Conyers courier. (Conyers, GA.) 1876-18??, February 02, 1878, Image 1

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Office Under Whitehead Hoote. | VOL. 2. LOCAL: This is the short month. Spring trots in next month. There are six editors and ex-editors in C onyers. How w mid it do to have a few more schools started ? Covington is reported to have elect ed a dry ticket this year. The dry ticket elected at Stone Mountain can’t do much as the saloon keepers there have purchased licenses for the year. Athens enjoys visits from theatrical troupes. What has become of our Dramatic Society? An oyster s life is not safe five min utes in Conyers. New advertisements will appear next week. Watch for them. Subscribe for this pa per for another year, and fork over your Mexican dol lar. .7. H. Almand, Son & Cos. offer capital bargains to our readers in this issue. Our merchants sometimes complain of dull trade but failures in the mer cantile lino occur less frequently here than in any town of its size in the State, The Star says Covington has not a single Jew. So it seems that all the .Jews in Covin yton are married. A sensible set. Judge D. FT. Ansley, our Ordinary, made an important decision, a few days since, in a case of halvas corpus, sued out by Dr. T. N. Pitts against sheriff Andersen. The case arose un der a judgment of the county court, sentencing the complainant to pay a fine of $l5O or, in default thereof, to be imprisoned ninety days. The court released the complainant upon the ground that there is no law to coerce the payment of a fine by iPiprison ment. Emmett Woruack for prisoner, and Clark Pace for the sheriff. — Cov. Star. 'Last nisrht the time appointed for the installation, by Lodge Deputy w . P, Reed, of the newly elected offi cers of Crescent Lodge I. O. G, T. Stewart & McCalla are asents for the well-known Soluble Pacific Guano, a fertilizer which has stood the test of time and use. Read their advertise ment. Mr. R. F. Farmer, of Sheffield Dis trict, raised 2972 pounds of lmt cotton on 6i aeres of land by using 1200 lbs of Patapsco Guano. Olemtuons & Petty are agents tor this splendid fertilizer. J. & W. E- Treadwell & 00. are agents for the Arlington Soluble Phos phate, one of the best fertilizers on •he market. Read their advertise ment in another column and give tlrem a calk We hear of a good deal of sickness in the county. The Post Office will be open from 2 to 3 p. m, Su days, and mail will be received every day up to ihc arrival ot the trains. Hereafter one of the first Teqnisites of a candidate in this countv will be his ability to get up a first elass oyster supper. seems t: be no end to the i aging ra of rotten, (tagm (fariet [for the courier. COURTSHIP AND MATRIMONY . Louise loved me, that was sweet: It was sweeter that I guussed it: Sweetest was it at her feet To bend ]ow till she confessed it, And kisses snatch, With rapture rate? Louise fretted, this was sad : Sadder was it., I provoked her : It was saddest, I crew mad, Seized her by the throat and choked her: But can’t she scratch, .And pull out hair ? Augustus. J. K. Maddox’s saloon was entered and robbed the other nierht. Thh burglar business ought to be stopped some way. The Whitehead Houso is getting a fine run of custom, and it deserves it for it’s equal is not to he found be tween Atlanta and Augusta. NOTICE. Parties indebted to me for tuition are requested to come forward and settle at once, either bv no f e or other wise. Rob’t Ikwin. The number of new advertise ments in the Courier. sho v th it the value of our prper is appreciated as an advetti-iog medium in many quar ters. There are Irish potatoes enough in town to feed an army o'" l whiner. Avers &Cos are about, 'o open a big stock of goods of every descrip tion. Web Almand has remodel and hi* house. Ah' Zachry, at Ovrrhav’s store is a capital clerk to trade with. Fie don’t care whether you have any mon ey or not, and ns he makes a prae tice of forgetting to charge up the items he sells on the books th re is no danger of running up bills by tra ding with him. Query : ‘Why will men moke common tohaeoo when they can buy Marburg Bros. ‘Seal of North Caro liua’ at the same price ?’ 