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- 1 # *
HUNT & TATUM, Proprietors
JR. F. TATUM, Editor.
J ■ . _
t • ' . ? •' _
Entered at the Post Office at Trenton
Ga., as second class mail matter.
/• • .
Terms SI.OO per year in advance.
Advertising rates reasonable and will be
aade known upon application.
All communications must be aecompa
me with the real name of the writer.
Address all correspondence (o The
Times, Trenton,Ga.
V ■ ■■ .. I!. 1
T. B. Blake owner of Perchereon
Horse, King 11, will make the
following stands during the season
dates to be supplied later.
' Sulphur "Springs, Ga., Sulphur
Springs, Ala., Trenton, Johntson’s
Crook and at J. N. Blansit’s place.
( * ' - •'
Clover, Red Top, Timothy Or
chard Grass, Millet Hay, and all
kinds of field seeds at Dan C.
Wheeler & Co’s., 607 Market St,,
Phone 175, Chattanooga, Tenn.
Cotton seed meal and hulls a
* pecialty.
t t t
A second hand buggy in good
condition cheap for cash. Address
Sentinel, Trenton, Ga.
Jesse V. Morris, of Skippers, Va., had a
close cal lin the spring: of 1906. He says :
“An attack of pneumonia left me so weak
and with such a fearful cough that my
friends declared consumption had me, and
death was on my heels. Then I was per
suaded to try Dr. King’s New Discovery.
It helped me immediately, and after taking
two and a half bottles 1 was a well man
again. I found out that New Discovery is
the best remedy tor coughs and lung dis
ease in all the world.” Sold under guar
antee at all druggists. 50c and SI.OO.
Trial bottle free.
- Gifts cf the Winds.
Now toil i’s truly, winds of spring.
What jovs to childhood do you bring?
With varied ar;s I strive to please—
\ I bring warm suns and April showers.
’ I bring fresh buds for naked trees
And scatter growing grass with flowers.
And you. sweet summer's gentle breeze,
What gifts of yours do Children please?
The joyous holiday time I bring,
The many pleasures of field and shore.
Long - , sunny days at their feet I fling.
These are my gifts. Can you ask for
Oh. howling winds of autumn drear.
What are your joys for children dear?
I bring down nuts from brilliant trees,
And ripe fruits drop beneath my spell.
1 brighten their hearts with gifts like
No other wind they love so well.
And now, sharp wind of winter cold.
What joys are yours? Can they be told?
I sweep with a wail over barren fields,
Best loved of all the winds that blow.
No other wind such pleasure yields
To boys and girls, for I bring snow.
—Philadelphia North American. :
3tecl Trust’s Faith In Future.
Chairman Gary of the board of di
rectors of the United States Steel eor
.. poration says that in the face of the
present financial de
••••- press ion the work
on the great steel
S ' plant at Gary. Iff,
tiire wi 1 1 iroxi
cause they are cop
last and because
E. 11. Gary. they have the cash
n hand and will n<Vt have to borrow.
The first half of the plant is now un
deV construction and will be done in
.-three .years..
? $40,0C0,C30 Loan For P. R. R.
Tin* Pennsylvania railroad has a'f
rangeil for the issue of long term bonds
to the amount of ,$40.1)00.000 to "be
y known as consolidated mortgage bonds
to run forty years and bear 4 per c£nt
interest. The issue is underwritten by
Kulm, Loeb & Cos of New York in as
• sociation with the -Rothschilds atul
" Barings of London.
Greatest of Fieets.
The-squadron 'of United States bat
tleships uowfln the Pacific is unques
tionably the “most magnificent and
formidable” .squadron-over put upon
the seas. No other ,battle fleet men
tioned, til .histprv.’fs worthy of being
compared. w;iih it in the capacity for
Why Is n’jatlef like a Pe
‘cause he fingers the keys.
f What grows the less tired the more
It works? A carriage wheel.
