Newspaper Page Text
WHEREAS, on the 20th day of
March, 1933. M. L. Mays and his j
wife, Dora Mays, executed and
delivered t‘o Mrs. Dorothy <Deck>
fand“ r M f “r nV d?:
scribed, to secure a debt therein
described. said security deed be-
ing recorded in Deed Book ’‘Z’\
Page 344 et spq., office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Dade County, Georgia, reference
thereto being made for its terms
and provisions; and, made
WHEREAS, default was
in the payment of said indebted
ness at its maturity, and Mrs.
Dorothy (Deck) Hatfield, the
holder of said indebtedness, has
elected to exercise the opti'on
contained in said security dee
and has declared all of said in¬
debtedness due and payable made at
once, and default has been
m the payment thereof.
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtues
of the powers contained in said
security deed, the undersigned
will expose to sale and sell, to
the best and highest bidder for
cash, at public outcry, at the
Courthouse door in Trenton,
Dade County, Georgia, ‘on Tues¬
day, the 3rd day of October, 1944,
within the legal hours of sale,
the following real estate to-wit:
FIRST TRACT: Beginning at
the J. H. C. Blansit Northeast
corner, fr'onting on a Street run¬
ning East and West, and running
South with J .H. C. Blansitt’s
East boundary line ninety-three
feet to a corner; thence East
with Tidwell’s and Mayes' North
boundary line seventy-three feet
and three inches to a corner;
thence North with D. S. Middle¬
ton’s West boundary line ninety-
three feet to a corner on the
Street; thence West with the
Street seventy-five and three
inches to the beginning corner. in
Said land lying and being
Dade County, Georgia, and in
the Town of Rising Fawn, and
being the same property Convey¬
ed by W. C. Cureton to M. L.
Mayes, by deed dated April 24th,
1926, recorded in the office of
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Dade County, Georgia, in Deed
Book “X”, Page 546. There is
excepted, however, from this
tract and boundary, a certain
lost sold by M. L. Mayes to W. W.
Hale, by deed dated September of
24th, 1942, and which deed is
record in Deed B'ook No. 29, of¬
fice of the Clerk of the Superior
Court of Dade County, on Page
240, reference to which deed is
hereby made for complete de¬
scription. lot in
the Town of Rising Fawn, Dade
County, Georgia, being the
upon which Mary Mosely
built a certain house, it being
a portion of the property sold by
D. C. Forester to said Mary
Mosely, and being the same lot
which said Mary Mosely told to
Mrs. J. A. Rogers by deed dated
20th of April, 1901, which deed
is of record in Deed Book 12,
Page 593, in the office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
said Dade County, Georgia. Said
lot is further described as fol¬
lows: Commencing at a rock
corner at the D. C. Forester
Stone house lot, running thence
South 50 feet to corner of Char¬
ley Ross lot; thence West with
North line of the Charley Ross
lot to the corner of the L. S.
Tidwell line, 113 feet; thence
North along the line of said Tid¬
well’s lot, 50 feet to a rock cor¬
ner; thence East 113 feet to the
commencing p’oint. This being
the same property conveyed by
deed of Cordia S. Adkins and
Smith Adkins to Dora A. Mayes
by deed, dated September 12th,
1906, of record in the office of
the Clerk bf the Superior Court
of Dade County, Georgia, in Deed
Book “Q”, Page 397.
Said property will be sold as
the property of M. L- Mayes and
Dora A. Mayes, wife of the said
W. L. Mayes, and to divest out
of them and or their heirs and
assigns, all right, title or inter¬
est which they might have in
and to said lands and vest same
in the purchaser. sold sub¬
Said property will be
ject to all unpaid taxes and
owing thereon. Hatfield
Mrs. Dorothy (Deck)
K. D. Teet, as Guardian bf the
persons of Maxine Teet and Wil¬
lie Opal Teet, gives notice that
he will apply to the Hon. J. M. C.
Townsend, Judge of the Superior
Court of the Cherokee Circuit,
at 3 o’clock P. M., on the 5th day
of October, 1944, at the Court¬
house inTrenton, Georgia, to sell
the following described property
for the purpbse of reinvestment:
All merchantable timber
standing upon that part of Lot
No. 503 In the Tenth (10th) Dis-
trice and Fourth (4th) Section
of Dade County, Georgia, fully
described in deed frbm Lavens
M. Thomas and Louis H. Pink,
Supt. of Insurance, State of New
York, as Liquidator National Se¬
curity Company, to Maxine
and Willie Opal Teet. recorded
in ‘office of the Clerk of the Su¬
perior Court of Dade County,
Georgia, Book 27. Page 591.
Guardian of the Person of
Maxine Teet and Willie
Opal Teet.
t&k t 6£5 ^^0
W Liquid Liquid foi for Malarial Symptoms.
Trenton on point of
Mountain, near Sitton's
60 acres, plenty of timber,
acres can be cultivated,
spring. See W. L.
Trenton, Ga.
Rgjjgg,. foyg , . .
