The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, May 10, 1945, Image 7
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, T RENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1945- An Expression of Appreciation From the Leading Business and Professional Firms of Chattanooga to Friends and Customers in Trenton, and Dade County. vCi mOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOi ROOFING SIDING And Insulating Co. A. L. Glasscock, Owner EAGLE INSULATION Keeps Your House Cool in the Summer and Warm in Winter. SHINGLES - BRICK - ASBESTOS SIDING 1218 E. 23rd St Phone 2-8713 to oooeocooo s ooooooo o oooooc CHATTANOOGA ARMATURE WORKS ARMATURES REPAIRED AND REWOUND MOTORS REPAIRED New Rebuilt Motors Sold All Sizes. 1215 Duncan Ave. Phone 2-2124 Dine and Dance at The THE FIVEO’CLOCK CLUB For Reservations Call 4-9147 MEET YOUR FRIENDS HERE! OPEN FROM 5 P. M. UNTIL? PLAY LAND CLUB Formerly Cavern Castle At Ruby Falls DINE and Dance Bill Krug's Orchestra Bill Haskell, Soloist SPECIAL STEAK AND CHICKEN DINNERS RIVERSIDE GARDEN DINING - DANCNIG : SANDWICHES : BEVERAGES - ICE COLD Riverside Drive • Ph. 2-9223 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR King’s Cakes and Pies ALWAYS FRESH ALWAYS GOOD KING’S BAKERY 3502 DODDS AVE. All Electric Recapping Plant Bonded Process The recapping that does not heat sidewalls of your Tires. Most Modern Equipment in Town! All work done by factory-train¬ ed operators and strictly guar¬ anteed. Have them recapped or repaired now- All sizes, passen¬ gers or trucks. "Our Work Advertises Itself!" Visitors Are Welcome At Our Plant B LAN SIT TIRE <6 RECAPPING CO. 2435 BROAD STREET National Burial Insurance Co. C. F. YATES, Local Manager ECONOMICAL WAY TO PROVIDE for THE INEVITABLE 520 James Bldg. Phone 6-7177 | We the undersigned business and professional firms of Chattanooga, wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for the business we have had in the past from our friends and customers in Trenton and Dade County. It is our desire to merit your patronage and to show our appreciation at all times for the business you have thrown our way. We take this means to extend to you a welcome to our place of business in the future and to assure you the fullest cooperation to our mutual advantage. BUY WAR BONDS (Note: Keep For Future Reference). BACK THE ATTACK! BUY BONDS And STAMPS! PALMER CLOTHES For Men! SUITS - TOPCOATS 825 Market Street Brown’s Restaurant REGULAR DINNERS Short Orders - Soft Drinks YOU WILL LIKE OUR FOOD! Courteous Service 2010 Broad Phone 6-2418 SHELL, SERVICE — ROAD SERVICE Tire and Tube Repairing RECAP SERVICE BATTERY SERVICE-WASHING-GREASING-POLISHINNG Call 3-9234 — 3520 S. Broad MOORE and WHEELER Kimball Engraving Company Engravers - Embossers - Printers BUSINESS STATIONERY Wedding Invitations and An¬ nouncements - Social And Commercial Printing 821 BROAD ST. PHONE 6-1531 Chattanooga, Tennessee SPOT CASH FOR GOOD USED CARS Highest Cash Prices Paid Any Make — Any Model VALLEY MOTOR CO. 10 38 Broad St Phone 6-3347 MIRRORS STORE FRONTS - FRAMING GLASS TOPS WILLIAMS GLASS And Frame Company • 911-13 Carter. Near Read House PHONE 6-8353 Chattanooga Saw