Newspaper Page Text
f H E DADE COUNTY TIMES] a i .he 1 v >tii.o u! Trenton, Ga., as second class mail,
One Year, $2.00: Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents.
.URS. CATH! HiN; » MORRISON ........ Owner and
P A. GA" . * ................ Shop
HERMAN » .‘il i IN. .. ..................... Shop
Per.s< ns v . i ini lor pub ieation are requested to furnish their
names, cl . < . > m „,n nication will not be published. Name
Aill be v it. eh on ncnesi, fc L all communlcatios must be signed.
Obit.ari s, memorials, rod articles of like nature will be
unarged v at a minimum rate of 50 cents for 15 lines, or less,
and 2 cents per line for each additional line over fifteen.
Member National Federation
Press Women
Member Ga. Press Association
Advertising rates will be
„ uu a e Townsend in an open
jam to all of us thanks the
oi Dade County for “the
lav that they have always stood
behind me.” One fajct we in
j_avu must not overlook is that
he is always ready to go to bat
ior u. and is now in a position
to do so.
Perhaps you do not always
agios with him, perhaps you per¬
sonally have not liked some of
the things you think he has
done but the fact remains Judge
Townsend is well known in At¬
lanta and he is popular with all
who know him. He is always
proud of the fact he comes from
Dade County and he is contin¬
ually fighting for our share in
any state benefits to be received.
There is entirely too much talk
i mt the Sriid Mountain Read
1 ing kicked around as a po-
1: ;ical football. O. K. but is it?
Are you one of the ones who
l.ave made a recent trip to At¬
lanta to see Judge Townsend.
Yes Judge Townsend has had
many callers from Dade County
during the past few weeks. And
do you suppose for one moment
that everyone who went to see
him was in agreement and ask¬
ing for the same thing? Don’t
vou suppose that most of them
wanted something different sui^h
as. where we want this Sand
Mountain road to come off the
mountain? How can this road
ge f started if we all pull against
each other about where we want
it to go. Also the laying of this
road is to have assistance of
Federal funds. Have you for¬
gotten so soon how slowly the
federal government moves?
W ' have backed Judge Towns¬
end for the Judge of the Spue-
rior Court and for his appoint¬
ment to the Court of Appeals
r»rM n i<! Tm to Dade to keep on
Packing him. Isn’t it possible
by his being in Atlanta, in a dig¬
nified and responsible position
twat he is able to do more for
Pad 0 than we are able to do for
We seem to be having an epi¬
demic of public drunkness and
the almost public sale of whiskey
throughout the county. Almost
every day women from all parts
of the county tell me that they
Tire afraid to walk on the roads
a’ono because of the drunks, or
they report a car full of drunks
parked and wont let them by, or
there is a fight and guns appear
or the noise at a near by house
keeps thefn awake all night. For
the past several weeks each Mon-
(Pv mornine one or more empty
whiskey bottles are sitting on
the window sill on the stair
lending at the Court House.
T f the majority of the people
in f he county don’t like what
r-n why don’t we band to
end do something about
it We have always been led
’ ii v in this democratic
tw of ours that the majority
nvb’ic oninnn rules. However
'net. don’t rare why don’t
' ,i sk n the sale of liquor
end derive some tax money
u ps i»m seem to be
nPrf.v of untaxed liquor around
Look for the ad in The
County Times whish tells us
the swell treat in store for
at the Dade Theatre next
Everett, the Magician, from
T veeum Circuit, will be on
stage, in addition to the
picture, “If Winter
starring Walter Pidgeon
D°bora, Kerr.
refer to posters in the
stores for further
Don’t Miss It!
We are very glad to
P. A. Ellis, Jr., to The Times
1 nr the summer months E.
ill be our News Reporter.
trenton, Georgia, Thursday, JLL1 22 < 1 948 ‘
the dade county times,
furnished on application
Hooker News Items
Mrs. Thelma Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hale of
Chattanooga were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Strawn Sunday.
Mrs. J. B. Johnson has return¬
ed to her home in Birmingham,
after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Johnson.
Miss Robbie Bishop has re¬
turned to her home here, after
i visit with relatives in Sum-
nerville, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. Stoker and Mrs.
? locd of Summerville, Ga., spent
lunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rob-
rt Bishop.