36 y Gov. Colquitt’s mistake in not call ing an extra session of the Legisla ture will make business for lawy. rs, and expense and trouble for every body else. Capt Whitehead is one of the best singers in Cowyers, and as a whistler he has no equals. FTis oce<iona! serenades nearly dtivc oar compos tors crazy. The Justices Court for this res trict. wis in session last Monday and Tuesday. An adjrimed term will be held next Mouday for the trial of certain cases set down far that dav by consent. The next regular term of the court will be ou the fourth Monday is this month. Most of the bard money leaders in Atlanta are very young men whoso admiration for Ben Hill has led them astray, Rockdale county is out oi debt, with the exception Jef the jury fund being short $450, on account of the adjourned term of court last fall. The funds in the treasury are suffi cient to run the county through the year. Milt Candler, it is reported, wil! run as an independent candidate for Congress im hm District. CONYERS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, FEB. 2 1878. Our representative, Hod J, H. Blount, is all right on (he currency question. FI S H ? J II Aluiand, Sou & Cos. are sel ling 40 mackerel tor ono dollar. They also have them in kits and j hbls, very cheap. Now is your time to got bargains. 36 2t .After the municipal supper, dc - scribed in another place, a number of tte guests met with l)r. J A Stew art in the chair, and on motion of Mr. J N Hale the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted. Resolved, that the thanks of this meeting are due. and wo herewith fender them to the Town Council for the entertainment which they have so kindly pro ided for their constituents, Resolved, tha' we assure ‘.he New Council of our willingness to respond to any proper call in the future with the same alacrity with which we did on this festive oco*iou. Sheriff Taylor spent Sunday at ;>oraville. LOOK! .T. H. A!man<l, Son & Cos. \ro selling 7 SPOOL? GOOD TFIRMED for 2> cents, A good article of New Orleans Mos lasses at 35 cents. And eho’ee New Orleans Syrup at 60 cen‘s per gallon. Other goods accord nriy. 3G-4 FTardv Ren'field. of Wa’ton aged one hundred and two years, is dead. The number of sudden deaths all over the country L quite alarming. There must be a virulent poison at work in the atmosphere. That's oar explanation. We regret to* announce that the inf nt Child of Mrs E Sewn t and on Sun lav morning last. The af fl ct'.ons of the wid >wed mother are indeed hard to hoar. They arc fresh in the memory of all, and the sympathies *f ever'h>lv go out t> the bereaved in her hour of trial aud :i diction The a hmta Constitution says “Corr yers has a big Female College which is already preparing for the Christinas festivities.” Our contemporary, it seems, still has Christmas in its head if nut in its legs. Ft probably intended to say ‘‘Commencement fe tivities.” Ihe interior of the Masonic Hall has been repaired Wednesday was the most inclement day of the year. There is more life, more business, more cotton, more people, more ev erything to be seen in Conyers than in any other town between Atlanta and Augusta. Joe Brcwa is not a hard money man. Petroleum V. Nasby says that the saloon keepers in his town have com menced watering their whiskey eight per cent in anticipation of a corres ponding c#preciatien of t> lver- Covington wants a good Hoot a'd Ladder eoorpaur to put out fires if any occur. Every well-reg ulated town should hate such u com puny. TSe day mail cn the 01 a E R. iatbe ———est system ever devised and we’ll be ed if we ftel like standing it. All of our business men say that it ia a shame. The night passeogei train on the Ga R R. now loavos Atlanta at 4 P M, and arrives in Augusta at 5; 15 A. M, Jim Anderson haw discover'd 100 errors in grammar, punofuatioo, or thography, etc, in the columns of SI Hawkins’ paper W cannot bilieve it, and yet it : s doubtless true. One by one our idols are swopt away. DEAT.I OF Dll. BRYAN. It is with deep regret that we an nounco the death, on Monday morn • big last, at, Bald Rock, of lir S. W. Bryan. Deceased had been ill for sometime with irflamatory rheuma tism, butne* ot his death was, nevertheless, a shock to the eoomiu ni-y. Dr. Brvans was in every sense of the phi aeme of nur be-t citizens. Ho Was dev itedlv attached to his family and friends, and h : s pleasant and genial nature and accommodat ing dispo-ition mi i j friend.- of all who knew him. Deceased was a nun of fine business qualifications, and he w<* p t'Ses-ed of in'ellootuai tributes w iioh would have mad iiin sii.uvs-ful in any busmens oi professimi He was a quiet but keei observer of men and things, and < n joyed 1 teraturo and ttie other csthet ics of refined S 'oity. The death ot such a man is a genuine has to tin community, as ell as to the bereavf ed fami y and friend* to whom we extend our lieartf It sympathy. THE MUNICH* kL BANQUET Pursuant to mnounceuient, on Tues day nioht la-t, the Oy ster Supper given ly the ra w Town Council, came off in the spacious Dining Hall of the Whitehead House. At an early hour the parlors, office-* an 1 hall of ti e hotel were filled with a concourse of between one and two hundred citizens. 