with a wealth of raven hair which swept the floor, with bright expressive eyt s, and, altogether, gen teel and dignified in her general appearance. From her lady-like deportment and close atten tion to the interests ol her employer, she was soon made superintendent of tne establishment. Tbe social lines were not so strongly marked and scrupulously guarded then as now, and hence the young and beauiitnl stranger was soon received into the best company—forming a unmoor ot friends outside ot her business tir cle, among others a Mrs E, a prominent mem ber of tbe Baptist church, at whose house Liz zie was a frequent visitor. She, in time, attach ed hem if to that church and became a most exemplary member. During her visits to Mrs. E. she met Phillip Slaughter, himself one ol the pillars ot the cLu.cb, who, alter living in single-blessedness lor years, enjoying his wealth aud family station all alone, soon conceived a tender sentiment for the young and lovely sister. Old bachelors are considered public property in so far that a lively public interest is always manifested in their matrimonial we) r are, and hence it was not long alter tue match-makers put their heads together until the twaiu were made one. The maiTiage ceremony was performed at the Baptist church, then standing on the southwest corner of Fifth aDd Green, ihe Rev. Mr. Buck officiating. The happy bride aDd groom, accompanied by a number ol iheir brothers and sisters, repaiied to tbe residence ol Mr. Slaughter, about ten miles Irom the city, on tbe Bardstown pike, to partake of the usual festivities. The boniy-moon witnessed a mutual growth of admiration between the two, aDd not only the honey moon, but several other moons, waxed aDd waned, and dripped with hon-v “sweeter than the honeycomb.” Alas ! that man’s uvunce and brutality should break in to mar and destroy a scene of happi ness like this! About sunset one evening the door-bell rang Lizzie—cow Mrs. Slaughter—left her husband’s bed side (Ue was confined to his room by a slight illness at this time), arranged her toilet, and descended to the parlor. One piercing scream, that startled the echoes and shook the ratters, aroused Mr. Slaughter, who rushed down the stairs. What was tin astonishment and dismay when he found his bride fainting on the floor, and a strange gentle man, and attended by a policeman, bending over her. “dir.” said the stranger, “this is my slave. Her name is Malinda Cass. I am a Mississippian —here is the bill of sale. I bought her a lew- months before she escaped from my home. I have been on her trait tor a long time; and now she must return with me.” The distress ot this untortunate couple drew, at once, a large concourse ol their friends, who were as much at a loss what to advise in tbe midst oi these strange relations as were those most deep y concerned. The husband, after the first paroxysm of his grief had subsided, vowed eteinai fidelity to his wife, bond or tree, and with tbe assistance ot Deacon Elliott, Rev. Mr Buck and others, it was arraigned that, # to quiet matters, the stranger should be indemnified lor the loss of his slave, and a little party ol lriends met at the Galt House, whtre the Missis sippian received $700 for compensation, and re turned borne. But Mr. S being rather feeble-minded and easily influenced man, was so beset by his rela tives that he ahandoned his wife, as they could not tolerate one in such relation as that, who had one drop ot Alrican blood in her veiDS, however concealed beneath a fair exte rior. He turned the poor woman into the street, and she, bioken hearted, went Irom place to place in the capacity of a seamtress, soon after giving birth to a son. She managed to support herself and child, and to bear up under all htr misfortunes until Mr. 8. married another. She at once took to her bed, was kindly attend ed by the Sisters of CharitBo^nd a tew of tbe Baptist sisters in this city, until she died ot a bn ken h< art. •Mr. Elliott went South to learn a true state menl of her history, but the reports there weie as conflicting as they nad in the meantime come to be here- L'zzic Carlton persisted to the last that she was a pure Caucassian—a free woman. She related that her mother, a Portugese, 08 reach ing this country, being a dark brunette, formed the acquaintance ot a wealthy planter in New Orleans, who became so iniatuated with her that he took her to his home, and to conceal his purposes from his wife, got her consent to pass as his servaut— her apptarance enabling her to assume tbe cl aiacter of a bright mulatto. Liz zie was tbe offspring ot this illicit strateuy, and the planter dying suddenly, and without dis closing the true character of his mistress (who herself died soon alter,) Lizze, while quite a child, descended to the heirs with the other slaves of the estate; and the estate becoming involved, she was sold to a stranger—the same who afterwards visited Louisville in search of his property. 8he further stated that the gen tleman who brought her here was her halt brother—the son of her mother’s seducer—and that she fled to escape the persecutions of her purchaser, who persisted in soliciting favors which her womauly virtue could not tolerate. A tew pitied aud more blamed the unfortu nate woman tor imposing herself, as they called it, on this community. But time has mellowed the harshness of the sentiment which was tb< > prevalent and made unanimous tne opinion thu her story was true in all respects. The olde-i inhabitants of Louisville now declare their be lief that she was inded the daughter of & Potu gese woman; that she was altogether gi ted with splendid virtues, and was the innocent vie tim of the strategy of her parents, and was, of course, as much entitled to the rights of a tree woman as any one who walks Fourth street to day. Her lather’s and mother’s sudden death was the cause of all her woes; even her ostensi ble owner was ignorant ol her true history. How terribly, in this instance, were the sins ol the parents virited upon the child ! Poor, heart-broken woman! A little grave in the Wi sh rn Cemetery ot the city has set upon her lips the seat ot everlasting silence, and it is meet, now that time, which sooner or later works its revenges and grants that justice which was withheld, mat the true story of her life shouid be written—that the cloud which en shrouded her fair name should be swept aside— and that her son, if he is living to-day, may rest no longer under the false imputation of having been born a slave. Soon alter the death ot Phillip Slaughter, his relatives sent the boy referred to above, to Hawesviile, in this State, to be raised by a man named Luckctt, or Lucky, under an assumed name, and since tbat lime nothing has been known of his fate, unless to the relatives ot Mr. Slaughter, several of whom are still living. ontbs Iuunu Men.