Newspaper Page Text
“ . ~ " " *
HUNT & TATUM, Proprietors
a. F.l TATUM, Editor.
Entered at the Post Office a? Trenton
Ga., second class mail matter.
Terms SI.OO per year in advanc e.
Advertising rates reasonable and will he
iiaade known upon application.
All communications must be accompa
me with the read name of the writer.
Address all correspondence to The
Times, Trenton, Ga.
Thomas L. Hisgen of Massa
chusetts and John Temple Graves
a Georgian were selected as nation
al candidates by the Independent
party at Chicago Tuesday.
The legislature failed to pass on
the governors special message ex
plaining why he expelled Joe
Brown from the railroad commis
sion further than to aclppt a reso
lution that no action in the matter
he taken as the people settled it
direct from the shoulder on the
4th of June last.
Dr. Brock who Was camp physi
cian at Cole City and Duke Brock
who was the camp warden are the
citizens referred to.
(Fiom Tuesdays Constitution.)
Joel Hurt of Atlanta next took
the witness stand. In the course
of his testimony concerning the
operations in which he was en
gaged in securing convicts for his
various industrial enterprises he
rtated that his company paid Dr.
-J. Ft. Brock SSO or $75 a month as
•camp physician in addition to the
'salary he received as a state officer.
Witness said tins was known to
the prison commission and they
also knew that wardens and other
convict officers throughout the
state received pay from lessees.
Mr. Hurt declared he did not
know this was a violation of the
rules, or he would nut have con
tinued the practice in the case of
Dr. Brock, to whom he had felt
very friendly in the past.
He said the fact that tie was
paying an extra salary to Dr.
Brock was made known to the
prison commission by him in con
nection with an epidemic ofscurvy
which broke out in the Georgia
Iron & Coal company camp and
disabled a large percentage of the
men tor several months. Witness
had visited the camp in response
to urgent requests fiom his men
that something had been done and
had consulted Dr. Brock. The
latter deed a red the mines were un
sanitary and this caused the ex
cessive illness among the men.
Mr. Hurt then appealed to the
prison commission to make an in
vestigation and to secure some
physician of national reputation j
for the work. Tnis they declined
to do and Mr. Hurt at his own ex- i
pense secured Dr. R. M. (•uuning
ham, who was retained as the chief
physician by the state of Alabama
and afterwards was lieutenant gov
ernor of the state. I)r. Cunning
ham made an examination of the
property and reported that the,
sen ivy was caused by the diet pre
scribed by t’m state. He advoca
ted leaving off some of the pre
scribed food and replacing these
: rticl s with fresh vegetables. This
coiuse was followed and all of the
men immediately recovered and
werea healthy lot thereafter.
Mi. Hut: 4 1 iecail <ne in
stance. We had much troub’e at
(’oal City. Duke Brock was drunk
most of Hit tone and used his pis
tol promiscuously. He was so in
<p>li:pf teut and so dissipated that
the place v\ as den:ornlized. We
count not get (fficici i ,-e, vice and
the ii.oi v.e h o t mjii ipci vv< r*
threatening to run away because
of Dukes dissipation.
“I went to Dr. Brock the l rother
of Duke Brock and asked if he
could not get Duke to resign, 1
didnot'want to complain to the
prison commission but conditions
were intolerable, and our men had
notified me that they would go
away if Brock did not resign or
quit drinking liquor. Dr, Brock
and I were very friendly and-I laid
the case before him very plainly.”
Witness went on to state that
Dr. Brock did not cooperate in
having his brother removed, de
claring that it would cause trouble
in the family between himself and
his mother and sister. He said ! e
then called on Judge Turner and
after waiting for some time for the
latter to act called again. Con
tinuing he said :
“As it was of the utmost impor
tance to get some one who would
handle the convicts properly, I
called on Jim English through
whom some of the convicts had
been leased. I knew lie was the
man for me to talk to. He agreed
to help me get rid of Brock. I
asked: What are you going to
do about it?” He said I will send
him to another camp.
“Using the possessive pronoun’ 5
interrupted Mr. Chandler.
“Yes sir,” answered the witness.
