Newspaper Page Text
)( Tati M. Kditor.
\j6i- xvi
DEIK6 1908
In"*>rder to do this successfully we realize that we must
,1! at grout reduction, so you will find us at same old
phiceat surprisingly 1 >\v prices during this year. This
!s neceessarv to our buiness and wo must stay by it,
(’ash or barter and good prices will be our motto
ing U)08.
/il—IW I MMMm
if ; sample Latest Model “Rjnger” bicycle furnished by us. Our agents ars
K making money last. IP rite for full particulars and special offer at r. ice.
t! &'\Y j) jta, SO MONhV KKQUIKKIJ until you receive and approve of yt>ur bicycl- We ship
f/f- ", B'fjraL to anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without a cent deposit in a jvance, prepo </ freight ai'd
If allow 'l' liN DA YS’ FREE TKIAL during which time you may ride die Incfde and
ti, } ‘ i.'T P llt it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly satisfied or do not wish 10
ft/ .i 11 1 \® keep the bicycle ship it back to us at our expense and you msU ;toi be cut one cent
*1 5 ''A*\ g!; ■ J\n FftCT3RV paifiFS V Y e “.the highest grade bicycles it is possible to make
Kl I >t\\ p idA ® 2 °l ie l l ™? 1 P>fit above actual fectofr cost. You save sio
e ' fl to szs middlemen’s profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer's gn,.r-
E antec behind your bicycle. DO NOT HUY a bicycle or a pair of fires from anyone
li'jtt jp M 1 at any *K Ke unt , you receive our catalogues and learn our unheard of factory
M H; xFyrt jl'J prices and remarkable special offers to rider agents.
Si J X f H Yfiil UJJS 8 RP whe , n you receive our beautiful catalogue nnd
and ;(! V mMM iWU WlL *’ BC WIUniiSItH Study our superb models at the wonderfully
IT, .f v UiHiSv l™prices we can make you this year. We sell the highest grade bicycles for .ess money
wj/!; \h than any other factory. We aro satisfied with fi.oo profit above factory cost.
, *j n'iW BItVCLE DEALERS, you can sell our bicycles under your own tisme plate at
/ y double'""our prices. Orders filled the day received.
Yj 1 .W HAND HKIYCLUS. We do not regularly handle ser>cid hand bicycler, but
W, ff' usually hsve a number on hand taken in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These v.c dear out
y&r t ounptiy it paces ranging from to 168 or 910. Descriptive bargain lists mailed free.
AARwrED B * n l* u wheels, imported roller chains and pedals, parts, repairs and
vUftßfc**DKKilCvj equipment of all kinds at half the usual retail prices.
LiiS*' ) per parr, tut t.o introduce we will rJ
sviio. k- rv Class tv ill not let the 1 b 1
fiiV mil. ' ' . th-Mwiid pairs sold last year.
Cr SCRiPTION: V h-in all sizes. Itislivclv CT A
, n Y'le.-.'thleandliued inside with ihlVpßili /
. ity of rubber, which never becomes r
-ml th closes up small punctures without allow- lls1 Is thielc rnhhw t •* *
i .irto-.scape. We have hundreds of letters from satis- IIS and •*.-
: kc : .ting that their tires have only been pumped and p^ lso r !-i strAo “ ti’
, t i a whole season. They weigh no more than MS. to prevent rhneu^h-'’' 1 8
vi ' he puncture resisting qualities being given Jp-JSI tire will ot’mr
v :.l" 1 of thin, specially prepared fabric on the
tb I ; !. r price oi these tires is $8.50 per pair, but for VSY
P : ungputp sos we are making a special factory price to ■■ x *
: : •crofoHi' - ;.8o per pair. Ail orders shipped same day leitc. is received. Wt ship C. O. D. on
„ • •■}■!. Vi".i ( ) not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented.
u w : ll allow n cash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price 94.55 per pair) if you
f,ci!-i fTi.t, < \ssi WITH OItDEK and enclose this advertisement. We will also send 011 c
1 •i 1 :<ss hand pump. Tires to be returned at OUlt expense if for any reason they are
j 1: < i>. examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a I- .mi-'order a pair of tjtiesc tires, you will find that thej’- will ride easier, run faster,
• : better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We
!’i that \ 1 will be so well pleased that when you want a bicycle you will give us your order.
Vo waul ' ato send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkable tire offer
r( m ij nrc “TraEigrG* don’t buy any kind at any price until you scud for a pair of
if fsfcfecJr B BraeSLrfh Hedgethorn Ptmcture-rroof tires on approval and trial at
i ! ■'ti : iiioductorv price quoted above, of write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which
’ m . ~n i quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual prices.
/•-' 1> .*s* tSt but write us a postal today. DO NO i. 1 liINIC OL BUYING a bicyc*2
tJU . eJ 2 W veils or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and woudertul
■ rs wt e making. 1l only costs a postal to learn everything. Write it NO VY.