What is that which never asks a
question, yet requires many answers?
r \ ’• ■ • * •' < •
On April 20 1908 the angel of
death visited the home of Mr. and
Mrs. D. H. Rogers and claimed as
Its reward little Allison, aged one
year and five months. His stay
on earth was short but of sufficient
length for his parents hearts to be
entwined about him. He suffered
for three long weeks and we should
be thankful that the little one is
at rest where he will never know
no pain or sorrow. Of course
father and mother will miss their
little darling but they should
mourn not as those who have no
hopes for we know little Allison is
safe in the arms ol Jesus.
Oh how lonely the home will
seem to father and mother without
their precious baby, but they
should prepare to meet their little
da ling in the brighter world .above
where there shall be no more sep
arations. It is so hard to give up
our dear ones to look at them our
last time in this world but we
should think that God knows best
and should be thankful to know
bhat we can meet them again.
Funeral services were conducted
at the home by Rev. R. 1\ Ram
sey after which he was laid to rest
in the Payne Cemetery-.
Aunt Matt.
In Memory of Tommie
The death angel visited the
home of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Hig
don, on April 21st, 1908, and took
from them their little son Tommie
aged five years and one month.
Tommie was stricken on the night
of the sth with surebro Menigitis
and after two weeks and two days
of suffering he passed away to the
great beyond where there is no
pain nor death. There he is wait
ing for us freed from all sorrows
and that in due time we shall see
him again. Through Gods grace
we know that he is only trans
planted to his loving Fathers
home. Tommie was a bright vig
orous boy and unGi his ast i
- had always been the picture
of health, but all that loving pa
rents and friends and the best
medical aid could do was unavail
able. AY Idle his sudden death
leaves a vacancy in our home that
never can be filled.
The bereaved family desms to
extend their thanks to the many
friends who by their kindness and
sympathy have endeavored to
lighten their sorrows in the time
of their trouble. A precious one
from us is gone a voice we loved
is still a place is vacant in our
home that never can be filled.
A Friend.
Commissioner Bible Busy.
County School Commissioner,
G. A, 1!. Bible was here first of
the week making permanent ar
rangement for Teachers’ Institute
ami the Educational Rally next
week. Mr. Bible has emj loyed
Trot. S. J. Hale to assist him in
conducting the institute. This is
the first time in several years that
home talent has been selected to
conduct this branch of the work
and it is indeed a compliment >o
Mr. Iliiic’s ability, who is in every
respect competent to creditably
perform the, duties imposed.
It has been the ,general practice
in the past by the Commissioner
to employ foreign talent to con
duct the institute work, but the
present commissioner lias saw fii
to try home talent first an-I then
if he is conveiiced that this work
should fall on other Hiouhjers
they will he had in the future.
“ i
! 'Second Shop North of Central Depot.
i •''/ Shave 10 Cents
Baths 15' Cents
(live me a call . . 1113 Market St.,
Chattanooga Tenn
: Efid?eys and Biadder Right;'
Teachers Institute, Fduca
tional Rally and
County Picnic.
Beginning Monday morning and
lasting throughout the week, will
begin an interesting and impor
tant program, in which all good
and true citizens should be inter
ested and take part.
The teachers’ annual institute
will convene at the Academy at 10
o’clock p. m. County School
Commissioner Bible will be on
hand ready and prepared to per
form his duti s encumbered on
him by virture of his office. He
will be assisted in the work by
Prof. S. J. Hale, who, in every
respect, is competent to render
him efficient services.
It is the desire of the Commis
sioner to make this occasion by
far the greatest of this nature that
has every happened before in the
county. He invites every citizen
male and female inteiested in edu
cational work to attend the mwt
ings and to assist in every way
possible to make them a success.