—The Middle- town Transcript says: A lady requi sled us to insert the following: “Wanted, one hundred and fifty young meD, more or less, oi all shapes and sizes, from ’he tall, graceful dandy with hair sufficient on his npper lip to stuff a bar ber’s cushion, dowu to the little bow-legged, freckled-laced, carrot-headed upstart. The ob ject is to form a gaping corps, to be in attend ance at the church doors at the close of divine service each Sabbath evening, to stare at the la dles ss tney leave church, and to make delicate and gentlemanly remarks on their person and dress. All who wish to enter the stove corps will appear on the steps ol the various church doors next Sunday evening, when tbe, will be duly inspected, their names, personal appearance and quality ol brains registered in a book lor that purpose. To prevent a general rush, we will state that no one wilt be enlisted who pos sesses intellectual capacity above that ol a well- bred donkey.” Wilhelm, the composer ol the German nation al hymn, “ The Watch on the Rhine,” ot which over six hundred thousand copies were sold in Germany since the breaking out of the war with France, died a few week ago ot apoplexy. Tbe Influence of Preuy Women. Life becomes more harmonious, it beats with a ketner pulse of enjoymenr, in the presence ol pntty women. After al', a charming little figure, a piquet little face, is the best remedy lor halt the ills ot existence, its worries, its vex ations, its outness, its disappointments. And even in the larger and more placid types ol biauty, in the beauty of a Lady Dumotllo, ii there is a tinge ot stupidity, there is, at any rath, an atmosphere ot repose, a genial influence moulding our social converse and habits into gentler shapes. — It is amusing to see how the prettiness of wo man tells on her dress how the order and pro priety ot her dress tells on tbe home. The pur suit ot beauty, the habit of prettiness, give an ideal dignity to the very airangement ot her bonnet "strings. In e\e y movement, in tbe very sweep of her ampie lo’ds, in the pose cl htr languor, in 'he g*y start of her excitement, on fet-ls the sobenin-, fcaimoniziUt influence «.. bet last o-4 in :h« ija s. .sue m-y ht g»y oi sorr- wiu q ..i i or cne:geiio, but sue m st be pretty Beauty excretes au imp rcepub'e compulsion over iter, which l oulds her whole life into graceful and harmonious forms Her dress rises out of tbe mere clothing ot man into the regions ot science, ot poetry, ot art. A thousand consid'rations ol tas'e, harmonies o. toior, ci n'rasts, cor espondencie-, ce i a c ad- juetmi n s ol . gh' -.nd shat e, di ta'e the choice oi a shawl e-r the tint ot a g.ore. And a_- pre.uuess tens on dress, it tells on the home. Floweis, pictures, the gey nous pf a sonata, the coziest ot couches, gorgeous hues ol Indian tapestiv, glass-work of Aiurano, a hun dred exquisite somethings and nothings, are the natural setting of pretty women Tne art of the boudo.r teas ou all but the chaos ot the hi sband’s study. Around that last r.fugeol Laibarism flo its an atmosphere of taste and refinement in wli< h tne pretty wile lives and moves and hi..- her being And from this tone ot the home greres tae tone of society, the social laws ci good humor, of proj r.ety, ot seh-resiraint, ot consideration f :r others, ol gentleness, of vivacey Tbe veiy hush of the rough tones that-have thundered over Pelopo- nete as Per cits beef’s over Aspasia, the little turns and delicacies ot phrase, the joyous serf doms and id entss of the manliest and most energetic ot men, tells of the triumph of pretty women. From the Hew York Times. No* ualltr. A new form of crime has been invented in London, and, unless legal provision is speedily devised to meet tbe contingency, we may ex pect to hear of nnmerous instances of it* com mission. The novelty consists, not in the deed perpetrated, but in the method whereby punish ment is evaded. For some time the Buglish press hss given nnnsnal attention to a certain robbery ol diamonds by a Mr. and Mrs. Turpey; and in the issue of the trial of the latter per son, is illustrated the new form of crime. To get a clear view of the matter it is needful to recite its details. On the 12tn of January last, a gentleman called at the jeweler's shop of Messrs. London Ryder, in New Bond street. He asked to see some diamonds, and some were shown to him. He then made certain arrangements for a shop man to take certain articles ot jewelry to a house in Upper Berkley street. His name he left as Mark Tvrrell,and observed that the object ot the arrangement in question was tbat of showing the diamonds to bis wife—for whose use they were intended—before completing the purchase The shopman, one Parkes, went in dne time to the house, and met at the door by Mr. Tyrrell, who apologized for the absence ot a servant, and conducted bis visitor up stairs. When they entered the drawing-room Mrs Tyrefl * otherwise the Martha Torpey who has just been tried for the robbery—was seated by tne fire Parkes soon took tbe diamonds from their cases, and. exhibited them to the husband and wife. Various remarks were made on the beauty of the gems, their cost and relative desirability, and thiATyrell proposed to his wife that she should call her si-ter. who was s .id to be in t be next room, to get her opinion on the subject. Tbe woman left the room as suggested, leaving Parkes standing with his back to the door by which she went ou*. In a few moments she came back and said her sister wou'd be there directly. At the same instant she passed behind the unsuspecting Parkes and crammed a banderchiet saturated with some art aesthetic, over his nose and mouth. Simultaneously, Tyreil rushed upon him from the front and pinned his arms against his sides. A struggle ensued, Parkes trying to free his arms, and occasionally escaping from the hand kerchief; but Tyreil or Torpey continuing to grapple with him, and the woman to follow him up, and to thrust the handkerchief against his mouth and nostrils. At last Parks was thrown on a sofa and became insensible. When he recovered he found himself bound hand and f iot, while his male assailant was standing over him. The woman was gone probably to put up the jewels in some secure place, and the man, after cautioning his prisoner to make no noise under pain of death, aud saying that in a short time some one would come and release him disap peared also. After awhile Parks contrived to ree himself and made his escape. Of course the alarm was given, and equally of course the birds had flown. In the sequel Torpey got off safe to the continent, where he is still at large, taking with him the diamonds. The police, however, managed to capture the woman—who had none ot the booty—and the other day Martha Torpey was put on trial for robbery. All the facts as we stated them were duly proved and the case given to the iury. In seven minutes, and without leaving the b< x, that jury brought in a verd : ct not