“A short vvhiie later Mr. Conyers,
of south Georgia was assigned to
(he place. He was warden of a
camp in which Mr. English was
Mr. Brock was transferred. Bi t
before he was transferred he got
drunk in Chattanooga and go into
seiious difficulty there. The whole
matter culminated in his removal.
Southern Steel Reorganiza
tion Is Accomplished.
A definite statement that the
Southern Steel company had been
reorganized and that its different
plants and properties throughout
the south would soon be in opera
tion again was authorized last
night. According to a written
statement made by a member of
t3h e reorganization committee,
&in 7
complete arrangements have been
made for financing the different
enterprises of this company, arid
within a few weeks it is expected
that smoke will be seen from many
stacks throughout this ‘ section
which have been idle since last
Although the officials did not
give out any definite statement
last night as to the amount of
money involved in the reorgani
zation, or as to the number of
men who will be employed within
the next lew weeks, it is believed
that the former will run away up
in the millions of dollars, and that
many thousand men will soon be
employed The properties of the
company are extensive, and when
they were closed down last fall
many men were put out of em
ployment. It is said that the
closing down of the Southern
Steel company forced more pei
sons out of employment in tlu
south than any other two causes
during the so-called u pa'iic ,? ol
last fall.
President Woodard, of the Han
over National bank of New York
city and D. (1. Boissevain, of New
( *' '
York, chairman and seeretary,
respectively, of the reorganisation
committee, have just completed a
tour of the south, during which
they inspected every plant in i
property of the company. They
went into the reorganization work
very thoroughly and did not make
any decision until alter several
meetings of the committee had
been held in New York city. They
j were in Chattanooga for two days
last week.
The official statement from the
committee as given out List night
is as follows.
•‘ij>oking to the reor d-alloi
iof the Southern Steel co >.ny .
provided by the plan of reorgani
zation for this company and
which plan has now been assented
to by practically all the bondhold
ers, collateral trust note holders
and creditors the committee an
nounces that financial arrange
ments have been made to carry
out the plan. The committee has
paid up the overdue interest and
sinking funds on the mortgages of
the Georgia Steel company, the
Laccy-Buek Iron company and
the Chattanooga Iron and Coal
company. This prevents the dis
integration of these properties by
foreclosure suits and assures to
the new company the ownership
of these valuable properties, con
sisting among other things of 35,-
000 acres of ore lands and rights,
and 37,000 acres of coal lands and
rights, as well as a number of
modern and up to date iron and
steel works. —Ex.
Sulphur Springs.
Bain is badly needed in this
Mrs. Mattie Crabtree was down
from Cave Springs Monday visit
ing Mrs. Beckham.
School is progressing nicely at
Cloverdale under [the management
of Rev. \V. Hamic and wife.
Road working is in progress in
this district and the people are
confused over the matter.
Miss Minnie Bible was at home
Sunday from Cave Spring Sunday
where she is teaching school.
E. I). Amos has been on the
sick list.
Mrs. J. F. Lewis is visiting at
Menlo this week.
John Slaton and Ben Keith was
visiting E. E. Amos Sunday.
Well we are beginning to get
over the effects of the Cloverdale
picnic and are feeling much bet
ter. Seesaw.
Morgan ville.
Refreshing rain here yesterday
which was badly needed.
M s s. V .G. Morrison and M.
Quinton of Piney were here yes
J. T. Morgan of Bi rnyingham,
visited his family here Sunday.
Mrs. D. M. A. Jones and sifter
Mrs. Martinis visiting in Chatta
nooga this week.
Our public school is progressing
nicely with Pi of. Miney at the
The Wall hotel on the ridge Ims
closed tor this season as the pea hi
picking is over.
Deaths angel hovered over our
section last Tuesday and claimed
lor its victim Mrs. Rebecca Kiser,
ihe mother of 1). J., J. A., and J.
G. Kiser who were at her bedside
when death came.
Richard Tittle and family o e . Ft
Elmo visited friends here Sunday.
M. Nolen of A, G. S. Ry., was
here on business yesterday.
W. J. West is moving his
mill floor W. D. Cross place to Y\ .
H. Wallens p ace. lie is cutting
bridge timber for Hamilton con h\
Tennes-see. Dade county has th
t mlnr to make bridges but Ham
ilton lias? the briilgv?.