Douglas Miller has joined the
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carroll and
hildren of Wildwood visited Mrs.
ohn Mayhew Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Doyle and
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stines of
Vhit: side visited Mrs. John
Mayhew and Mrs. Willie Pilgrim
Mr. Jim Drew of Kensington
pent the week end with his
;ons here.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamill
innounce the birth of a daugh¬
ter on July 15 at Erlanger Hos¬
pital. The baby has been nam¬
ed Judy Nell.
Head River News
Mrs. Hugh Forestei
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson an¬
nounce the birth of a daughter
on July 18.
Miss Jean Jones of Henegar.
\la., is visiting Miss Betty Smith
this week.
Martha Grace Douglas of
Nashville, Tenn., is visiting her
nandfather, Mr. H. R. Johnson,
end family.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holtzhower
were guests of Mr. and Mrs Lov-
1 Griffith and family at Flint-
tone Saturday afternoon.
The annual all-day singing was
held at Mount Carmel church
Sunday and was well attended.
The revival will begin at the
hurch here Sunday with Rev.
tutledge of Chattanooga con-
iucting it. Let’s all attend as
mch as possible.
The Dally Vacation Biblj
’•choo) started Monday, July 26.
Mrs. L. E. Holtzhower has re¬
turned home from Nashville,
where she has been attending
iummer school at the George
°eabody College for Women.
Among the courses Mrs. Holtz-
'ower took this summer was a
fading course “Teaching Reari¬
ng in the Elementary School.”
In addition to this course she
attended the Reading Confer¬
ence which was held at Peabody
College July 5-9.
Leading consutants from vari¬
ous colleges and universities
participated in the meeting.
Dr. Paul Witty of Northwestern
University, Illinois, and Dr. Hel¬
en Blair Sullivan of Boston Uni
versity were two outstanding
Quite a few teachers from
Georgia attended this confer¬
ence. Teachers from
=tates and four foreign coun¬
tries attended it also.
Foreign countries represented
were China. India, Cuba
Stewart’s Chapel Church,
miles out of Flintville,
will hold a revival meeting
ginning the fourth Sunday,
25. ,Rev. James George,
and Rev Roy Stone from
Cross Roads, Ala., as helper.
erybody welcome to attend.
■ C OKX3lXZOa<.<>aCOO G CX ^ OCC<3CKOOOOG<XX*3<&’ c * Xf0<y:? ‘ :}miC ^i
Rising Fawn, Ga., August 19, 1881. |
Local Option
Say where did you get
goods? I have been to see A. B.
Lee & Company.
The health of our town is good.
Not a case of sickness in town.
I have 35 good syrup
tor sale at 60 cents a piece. Call
during August. J. W. Cowart.
Notice. Notice
All persons indebted to Ketch-
erside & Brown are requested to
dome forward at once. Let
oe a sufficient call.
Mrs. W. J. Taylor has been
very sick for several days, but
; up again.
Mr. Jennings of Nashville, was
in town this week with a good
jt of ample hats.
All persons indebted to us, are
.espectfuliy asked to come for¬
ward and pay up their accounts,
i’he style of our firm will change
oon and before, the change
oakes place, we must have all our
accounts settled. Fricks Bros.
The first monthly exercises at
he Seminary will come off Fri-
!ay night 26th. Let every body
turn out and enjoy the evening
Mr. D. Achor and family, of
Birmingham, Ala., is on a visit
o Mr. John Amos. Mr. Achor
ame in and paid a year sub-
cription to the Gazette.
Mr. E. B. Ketcherside will
• reach at Mount Zion next Sun¬
Rev. H. P. Waugh, preaches at
his place next Sunday.
Fricks Brothers have a good
lot of goods which they will sell
at cost. They will sell anything
for a little over cost.
Mr. P. A. Cooper returned from
Texas a few days ago. He re¬
ports favorably and is well pleas¬
'd with the Lone Star State, but
'ays he will not move west for
i while yet. Old Georgia is good
nough for him.
The school is still on the in¬
crease. This is a great source of
gratification to its many friends.
An effort is being made to secure
the Peabody fund for our school.
Long live the Seminary.
Several new students are ex¬
pected to enter the Seminary
next week, we are pulling for
125 this present term.
Prayer meeting every Thurs-
lav and Sunday night. Every
bodv should attend.
Take your butter, eggs and
Mr. Lee Cloud, 80, one of Dade
County’s most prominent citi¬
zens, died at his home in Avans,
Georgia, Saturday, July 17. Mr.
Cloud came to Dade County from
Arkansas in his early youth. For
many years he worked in the coal
a lines at Whiteside and Cole
Mr. Cloud is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Betty Raines Cloud,
and 5 sons, Luther, James,
Claude and David; two daugh¬
ters, Mrs. Jack Stephens and
Mrs. Harley Mullins.
