The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 11, 1945, Image 8
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES: TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1345. NOW*! POINTS FOR USED FATS Help Increase Supplies of Soap and Other Peacetime Products Ly Saving More Used Fats Industrie! fats far short of last year! We are almost down to the bottom of the barrel. The nation’s industrial fat supply is millions of pounds less than it was in 1944. We need fuily as much as last year to help make the soaps and other civilian goods you want and need so badly. So... If you want more soap and soap flakes... if you’re dreaming of nylons, sheets, cotton fabrics and want them to hurry back to the store counter ... you can help by saving w those used kitchen fats as you never saved before! Save every drop, every day! These fats are vitally necessary to help speed greater supplies of soaps and other things — like new cars, electric- washers, refrigerators and tires. Industry must have these fats... to help get to you more quickly the peacetime products you want. So skim and scrape just as you did so faithfully before V-J Day. To prove how important it is, your government has in¬ creased the point bonus. So please help! Keep on saving used fats! If you can’t find a store that accepts used fats, call Home Demonstration or County Agent. Subscribe To The DADE COUNTY TIMES $1.50 A Year! Sand Mountain News The Church of Christ meets at 11 o’clock each Sunday. Every¬ one is invited to come out and hear the gospel. Bro. Sneed of Chattanooga really preached us a good sermon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Logan Daniel and children of Shiloah, Ala., and Lyman Daniel visited their mother, Mrs. Millie E. Daniel Sunday afternoon. Miss Leona Lawson visited Myrtle and Gladys Daniel Sun¬ day. 1 -i 'F* Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lacy of Chattanooga, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Horton, Sunday. Mrs. Ida Crisp has gone to make her home with her son, Max Crisp, in “Big Woods.” Mr. and Mrs. Rosewell Knight spent Sunday with his parents at Long Island, Ala. We have on our sick list this week Lettie Daniel, who is ser¬ iously ill. She is the daughter of Mrs. Millie E. Daniel. Head River News Misses Ollie and Jennie John¬ son of Chattanooga were the week-end visitors of their father here. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jones have moved to Sand Mountain to re¬ side. The Smith reunion was held Sunday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Smith. Mrs. Carl Stalvey and Mrs. R. L. Ross were in Chattanooga Monday. Miss Wilma Holtzhower has been removed home from Er- langer hospital and is recover¬ ing from an operation. The greatest good is prudence; a more precious thing even than philosophy; from it spring all the other virtues.—Epicurus. ENTER THIS EASY GEORGIA BETTER HOME I OWNS LETTER-WRITING CONTEST: y Tom&SAxe X HERE’S IIARDLY a town, a city, a crossroads-village in Georgia that hasn’t got something that would be attractive to tourists. This attraction may be a scenic or historic site — c,. fi ing — or a trip through a cotton mill. It may he just a simple attractive restaurant where good wholesome food is served — or comfortable o\ernight accommodations, as neat as the proverbial PRIZES AND pin! CONTEST GROUPS . . . There are plenty of tilings that would attract tourists to Georgia — we would like to find out where and what they arel As port of the Georgia Better Home Towns Program, we want to help make tourists Open to boya and glrla who do “GEORGIA-eonscious”—and to do that we need not reach their 18th birthday bo all the information yon can give us. fore December 15, 1945. So look around NOVT and find out what your com¬ $600 Victory Bond — 1st Prim munity has to offer and write about those things tSOO Victory Bond —Sad Prim — in letter not longer than 1,000 words. HH Victory Bond* — Srd A 4* Priam a f St Victory Bond, — Next I Priam Here are just a few suggestions that may help to get f IS Victory Bonds — Next St Priam your thinking started on the subject of "The Tourists Are Coming! —How Can My Community Attract Them?** Open to all persona 18 yean of Historic sites —such as ante-bellum houses, a museum, Indian age and over, except acrv icemen mounds, battlefields, fortifications, etc. and women (discharged or kg Scenic attractions —such as peach and dogwood at blossom service). time, caves, gorge views, mountain areas, lakes, etc. *50• Victory Bond — 1st Prim Industry tours —such as trips through bedspread plants, can¬ $300 Victory Bond — 2nd Prim neries, cotton gins, tobacco auctions, etc. HOt Victory Bonds — 3rd A 4 th Prizes * 5# Victory Bonds — Next 6 Prizes Recreational facilities -—such as hunting, fishing, boating, S 35 Victory Bonds — Next 30 Prists picnic grounds, tennis, golf, etc. Service facilities —6ueh as hotel or tourist accommodations, 'I'ct&UXXA restaurants, etc. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK IS NEEDED Open to ail serviremen and so get your copy at any Georgia Power Company store — women, discharged or in service, — or whose homes are in the State si send a postal card to us and we’ll mail one to you. Address Georgia. Tourist Contest, Box 1719, Atlanta (1), Georgia. The Official Entry Blank is part of a leaflet that explains *500 Victory Bond — 1st Prize full rules for entering the $6,20<f.00 Tourist Contest It also 3301 Victory Bond — 2nd Prise contains many suggestions that may help you to write a prize- *100 Victory Bond — Srd Prize winning letter. Be sure to get your copy NOW! * 30 Victory Bonds — Next « Prizes — Cood luck! Get busy now — the contest begins October 15 — and win one of the 70 prizes being offered for you ... and 7 ^tee “lotOH “PtlycA your town! A cash prize of *500.00 will be firm to EACH town which is the residence GEORGIA POWER COMPANY of POLKS, first-prize VETERANS winners in end the GROWN¬ YOUNG A Citizen Wherever We Serve UPS CROUPS. few England News Mr. James Blevins and family attended a birthday dinner at Wildwood Sunday. Rev. Wynn Crawford preached a very interesting sermon at the New England Baptist Church Sunday before a large congrega¬ tion. Mrs. Joe Blevins visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fugatt, at Morganville Sunday. Mrs. Mary Patterson and Mrs. Kathleen Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Minor and family Sun¬ day afternoon. Mrs. Molly York is showing marked improvement from a re¬ cent illness. Mrs. Clyde Patterson was shop¬ ping in Chattanooga Saturday. Mrs. Minnie Weeks is visiting her mother-in-law at Blue Ridge, Ga., this week. W. H. Brock, postmaster of Trenton, accompanied by Mrs. Brock, is enjoying a well earned two weeks vacation in Florida. While Mr. Brock is away the position is being very capably handled by the charming Mrs. Nettie Mae Fleming We are very sorry to note that Col. S. J. Hale, prominent at¬ torney of Trenton, is suffering from a painful attack of rheu¬ matism, but is slowly improving. Miss Edna Frazier of Chatta¬ nooga visited her sister, Mrs. Max Page in West Trenton last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Geddie of Sulphur Springs were the over¬ night guests of J. B. Geddie and family here Friday night. Sgt. and Mrs. Max Page and son, Charles Max, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Geddie at Sulphur Springs Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Venetia S. Luly, former teacher in the Davis High School, now employed in the Chatta nooga public school system, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kyzer and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Allison vis¬ ited Mr and Mrs. S. J. Hale here Sunday afternoon. Pfc. Kenneth (Peck)Bailey of Fort McPherson recently spent a short leave with his mother Mrs. Ruby Bailey here. Hooker News Mr. D. L. Miller of California, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mayhew of West Frankfurt, 111., are spending this week with rela¬ tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Texas, spent several days recently with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Graham and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carroll and daughter, Anne, of Wildwood, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. May¬ hew Sunday. Mr. P. H. Strawn of Chatta¬ nooga, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Strawn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kilgore and children have returned home after a visit with relatives in Glamour, Ky. Mrs. Gamlin of Tiftonia, spent last week with Mrs. Mary Bless¬ ing. Mrs. C. M. Smith and son, C. M. Jr., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall at Oak Ridge, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Richardson spent Saturday in Chattanooga. Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we understand it.—Abraham Lincoln. SLEEPY DAYS sleep there’s he What needs fitfully? makes nothing a gentle a child wrong Frequently laxative. toss except and 1 ^/Triena CHILDREN FOR Triena combines two famous old ingredients — pure prune juice for flavor and senna for effectiveness. Children take Triena gladly because it tastes good. You don’t have to force them. Remember the quick relief Trie- na may bring when faulty eli¬ mination makes your child rest¬ less, irritable and cross. Buy TRIENA 30c, large size 50c. Use as directed. A11 irn DRUG products co MLLIlU Chattanooga. Tenn. MAKERS OF THE FAMOUS AILICD BRAND r$']f ■ i 1 M pm Our Service Stations and Dealers in this vicinity now have the new CROWN and CROWN EXTRA gasolines. They are the highest-octane motor fuels we have ever offered. Be sure to get CROWN or CROWN EXTRA— available here now only where you see these pumps. We are sorry we can't have these new gasolines everywhere in the state at once, but they'll be everywhere soon. STANDARD OIL COMPANY INCORPORATSD IN KSNTUCKY WARM MORNING HEATERS WE HAVE THE ONLY GENUINE WARM MORNING HEATERS SOLP IN TRENTON. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE Buy Early While You Can get Prompt Deli very I Prepare for Winter Now And Keep Your Home Cozy and Warm when Frosty Mornings Come WARM MORNING HEATERS WILL REDUCE YOUR COAL BILLS AND KEEP YOUR HOMES FREE FROM WINTER'S CHILLING BLASTS! ASK TO SEE THESE WONDERFUL FUEL SAVING HEATERS! McBRYARBROTHERS Trenton • Georgia Wanted: Cedar Logs! FOUR INCHES AND OVER IN DIAMETER, EIGHT FEET. FOUR INCHES LONG. SOUND. ALSO, STUMPAGE. HIGHEST PRICES! WE ALSO BUY WHITE OAK, POPLAR AND WALNUT VENEER LOGS. PAY CASH! Write For Information MILLER & BRADLEY ABINGDON. VA. The Only Bargain In Dry Cleaning is QUALITY WE GIVE YOU PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE For the Convenience of our Dade County Customers, our Downtown Office will Efficiently Serve You. BRANCH OFFICE: 616 BROAD STREET Vine Street Cleaners & Dyers, Inc. PLANT OFFICE: 424 VINE STREET PHONE 7-5415 CHATTANOOGA, TENN. SYRUP PAILS TARPAULINS :: BALE TIES PAINTS :: ROOFING * * * * CHATTANOOGA HARDWARE CO. 2615 South Broad Street :: Chattanooga Tennessee smmmmssmm * i,.. zmm ■ -