Uncle Bill Tittle is hauling his
grain to Chattanooga. He is
hauling all of it on the water
wagon so he says.
With best wishes to The Times
I ring off’; will come again if see
this in print. Dulip.
For Sale.
One open top buggy, one dump
cart, one two horse turning plow,
two double shovel and one pony
plow, one double harrow, o: e
crosscut saw, and other farming
implements. One chest of carpen
ter tools. Some of these things
are as good as hqjv~ but will be
sold regardless of price tor cash.
M in. George 11. Moore,
It . 'J miks South o h ronton.
1 i. P. 1 . at. Hi an 1 fa on
V Utu nd > Swuifi i ilMlmr
Special Attention Given to
Collections and Administration
of Estates.
For the Franklin Life Insur
ance Company. Insure your
life and make it worth some
thing after death.
AVe write all forms of policies.
Office Trenton. Georgia.
Agent for all Legal Blanks at
lowest price.
O FFI <E: PI ION EMA IN 2199 .
.ftoom 713,
* ? oei^essfce.
A first-class 25-horse power saw
mill engine 'in good shape and
cheap for cash. Address, The
Times, Trenton, Ca.
stops five and heals lungs
State of Georgia, Dade county.
Will be sold before the court house door
in Trenton, in said county, between the
legal boms of sale on the first Tuesday in
August, 1908, the following described prop
erty to wit: Block oin Horn! addition to
the town of Trenton, Blocks G, 11, I, J, K,
L, in Bond second addition to the town of
Trenton, and lots Nos. Ml, 82 and 83 in
Block Dof B rid second addition to the
town of Trenton. Lot Nos. 9in Bloc!. C
in Bond second addition to the town of
Trenton and Lots 80 in Block E in the
Bond addition to said town of Trenton,
and one undivided . one-third interest in
lots Nos: 23, 2-1 and 25 in Block F in Bond
second addition to the town of Trenton,
containing m all fifteen acres more or le>s,
all of said property being in said Dade
county, Georgia, said property levied on
and to he sold as the property of Win. ().
lieese, by virtue of two certain fi fas issued
out of the Superior Court of said county
in favor of William Cummings representa
tive of Thomas Cummings’ estate, and W-
G. Mm risen against said Win. O. fWese,
property pointed out in said ti fas and now
in the possession ot the I -eft ndants in ti fas.
This 7lh day of, July 1908.
R. \V. Thurman, Sl.eiiH.
Will he sold on the first Tuesday in Au
gust, 1908, at public''outcry at the court
house iu the town of Trenton, Dade county
Georgia, within the legal hours of to
the highest bidder lor (ash, certain pro]-
erty of whi li the follow in is a f oil i-.i and
complete description. Lot a mineral trat
squate and blue ribbon St. and lot No 2
*‘\Y’’ Prospect place and containing in ah
about one-third of an acre. Sai l proper v
levied upon as tlie property of Mrs. E. 11.
King for state and county taxes for the
year 907. Levy made by virtue of a tax
ti ft i-sn and by W. P; Pace, TANARUS, C. and being
thr prop rtv ointed out by him. Levy
made bv \V. II Moreland, L. C. and
liirmd ove u me. This 3rd dav of July
1908, R. W. Thurman, Sherill.
I—IIIW III! I I I"T I I 111 I I II Mill 111 II 11M 111 l 11l I
Georgia, Dade County.
Jesse G. Phillips guardian of Milton A.
and Willie Lyle has applied to me for a
discharge from his guardianship of Mi.ton
A. and Willie Lvle. This is therefoie to
notify all peisons concerned to file their
objections if anv thev have, on or b fore
the fiyst Monday iu August next, cls j he
will be discharged from his guardianship
as applied for, Win. (). Reese, Ordinary.
Georgia, Dade County.
To all Whom it may concern:
John I>. Dugan having in proper form
applied to me for permanent letters of ad
ministration on the estate of James Dugan
'ate of said county, this is fo cite all and
singular the creditors and next ot kin of
James Dugan to he and appear :*t my
olliee within the time allowed hy law, and
show cause, if any they can, why perma
nent administration should not he granted
to R. 11. Dabbs on James Dugans estate.
Witness my band and official signature,
this Gth iav of July I*ooß
Win. (). Reese, Ordinary.
