Newspaper Page Text
Head River News
Miss Dorothy Holtzhower
returned back to Temple
after spending the holidays
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Ross visited Mr.
Mrs. I. C. Payne in
Ga„ last week.
Misses Elizabeth and
Sue Forester entertained
night with a party at their
Guests were Mr. and Mrs.
Hardeman, Rayburn
Gerald and Ralph Logan,
Bayne, Jack and Bunk
lone and Troy Matthews,
Miller, Nellie Hunt and
Mr. and Mrs. John Konrad
as their recent guest Mr.
Mrs. Max Konrad, Mr. and
Bill Konrad and children
Mr. and Mrs. Tifton.
Gordon Forester,
Fchurch and Ruby Forester
just recovered from the
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ross
baby, and Mrs. Carl Stalvey
son rr;ade a business trip
LaFayette Monday.
Mr. John Konrad, Bill
and Raymond Ross visited
J. M. Ross and family in
Misses Elizabeth and Janie
Forester have returned to
Georgia College after
the Christmas holidays at
Raymond Ross made a
trip to Chattanooga Monday.
R'S’V F?wn News
Mrs. Ray Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith,
visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
nalr Sunday in North
Mr. Owen Woodyard has
turned to Colliersville,
after spending several days
his family.
Little Patsy Lassiter of
tanooga spent last week with
and Mrs. C. W. Hitt.
Mrs. F. A. Hall, who has
sick for several months, is
ly improving.
Dodge Introduces New Trucks
Among the 248 basic gross vehicle weight chassis models just
announced In the new Dodge “Job-Rated” truck line is this
B-l-H tractor of 128-inch wheelbase, 15,500 pounds gross vehicle
weight (1 Ll-ton nominal rating) and 28,000 pounds gross train
, weight. The trucks have many new features.
New Store
A half mile south of the
Floral Crest S. D. A. Church
On Sand Mountain
A New Store Stocked With BRAND NEW Good:
At Bargain Prices
On Mar. 11 we will give away
Absolutely Free
Five Valuable Prizes—Come
in and ask about our Prizes.
We Are In Business To SERVE YOU
I. L. Wade
Rt. 1 Long Island, Ala.
Hooker News Items
Mrs. Thelma Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Douglas of 1
Indianapolis, Ind., spent the j
Christmas holidays with Mr. and 1
Mrs. Douglas. Dan Massengale and Bobby)
Mrs. John Mayhew has return¬
ed home after spending several
days with her daughter, Mrs.
Brad Doyle, at Whiteside.
Mrs. C. M, Smith is seriously
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamill
and son, Jimmie, have moved to
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Tittle of
Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Walk¬
er Austin and children of Bridge¬
port, and Mr. and Mrs. Nat Tittle
of Chattanooga visited Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Tittle Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bell, Mrs.
Lillian Strawn and Howard
Strawn visited Mr. and Mrs.
Oscar Thomasson at Whitw.ell.
Tenn., Christmas Day.
Mr. Frank Coates is seriously
ill. His sisters, Mrs. Oscar El-
dridge and Mrs. Effie Haswell,
of Chattanooga, are with him
during his illness.
Miss Louise Johnson is a pa¬
tient at North Side Clinic in
Chattanooga, where she under-*
went an operation for appen¬
Quarterly Conference was held
at Whiteside Methodist Church
'ast Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carroll and
children of Wildwood visited Mr
and Mrs. Willie Pilgrim and Mrs
•John Mayhew Sunday.
It is of first importance to
keep all medicines labeled and
‘o have a definite place for stor¬
ing them. Never take or give
any medicines in the dark or
without reading the label care-
■fully. Keep containers marked
poison away from the medicine
•mbinet and where children can¬
not reach them.
Half the misery of the world
comes of want of courage to
speak and to hear the truth
plainly, and in a spirit of love.
H. B. Stowe.
New England News
By Mrs. Mary Patterson
We are sorry to report
the mumps are on the rage.
York’s boy, Charles, has a
Harold Howell’s small son, Donny
has them and many others.
Mrs. R. S. Wilson, returned
California with her son for
vacation. Mrs. Wilson plans
returning in the early spring.
Mrs. Long, of
spent the week end with
Mary Patterson and Mrs. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee
had as their dinner guests
day, Bro. North and wife.
