The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, January 17, 1946, Image 2
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES Trenton, Georgia Entered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail. J. B. GEDDIE............................. PUBLISHERS C. E. KYZER............................. ELBERT FORESTER, Associate Editor - Advertising Representative J. B. GEDDIE...................................... Editor- National Advertising Representative American Press Association New York Chicago -:* Detroit Philadelphia MEMBER GEORGIA PRESS ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IN ADVANCE: 12 Months, $1.50; 6 Months, 75c; 3 Months, 50c. Advertising rates furnished upon application. Legal Advertis- ments payable in advance. Parties writing to the paper for publication are requested to fur¬ nish their names, otherwise the communication will not be pub¬ lished. It will be withheld on request, but the name must be given. lication All communication and news items are received for pub¬ subject to being re-edited, re-written and changed. Such are printed as a matter of news, and do not necessarily reflect the views or ideas of The Times. HOOKER NEWS Mrs. Thelma Bell Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Dixon of Oklahoma City, Okla., were re¬ cent guests of friends and rela¬ tives here. Mrs. C. M. Smith is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hall at Oak Ridge, Tenn. Mrs. Lillie Harwood and Mr. and Mrs. C. O, McNish and son, Kent, of Antioch, Tenn., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tittle. Rev. and Mrs. Abbott and dau¬ ghter, Barbara, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Ad¬ ams Sunday. Mrs. Lillian Strawn and son Howard, of Wildwood, visited Mr and Mrs. J. E. Strawn Sunday. Mr. John E. Watley, Jr., has accepted a position in Chattan¬ ooga. Mrs. John Miller and son, Douglas, visited Mrs. Alvin Wal¬ ler at Wildwood Sunday. Bro. Brainerd of Wildwood Sanitarium, teacher of the Adult class at Hooked Methodist church, has returned home, af¬ ter an extended visit with rela¬ tives in New York City. Bro. Joe Mayhew of Trenton filled his regular appointment at Hooker Church of Christ Sunday morning. New England News By MRS. MARY PATTERSON Mrs. Long and Mrs. Mitchell Hallum spent the week end with Mrs. R. L. Wilson. ‘Hobart Wilhoit has received his’ discharge and is at home with his wife. Mrs. Bent Cole remains seri¬ ously ill at her home. Lennie Castleberry is confined to his home, very ill. T. A. Hallum visited his uncle at Blue Ridge recently. Clyde Patterson was visiting his family over the week end. John F. Reeves’ son has recov¬ ered from a serious illness. Reba Holmes got married Jan. 12 to Warren Yates, recently re¬ turned home from service. Buy Victory Bonds House Wiring EXPERTLY DONE Washing Machines, Elec- tris Ranges, Electric Irons, and all type switches and sockets repaired. Homes Wired for electric ranges All Work Guaranteed Apply J. W. WEBB Licensed Electrician 41 Armuchee Street LaFayette, Georgia FOR SALE Four Room House, One! |Half Acre Of Land. This, , Is A Real Bargain. See H. F. ALLISON |Times Bldg—Trenton, Ga. Better Be Safe Than Sorry I INSURE YOUR CAR AGAINST INJURY TO OTHERS AT A VERY SMALL COST PER YEAR. ALSO FIRE INSURANCE ON YOUR HOME. SEE— ★ ★ H. F. Allison TIMES BUILDING TRENTON, GEORGIA Give the Wife A Day Off! Have Sunday Dinner With Us “Just Plain Home-Cooked Food” We Serve Good Coffee Trenton Drug Sundries Square And On The Square ’ 4 The Only Bargain In Dry Cleaning is QUALITY SOLDIERS’ UNIFORMS DYED IN FAST COLORS Blooming Shades — Quick Service WE GIVE YOU PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE For the Convenience of our Dade County Customers, our Downtown Office will Efficiently Serve You. BRANCH OFFICE: 616 BROAD STREET Vine Street Cleaners & Dyers, Inc. PLANT OFFICE: 424 VINE STREET PHONE 7-5415 CHATTANOOGA, TENN. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, 'THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1946 Park Department To Build Cabins At Vogel Soon Plans for constructions of 20 to 30 modern vacation cabins in Vogel State Park, in the moun¬ tains of North Georgia, have been announced by Director R Ward Harrison of the State Parks Department. Sealed bids will be received by the department at its offices on the fourth floor of the Sate Cap¬ itol building until 11 o’clock on the morning of Wednesday, Jan uary 23. Plans and specifica tions for the cabins are now on file there and open to inspec¬ tion, Harrison said. Bids are also requested for the building of a park superintend¬ ent’s house at Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park near Ir- winville in Irwin county. Also bids are being received for con¬ struction of servants’ quarters at Pine Mountain State Park in Harris county, near Chipley and Hamilton. Proposals submitted for the above ’three projects will be o- pened on the morning of the 23rd, the Park Director said. Standard Oil Products R. W. Suggs, Agt. FOR SALE—The Stanley Jeffery Place; three acres land; good 2-room house; water on place. A Bargain at $600. See Char¬ lie Jeffery. Awarded