Newspaper Page Text
Devoted to The Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
Miss Branham Dies
At Rising Fawn_ MV
„ Miss Juliet C. Branham, aged
77, passed away at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kenimer
Sunday morning after a short
She is survived by three
nieces, four nephews and several
Funeral services were held at
12:30 o’clock Mpnday afternoon,
at the Rising Fawn Methodist
Church, the Rev. F. B. Wyatt
Pallbearers were W. H. Keni¬
mer, R. P. Fricks, L. M. Allison,
Walter Cureton, J. Z. Bobo, S.
W*. Woodin and Edwin Allison.
Interment was in Forest Hills
cemetery, with McBryar Funeral
Home of Fort Payne, Ala., in
Red Cross Report
WM. NICOLL, Worker:
J. P. Warren $1.00
Mrs. K. C. Adkins..................1.00
W. D. Gray..............................1.00
Joe T. Fulghum 2.00
J. N. Lacy,..................................1.00
D C. McKaig............................50
TOTAL $7.50
Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Nabors $5.00
Mr. and Mj^. Jack Pryor 5.00
Mrs. M. M. Blevins....................2.50
Louis Whited.............................1.00
Mrs. J. E. Whited...................1.00
Mrs. Luther Mitchell............1.00
Luther Mitchell......................2.00
Ralph Durham...........................1.00
TOTAL $18.50
Paul G. Thomas......................$5.00
Mrs. Bertha Hibbs....................1.00
Miss Willie Brown....................1.00
Miss Helen Wright....................1.00
# TOTAL ' - $8.00
\ -
A. S. Doyle..............................$1.00
D. N. Whited.................................50
Uncle Ben Shull........................1.00
Mrs. R. L. Wilson....................1.00
Aunt Mary Patterson................1.00
Rev. Wynne Crawford............1.00
Gus Forester................................5.00
TOTAL $10.50
E. J. BIBLE, Worker:
Mrs. Ed Bible........................ $1.50
H. G. Hawkins..........................1.00
H. C. Forester............................1.00
Byron Forester............................1.00
Charlie Bible................................1.00
Elie Barkley..................................50
Jim Cox...........................................10
Mrs. J. C. Abercrombie............1.00
Mrs. Frank Williams.................25
Luke Riddle...................................50
Flora Newman.............................25
Mrs. M. E. Newman..................25
Lee Howard................................1.00
Jim Hester.....................................25
Mrs. W. C. Amos........................1.00
W. T. Beckham 1.00
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hartline .50
W. C. Amos...............................1.00
TOTAL $12 95
Rising Fawn Baptists
To Hold All Day
Service March 5th
at There the will be an Fawn all day Baptist service
church Sunday, March 5, which
will be a season of prayer for the
boys in service and for Home
Missions. The 11 o’clock message
will be given by the pastor, Rev.
Frank Hixson. An appropriate
program has been planned, and
lunch will be served at noon.
Everyone is cordially invited.
Want to learn
a skill?
\\T ▼V be a radio operator,
OULD YOU like to
a skilled stenographer, an
airplane mechanic, an ex¬
pert diver?
L the Women’s Army
Corps you have a chance
to get valuable Army train¬
ing—training that may
pave the way to bigger pay,
better jobs after the war.
TODAY find out about
all the WAC offers you —
the interesting jobs, the
chance to meet new people
and see new places, and to
help your country.
Apply at any U. S. Army
Recruiting Station. Or
write: The Adjutant Gen¬
eral, 4415 Munitions Bldg.,
Washington 25, D. C.
(Women in essential war
industry must have release
from their employer or the
U. S. Employment Service).
s oooooooooo oo eooooooooo o sooooooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooeoooooooooooc o ooooooc
J. S. WILCOX, VICE-PRES.-TREAS. 805 James Building
R. W. STOKES, JR., SECRETARY Telephones 6-0443 &
Long Distance 23
February 26, 1944
Mr. J. M. Carroll, Ordinary,
Trenton, Georgia
Dear Mr. Carroll
I have read with considerable interest your recent report on the
“State of the County”, and note that you have greatly improved
the financial status of our County during your administration. On
top of this, you have certainly done a good job building new
county roads and maintaining those already built.
