The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, January 08, 1948, Image 3
Hooker Colored Mrs. Lula D. Hurt Mr. and Mrs. Andrew announce the birth of a on Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marion, Kenneth and Roberts. Sue Evelyn and Paris attended a show In anooga Saturday. Sue Evelyn Haris left for Chattanooga to Howard High School where is a junior this year. Saturday January 3rd. was teacher Mrs. Hurt’s We could not see any on her cake therefore we HAYSTAKER and SWEEPRAKE ATTACHMENTS Now Available On “OTTAWA PARMER'’ LOADER. Even the toughest haying job can be done better and faster with Ottawa Farmer Haystacker and Sweeprake attachments. And with FORK or BUCKET attachment, the Ottawa Farmer LOADS MANURE, SAND, .GRAIN, GRAVEL, EARTH and other bulk materials. NOW, the Ottawa Farmer Loader can be used on any one of 18 POPULAR TRACTORS by making a few pimple, quick, easy changes. FREE Illustrated FOLDER ON REQUEST POWER EQUIPMENT COMPANY 600 W. Manning St. — Chattanooga, Tenn. PHONE 6-1214 A L One Lot Children’s Dresses, values up to $3.00; Now only, each 98c Ladies’ Good Chambray Dresses $ 2.50 IN GREEN, RED AND BROWN STRIPES OTHER DRESSES AS LOW AS 98 CENTS Wool Jumpers, Regular Price $9.95, Now $ 6.95 Ladies’ and Children’s Heavy Winter Coats $4.00 up Children’s Heavy Leggin Suits . . $ 5.95 IN SIZES 2, 3 AND 4 Children’s Cotton and Rayon Panties 19c pair 54 - in. Wool Material in Dark Colors, per Yard $ 1.00 ALL WOOL SKIRTS MARKED DOWN BARGAINS IN BLANKETS Cotton, Double . $ 2.39 5 Percent Wool, Double $ 3.95 and $ 5.50 50 Percent Wool, Single $ 5.25 100 Percent Wool, Single $ 10.00 REDUCED PRICES on all MEN’S and BOYS’ JACKETS DYER MERCANTILE CO TRENTON, GEORGIA THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1948. still guessing how old she However she received many able presents from her friends. School opened Monday with a nice group of children present a: -d all were glad to be back in -chool after a nice two weeks j holiday. Everyone feels happy and ready for work. We would like to thank Mrs. Morrison for making it possible x ' to . , have th ^ ^, „ Co or us e ° a “ n y T,mes m our sch „ ° o1 ' We hope for her a Happy New Year and many more to come. Happy New Year Mrs. Catherine Morrison many thanks Hooker School Children and Teacher. --- The loss of material objects of affection sunders the domi- r.ant ties of earth and points to heaven.—Mary Baker Eddy. New Salem News Mr.® and Mrs. Tom were Sunday dinner guests of and Mrs. Roy Moore. Roy Cecil have moved into their home on Lookout They have very good our County Agent and wife and Mrs. L. C. Adams. Glad to see Mrs. Moore able to attend our meeting Saturday night, also an( t Mrs. John Logan. The New P. T. A. seems to j very active although just | started. We are glad to Mrs. Terrence Moore for dent. They have eri’.te a sum of money raised to-ward electric stove for the lunch Vacations over and boys girls are back in class-rooms the last semester. We hope have some good report these next few months. Wishing our Paper and Staff a prosperous year. We enjoy our County paper very much. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Bradford and son, and Cortez Moore have ^one to Miami, Fla. Mr. Jack Neal went with his daughter and two little grand¬ daughters to Texas for a visit. Trenton Garden Club The Garden Club of Trenton at the home of Mrs. Jules Case on Thursday afternoon, January 1. Mesdames S. L. W .F. Morrison and G. C. were associate hostesses. Mrs. Roy McBryar gave a review of the Bulletin and Gateways. Mrs. Mc¬ also notified the club of change of the beginning of Garden Club year from April January. It was decided to on this change at the next Plans were discussed for cel¬ the twentieth anniver¬ of the club in February. The president, Mrs. E. L. Raul- appointed Mesdames S. J. S. L. Sells and H. F. Allison serve as nominating commit¬ for the election of officers the next meeting. Th February meeting will be on the 6th of the month. SPORTS BASKET BALL January 2 Dyer’s Girls 23—Rising Fawn Rising Fawn 29—Legion 25 The Rising Fawn and Independents split a header last Friday night. Girls won 23—21 with Mary high point for Dyer’s and da Allen high point for Fawn. Playing for Dyer’s Girls were: Ryan 11, Robinson 8, Cureton 4, Dyer, Wallin, Page, and Dantzler. For the Rising Fawn team Allen 17, I. Cagle 2, Castleberry 2, Hibbs, Williams, J. Cagle, Harrison, and Cochran. The Rising Fawn boys won over the Legion 29—25 with Allen highpoint man for Rising Fawn and Dyer for Trenton. Playing for Rising Fawn were: Allen 10, Guinn 7, Hibbs, Wallen and Johnson with 4 points each. On the Legion team were: Dyer 8. Page 7, Bradford 5, Wilson 3, and Hixon 2. -o-- DADE HIGH SCHOOL TEAMS Dade Qirls 25—Lakeview 19 Dade Boys 13—Lakeview 26. The Dade—Lakeview basket ball game was a great success, at least the Dade girls think so. They played a