The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, June 05, 1908, Image 1

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•j> \\ Tat Editor. VOL* XVI WILL SELL ONLY FOR^CASH OR ITS EQUIVALENT In or 'er to do this suecessfudy wo realize hat we must sell at gi.yat reduction, so you will fn ri us i\t ame <dd I dace at gurprisingiy low |)iices duriiip this veer. Ti is is neccessarv to our bniness and we musi stav by St. Gash or f baiter and good | rices will be our motto ii/g 1908.* ‘ J. C. ROBERTSON gH MUTtI-l BlilFß; KO HUXEt uniil you receive unfapoiovoci raur bicyrle We ship 31 IT ‘® * amiiig which time you i*rayncte the bicycle and piit it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly cr do not wish to Keoi> the bicycle ship it bade to us at our expense and you wiS not he out one cent. FACTORY PRICES h ! Bt * is passibk to make fi ny c vii ■ ( niyduv at one amah profit above actual fartsrv cost. You save &io to $2 5 middlemen’s profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's piur antee behind your bicycle. I>o MOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyone at any Price until you receive oar catalogues and learn cur unheard ot factory Prices and remarkatM* special offers to rider itg&ntx. * YOU WILL BE £3TORiSHB ™ h S° you receive our lexutiful catalogue and " w Ufc •wiwwiiWCfc study our superb models at the wonderfully low prices weeafc make you this year. We sell dtehigheet grade bicycles** less money m rvr i wnw * i’ ifwu We-are satisuvd with sr.oo -profit above factory cost. Dll. iCbb DEAI.JSKSS, yqu can sed our Lkydes under your own name plate at ur prices. Orders h! led the day received. D SAND IDC We do not. regularly handle second band bicycles, but s * number on hand taken tn trade ov our Chicago retail stores These v e riear out nces ranging from *3 to SS or LO. Descriptive Urgain lists mailed'face. COASTER-BRAKES, ~t <Sa!s ' K " te and mu £§ M TIRF3 A bb M ■ lip OkK&lsiiy dSSUM? rof/ei&aDzmg?ouly ki The regular retail price of these tires is pyj p er ;rr> .$ H t introduce w wtll f~~-~ —~fcj uii you a L pair Tor $4 *BO brash with order S4 FT 0 MOKE TROUBLE [.( and;; 'f i fj'y ‘ NAILS, l ucks or Glass Mill not let tiro ffT air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year. ■• V; 3?&ar gM Over two hundred thousand pairs uow in um. •’*-•** i DESCRIPTIONS Made iaall srscs. Jt is lively ' i.L v V‘ a;; riding.vcrydntfbh-and tTtwdiJisi : 7 a special quality ot mhfeer. which aev<r becomes 7“* ' z - r L&*; . porous and which doses np small is without allow- fat fii ■_._„ **,_ r,;chns Cg the air to escape. Wchivx hundreds of letters from satis- # || fiedcustomers stating that tbeirt *reshave onlvbeen pumped . .tp rfm A rhf “i r> upo. .C ort vice in aWoobr season. They w rigL no more than &M eating ‘ This anwdinary tire, the Juncture resisting qualities being given SM VattoSt 5 othew by si v ! layers of thin, specially prepared fabric on the <PP mafc£3ia£ir*£, wKoaiS tread. The regular price of tires per pair,but for H ' KISV .FlT\('- 11U ttua Bclvertisiuqpurposes'we are m iking a special factory pr ice to , - x lv the rider of only s4.Bo,per pair. All Orders shipped same day letter istfCcelved. We ship C. O. D. on approval. You donot p*i-y a cent until you havc-examined a’-j fun nil tl rn strictly a represetited. • 'We will allow a send FI LL CASH WI TH OKDLIIt and enclose this advenisemcut. We will also send one nickel plated brass liapd pump. Tires to Ik? returned at OUit expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to (is is as safe as in a bank. li you order a pair of these tires, you will End that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, lastlonger'and look finer than any tire yort have ever used or seen at any price. We know you will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us ycur order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire ode 7 r don’t buy any kin-d at any price until you send for a pair of it JUly fsfcfcU I Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at the special introductory price quoted above, or v/rite for our big Tine and Sundry Catalogue which describes end quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices. Flfi Hnv ia/x J -but write 11s a postal todgy. I>(> NOT TlIINlk OF BUYING a bicycle UU JlCIi Vv/Sf § or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new aad wonderful offers wc are.making. It only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NOW. J. L MEM CYCLE COMPANY, CHICAOO, ILL —.vuvyr i > insier* ■ IT "Hi i urn M Let. Us Preserve , ■til-'’' It i L. })IS of Individuals. 'yj||l ; • '0m i '£mKr' ' <■ By Judge CEOUCI GRAY ot Delaware. **T*o%%&* 4 ' <v ! l r > HK ?insiitiiiiniis of this country arp WORill llfE | !:> PRICK that was paid for them. They benefited our f I ‘ ' ancestors and why not us i They mean the guarantee 4 \ I <.