In order to reduce your bond ed indebtedness and increase
your cash surplus, both by substantial amounts, it was certainly
necessary to economize considerably. At this rate we should be
able to retire all our bonded ind ebtedness within a few more
years. I hope that our bond mone y is being handled equaly as well.
As stated before, it would be quite a feat to accomplish these
results under ordinary conditions and it is certainly outstanding
that you were able to accomplish this with a decline in ^ taxes.
Yours very truly,
(Signed) BELK.
F. N.
Bro. Harry Green of Chatta¬
nooga will preach at the Trenton
Church of Christ Sunday at 11
a. m - Cole
Mrs. Johnnie Page is
spending a few weeks here with
her uncle, Frank Snyder.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Chandler
(Sue Price) of South Carolina,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. I. Price last week.
Mrs. J. G. Gray visited Mrs.
E. S. Buchanan on the Mountain
Road last Sunday. ill
Miss Johnnie Mae Blevins is
at her home in South Trenton.
I. O. Wheeler, Jr., has been
stationed at Camp Walters, Tex.
We were very sorry to hear
of the death of the baby of Mr.
and Mrs. Jess Weathers. It died
from measles anr pneumonia. ill
Mrs. Ruth Frazier Page is
at her home in East Trenton.
Rose Presley and C. L. Dixon
were married recently.
Mrs. Henry Hutcherson and
Mrs. Billo Gass entertained with
a shower Sunday afternoon
honoring Mrs. Bill Coley, who
was Miss Ruthie Buchanan be¬
fore her recent marriage.
Miss Lillian Grant of Chatta¬
nooga, was the Sunday guest
Mrs. Ruby Brock here.
Mrs. C. D. Millican is here
spend a few days with
daughter, Mrs. J. G. Gray and
family. ill
Mrs. Driggs Moore has been
for several days, and has gone
to her mother’s home at Mur-
fresboro, Tenn., to stay until she
is able to teach school again.
Mrs. Bill Erwin Petty visited
friends in Chattanooga
the week-end. Keith and
Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
children spent Sunday with rela¬
tives in Chattanooga.
Will Gordon (“Big”) Page is
here visiting his mother, Mrs. W.
E. Page, and family. He
to the U. S. Navy at Norfolk, Va.,
Sunday. Cole has as her ,
Mrs. B. W.
guests: Mrs. Theodore G. Cruse,
of Harriman, Tenn., and Mrs.
Buck Wallace of Jacksonville,
Benton Wheeler is ill at his
home in South Trenton.
Russ Barton, who has been
working in Detroit, Mich., has
come back here to join his fami¬
ly- Breedlove is visit¬
Deputy Jim Rockwood.
ing his brother at
Published Weekly — Since 1901. Dade’s Only Newspaper.
Trenton WSCS
With Mrs. Tatum
The study meeting of the Wo¬
man’s Society of Christian
vice met at the home of Mrs. G.
C. Tatum on Thursday after¬
noon, February 23rd. Mrs. W.
Jones, spiritual life chairman,
led the study of the book “A-
bundant Living.”
Mrs. Paul Thomas was
delegate to the annual confer¬
ence at Kingsport, March 15 and
It was decided to combine
March meeting with the all-day
study meeting to be held at the
church, beginning at 10:30
Wednesday, March 8th.
The prayer service will be
as usual from to 4 o’clock.
Miss Lorraine Pace has
dismissed from the hospital in
Atlanta, and has gone to
her sister, Mrs. John Bruner,
Mr. Bruner at Coleman, Ga.
They say she is doing fine.
just knew my doctor could
her. He is the grandest doc
the good old U. S. A!
