Conyers courier. (Conyers, GA.) 1876-18??, February 02, 1878, Image 2

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Conjtrs €oamr ■ - -■ - —-..T-:=g <CM 11 f\ (} ~ n] . 2 aXXS©3BX,3srJiu®©^. Ruliock will make bis home in At lauta, " • * THE CROWING H£NS. lii R cosier I at. and once—this was cy cles ago— There arose err'ain Hens who deter mined to crow, •These Roosters too long,’ they re peat ed with scorn, ‘Have held a monopoly over the Dawn. Th? Ape )as prfgrcsstd, and we Hens, 100, have rights : V e cut; herald 'ln' Rays quite a‘t well as the Knights; We ll jetition the Sun just to give u-< a show, rflt.d he’ll see who the loudest and I ion.) tot can X. tow !’ '1 ].< Sun their |< ii ion a ccj.ti and and mill : *lf you think }• con wake me in time, g nlo ad.’ Jhe L l l swi o all cl hi me i— lot the mi y 11 xt day 'j he rj'g-l usiuci-s calli and tin ir ;tten t i. n a * ay, Ji ii *1 t Son, when he rose, quite ho luted utid slow, (lied; '\\ h le llei shave t caiklo tl.ey never e.un ci uw. 1 MO It A 1., let tie Indus v ho nik for the bal. ii t ii fli ct ; That they’it eh dors more potent t him those w ho eb-ei. Tiny don’t vm ; hut ju*t think of the ‘representifiuti’ Of the sex who Contribute the whole j op'ilutioii, ♦ ♦ Sinn by of the New YoikTii- I one srys there is a rnu>r in A’ltg J ' Intid t.hnt Heaeoi sfield and Queen \ ic'oria arc to get mat vied. Ages Bcvei ty two and six y. Tin* Rtv. Dr. lull lots been pay i- g |,is reef (cts to the newspapers ll.' BCflirtK tlitm of f-R'it'P 'bat- D>d mi ll win l a c plenty of money an' lulnati din churches on unwind of tin ir wealth, Dr, Hall rays this is not true and r \*uW. s too p>e-Bijuite H-vcreU for asserting it.. Asa mat-- ter (if faet the ri'.idablu newspapers lover d-d assert it, but 1 lit y have (.aid t nuetbirg tear trough to it to ..ate- I r substantially tb<* saute thing \ioi they ’il not ovoishnnt the matk lithtr. Though Hr. Hull and fifty oil i,r mil inter* denies it fifty times, every tie who keeps tbe rott ol cl tilth matters in New Uuk kit'-w s that it. many of tbe fasltit na ble el unites ate valued more lor their money than for their piety. It is not oviir.t'iiC to say that hun dreds naintuir good clutch standing win, if tiny were poor instead ot be ing tich, would not Vie considered lot tst men. It is notorious tlat a r ; eb man who subscribes liberally for tlurch | uiposts can tnereby cvcr gre t many things wl icb, but for tlte sol'Sct iption, wnjdtl bo unpit asantly talked al out, ad it is also notorious •lint a great many men become men)' hers of fashionable chutobes for wor-’dly benefit alone, % Mr Joe Robs >n has hid an egg cti the Ytomin table. It is a vny peculiar egg.— Fiankfort Yeoman W( 11. jes, we would rather think so [Courier Journal, r** li e Young Ran vr.d ¥ll* Bicycle. yi * A certain young man, for bis pbysi cal, Has been out and bought him a bic > c’e; He- is careless and rash, And its treating him 'hash,' This hasty young man on his bicys ole.. Rays he, you acpba'ous bicycle, I shall fling you aWay for a trioyele, Have a tertian quid, •’ Or it carnot be rid, fays hasty young man off his bioycle, A mao who thought he would pre sent bis wife with material for anew dress was somewhat surprised to aer the dealer slip tbe elotb into an enve lope and say he would have the but tons sent right up on a dray, | A convention of the friends of education will he held at Atlanta on the fith of February, iu which the Southern States will be generally represented, The object of the ass scmbling of this convention of educa tors, collegemen and friends to edu cation is to concentrate public opin ion so as to secure action by Con gress to devote part of the whole of proceeds of the sale of the public lands of the government to tbe cause publio education. Tbe birth rate in Georgia since 1865 among the whites has been a little over thirty pc-r cent., and i -ni'.ng the blacks a little more than fifty, —• * An Atlanta coi respondent if the Greensboro lieiald .-ays that iiy of catitalists North have thrcti-i ed to invent bait’ a inilli.n m sheep iaisit git list ml., liui iii-.n if kts counties. Judge N'-l of Me! uffif cunt' court, has decidod that a homestead could in t le taken on property af ter a bill of sub hid been given and the pi< perl\ delivered, ivm though tin tiaiiM-uh n might, scein u reouri ly for so; plies. Tic town ot '1 lu mps'n >’cl fin outity nukes a finat ciil slo wing fot for tie fart year which might w :ii besludieii by dies of a more pr.ten gn,wth. The receipts from all sources of rtv. title f->r ti e y ear were $2 319, 17 uni the expenditures for the year wete $1,201,29, loavii g a i alaL.ce in tie treasury t f $1057 V . Advice to the brimstono c r.tra vel sialist —L.t hell e. uuglt alone. lit accoidance with his patriotic rcijuest , a V itginia negro is to he bat pi and on Washington’s birth day, A Fiend invc..tiga‘or las proved to his own satisfaction that the world was made on Fiiduy, ewmbit G. Four sisters were recently mar ried at tbe same