guil’y. and tbe pri oner was thereupon discharged. Tuis singular looking conclusion was arrived at upon a theory ot great antiquity, but one, we should suppose, that must be growing more and more distasteful to a certain class ol “progress ive” thinkers. This theory consists in the legal fiction that a woman has no exiat< nee save through and by favor of her husband. The Recorder, in summing up for the jury, charged them that the presumption of law was that when an act was committed by a wife in the presence of her husband, it- was done under his control. Mr. Montagu Williams, who urged this line of defense with remarkable ingenuity and eloquence, insisted that Mrs. Torpey had been actually coerced by her husband to do as she had done; and the fleet of his glowing pe riods was enhanced by the prisoner, who wept silently throughout his speech, while her baby, in the arms of a female warder hard by, set up a “feeble little wail.” To the eye ol common sense the robbery was a clear case of conspiracy; to the eye of the law the accused was tbe Inno cent tool ot a wicked husband. She conse quently left the dock not on'y scot-free, but in a technical sen c e without a stain on her charac ter ; and by this time, no doubt is sharing with her lord the fruits of her audacicus enterprise in some town of Southern France or sunny Italy. A Han Willi six Wives The Erie, (Pa.) Dispatch “showing up” the matrimonial adventures ot a travelling M. D., whose pompous manner and volubility of tongue have given him the name of Dr. “ Whistlewind,” but whose real name is Lyman P. Taylor, who is the husband of six wives and the father of children innumerable. Among his victims is a woman in Troy. The doctor is a shoemaker by trade, and his first matrimonial venture was with an actress in a circus. The charms of a pretty Quakeress induced him to desert his wile and two children, and he married the former, living with her until her death, which was caused by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. The doctor next married his servant girl.. He then eloped with a patient from Syracuse, a Mrs. Dusenbury, for whom he seems to have genine affection, living ,with her the long period of fitteen years. The doctor next turned up at Lansingburgs, where he represented himself to be a widower. He was poorly clad and Beemed to suffer bard times. He there opened a medical office, and became acquainted with Mrs. Francis M., who became bis filth wife, and who since learning his true character, is likely either to bring him to justice or make the country too hot to hold bun. He married her in Troy four v* -.r s a-o, cue of his sons and a Mrs. King i eg tbe wi nesses. She was worth $8,000, mil gave him $1,000 as a wedding present to set up a country shoe store in North Corinth, but be ran through it, lain around drunk, and in three mouths bad only a few dollars left Before leaving North Corinth, however, an officer came with a warreut for obtaining goods under taise pretences. He appealed to bis wife, and she paid $475 to save him from punishment While getting ready to emigrate to Erie, wife No. 4. Mrs Dusenbury, made her appearance and demanded that he should come and live with her, and her three children. He denied in presence ot wife No. 5, that he had been mar ried to No. 4 She said that she could bring proof enough, but ii he would do something tor the support ot the children she would not prose cure. He had swindled a shoe manufacturer in this city oat of over a hundred dollars worth ol goods, and these he packed in a box and told his late companion to take them and sell them for the benefit of herself and children. He then started lor Erie with his wife No. 5, bnt after a short time married a sixth wife in that place and put lor parts unknown. The last time he was heard Irom he was in South Bend, Indiana. The Troy lady and wife No. are both alter him, and he can hardly escape— at least the clutches of the former. State Item*. The Newnan Herald of the 21st inst, states that it has received a letter from Carrolton, staling that Mr. Henry Martain, son of Hon. Emanuel Martin, was found dead in his field, on the 17th instant. It is supposed that, he died of appoplexy as he was in full health that morning on leaving his house. The Houston Journal says that Mr. Calvin Brown, of that county, while seated at a table writing, was fired upon through a window and slightly wounded with buck-shot. The un known villian had not been apprehended. A gentleman by tbe name of J. L. Marbut, a citizen ot Paulding county, was attacked and robbed by negroes in the public highway, in Haralson county, on last Saturday, the 15th instant Believing that they intended also to take his lite, he made his escape, when the De crees fired upon him, one ball passing through his coat Judge LnrVj of "Augusta, has decided that District Court Judges have no power to issue a bench warrant, and discharged a prisoner who had been arrested by tbat process. The Chapman Sisters will perform in Albany next Monday evening. The Albany News says that it has been an nounced that the company propose to f xtend the Southwestern railroad from that place to some pomt southwest beyoDd Blakely. The Flint river was about as high on ! h» 20th inet., as it has been this season, endangering Tift’s bridge now building at Albany. The taxable property of ihe State for 1870 is put down at $210,000 000. A Columbus church was lately robbed of a glass baptismal b iwl which the church had owned for twenty-three years. Hon. C. BL ShoaSOey, a prominent member of the bar of this State, died recently in Colum bia county where he lived. The grand jury of Crawtord has presented the District Court as an illegal concern. The grand iury ol Campbell county pre sents the District Court as a nuisance, and Governor Bullock’s ad min «st ration, for its reckless and profligate expenditure of the peo pie’s money. Dr. Tutt, formerly a well-known citizen of Augusta, but fate of Chattanooga, died recently at tbe latter place. On Sunday right of the 9th instant, Mr. James Howard, of Lincoln county, was decoyed from his house by two unknown men, under pretense of being shown the road to Lmcolton, when, af ter going a short distance, they seized him and demanded his money. Upon his refusing, they bound him to a tree, and forced him to give it up. One of the viilians then fired upon him by inflicting a very dangerous wound. They then left him bound to the tree. He afterwards suc ceeded in releasing himself and in getting back to his house. The robbers get about seventy five or a hundred dollars. Rome is to have a grand celebration at the opening of the new building of the Library and Historical Association, on the 28th instant. The programme i9, first, a steamboat excursion down the Coosa River; second, a lecture from Dr. Hicks, upon ihe “ Great Yirgifhan third a supper worthy of the occasion, and after the supper, amusement generally, according to taste. Blondes—History Shows They Have More Iragedy Passion than Brunettes—The tragedy passion has generally been coupled with the slumbrous black eye—according to Buffon, there are no black eyes proper—all that seem so being black by contrast of the dark pupil with the white cortica-but observation indi cates the tailacy ot this belief. The true tragedy woman is the semi-approximating to the blonde rather than the brunette. Cleopatra had red hair, anr. was freckit d; but, having had dark eyes, must be classed either as a semi or as dark-cycJ auburn blonde. So Brinviiiiers, the beauty acd tragedy woman of her day. Mr Kubisse—run.i the anecdote—was so taken with u e devilish tascination of her portrait, in pos session ot M. De Langes, that he trembled visi bly, yet could not leave it. “What is your opinion ol it?” asked M. De Lances, breaking the spell alter Mr De Langes, br- aking the spell after Mr. Zubisae. “Who is she ?’’ •‘Brmvillers, the prisoner, and the wickedest womau in France,” answered M. De Langes, an of Arc, trsdgedy woman as she was, ap- ::r- to l.av< bc<-n b!on<ir, and had masses ol golden hair ; but win- he- her eyes were blue or light gray, history lia-> never settled Lucre- tin Borgia’s hair was tawny, according to trav- eleors who have studied a lock it of preserved in the Ambrosian Library in Milan. Leigh Hunt, who possessed a solitary hair, taken by Lord By ron, from the Milan relic,declares that it wa* •f 'be col r properly termed golden. “Iftv-i h-dr was goieerj,” writes Mr. HudI, “ibi* is. It is or red ; it is not yellow ; k js not auburn ; s: i gokki;, aid nothing else; and, though nat ur..l lookiug, must have had a strange ap;>ear- ance in the mass.” Others apply the epithets twany and straw-colored, which, in the mass, answers to Landoris description: “Calm hair meandering with pellucid gold.” Helen, ot Troy, and Peppsea Sabina, had abundant tresses of this same color; and so had Milto, the beanliful Loman. Tragedy-women all!—Home Journal. Small Clippings. A fourteen-year-old girl in Cincinnati cow- hided a young loafer who had made remarks about her. Six physicians—three males and three females attended the Princess of Wales at the recent birth ol a prince. The baby died. A gentleman expressed to a lady his admira tion of her toilet. jShe said she supposed he had beeen impressed by her angel sleeves — He answered with eflusibn, “No; but he’d like to be.” An Indianapolis gentleman’s claim for divorce is based on the ground that when he married four weeks, his wife’s hair was black, but now it is r* d enough to entitle her to the front rank in a torchlight procession. Moses understood mankind. He specified our neighbor’s ox and his ass among his pos sessions which we must not covet, but omitted our neighbor’s horse. That was too much tc ask ol poor human nature 1 A good story is told of a late college Presi dent near Boston. On one occasion the col lege students substituted a large dictionary in stead of the Bible, at the morning devotions On opening the book he at once saw tbe situa tion; but he said nothing and proceeded to the prayer, which he prolonged for sn hour. The students got out of all patience; but they appre ciated the sly remark oi the venerables Presi dent on his retiring, that he*‘found all the words he needed, in the volume they had placed on his desk.” t The New Orleans Police Board has appointed a mounted force tor the protection of the suburbs of the city. The force consists ot nine teen men, two corporals, and a sergeant who i to report every day to the Superintendent of Police. The Chicago Tribune says :—“ The Repubi can party is not a despotism led by a Czar, but a hundred-handed Briareus ” And every hand is reaching our to steal something that belongs to the people.—Louisville Ledger. Thg New York Standard says the President relies upon tbe common sense ot the people. It he had a little common sense ot his own to rely upon it would be much better for the peo ple.—Courier-Journal. In the testimony against Principal Gallagher of New*York grammar school No. 31, one ol the witnesses says he was drunk, because he read from the Bible: *• And the cock wept thrice, and Peter went out out and crew bit terly.” Ii Dr. Livingstone lives to get back from Africa he is going to explore South Carolina. The people of that State are expected to pay four millions of dollars in State and county taxes. And it is thought that it will be made a howling wilderness. A medical correspondent of the London Lan cet gives the following remedy for neuralgia, so prevalent at this season: “A lew years ago, when in China, I ascertained that the natives, when attacked with facial neuralgia, used oil of peppermint, which they lightly applied to the seat of pain with a camel’s hair pencil. Since then, in my own practice, I have frequently employed this oil as a local anaesthetic, not only in neuralgia, but also in gout, witii remarkably good effects.” A clergyman asked some children, “Why do we say in the Lord’s prayer, ‘Who art in Heaven,’ since God is everwhere ?” He saw little drummer boy who looked as if he could give an answer, and turned to him for it ‘Well, little soldier, what do you say?” "Be cause its headquarters.” If some ot the preachers knew what excellent advertisements are many ot the sermons that are aimed at the places ot popular amusement they wouldn’t preach any more of them for less than forty cents a line.—Louisville Courier-Jour nal. The Nilsson Conckkt.—Nilsson stands at the hi ad ot her profession, and is as remarkable for her excellence in song as any ot her native country, Sweden, has ever produced. Brignoli has already given Atlanta practical evidence of Ins genius, and llcue temps is said to have no rival as a violenist. The Nilsson concert prom ises to be a grand mu JcaL treat, and we suppose that tbe best audience that has assembled in DeGive’s Opera House since the departure ot Larlotla Patti will be there to greet her. Pbbsidknt Grant’s talent for organization on a military basis is notably shown in his Uabi- net, whose secrets have found a leak through an under Secretary, now out of office, whose posi tion required him to sometimes act at Cabinet meetings. Ic appears tbat, long before he sought the absolutism which gives him the power ot dictator over the whole country, he had reduced his Cabinet to the condition ot a military staff, whose sole duty is tc acquiesce in his decisions whenever they happen to find them out. The recent removals in the New York Custom House and tbe Ku-Klux message were never, it is said, submitted at a session ot the Cabinet, and tbe membtis s-iw them first in tbe news papers. Any opposition is followed by a hint tbat a resignation will be accepted, and rather than lose office the several Secretaries have tacitly handed over their Departments to the President. Mr. Boutwell saved his place by passing the patronage ot the Treasury to the control of the Commissioner ot the Internal Revenue and the White House military staff, and Mr. Cre&well did the same with his Depart ment. Sucn a thorough organ tzalion of nis Cabinet was never effected by any other Presi dent, for there never was one so bent upon securing and holding the power which comts through what Mr. t?umner calls the “ usurpa tion ol the kingly prerogative.”