The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, January 23, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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jpcalHafpeningj Mrs. W. S- Veal, entertained over the week-end her son and wife. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Veal, of Magnet. Mr- and Mrs. M. L. Mobley. Jr., bad as their week-end guests Mr. and Mrs. Carl Griffin and little daughter of At lanta, Mrs. Jones Aderhold and little son of Augusta and Messrs. John K. Adams and K- G. Mobley of Atlanta. ■- Miss Willa Young, one of the popu lar teachers i nthe Milsteud schools, returned from Decatur over the week end after several days’ absence on ac count of the flu and was back oil the job bright and early Monday morning- Miss Sara Kate Strickland, our most excellent, coitrespondent and teacher par excellence in the Milstead schools, is at home in Tallapoosa with the flu thlß Week< Hon. and Mrs. Jno. N. Holder and Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Mobley of Jeffer son spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L- Mobley. Jr-, at Milstead- Miss Sara Sue Ramsey, teacher in the Milstead schools, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ramsey of Newton county. Mrs. F. S. Freeman, principal and Mrs. C- J. Hicks, supernumerary, have been on the sick list for several days, during which time Mrs. M. L- Mobley, Jr., has been enlisted and is render ing valiant service- X Prof- and Mrs. C. J- Hicks have Mrs- V. C. Alniand of Stone Mountain with them for an extended visit, at their home in Milstead. Mr. S. F. Bohanan, one of Rock dale’s many excellent fanners, com pliments the Rockdale Record upon tsi splendid make up and worth while mission, and especially upon its stand for a continuation of the county agent system- under the direction of our ag ricultural college. Messrs. Leroy Brisindine, L- A- Bow en and W- H. Ogletree. seem to have won out in the five acre cotton con test. having received personal invita tions to be at the college Saturday of this week to receive awards. These splendid men and leading farmers are being congratulated for these addition al honors coming to Rockdale county. Mr. Geo- W- Crumbley, one of our distinguished fellow citizens and lead ing farmer, was elected and is serving as foreman of the Grand Jury this week. Captain Roy Elliott, the man with a golden voice, is clerk of that body. Master Harry Downs, son of Mr and Mrs. L. C- Downs, has relapsed from a case of the flu and is suffering with pneumonia at his home on Mil stead avenue to the very great regrets of neighbors and friends. Miss Ella Sims has returned to her home in Atlanta to resume charge as departmental foreman of the Sears, Roebuck & Cos., department store. The Rockdale Record is in receipt of many communications on its poli cies and politics, both pro and con all of which we greatly appreciate- Our endeavor is always to give the news just as it is, and you can depend on this. Your views will be published whenever requested- Miss Margie Walker, one of those spelndid teachers in the Milstead pub lic schools, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bartow Walker, out at Walker-Potsville- It will he noted that Walker-Potsville has been consolidated somewhat like Winston- Salem, N. C- This is one of our “brag communities. We do not know wliat its combined population is, but do know that it embraces three beautiful homes and well tilled farms, those of Adolphus and Bartow Walker am Steve Potts- We understand that Mack Maddox and R. D. Lackey are just outside of the corporate limits, how ever. their well kept homes and Idled farms make them eligible for citizen ship within if they so desire. Miss Myrle Walker, one of the most popular teachers in the Eatonton pub lic schools, spent the week-end "db her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bartow Walker, over in Honey Creek W e are under the impression that our young men must have named this district, for we cannot imagine who else would have named it Honey Creek. Mr- .Tommie Tilley of Andulusia. Ala., spent the week-end* in Conyers, guest of his uncle, Geo. P. Tilley at the Conyers Hotel, who has been con fined to his bed for the past five or six weeks. Uncle George is reported as making a little headway and hopes to be out within a couple of weeks- Mr. Quigg Tucker, principal of yte Rome schools, surprised his parents and family, Mr. and Mr \V. II Tucker and host of friends over the week-end by making an unexpected visit io Con yers. Our many boys and girls scatter ed throughout the land are all well and happy, have good positions and are making good, but they always jump back home when the opportunity of fers, to renew the smile that won't come off. Well, boys and girls, men and women, come home every time you can. It does us good to see you and to know that you still love us. Mr- W. E- Atkinson of Covington, long standing deacon and church work er pur excellence, spent Sunday in Con yers and taught the Bible class at the Baptist