time in Vent out The old folks feel r< lievi and, but the trouble begiustor the girls- Slate of Ga. Reckdolo county Whereas II H Peek, fit aroint) of Maty A J Thompson deceased, having made application to the court of Ordinary of said county for a discharge t opt his G uardtansbip of the property of the said Mary A -I Thompson, this is therefore to cite all persons concerned to blow by filing obji ctious in mv office within tbe time prescribed by law why the said 11 11 Peek should not lie dis missed trout bis Guardianship of the projeity of t'e said Mary A J Thompson and receive ihe usual let tors of dismission, Given under my hand and i flhial signatu’o, O Seamans; C rdinary PEE L S LUNCH M&WBB • At Mo 10 Broad Btuct in Atlant one of the most inviting Restauran in this section. The bill of fare em-t braces everything the market affords ami the prices are wonderfully low, Peel’s Lunch House is the place for strangers visiting Atlanta on a day’s business. The attendance is good and everythit g is served p in a neat, prompt sad appetising style. A well auophed Bar is also connected with e establishment. DRESS GOODS. A fine lot just received at II P D M Almand’s the latest styles at to 85 cents per yard, 1866. The Old Reliable! 1878. *• —g*" 4 '*’ m. W, H. tlB, Kcids constantly on band, at his Drug Store on Centre St. * full line of Drugs, Oils, Medicines. Paints, Patent Medicines, Putty, Perfumery, Glass, Toib-t Art : clos, Varnishes, FnDOv Soap, Garden Tobacco, Painters supplies, C gars,- Glaziers Materials, and everything kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE f ♦ PRESCRIPTION BFPA Riff ENT. P Lee las many \c re fxpfiicnee in cr nq out dir g prescriptions, and he v> ill see ft at a I prcsor’ptiot sand order* aie carefully filled. The pat ronage of old anl n w customers in Rockdale and adjoining counties is r-e j ietfully roiicttd. 34-lyr, S > A CIFIC GUANO CO. CAPITA L; $1,000,000. > • c J. 0. MATKEWSCN & CO. CENEPAL ACTS. AUGUSTA GA. Soluble T&cif-C Graco cud Coir peurd Acid Phosphate FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED, Olb Best Cfr tifioati —Ntarlv one-fifth sales of fertilize sold in Georgia oie of lOLVLLk PACIFIC, and there are 120 different brands sold in ti c State. Pash Price, Per ten (2.000 poi nds) Soluble Pa cific Guano, $ 47,00. Per ton (2 COO lbs) Acid 1 } ospbate, $35,00. Time Price, (Without interest—Cotton Option, 15 cents) Per ton (2,000 pounds) Soluble Pacific Guslo $ 70,C0. Per ten (2,000 lbs.) Acid Phosphate 52,50. Selling Agents, STEWART & M CALLA, 36-3 mo CONYERS, Ga. NOTICE ! All persons indebted to Daniell & Shipley are requested to call and settle immediately The old busi ness must be settled up. Call at the warehouse of Armstead & Dan iell. You will find the undersigned who will Mt:end to you iu making settlements. J S Danikll, tf. I Those who do not oorne and settle with us by the first day of February need not be surprised. .to find their notes and accounts in the hands of a collecting officer. Respectfully, J & W. E. Tmladwill, WILLI AM A. HAYGOOD •• and 42 Arietta Street, ATLANTA, GA. ARPETS, —AND — General Interior Decorations (il Cloths, Mattivgi, Curtain W all Fcjxr. 1 QIGARS! Call at ir. m. % ftt’i © RUG BTO RE— and get two cigars for 5 cents; also a fine Havana cigar for five cents; and any other quality desired. FOR ’SALE, 0 - Tie Fat ir nv ten jifr Iy] 1 1 c Osborn, on Yellow River The Farm contains 132 acres, Good Land, Tim-, her, and one of the best Springs in the State. The place adjoins lands of Havgood and Thorn, and is about two miles from Conyers. Wil! be sold very low. For Terms, apply to this office. 20 tf VICK’S Illustrated Price Catalogue Seventy-five pages—3oo illustra tions, with descriptions of thousands of the best flowers and vegetables in thd world, and the way to grow them —all for a two-cent postage stamp. Printed in English and German. Vick’s Flower and Vegetable Gar den, 50 cents in paper covers ; in ele gant cloth colors, SI,OO. Vick’s Illustrated Monthly Magas zine, 32 pages, fine illustrations, and colored plate in every number. Price, $1.25 a year ; five copies for $5. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N Y. ROCKDALE UUREIRY Reliable well-grown an 1 nr o Georgia pr (jog ted OBNAMEKTAL —AND— FRUIT TREF S GRAPE VINES, SHRUBS, ROSES, FLOWERING and STRAWBERRY PLANTS Etc., for sale by an experienced Horticulturist. Jesse M. Wellborn. Conyers, Ga. N.B. In my absence leave your orders with Mr. S. H. Anderson - R FMEMBETi We have got claims against us arc falling due thick and fast .o'*. we MUST HAVE MONEY TO MEET THEM Now we earnestly ask all who arc indebted to ue either Dy note or ac count to Come Forward at Oace and Fay Up. Remember your obligation, And re member also tbat your N OTES and ACCOUNTB are PA 3T DUE. A word to the wise is sufficient. Respectfully, J. H- Almand, Sob A Cos. P. S. —We are determined to baye the notei given us in settlement cl accounts of 1875 & 1876 settled, if we have to sue them. - * 24-2 mos