Newspaper Page Text
Slygo News
church Sunday, with Mrs.
Moore in charge.
Mrs. Moore and Helen sang
“A Light in the Window of Hea-
ven,” as a duet, and Miss Clara
Opal Moore sang 'Mother’s
Prayer ’ ” as a solo, for the speiial
The vase of folwers for the
oldest mother present was given
to Mrs. W. H Dugan, and the
one for the youngest mother was
f given to Mrs. Frank Killian Pat-
Rev. Edward Steffner will
preach Sunday morning at the
11 o’clock hour.
Mrs. I. B. Cole is improving
from a recent illness.
Mias Mary Ruth Patterson, who
is employed as bookkeeper at
the King’s Bakery in Chattanoo¬
ga, spent the week-end with her
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore an-
nounce the birth of a son, May
13th, at the P. & S. hospital. The
baby has been named Gary
Wayne. is spend-
Mrs. Charles Smith
ing the week at Hooker with
M and T^' C S t h '
»« Miss Velma rvUA Cole, Mrs. M r s Rn Ray V
and Billy fa^weTe Ray SuS
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P P.
Mrs. Della Genung spent sev¬
eral ddays last week with rela¬
tives in Chattanooga.
Mrs. Lawrence Dugan visited in
Rome, Ga., Sunday.
R. T. Slaughter visited rela¬
tives at Morganvilie Sunday.
Mrs. J. E. Doyle of Chatta¬
nooga, is spending several days
with her daughter, Mrs. Brad
Mrs. W. H. Dugan, Mrs. Harold
Dugan and children ^nt Thurs
day with Mis. James Doyle in
Mrs™John Cole and little
daughter have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Benton Cole and Cyn¬
thia at New England.
The Home Demonstration club
met with Mrs. W. P. Cole last
Thursday. The subject of the
demonstration was Strawberry
Preserves. Nine members were
present. O. Giles and
Mr. and Mrs. J.
children spent last Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Moore.
Mrs. Frank Cordell and son
have returned fro mSeco, Ky.,
Mrs. Virgil Cureton accompan¬
ied her home fo ra visit with Mrs.
Virgie Cureton.
Mrs. A. F. Patterson Miss Pearl
Street and Mrs. Frank K. Pat¬
terson spent Friday with Mrs.
L. H. Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Reeves and
Mrs. E. F. Moore were in Chat¬
tanooga Sunday.
Jewel Wadkins of Altoona, is
visiting her father and Mrs.
Maurice Sims and “Buzzie”
Koger spent one day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waddell.
Mr. and Mrs. Durham of Chat¬
tanooga, were visiting here Sun¬
Mrs. John Cole, Miss Sally
Patterson, Mrs. W. H. Dugan,
Mrs. Elvin Cureton spent Sat¬
urday with Mrs. A. F. Patterson.
Mrs. Frank K. Patterson and
Joyce returned Monday to their
home in Rossville.
Mi’S. Martin Street visited Mrs.
Edgar Moore Sunday.
Mrs. James Doyle and children
were guest here for the week¬
Miss Elba Earle Cole spent last
Paints - Roofing - Bridles -- Check
Lines - Cement - Farm Tools
* * * *
Chattanooga Hardware Company
2615 South Broad Street Chattanooga, Tennessee
Trenton Barber Shop
I have recently assumed manage¬
ment of the Trenton Barber Shop,
and invite my friends and former
Customers to call on me for their
Tonsorial Work.
I will give you my Best Service, and
1 Appreciate your Patronage.
s§ I F. C. Beaty
£ T renton Georgia
Sand Mountain News
lei thTSJSr-Sl Sunday afternoon Si? at 3 o'dock £
Everyone is cordially invited to
attend these services.
Gladys Daniel spent the week
end with Christine Forester in
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stone vjs-
ited relatives in Alabama Satur-
day night, spent
Mary Walden and baby
Saturday with Una Belle Stone,
Jewel Daniel visited Mrs. Reba
Tinker Saturday.
Mrs. Millie E. Daniel, Una Belle
Stone had ds their guests Mon-
day. their son and brother ,Mr.
and Mrs. Logan Daniel and chil
dren of Shilo; Mrs. Reba Tinker
and children, Mrs. Lonnie Car-
roll, Mrs. Arney Carroll and
daughter, Betty, Mrs. Mary Dan¬
iel and Gordon Daniel.
Mrs. Annie Mae Johnston and
j son, Kenneth, visited Mrs. Mil-
lard Underwood Friday,
Una Belle Stone and
Juanita, Myrtle, Esther and
Mardell were in Trenton Tues-
> day.
- ............... .—
Hooker NeWS
Mr - J F - Mayhey Ls
! S home here
Kilgore has
1 turned to her home in
Ky., after a visit with Mr.
Mrs. Sam Kilgore.
Mrs. Rice and daughter
Chattanooga attended church
Hooker Sunday.
Prayer meeting was held at
home of Mrs. Dan
Saturday night.
Mrs. Brad Doyle of
and Mrs. Tom Carroll of
wood, have been called here
account of the illness of
father, Mr. Mayhew.
Henry - Clyde ^ oward~Strawn. Kilgore
Mr Elmer Hunt and
Marvin, were recent guests
relatives in Chattanooga.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
son and infant daughter
Chattanooga, visited Mrs.
