The Rockdale record. (Conyers, Ga.) 1928-1930, January 23, 1929, Image 6

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Chic Gowns, Wraps for College Miss Apparel for Younger Set Shown in Attractive Variants. College girls nre experiencing no trouble In finding charming collections of pretty clothes for their midwinter social whirl, observes a fashion writer in the New York Times. There are smurf tailored sports outfits for the athletic girl and for nil the younger women who take purt In out-of-door activities. Other costumes are de signed for country cluh affairs and en tertainments at country houses. A choice model from Paris adapted to the requirements of the American girl comes from Suzanne Talbot, who leaves the accepted fashion to create nn outline that Is distinctly different. She makes an all-day frock of the sports type of beige and brown Jer sey with n waistline at the normal point, the stylish flat hip being achieved by the use of shirring. With It Is a blouse softly fitted into a man’s shirt. This Is shirred into a yoke across the front with a tiny frill of brown grosgrnln ribbon down the middle and an eton collar which is finished with the ribbon frill. The skirt of this dress hangs In In formal plaits formed by the gathers and is finished with a narrow band of brown ribbon. This model Is In tended to he worn under n tweed or fur coat. It lias a schoolgirl air, hut may suitably ho worn by anyone of slender figure. Two coats, one of English tweed In brown mixture and one of Japanese squirrel dyed In imitation of genuine mink, are shown with this frock and others of the same general style. Also n sports hat of beige felt, with the crown skillfully dented and tucked here and there with a band and how of brown ribbon. Is of fered with the ensemble. To this are added oxford ties of brown shark skin and an envelope hag In beige, brown and black with a dash of bright orange designed in a modernistic pat tern. Many Varying Ensembles. For occasions In any hut extremely cold weather are shown many varying ensembles of the youthful, chic, almost boyish models. There are countless variants of t his type of cost mite, some bearing the names of authoritative de signers. Jersey and wool mixtures are apparently most popular. Molyneux appears to introduce the English idea iu some of Ids best mod ids for sports and general wear out of-doors. In one three piece suit lie makes a straight, tailored box-plaited skirt, and a short Jacket of brown and beige plaid tweed, with a long slim blouse of plain beige lersey. The plaits of the skirt are stitched to within a few Inches of ihe imiiom and a wide plain girdle about the Idps gives the desired Hat look. The coat is fin ished with mannish tailored revers and square flap pockets. la a late model from Chanel the entire ensemble Is made of winter weight Jersey, the coat and plain skirt being made of spruce green, the belted Jumper of Jersey of green, bright red. beige and yellow. The neck is collnrless. being finished with LL Showing a Sports Frock of Blue and Beige Tweed. :i circular stitched band tied in a bow. and warmth is added by using the striped material for lining and cult's. A belt of varnished green leather with a bronze buckle; a hat made in hel met shape in two sections of green and beige cloth, and an orange,fox neckpiece are shown with this ensem ble. Some modistes suggest a straight of triangular scarf of heavy silk or wool—both of which are very fash ionable—instead of fur for extra pro tection. In afternoon dress a distinct style prevails this season in the wardrobes of youug women, as in those for older ones. Even girls of the high school set and sub-debs are wearing pretty, soft frocks for the lunch parties, mati nees and tea dances. Velvet, crepe de chine, moire and ninnn are used for these In a variety of colors and live- ly styles; velvet, both plain and fig ured, being popular because It Is so llutterlng; moire because Its weave Is "dressy" and retains its pattern and freshness through the hardest wear, and crepe because of its graceful draping possibilities and endurance. Velvets With Lace. Every girl who Is adequately equipped for her winter campaign will have at least one of each of these frocks. Nothing is more lovely than velvet In color or black, nfter the fashion set long ago by the Little Lord Fauntloroy dresses with collar and cuffs of lace. It; Is one of those age less styles that fits and flatters both the young and the not-so-young, and It has been revived with enthusiasm this season. The figured velvets In the non crushahle and transparent weaves are printed In geometries and convention alized floral