• of.individual liberty. We are not a country of male-. | S ; factors, wealthy or poor. I do not believe that the people of the country are a lawless people. 1 mean, °i eoursQ, the masses. A MAN WIIO OFFENDS TIIE LAWS OK A FREE. COUNTRY PUTS HIMSELF IN A POSITION WHERE EVERY HONEST MAN IS HIS ENEMY. I have no L'i!' that we are to have any stop in our freedom, right thinking or l' 1 '"'; rity. Our form of government is worth preserving. Vc do not Leli. \t‘ in absolution. We believe that local self government guaran boii jiy sovereign states is correct. I HERE IS A>o NEED 10 B lxd r-s 'ukases. not a consolidated republic. No one need hope to see the In; ip of this country painted one color. Vv c arc the people of the Wo are proud of citizenship of state and also of the great re H’L of republics. We could not have spread our great principle r,V( r a continent if we had been a consolidated republic. V OU R LOYALTY TO THE STATE DOES NOT iYSPAIR YOUR loyalty to the confederacy of which your state io a MEMBER. you know the enthusiasm with which each st atf recruited its army during the CIVIL AND SPANISH W '3S. EACH WAS EAGER TO BE FIRST IN THE FRAY. SUCH 1S AMERICAN SPIRIT. I do not believe that we are to be seriously impeded in our nnnoh dnii ng; the coming century. The fact that EACH COMMENTIV A GOVERNMENT’ makes it unnecessary for us to have a ukase fill must obey. • 1 cherish the scheme of government of the constitution of the ‘ |T 1 l'' ates. A government which can control the gieatest coipo I ' <1| ‘ m(d the world is strong enough without adding to iU i. Wiz CON’T NEED TO INCREASE THE POVi/ERS OF GOVERN- J EI^7 - IT is JUST A3 EASY TO CONTROL. A CORPORATION EN '■G::d IN INTERSTATE COMMERCE AS IT IS AN f; n CD- SAKE DO NOT -LET US LOSE SIGHT OF IN^VIOUA.- ... . . u- wr f J S i ' i ; \ sr \ ] E\ s % f f $ ,%I vT 11-? mm s I i isi '■ tou tj ; i wn f i T Mfch TRENTON, GA. FRIDAY !U E 5 A Woman Novelist’s Argument Against , .V: ' Absolute Divorce. Hy Mrs. MARGAUIT L-ELAND. Novelist. IF my happiness in remariwing lessens in mv brother’s eves the permanence of marriage, then will 1 give up mv happiness. Cue hears sometimes a very high INDIVIDUAL MO RA LI i FRO iES I that it is base for a man and woman who hate each other to live together. Cut the individual moralitv which recognizes the baseness of marriage without respect |pp' aIK ove 1S ,lot (I ° l}tPl:t with Legal separation, which W*f : will answer every purpose of safetv, honor and dc coney. N. HERE RICHTEOUS INDIVIDUALISM INDIRECTLY ATTACKS SOCIETY. DECAUSE IT ATTACKS THE PERMANENCE CF MARRIAGE, CN WHICH FAM r* ILY, STATE, SOCIETY AND CIVILIZATION REST. b . H is obvious that this is at the bottom of our V- loose divorce laws. It is leaning c hastely, under the guise of a HIGH PERCEPTION OF AFFINITIES, "toward free love. Happiness and Two Hundred Thousand. By JOHN J. Ml rCiIkLL of Chicago. President t?f the Illinois Trust and Savinds Dank. LTH is n burden. The man of millions is NOT PER- h EC 1 1 IA HAPPY. He cannot bo. lie has too many responsibilities. I maintain that the individual of moderate means, one worth a couple of hundred thousands of dollars, with a business that is netting him something each year, is the person to be envied. Such a man should be happy. He hasn’t too much money nor too little. He has a good income, but not so great that he must worry either about investing it or keeping it secure. If that man is not contented I cam not imagine who would be. We Don’t Want a Nation Of Mental Mollycoddles. By Dr THOMAS S. BAf4ER of tti£ Jacob czU-c Institute. Port Deposit, Md, HE* BOYS OF TQ.D.y Y AHt * TOC OLD., THEY HAVE LOST J MUCH OF TttEGC-HARM QF P oYI 3j GY E 33 IN THEIR EF y FORTS TO APE -THE ",f4XnWE.I3 “AND MANNERISMS OF T H EIR ELD Z RC. 1 V fxf UftU 1 0 SAY THAT THE 'DC Y CF SEVErJTEEisi 13 A FAR MORE CCFH IST! GATED PER SON THAN WOULD HAV% BEEN PCGGICLE TWENTY-FIVE YEAR3 AGO. * {is We li.ear a great deal nowadays about the manly boy and about the dangers of his hemming a mollycoddle, but in our efforts to amuse Jiim and t > make his school life attractive we are in danger of develop ing a race whose later course will he far more disastrous than if it had enjoved in its vouth a vigorous course of PLAIN Ll\ ING ANI) II KM I THINKING. Too much help is given to him by private ♦caching, annotated text books arid simplified tasks which take from him the responsibility that he ought to hear. Asa result we are in danger of producing a MENTAL MOLLY CODDLE, a type whose intellectual powers are distressingly sickly and stunted. The mental mollycoddle is not an unusual product of this our FORCING PROCESS. WE DO NOT WANT A NATION Or PRiGS NOR OF BOOK WORMS NOR OF PRCFE33ORS —HEAVEN FORBID!