On Saturday, the 23d, as has
been published before, the pro
gram for the Educational Rally
will be rendered at the sulphur
spring. All arrangements hav
been made by the committee nec
essity to make ibis part of the
week’s program a great success and
it is hoped that al! will respond
when their names are called and
will be prepared to do their part
A speakers’ stand will be erect
ed in a eoiivii.H i place mar ih
sulphur spring, where at the proper
time, will be spread the contents
of the lunch baskets that all pres
ent may partake of food and re
The ground belonging to W. P.
Pace and R. S. Rodgers and join
ing the spring property belonging
to the Case estate has been pro
cured for the occasion, giving
plenty of room to accomodate the
crowd. All refreshment stand
privileges have been granted to
he Masonic Lodge* The lodge
will furnish all refreshments, the
proceeds to go towards buiidir.g a
new fence around the Academy
These valuable properties were
procured under the condition that
the people “keep off the grass”
In other words that they keep out
of the joining these
properties which are nil inclosed.
Please remember this and govern
yourself accordingly.
Let everybody in the county
come to this grand affair. Mi.
Farmer it is to your interest to be
there. You are in the majority in
Dade County and consequently
you have more children ao a whole
to educate than any other class of
citizens here. I)o you wish to ed
ucate them and get them interest
ed in educational, affairs? Of
course you do. 'fcdien take advan
tage of tbis, the first opportunity
of its kind that has been presented
to you in a grat number of years.
Lay down the hang up
the hoe at the close of the day
next Friday and say to wife and
children: “We are going to the
Educational Rally at Trenton to
morrow. John, Bill, Jack, Pete
you fellows go to the swimming
hole after ’ supper, and tomorrow
morning hitch Jude and Kit to
the hack before you put your Sun
day close on. Wife prepare a
basket of something good tireat.’’
Do this and as store as you come
you will feel better by having
done your duty to yourself, your
family and your country.
Public Speaking.
Col. T. e; Mi liner of Carters
ville, candidate against General
Sam P. Maddox for solicitor gener
al will address the voters of this
county at Wildwood Friday even
ing May 22iid at 8 o’clock, at
Trenton Saturday afternoon May
23rd at 2:30 o’clock and at Rising
Fawn on the same day at 8 o’clock
o. ni. ?
Lett el’ From Georgia Railroad
Atlanta, Ga., May 32. 1908
Mr. R. F. Tatum, Att’y,
Trenton, Ga.,
Dear Sir:
On behalf of the Railroad Com
mission of Georgia, I beg to ac
knowledge the receipt of your es
teemed favor of May 4th with
which you enclosed copy of peti
tion eumerously signed by citizens
of Trenton and vicinity addressed
to the Alabama Great Southern
Railroad Company, praying for
better depot facilities at Trenton.
Inasmuch as you have taken this
matter up with the Railway Com
pany, and as is customary in mat
ters of this kind, the Commission
does not now take any action rela
tive to this petition, but thinks
that the railway company should
be given due oportunity to make
such answer as it may see fit to
this request of the citizens of
Dade County. We have placed
your petition on tile, and if, with
in a reasonable time, the Alabama
Great Southern Railroad does not
satisfactorily adjust this matter,
the Commission will be pleased to
have you so advise it, and the
Board will then take pleasure in
handling this question with above
named company with a view to
doing whatev t it can to further
the interest of you and your peo
Assuring you of our readiness
to serve you, and awaiting your
further commands, I am
Yours very truly,
Geo. F. Montgomery, Sec.
If nothing prevents, .Judge A.
\\\ Fite will make three speeches
in one day in Dade, on Saturday,
May lb, as fellows:
Wildwood at 10 o’clock, a. m.
Trenton at 3 o’clock p. m.
Rising Fawn at 8 o’clock p. m.
Foley’s Orino Laxative is l>est for wo
men him! children. Its mild action and
pleasant taste makes it preferable to vio
lent purgatives, such as pi 1 Is, tablets, etc
Cures constipation.
