The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, October 18, 1945, Image 3
Versatile Dress Saves for Bonds J :i p..... I \ f- V - ■ - ■: *i i |- 4 When dating directly from the office, business giri removes the black Jacket, snaps on a lame pep- lum to match the top of the dress. She is now prepared for whatever gaiety the evening may bring. Pat¬ terns at local stores help save for Victory Bonds, u. S. Treasury Department TRADE-MARK H. F. ALLISON | For LOANS INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Times Building TRENTON. GEORGIA GUNS! BOUGHT — TRADED REPAIRED Buy Old Guns Write C. W. McCurdy 4411 Alabama Avenue Chattanooga, Tenn. USE 666 Cold Preparation Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Use Only As Directed Special Notice To Farmers! DR. E. E. CHAMBERS. VETERNARIAN TRENTON 8 A. M. TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6TH To Vaccinate Dogs A- gainst Rabies, and for Calls of General Veterin¬ ary Work. He will be in Trenton Every Month on THE FIRST TUESDAY Buy Victory Bonds SEE GRAHAM BLADE CO. YOUR STREET LOCAL 1275 MARKET DEALER CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE_ THE DADE COUNTY TIMES: TRENTON. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1945. OBITUARY AUGUSTA CATHER¬ INE, 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam York, New Eng¬ land, died at the home of her parents early Sunday morning. Other than her parents she is survived by two sisters, Laura Virginia and Myrtle June York; four brothers, Dalas Spencer, William Henry, Charles Roy and Marvin Douglas York, all of New England; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. York, New England. Funeral services were held in the New England Bap¬ tist Church Monday afternoon at 3 o’clock, the Rev. Wynn Crawford and the Rev, John Merrill officiating. Interment hi the Baptist Cemetery, near Trenton. Pallbearers: Burl Castleberry, Ralph Hardeman Jimmy Price, o. J. Gold, James Broom and Kyle Broom. Ar¬ rangements rangements by the Eueen* Turner Funeral Home SOHANNON— NOTLEY W„ 79. of Section, Ala., passeed away Saturday a.m„ at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Vester Hare, of Scpttsboror Route 1 follow¬ ing , a short illness. He is sur¬ vived by three son, three daughters. Funeral services services were held Sunday aft¬ ernoon at the Warren Chapel with Rev. H. H. Taylor and A B. White officiating. Interment was in the adjoining cemetery. McBryar Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. MRS. CATHY, 64 , of Menlo, Ga., passed away Sun¬ day a.m., at Trion, Ga. Hospital following a short illness. She KYZER'ii AUTO PARTS £ S p ec j a | (; arf 0 f Your Old Auto! IT LOOKS AS IF IT WILL BE SOME TIME BEFORE NEW CARS WILL BE ON THE MAKET IN ANY QUANTITIES. This means that your old car must last you for some time to come. We can keep it running if you will bring it to our NEW and MODERN Garage. Complete Motor Rebuilding We specialize in complete rebuilding, brake work and motor tune-up. We have the most modern and best equipped garage in this entire section, and can give you expert repair work within a reasonable time. Large Stock of Auto Parts We have a large stock of NEW AUTO PARTS and are gradually building as we can buy them direct from the manufacturers -- therefore, our prices are most reasonable. Mechanics and Garage Men Invited Mechanics and garage men are invited to stop by and inspect our modem garage and look over our automotive stock. Machine Shop Work A Specialty Our modern reboring equipment and lathes guaran¬ tee accuracy and satisfaction to our customers. We Are Duly Authorized Dealers FOR THE FAMOUS RCA VICTOR RADIOS. COOL- ERATORS, ELECTRIC STOVES, WASHING MA¬ CHINES. WE HOPE TO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF THESE HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES IN STOCK WITHIN A SHORT WHILE. WATCH OUR SHOW WINDOWS. Kyzer's Automotive Parts Company Trenton Georgia is survived by one son, William Short, and two brothers, John of Center and Riley Fletcher of Kentucky. Fuenarl services were held Tuesday a. m., at Chesterfield, Ga., with the Rev. Charlie Edwards officiat¬ ing. Intetrment was in the Ami Cemetery with McBryar Funer¬ Home in charge of arrange¬ ments. CORA PRUIT, 61, of Henagar, passed away Tues¬ day Oct. 9, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lautie