Hubert Dobbs, of Camp Camp¬
bell, Ky., was a recent guest
his sister, Mrs. James Case
family here.
Miss Velma Page of
Schools, Mount Berry, Ga.,
here visiting her parents,
and Mrs. Jess Page.
Mrs. John F. Reeves is ill
her home at New England.
Mr. and Mrs. Selvey
daughter, Betty Jean, have mov¬
ed to Rising Fawn.
Miss Jessie Noles of Fort
Ala., was the week-end guest
Mrs R. C. Gilliland and
in South Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tatum
Sunday with their daughter,
L. C. Spears and family in
Jerry Wayne, infant son
Mr. -and Mrs. Ike Wheeler, Sr.,
has been quite ill for several
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jenkins
children of Chattanooga,
relatives here during the week¬
Earl Reeves Is visiting rela¬
tives in South Trenton. •
Mrs. Virgil Young and daugh¬
ter, Janette, were In Chattanoo
The airplane is the parable on
religion. The plane can soar high
above the rugged mountains;
even above the dark clouds. So
can true religion and trust in
God take you above the terrible
rugged trials and temptations
we have. When the clouds seem
darkest it lifts us over the storms
of life. As the bombs fall from
the planes and burst into de¬
struction, so can the power of
God send destruction to satan
and his co-workers. They can’t
stand the bombing of prayer;
nor the shrapnel of God’s word.
The go hurrying away, seeking
some other victim, just as the
bombers on the plane go seek¬
ing other targets. Satan can be
bombed into the background
with prayer and righteous liv¬
ing. If we would all pull together
and bombard the kingdom with
earnest prayer for our world and
be as concerned over it as our
boys are on their missions of the
enemy targets we would ac¬
complish something.
I’m afraid we are not as anx¬
ious and concerned on our mis-
ion. We don’t drop enough pray¬
er bombs— 7 we have too many
misses. We don’t pray through
on it. We need to hold and
wrestle with God as Jacob of old
did, for our nation. God has said
“ask and ye shall receive, but
we have to be in earnest about
it and not a doubting Thomas.
When the boys start out on their
missions of bombing, the are giv¬
en a map of the target and told
to eet it—so with confidence in
themselves they go after that
enemy target. All right. Jesus
mapped out a plan for us to fol¬
low. He showed us satan as our
enemy, but hof many of us are
bombing him out of our lives and
I blowing up his enemy emplace-
ments? Let’s make the bombs
' fall fast and furious him
so on
until our nations will come to
peace. This can be accomplished
through and by continuous bom¬
barding of earnest prayer and
intercession to God.
We should be so concerned ov¬
er the world’s condition and
what our boys are going through
with that we would have no
misses in our prayer life. Those
boys are no failing us over there
and we should feel so concerned
over It if we let them down, we
could have no peace of mind.
While they are bombing the
enemy with man-made destruc
Slygo News
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Doyle
son, Jack, of Chattanooga,
ed Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gross
Mr. and Mrs. George Goode
Chattanooga, visited her
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sanders,
Miss Dorothy Jean Smith
Hooker, spent Wednesday
with Miss Clara Opal Moore.
Mrs. Carl Waddell spent
nesday with Mrs. Tom
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore
son, Larry, visited Mr. and
Martin Street Sunday
Miss Mary Ruth
spent Sunday with her
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Moore
tertained with a rook party
nesday night honoring
Patterson. Refreshments
served to forty-three guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
and children visited in
nooga Sunday.
Clark Cole visited J. W.
Gene Sims spent Sunday
R. T. Slaughter.
Benton Patterson (Clc)
returned to duty after
ing a fifteen-day furlough
his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. B. W. Cole visited Mr.
Mrs. Ira Cole recently.
Miss Clara Opal Moore
Miss Mamie Glenn Cureton
Announcement has been
ceived of the birth of a
February 24 to Rev. and Mrs. L.
