The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, July 11, 1946, Image 8
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1946 lTo the Citizen of Dade Co. A PERSONAL MESSEGE FROM ' HENDERSON LANHAM Candidate For Congress From the Seventh District (To Succeed M. C. Tarver) It’s Time To Act! Friends of Dade County, for several weeks 1 have talked with you in The Trenton Times about the increasing dissatisfaction of the people of the Seventh District with what is happening in Congress. You have told me, We are ready for a Change, and I believe you are sincere. My opponent, Mr. Tarver, is again seeking reelection. . He has been in Congress for Twenty years and he has drawn from you tax payers over a quarter of a million dollars in I salaries for himself and members of his family! What have you received for the money you have paid him? So far, Mr. Tarver has not even offered so much as a PLANK in his platform, let alone a platform. What Is He For? Who Is He For? He Doesnt Say! Mr. Tarver has been on the public payroll Too Long! He has voted for the big money interests much, much Too' Long! NEXT WEDNESDAY IS YOUR CHANCE TO RID YOURSELF OF HIM. IT IS TIME TO ACT! Sincerely your friend, UendeAAati £anAcun. WEDNESDAY IS “L” DAY! If you see fit to elect me, one of the first things I want to Men died that might Vote.. do is hold a you meeting i n Vote for whomever you please. Dade County But Keep the faith next to which every Wednesday! body in the county will be invited! I want YOU to tell ME what you think should be done in Congress. You have read my platform of Better Pay for Teachers, Federal Aid for Farm Markets, More Low Cost Homes for our Veterans, More Rural Electrification, and More Effective Legislation in Congress! I will appreciate Your Support on July Seventeenth. WIN WITH HENDERSON LANHAM WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 Card Of Thanks We wish to thank our many for the sympathy shown us during the illness and after the death of our father, W. T. Beckham, and also for the many beautiful flowers. H. E. Beckham. Jewel Phillips. Lucille Blevins. Gertrude Hawkins. Dade County & Post No. 106 American Legion meets every 1st and 3rd Satur¬ days at 8 P. M. at the Legion Hall. All World War Veterans invited to attend our meetings. Douglas E. Morrison, Com. Max Page, Adjutant. ELECT FORMER JUDGE BUTLER JUDGE OF THE COURT OF APPEALS Born, Reared and Educa¬ ted in Georgia. Thirty years experience as Judge and in active practice of low in Georgia. VOTE FOR EARL W. BUTLER , JULY 17 NEED ANY BUILDING DONE A SEE l“ 1 k W. M. DOWDEY ► At Trenton, Georgia Builder and General Contractor j t Free Estimates r i DRINK (£^(De& 5* TRADE-MARX USE Cold Preparation Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Use Only As Directed RE-ELECT WALTER McDONALL> TO YOUR PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION Walter McDonald led the successful nine year I fight before the Interstate Commerce Commission for fair freight rates for Georgia and the entire Jjpf South. During the going war when other costs were up, the Public Service Commission, under Walter Mc¬ Donald’s able leadership made reductions in utili¬ ty rates saving Georgians five million dollars an¬ nually. His character, integrity and ability are proven by his repeated re-election to this office and his elec¬ tion as Chairman by his fellow Commissioners. 11E SOLICITS YOUR SUPPORT ON HIS RECORD OF PUBLIC SERVICE ALI EX CHAPPELL WANTS YOUR VOTE FOR PUBLIC SLRVICL COMMISSIONER 'SCAT? pi *L 11 _____ 'yAJU. . I TARPAULINS FORGES :: ANVILS :: VISES CORN SHELLERS :: ROOFING # * * I CHATTANOOGA HARDWARE CO. | 2615 South Broad Street :: Chattanooga Tennessee v m . - DESIRABLE REAL ESATE CLOSE IN FOR SALE CORNER LOT IN TRENTON—CLOSE IN— HAS GARAGE AND TWO OTHER OUTBUILDINGS. FIVE BUILDING LOTS NEXT TO SCHOOL BUILDING IN TRENTON—$200 AND UP. iOO-FOOT BUILDING LOTS ON U. S. HIGHWAY NO. 11 1 y 2 MILES FROM TRENTON—LOTS 300 TO 360 FT. DEEP. THIS IS MOST DESIRABLE PROPERTY—PRICED RIGHT. FOR BEST PRICES ON REAL ESTATE—SEE MADDOX J. HALE TRENTON GEORGIA. H III ET 9 K Jg Radical Leaders of CIO Political Action Committee! Vote for the man whom they oppose because he would not and will not allow their domination of Georgia’s Department of Labor! Defy these radical leaders yourself! Vote for your present Commission¬ er of Labor! Vote for Ben T. Huiet! VOTE FOR and RE-ELECT BEN T. HUIET Commissioner of labor of Georgia PRIMARY JULY 17, 1946 "Sveny “DeaC Syuane 'Deal"