Newspaper Page Text
:al and Personal
News Items
I Ipturned Mrs- Claude S. Turner
nrf visit to
from a
Green wood, b.
Mrs- J. M. Austin of
nd Kv" week end
$ t ; were
Mr and Mrs. Frank
7d Mrs. Sidney guests Williams of Mr
L rtford. Ky., have
De witt Williams,
fed to their home- Sr„ visited
T h Wheeler, family
joe Wheeler and
m pien. last week.
and Mrs- A. B. Fleming
last week with Miss Eliza
at Pell City, Ala.
Forester, son of Mr. and
Elbert Forester is ill at
and Mrs. Frank H. Nichol-
b-j' \kron, Ohio spent several
■he first of the week with
lid Mrs. W. H. Brock,
and Mrs. W. H. Brock were
of friends at Lookout
^Saturday "l and evening. family went
pyan Bennett
fishing trip to
khich is above Hale's Bar
fie 4th- returned to
|de Owens has
ange Ga-, after a 10 days
on. He is specialty man
obacco Company.
[r. and Mrs. W. R. Gifford
relatives and friends on
(Mountain over the week
land Mrs. W. D. Newcastle,
Page,) visited Mrs. Rose
ggin in Chattanooga over
feek end.
and Mrs. Walter Page
1 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cousins
eenville, Tenn., last week
L. M. Allison and L. M-
land Int; to Chattanooga Monday,
Mrs. E. A. Ellis with
were on a fishing trip
rrior River.
Latchey Hope and Mrs.
Austin of Chattanooga were
ky dinner guests of Mr. and
A. Ellis.
nates indicate that farm-
kday are using less than
birds as much labor per
If product as they did in
Ranger s Report
Our welfare depends upon trees.
—and has from the beginning
of our history. 500 years before
Columbus, white men voyaged
from Iceland to harvest our trees.
Our first industries manufact¬
ured wood products; our first
commerce shipped wood products
to Europe.
From the beginning, our
forests have been friend and
servant. They have provided
fuel, shelter, weapons, tools, fer¬
tilizers, paper and many other
common necessities of life—and
still do.
Generations of Americans have
in 300 years harvested more than
seven trillion board feet of
forest products.
Now—after using wood to make
invented by man, science prom¬
ises to increase the value of our
forest harvest by giving wood
countless new uses.
Rising Fawn News
Miss Ruth Wilson
Mr. Bobby McCormick of Bir¬
mingham, Ala., is visiting Mr.
and Mrs- J. D. Gossett and
daughter, Martha.
Misses Evelyn and Opal Hill
are visiting Virginia ann and
Margaret Kenimer.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Smith of
Pensacola, Fla., are visiting Mr.
anr Mrs. J- R. Smith and family
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wilson
and family.
Mr. and Mrs- J. P. White and
daughter Betty June of Chatta¬
nooga, spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Woodin and
Miss Edna White.
Mrs. A1 Hadden spent Sunday
with her sister, Mrs. Ruth Carter
of Rossville, Ga-
Rev. A1 Hadden spent Sunday
in Dalton, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Atkins of
Crossville, Tenn., spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Atkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boren and
daughter, Patricia, are visiting
Mr. Boren’s parents in Rock
Island, Tenn.
Miss Connie Johnson of Tren¬
ton visited Miss Frances Hale last
Mrs. Clara Reeves and son,
Douglas of Alton Park visited Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Castleberry and
family last week.
Come In and Try On
These Cooling Cottons!
PATTI MORGE JUNIORS, Styled with Cap Sleeves, and
Slender Self-Material Belt --------------------- $6.95
Wear this Square-Necked, Button Front Plaid t rock with
its perky Bow on one shoulder, sizes 9, 13, 15, Only $7.95
lint ■ Fresh Voile and Seersucker Dresses --14 - 44
$2.95 and $3.50—Children’s Seersucker styles, 6 to 14, Only $3.20
Cloth of Gold Print Maternitv Dresses at Only -------- $ 2 - 9S
We have one lot Ladies’ and Children’s Dresses at Special
Rates; also one lot Ladies’ Hand Bags, $3 values at $1.00
e w Shipment of Dress Goods That Have Summer
Eye - Appeal
Bates “Sun ”Batiste, Country per yard ------------- 85c
Erinkle Krepe, per yard _____________________________
•fetonne In Floral Designs That Will Not Fade
Blue, Green, Pink and Wine, at, per yard 29c and -------- 4Sc
SHEETS-As Good Bargains as You’ll Find Anywhere!