'I he Conyers ( or u t Band was| in attendance and dis o ir e 1 its sweetesf^strains. The Supper was all that could have been desired, an 1 just what might hue been expected from such a bon tno inf as (,’npt. Whitehead and such • p eur -s as the Jldermanic entertain ers—ali Aldcrm *n are ex-officio epi cu i-s, we believe. On the tables We think we saw Some Oysters raw, And then we viewed A quantity stewed, With golden frie.s Of consid’iable size. We di 1 a littte more than seeing and viewing. We knew that our Council, like England cn a certain memorable occa-ion, ‘‘expected every uian to do his duty,” and we did ours in a hurry. Tiie oyster it,y of the occa sion was equalled by our dexterity. The Supper was a grand success, it was a most agreeable re-union, and when the crowd dispersed there was a general feeling that the Mew Coun cil had successfully mc-t the demands •i [ha pubbe taste, aud we feel no hesitation in saying that the experL ence of Tuesday night will lead our people to look torward eagerly for the provisions of any future ordinance that our City Fathers may pass. THE DETROIT FREE PRESS. This brightest of literary weeklies is now publishing a m w novel by John Esten Cooke, confederate War Sketches by prominent Southern writers and a host of other good things by M. Quad end other brilliant authors. Our town Marshal has not made aa arrest this year* NO. 36 JSo OEirrioN: |I ns Advance, Rockdale Sheriff's Sale for March. Will be sold bofore tho court bouse donr in tbe town of Conyers within tt e legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in March 1878 the fol lowing describe 1 property to-wit; Ono house and lot in tho towu of C nyors, containing one half acre < f land, part of lot No 273 bounded East by Baptist Church lot, North by Welsh, South by Jiui Jones, Wist by J H Bontlcy. Levied on as tbe property of James Jones to satisfy two fi fas in f.ivor of H L Shipley vs, James Jones issued from Rockdale county court. Search made and no personal property to be f<>uud. Property poiuted out by plaintiff. Lnfy made Jan. 31 1878 by A P Mitcbell, L C, and returued to tne. J. H. TAYLOR Sheriff. ALSO At the same time and plaoo will be sold tho following property to wi* : Fifty-two acres of land more or less, being the laud on which Wm. >l. Rhodes now resides, lying iu Ko.'kdae countv. Number nut now". Pounded East oy D N. Hudson, Noith by Manual Fiaygood South aud West by Mrs C J Mel ton. Levied on as the property of vVilliaiu M, Rhodes to satisfy one ti ft* issued from Justices ‘J< uri 476th Dist. G. M, iu favor of E ii Rosser, and two ti fas issued from sa mi court ;i favor ot C J i''elton aguin-a Win. Rhodes. I, vy made by A P Mitch *H, LC, Feb., and returned to ue. J FI. TAYLOR. .Sheriff. PAVNE\S AGE OF REASON Payne’s Ago Of Keasor is the largest and best liberal pi b : cutiou >n America While its mis>ic iis to 'inf ttcr the minds of men fro i the dismal superstition of the past, it is a first class family Journal as well. Kvc.y independent thinker can but be pleased with it arid s ueb are re spectfully solicited to give it their u; port. Specir en copies 15 cents. .Add *ss, S, W Pavue, Edito~ x 1- 3n, 141 Bth street New Yo k, PAY UP! All persons indebted to the under signed by note or account are re juea ted to call and Settle at once C V Sanford. f. vicics Illustrated Price Catalogue Seventy-five pages—3oo illustra tions, with descriptions of thousands of the best flowers and vegetables in thd world, and the way to grow them —all for a two-cent postage Stamp- Printed in English ana German. Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Gar den, 50 cents in paper covers ; in ele gant cloth colors, SI.OO. Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Maga<> zine, 32 pages, fine illustrations, and color jd plate in every number. Price, $1.25 a year; five copies for-$5. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N, Y. NOTICE 1 All persons indebted to Daniell A Shipley are requested to sail and settle immediately* The old busi ness most be settled up. Call at the warehouse of Armstead A Dan iell. You will find the undersigned who will attend to you in making settlements. J 8 D AHULL, t L