patterns in all the new colors —the wine shades, forest, Jade and blue-green, and a Japanese green which corresponds to our chartreuse; every shade and kind of brown and a great deal of blue. Different designers are known, par ticularly this season, by the manner A w H CIL AS Here Is an Interesting Frock of Beige Jersey. in which they handle blue, and aro showing many effective combinations. Two and even three shades of blue are used in one ensemble, and blue is effectively allied with gre n, scarlet and yellow in tones from deep orange to pale lemon. Paris sot the fashion early in the season of black for youthful frocks, which is shown most in velvet and crepe for afternoon, and in a few mod els from prominent itouses for evening. A model for afternoon designed for the girl who prefers a idnt of the sports type in all of her frocks is made by Berthe of I’aris in black tin* crepe. The skirt has two plaited tiers set several inches apart and the plain long blouse-bodice with a V neck is belted with a narrow strap of black varnished leather fastened with a gilt buckle and trimmed with small bow knots of gilt leather. One of those is placed near the left shoulder, and two close together at the lower right side of the blouse. A more picturesque style of hat is worn witli these after noon gowns, and footwear is more dainty. Chiffon stockings to match the dress, though seldom black, and patent leather, burnt copper kid or suede shoes are considered fashion able. Even dress for young women and misses is refreshing and full of charm tltis season. Taffeta, flowered or in plain pastel shades; moire in light colors, velvet, chiffon and tulle are all shown in different styles. Crystal bends and paillettes are used to elab orate some of the more formal gowns, and in some models a bodice is beaded or spangled, with the skirt of plain sheer stuff, in white, black, or color. Handbags in Novel Shapes. A bag suitable for carrying with various costumes because of its size and simplicity, is made like a flat pouch. The body part of the bag is round while toward the top it tapers off like the neck of a bottle and then flares out. On the back is a narrow strap for carrying. The closing and opening process is achieved by a short but strong strap fastened to the top of the bag, which folds over and is fastened with a snap. This opening, which is comparatively narrow, allows for roominess inside and permits the carrying of the bag in any position without there being any danger of tli' contents falling out. Greens in two shades are combined in a medium size envelope bag. The darker is used for trimming, which consists of triangles placed one over the other on the entire outer surface. Bright green moire is used for the lining and fittings, and a triangle mir ror is fitted inside the bag and comes Into view when the bag is opened. Small and large pouch bags are be ing featured in the leading colors in plain and sports styles. Sometimes two colors are combined or again two ■ different leathers in the same shade. These pouch bags are made with new fastenings, such ns modernistic latches, fiat loops, tabs and concealed snap pers. THE ROCKDALE RECORD. Conyers. Oa.. Wed-. Jan. 23. 192il Vfiih Humor A MORE IMPORTAN f THING Brown, a retired business man, had bought a big house In the country, and he was very pleased to see that a colony of rooks were building in his trees. Not so a neighboring farmer, how ever, who told his sons to shoot the birds. One day the farmer had a note from Brown. "Dear Sir—You might stop your sons from shooting my rooks. I want to make a rookery.” A few hours later Brown received the following reply: “Dear Sir—You might stop your rooks from stealing my corn. I want to make a living.”—Montreal Star. ALMOST A WARDROBE j IlSf ft* It. a m ! ffl| “That makes the second time re cently I’ve lost my pocketbook.” “Well, was there much money In :tr “No! But 1 had the material in it for two dresses and a teddy.’’ As Time Passes The troubles of a year ago Grow smaller, as time rolls away. It will be much the same, we know, With all the troubles of today. A Casualty Mr. Benover —No, I wasn’t wounded i in any engagements In France, but I was sorely wounded In my late en gagement with Miss Leech. Miss Romantique—ln the heart, 1 presume. Mr. Benover —No, in the bank roll. Clouds Ahead “Why do they always give a show er to a girl who Is going to be mar ried?” “Merely a quaint old custom to symbolize the beginning of a reign.” He Snore*! Hub (angrily) —Why did you wake me out of a sound sleep? Wife —Because the sound was too distressing. NOT A LINE ARTIST i>lf "You say she can’t be an artist? I thought she was.” "Well, I've never known her to draw the line.” True Test Although of Art we talk with glee And over its shortcomings sob, The Artist who succeeds is he , Who gets the contract for a Job. Different Viewpoints He—Mother Goose rhymes are so expressive in life. She —I think so, too. lie —Now, "The cow jumped over the moon,” for instance, always makes me think of the stock market. She —Naturally, but it makes me think of vanishing cream. Gob Humor He—You would be a good dancer but for two things. She—What are they? He —Yoifr feet. What a Language! Dad—l don't believe he wants to buy any sheep really. I believe he Just conics after dinner. Mum—Why, he always comes just before dinner, father! Dad —Well, isn’t that what I said, mother? Climbing Higher "So your wife has determined tc move. What’s her idea?” “She’s convinced that she can keep up with a more rapid bunch of neighbors.” ALL IN REGINA’S ABSENCE ((c) by D. J. Walsh.) IT ALL came of Regina Could s be ing sent to California as delegate for the Woman’s club. “There’s just one way I can go Ellen,” she told Ellen Nugent. “If you'll come and look after mother. I can't leave her alone, you know, even with Mary Sweet. As n matter of fact, Mary Sweet needs quite as much managing as does mother, and you will he equal to every occasion.” Ellen Nugent smiled faintly. Noth ing so nearly like a blessing had ever come to her before, hut of course, she was not going to tell that to Regina or anyone. She had come home tired and discouraged and so nearly ill that the doctor had recommended complete rest for her. Added to that she had lost her Job—the Job that she had re lied upon for the past seven years, ever since her father's death made it necessary for her to earn her own liv ing. He had left nothing, poor father, but tender memory and a parcel of debts which Ellen had somehow paid. Thus today she found herself without a Job, without savings, without the necessary strength for getting another job and very lonely and sad in the cheapest room of Mrs. Hoff’s boarding house. And now of a sudden came op portunity, change, diversion and all be cause for some unaccountable reason Regina Gould, rich, fortunate and beau tiful, should feel that she was the one dependable person to whom slie could look for a favor. “I’ll come, of course, Regina,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “But I shan’t be you. And your moth er and Mary Sweet won’t be per suaded that I am. Still, I'll do my level best.” A week later Regina was on her way to California and Ellen, accompa nied by a shabby suitcase, was occupy ing Regina’s pink-and-cyeam bedroom in tiie splendid Gould house. She sighed as she hung her two wearable gowns on the nickel rod lie side Regina’s superfluity of frocks. And she sighed again when she went down to lunch and found herself alone, served by Mary Sweet efficient maid, who eyed her with scorn as she sat there in Regina’s chair. Mrs. Gould seldom left her room. She was a tiny, wispy old woman, with chronic ill-health and an obsession for undis turbed quiet, whose chief entertain ment consisted of reading a certain curative form of literature and listen ing to her canary chip seeds. After lunch Ellen attended to a few duties prescribed by Regina and then went to the library to read. Choosing an armful of tempting books she curled up on the davenport, tucked a pillow behind her and gave herself up to an afternoon of real enjoyment. It had begun to snow in the thick, clotty March way and tills made her sense of security doubly delightful. She had lost herself in her book when Mary Sweet ushered a visitor in upon her unannounced. She would not have done such a thing with Re gina, but she did it with Ellen. “I beg your pardon!” the man said, wonderingly. “You are not Reg—Miss Gould—” “Not in the least.” Ellen uncurled and arose. He was tall, she was short, and she had to look up at him. Up lifted Ellen’s eyes were singularly lovely with their blue depths and their black pencilings. For the rest sbe was just an ordinary little tired per son, most unlike the golden and ra diant Regina. “You wished to see Miss Gould? I’m very sorry. She just started for California this morn ing.” "And I,” said the man with a smile that Ellen loved instantly, "have jusr come from California to see her. ( arrived late last night. My name is Gordon—David Gordon.” “Oh!” Ellen caught her breath. So he was David Gordon, whom Regina had waited so long for. He had gone away a long time ago and Regina ex pected him to come back and finish his interrupted love-making. He had been too proud it seemed to actually propose to an heiress. And now here he was and