—BUT WE CAN MAKE USE OF MORE SCHOLARS AND MORE REAL STUDENTS. The Criminal Rich Make Anarchists. By RICHARD T. CRANE. Chicatfo Manufacturer and Philanthropist. PEOPLE think anarchists are terrible creature?. The people who speak so contemptuously of them, however, often are the PERSONS WHO MAKE ANARCHISTS. I imag ine that conditions today are not unlike thgse which pre ceded the commune and the French revolution. AND YET THESE MEN PUT ON INNOCENT FACES AND SAY: “WHY ARE THERE ANARCHISTS? YE3. I HAVE STOLEN A HUN DRED MILLIONS, BUT I SEE NO CAUSE FOR DISSATISFACTION AND COMPi-AiNT.” Recent events, however, have shown that these possessors of piled up ill gotten wealth who have felt so secure in their possessions have been brought down in burning disgrace, to imprisonment and even suicide. All of these things have resulted because they did not realize the worth of honesty in business. There Is Good In Everything. By E. B. BUTLER, Merchant, of Chicago. I TAKE the position that there is good in everything. lam no scientist, but I have been told that men of vast learning have found good, or God, in all things. I hat is the view one is apt to take of life as one grows older. I believe there is GOOD IN WEALTH IF IT IS PROPERLY USED. I be lieve it is good to give libraries to towns and cities, as does Mr. Car negie. Some people criticise Mr. Carnegie, but it appears to me that it is well he gives as he does. He sets the example; he gets people thinking, talking and discussing, lhat is of value in itself. I notice that such institutions as the art and musical centers have been objected to. I think there is good in them. EACH GIFT THAT LENDS ITSELF TO THE CULTIVATION AND ENLIGHTENMENT OF THE PEOPLE IS A GOOD GIFT. I BELIEVE IN GENEROUS GIVING AND IN APPLAUDING ALL GIVING. Official ():.< a:> o: Dale (O' >;ty. She Kind You IYvo Always Bought, and which lias been in use for over SO years, has bo mo tlio signature ot and has been made under his per supervision. sines its infancy# '*&cas*y i % Allow no one to deceive you in this* Ail Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jusi-as-good” are but Experiments that triilo v/Uli and endanger the health of Infants and against Experiment* What Ss CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops arid Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant.' It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation* and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural*sleep The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORS A ALWAYS Bears the Signature cf The Kind Yon Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUH COMPANY, T 7 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Avenue Bank and Tr-usf Company PUBLIC NOTICE AVe wig if to notify the readers of this paper that there are a number of unscrupulous spectacle peddlers traveling in Georgia and Tennessee claiming to be agents of our firm. Such claims are FALSE and we denounce these parties as FAKIRS and IMPOSTERS’and' will prosecute any offend er of the above If we can secure evidence against him. Broken Lenses Duplicated on Short Notice HARRIS & JOHNSON M fg . 0p t i cia ns’ 13 E Eighth st. Chattanooga, Tenn. PHONE, MAINJ676 19 ta! 1 and iB6O THE FRAmiN-TURKER CO., Atlanta, 6a^ We all know that knowledge is power; but most of us are unable to buy books to acquire knowledge from. However, we have solved the problem, and are now prepared to give you,direct from our factory, the benefit of our many years of thought and laoor. Every home needs a good lib'-ary. By our plan you can buy one, two or three books, or a large collection of books, get them at regular prices, pay a small amount down, a small amount each month, and have the books in your possession all the time. #Mark X by the book or books you sre interested in, cut out this advertisement and inai ! to us, and we wijj send you, without further obligation on your part, a full description of what you want, as well as fully outline ear plan. Be sure to mention this paper : NUMBER 15 INVITES YOUR BUSINESS FOR _____ 1908 The Bank that puts Safety First.J 232 Montgomery Avenue OHATTANOOA BRANCH: ROSSVILLE. GA. Old Folks’ Bibles Books for Girls S. Teachers' Bibles Books for Boys ...... Family Bibles Novels, High Grade Red Letter Bibles Young People’s Library S. S. Bibles ......Business Guide Pocket Bibles andTest'ts Cook Book Child’s Life of Christ Stock Book Child's Story of the Bible Doctor Book Bible Stories Dictionaries Bible Dictionaries Kings of Platf’m & Pulpit Children’s Story Books American Star Speaker Children’s Histories Wild Beasts, Birds, etc. Name . ■ City or Tnwn State , Straat and No,, P. O. Bos, or R. F, D. , . - ■■■r Cl.oo A YEAR.