The funeral services were
at the home by Rev. Jim
Mr. Cloud was buried at Shan¬
ty Town.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our
friends for their sympathy
kindness extended to us
the illness and death of
husband and father, Edgar
dis Wright. For the floral
ferings, cards and letters
the consoling words of Rev.
N. Orr.
Mrs. Ethel Frye Wrieht
Mrs. Hel a n Wright
James Hillman Wright
E. G. Wright, Jr.
C’rd of Thanks
We wish to thank our
friends and neighbors for
kindness and efficient
rendered during the
death of our husband and
Mr. Lee Cloud, also the
ful floral offerings and the
and consoling words of the
Jim Nabors.
Wife—Mrs. Betty Cloud
Daughters—Mrs. Mary
ens, Mrs. Mattie Mullins
Sons—Jesse, James F.,
Dave and Luther Cloud.
thickens to Lee & Company.
We would like to have a short
newsy communicaticn from every
section of the County.
Mr. Henry J. Jacoway of Bran¬
don, Ala., paid the Gazette office
a visit lest Monday and paid a
years subscription to the Gazette.
We have about 400 subscribers
v-ho are indebted to us for a
I years subscription. Now we ask
one and all of you to send us
what is due us, without delay.
,Ve regret very much to be forced
lo necessity cf calling on you
lor your subscription.
Mr. George Payne’s family of
Priscoli, Arkansas, are on a visit
to Larken Payne’s family.
Miss Mamie ‘Henderson of
Chattanooga who has been visit¬
ing her sister, Mrs. McTeer, re¬
turned home this week.
Miss Mamie Pittman returned
home from Dalton where she
has been visiting friends for
some time. We are glad to wei-
ome her home again.
Mrs, B. S. Turner left for
Brunswick, Ga., last Tuesday.
Miss Mary Loven left for
Huntsville, Ala., last Tuesday.
Rev. C. D. McTeer will preach
at Byrd’s Chapel Sunday at 11
Mr. James H. Evatt has moved
to his father’s old place near
town. We welcome him to our
Mr. John L. Blevins has been
very sick for a few days.
Mr. W. H. Stokes, superinten-
dant of the Iron furnace at
Round Mountain, was in our
town yesterday.
Several of our young people
visited Sulphur Springs last Sat¬
urday night for the purpose of
tiping the “fantastic toe” a little.
Don’t forget C. C. Hale has the
cheapest Groceries in town.
Mr. Joseph Coleman, returned
from a trip to Tennessee last
Friday, and reports the corn crop i
in the section, he visited as being
very badly injured by the drouth.
Olive Logan commenced one of
her lectures recently with the
lemark: “Wherever I see a pretty
girl I want to clasp her in my
arms." “So do we,” shouted tl.c
oys in the gallery. For a mo¬
ment Olive was nonplussed, but
recovering her self-possession she
replied, “well boys, I don’t blame
Rising Fawn 2—High Point 1
Burr McMahan’s single in the
ninth inning drove the winning
run in for Rising Fawn Sunday.
Rising Fawn continued to set
the Lookout Valley Amateur
Basebell League pace by trim¬
ming High Point 2—1.
With Les Wilson’s fine relief
pitching and Dub Chapman’s
hard hitting it was to much pres¬
sure for High Point. Chapman
hit 3 for 4 with two triplets; Burr
McMahan got 2 for 4; Wilson
and Blevins each hit a double.
Strikeouts by Harrison 5, Wil¬
son 4, Craze 9; hits off Craze
9 for 2 runs in 9 innings, Har¬
rison 4 for 1 run in 5 2-3 innings,
Wilson 2 for 0 in 3 1-3 innings.
Winning pitcher Wilson, losing
pitcher Craze.
Rising Fawn will play Ryall
j Springs Trenton at 7—Harrison home Sunday. Bay 4
I Douglas and Max Page led the
batting in Sunday’s game with
Harrison Bay. Douglas got 4 for
4 and Page 4 for five and 3 of
the runs. Dyer hit the only
triple of the game and stole
home base standing up.
Hits off Ellis 13 for 7 runs,
Hixon 9 for 4 runs ; strikeouts
by Ellis 4, by Hixon 6.
Trenton will play at Rock
Springs at Rock Springs Sunday.
