The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 11, 1946, Image 3
MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher WELL,WHY)OH,WE DON’T You) little HAD A A SO BATH BY TAKIN’ YOU THE'PHONE /ARe\ t you Vm \ ) IC/iMPTlk /Y sometimes 6 H! ' ARGUMENT GENERALLY "\ THINKTHATS RINGS WHEN STILL I HAVE TO 60NNA MAKE TAKING TAKE TWO THE 'PHONE A BATH? OR THREE RlN6?J^ MAKE BATHS THE TO 'PHONE RING. 1 LITTLE REGGIE By Margarita REG’LAR FELLERS By Gene Byrnes NEEDLECRAFT PATTERNS Luxurious Mat in Cable Stitch * TT’S EASY to do cable stitch. Why not make this rug—so lux¬ urious yet inexpensive. Use it either in the bedroom or the bath¬ room. ^ J/^ JadL Private Jones had been told to report at the M. O.’s surgery for a minor nose operation. “Go into the other room,” said the M. O. when Jones appeared, “and take off all your clothes.” “What!” protested Jones. “Take off all my clothes just for a nose treatment? Is that necessary?” “Do as you are told, and don’t ask questions!” barked the M. O. “Yes, sir,” answered Jones, and went into the next room. “Can’t understand it,” Jones remarked to another man in the room with him. “All I need is nose treatment and he makes me take off all my clothes.” “That’s nothing,” replied the unclad stranger, “he ordered me to do the same thing, and I only came here to deliver a parcel!” Its no fun io have MALARIA! WIIITCRSMITH’S TOfl I C 7* Buy U. S. Savings Bonds! VERONICA LAKE speaking: Co-Starring in "SO PROUDLY WE HAIL," a Paramount Picture ’’Keep groomed to the teeth! ■5 Ipk A •* "CALOX G. is the 4> J % tooth powder v ?■ , I prefer." A dentist’s dentifrice— t ■ . Calox was created by a dentist for per¬ sons who want utmost brilliance consist¬ ent with utmost gentleness. calox 1 Scrupulous cleansing. Your teeth have a notably clean feel after using Calox. 2 Calox gently deans away surface I T °°f H POWOU j , stains, loosens mucin plaque. % | i * itnW** 3. Made by McKesson & Robbins, Bridgeport, Conn.—a laboratory with over 100 years’ experience in making fine drugs. Use rug cotton or old stockings for this durable knitted rug. Pattern 7274 has directions for it and for a matching seat- cover. Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 564 W. Randolph St. Chicago 80, 111. Enclose 20 cents for Pattern. No__ Name.____ Address_ O- ■ (v« (V. (V. (V. fv. <V. (V, <V. {V- (V. (V. (V. (V. ? ASK ME ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ANOTHER ? ? ? A General Quiz ? ? ? A- O— {V. fV. (V. (V. (V. fV. (V. fV. (V. fV. (V. (V. (W 1. Canada is made up of how many provinces and territories? 2. The Rock of Gibraltar, sym¬ bolic of strength, is composed of what? 3. Calenda was the name given by the Romans to what? 4. What was the original name given the department of state? 5. The testimony of what ani¬ mal is accepted in a court of law as evidence? 6. Does the ostrich put its head in the sand to hide? The Answers 1. Nine provinces and two ter¬ ritories. 2. Soft limestone. 3. The first day of the month. 4. The department of foreign affairs. 5. The bloodhound. 6. No. It grubs for worms and other food. I m °L5Lud>o* Vout ,n help ““Ti, "r* t\» A 3 RED-ITCHY FEET? Eliminate Red, Raw, Pulling, Cracked and Blistered skin — The Safe Way — USE SABESINE Dries Quickly. Money Back Guarantee. 50c for 6 dram bottle. CENTURY SERVICE BUREAU Box 23, Bergen Station Jersey City 4, N. J.