The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 11, 1946, Image 4
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES Trenton, Georgia Entered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class mail. E. J. LULY & C. E. KYZER......................... Publishers 1 J. LULY ............................................ Editor ELBERT FORESTER, Associate Editor - Advertising Representative National Advertising Representative American Press Association | New York Chicago Detroit Philadelphia MEMBER GEORGIA PRESS ASSO CIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IN ADVANCE: 12 Mo:.!hs, $1.50; 6 Months, 75c; 3 Months, 50c. Advertising rates furnished upon application. Legal Advertis- ments payable in advance. _ Parties writing to the paper for publication are requested to fur¬ nish their names, otherwise the communication will not be pub¬ be lished. It will be withheld on request, but the name must given. All communication and news items are received for Such pub¬ lication subject to being re-edited, re-written and changed. are printed as a matter of news, and do not necessarily reflect the views or ideas of The Times. Attention, Motorists! When your Auto or Truck needs attention, bring it to an Expert Repairman. j^e are equipped to give the auto or truck that it may be months before it can be replaced with a new one, the expert attention that it requires to keep it in tip-top condition. Our prices are most reasonable, and we are in a posi¬ tion to install most critical parts. GIVE US A TRIAL Dewell Breedlove's Garage Next to Kyzer s Service Station—TRENTON r< i »^'wyvvvyYVYwyyyvy xxinoncoooooooooooc» Extension Service Releases Four H Beef Project Circular The Georgia Agricultural Ex¬ tension Service this week an¬ nounced the publication of a new circular on 4-H club beef proj¬ ect work. Georgia 4-H Beef Project, the new circular, was prepared by Charles E. Bell and George W. Gibson, livestock specialists of the Extension Service. It is de¬ signed to assist 4-H club boys and girls in carrying out their beef projects. “Georgia is fast gaining prominence in the development of the beef cattle industry,” the authors explained. “Many of the state’s successful cattlemen are former 4-H club members." Topics covered by the circular are selecting the calf, feeding, management, parasite control, training, grooming for the show, reducing shrinkage at show and showing. Copies of the new publication, Circular 337, Georgia 4-H Beef Project, may be obtained from county agricultural agents thru- out the state, or by writing the Extension Service. Athens, Ga. National Food Preservation Week will be observed July 15- 22, the State Agricultural Ex¬ tension Service announces. Community health problems are being studied by home de¬ monstration clubs in Washing¬ ton county, according to Miss Louise Lavender, home demon¬ stration agent. The county health nurse spoke at each of the club meetings recently. to FOR SALE FIVE ACRE PLACE NEAR WILDWOOD FIVE-ROOM DWELLING GOOD GARDEN IT’S A REAL NICE HOME H. F. ALLISON Trenton, Georgia Tieurglqia Nut tim. you ha». neuralgia or heait- d- I »cb. get quick relief with Col *• A cts fast because It’, liquid—no time ne I loet waiting for its Ingredients to dis- i»« H aolva. All druggists. Use Capudina only J as directed. 10c, 10c. (0c sizes. liquid CAPUDIN -•.'vXsvr.y v y - , „ , B LET’S * HHR iHw m Jn (TARRY mk [VERY COUNTY FOR CARMICHAEL .... And Show the World that Georgia Stands for Decency and Better Government ,— E'. - 1 Jimmy Carmichael is leading the race for Governors but a comfortable margin at the polls on July 17th will not be enough to repudiate forever the type of government represented by his opponents. Carmichael's victory must be overwhelming— unquestionable evidence that ALL OF GEORGIA is determined to surge forward into the future with its self-respect intact and with the admiration of the nation. Every county in the state can be proud to support the integrity and the above-board dealing for which Carmichael stands. Let's banish forever the corruption,^ prejudice, discrimination and shady double-dealing which have been a curse of administrations in years gone by. It's up to YOU to save Georgia and elevate her to the heights her people deserve. GEORGIA LEAGUE FOR BETTER GOVERNMENT | This organization is aligned with no candidate, but is composed of citizens who have surveyed the situation with care and thoroughness and now throw their support to the man they believe best fitted for the post he seeks. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1946. FOR SALE THE J. B. BOYD PLACE Located on 'the East Brow of Sand Mountain. New house fine water; 64 y 2 acres fine land; l / 2 mile from Chris¬ tian’s Store. H. F. ALLISON Trenton, Georgia Pure Drugs— Drug Sundries EVERYTHING YOU NEED Your Prescriptions Are Carefully Filled at Reason- Prices. Dade County Citi¬ zens, make this Your Home Store! Lee Pharmacy South Broad Street CHATTANOOGA, TENN. AN ERA OF PROGRESS IN EDUCATION Under the Leadership of M. D. COLLINS Georgia’s State Superintendent solicits your support in con¬ tinuing a program to provide adequate educational opportun¬ ities for the children of Geor¬ gia- Re-elect M. D. COLLINS State Superintendent of Schools Service Complete In Every Detail We honor Mutual Savings, Family Reserve, Emergency Aid Burial Policies and ALL insurance policies in Georgia. AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT McBryar Funeral Home PHONE 65 SKIRT-TUGGER Is your child irritable, fret¬ ful—tugging This at your is often skirts? the crossness sign a laxative is needed. ^/Triena FOR Most children have times when makes faulty elimination them tired, sluggish, with a coated tongue. When this happens, remember, the quick Made relief Triena brings. with famous senna, it’s effective, gentle. TRIENA won’t upset your child. It tastes good because it’s flavored with pure prune juice. 30c, large size 50c. Use as directed on label. MLlIlU MLLlLU AI pirn DRUG Chattanooga, Chattanooga, PRODUCTS Tenn. Tenn. CO. MAKgs OF THE FAMOUS ALLIED BRAND Buy Victory Bonds W.S.B. SATURDAY, JULY 13th 5:30 P. M. FRANK CROSS Candidate for LIEUT. 60VLS3:E HEADACH ^ Capudine Capudine contains contains 4 4 sotciills special!) A selected ingredients that work, together to give quick relief from headache and neuralgia. Follow directions on label. liquid CAPUDINE. Judge J. M. C. “Red” TOWNSEND Speaking in Behalf of & £• D. Rivers ■**1 'i for GOVERNOR / At County Court House, Rome, Ga., Saturday, 8 to 8:30 P. M. Hear him over radio stations WRGA, Rome; WGAA, Cedar town; WBLJ, Dalton; and WAPO, Chattanooga Better Be Safe Than Sorry I INSURE YOUR CAR AGAINST INJURY TO OTHERS AT A VERY SMALL COST PER YEAR. ALSO FIRE INSURANCE ON YOUR HOME. SEE— ★ ★ H. F. Allison TRENTON, GEORGIA mm’