FOLK TRENTON SOLDIERS—Four Trenton, Ga., youths yesterday afternoon signed enlistment
papers after roving recruiter, S/Sgt. Curtis L. McRae, sold them on army chow. Those in the photo,
left to right, are Jack Young, William Hampton, Roy Haskell Combs, Leonard Summerford and the
recruiter. AI1 four will be sent to ordnance units for their three year tour of duly.—(Staff Photo
by John Goforth.) $ O *
Mrs. M. R. Wilson and daugh¬
ter, Jackie, attended the Hamill
reunion at Hixon, Tenn., Sunday.
Mrs. Sally Hale and daughters
visited Miss Sarah Hale Friday.
Mrs. Troupe Castleberry and
children of Birmingham, Ala., are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
Bradford and boys.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fricks and
daughter, Anna Marie, arevisit-
ing Mrs. Fricks parents.
Patsy Lassiter of Chattanooga
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charlie
L. M- Allison, Jr’s., cousin of
Rome, Ga., is visiting him here.
Mr. Owen Woodyard and son,
Owen Jr-, of Virginia are visiting
their family here.
Among the visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Wiley Dean Friday were
Mr. and Mrs- Dennis Dean and
daughter, Flora Belle, Mr. and
Mrs. Billo Gass of Trenton, Mr.
and Mrs. Jay Castleberry and
daughter, Melba, Mr. and Mrs-
Kenneth Woodyard and daugh¬
ter, Margaret and Corine Little
were Sunday guests.
Mrs- W. J. Harrison of Cedar
Grove, Ga, and Mrs. Evatt of
Texas spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs- Fred Harrison.
McClellan Gearrin has return¬
ed from a vacation in Houston,
Mayhew, — John Franklin, 76,
died at his home in Hooker, Ga-,
Saturday night, June 21st. He
is survived by his wife; three
daughters; Mrs. C. M. Smith,
Hooker; Mrs. Brad Doyle, White-
side, Tenn.; Mrs. Tom Carroll,
Wildwood ; two sons, Frank, of
West Frankfort, 111., and Joe No.,
of Trenton; seventeen grand¬
children and thirteen great¬
grandchildren. Funeral services
were held at the Hooker Church
of Christ at 4 o’clock Wednesday
afternoon, the Rev. Joe Weir and
the Rev. John Reeves officiating.
Active pallbearers were the
grandsons of the deceased; hon¬
orary, Byron Pope, I. H. Wheeler,
Jr., J. J. Doyle, R. S. Townsend,
Dr. J. Tom Curry, A. W. Peck,
Iterment was in the Hooker
Cemetery. Arrangements were
by J. Avery Bryan Company.
r frrsTnmnr5Tnnnj"6“o oo obtr 'Qtb
Rising Fawn’s well talented
baseball team continued their
mastery over the Lookout Valley
Baseball League Sunday, when
they defeated the strong Ryall
Springs team by a score of 4 to 1.
This game was highlighted by
the strong hitting of Tom Castle¬
berry and the close pitching of
Leslie Wilson.
Manager Dean repeats that
all who can make plans to be
at Rising Fawn next Sunday, do
so when Rising Fawn tangles
with Rock Springs in a double
header that is sure to provide
plenty of thrills and good base¬
Score of last Sunday’s game:
Rising Fawn 4 7 1
Ryall Springs 14 4
Batteries: Wilson and Smith.
Dyer and Brown.
J. E. Strawn, Roy Brown, Joe
Roope, Mack Carroll, C- F. Law-
son, Ordell Ginn, Robert Boyd,
Milton Redding, J. R. Miller,
W. P. Cole, and W. H. Dugan.
FOR SALE—Doyle Estate,- all of
Lot No. 72 in the 10th DistAcft
and 4th Sec. of Dade County,
Ga. Approx. 160 acres, min¬
eral and timber rights includ¬
ed. Write Mrs. Maude Doyle
Newman, 4921 Seventh Ave. S.,
Birmingham 6, Alabama-
Made to Order—Built-In Cab¬
inets. W. M. Dowdey, Tren¬
ton, Ga. pd. Sept 25
with waives. 25 notes for 75c.
at The Times Office. tf
Notes—25 for 40c, at The Times
Office. tf
per. Prices 25c up. tf
FOR Avon Products see
Mrs. DeWitt Williams
Trenton, Ga. It- pd
FOR SALE 9 OIC and Hamp¬
shire Pigs.