in the Georgia Setter Home /owns our/st COfiTSST “The Tourists Are Coming! How Can My Community Attract Them" Sixty-seven individual prizes are now being paid to the civic- Not everyone could be a winner, naturally — more than 7,000 minded contest Georgians wHo sent in the best entries in our letter-writing adults letters were received, which made the odds about one in a hundred. on attracting tourists. Twenty-nine prizes go to — 29 And to those who tried, but did not win, go our heartfelt thanks. to young folks — 9 to veterans of World War II. The information in all these letters will be tabulated and used In addition, each home town of the top prize winners — in all three where it will do the most good — to make Georgians “tourist-con¬ groups — gets a $500 cash prize! scious,” to make tourists ‘Georgia-conscious.” FIRST PRIZES—$500 BONDS GROWN-UPS GROUP YOUNG FOLKS GROUP VETERANS GROUP Mrs. Robert W. Rainey, Eatonton William A. Gregory, Jr., Griffin Thomas B. Durant, Darien 2nd PRIZES—$300 BONOS 3rd PRIZES—$100 BONOS 4th PRIZES—$100 BONDS GROWN-UPS GROUP GROWN-U?S GROUP GROWN-UPS GfcOUP John V. Arrendale, Tiger Mrs. James W. Moffitt, Atnerieus George O. Jager, Savannah YOUNG FOLKS GROUP YOUNG FOLKS GROUP YOUNG FOLKS GROUP Ernestine Roberts, Cartersville Magdalene Christian, Dalilonega Billy Crumbley, Jonesboro VETERANS GROUP VETERAN 3 GROUP Mrs. Ellen L. Lesesne, Louisville John Wiley Rozier, Sparta OTHER PRIZE WINNERS $50 BONDS $25 BONDS GROWN-UPS GROUP GROWN-UPS GROUP Mrs. Mildred A. Chester, Dunwoody Miss Bell Bayless, Kingston Miss Martha Elizabeth King, Rome In addition to a $500 Victory Bond Mrs. Doris D. Coffey, Csitersville Miss Mary Louise Bennett, Vidalia Mrs. W. O. Lewis, Calhoun for themselves, the first prize winner Mrs. C. L. Dohme, Elbcrton Nathan C. Brooks, Jr., Waynesboro Miss Edna McDaniel, Cave Srrir.g $.;00 P. G. Kirk, Toccoa Mrs. Nell B. Christopher, Dalton Mrs. Sara Lawson McGinty, Chatsworth in each contest group.qlso won a Miss Mary C. Manning, Tifton Mrs. J. B. Cooper, Oakwond Mrs. E. E. Moore, West Point cash prize for their tou'ii! This Miss Annie C. Drummond, Franklin Mrs. Constance G. Mnrenus, Atlanta YOUNG FOLKS GROUP M. L. Harper, Clayton Thomas S. Porter, Martin prize, it has been stipulated, must Mrs. H. H. Heisler, Columbus Mrs. M. H. Sanders, Macon Theresa Di Cristina, Atlanta Elbert Hendrix, Griffin Louisville Mrs. Brooks J. R. Wigginton. Terrell, Greenville he spent by the town for some civic Virginia Dare Hamilton. Baxley James Everette Hobbs, E. Athens improvement related to increasing Margaret Robinson, Hopkins, Ashburn Brunswick YOUNG FOLKS GROUP the community’s tourist attractions. Anita Nelle Strozier, Oxford Barbara Blair, Marietta Mary Kicklighter, Glennville J. Reid Broderick, Jr., Savannah Carolyn Lawrence, Atlanta EATONTON VETERANS GROUP Joan Champion, Cartersville Nelle Grace Lewis, Osierfield Gordon Stowe Fleming, Madison Harold McLendon, Blakely B. T. Burson, Camilla Felder Graham, Dawson Dorothy Oates, Brunswick GRIFFIN William T. Ezzard, Clayton Dan Greer, Covington Rusleen Potts, Newnan George A. Hough, Jr., Hawkinsville Edna Highsmith, Metter Frank Muir Scarlett, Jr., Brunswick John Charles E. Hubert Minter, Parr, Jr., Warm Cuthbert Springs Dottie Frances Jones, Hodge, Jeffersonville Atlanta Charles Elizabeth Sidney Stevens, Stephens, Rebecca Emory U. DARIEN Newton Mack Penny, Griffin Alma Leigh Karau, Dawson Winoma Williams, Manchester Dr. John Drewry, dean of the Henry W. Grady School of Journalism, Universi y of Georgia; Dr. N. C. McPherson, president of Wesleyan College; Colonel Douglas E. Morrison (retired), of Trenton, JUDGES: member of the Executive Committee of. Scenic Northwest Georgia: William E. Pafford, director or Divis'on of Supervision, State Department of Education; Mrs. Virginia Pothill Price, editor of the Louisville News and Farmer; William Henry Shaw, superintendent of Columbus public schools, and Miss Emily Woodward, director of the University System Division of Forums. GEORGIA POWER COMPANY A CITIZEN WHEREVER WE SERVE ON THE AIR THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE LISTEN TO SAM MORRIS STATION WHAS Louisville, Ky. 6:15 A. M. DAILY 840 On Your Dial ^oooeooooo o o o oooo o TRAOE-MARK SEE YOUR GRAHAM BLADE CO. LOCAL 1275 MARKET STREET DEALER CHATTANOOGA, TENNESSEE USE 666 Cold Preparation Liquid, Tablets, S rive, Nose Drops Use Only As Directed >v, ' w 83 a DONT THROW THAT RADIO AWAY It May be a year before a better one can be purchased and it may take but a TUBE to put it back in service. RADIOS may be ordered for future delivery* See sample in our w'ndow. RADIOS—TUBES—BATTERIES—ELEC. HEATERS, Etc. Use our MAIL ORDER service, or EXPRESS that faulty RADIO or ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE to us for repair. I Superior Radio Service "Sole owner of the name" 119-121 W. Sixth St. Phone 7-4710 CHATTANOOGA Weuralqia Next time you have neuralgia or head¬ ache get quick relief with Capudln*. Acts fast because it’s liquid- no time lost waiting for its ingredient* to dis¬ solve. All druggists. Use Capudlne only as directed. 10c, SOc, 60e sises. Liquid CAPUDINf