The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 29, 1908, Image 1

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j, j.’ Tati m.. VOL- XVI WILL SELL ONLY FO3 CASH 03 ITS EQUIVALENT In order to do this successfully wo r< alizc that we must sell at o-peat reduction, so vm w.ill us at s:\me old place at surprisingly low prices during this year. I Ids is neceessary to our beiness and we must stay by it. ('ash or barter add good j rites will be our motto ing 1008. H HiCIK 1 © ISf^ffBIT iHEACHTO wi mn I Sbß!“s§ mmM riisEii i imple Latest Model “Ranse? 9 ’ bicycle fanurSicd by os. Our agents ev'-rvwhere are iw .It \ or f u ~l P ar *imter' and special offer at once. WO MONhi IvEQiJII'. & L) until you receive and approve of your bicycle. We ship to an} one, anywhere in the L S rwithcut a cent deposit in advance, prepay freight, and a “Y ILW I)A\S 3? loii*. 1 Ail AT during which rime you may ride the bicycle and put it to any test vou wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish to keep the bicycle snip it hack to us at our expense and you will not be out one cent. FACTdIRY '^ e haniiah the highest bicycles it is possible to make . . Vn , , ,/ R “, at Profit above actual factoiy cost. You save *lO to $25 nudulcmcn s profits by buying: direct cf us and have the manufacturer's guar antee behind your bicycle. i>G WOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of fires from anyone at any price until you receive our catalogues and leant our unheard of factory prices and remarkable special offers to rider agents. YQIS WH I K? &To4it;y?n you receive our beautiful catalogue and , * n H#fvnlWsill study p ur superb models at the wonderfully low prices we can rnake you tms year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for less money l . \ -*I'-SF victory. We are satisfied with SI.OO profit above factory cost. BICYbLb 1) 5. A you can sell our bicycles under your cvvn name plate at ur prices. Orders hhed.the day received. D IIAM 1) BICVCI.KS. We do not regularly handle second hand bicycles, but s a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out rices ranging from #3 to fWS or CSLO. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free. DPJtUEi single wheels, iuipurted roller chains and pt’dais, parts, repairs and UvHdl3.n-DnHnE.tff equipment of ail kinds at nalj the usual retail prices. DU HED6ETHB3K®?BeiBBE-PRO9F *IU H SELF-HEALING TIRES ftSSS&Sg? per pair, bid. to Introduce ?ve will oil) ouasa tuple pa ir tors4£o{cash wit h order $4.55). ’>• -—x—-—• NO MORE TROUBLE ROM PIB3TBKS ff . - ft. / /'TT^I > l!L> lurks or <Uk*s will not lot the ; .f- 4 / j air u it. Sixty thousand pairs sold hist year. YgEgßgy*. jSBi Over two hundred thousand pairs now in u.-c. _ - j ' DESCRIPTION: Made inall s'res. It is 1 i'f l• v , > .*- -iyd; \ I ana - v ridiivr.verydu: able and lined uftside wit li v —fffffPPbfri •#??/ a special quality of rubber, which uevi r becomes r ffu' V° H U9a, . ,d whw;h cloS l V s P s Tf n pnnctmys, wulioiu ahojf- |sl NotJoc thti thick rubber tread mg the air to escape. We ht-ve hundreds c* •etters.romsati*- g ,x . ai? <i puncture strips •u" fied customers staling that their Ures.daveenJyOem purr, pc a ac< | also rim strip “ll** up once or twice in a whole season. They weig "nc more than f'3L t<f pre 'f-ut rlna cutting. This an.-jj liuury tire, the puncture resistingqualJticS.^titrrft l ’;;-' l * tiro \. U outlast any other by several layers ot tun*. specially prepared fabric on tne make—SOFT, ELASTIC aud tread, ihe regular price of these tires i.ssS.po per pair, du. tor bASIf HIDING, advertising purpose* we are making a special factory price to the ruler of only $4.80 per pair. All orders skipped same day letter is received. We ship C. O. D. on approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We will allow a cash iliseourW of 5 per cent {thereby making the price #4.55 per pair) if you send FULL CASH WITH OKDblt and enclose this advertisement. We will also send one nickel plated brass hand pump. Tires to be returned at OUii expense if fer any reason they are not >atir.factory 011 examination. We are perfectly reliable ana money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. If von order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire vou have ever used cr seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your ordq£. We v.ant you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer . if* VA(I B*’don’t buy any kind at any price until you senci foi a p..n ot IF YUU TVC.t,IJ f Ilcdgethom Puncture-Proof tire3 on approval and trial at the oecial introductory price quoted above, or write for otir big Tire and Sundry Catalogue wuich describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices.. ■ />■& mi je 7TT but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF a bicycle it Jij WiSlx For a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful oilers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everj-thing. Write it NOW. i. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL Ti nGREAT COOK and ROBFNSON Will Exhibit at Trenton Monday, June 1 st, AITI JJXOOX 2 p. m. NIGHT AT 8 p, in. A DAY Watch Foi the Grand Fiee Street Parade TRENTON, GA, FRIDY MAY 29 CONGRESSMAN GORDON LEE IMS JOE M, BROWN. hays Brovrn High Tiibute and Lays lie is I prig '.it and ('apa hle aid 'Would Guard and Protect Interests of State.. Congressman Cordon Lee an roum ed hist wt-ek 11*t he f; vors .losepli M. Brown for boven or. Mr. Lee says: “I shall support Joe Brown for lor governor. lie lives in m> dis trict, and is personal frriend. i have known him for twenty-fivr years. He is upright, capable am! well equipped to discharge the da tes of the high oHiee of gover nor. If eieeled v\ ill give Geor via m c e n. houeri administration, protecting in every w:y (he h r*- ness iniere'is i the soite. I shall rive Mr. Brown my most loyal sup port.” As Tom Watson Sees Gov. Smiths Campaign. (From Watson's Jeffersonian.) Considering that (lie Hoke Smi fi organ, G e A biota J‘*'-tnal, is so much a 1/aid that harm will hap pen to the p okibilior, it. shows a cur ous fondness for whiskey rd veft ismnent s. If every thirsty citizen of Georgia doesn't get as much hug juice as lie wants from Jacksonville and Chattanooga, it wont he the fault of the Hoke Smith organ. VeF, Governor Smith told hi s friends at Baiubridgp, laughingly, that he didn't care what Watson thought or said, and that it made no difference to him whether Wat son svppoite'l him or not it be ing a well known fact thav> N\ atson had lost all his followii g. As soon as the governor has his laugh out, let us all unite in prayer. Have we no right to complain of the governor’s exlmnoration of the legislature which defeated cveP one of those administration meas ures which lie said ought to he passed? In liis speech at McKia 1 , on the 19th of November, 1907, he distinctly declared that he had no adverse criticism 'o place on the legis'ature; and yet that body had killed every one of the adminis tration measures, < xceptlng the disfranchisement bill, which Mi. Hardwick pushed along person ally until he finally drove it through. The conference of the governors of all the states of the union held in Washington City, was a stately ,nMir, but the commonwealth ot Georgia v\ us represented by an • mpty chair. Oh, what a sad dis appointment it must have been to Governor Smith that he ooulda’t go to that great Nation 1 confer ence! He had fully intended to go, hut owing to local circum stances over which he had no con trol he just couldn’t leave dear old Official Okoax w Dape Gouxtyy Georgia at \ tin e. Lulleriug too acutely from a soveiccase of kicked-the wring man. (ity politicians seldom under st a1 and (*ni ntry prop!e> I b:_kc* Smit It Knows that the audience uon'd have hnotrd him had he said, in At’anta or Augusta, that the ,Jee Brown weie incdtiiijj tiu j ne groes to go to the polls on tla> 411 of June. But at Cular'own , talk mg to country people chiefly, In* \en!ured th t itmarkable state ment, — not giving his audience cretit lor having sense enough to know that the negroes cannot pos siMy vote in the white primary on J line 4 th. Lbs Cedar own speech and the Brooks (iiiit\ circuk.r sink to an unusual I \ low level, Was it James 11. Gray’s Atlanta Journal which had so much to say a put Joe Brown’s management, as executor of his father’s estate? Alas! We are now hearing con sideniMe about someone’s manage, umiit, as evecutor, of a fatlier-in lav\ \s estate; and we can’ help help thinking of the old adage about glass houses and stone t browing. If Jog Br6wn was a cruel man he could make some extremely disa greeable retorts on his assailant. The Brooks county circular ex pressly states that Joe Brown “has never declared for disfranchise ment,’' and that he is ‘being en dorsed by m gro conventions all over the state.” Why are such astounding false hoods tire dated? Why this deaf eniiig hoiSe on issues tnat are not at all involved in the campaign? The purpose is to call oIT atten tion I tom issues that arc in volved. 