Cl IwTiON.
Georgia, Dade County.
To all whom it may concern:
William L. Pittman having applied fur
Guardianship of the person and piopertv
of Roberta Leila Pativ, James Roy f ativ
and William Thomas Patty minor chil
dren of Leander Russell Patty iate of said
county deceased, notice is given that said
application will be heard at my office at
10 o’clock a. m. on the first Monday in
August next. This July Gill 1908.
in O. Reese, Ordinary.
' """ A DMI Vi "nevrOKs" "ale" 11
Georgia, Dade County.
Py virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, I will as admin
istrator of the estate of Richard Barnett,
(col*) deceased, put up and expose for sale
o i the lirst Tuesday in August, 1908 a
tiecouit house in the town of Trent*.n,
s id state and county, within the legal
h mis ot si it', the loilovviitg real estate viz - ,
T it* lit till halt I*l lut ot laud No. 0 in iht
1 ) i uifsiiic and -Ith s tiitm except hv
ac: i-s, Sam sale it) he liati tnr the pui| * .-
ol pa Utn' s o' iii'ii s ami dlMlinilt!
. UniijL 1 t i- • 1’ Mis ot sale i ii-i . I
u. t It K • , v •.: i .
1 will givecheaper prices thaj
usual during the Summer, f O ,
cash or its equivalent on al
Drugs, gents furnishings and
Ice Cold Drinks Regular, j
Mr % \js ~ “
KJ j A 6H lb. field gun, light, strong, hard hitting, true, that's thr flhrfin I
/3*U/A Model 16 Repeating Shotgun, the best 16 gauge r:te‘. .• , 8
f £Cct manufactured
fWSrm* Fof quail&nd pheasant shooting, woodcock, jquitrel*. rail 3 : . „ 8
jprsL J field game you’D find the t//ar/ir> Model 16 without a ps-rr.
I M Equipped. like the famous 772ar/in Model 19, with tD 7/}crr/' [l 1
jm A *°hd l°P. and the fflarftn closed-in breech boh, wl.i. h shuts < l . : I
Jr**®* " ' * and, rain, sleet and snow from the action, having th 7/lar/in 1
fatSsT ejection and the beautiful ffiarli/t balance, this gun is a st .r.dard m I
'MS&BtiW - /Jf construction, assembling aad quick response to the touch and C
m * Have ),our dealer show it. “' g
y There’s a full description of all 772crr/in repeaters, rifles and I
shot-guns, and lots of valuable information for nil t ,i s j,'
the “ fflarft/t B<JOk” jut issued. 136 pages with a handsome rt
feagipys cover, it 8 1 BEIa for 3 stamps postage.
77*e 7/lar/i/z/ir&cur/ns Co s,
Willow St.. flew Haven, Conn
For Congress.
For Judge or Superior Court Cher
okee Circuit
Judge A. W. Fite.
For Solicitor General of Cherckee
Col. T. C Milner.
We are authoiizod to announco
the name of lion, l.oe Pop.*-* of
WG 11 wood as a cjuninLite 105 re
eleciion as R eprtsMif ati ve of
flade f'uiMih . lie hm\s if olnetiti
ht-* v.iil coitlii no to serve tie- ie>
pie 1 > ihe Best of Ins aßiiitv.
" jS3BaS 1 11 R rebresentative.
We itre aulhorisud to announce tin
name of Hon. \Y. W. (' m elon, of Ri.situ
Fawn, as a cimfidate for Repre-cntat i>
of Dado County, subject to the action o!
the I >* mocra 1 ic extend ve con mill tee.
We .ire authorized to announce
Win. O’ ■Reese r-.s a candidate for
re-election to tiro Office of Onli
ne ry of 1 hide County.
We are autlu ai/.eu to announce the name
of W. P. Pace f* > i it-elect ion to tile 11 i t
of Tax Collector
ES6tr^r*:**arca'. ii uni Miinmiwuwiininiw—iii—l
for tax toll Ector.
\Ve are authorized to announce
Ihe name of George* W. Street as a
candidate for Tax Collector of
Dade County.
We are authorized fo announce
the name of .Mark Hale as a can
didal fur re-election to the oflice
of Coroner of Dade county.
for Treasurer.