Works G. L. Davis. Manager SOLID AND INSERTED TOOTH CIRCULAR SAWS Repairing A Specialty 1512 Williams St n |m ~ ^| ..x, sZ. Always Ask For HUFFINE'S SANDWICHES Always Fresh — Always Goodl Huffine Sandwich Shop 1122 N. Chamberlain Ph. 2-3551 "It Costs Less at" Sterchi Bros. Stores The South's Largest House Furnishers 530-2-4 Market St Phone 7-2151 Sherman’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPTIONS DRUGS — SUNDRIES Meet Your Friends Here. You Are Always Welcomel W. Main St at Williams St Phone 6-3617 SUN SET INN JACKB0WEN BAR-B-QUE ESSO SERVI-CENTER Ribs Chicken Sandwiches Robert Adams, Operator — — Standard Gas and Oil - Recapping - Vulcanizing Short Orders — Beverages Repairing - Washing - Greasing - Polishing GOO D SERVICE AN ALL-STOP STATION WHERE YOU GET SERVICE WITH A SMILE. "STOP AND GAS WITH US" 300 Central Ave. Phone 6-9420 1500 Broad St Phone 6-5576 DONNA LO BEAUTY SALON 514 Hamilton Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone 6-8303 BEAUTY WORK AT IT'S BEST EXPERT OPERATORS We Specialize in "Cold Waves" Distributor for Donna Lo Cos¬ metics. "Air Conditioned For Your Comfort" New China Cafe B. W. LAW, Manager Chinese & American Food 830 Georgia Ave. PHONE 6-1715 Chattanooga, Tennessee WANTED: Ash - Cedar - Oak - Poplar Basswood and Walnut Logs Williams and Voris Lumber Co. 2501 South Dodds Ave Chattanooga :: Tennessee U. S. A. Dry Cleaners BEAUTIFUL DRY CLEANING Main Office: 2439 Broad St—Phone 6-3216 Branches: 2217 Dayton Blvd. 121 West 7 St —DISTRIBUTORS OF— AUTOMOTIVE PARTS MILLER AUTO SUPPLY COMPANY 429 Broad Street Phone 6-4129 Complete Fur Storage FOR FUR AND CLOTH COATS REPAIRING - CLEANING GLAZING BURCH AY’S 817 Market DINE and DANCE STEAK - CHICKEN DELICIOUS DINNERS Bring Your Friends Here! RESERVATIONS CALjL 2-6812 FLAMINGO Nite Club LEE HIGHWAY RUG CLEANING - REPAIRING Work Done by Experts Guaranteed Fully Insured Protection - Moth Proofing - Try Us at Once. Con¬ vince Yourself. Oriental Rug & Carpet Cleaning Company A. A. HARB, Owner - Mgr. 21 Frazier — TeL 6-8919 7MSTY GRILL ADA SUE JARRELL, Prop. HOME FRIED CHICKEN Delicious Steaks—Short Orders QUICK. COURTEOUS SERVICE 408 Market St Automatic Phonographs Rented - Repaired - Sold We install phonographs and all kinds of coin-operated ma¬ chines in restaurants, clubs and other places on a com¬ mission basis. Shearer Amusement Co. 140 N. Market St Phone 6-0285 Edmund’s Restaurant 6 East 11th Street Opposite Hotel Patten A Good Place to Meet and Eat QUICK SERVICE PAGE THREE MILLS & LUPTON SUPPLY COMPANY Distributors Electrical Epuipment and Sup¬ plies for all Industries - Plumb¬ ing and Mill Supplies. 1152 Market — Phone 6-6171 Oo o c o oooooooooococoooooo d ALEXANDER’S Lunch Room WE SPECIALIZE IN FRIED CHICKEN - BARBECUE Everything Good to Eat! COURTEOUS SERVICE Open AU Nightl 329 W. 10th CASH AND CARRY Produce Company "BIGGEST LITTLE HOUSE IN TOWN" FRUITS - VEGETABLES Convenient Location at the Curb Market on Eleventh St. JOHNIE HARRIS 720 East 11th St Dial 6-7103 French Beauty Salon One of the South’s Finest COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE Expert Operators to Serve You 316 Chatta. Bank Bldg. Phone 6-4707