The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, December 19, 1946, Image 6
r ........ .......... SPORTS ------ HJ 1 e g'g"5~B~Z~B~C 6 £■ t'l'B’TT 5 e I c 61#"fe Basketball DYER'S GIRLS WIN OVER DAVIS HI; HARD FOUGHT GAME MUCH ENJOYED Basket bail teams are most joyed when two well teams meet, and in a clean, fought game, show their with the better team winning Such a game was played Dyer’s Girls and Davis Hi basket ball teams Saturday evening, Dec 14. in the Dade Hi gymnasium, and the large gal- ing, enjoyed it to the fullest lery of sports loving fans attend- Dyer’s Girls won over Davis Hi by a score of 41 to 33. Mary Frances Warren, won high score points for Dyer’s Girls, while Miss Gaddis of Da¬ vis Hi led her team in highest point numbers- The line up ar.d and scores made by eacr. m are fol- lows Dyer’s Team LINE CP Davis Hi 24—Warren F Gaddis—15 14—Hibbs F McAbee—10 3—Allen F Jones— 8 Robinson F Guards Williams Yates Page Young Dyer Ivey Cureton Murdock Ren f roe Gray Tinker CARSON-NEWMAN (OI.IFf.F. TEAM VICTORS OVER THE LEGIONNAIRES In one of the mast interesting and hard fought games they have played since the opening of the season, Dade’s Legion Post 106 basket ball team lost to Car- son-Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn , last Saturday even¬ ing, December 14, by a score of 23-27. The game was played in the Dade Hi gymnasium, with a large crowd of enthusiastic sports fans being present. Two Trenton boys, who are students of Carson-Newman Col¬ lege and members of their bas¬ ketball team, played against their old Dade county buddies, giving good account of them¬ selves during the game. Under the direction and train¬ ing of Coach Max Page the Dade County Legionnaires are devel¬ oping Into a top ranking team that will be able to meet any and ail comers without fear of defeat, or at least making wor¬ thy foes for all they meet dur¬ ing the season. DADE HIGH GIRLS WIN BOYS LOOSE Mary Jo Smith—Reporter We are very proud of the Dade High girls who beat the FARMERS' HARDWARE Lard Cans, each 55c Pots, Pans-—Pure Aluminum, New WAR SURPLUS SUPPLIES Large White Enamel Pitchers, each 75c White Enamel Pans, Different Shapes and Sizes, 10c to 70c Come In and See What Else We Have PATRONIZE A HOME STORE Morrison Hardware & Supply Co. Trenton Georgia THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THIR:>DA\, DECEMBER 19, 1946. a 0 f Com FROM OLD DADE HI ° By Cornie Connie a o The Corn Editor e Of sTTnnrirTTrrireinrtt~6~irtrtrs^ Oh; The Senior Play reaily dld come off with a loud bang Due to the fact that the weather was very bad, there wasn’t a very big crowd but, despite all of that we made over S72.00 Suppose we talk about a few of the charac¬ ters. • • • Let’s start with Elizabeth Wallen who was very stunning in a grey wool dress trimmed in anc j a jso had that handsome Pat Light as her husband. • • • Betty Hunt was exquisite in a brown and white checked af¬ fair and was also kissed by the boy with those beautiful brown eyes. Bill Riddle. • • • Mary Jo Smith was very love¬ ly in a blue suit, but Babs Hasty topped them all when she ap¬ peared in a pink taffata hooped skirt! Did she get some wolf calls. • • • All the boys were handsome and Billie Keaton looked espec- nice in . a confederate , , . un- iform. * * * Red Jenkins did some very nice acting and also James Ryan, who was very fond of hot' toddy. • • • Alice Reeves, Connie Johnson. and Charles Smyth played the parts of negro servants- * * • That is enough about the: play so let’s say we are glad to; hear that Babs Hasty is recover- girls 47-33 The and ...... their —— scores 23—Riddle Espy—13 1—Hunt Kimble—10 23—Dyer Garner 10 Smith Peppers Wallen Brewer Holtzhower Cook Subs for Dade; Sullivan, Chap man. Lea- Subs for Lyerly; Crawford, Pep¬ pers, Jones, Love Rowells. We are also proud of the boys as they put up a very good foght, losing 27 to 40 to Lyerly. The scores; 8—Hawkins Gaylor—15 10—Bradford Stallings—16 1— Riddle Bishop—4 2— Williams Crawford—5 Keeton Morgan 1 6—Woodyard ay DADE HIGH SPLITS WITH LEE HIGH Mary Jo Smith—Reporter On Dec- 10th, Dade High Boys defeated the Lee High Boys 34- 31 It was a very close game. Bradford lead with 17 points. The individual scores were as follows: — 9—Hawkins Smith—9 17—Bradford