By Buck Pace
As everyone in Dade County
knows succe ss of this fire
con.rol program depends large-
ly upon the help and coopera-
tion from within the county. Be¬
cause o{ the
splendid ,___^ help ,
which made pos-
sible the con-
struction of a
telephone line, *
the erection of a
mapping tower,
and in fighting
fire, I wish to
make public the Pace
names of those who gave both
time and money toward this
fire control work.
In the construction of the
telephone line, Messrs. Roy
Moore and sons, Marsh Brad¬
ford and sons, Major Pat Gillen
and two Forest Fire Rangers
located in Bartow and Floyd
counties, were called on for
help. They gladly volunteered
their assistance and as a result
we now have means of decting
and reporting fires over a large
portion of the county. A second
item on which volunteer assist¬
ance was required was erecting
of a temporary tower in order
to determine the effectiveness
of a certain point as a tower
site. Mr. Marsh Bradford and
Mr. Jim Bradford assisted on
this problem. Possibly the
hardest work, but fortunately
only a short period of time,
encountered by a crew of
unteer fire fighters on a fire
near Trenton. Mr. Fletcher Alli¬
son, with a crew of four boys,
Bill Fulghum, Myrl Hibbs,
Tatum and Roy Combs
short work of putting out
fire which, if unattended,
have burned several hundred
acres of timberland.
Now just a word as to
movie program for next week.
We are starting our second
circuit of films and want
one to make plans to see
new pictures. Next week
will be at Rising Fawn, on
11; Morganville, Sept. 12;
I Davis High School on Sept.
| Let < s double attendance at
The Georgia 4-H Club
annual conference, which
held at Milledgeville,
29th-Sept. 2, was attended
Virginia McCauley, Mary
Smith, Richard Riddle and
neth Bodenhamer, as
from Dade County.
We want to take this
lege in thanking all who
a part in making this trip
ble for us to go.
The programs were
and very helpful to all who
As men and women are dis
charged from the armed
vices and as war
is cut back, many persons
experience difficulty in
justing from warto peace
vity. To give the most
iate assistance to the
in making this adjustment, it
necessary that information
easily accessible in every
munity as to service dnd
fits available.
In order to promote a
in the community there
been established a
Service Committee by the
Board of Selective Service
would be glad to advise
any discharged veteran.
builds versatile the i
✓ Light Truck
✓ Passenger Car
✓ Light Tractor
✓ Power Plant
Southerners Join
With George On
Job Insurance
WASHINGTON. — The sou¬
thern battle cry of "states'
rights” was heard in the house
again last week with a large
block of Dixie members determ¬
ined to oppose any federal con¬
trol of post-war unemployment
Most southerners united be¬
hind a basic principle of the
Senate-passed bill, authorized
by a fellow southerner, Sen.
George (Dem., Ga.), and pro¬
viding for state administration
of unemployment payments.
In the forefront of southern
proponents of the George for¬
mula was Rep. Rankin (Dem.,
Rankin also has another is¬
sue which he will raise as the
house debates an overall re¬
conversion program.
Rising Fawn News
By Mrs. M. R. Wilson
Mrs. Jewell Greene of Chat¬
tanooga, visited Miss Fannie
Hale over theweek-end.
Mrs. E .M. Allison, Mr. and
Mrs. Claire Jacoway and
daughter, Ruth Allison, visited
Misses Maude and Lillie Willis
this past week-end.
Misses Joyce and Carol Keni-
mer are visiting their aunts,
Mrs. J. H. Medlin and Mrs. Ern¬
est Lyda, in Miami, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bane and
family spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Hale.
Mr. R. L. Cagle, Mr. and Mrs.
C. W. Hitt, Mrs. Ray Smith,
Mary Frances McMahan and
Sarah Hale were among those
attending the singing at Cave
Springs Sunday.
Earl Dean spent Sunday with
his mother, Mrs. Hailey Dean.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fricks were
fishing at Coon Creek Labor
Uncle Tom Pangle remains ill
at his home here.
Mrs. Carl Steele underwent
a serious operation at the New¬
ell Sanitarium in Chattanooga,
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steele
and children of Chattanooga,
spent the week-end with Mr.
arid Mrs. Alfred Steele.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bryan and
son, Pat, and Mrs. Winnie
Thurman of Chattanooga, spent
Labor Day at their home here.
Ralph McMahan of Chatta¬
nooga, visited his parents here
Mr. Keever Castleberry is vis¬
iting his son, Mike Castleber/y,
in Birmingham, Ala.
Miss Marie Conner of Butler,
Ga., isvisiting Mr. and Mrs. L.
M. Allison here.
.We regret to learn that Rev.
Fi£ink Hixon has resigned as
pastor of the Baptist church
here. He will fill his uast ap¬
pointment on Sept. 17th.
Miss Allie Jean Wilson spent
the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson.
Head River Dots
By Janie Sue Forester
Pvt. James Ross of the U. S.
Army, who has been overseas
for about a year, is home on
a furlough visiting his mother
and other relatives.
Miss Elizabeth Johnson left
for Marietta, last Friday where
she began her teaching on
Monday. She spent the summer
at home with her father, Mr.
Will Johnson and her sister,
Miss Jennie Johnson, who
has been working in Chatta¬
nooga for several years, is stay¬
ing home now with her father
and sister.