We wish to notify tlie readers of this paper that there c|ye,, t
!i number of unscrupulous spectacle peddlers traveling - jn
(horgia and Tennessee claiming to he agents of our firm.
Su< h claim- are FALSE and we denounce these paities a-
FA K I US and IMPOSTERS and will prosecute ahy offend
er of the above If we can secure evidence against him.
*“ V\ \ L
Broken Lenses Duplicated on Short Notice
Mf g .
13 E Eighth st. Chattanooga, Tenn.
iilflß READ THEM H
Established 1860 THE FRANKLIN-TURNER C 0„ Atlanta, Ga. B
t, J( e ' ' that knowledge IS power; Old Folks’ Bibles Books lor Girls
„4:; ; .r. unable ,o bur boob. ,o ecauir. • Te.cber.’ 8.b1.s
hC V r ’ we have solved the problem, ’ ble * ilijlS!*.' Slide
' c b ' .rrn ° B,Ve yoU f d ,r Ct tr r^ Pocket Bibles wdTe.t’t. Cook Book. - . ' V -
Ever; , ,r W years of ihoufibt and labor. Cold's Life of Christ Slock Book
urpi aii ‘ "nt‘ needs a good librafy. By “““childTs Story of the Bible Doctor Book
Co!L., • buy one, two or three books, or a large Bible Stories Dictionaries
•ma 11,,, , get them at regular prices, pay a Bible Dictionaries Kings of Platf’m & Pulpit
v „ | ,n ' n > a small amount each month, and Children’s Story Books American Star Speaker
|!b| ’ vour Possession all the time. Children’s Histories Wild Beasts, Birds, etc.
or books you are interested in,
t titjy, i ’ u ‘l "* r tisement and mai ; to us. Bad we will Name- -if .
' 10 1 further obliaation on your part, a full •fee
*Z {)n n l WU ' Vou want, as wet! as fully outline C or ToW ° '
* to mention this paper. Street pd No., P. O. Bo*, or R. '
a '*>*.* safti xttrs. -7© o&iate# Rtopr. the ideals 1 =
tiSrdtn Convenes to Settle Con.
v et Cuestion.
Atisatft, Aug, Lousy pro
coed and with reitigrktfhlQ unanimity on
ltur. day to udvpt tay sections toe
Holder oonvicfc bi.i, and ty the time
adjournment was taken, a few rno
inents before 5 o’clock, eight cf th-*
fourteen secticnß of the bill had be-ui
The only serious ui 'agreement
came when eccticn 9 cf the bill was
reached. A spirited debate was th *u
frecipivated over the committee amend
ment which seeks to allow county of-
to collect their fees out. of the
county treasury in ca. es where crim
inals convicted by then are worked
cn the roads in that county,
The committee an tho Western and
Atlantic road Thursday decided to re
port favorably the resolution of Mr.
Alexander, of E-e Kalb, providing for
the creation cf a commission to inves
ligate the subject of extending the
state read to the &ea and the use of
the state’s convicts for that purpo. e.
The resolution, which was Introduc
ed on the first clay of®the extra ses
sion .provides for the creati n cf a com.
mission or, nine members, three to be
appointed by the speaker of the hou. e,
two by the president of the senate and
lour citizens to be named by the gov
ernor, who shall inquire into the feas
ibility of employing the state’s con*
Vlcts in extending the Western and
A.tlantic railroad to the sea and report
to the next general assembly, The
sum of $2,000 is appropriated under
tho resolution to pay the expenses ol
euch an investigation.
Atlanta, Aug. 29.- —The convict bill
of Representative Holder of Jackson,
which passed the house at the regu- •
lnr session cf the general a: semfcly, !
was again adopted in somewhat
amended form by that body on Friday
by a vote of 99 to £S,
The house began the consideration
Of the measure by sections on last
Thursday, the third day of the. extra
session. Before adjournment it had
adopted eight sections. Now the ad
ditional sections nave been compl t and.
The licu.,o finished its woik within
the time in which it could have acted.
This wa3 the only measure before
the body. From the opening day
the line-up was noticeable, but there :
vas never any doubt from the begin
ning of the e.uecess of the Tlclder
The Holder Frovicicno.
The Holder bill provides that upon
the expiration of the present lease •
cn Mcii. 31, 1909, the founda
tion cf a fund shall be begun which
will be used for working all the fel-'
ony and misdemeanor convicts of the
state on the public reads.
Counties and municipalities will
have the privilege of using them for
this purpose, beginning April 1, 1909
the remainder to be leased out to indi
viduals until Dec. 31, 1911. After the
latter date no convicts whatever shall
Le leased to private parties.
The measure now goes to the up
per hells'©.
Income Tax Feature of Convict Bill Is
' Killed.
Atlanta, Aug. 31. —The new convict
till introduced Friday in the senate
kni backed, apparently, by the sig
natures of twenty-three senators,
enough to pass It SLrcugn that body,
seems, in the vernacular cf the Geor
gia cracker, to abornin’.”