Richardson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Adams
family spent Sunday with
and Mrs, Tom Clouse at
Several from Hooker
at program at Wildwood
tarium Sunday night.
Mrs. Lillian Strawn and
ard visited Mr. and Mrs. J.
Strawn Sunday.
Helen Drew Ls spending
week with Mr. and Mrs. Odie
Woodrow Massengale, who
recently inducted into the Army,
is stationed at Camp Gordon,
It's bad enough to worry,
without suffering from head¬
ache, too. Take Capudine to
relieve the pain and soothe
nerves upset by the pain. Cap¬
udine is liquid — no waiting
for it to dissolve, before or
after taking. Use only as di¬
rected. 10c, 80c, 60c.
Thursday afternoon with Miss
Beatrice Cole and Mrs. Ira Cole.
Jean Shambaugh of
was the week-end guest of
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. Dugan. Mr. and Mrs.
Shambaugh and Wanda Sue
their guests Sunday.
Mrs. John Patterson spent
day afternoon with Mrs. F.
J. A. Traffenstedet
J. A. Traffenstedet, age 73,
passed away at the residence of
his son, John Traffenstedt, the Sand near j :
Collinsville, Ala., in
Rock community, May 7. He is
survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary
C. Traffenstedet, of Collinsville;
three sons, John Traffenstedt,
Collinsville; Will of Fort Worth,
Texas, and Harris ^Traffenstedet daugh¬
also of Fort Worth; one
ter, Mrs. Maudle Hays, Fort
Worth Texas; one sister, Mr
Mary Sullivan, Huntsville, Ala.:
two brothers, Tom and Marion
Traffenstedet, Fort Payne, Ala.:
tl grandchildren and 16 great¬
grandchildren. Fuenral services
2 P. M.. May 10th, in Hunt’s
Chapel Baptist Church, with Rev
Dock Jones officiating, assisted
by Rev. Elmer Bruster. Inter¬
ment in Hunt’s Chapel cemetery.
McBryar Funeral Home in
charge of arrangements.
Mrs. T. S. Hall
Mrs. T. S. Hall, age 72, passed
away at the residence near Ider,
Ala., Thursday afternoon, May
U. She is survived by three sons,
William H. Hall, Thomasville,
Ga.; A. B. and Leland Hall, of
Ider, Ala.; two daughters, Mrs.
F. C. Beaty, Ider; Mrs. W. H.
Smith, Trenton; nine grand¬
children and a large number of
other relatives. Funeral services
11 a. m., in Fuller Church Sun
day, May 13, Rev. J. E. Stewart
officiating. Interment in Fuller
cemetery. McBrj i r Funeral
Home in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Irene Davis
Mrs. Irene Davis, age 26, pass¬
ed away at the residence in the
Concord Community Monday
morning, May 15. She is survived
by her husband, J. E. Davis;
Floyd, Billie, Bob, and an infant;
one daughter, Bonnie Davis, all
of Fort Payne; her father and
step-mother, Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Hall of Fort Payne. Funeral ser¬
vices 2 p. m.. May 16, in the new
Home Church, Rev. Willie Kirby
officiating, assisted by Rev. Mur¬
dock. Interment in New Home
cemetery. McBryar Funeral
Home in charge of arrangements.
Number 59’s a
^^ROWDS don’t gather at the station to see
\mS No. 59 pull in. She’s no sleek streamliner.
She sports no fancy trimmings. And she has no
jealously-guarded reputation for speed. For . . .
No. 59 is “just a local” on the Southern Railway
But, when their soldier son came home on fur¬
lough . . . Mr. and Mrs, Jones met No. 59.
When new gears were needed to keep farmer
Stevens’ tractor working on the food front . . .
they arrived in the express car on No. 59.
When bad weather came . . . the mail and ex¬
press and the passengers continued to come in,
and go out, on No. 59.
Yes, No. 59’s a “local”. . . one of the many
Head River News
Miss Grace Johnson of Chat¬
was the guest of her
Mr. H. R. Johnson and
over the week-end.
Raymond Ross was called to j
Monday on account of the
illness of his mother, Mrs. |
M. Ross.
Mrs. Edd Hartman, Mrs. Vivian
and Mrs. Josie Riddell
relatives here Sunday.
J. P. Forester and Carl Stalvey
a business trip to Chatta-j
Saturday. his j
Rev. Blake Swanson filled
appointment here Sun -1
and made a very good talk
Mother’s Day.
Miss Gladys Scruggs returned
Chattanooga Sunday after
several days with Mrs.
Aruiee Holtzhower and several
from here went to Lake
Saturday night.
Carl Stalvey attended the dec¬
at Sulphur Springs, Ala.,
Southern local passenger and freight trains that
proudly serve the wartime South . . . that haul
your farm products to market... that serve your
local industries . . . that stop in your home town
to take you where you want to go.
Today, No. 59 — and all the other trains of the^
Southern Railway—are proudly serving the South
and helping to speed Victory.
Tomorrow, when Victory comes, they’ll still be
serving the South . . . proudly supplying the
economical, dependable, efficient transportation
service upon which the modern, forward-looking
Southland is being built.
Free! Free! Free!
Big Square
Satudray Night, May 20 - 8 ’Till 12
Over A Public Address System
That Everyone Can Hear!
Music by Arnold Evans and His
Sand Mountain Band
A Good Time Will be Had By All