1 hev and art want \on to medi tate upon the barrenness of Unk*V me >1 and as Gov- rm-r, hi- flop on the early j rimarv, a: and h s new tide which depiixhs the country coun ties of llieir constitutional rights. The Man, Joseph M. Brown. (By Col. John E. Donatson.) 111 opposition and as a suitable candidate for governor of our state there is presented to you Joseph M. Brown the scion of an old dem ocratic family, and no graft of an importation stock. By all stand ards that measure a man he • has been weighed and found not want' ing. 1 Friends of temperance here is y>! i model as tested by a clem, and pure life of fifty years. 2. Laborers, and friends of la- j bor here is a co-laborer who work- j ed himself up from the machine j shop to the superin tendency of a great railroad. 3. Farmers, liPre is one of you who is how farming successfully on his model farm near Marietta where he takes at the agricultural fairs the premiums for the superi ority of his products. 4. Advocates for a governor of such ability as to be an expert cn all the questions of transportation so that our present laws can be executed to regulate and not to strangulate the railroads, here is the only candidate you have who can till the job. 5. Members of the church and Christians behold in our candidate we present you a brother. b. Brave men who admire nerve and courage, see our little Joe, who has had the temerity to oppose and resist the arrogant Hoke, and with the spear of truth in the : sight of all the people, to hurl it full and fair at his brazen helmet I and disclose the wrong of his ini quitous port rate scheme that would have built up a favored city at the expense of others, and given to the foreign manufacturers and merchants with their desk offices (Concluded on page 2.) LAoTURIA The Kind You I Yt3 ill’*":' 73 Fought, and which has been, in us© for over CO years, tas born© the signature of /? and has been mad© under his per , sonal supervision since ils infancy. /-6Z ~cAzZlt Allow no one to deceive you in this* All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-g‘ood ,, are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing 1 Syrups* It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms end allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’® Panacea —The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUH COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET. NEW YORK CITY. Avenue Bank and Trust Company PUBLIC NOTICE We wish to notify the readers of this paper that there are a number of unscrupulous spectacle peddlers traveling in Georgia nnd Tennessee claiming to be agents of our firm. Such claims are FALSE aud we denounce these parties as FAKIRS and IMPOSTERS and will prosecute any offend er of the 'above If we can secure evidence against him. Broken Lenses Duplicated on Short Notice HARRIS & JOHNSON Mf g . Opticians 13 E Eighth st. Chattanooga, Tenn. PHONE, MAIN 676 iB6o THE Atlanta, Ga^ We all know that knowledge is power; but most of us are unable to buy booka to acquire knowledge from. However, we have solved the problem, and are now prepared to give you,direct from oil- factory, the benefit of our many years of thought ami labor. Every home needs a good library. By our plan -you can buy one, two or three books, or a large collection oi books, get them at regular prices, pay a small amount down, a small amount eaeh month, and have the books in your possession all the time. A Mark X Jby the book or books you sre interested in, cut out this advertisement and mail to us. and we will send you, without further obligation on your part, a full description of what you want, as well as fully outline ear plan. Be sure to mention this paper. NUMBER 14 4. _ invites ,OUR BUSINESS for I The Bank that puts Safety First. 232 Montgomery Avenue CHATTANOOA branch: ROSSVILLE. GA. Old Folks’ Bibles Books fer Girls S. S. Teacher*’ Bibles Books for Boys Family Bibles Novels, High Grade Red Letter Bibles Young People’s Library S. S. Bibles Business Guide Pocket Bibles andTest'ta Cook Book I bild 6 Life of Christ Stock Book Child s Story of the Bible Doctor Book Bible Stories Dictionaries ..... Bible Dictionaries Kings of P!a*f’a & Pulpil Children’s Story Books American Star Speaker Children's Histories Wild Beasts, Birds, etc. Name— .. —, City or T/vwn _ - - State Ssriwi and No.. P. Q. £p*, pr R. F. D. sgf- *I.OO A Y EAR.