there Regina was! How unfortunate! Ellen wished she could comfort him. He must be so terribly disappointed. And poor Regina! “Won’t you sit down?” she asked him. lie sat down. He was still sitting there when the room became so dim that Ellen had to pull on the light behind her. Then he arose to go. She hated to have him go. She liked him so; he was so big, so honest, so inter esting. What would Regina do in her place? What would Regina expect her to do? She asked him to stay to dinner. Mrs. Gould came down and kept them company. She was very glad to see David, but she did not say much. She fbd the cat and let Ellen and the guest do the talking. The next day David sent flowers. It was a graceful return for hospitality. Then for some days she saw nothing of him. She had hoped he would come again. He had made a., strong impression upon her. Stie was not susceptible; she had never had a lov er and she had thought she could care for no man. But David Gordon had got into her thoughts, into her heart, into her life itself, and the more she tried to rid of him the more his mem ory persisted. Then he came again. Ten days of good food and rest and change had beautified Ellen amazingly. She had laid aside several years and David told so He Drought "her a box of candy and explained that he had been out of own And he asked her if she wouldn t like to go to a concert that evening. . Ellen was happy. She was go „ with David to a concert! Mrs. <Ju thought it was nice, and even Mary Sweet approved. But then Mary Sweet was ull for Ellen now. Ellen suffered temptation when • - went to dress. There were all Re gina’s frocks and she could wear one if she chose, for even though Regina was large those soft tilings could bo made to fit anybody. There was one, red w-ith splashes of heading. Sha thought over it long, their she put it back. It was not right that she should be going to a concert in one of Regina’s gowns with Regina’s lover. She wore her black crepe. The mu sic entranced her. It rang in her ears all night. But she awakened to the resolve that there should be no more of David for tier. It was not so easy, though, to get rid of him. He came and came; be brought her flowers and candy; be in sisted on taking her to ride in the new ear ire had purchased; he told her all about himself, how he had bought a piece of worthless-looking land and later found that it had oil value; how he had more money than he had ever dreamed of possessing, no matter how hard lie worked. And he wasn t afraid of work. He was very kind to her, but only for Regina’s sake she knew. She was grateful, but unhappy, because she knew that she loved him. Regina came back, handsomer than ever, walking in several days ahead of schedule. “I got vour letter,” she told Ellen. “So David is back! Well, I hope you’ve been nice to him.” “He has been nice to me,” Ellen said faintly. “I’m glad you’ve come, dear.” She went back to Mrs. Hoff’s. It was all over. That evening she was called down to the parlor and there he was. He took her in his arms. British Crown Jewels Make Dazzling Display Within the concentric works of the tower of London is Wakefield tower, the repository of the regalia of crown jewels of England’s royal house. Be hind heavy bars of iron grating, these priceless treasures in the shape ot crowns, coronets, scepters, spurs, bracelets, spoons, salts and tankards glow in a blaze of diamonds, strange ly dazzling to human eyes. A king dom’s ransom is gathered there, and the awed visitor knows that he has never seen before and will never see again such untold wealth in precious stones. The guide book calls attention to the “Stars of Africa,” once known as the Cullinan diamond. The eye searches out the imperial state crown which, containing 2,SIS diamonds, 297 pearls and many other jewels, was altered to permit of the insertion of the large oblong brilliant of the “Stars of Africa,” weighing 309 carats and cut from the Cullinan stone. The alteration required the addition of two sapphires, 50 brilliants and 52 rose diamonds. That single stone is so large, so water clear, so brilliant, that it exceeds the beauty ot the crown and the crown’s jewels. That priceless oblong can be removed from its setting, at the wish of the queen, for she has the right to wear the stone when she so desires. Scarcely eased of the wonder of that magnificent stone, the eye falls upon an even greater cause of breath less admiration, for the royal scepter lifts its slender regal length a little below but directly in front of the crown. Within its head, below the cross, blazes the largest cut diamond in the world, the largest of the “Stars of Africa,” weighing 