church. Mr. Atkinson is by far the best teacher we have heard since the days of Major Edd Alniand and It- L. Blacked and this class is anxiously awaiting his return. Mr. At kinson is publisher of the Rockdale Record and has just installed anew plant in Conyers, upon which last week’s issue was printed. He is just as good in the news paper business as he is teacher in a Bible class and the boys up there are glad to have him. Messrs. Jack August, manager of Keely company and Joe Tuggle of At lanta spent the week-end in Conyers, guest of Mr. Harry L. White- Atlanta does not boast of men bigger of soul and heart than these two and it is a privilege to enjoy their friendship and fellowship. Mrs. “Chief” Beaver of Atlanta spent the week-end in Conyers, guest of her sister, Mrs- W- B. Reagan and niece. Miss Emma Reagan. Now, it would be proper to refer to our wife as “chief” although we ain’t no policeman, but in this particular instance, we refer to the wife of America’s outstanding “chief of police” and Conyers is greatly honored in having furnished tlie combination that lias brought honor to Atlanta and the South. Miss Willie Stewart of the Stewart house is able to lie up again following an attack of the flu that has kept her confined for the past two weeks. Miss Martha Ramsey, one of our splendid grammar schoo lteacliers s spent the week-end with home folks at Covington, down in Newton, The on ly country town that we know of with a white way and bulls eye stop signs that really improve the looks of tilings very much. Conyers has one hulls red eye stop sign, hut we don't need no white way lights to see it and since our court house is straight ahead your head lights show it up well enough- Mr- and Mrs. p. A. Downs, of Greens boro, spent Sunday in Conyers with Mrs. W. K. Downs and in attendance upon the funeral and burial of Mr- Dewey Sims. Rockdale superior court is in ses sion this week. With Judge Hutchison and Major Smith directing things and Georgia does not boast of two better men for such responsibilities and hon ors. We shy this in spite of the fact that the judge is the only man in 'captivity that 'ever Imposed a fine upon us. No, it was not capital punish ment, but for disorderly conduct in be ing late one day getting back from dinner. He recanted immediately when informed that he had set his watch by the Coca Cola dork hi the depot in stead of by our watch and we have been friends right on —in fact we vot ed for him several times, hut not in the same election- FOR SALE —Good Ford touring car in good condition. Cheap. H. L. White- METHODIST CHURCH Sunday, Januray 27 Rev- J. Jordan, Pastor Sunday school, 10:30, C. R. Vaughn, superintendent- The pastor's morning theme, “Spirit ual Static” Evening theme, “The W ager of Sin- Epworth League, 0:30 p. m. Woman's Missionary Society, Mon day 3:30 p- m. Let us trust God and love onean other. BAPTIST CIRCLE TWO ELECTS OFFICERS Missionary Circle No. 2 of the Bap tist TV. M. S. held its first annual meet ing last week and organized for the new years work, electing officers as follows: Mrs. B. N. Willingham, chairman. Mrs. J. F. Davis, vice chairman. Mrs. W r . T. Baldwin, treasurer. Mrs. John A. Warren, assistant treasurer. Mesdames W. A. Roberts and A. P. Owens, secretaries. Mrs. Clarence Baldwin, personal ser vice and assistant pianist. Miss Ruth Robinson, pianist. THE ItOCKDALE KKCOHIh COXYKKS, <KQIIA. Iny. .lummy y;:. nr,>;> Hon. Jno. N. Holder Visits Rockdale Hon. Jno. N- Holder, accompanied by his wife from Jefferson, Ga., spent last Friday in Conyers, guests of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. M L. Moliley. Jr., at Milstead. Regardless of what our governor thinks of Mr. Hplder. personally, or otherwise. Rockdale county is under lasting obligations to him. He is the only outside ’’big" man that has ever befriended us —the only one that has ever manifested an interest in us, and one of our very few leading men of the state that knows where Rockdale county is or cares where it is. Rockdale county is small, but that is no excuse for us acting little- The least we could have done, would have been a public expression of apprecia tion for the splendid highway across the county, a wonderful gift at the hands of Mr. Holder, not a dime of our money or credit involved, making it possilde for us to enjoy a little' rec reational riding of real joy. But so far as we know, not a single' individ ual, to say nothing of a representative group of citizens, have ever conveyed to.Mr- Holder our gratitude for what he so graciously did for us by paving our road. Now, it behooves everybody, even our best friend. Io lie grateful and its an ugly friend or community without appreciation Some people ev en take for granted that the world owes them a living and think that the best therein is none too good for them—unfortunately, that has been our attitude for a number of years in many ways and things, individually and collectively, concerning local and foreign matters- The fight between Gov. Hardman and Mr- Holder tis only the