J- E. Fellors % Williams Motoe
Company 2t pd
uojuajx ‘as «3 sauiuf aas
•3[bs jcj s2id Q -j o pio-qaa.u-8
‘aija^cjui ‘-3AV uau^J
isna i Suii ‘Zif A\69f auoHrf
‘9SS xog ‘AvoipjtAl
•sjojejaSujaa aujaaia oav)
pun ‘saxoq aai ‘aanguanj ‘saAOjs
H°oa P«oo—-apnjx -n> 31VS JOJ
FOR SALE—milk and butter. See
5'R. E. A. ElHs, Trenton J6t P*
Sealed proposals will be received by the State Highway De¬
partment of Georgia at the General Office at No. 2 Capitol Square,
Atlanta, Georgia, until 11 A. M. Eastern Standard time, July 25,
1947, and publicly opened for furnishing all labor, material, equip¬
ment and other things necessary for the construction of 3.437
miles of grading and surface treated road located in Dade County
on what is locally known as the State Route 58 to Georgia-Ten-
nesse Line road, FAS Route No. 811. Beginning at the intersec¬
tion with State Route 58 approximately 1.2 miles north of Wild¬
wood and extending to the Georgia-Tennessee State line, other¬
wise known as Federal Aid Secondary Project S 97 (1) in Dade
County. The work will be let in one contract.
42.312 Acres Clearing and Grubbing (Lump Sum)
1.500 Acres Random Clearing and Grubbing (Per Acre)
82271 Cu. Yds. Unclassified Excavation & Barrow, Incl. Ditch and
Shoulder Construction
120) Cu. Yds. Channel Excavation
770 Cu. Yds. Excavation for Culvert & Minor Structures
525 1 Si-a. Yds. Overhaul on Excavation
490 Lin. Ft. 15" Pipe SD
40 Lin. Ft. 24’’ Pipe SD
20 Lin. Ft. 30” Pipe SD
569 Lin. Ft. 18" Pipe CD
158 Lin. Ft. 24” Pipe CD
359 Lin. Ft. 30” Pipe CD
232 Lin. Ft. 36” Pipe CD
124 Lin. Ft. 36" Pipe CD 12 Ga- C. M-
239 Lin. Ft. 48” Pipe CD
336 Lin. Ft. Culvert Pipe Removed SD or CD
90 Lin. Ft. Culvert Pipe Relaid CD
267.742 Cu. Yds. Class “A” Concrete Culverts
23878 Lbs. Bar Reinforcing Steel
100 Sq. Yds. Plain Rip Rap
47850 Sq. Yds. Grassing of Slopes & Shoulders-Sprigging
46 Each Concrete R/W Markers
2 Each Posts for FAP Markers
2 Each Plates for FAP Markers
2 Each Arrows for FAP Markers
5 Cu. Yds- Selected Material for Culvert Foundation
12144 Cu. Yds. Subgrade Treatment Material
21926 U. Yds. Overhaul on Subgrade Treatment Material
130.77 Sq. Yds- Plain Sand Cement Bag Rip Rap
21 Cu. Yds. Rubble Masonry Removed
4 Each Timber Bridge Removed
1429 Sq, Yds. Strip Sod Ditch Checks
5 Sq. Yds. Concrete Sidewalk Remove
9138 Cu. Yds- Chert Base Class "A”
18536 U. Yds. Overhaul on Chert Base
13546 Gal. Tar Prime
16509 Gal. Hot Application Bituminous Material
11005 Gal Hot Application Bituminous Material-Liquid Seal
826 Ton Coarse Aggregate Cover Material
551 Ton Fine Aggregate Cover Material "
36300 Sq. Yds. Finishing and Dressing
Said work shall begin within ten (10) days after formal exe¬
cution of contract and shall be completed within 180 working
days. When contract has been executed, written notice shall be
given the Contractor, at which time, and not before, work may
be started.
Contract executed pursuant to this Notice is binding on the
State Highway Department, as such. Said contract will not create
liability, expressed or implied, against the undersigned Director of
the State Highway Department, as an individual nor against any
employee of the State Highway Department, in his or her individ¬
ual capacity.