—Boston Post. Thb City Hail lot is being deeply plowed up preparitory to being planted in some sort of grain noth the season tor sowing bine grass shall arrive. This is a laree an i level lot, is suscep tible of very bieli c-u.t-va ion, ana could be or namented with nue trees a -d sb'ibbery at but it li c s'. We think irom p: seat indications ii-n Junge Pittman will have everything netd- lul in the premises done, and that before a great while. This lot will become one ot the most beautiful spots in the city. Freights over the Nashville and Chattanooga and Nashville and Northwestern roads have fallen off from thirty to forty per cent, daring the past few weeks, the reduction in shipment of grain being most noticeable, as the farmers keep their grain rather than accept present prices. M’lle Nilsson, who has created such a furor in the cities, that have been so rortunate as to have bad her s ng in them, is announced to appear in Atlanta. She is a rival of Jenny Lind and Carlotta Patti and will doubtless draw as large an audience as tbe Opera House can bold. To thoee who have cuaivated their musical talent, her coming will ne a particular treat, while all who can admire periection in vocal process most admire the abilities.. Gvlng to Sleep. Lav me down gently—my waning strength Will near no more to-night; The day tuu teem'd each a weary length. Bathed In its golden light. The birds have snug, bat they wearv me Through the ceaseless silent hoars; And the air is fill’d with their melody. And the scent of the budding flowers. I ant longing to go—nsv, do not chide, Nor so sadly head year head ; I thought ere now to have been your bride. But I'm wedded to death instead. Ny darlirg! God has in leve forgiven The idol m; heart had made; Bat to win me back to the heights of Heaven He has lower’d me to the grave. “If I had been spared 1“ oh do not speak I He knows what is safe and beet; And my pas-ionate spirit has grown so meek, .Prepared for that long sweet rest. My eyelids droop, for the night has come; Why do you wildly weep ? I feel like a wanderer going home, Afl I calmly sink to sleep. Thb following is an official statement oi what G< rmany nas done during her war with France: vVar was declared by France on the 19 th of July, 1870, and though, on the 27th of January, 1871, through the capitulation ot Paris, there was cessation of hostilities, the war was not virtually over until the 16th of February, 1871, therefore lasting altogether about two buudrea and ten days. The first few days of this time— namely, up to the 26th ot July—were occupied iu calling into service and organiz ng the North German as well as South German armies; iu their concentration, and in taking their strategic position along the “Trier Landau” line, and everything was completed in the marvellously short time ot thirteen days. As the streagth ol these armies amounted to from 500,000 to 600 000 men, there must have been transported over the different railroad lines on an average about 42,000 men per day, and only three oi the five principal roads could be used to any advantage. To be aole to judge fairly of the immensity and magnitude ot these military and railway «pera tious, the large number of horses, cannons, am munition ana other wagons which were con veyed over these roads at the same time must be taken into consideration, as well as the cir- cumstance Uwl up to that time a battalion, squadron or battery was considered as the regular freight ol a train, and also that tour army corps were carried across ihe whole ot the present Empire, and that during this journey ot several days men and horses had to be pro vided with food. The successes with which the Germans hav met are in a great measure due to this really wondStfhl rapidity of organ zation and concen tration of the armies. Besides the thirteen days spent as mentioned above, the time passed in negotiation at Ver sailles—namely, from the 24th ot January to the 16th ot February—cannot be counted as actual warfare, thus leaving only one hundred aud eighty days in which the French empire was conquered. In these one hundred and eigli y days the German armies have had over 156 smaller or larger fights or conflicts, have fought seventeen decisive battles, have taken twenty six lortesses or fortified places, have made pm oners 11,650 officers and 363,000 men, aDd have captured 6,700 guns or mitrailleuses and 12o eagles and stands of colors. A more minute calculation shows that the Germans, during the six months of real fighting have had on average each months ot real fig tit ing, have had on overage each month twenty six tights and three decisive battles; have taken four fortesses, 1,950 officers aud 69,500 prisoner and captured 1,110 cannons and twenty eagle: or flags. Tne following is a statement of the work of each seperate month: Up to the capitulation ot Sedan there were fitteen smaller and eigat great battles, namely: At Weissenburg, VVoertb, cheren, Couicelles, Vionville, Gravelotte, Noise vtlle and Beaumont-Sedan. The following four lortified places were oc cupied : Switzerland, Leitzelslem, Lich ten berg Marrsal and Vitly. In the month ot September thirteen fights took place, and the capture of the fortresses o Sedan, Laon, Toul and Strasbourg. Jn the mouth of October thirty-seven conflicts and the tall ot the Forts Soisson, Schletestadi and Metz. During the month of November there were fitteen encounsers and two greri battles, namely: Amiens and Beaune-a-Roiande, and the for tresses of Verdun. Montheliarp, New Breisach Hacudiden-Solen (?), La Fere and the citadel oi Amens surrendered to the Germans. In December there were thirty fights—the battles at and near Orleans and on the Hallune and the taking of Plalz uag and Monteoiedy. In January, finally, there were torty-eight fights, and the battles ot Le Mans, Montbeltar aud St. Quenlio, as well as the surrender ot the torts of Rocroy, Peronne, Longwy, and Paris, Beltort was not surrendered nil February. The siege ot Paris lasted from the 19th o Sep 1 ember, 1871, to the 28th of January, 1871 —in all 130 days—during which time twenty- two sorties, in force, were made, and thought iD the above mentioned revision these are merely enumerated as fights, yet some ot them were tmpor ant and bloody enough to entitle them to rank among great ba'tles. There were also three navat battles, which are not included in the above statement, Damely On the 19Lh ot September, by Hiddennse; on the 