Mr. Marshall Brooks of De¬
troit, Mich., has been visiting
relatives here.
Mr. C. L. Johnson is able to
be out and around a little now.
We hoDe he will soon be well
and able to be back in church
with us.
Miss Birdie Johnson and Miss
Jennie Johnson made a busi¬
ness trip to Valley Head this
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ross
and children spent last week
end with his mother, and fami¬
ly in Rome, Ga.
Mrs. Marvin Dodd and child¬
ren of Sand Mountain, are visit¬
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fritz Schurch.
Mrs. Joe Powell spent the
week-end with her mother, Mrs.
Mark Scruggs.
Misses Bessie Hunt and Hazel
Schurch, who are working in
Chattanooga, spent the week¬
end with home folks.
Slygo Valley News
By Mrs. Hazel Street
First Lt. Bruce F. Moore has
come from Santa Marie, Calif.,
where he has been stationed
to spend three days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F.
SM 3-c Bernard Doyle is
spending several days with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Doyle
before being assigned to new
duties. He has just returned
from Italy. Mrs.
Mrs. Georgie Massey,
Martin Hayes, Carolyn and
Tommy Hartline of Morgan¬
ville, were guests of Mrs. Annie
Slaughter last Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Thompson and
Miss Virginia Thompson of
Rossville, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Moore and
Mrs. Earl Cole is visiting her
brother, Mr. Earl Holmes and
Mrs. Holmes and family in St.
Mr. and Mrs. Armon Hayes
have gone to Scottsboro, Ala.,
to spend the week with his par¬
ents before returning to their
home in Detroit, Mich.
Miss Helen Moore spent Sat¬
urday night with Elba Earl Cole.
Mrs. Frank Killian Patterson
and Joyce are guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A. F. Patterson.
Mrs. Lawrence Dugan visit¬
ed relatives here Monday.
Mrs. Leighton Street and Mrs.
Ewell Brown were guests of
Mrs. Martin Patterson at Mor¬
ganville Tuesday.
Mr .and Mrs. J. E. Doyle and
Jack of Chattanooga, were
week-end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Brad Gross.
Jack Doyle and his sister,
Miss Maisie Doyle have return¬
ed from Indiana, where they
spent two weeks with their
brother, Willard, and Mrs.
Doyle. Willard is pastor of a
church there.
Mrs. John Cole entertained
her little daughter, Linda Gail,
with a birthday party Wednes¬
day afternoon. The occasion
was in honor of her first birth¬
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Austin and
little daughter, Betty Ruth, are
here from Detroit, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham
and son visited here Sunday.
G. E. Chastain and Bob
Troutt of Chattanooga were
guests of relatives here Labor
Cole City Slants
By Jimmie Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Coy Green of
Birmingham, Ala., Mrs. T. C.
Carter, Sr., Mr. T. C. Carter, Jr.,
Mrs. Olan Mays and little son
of Section, Ala., were Sunday
guests of Mrs. Ida Carter.
Mrs. Leo Smith and Geneva
Smith visited Mr. and Mrs.
Wheeler Smith Saturday night.
Miss Jimmie Carter spent the
week-end with Mrs. Jessie
Creed in Rossville, Ga.
Neal DeFriece visited his
mother last week-end.
Mrs. Daisy Rice visited Mrs.
Ida Carter last Saturday.
Mrs. J. R. Smith and Miss Lu¬
cille Smith, Mrs. Ed Heatherly
and little daughter, of Rising
Fawn, visited Mr. Kirk Davis
Sunday afternoon.
There will be a revival start¬
ed at the New Home Baptist
Church the thrid Sunday in
September. Everyone is invited
to be with us and hear some
real preaching.
The Sunday School at Shanty
Town is progressing nicely.
Don’t to Headache^ let headache double the mis¬
ery of exhaustion. At the first sign
of pain take Capudine. It
quickly brings relief, soothes
nerves upset by the pain. It is
liquid—already dissolved—all
ready to act—all ready to
bring comfort. Use only as di¬
rected. 10c, 80c, 60c.
It Pays to Advertise!
We are always glad of the opportunity to meet
our customers face to face, but we realize that
it is going to become increasingly difficult for you
to come to the bank as often as formerly. There¬
fore. we suggest that you bank by mail. Merely
endorse your checks “for deposit only” and mail
to us. (Cash should be registered.) You’ll find
it simple and convenient.
Main at Market—East Chattanooga—Market at Seventh
1424 McCallie—Rossville. Ga.-Tenn.
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
“Square and on The Square”
j Which is The
j Better For You?
1 he Maccabees Protection
or Old Line Life Insurance
The full Legal Reserve is maintained
on every life insurance certificate
issued by THE MACCABEES. %
Licensed in Georgia for Your Protection i
H. F. ALLISON, District Manager
Detroit. Mich.
Life, Health, Accident and Retirement Income Pro¬
tection. Health, Hospital and Relief Service—Three
Old Age Homes Admits Men, Women and Children.
24 Adult Plans—14 Junior Plans
An Ad in The Times Will Bring Results
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