We are authorized to announce
the name of R S Rodgers, of Tren
ton. as a candidate for re-electron
to the olliee of County Treasurer.
ri—iMßwrjr ixantUMr , ri t
•OR 1 klasi ler.
Me me ;iijt Itu iz and to unit* mice t li
• amt id 1 In-mils (I. Hughes ol Trei.ton,';is
* c;iudi.hite lor Treason r.
Me are authorized to; 'announce the
name of S. J. Hale as a candidate tor re
election to the office of Tax Assessor of
of Dade County.
Nathan Gass . )
' s | In Dade
I. W. W heeler, Ex’r et al j Supeiior court-
Pursuant to an order of the court, the
defendant W iiliam Cummings, executor of
J homas Cummings, late of Dade county,
Georgia, deceased, is hereby required per
sonally or by attorney, to be and appear at
the next term of the Superior court of
Dade County, Georgia, to be held on the
third Monday in September, 1908 at Tren
d'd, to iinsiii i the petition in this care, as
u detail!! titeie*<l the nit will proi etd as
o i ii.-i icy sh i*! eppt* 1 1 ai H. Jleieiu tail not.
A him ss tlie- He-morable A. W. Fite, Judge
i>. < old t. 'ibis tie Itah day ol .liilv
“ . s. J. Hale, Clerk. ‘
For Tax Collector.
We are authorized to announce Hiiuli
W alti), ol Wildwood, as a candidate j-
Fax I'ollee‘or lot Dade Gouulv.
To (he citizens of Dade c nntv:
Alter numerous solicitations 1 have r ( -
cided to makeibe race for ot (li n iv. ,\j
object in all non 11c ili g so car vis to give
die people time to make impiiiy conmu.
ing me. After vmi have made caret;.! T
vestigation if y<m tind me deficient either
in ciiaiacter or ability to conduct tiie < tii>e
in decency and order and to the best in*
tercels of the tax payer, then I do nut s.-k
yoir support. Tims J Fuller.
We :ne hereby authorized to aimotmrf
the name of Siiadrick ,J. Hale as a candi
date for re-election to the olliee of Si ]•?•
fibi (burl G!erk
tarKtctesneL tea -catarr. arrrauEir.’sr^
10.001 HLIEm
Young Men Prepare Your
selves For Good Positions.
On account of the new 8-lmin law passol
by congress in l*e mteicst of telegrapher,
and also mi accouMt ot so maiiy a*'"
roads being buiit and old bi
an unusual .jeninnd for opi-ial'us iue M
created. t unset va ti Ve cstiniatrs *.
placed t lie numi>t r 1 ad litional t >pei
tliat will ie rejU mi during * lie next i
months at nppioxiu atli 2G,b‘UU. f)
YOFNt 1 MKN M)W IS VOL K <>• -
FORI UN 1 i‘Y! 1 in oursTn.l > ' .
and in rij.y four to six nmnllis "r 1
have you (jtialitied lor splendid pm l "
Telegraph Ojietalors recti ve I mu. D n ■.
wards. Our school has been c-' 1 •■ 1
twenty years;
struct ion thorough and practica., ,
positively guaranteed our tratluaie-.
in Newiiau is very cheap, tin* 1 ‘
healthful and the ]> ople arecordid. 1 '
Main Line Railroad wires run tn ■
school rooms. No oilier school 1,1 1 ,
United States has such up-to-date
practical facilities for the ! curat 1 1
students. .Write at once bn live, <*c 11 i
live literature.
Southern School of Teleg
raphy, Newnaii. G l .
Combination Otter-
The best niter that can
he mad> for tlie money i-
Times and, Southern
one year for just 75<-. T‘ l: ' 11
will apply on renewal of Mli *
tions. Now is thn tinu*
1 t
advantage of this ofTcr am. u
1 jlui
two papers for hss tliaii •
of one. Fill out the blank
and mail it to us now.
f .. 19O&
Editor Tirn s,
Trenton, Ge.
Enclosed find p<'-t-office ni '
order for 75c for which p * 1 4
me The Times ami South"" 1 ='
culturist for one year.
- -r-- u e -iil
For the next lew day .
fret Tiie Times; and South*''"
litiiitmist belli iot'jus! i- 11