21st ot September, in the Putzing Bay, and on the 12th ot October in the Bay ol Havana Alphonzo Nash, a mulatto man who keeps a barber shop and sort of eating house on Whitehall street, was up beiore a Justice ot the Peace this morning charged with receiving some silver forks stolen from a house in this city. The evidence showed that Nash had received the lorks and that his wife had sent them to Augusta for sale by a train hand on the Georgia Railroad. This person swore that he had received the forks and carried them to Augusta aud upon hearing that some such arti- clts had been stolen he had brought them back to Atlanta and delivered them to Nash. Tne Court decided to bind the defendant over in bond ot $250 for his appearance at the Supe rior Court. CITY ITEfll. Moore’s Commercial Institute was es tablished in Savannah in October, 1858, and conducted with marked success until the break- ng out of the late war when its operations ceased. In 1862 the Principal, B. F. Moore, was called to Atlanta to fill a position offered him, and since that time has been identified with the people of this city in their adversity and prosperity. Occupying different positions as an accountant and man ot business lor over four teen years, making book-keeping and the science of accounts a specialty, embarked again in October, 1868, tor the purpose of establishing a business college in Atlanta, and giving the young men of tne South an opportunity of obtaining a business education at borne, more thorough and practical in its details, with associations more congenial to their natures and dispositions, aud more economical than patron tzing Northern institutions, whose principal feature is the production ot highly illustrated papers containing false inducements to attract the unwary, and furnish superficial instruction instead ot a sound practical business educa tion. Personal.—Mr. Greeley said Mr. Lincoln after a long interview during the war, that he was “the cunningest man in the United States and a writer in the Tribune now, probably Mr. John Hay, so long the President’s private secre tary, recalls a remark ot his oid chief, which comes very much to confession of the same thing, and shows how subtly he dealt with tbe men aod the questions which pressed them selves ieverishiy upon him, and yet, also how low was his estimate ot human nature, and ol the means by which government was to be administered. On closing a protracted local squabble with a brilliant compromise, as Mr. nay testifies, Mr. Lincoln remarked—“ all there is ot honest statesmanship consists in combining individual meannesses lor the public good.” Fashion gossip has it that in passing a lady on the street the hat should be raised during the present season with the left hand, the little fin ger and thumb under the rim. The bow lor April is a little to tbe left side, and not quite as low as formerly. The following words actually formed the pero ration ot the Counsel’s plea, tor his client in an assault and battery case, in Alabama: “Let the humble ass crop the thistle ot the valley I Let the aagacioas goat browse upon the mountain’s brow, but gentlemen ot the jury, I say John Gnndie is not guilty.” Out West, when a notoriously lazy man is caught at work, they say he is meddling with industry. The colored cadet Smith, at West Point, has been kicking the shins of some of the “white trash” there. A Covington lady gave her child hair oil for for a cough, by mistake, but it worked jnst as well. That woman was a philosopher, who, when she lost her husband, said she had one_conaola- tton—she knew where be was o’oightsT Last Night’s Proceeding’s of thb City Council.—The Council met at the usual hour. The Mayor presiding. Duriug the reading of the minutes ot the last meeting Alderman Finch moved to reconsider so muon thereof as relates u> the rejection ot tne reports ot the committee on the Broad street extension. The motion prevailed. On motion ot Alaerman Grubb the action of Council in releience u> the case of Mrs. Rhodes was reconsidered, and relered to the Street Committee and the city attorney. petitions. The petition of Frauiptou Eilis, for damages sustained by laliing into on opening in the pavement ot Loyd streei, made by the city, was reurred to a special committee. The petition ot Margaret Rust, for damages caused by cutting down her lot in widening Marietta street, was refereed to a committee. A petition irom a number ot citizens asking the removal of the slaughter pen ot Sparks «3B Co., was referred to the Board ot Health. A petition from John McMahon asking re peal ot City Ordiuauces 329 and 338, new Code was tabled. „ . , The petition of Samual Weil, Esq., in rela tion to Merritt Avenue, was referreu to Street Committee. A petition in regard to the fire alarm and po lice telegraph apparatus, was referred to the Fire Department A petition irom a number of citizens recom mending the appointment of a Special Com mittee to arrange lor holding a Fair next fell in Atlanta, was adopted. Several petitions tor extension of retail iicens were granted. reports. An adverse report on the proposed Whitehall street improvements was made by the Street Committe, J udge C. C. Hammock and H. L. Wilson were appointed assessors on the part oi the city iu opemug that street. A motion to increase the salary of the City Seuveyor was referred. A resolution by Alderman Grubb allowing Alderman Lowery to remove the government stables on his lot to the opposite side ol the street, was adopted. The Finance Committee recommended the payment oi bills to the amount ot one thousand six hundred and (.evenly two dollars, adopted On motion Council then adjourned. Nllaou, As our readers have already been informed, the great musical event ol the season comes > ff Monday evening, May 1st. Mr. Max Strakosh has secured a liberal supply of very eminent talent to assist in making the concert memora bly and artistically brilliant. A vocal trio of un usual completeness has been formed consisting of M’lle Christina Nilsson, the chief centre ot interest, and in many respects the most remark able celebrity whs has visited Amer.ca since Jenny Lind, is as we all know, a country-wo man of that lady. She is now about the same age as was Jenny Lind on her first arrival here, and in the fuilnes and perfection ot powers, for which nature has done much, and ait ail that is capable ot do- ing. Her great popularity in Europe had made almost an impossibility to tempt her into a new sphere of public effort so distant as ours, and we nave heard that Mai: Strakosh pays her consid erably over one hundred thousand dollars in gold, tor which she is now singing. Henry Vieuxtemps has borne the title ot Le Rot de violin for so many years, and is so uni vers&lly known as a composer and perforate that praise ot him is now superfluous. He was oorn in Belgium in 1820, aud nas been beiore the public since 1833. He