Barks¬ dale. She was a member of the C. M. Pilgrim church at Brown- town. Left to mourn her pass¬ ing is her daughter, Mrs. Bark¬ sdale, and one grandson, Ray¬ burn Barksdale; Two sisters, Jennie Bradley and Pearl Hall, both of Henagar;Four brothers, S. J. Bradley,M. F. Bradley, M. L. Bradley and H. W. Brad¬ ley,all of Dekalb County. Funeral Funeral services services were weie held neiu Wednesday morning at Burnt church, with Rev. W. A. Hunt and L. A. Decker officiating. Interment was in the adjoin¬ ing cemetery, with McBryar Funeral Home in charge. Prudence is a conformity to rules of reason, truth, and de¬ cency, at all times and in all Mason. \ oapudlnc relieves Neuralgia Also and Iso Headache last because It’s liquid allays the resulting nerve tension use Jse only as directed. 10c, 30c and 60c sizes- ses. 1 iquid CAP UDINE it Pays to Advertise! LOOKING AHEAD GEORGE S. BENSON President—Mardinf Cfllege Seareg. Arkansas Vinson Shortly after Fred Vinson named Secretary of the he was quoted in the press as ing “the American people are In pleasant predicament of having learn to live 50% better than have ever lived before.” When made this remark he was about a future day, one that not come then and has not come but a completely possible day. Hitler was no longer a when the new Secretary spoke of 50% higher living standard in ica, but Japan still clouded the cific. Now that has cleared also and today’s national is economic rather than The strain is no less, but in a ferent place. Ease felt in ica as firing ceased was like relief of changing hands with heavy burden. Load is on Vinson About a month ago this carried an outline of Mr. tax policies which I frankly sider sound. Now, in view of changed international picture, it high tone everybody knew about this generalissimo of finances, czar of economics in world’s most important country. is a key man on the team that to win if liberty, civilization and lightenment survive. Fred Vinson is 55 years old. a century ago he was playing in yard of the jailhouse in Louisa, His father was county jailer. next year he started to . . . His coarse hair is half now and he has some loose skin der his chin but he’s recognized the “best In his line” and on a where everybody wishes him if that’s success. A Serious Student Louisa, with some 2,000 tants, is across the Big Sandy from West Virginia. There Vinson entered school, there elected district attorney and there went to Congress in 1922. Center College, Danville, Ky., worked in the library to help expenses, took a leading part in letics and averaged above 95 grades all through college and school. Mr. Vinson is a penetrating er. He has years of experience government and he knows taxes. is a recognized fiscal expert. what put him on the Ways & committee and here his ability still respected. He has been a eral judge, the successful stabilizer of this country, also tor of war mobilization and version—the job that’s known “assistant president." To Make More Jobs Vinson has many prime tions for his present job. Anent thoroughness, it came out a time two in connection with his work chairman of the tax section of Ways & Means committee that knew more than his witnesses selves about testimony they ted, Recollection of these naturally tends to keep alive son’s influence among which is a big asset. It is told that he studied hand the financial statements of corporations whose officials were testify, and his questioning proved repeatedly that he mpre about certain aspects of a poration’s business than did its ident This is the man who a tax program to create the jobs, instead of merely raising enue for the government I have been shouting from the tops for four years. * * * Mrs. Roosevelt Mrs. Anna Eleanor will be guest of honor and cipal speaker at the 1945 vention of the Young Clubs of Georgia on Dev 3-4, was announced this week President James Evitt Jr. invitation to the former lady was isued by Gov. Arnall and Sid Williams director the organization of Young Democratic Clubs America. Mrs. Roosevelt’s address will given at municipal will be introduced by Gov. on Monday evening, Dec. 3. It is expected that her will revolve around the of the convention, “Young ple in the March of The public is invited to Also to attend the are Joe C. Carr, of Tenn., president of the Democratic Clubs of