The minimum wage to be paid under this contract shall be
the amounts set out in the Labor Provisions Included in the Pro¬
posal. The attention of bidders is directed to the Special Provis¬
ions covering employment of labor, methods of construction, sub¬
letting or assigning the contract and to the use of Domestic Mar
terials. ......
Plans and specifications are on file at the office of the un¬
dersigned in Atlanta, and at Gainesville, Georgia, and at the office
of the Board of County Commissioners of Dade County at Trenton,
Georgia, where they may be inspected free of charge. Copies of
the plans may be obtained upon payment in advance of the sum
of $8.10. Copies of the General Specifications may be obtained
upon the payment in advance of the sum of $2.50, which sums
will be refunded.
Proposals must be submitted on Regular forms, which will
be supplied by the undersigned, and may be obtained by the pay¬
ment, in advance of $5 00 for each proposal issued. When the
proposal is submitted, it must be accompanied by a certified check,
cashier’s check, negotiable United States Bonds, or other accept¬
able security in the amount of $4500.00 and must be plainly
marked "Proposal for Road Construction,” County and Number,
and show the time of opening as advertised. Check of the low
bidder will be cashed and all other checks will be returned as
soon as the contract is awarded, unless it is deemed advisable by
the State Highway Department to hold one or more checks. If
any unusual condition arises, the State Highway Department re¬
serves the right to cash all checks. Bidders Bond will not be
Bond will be required of the successful bidder as required
by law. The bond must be written by a licensed Georgia Agent
in a company licensed to write Surety Bonds in the State of Geor¬
gia, and be accompanied by a certificate, from the Department
of Industrial Relations that the contractor is complying with the
Georgia Workmen's Compensation Act.
Contracts will not be awarded to contractors who have not
been placed on the list of qualified Contractors prior to the date
of award. No proposal will be issued to any bidder later than
12 Noon Eastern Standard time of the day prior to the date of
opening bids.
All bids must show totals for each item and total amount
of bid. Right is reserved in the undersigned to delay the award
of the contract for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days from
the date of opening bids, during which period bids shall remain
open and not subject to withdrawal. Right is also reserved in
the undersigned to reject any and all bids and to waive all
Upon compliance with the requirements of the Standard
Specifications, Ninety (90) percent of the amount of work done
in any calendar month will be paid for by the 25th. day of the
succeeding month, provided that payrolls have been submitted
as required and the remainder within thirty (30) days after the
Final Estimate is approved by the Engineer.
This the 7th day of July,. 1947.
On© Way Bus Faro i-
Jacksonville _____ $ 6.80
Miami __________ $11.15
Detroit _____<_____ $ 8.50
New Orleans _____ $ 7.35
Hot Springs _____ $ 8.40
Memphis ________ $ 4.05
Atlanta __________ $ 1.44
Rome, Ga. _______ $ 1.55
Nashville, Tenn. _ $ 2.30
Chattanooga ______ $ .35
Fort Payne, Ala.-. $ .75
Gadsden, Ala. ____ $ 1.50
Birmingham, Ala. $ 2.30
Anniston, Ala. ___ $ 1.95
Knoxville, Tenn. _ $ 1.55
Alabama City, Ala. $ 1.44
Charter a Bus
Keep your crowd together in
a. big luxurious Greyhound
Chartered bue. maximum
pleasure at minimum o oat.
Ask your nearast Greyhound
Agent for full Information.
H y^
Sand Mountain News
Mrs Una Belle Stone
Pat Wheeler will preach at the
Church of Christ next Sunday.
Everyone is invited. Bro. Sneed
from Chattanooga really preach-
ed a splendid sermon Sunday.
Mrs. Margaret Swafford of
Athens, Ga., and her daughter,
Mrs. Ida Belle Long of Salt Lake
City, and J. M. Breedlove spent
the week end with relatives here.
Mrs- Millie E. Daniel and Mrs.
Una Belle Stone and children
spent the Fourth with their son
and brother, Logan Daniel, and
Mr. Little is visiting his broth¬
er here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Woodall
visited Mrs. Millie E. Daniel last
Mrs. Lonie Carroll has gone to
visit friends on Lookout Moun¬
tain, after a few days with her
friends here.