One of Trenton’s former citi¬
zens, Mr. Claude S. Turner, is
reported ill at his home in
Ringgold, Ga. His many friends
in Dnde Countv wish Mr. Turner
a rapid recovery.
I Local and Persona)
News Items
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Sims spent
last Sunday in Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Mrs. Jewell McBryar spent last
'eek va. aliening in the Smoky
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Eriis spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Byron
iiddie in Chattanooga.
- o-
Mrs. Ross Thomas of Birming¬
ham is visiting Mrs. E. G. Wright
.and family.
- o-
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Norton have
moved into their ne whome in
'mey Grove.
- o-
Hunting season began in Dade
Bounty July 15. Help prevent
accidents and forest fires.
M.. J. N. Mull from Murphy,
N. C., is visiting relatives in
Trenton and Wildwood.
- o --
Bud Tatum and R. M. Morri-
cn, Jr., attended the air show
i Chattanooga Sunday.
- o--
Miss Selma Ann Eichenberber
lad as her recent guest, Miss Jo
>.nn Durham of Lover Caverns
rrace, Lookout Mountain.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daniels and
augtner, Jean were recent
uests cf Mrs. W. P. Pace and
Mr. and Mrs. John Bruner of
ort Gaines, Ga., are visiting
Irs. Bruner’s mother, Mrs. J. O.
ace, and family.
\ revival is in progress at the
frenlon Baptist Church. Rev
Tom Smith is conducting the
meeting. Everyone come out.
- o---
Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Rogers
nd Mr. Robert Evans of Chats-
crlh, Ga., visited their sister,
.liss Louise Evans, last Tuesday.
Macklin Reeves, who is employ¬
'd in Chattanooga, spent the
reek end with his parents, Mr.
.nd Mrs. J. T. Reeves.
- o--
Friends will be glad to know
hat Mrs. J. R. Tinker is improv-
ag slowly from her recent ill¬
Mr. C. R. Ayers, assistant coun-
y agent, is vacationing at his
ome in Carnesville Ga., this
Aubrey Dyer has returned
rom Bessemer, Ala., where he
pent a week visiting his cousin,
Bobby Dyer. Welcome home,
Mrs. Verda Raines and daugh-
ers, Bonnie and Lucille, spent
ast week at another daughter’s
Mrs. Minnie Myrtle Ridley, at
homasville, Ga.
More fishing and hunting li-
. ‘inses were sold this season than
iave been sold previously. This
adicates the increasing sports-
mindedness of Dade Countians.
Mrs. J. M. Carroll and daugh¬
ter, Mary Jb, have returned to
the University of Georgia at
vthens, after a week-and visit at
heir home south of Trenton.
Don’t let this summer heat
make you forget to come to the
I. O. O. F. meetings every first
and third Thursday night in each
month at 7:30 P. M. All mem¬
bers are urged to attend.
Staff Sgt. Ray Fuller left Fri-
iay for Westover Field Mass.
Mrs. Fuller and the children re¬
mained for a longer visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed¬
win S. Pace.
Mr .and Mrs. C. C. Hardeman
of Avans had as guests during
the voek end, Wilbur and Lucien
Hardeman of Lima, Ohio, Mr. and
Mrs Glenn Hard a man and baby,
! Gary, of Chattanooga and Mr.
| end Mrs. Willard Hardeman.
Miss Carrie Lee Jacoway and
M's" Dalue Morrison have been
I visiting Miss Leila Kimbrough
*hi« week. They spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Price Jaco-
"-av at their home on Lookout
j o
"Irs. L. T. Peake, the former
Martha Wright, Public Health
i Nur™ in Dade County for several
years, her small son and Mr. and
Mrs. Bro've and Miss Per ke were
visiting old friends in Dade
county Monday.
County Agent’s
Home gardens are producing
an abundance of good wholesome
mod. There is an important
need this year as in the past for
foods to be preserved and saved
at home.
Hungry people throughout the
oiad will be suffering this win¬
ter due to the lack of food. Ev¬
ery quart or pound you save at
home will make available an e-
quaf amount to distribute to less
fortunate people.
Modern home canning is not
the burden that it was a few
years ago. Simple pressure
cookers with properly tested
gagues take the guess work out
of processing. Modern canning
ouipment lightens the work and
he chances of spoilage has been
•: duced to a minimum.
Farm groups who are interest¬
'd in canning any large quan¬
tity have access to the commu¬
nity cannery located in Trenton.
This plant has the capacity to
take care of 500 to 1000 quarts
ner day.