wonderful game and walked away with a 25—19 victory. The score was tied several times. Rose Dyer was high point for Dade with 10 points. The Lakeview boys beat the boys 26—13. Renfroe was high with 5 points for Dade. Girls of the Dade team were: Dyer 10, Riddle 9, Chapman 4, Castleberry, Keeton, Wallin and Sullivan. On the boys team were: Ren¬ froe 5, Harris 4, Smith 2, Brandon 2, and Fisher. Ranger’s Report Too many fires in the county last month (December) and most of them due to carelessness. In all 226 acres were burned. Dec. 4—On Sand Mountain on Bros.’ property near D. P. acres burned. Dec. 20—On Fox Mountain on the Milldeton-McClure property 100 acres burned. Dec. 22—In Johnson’s Crook Dr. Hansard’s property—50 burned. Dec. 23—On Lookout Mountain Pat Gillen’s property near Clark place—1 acre burned. Dec. 27—On Sand Mountain the Wiley Tinker property— 1 25 acres burned. Property owners seem to be that they should help suppress and control fires. | Georgia Fire Laws in Section (b) it states in part: . . . . Any person, firm or cor-' responsible either for, starting or the existence of fire is hereby required to or extnguish it immedi¬ and if such person, firm corporation shall refuse or to do so, any organized suppression force may sup¬ the nuisance thus consti¬ by controlling and extin¬ the fire, and the cost may be recovered from responsible person, firm or ELECTRIC WIRING It may cost twice as much to to a wiring system in a home it does to do a complete job the beginning. Electrical point out that adding equipment to a poorly- wiring system is danger¬ CULLING HERDS Removing low-producing, non- cows from the herd is for successful dairy This applies to the herd as well as to the herd. ARE YOU Reading Your bor’s Copy of The Dade County Times Do You Like Until They Have Finished Reading It,? Your Rural Mail Carrier Is Honest — Trust Him With a Letter Containing $ 2.00 For Your Own Personal Subscription For a Year ~ To The Dade Co. Times HIGHEST GRADE Black Diamond Coal Low Ash Content—It All Burns LOW PRICE Consistent With This High Quality TENNESSEE COAL ANY QUANTITY C. & T. Coal Company Rear of Wheeler’s Store P. O. Box 231 TRENTON — GEORGIA Crowing Creator Every Day! 1. TWO great COLOR magazine*, 2. 12 pages favorite comics. 3. Complete sports coverage. 4. TWO excellent editorial page*. 5. More pages of NEWS. * 6. Preferred by more Georgian*. ATLANTA JOURNAL The Journal Covers Dixie Like the Dew CRISMAN Up-To-Date Line of Hardware Chattanooga, Tennessee 511 Market St. Phone 7-11141 NOTICE Will pay reward to giving information leading recovery of my white Spitz female dog. Last near depot just before mas. Is very friendly and swers to the name of May have gotten in car or lowed someone off. Will appreciate any aid in her. Please leave word at Office or depot. 3t-l 22 Mrs. W. H. Brock. ELECTRIC WELDING Specialized Custom Welding and Machine Repairing “If It's Metal, We Will Fix It” Wc offer unexcelled service in the care and repair of ail metal parts. Bering us the broken part or a pattern and we will make Ihe new part TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS C. & T. COAL CO. BUILDING SUPPLIES Rear of Wheeler’s Store P. O. Box 321 — Trenton, Ga. ;OOQOCOOOOOG COO OOO OO OOO OC C O OOOOOO' Doors, Windows, Screens, Cabinets MADE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Ask For Estimate On Your Requirements W. M. D0WDEY Contractor and Builder In the New Concrete Building Opposite the Co-Op. Stwe TRENTON, GEORGIA ^ooeoooooooooooc oo oooo txx aooec • 'ooocooo&ooc^ooo, TRENTON WATCH SHOP ► ► Trenton, Georgia ► Precision Watch Repairing and Adjusting ► NEW GUARANTEED WATCHES ► ALSO PRECISION GUN REPAIR ► Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ► A PRfTsSlNfe CLEAN IK* 3 RED’S CLEANERS TRENTON - GEORGIA! NEW EQUIPMENT ADDED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED WANT ADS WANTED—To make long term farm loans through the Fed¬ eral Land Bank—purpose of loan to pay farm mortgages, build new buildings on farm, buy farm machinery, etc. If interested see T. W. Price, Sec.- .Treas. of the National Farm Loan Association in LaFayette each Wednesday morning at the Ordinary’s office, or write Box 12 , Dalton, Ga. 9-25—tf [ WANTED_THE NAMES OF those who have an extra copy of the large Centennial edi¬ tion of The Times which Mr. Elbert Forester published some years back. There are no copies of this edition in The Times office and we occasion¬ ally receive requests for it. WE SELL STENCILS AND MIMEOGRAPH PAPER. THE DADE COUNTY TIMES HAY FOR SALE—O 2 TAN AT $40 a ton—good hay and plenty of it. O. A. DODD, Higdon, Ala. 6t. 1-15 FOR SALE—MORTGAGE NOTES with waiveer. 25 notes for 75c. at The Times Office. tf _ g^LE GEORGIA WAIVER Notes—25 for 40c. at The Times Office. tf TRY A WANT AD IN OUR PA- per. Prices 25c up. tf He gives not best who gives most; but he gives most who gives best.—Warwick.