Trenton Drue, Stoic
50 years*
I §j
TnADi Marx3
rpyffiW* Copyrights &c.
Anvor.e sending n sleet eh raid description rnny
quicklv ascertain our opinion iroe whether i.n
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
cut free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Muim & Cos. receive
pedal notice , without charge, in the
Scientific HmericatL
A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scient.iUo journal. Terms, $3 a
veur : four months, sl. Solubyaii newsdealers.
MUNN & Cos. 361Broadv ' a ’ r - New York
Branch Office. c?f> F St., Washington. U. C.
is caused by stagnation of the liver and
bowels. To get rid of it and headache
and biliousness and the poison that brings
jaundice, take Dr. King’s New Life Pill
the reliable purifiers that do the work
without grinding or griping- 25c at al
Memorial Services
Cloverdale Baptist Church, May
17. A memorial service will he
held at this place in memory of
Mrs. G. A. R. Bible and Mrs.
Lumpkin. Capt. J. Y. Woods will
deliver the memorial address
Other prominent speakers are ex
pected to take part in the services.
All friends who would like lo
take part will have an opportunity
to do so.
J. \V. Hamic
G. W. forester
J. F. Lewis
itfsi e 9
*G*DB Triii eluiS Free!
‘T.-* I, *--T^T , --TT‘iTimi- r iru > ii—> inmr a. , n. r i-^J
Cures Prevents Paeuraen’i
Fed' 0 btjgrei?B;
tiOititoS l Kk
nX— ■■■■■■
For Solicitor General.
To the Voters of Cherokee Circuit:
As i.t will be impossible for rile to strand
talk with all the voters of this circuit, I
therefore adopt this means ot informing
von that l aui a candidate for the office of
Solicitor General of the Cherokee Circuit,
subject to the next democratic primary.
'l'lie criminal hlw, to he Readily
obeyed, must first he respected, and to
give due effect and dignity to the proper
execution of these laws, L believe that a
prosecuting officer should be untrammeled
by any suspicion that he is acting in the
discharge of his official duties with any
sinister or pecuniary motive. 1 therefore
believe that the office of Solicitor General
should be a salaried one and that llie lim.-s
and forfeitures collected, as a penalty for
the violation of the criminal law, should he
paid into the county treasury of each coun
ty in which the same are collected
Your support at the ballot box I shall
greatly appreciate.
Your obedient servant,
Cartersville, Ga., Jan. 1, 1008.
To the Voters of Cherokee Circuit:
'l'lie State Executive Committee having
called the primary for June 4, I now an
nounce that I am a candidate for re-elec
tion to the office of Solicitor General ol the
Cherokee circuit, subject to the primary.
My record is before you; I have tried to do
mv duty; I think I can justly claim that I
have so conducted the affairs of the office
that I have savtd the tax-payers money by
consuming no unnecessary time in the trial
of cases. I have at all tunes kept in mind
that time is money while the courts are in
session. My knowledge of the duties of
the office is such that I believe I can do
better in future than I have in the past. I
shall he engaged in the courts much of the
time between now and June 4, and cannot
see you all in person. Your support will
be greatly appreciated. 1 promise if re
heted to do my duty, fearlessly and im
pMtiallv. Respectfuli v,
To the voters of Cherokee circuit:
1 have twice before asked at your hands
the honor of being the Jndge of your Su
perior court, and each time you have de
cided the matter against me. Rut Ido not
feel that I can lay aside a life long ambi
tion to till this great and responsible office
without once more asking it at your hands
assn ting you that whether or not you are
now willing to elect me, 1 will m l again
he a candidate. My record as a lawyer and
a citizen of your circuit for many years is
before you. If you think that this teem
is such as will justify a g-.-od citi/m
--voting forme, 1 ask your votes and infiu
eni e. If elected 1 promise to the best of
mv ability I will endeavor to ti.ll tin* great
trust you impose on me without fear,f,avor,
affection or Idas, giving every man the im
partial justice the law reunites.