Doris North spent Sunday
Martha June Derrpberry.
We are glad to report
John Cole is improving.
has been confined to her
for months but is able to be
Miss Katherine Bates, of
tanooga spent the week end
her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Bates and family.
Carl Thompson of Norton, Va.
is attending the New
Schools and making his
with his sister, Elva Crumbley.
WHEREAS, heretofore on
gust 25, 1947, J. D. Flippo
wife, Evelyn Flippo,
and delivered to Fred Long
certain security deed
the property hereinafter
scribed to secure an indebted
ness evidenced by a series
monthly notes therein
which security deed is recorded
in office of Clerk of
Court of Dade County,
in deed book No. 35, page
to which reference is made
its terms and provisions; And,
WHEREAS, default was made
in the payment of part of the
note due on November 25, 1947,
and such default having con¬
tinued for more than thirty
the holder of said notes, the said
Fred Long, has elected to de¬
clare all of said debt to be
and payable at once in ac¬
cordance with the option to do
contained in said security
and all or said, indebtedness
now in default of payment.
of the default herein above re¬
cited, and pursuant to the power
and authority contained in said
security deed the
Fred Long, being the grantee in
said security deed, and the payee
and holder of said notes, will on
Tuesday the 3rd day of February
1948, within the legal hours of
sale, at the courthouse door in
Dade County, Georgia, expose to
sale and will sell, to the best
and highest bidder for cash, at
public outcry, the following des¬
cribed real estate, being the
same property described in said
security deed, to-wit:
Being a part of original
land lot No. 291 in the 10th
district and 4th section of
Dade County, Georgia, and
lying on the west side of
what is known as the Mor¬
rison Creek Road, and also
known as the Piney Road,
described as follows:—Be¬
ginning at a pine tree on
the west side of said road,
said tree being marked with
three (3) hacks on each side,
and being also located on the
north side of a private road
which runs westwardly over
the property of W. B. Cure-
ton; thence with the north
line of said road in a west¬
erly direction a distance of
353 feet to a stone corner:
thence north and parallel
with the Morrison Creek
Road a distance of 125 feet:
thence eastwardly to a point
on said road 1?5 feet north
of the beginning corner:
thence couth along the west
side of said road 125 feet to
the beginning corner, con¬
taining one acre, more or
less, and having a frame
dwelling situated thereon.
Said nropertv will be sold
"object to a first lien made In
favor of M. J. Hale dated Julv
°5. 1947. in the principal sum
of *600.00. and will also be sold
"object to anv unnaid taxes
owing on said property.
Said property will be sold as
the property of J. D. Flippo and
oufe. Eveivn Flippo. and to di¬
gest out of the said J. D. Flinno
and wife. Evelyn Flinno. and
♦heir assigns all rights, title, in-
tpreef claim and demand they
° r either of them bav« ?n and
+ o said pronertv and to vest the
owe jo tV|p purchaser.
This January 5. 1040.
4t.—1 29. Fred Long.
By Maddox J. Hale, His Attorney.
Department 'K
Public Health
By Miss Fannielu McWhorter,
Tuescay .January 13, 12 o’clock
Typhoid—all age groups.
Smallpox—all age groups.
Diphtheria—to 7th birthday.
AdultSj infants and pre-school
children of community may re¬
ceive service.
Friday, January 16. 9 A. M.
Typhoid fever—all age groups.
Smallpox—all age groups.
Diphtheria—to the 7th birth¬
from the
At this writing, there are only
349 more shopping days until
Christmas—Shop early.-
Which reminds me, by the
way. . .Received some mighty
fine and nice Christmas presents.
Among these were some neckties
and believe it or not, I’m actually
wearing them. The ties this
season, it seems are more or
less “conservative” ; that is, more
so than usual. The reason for
this, I reckon, kind of goes along
with the story of the man who
told his neighbor to come over
and get some “roasting ears”
from his cornfield. The
neighbor informed his friend
that the roasting ears were too
“hard” and in reply the generous
giver said “h—, get hard” with
’em. The same is true about
“loud” neckties, we men have
just decided to get “loud” with
But speaking of Christmas
presents, Just about the time we
had cleaned out all the paper,
boxes, seals, strings, cards, etc.,
and the children had practically
torn up all Santa had brought
them, the writer received a big
box from Honolulu. You can
just imagine my excitement and
eagerness to see “what in the
world” would be coming to me
from such a “fer away” place.