was a pupil ol D C. Beriot’s, whose attention was attracted by his periormances on a little toy fiddle when he was but five years old; and at the age of twelve he performed before the conservatoril ol Paris, and received from those very critical judges unqualified approbation. His style is very highly finished, his tones clear and lull, while the feeling he exhibits is remarkable tender and sympathetic. Oi Brignoli it is not necessary to say much in praise or description. He seems to have taken a new base ot popularity. Big. N. Verger is a French baratone of good school and pleasant voice; has made a very excellent reputation among the musical critics of this country, aud seems to be worthy ol his associates. Such a combination as this is sure ot success; aud Strakosch may be proud ol the artistic enterprise displayed in it, and sanguine ot appreciation on the part ot the public. ^ ^ Rev. W. Watkins Hicks will deliver his lecture on Robert E. Lee at Trinity Church to morrow evening, at 8 o’clock. Dr. Hicks has delivered this lecture in other cities in this Stale aud the press has unanimously pronounced it to be a most able and brilliant production. The citizens of Ailanta have in store lor them one ot the richest intellectual treats. The address will be delivered in behalf of tbe Lee Memorial Association. Dr. Hicks’ fame as au orator ol rare powers, has preceded him, and we have no doubt he will have a large audience on the oc casion. Besides the pleasure of hearing the gifted speaker, the object oi the effort should usure a general atte ndauce. Attention is called to the advertisement of Messrs, W. T. Leitch and R. S. Bruns, auction eers Charleston S. C. who will sell in that city at auction on the 9th day of May, all the large and varied stock ot Messrs W. G. Wuilden & Co., consisting ol fine gold and silver watches. Plated ware, Glass and Parian ware, besides large quautities ot imported Granite aDd dip ped ware. This will be one ot the largest auc tion sales of the kind ever known in the South O. B. Taylor & Co., ol New York give notice to the public in another column that they have seven hundred and sixty five thousand dollars in cash gifts to be dristributed, they say that every ticket draws a prize. The Weekly Tri-* bune says of this Firm “it deserves success;' and the New York Herald says “it is just and honorable.” A Sleeping Man Tried.—This morning a criminal case was under investigation before a Justices’ Court against a negro man who sat in a chair fast asleep during the greater part of tbe trial. After the trial was over and tbe defen dant bound over tor appearance, he suddenly awoke to the consciousness of his situation and wanted to put in his defense. It was, however, too late. Postponed.—The lecture advertised to be given b} Dr. Dixon, lor the benefit of the Good Templars, will be postponed until Tuesday night, May 2d. The postponement is caused by arrangements having been made lor Dr. Hicks to lecture on the same evening for which Dr. Dixon was announced. The negro man Taylor, who was arrested last week in Marietta, and who escaped from the officer during the storm, came to Atlanta yesterday and delivered himself up. He was investigated” by one ol the Justices ol the Peace, when he was n leased, his wife, who had caused his arrest, paying the expenses. Fire.—About two o-clock this morning the stors of Mr. Ramsy, on Ivy street, caught on fire and was totally consumed, with its contents— Small Clipping*. A young lady at a ball was asked by a Inver of series poetry whether she bad seen Crabbe’s Tales. “Why, no,” she answered, “I didn’t know that crabs had tails.” *'I beg your pardon Miss,” said he; “I mean have you read Crabbe’s Tales?” “And I assure you, sir, I did not know that red crabf, or any other kind ol crabs, had tails.” A spirital circle in Cincinnati has settled the Presidential question by rapping out that Chief Justice Chase will be the next President Mark Twain, introducing a friend by letter to some readouts in California, asks them to do all they can to entertain him, and suggests other things that thiy call out a vigilance committee and hang a man or two. Mrs. Jones, of Iowa, wants a divorce because her husband loals around home to see her run a sewing machine tor his suppoit. Mrs. Esther Morris, that Wyoming female jus tice oi the peace, has been oaliged to retire from the bench for a season. It was a boy, weighing twelve pounds. She is believed to be the first justice ot the peace that ever did such a thing sinch the world began. Twenty-four circuses are to perambulate the United States this season. The High old commission will adjourn this week, after having a high old time. It its mem bers were as good at diplomacy as they proved themselves at dinners, the Alabama claims must be well cooked. They talk ot placing the Queen of Denmark, the most economical of female sovereigns, on the throne ot fashion, in place of the Empress Eugenie, the most extravagant one. A wife in St. Joseph shot her husband through the arm the other day, because he promised to buy her a night gown with a three feet trail, and didn’t, The Prussian Government lately gave $50, 000 to a Berlin cook tor his secret of making pess-pudding sausages that will not turn sour. In London a season ol grand opra is announ ced to continue thirty five nights, and the sub scription price is fixed ior the fashionable parts ot v e house at $1)55 for a seat during the season. The average price for a s.ngle evening is thus $33 in gold. Miss Evans, who is engaged on a new novel for Blackwood, is a most laborious and pains taking writer, bestowing as much pains upon a single book as ordinary authors do upon six. Her handwriting illustrates this. It is bold, round, as easy to read as print, and scarcely an erasure is to be met with iu the manuscript ot a whole volume. This is owing to the tact that she carefully sketches beforehand what she in tends to write, aDd then copies it elaborately. The printers keep her manuscript clean, and, alter the prools have been corrected, it is re turned to her. She has the MSS. of all her books bound in red morocco, and they form one 01 the most interesting features of her library. She sold “Adam Bede” to Blackwood lor $1500, but its success prompted ht r publishers to pre sent her $7500 beside*. For ‘Felix Holt” she received the large sum ot $30 000 A schoolboy having been required to write a composition on some part, of me human body, expounded as follows : “The throat—A throat is convenient to have, especial y to roosters and ministers The former eats corn and crows with it; the latter preaches through his’n, and then ties it up.” At a New York wedding reception a young lady accidentally set her baett hail on fire.