customary scrap of two near neighbors. They happen to live in the same county. We may argue that Mr. Holder spent the state’s money , when he paved our road, which is true, but certainly he did not have to-spend it in Rockdale for a number of years yet according to allotment, and rotation. Our road did not cost as much as some roads and it will not last a thousand years, but it keeps us out of the mud and enables us to ride in comfort while it does last and while we last. ft would be appropriate for our board of commissioners to publicly thank Mr. Holder for it. It will be mean and ugly of them not to. FANCY WORK TUT. AND FLORAL CIRCLES MEET One of the prettiest parties of the new year was that given on Friday af ternoon, January 18. when Mrs. R. L. IlufiJ was the Chaining hostess to the Floral 'circle ’and Fancy, Work clubs. Besides the members of these two clubs a large number of invited guests were present to enjoy the de lightful hospitality one always feels on entering the home of Mrs- Huff- Love ly cut flowers were artistically arrang ed on mantels and cabinets. After a short business session of both clubs, the Floral circle present ed the following program. Subject for afternoon's study: famous Modern Women”. “Lady Astor, member of British Parliament,” was a fine paper prepared by Miss Minnie Smith and in her absence was read by Mrs- W- T. Baldwin- Mrs. Simpkins not being present, Miss Lucy Gleaton was asked to give the next number, an account of Jane Adams, founder of •Hull House.” Mrs. W. C. Patrick told very interestingly the life of Clara Barton. "Founder of Red Cross. A delightful feature of the after noon’s program was the musical num bers rendered by Mrs- Cunningham of Atlanta and Miss Lucile Shackelford of Rptledge. A pin contest, conducted by the hostess, added much fun to the afternoon's entertainment. Airs. N. C. Patrick proved the swiftiest one in handling pins and was given a prize. Airs- Huff gave a most unique read ing, ’"Wise Saying of Airs. Solomon.' During the social hour a most tempting salad course with hot tea was served by the hostess and her assistants, Mrs- Baldwin. Airs. Davis. Mrs. Lee, Airs- Elliott and Mrs. Huff- U. I). C MEETING The U. D. C. will meet at the home of Mrs. Joe Whites Tuesday, January 09th at 3:00 o'clock —with Mrs. W- J. Webber and Miss Sara Whitaker joint hostesses. Program Robert E. Lee, the Soldier —The Ed ucator —the Christian Gentleman Mrs. J. It. Pirkle. Music, Lee’s favorite hymn, “How Firm a Foundation,” —Chapter. Poem, “Robert E. Lee” —Mrs. Irwin Cowan- Description of the battle in which Jackson was named “Stonewall”’ —Mrs S. I- Cowan. • Poem, “Stonewall Jackson’s Way’ Mrs- Horace King. Music. “Dixie”—Mrs. Sigman. MRS- DAN H. PATRICK, Historian. LOST—Small black and white, rat terrier, answers to the name of Toy. Finder will receive a $lO reward. Cali 102-M or 108-W or address Mr. A- E. Johnson, Milstead, Ga. Conyers Hig-h Schoc ! * 1 am sure you recognize the map above, it is none other than that of 'cipher Cooper, principal of the high school, who will sing with tin* quar tet. that is going to present an enter tainment at the high school auditor ium Friday night. We all know MV Cooper is gifted with two things, a “Roman” nose and a tenor voice, so he at the program Friday night and have in mind three outstanding facts. Tlie blending of four male voices, two hours of real entertainment and a part in helping build the new gym. The program begins at eight o'clock sharp. The pricy of admission is 15c for school children and 25c for adults. Our hoys played two basketball games last week, defeating Centerville and Covington by 25-12 and 28-22 score respo -lively. Kotli games were played without the help of .loe Towns and Captain Hamilton McDnoald. Joe being out with “flu” and "Ham” was petting a Charlie-horse in his thigh. The games were fast and cleanly played. Norman “Skiunie” Walker was the star of the Centerville game, with 11 points, while Horrace Williams was the scoring ace of the Covington game, with 20 points. Sixtli Grade We are very sorry to lose Jewel Mc- Cullough, who has moved to the coun try, and we know she will make Smyr na a splendid pupil- Safa McDowell,, )the president of our class. Ralph Aiken and Thomas Ivy, are out on account of sickness. We are planning to give a play on February 1, if too many of us do not get sick- This is to be our first ap pearance al night- If it hurts you to laugh, you had better stay at home, for we guarantee you a laugh, from beginning to end- The Doo-Funny fam ily are quite a ludicrous crowd- AVe are having quite a good time in history making booklets, using the Georgia seal as our outside cover. We are making booklets in geography, us ing the different sections of the states as outside covers- AVe wish some of our parents would visit us and see our work. Ninth Grade One of the most important questions among members of the ninth grade for the past two weeks has been “to buy or not to buy class pins” There have been class meetings with heated dis cussions on