The “skiddo-o” bill, as some of its
signers have affectionately 'termed it,
because there were even twenty-three
of them ~ will scarcely reach the dig
nity cf a second reading.
The main opposition has grown out
of the income tax feature, against
which numerous protests began to
pour in as soon as it was learned that
this measure probably had some re
epectable following in the senate—
seemingly enough to pass it.
Tax Hit Everybody.
The income tax, as proposed in this
measure, would have hit every man
in Georgia, who earns anything, even,
it is said, the day laborer. It would
in effect, have opened the books of
merchants and business men to the
competitors. Naturally, they did not
want it, and some of the senators
.heard from their constituents against
it in no unmeaning terms before the
proposition was twenty-four hours old.
The result is the “23” bill is dead;
it was practically a corpse when dis
Bprden of Wcrk in Senate.
‘ Anew week started Monday in the
general assembly on the convict lease
question, and the passage of some bill
to improve the penitentiary system
of the state.. The burden of the work
will rest in the senate, while the house,
will quietly rest on its oars for de
velopments in the upper house.
The house of representatives has
practically finished all of its business
for the present.
in. the scxlcTs there is the Fallei
Official Groan of Dade County.
i We wish to inform Use people of this community that we
► .
i i!1 ’ G now read} wth a splendid line of new, seasonable march an
.disc, including men and hoys clothing and furnishings, women
;rendy-to-wenr and Millinarv, Shoes, Carpets. Curtains, IT a ikets
.. iff'
> Household and table linen, toilet articles, no! ions, etc. In fact
!we carry a full and complete stock of up-to-date merchandise a?
;cah be found in the south and buying as we do for a chain of
► ■' T ' '
stores are enabled to buy goods much cheaper than other com
petitors, so of course CAN SELL CHEAPER, WE SOL
ICIT YOUR TRADE. We extend a cordial invitatim to
I * *
lev pry reader of this ad. to make OUR STORE YOUR
► . -L
[wishing to purchase or merely to look through our stocky
► ' ’•
; Our mail order department is at your service, we fill all or
ders with skill and care. Our catalog for 1918-9 will soon be
| read a to mail. One will he sent you on application.
> •
i Ml n er Bro’s Cos. * r'
bill, the Boyd and Martin substitute,
the Brock substitute, the Born substi
tute, and the substitute offered by J
twenty-three senators on Friday.
The Holder bill is going to meet
with a great deal more antagonism;
there than it did in the lower house. !
Even then it cannot be put on its
passage before Wednesday, for the law j
is that it has to be read on three:
separate days cf the session belore i* (
can go before the tody for a vct,
Atlanta, Sept. 1. —After much spir
ited debate the house committee on
penitentiary and penitentiary matters,
Monday afternoon, by an‘overwhelm
ing vote, reported favorably the bill
by Mr. Wise, of Fayette, to levy a
tax. on the manufacture, distribution
and sale of near beer for the purpose
of raising revenue for the care of the'
convicts after the abolition - '.of the
lease system. -
It taxes the manufacturer of near
beer and the distributor of the same
SSOO annually and makes It a general
tax act . The firm, corporation or In
dividual who sells near beer is to pay
a tax of S2OO per annum.
If the house adopts the amendment
offered to the Perry substitute limiting
by constitutional amendment, the lease
system after Dec. 31, 1911, as propos
ed by Mr. Dunbar, of Richmond, tne
state may continue to gain some rev
enue from the working of its convicts,
for this amendment provides that the
constitutional amendment shall not
prevent the working of these convicts
on contract labor.
This amendment also provides that
the convicts so worked shall be in
the custody of the state, cared for by
the state, clothed, guarded and work
ed by the state on contracts to be
made for their hire. It simply pro
vides that their labor, but not their
bodies, shall be sold.
In the Senate.
The senate Monday consumed five ;
hours’ debate on the various convict,
bills originating in that body. There
were during this time only four speak
ers, the time being cl ided among Sen.
ators Knight, Martin, Camp and Earn, j
The Holder bill was received in the
Mk •' BBB| -H| jjfil
B .. B
Us? 1 yfwRS *B w. - jv -T.'.- gs TB, B JEm.
SB MSB <> B - -• jj/ja i' WU K
."• /J JBL I 1 Br H
IK * mi * JKr KB
jKg KbH : ' \ ■ x KK Kf
••.*-. , - f * * - ;-:'Arr^*ii.>:.-_v --..A- . .; . *•>, •• z<.<-:. 1 ... £x n *j** ; .. .-
The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over CO years, has borne the signature of
_✓/ -and lias been made under his per
f/P sonal supervision since its infancy.
u ZzsY, J'oC<c&£/al Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but
Experiments that trilie with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, I>rops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Qpium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
senate and read for the first time.
Upon this bill a number of senators
who are looking for a speedy termina- j
tion of the session are pinning their
l£>peg„. If it is defeated, they predict
N U M BF R 26
that the session, which is costing
S2,'OCT) a day, will extend to the end of
the month, and possibly into another
Continued on Editorial pst '
£ 1.00 a yi:a u