and Mrs. Dorothy of Vredenburgh, Ala., of the Democratic national mittee. Business sessions of the vention will be held at Ansley Hotel. Officers are to elected and plans formulated Young Democratic activities 1946. “Herd up” that used heater, fur coat, radio, gun, and “corral” cash by ing them in the want ads of Times. Deaths Mount At °:rade Crossings ATLANTA, Oct. 18 After showing a decided im¬ provement in the first months 1945, deaths at the railroad grade crossings are steadily climbing. Here the latest grim statistics: Fatalities resulting from such accidents during the first months of this year totaled 018, an increase of 35 over 983 recorded in the same period, according to the state Commerce Bureau of Transit Economics Statistics. In the period 2,267 persons were jured in grade crossing compared with 2,225 a year an increase of 42. Here in Georgia, railroad ficials again appeal to to be even more cautious at grade crossings, especially that gasoline is ration-free the wartime restriction on speed limit has been lifted. If you, Mr. and Mrs. Motorist, would Stop! Look! ten! before crossing the you might save your own—and much from needless damage. ohet-i;. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptom* of Dktrm* Arista* (ram STOMACH “ueto ULCERS excess acid FreeBookTeflsofHomsTrsatnwoithBt Will Cost Yon Nothin* Must Help or It «ymptom« ofdlstreflg arising and Duodenal Ulcan ®»to fjre w apo— Poor Digestion, Sour or Up oot ** on Ask for “Willard’s Message” which explains this treatment froo a* Trenton Drug Sundries Q EfttJAG m • Capudine quickly eases headache and soothes result¬ in ing l'pset nerves because it’s liquid—nothing t® dissolve, onlv os directed. LMd CAPUDINE To trade-One 1942 in perfect .condition is ically, new tires, will trade pick-up or large truck in condition, also have two watt generating plants very reasonable. Apply The County Times, Trenton, Ga. Buy Victory Bonds DO YOU WANT Your Car to Last to A WHILE LONGER? If So, Why Not Let Us Help You to Keep It Running? Lack of Proper Lubrication Causes P More Breakdowns Than Anything Else COMPLETELY GREASE CAR OR TRUCK WITH STANDARD HIGH PRESSURE GREASE LUBRICATE YOUR GENERATOR. STARTER, WATER of PUMP, DISTRIBUTOR, DOORS—CHECK YOUR BATTERY, TRANSMISSION AND DIFFERENTIAL (Transmission and Differential Grease Extra) ALSO, WHILE WE HAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUCK ON THE HOIST, WE CHECK THE MUFFLER. TAIL PIPE. GROUND CABLES AND ANYTHING ELSE WE FIND THAT NEEDS ATTENTION AND GIVE YOU A NOTE OF SAME AND AN ESTIMATE OF THE COST OF FIXING SAME. For One Week Only, Cars, All Sizes Trucks . . . $ 1.00 be of KYZER’S Service Station TRENTON, GEORGIA Head River News Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smith and granddaughter, Betty Lou, visit¬ ed relatives Sunday. Mrs. Noah Schrock was the recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Forester and family. Mr. Will Johnson and family had as their guest Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and daughter. Mrs. Creekmer of Chattanooga, Mrs. Robert Johnson and dau¬ ghter, and Mrs.Johnson’s mother Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Forester, and baby of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. are visiting Mr, and Mrs. Sam Forester and family. Neal is stationed at Fort Lauderdale, and will return to camp soon, Mrs.Mark Scruggs Jr, and ba¬ by of Florida and Mrs.Joe Pow¬ ell of Chattanooga, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scruggs here. Misses Hazel Schurch and Bessie Hunt spent the weekend at their home here. Mrs. Minnie Stalvey of Chat¬ tanooga, spent the week with Mrs. R. L. Ross, and Mr, and Mrs Carl Stalvey. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Camp¬ bell, were the recent guest of relatives and friends here. Ranger Hugh Forester is spen¬ ding a few days in Lumpkin and Dawson Counties checking Deer hunters. Those who, in the confidence of superior capacities or attain¬ ments, neglect the common max¬ ims of life, shouid be reminded that nothing will supply the want of prudence.—Samuel Johnson. V WATI/^E ^ 1 XU 11 vLl * 4 ^ 4 l Evangelist Ben F. i ► Hale Has Returned From Key West, Fla., ^ in the Evange- 4 listic Work. Contact 4 Him by Mail or 4 4 Phone 4 BEN F. HALE 4 4 404 W. Gordon Ave. 4 r Phone 4 p 4-1364 4 Rossville, Georgia 4 1 4