Roberts—4 2—Williams Stjeaw—6 2—Woodyard Smith—5 4—Riddle Wallace—7 Subs for , Dade—Koger, ^ v Combs Powell, Brandon, Gray. Subs for Lee High—Wallace. Crowder, Green, Hobbs. It was not the winning night for the Girls Team. Riddle led with 16 points. The scores: 1—Hunt Mallicoat— S 16— Riddle McNalley! Lea Ramey— 18 ( 1 Wallen Hinch Smith Robertson Hasty Malone Subs for Dade — Holtzhower, Chapman, Sullivan. Subs for Lee—Arnold. Robin¬ son' 2), Swanson Hipp, Cantrell, Mallis, Davis, Duncan, Fowler. Card Of Thanks I wish to use this method to thank my friends for the lovely cards, flowers, visits and kind expressions I received while in hospital, and since my return home. I sincerely thank every one- Mrs. Asa Reeves. Rising Fawn, Ga , RFD 1- TO SING CAROLS CHRISTMAS EVE On Christmas eve, the Meth¬ odist League will sing carols to those in Trenton who put lighted candles at thier windows. To avoid missing those who would especially like to hear the carolers, they are asked to send a card to Elene Dyer. A special invitation is extended to all members of the League to be present at the church at seven-thirty. ing from a badly sprained arm • * • Most of the Seniors went to see Santa Claus Saturday Hope they had good luck • • • The Senior girls have finished their Home Nursing course and have received beautiful pins which they have all earned • • • The boys certainly have been enjoying the mistletoe that hangs over the doors of all the rooms. Don't look now but is that Dorothy Pay Jenkins in the door? • • • We hate to say it but all the com has run out of the bottle oh’ excuse us> we mean off the cob so will have to evaporate. Cornie Connie Praise from the common peo¬ ple is generally false, and rather follows the vain than the virtu ous.—Bacon. VITtiANS • WHOUSAUtl • RETAILERS • JOBBERS • EXPORTERS • MANUFACTURERS a* O VISIT OUR z * o MODERNISTIC MODER DISPLAY ROOM . / HUNDREDS HIJNC OF SURPLUS ITEMS 2 PRICED FOR QUICK SALE : > at 3 CUSTOMER SERVICE DIVISION ! ] ►- U EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS < FOR “DROP IN” BUYERS : U. D Z We sell it if it's Surplus In the United States " < ... ... 2 Z WAR ASSETS ADMINISTRATION ■ < 699 Ponce de Leon Ave., N. E. A?!a«f ■* * "a. j m I»v AT US NON-PROFIT INSTITUTIONS • UDERAL AGENCIES • STATE & LOCAL GOVcKNM»sr> steady market for PULP WOOD makes Tree Growing more profitable than ever . . says r. f. burch, Former Commissioner of Natural Resources of Georgia "Because of the steady market for pine for pulpwood, I can now count on regular harvests from my woods as well as from my fields,” says Mr. Burch, whose holdings in Dodge County (Eastman, Ga.) are ull productive. Continues Mr. Burch, Because it uses a raw material which can be easily grown on land that may not support profitable field crops, the pulp and paper industry gives me and other landowners in the Southeast an opportunity to cash in on acres which were once unproductive.” • Would you like to know how pinr bfooniM pa [xt? Send 1 binning his trees for pulpwood at regular intervals adds Mr. Burch’s for this short pictorial des¬ to cription. It is free. Address: income. As the growth of worked-out turpentine trees is negligible, Woodlands Division, Union good forestry calls for their removal. Remaining trees grow faster Bag & Paper Corporation, which results in further increased income when they turpentined Savannah, Georgia. are or sold as sawmill timber. lAIO.Y BAG & PAPER CORPORATION Savannah, Ga. ^ Hard of a series of advertisements in which Southeastern Citizens point how manufacturing business converting home-grown out a , a raw material into finished products, contributes to the prosperity of the region it serves. RESIDENCE PHONE 6-0495 BUSINESS PHONE 6-9528 C. F. KING OPTOMETRIST 17 EAST MAIN STREET -:- CHATTANOOGA, TENN. a OOOQOQOOO CXJOO'J OOQOQQOOO O OOOOOOOOOCOOOOO &J OOOOOl ROBINSON & VICK RADIO AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SERVICE EXPERT WORKMEN—SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WE ARE BOTH GRADUATE CRAFTSMEN OF NATIONAL RADIO INSTITUTE EFFICIENT SERVICE AND SATISFIED CUSTOMERS IS OUR FIRST OBJECTIVE WORKSHOP LOCATED IN I. H. WHEELER’S SUPER STORE BUILDING Trenton, Georgia oo^^^^nn rwinnnn c io o o oo o oocaooeoo oooonnrrfi Qeo^