— When it was extinguished she said she was glad it wasn’t her best. “Soldilied beer” is the latest thiDg. It is lager bier concentrated the way they do it to milk, so that the amount you can hold on the point of a knife will make you drunk clear through. A man can carry enough ot it in hisvist pocket to ruin a temperance society.—Louisville Ledger. Xbe Future uf Cotton. MessrP. Smith. Edwards &. Go.,in their Liver pool circular ol Aprii 1st, saj ot the prospects ot the cotton trade : The efti ct on M mchester ot the most abun dant prospect ot cottou supply for the year has also been tested, and had there been real ele ments ot weakness iu that mark h they would have been disclosed; but it has been found thoroughly sound, anil it is not likely that any time this year there will be a better prospect of cotton supply than there is at present. The financial state ol Liverpool has al*o been well tested. There was much tear at one time that the serious losses falling on importers and on speculators, who had nought to arrive at 8d. and over for Middling Uplands, would lead to a revival ol financial weakness we witnessed last year and that many failures and much de moralization would be caused, thereby lorcing our market below its iegitamate level. These apprehensions have not been justified ; holders ol cotton have never shown less indication of financial weakness; no failures have been re potted, and the tears of disasters are passing away. The dear bought cotton is now pretty generally arranged lor, and what is coming toward will upon the average, cover costs. Holders are evidently able to provide means oi holding their cotton belter thaD was expected, and now there seems little chance of a collapse in our market simply from financial weakness. It appears as though the many latlures that oc curred last year had purged the trade Irom un sound business to au uuusal degree, and the importing interest is much more wtldeiy spread, and includes a large proportion ot spinners, who hold the cotton firmly against their ex tensive contracts. The general conclusion to which we come to is, tbat the aggregate supply ot cotton to Eu rope this year is not going to prove so burden some as we expected, nor is it going to be very tar in excess ot tbe demand. Our stock in Liverpool may probably range from 300,01)0 to 1,000,000 bales for some months; but it is the only large depot in Europe this year, Havre holding almost all and London very little; it will thus attract so heavy a demand that as not to be burdens me, and later in tne year it will not prevent an advance, it the prospects ol the next American crop become unlavorable. We are incline to think that the lowest point ot this year has already been touched, and tnat we will not again see 7d. quoted lor Middling Up lands, but if we approach '.his point we will have an upward reaction. At. the same time there is no room tor much advance ir.nn the present level during the period of heavy slock. books, papers, &c. A young who was sleeping in the store narrowly escaped from the burning I irom the minds ot many the’idea that "labor is Agricultural College. Below we publish a letter received by Col. Lewis, the Secretary ot tbe Georgia State Ag ricultural Society, and commend it to the perusal of our rea !ers. Secretary Lewis takes great interest in col lecting information preparatory to inaugurating a system of scientific labor connected with the Society, calculated to ennoble and dignity labor, and at a time the most opportune. The let ter below shows the deep interest Michigan has taken in her efforts to promote the industrial interest of the State by the liberal appropria tions made by her Legislature, and is the strongest argument we can use to induce Geor gia to do likewise. Mr. Lewis has also opened cotre p mdcnce with all the Agricultural Societies anu Colleges of the States, and is iu receipt ol valuable in formation which ought to be presented to the people of this State, and would but lor the limited resources of the Society, which we hope soon to see obviated by a liberal and gen erous donation made by the Legislature. Michigan State Agriculiurae College, ) Lansing, April 10m, 1871. \ B. W. Lewis, Esq: Dbr Sir—Youis of March 29th, to his Excel lency, H. P Baldwin, Was by him lor warded to us. I send you, by express, the reports ol the Secretary ot the State B >ard ot Aricu ture lor '63, ’66, ’67, '68, and ’69; ca'alogues ot tbe col lege lor ’68, ’69, ’70; a preliminary report of the President ol the college lor 1808, aDd a report on the experiments carried on in 1868. The report for 1870 is not yet pubiised, and will be consid erably delayed on account ot the death ot tbe Secretary ol the Board, Hon. Santoru Howard. In his death we lose a warm friend, and hon ored member of the Board, and a man who de voted nearly all his whole life in tbe advance ment of agriculture. He was considered an authority on stock, and imported some of the best in the country. I am glad you are think ing of starting an Agricultural College. 1 think, if rightly conducted, such an institution will be very effective meanB in the advancement ot agriculture and in ennobling labor, in expelling ruins, ‘lhere was a partial insurance. Building operations are on the increase, new houses arc going up in almost every quarter ot the city. This extensive building of dwelling houses must conduce veiy much to bring down rents which is thought by many tc be exhorbi- tantly high in Atlanta. Thb Intelligeneer office was kindly presented this moiniDg by the ladies in charge ot the Strawberry festival at the Kimball House on Saturday night with some very delightful cake, of course it was very highly appreciated. The Steam Fire engine for Tallulah is ex pected to arrived here on Friday next. When will the depot be finished, poor lights at night and no platforms are the order there. All excitement attendant on the late chicken fight has entirely subsided. ' degrading. It senu. io me that anything that will do, that would be a good investment at at.y price. 1 should like to spend a week with you at the organization of your College. I could give you more hints then that would be ot service, than in a scare of letters, or than you will get from all the reports I have sent you. The re ports lor 1863 will give you some idea cf the way the College is supported. The congres sional grant has been made available only to a small extent as yet, so we are oblig'd to depend on the Legislature; but they aie quite generous toward us—have given us this year enough lor our current expenses for two years, and $10,000 to construct a new Laboratory. VVe think one of tbe best features ol our College is the labor systain. The students are thus kept familiar with all kinds of farm labor, and don’t acquire that distaste tor it that College students are very apt to do. I shall be glad to hear from you at any time, and shall be most happy to give you all the information in my power regatding tbe College. Very respectfully, R. Haigb, Jb~ btcretary pro tm, {Index 2Q<A April,