both sides of the question at issue. We are glad to welcome one new member to t lie Sophomore class, but regret that two have dropped from our midst. All of us have gone to work in dead earnest, resolved to make this the very best year in our strivings for knowledge. , Senior Class News In addition to the regular class work which is progressing nicely, the Seniors have been trying to develop their financial talents and salesman ship ability. II has been a custom for the senior class to leave some substan tial gift each year to their Alma Ma ter. The class of ’29 is working to ward that end- They wish to thank all those who subscribed to “The Sat urday Evening Post,” “The Hidiek’ Home Journal,” or “The Country Gen tleman,” as a part of the subscription proceeds will be used by hte class. A good sum was realized by these sales. All are looking happily forward to the Mercer Quartet which will present a splendid program in tlie auditorium Friday evening at eight o’clock. The senior note books show talent, concentration and skilled supervision, The English, history and science note books are attractive and will do cred it to a much larger institution. The friends of the class are invited to visit the school whenever it is con venient for them to come- All will he welcome. Fourth Grade News We, tiie fourth grade, are finding that work after the holidays is most interesting- We are trying to make out work in 1929 show an improvement over that of 1928- For several days we have missed Dorothy Holman and Sara Jean Pharr who have been absent from school on account of, sickness- We are hoping they will soon he back with us- Leoda Bailey and Eugene Farmer are two new members in our class whom we have welcomed since Christ mas. Our class, at present, consists of 14 girls and 9 boys- Mr- and Mrs. E- A. Summers, of Los Angeles, Calif-, are complimentary in the renewal of their subscription to the Record- Mr- Summers is happy in his far western home and occupation with the Aleinite Lubricator Cos. We ap preciate their friendship and interest in the Record very much. W. A. Costley Following an attack of flu that do 'eloped into double pneumonia, Mr M- A. Costley died last Thursday at his home and was Iniriod Frldiij at Salem- Mr. Costley was an mil siand iug merelmiiM'oliner and civic lead er, not only in his I'ommunily, lull throughout Rockdale, his native eouu ly. lie was deacon in the Salem ltap 11st church and one of its faithful leaders, lie was sixty-two years old and the father of ten children, one by his first wife, Mrs. Coley Byrd of Conyers and nine by Ids see I wife, Mrs. ,|. T. Owens of Conyers. Misses I ''cell. Lucy and l.ois of Salem and jj five sons, Guy. Jim, .loxse oiin and 1 . A., Jr., of Salem, who, with the wile, survive to mourn his loss. For a number of years lie lias man aged the store at Salem of Cosile\ Brothers, <N>nsiJt.ingi of himself and two brothers, ,J. F. and o. |„ ami they survive to assume charge and juris diction over the business. The Costley) brothers have been outstanding agri culturists and land owners in Rock dale for many years, succeeding their illustrious father, the late .1 L. T- Costley, some fifteen years ago upon his death and as such have been worth auudi anil ot great benefit throughout Fort! A lemite Service Genuine Alemite is forced to the heart of each, of the Chassis Bar ings by Up-to-date High-Pressure Equipment* Drive in To-day Langford Motor Company Conyers, * . Georgia •OfDfOo*o* • Nyals Honey and Horelioiind will relieve that Cough Cannon’s l).ru£ Store Conyers, Ga* We give very direful attention toall j husinesJJJentrusted to us. Ail opportunity to serve you will be appreciated. BANK OF CONYERS j W. T. Baldw in. I’rcsiiimil M. W. Hull* Cush. It. L,. 11 utlf, V. l*rs. 11. I). Austin, Asst. Cash, j The Rockdale Record One Year Old Tins Week Help us grow in usefulnes and efficiency by your patronage. Subscribe now $1.50 per year I that section of the county. II is understood that the meivlmn* disc part of their joint interest, will lie carried on by Messrs- J. F. and <• L. Costley. , The funeral exercises were conduct ed by his pastor, Rev. Loyal Skelton, assisted by Ills former pastor, the Rev. Spivey a I the Salem church Friday, "iih interment in the local cemetery under I lie. direction of White & Cos. LIVOMINT If it fails to enable you to eat anything you like without pain or gas forming afterwards or if a double dose falls to give you re lief within ir> minutes to the,most severe gas pains. _lf 2 teaspoons full of Livomint in 1-4 glass of water before breakfast 'fails to fully relieve Toxic ,poison or fails to restore your appetite, your dea ler will refund your money. Livomint is a mild laxative and is the modern treatment for Stomach, l.ivcr And Kidneys Contains no alcohol or harmfu drugs and is steam cooked from vegetable matter with mineral substance added and is guaran teed harmless. “Try it for your stomach’s sake” For Sale Everywhere LIVOMINT LABORATORIES Atlanta, Ga. _ a ,bi ... ,a. m a* m mi imi %mi imi imt m m 5