Yours respectfully,
JI. .j. Mel ’ a my.
i'o tin* voters of Cherokee CiicuH:
1 am a candidate ‘or re-election *o the
judgeship of iin*( uerokee circuit, sio-jed
to * lie |■nin arv June 1, IbtO
Knowing* that my ex oerienc - on tin
bench has heller (puiiiffed me lor th-ds
charge of the duties ol the office, and !>e
lieving that you agree with me and ii to -
my re-election, l respectfully submit my
candidacy to you.
I desire to meet each of yon in pjrsui
before the primary, but may not he able
to do so, as I will be busy bolding court
most of the time from now until then; ami
I tin re fore lake this method of asking your
uti\e support and. influence, assuring
you of mv appreciation ami . latitude and
promising, if you re-elect me, to serve \ i
faithfully, impartially and to the be>t of
my ability, as 1 have been and am mov
doing. Yety truly yours,
A. W. Fi I E.
to the Demonatic Voters of Georgia :
1 am a. candidate for TtCiisurer of ihis
State, subject to primary on .June -1, l!M)S.
In making this announcement 1 refer
with confidence to my long service in ibis
department of the Slate (Jovernmen l , both
as Treasurer and assistant Treasurer, cov
ering a period of more than twenty years
with apparent satisfaction to the people. I
offer my record in this office as evidence of
my qualifications to fill it and as a guaran
tee that the duties pertaining thereto will
he well and faithfully performed if it is
again placed in my charge. I solicit the
support of my fellow citizens.
Very respectfully,
Win. J. Speer.
To the citizens of Dade county:
After numerous solicitations 1 have de
cided to make the race for ordinary. My
object in announcing so eariv is to give
the people time to make inquiry concern
ing me. After you have made careful in
vestigation if you find me deficient either
in character or ability to conduct the office
in decency and order and to the best in
terests ol the tax payer, lhen 1 do not ask
your support. Thos. J Fuller.
mmm g-nror 4tw tr dr
We nre authorized to announce
W m. O* Reese as a candidate for
ro-election to the Office of Ordi
nary of Dade County.
We are authorized to announce
the name of Hon. Lee Pope of
Wildwood as a candidate for re
election as Representative of
Dade County. He says if elected
he will continue to serve the rie<~-
ple to the? best of nis ability*
* '
\Ye are authorized to announce tin.*
flame of Hon. W. W. (jureton, of Ri s j n
Fawn, as a candidate for JReprescntuti v<
of Dade County, subject to the action o c
the Democratic execu ive committee.
For* Tax Collector.
We are authorized to announce Him);
Walen, rff Wildwood, as a candidate for
Tax Collector tor Dade County.
For Treasurer.
We are authorized to announce
tne name of R S Rodgers, of Tier,
ton, as a candidate for re-election
to the office of Cntinty Treasurer.
For Prison Commissioner
Vote for Gapt, K, 11. Foster foi
Prison Commissioner. He is an
experfenced eonviet man. He es
tnhlished the State Farm from
hills, gullies and marshes to tine
farming lands, built good build
ings for the inmates, a good stone
building for the females, tire
barns for each department. 11 is
policy is to amend the lease law.
having the State and counties to
eontrole the convicts, to make
good roads and extend NY. & A*
R. R. to sea coast. This will take
the coftvicts out of competition
with tree laoor. lie 4s a success
ful business man, and and ‘dares his
policy, believing the people of
Georgia will approve it.
He comanded the Color Com
pany ol’ 21 Georgia Yol.