T. Lancaster. The baby has
name Cynthia Marie.
Mrs. Edward Chastain,
has been seriously ill at
University hospital, in
has been removed to her
in Chattanooga. Mrs.
is a sister-in-law of Mrs. L.
Church Notice
All the women of the com¬
munity who have loved ones and
friends serving in our
forces are especially invited
attend the prayer services
at the Methodist church
Wednesday afternoon from 3
4 o’clock.
them with prayers ’til
will come through. God has pow-
er to ovi
Executive Committee
Meeting March 9th
At Cartersville, Ga.
A meeting of the Democratic
Executive Committee for the 7th
Congressional District of Georgia
has been called to meet at the
City Hall, Carterville, Ga., at 11
o’clock A. M. on the 9th day of
March, 1944, for the purpose of
providing rules for the Democra¬
tic primary to be held on July 4,
1944, to select a nominee of the
Democratic Party for Represen¬
tative in the 79th Congress and
of fixing a closing date for the
entrance of candidates; provid¬
ing for the holding of said pri¬
mary election and declaring the
result thereof; fixing the amount
of fees to be paid by those quali¬
fying as candidates in said pri¬
mary and for such other pur¬
poses as may be incidental to
said meeting and connected with
the holding of said primary elec¬
Chairman, Democratic Execu¬
tive Committee, Seventh Con¬
gressional District of Georgia.
Secretary, Democratice Exe¬
cutive Committee, Seventh Con¬
gressional District of Georgia.
Ga.-Tenn. State Line
Mrs. Thelma Bell and Della
Wallen were dinner guests of
Mrs. Bill Drew Sunday.
Pvt. Oral Duncan left Sunday
morning for Riverhead, Long
Island, New York, after visiting
his mother, Mrs. Beaslee Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hartman
and son, Tommy Gene, went to
Pisgah, Ala., to visit he parents,
Mr. and and Mrs. T. J. Stallings
last week-end.
Mr. Wallace Bryant has re¬
turned home after visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bry¬
ant of Cochran, Ga.
Mrs. Dora Wallen had as her
Sunday guests, her mother, Mrs.
Ellen Steele, Mrs. Beslee Duncan,
Benita Bryant and Mrs. Bill
Drew and children.
Mrs. Boshard, Wildwood Sana¬
torium, is seriously ill at her
Several from here attended
church at Hooker Sunday. Bro.
Brainard gave a very interesting
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Crowder
and baby, Charolett Ann, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wallen Sat¬
urday night.
Mrs. Bill Hartman and son,
Billy, visited Mrs. Dora Wallen
Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartman
of Brainerd Road, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Wallen and
family Monday night. Mr. Hart¬
man leaves for the United
Navy Wednesday morning.
Several from here attended a
skating party at Warner Park
Tuesday night.
Mrs. E. W. Erwin is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Bill Hartman.
Billie Joe Griffin,
Of Wildwood, Dies
Billie Joe Griffin. 17 months
old, of Wildwood, died Sunday
night at 9 o’clock in a Chatta¬
nooga hospital. He is survived
by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Griffin; one sister, Margaret
Griffin; grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. W. Walker, all of Wild¬
wood. Funeral services were held
at Sarah’s Chapel Tuesday ai 2
p. m., wit hthe Rev. Allen Newby
officiating. Interment was in the
Sarah’s Chapel Cemetery Ar¬
rangements in charge of J. Avery
Bryan Company, Inc.
Dade High Girls
Enter Tournament
The Girls Basketball team of
Dade County High will play in
the District Tournament at
Trion, Ga., March 3-4. Good luck,
girls. We hope you come out on
March 12, second Sunday:
Sunday School at 10 o’clock;
preaching at 11 by Rev. J. B.
Igou. Subject for Sunday School
lesson, “Feast of Passon”, as re¬
corded In Mat., Mark, Luke and
John. Foot Washing will be main
subject. Will bring out things