No, your guess, just like mine, is
wrong. It was a grass skirt,
complete with the two “scant”
pieces that go with such a “gar¬
ment.” Of course, the whole
household was all up in the air. .
. .until the question of “modeling’
the outfit came up. Myra looked
upon the idea with nothing but
scorn and her answer was a flat
"NO,” and that was that. The
kids were anxious to “try it out”
but all were too small. All
were then focused on me and I
had to put up or shut up. Well,
by doggies, I never liked to back
up unless I had to, and I didn’t
in this case. Frankly, the
arrangement didn’t look so
to me until I looked in the mir¬
ror. My “lines” “detours” and
shapes were simply terrible. The
“Fluffy” thing to be worn around
the neck was the only piece of
the outfit that fit. The skirt
looked fairly well “from behind,”
but the front view was awful.
The other piece which resembled
a Halloween mask, (it wasn’t a
mask, however), didn’t come even
in the neighborhood of fitting. . .'
.this fit was worse than awful.
Have been trying to “think” of
someone who would be suited for
the modeling. For instance, how
would Tom Fulghum do? Then,
there’s Mutt Massey, Tom Ren-
froe. Early Ellis, Raymond Mor¬
rison. A. L. Dyer and others, but
I doubt seriously if they would
get a better fit than I, so guess
I’ll skip the modeling business
and keep my highly treasured
"Suit” until such time the occas¬
ion demands that I wear it. . . .
regardless of how it looks, or
what pieces don’t fit. . .ah
Remember in wTiting that
letter.....its 1948 now. not
1947. This column expects great
things to come to our County
during the New Year. Things
we have all been working toward
for a long, long time.
(Shop apprentice note bring your
skirt up here some time I hTive
one too. The only thing I don’t
have the trimmings with mine.
Of course I wouldn’t expect to
mofpV) tViof nf vrmre Y
To the Voters of Dade County:
At the request of many of my
iriends throughout the county,
I am offering myself as a can¬
didate for the office of Sheriff
of Dade County, subject to the
regulations of the Democratic
Primary when held.
If elected, I promise to dis¬
charge the duties of this office
in an efficient manner. I am
not aligned with any political
clique, but will consider myself.
the servant of every citizen of
the the county, treatment and will to manifest in- j
same every ;
dividual concerned in line with !
the duties of this office.
Also, I will cooperate with all |
other organizations interested
in law enforcement.
I do hereby solicit your influ¬
ence and support in this election
and will show my appreciaion
by rendering faithful service.
J. W. (Bill) LYNCH.
1-8—2-12, 19, 26—3 4
Milk is the most important
protective food and contains a
greater assortment of essential
nutrients than any other food.
It contains calories, proteines,
minerals, vitamins and water in
better balanced proportions than
other foods.
We Are Equipped
T© Do First Class
and to deliver any
ordinary fob on
Short Notice
To be sure, you can get your
printing in the big cities, or
from mail order houses — but
remember, it will cost you
more; and none of them pay
taxes to support schools or
build roads in Dade County.
All Expenses Paid and $75 a
Month While Learning!
Never before has the Regular
offered the young men of
the chance to select one
the more than sixty technical
before enlisting! But
now, for a limited time,
with a high school educa¬
or better can enlist for three
and be assured of attend¬
the school of their choice!
men may select from such
fields as Radar, Ra.
Medical Laboratory work,
Mechanics, Para¬
Seasonable Hardware
Bai led Wire $6.95
Chicken Wire $$.f§
Poultry and
Rabbit Wire $ 8 . 9 $
Bale Ties (bdL) $5*9 5
Many Other Useful Items
Morrison Hardware
& Supply Co.
Trenton Georgia
chute Rigging—whatever your
choice may be, the Recruiting
Officer will be able to guarantee
you training in that field so long
as vacancies exist. A young
man who embarks upon a Reg¬
ular Army career in this way
may assure himself of rapid
advancement. (Non-high school
graduates may apply for this
training shortly after they en¬
Early choice will afford best
choice, so see your nearest US
Army and US Air Force Recruit¬
ing Officer today. You’ll find
him at the Post Office, Trenton,