No l P E
To Jtiii Builders and (.'outraetms:
Bids will he received by the undersigin J
up to 12 o’clock noun on the (jth d:v i t
Jute, IffOS for the buiidiiig and construc
lioti of one Jail Cage of two cells and cor
ridor completed. I out tat tor to furnish a 1
J;.il material ami labor. Size of cage o
he 18 feel fin g by 10 Ice and (j .ml a
wide and 7 feet high, including (nnidm.
l'lie same to he built according to the
plans an I specifications now on tile ; t the
office of Ordinary of Dade County, Geor'
Work required to he completed before
the 10th day of September, IffbS. Terms
of payment in cash 15 days tiller soi l wmk
is completed and is accepted by the Ordi
nary and Jail Committee. The light is
reset veil by die Ordinary’ to accept or re
ject any’ or till bids. The contract will he
let to'lowest responsible bind* • •
Successful contractors will ne required
to give an aceep able t<i:ii in doable the
amount of the contract for the faithful
iierformauce ot the same. All .Jtiii into
t rial and work to lie of first class:
i * i ins cash—to he paid out iff .Jail funds
r any otlur funds in county Treasure not
o-Inn u ise appropriated. The cost of said
work to be about $ I >tt.t O. \\ m k subject
lo inspection by Ordinary and Coll inittee
i o n n g const ruction of mi me..
Tims-lib day of May, ILRJB.
Will'. U. Keese, Oidinarv
Slate of Georgia, Thule Count v;
W ill be sold before the Court F use
door in Trenton, in Said County, between
the legal hours iff sale on the fitst Tuesday
in .Jilin*. 1908, the following de.sciibed
property to wit: Block D in Rond addi
tion to the Town ot Trenton, Blocks G, ll*
1, .T, K. L, ill Ronff second affdilioii to the
i own of Trenton, and Lots Nos.*2l, 22 and
22 in Block D of Bond second addition to
the Town of Tivnion, Lois .Nos- 9 in
Block (’ in B<nd second addition to tin*
Town ol Trenton and Lots 20 in Block F.
in the 1> ltd addition to said Town of
Trenton, and one undivided oi .-third i
toiv.-t in lots Nos* 22, 21 and 25 in Block
F in l.ond second addition to the Town cf
1 teuton, containing in nil fifteen acres
more oi less, all of said property being iff
said Dade CountV, Georgia, said propeitv
levied on and to be sold as the propeitv of
Win. O. Reese, by viriure- of two certain
ti fas issued out of the Supeiior (Joint <f
said County in favor of William Cununim*
representative of Thomas Cummings’ es
tate, and W. G. Morrison against said
Wm. (). Reese, property pointed out in
said li fas and now in the possession ol I lie*
I defendants in li fas.
This 4th day of May, 1908.
R, W. Thurman, Sheriff.
Georgia, Dade County.
D. E. Tatum, J. 11. McCauley, Joe Par 5
son and other having applied for the
establishment of anew public road of the
second class in 1059 District of Dade
County, to begin at Preeel la Hale’s, rim
ing thence in a northardly direction
through the lands ot Precills Hale, Wnn
Killian and J. H. McCauley, and termi
nating at J. IL McCauley’s, and the length
of said proposed road being about 2-4 of a
mile. This is to notify all persons that on
and after the first day of June, 1908, said
new road will be finally granted if no good
cause is shown to the contrary.
This Ist day* of May, 1908.
Win. O. Reese, Ordinay.
j Citation.
Georgia, Dade County.
Mrs. Ann J. Thurman having made
applcation for twelve months’ support out
of the estate of Stephen II- Thurman, and
appraisers duly appointed to set a cart the
same having filed their return, all persons
concerned are hereby required to show
cause before the court ot Ordinary of said
county on the first Monday in June 1 t*oßj
why said application should not be grant*
This 27th day of April, 1908.
Wm. O. Reese, Ordinary.
Georgia, Dade County.
The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve month’s support to the fanffh
of Geo. H-. Moore deceased, having been
filed in mV office, all pel sons concerned are
cited in show bit Use by the 1 day of June)
1908, why said application for twelve
months’ support should not be granted
This 4th May, 1908.
W> O. Reese. Ordinary*