516% carats, said to be beyond price. It is drop shape and flawless, as are all the stones cut from the Cullinan stone. Under the light it has the matchless beauty of drops of dew under a morning sun. Under the spell of those stones, in formation about the Cullinan diamond is sought and easily found, so famous is the stone. It is known that in 1905 it was found in the yellow ground of the newly discovered Premier mine in the Transvaal, being three times the size of any known diamond. This clear and water white stone weighed 3.025% carats, or 1 1-3 pounds, and the largest of its surfaces appeared to be a cleavage plane, indicating that it was only a portion of a much larg er stone. The Transvaal government pur chased this Cullinan diamond in 1907 for a gift to King Edward VII. In Amsterdam it was cut into nine large stones and a number of small bril liants. All the stones are flawless and of the finest quality. The two in the royal jewels are the largest brilliants in the world. Under the magic of those stories it is a bit difficult to realize that they are chemically identical with charcoal and can be reduced to that physically ’ different substance under great heat or electricity. In spite of much scien tific study, the origin of the diamond still remains a mystery. Public School Lands The Continental congress in its “land ordinance” of May, 1785, dedi .-ted from 'the public lands which lay west of the thirteen colonies lot No. 16 of every township to “the mainte nance of public schools within the said township.” The policy of giving pub , li: lands for education has been con tinued, and lands and scrip have been granted to a total of 117.244,519 acres an area nearly equivalent to that ot the German republic. Washington Star. A. Sour Stomach In the same time it takes a dose of soda to bring a little temporary relief of gas and sour stomach, Phillips Milk of Magnesia has acidity complete ly checked, and the digestive organs all tranquilized. Once you have tried this form of relief you will cease to worry about your diet and experience a new freedom in eating. This pleasant preparation is just as good for children, too. Use it when ever coated tongue or fetid breath signals need of a sweetener. Physi cians will tell you that every spoon ful of Phillips Milk of Magnesia neu tralizes many times its volume in acid. Get the genuine, the name Phillips is important. Imitations do not act the same! DHILUPS r Milk . of Magnesia Why Take Calomel WHEN YOU HAVE Laxative TaMets A Safe Substitute Contains only vegetable ingredients and thus Me safer and more pleasant Write for FREE SAMPLE WINTERSMITH CHEMICAL CO. 649 V/. HILL ST.. LOUISVILLE, KY. If you want regular size and druggist can not supply you send 25 cents HANFORD’S Balsam of Myrrh Since 1846 has healed Wounds and Sores on Man and Beast All dealers are authorized to refund your money for the 1 RELIEF FROM PS! H B? ITCHING “I Ltb is BO quick when PAZO OINTMENT is applied, it will surprise you. Druggists are keenly interested in the remedy and ara recommending it to their customers. Ask your Druggist about PAZO OINT MENT. In tubes with pile pipe, 75c; or in tin box, 60c. New Platinum Source Metal experts in South Africa have announced the development of a proc ess for the extraction of platinum from certain kinds of sulphide ores, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. The experiments show that about 75 per cent of the platinum content of the original ore is saved, and the process is applicable to commercial production at a reasonable cost, the engineers declare. Nothing sounds so delightful in the Winter and so cool as singing “The Good Old Summer Time.” ISAME PRESCRIPTION HE WROTE IN 1892 | When Dr. Caldwell started to practice medicine, back in 1875, the needs for a laxative were not as great as today, leople lived normal lives, ate plain, wholesome food, and got plenty of fresh air. But even that early there were drastic physics and purges for the relief of constipation which Dr. Caldwell did not believe were good for human beings. Ihe prescription for constipation that he used early in his practice, and which he put in drug stores in 1892 under the name of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a liquid vegetable remedy, intended arid l h , lld . ren atld elderly people, and they need just such a mild, safe bowel stimulant. e andMk has proven its w °rth hSative U P 6 krgest liquid ha ? 7 on confidence of hfiehT? h-r ded 14 to relief from cestinri ?’ blll , ousncw - flatulence, indi breart’dl ° f - a PP etlte and sleep, bad dm3 colds, fevers. At your &RB m T- ri u “ T S y™P Pepim,” Ea AA a a a a a ~ “ ‘