Community groups can use the
annery to preserve surplus
foods for school lunch rooms. In
his way foods that might go to
waste can be put to a good use
n furnishing nourishing lunches
’or school children during the
Canning guides and the latest
nformation on canning can be
obtained at the county agent’s
* * * * *
The week or July 25 to 31 has
been designated as Farm Safety
Week. Did you know that dur-
ng the next twelve months one
out of every 18 farm residents
vill suffer a disabling injury?
One out of every four farms
vill be the scene of an accident
■esulting in a disabling injury to
a farm resident.
Accidental death will occur in
one out of. every 320 farm fam¬
A disabling injury will strike
'ome farm resident every 19 sec¬
Accidents, on the average will
kill 51 farm residents every day.
Total costs of accidents involv-
: ng farm people, including fire,
motor vehicle and property dam¬
age, will be $1,050,000.00, or $35
per farm resident.
Four farm buildings will be
destroyed by fire every hour of
he day, every day of the yar----
according to the National Fire
Protection Association.
You wouldn’t hardly believe
’hese figures to be true would
ou, but they are based on past
"ecords and have actually hap-
oened as stated during the past
Farm people or Dade County
are urged to check on accident
hazards and elimnate these haz¬
ards as near as possible.
Miss Connie Johnson returned
Saturday from a two weeks visit
with her cousin, Emil Gilbert, in
Atlanta. She reported a won¬
derful time. Welcome home,
Mr. Bilo Gass became ill and
was taken to Newell’s Sanitari¬
um Saturday night. July 17. He
's sufferin'? with hcarkand stom¬
ach trouble. We p.ll wish Mr
Gass a speedy recovery.
- o-•
Marion Bruner 30-months-old
"hild of Mr. and Mrs. John Bru-
•icr of Fort Gaines. Ga., under¬
went an operation for appendi¬
citis Monday night at J o’clock
We hope Marion will be well
W° certainly ar« indebted t°
' f r John Murphy for taking over
f ore co ranger’s iob during
Mr. Jerry Pace’s absence. Fur-
’hermore. it has rained every day
Hut one since Mr. Pace has been
. -o-
Mrs. H. C. McCorkle, Mr. Pace
McCorkle and son were guests
of Mr. Jerry Pace and Mi<=s Leila
Kimbrough last week-end. They
were en route to Michigan Mr
Pore accomoaniad them for a
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
- o -^
P. A. Gates spent the week end
' ith relatives in Tennessee and
attended a birthday dinner a'
Guinn Springs near Benton or
j Sunday. Little Mies Marie Gat°°
Returned home with him. after
a two weeks visit with relatives
in Etowah and Niota.
New England Ne\
Martha Mary Patterson
June Derry ber ,
A number of
Lee Cloud attended nV!
Aunaay at m s hom e Uft
Mlss Dori s hortn
gima . B *vins vp-t Ccd
Marycnanmersoin recently ,
spent the lr
week end ”
June Derry nerry. iVlai »
A large crowd attended
cunaay ^ a J
and Sunday "‘'M
Which Bro. Non,,
very interesting Pr **
Mrs Lldl sera,™
- a Allison and y
spent Sunday with Mi
Mitchell. J ' Lu , ‘i
Mr- and Mrs Ben R
day Jlm RameS and fai % sj
Mrs Lee Cloud is vi siting
daughter, The Birthday Mrs. j ac k StepheL J I
Club is me wJ
with Mrs. DeWitt Williams
nesday July 21. 1
Mrs. Mary Patterson
Sunday with Mr. and Mi\
Robert Forester visited
brother, Elbert in Atlanta tl
past week. visit! f
Mrs. Allison Blevins
her sister, Mrs. James Davis]
Chattanooga Mr. over the week wl ei
and Mrs. Joe Blevins
to Chickamauga Saturday
Mrs. Jane Blevins and
relatil i, H
Beulah Forester visited
in Chattanooga Sunday. bi
Mrs. John Cole has
brought home from the hospiU
and is doing nicely.
Mrs. Paul Howell and Mrs. I
Holmes have been visiting 1
Holmes’ Mrs. sister in Birmingham] visiti]
Sally Brown was
in Chattanooga this past week.] Englal
The Revival at New
Baptist Church is starting t] f
second Sunday in August, Derrybeil
Martha and Betty
pent the day with Mrs. Hul
Paines Friday.
Public Service
(To Succeed Democrat^ J. A. Perrj
Subject to
Primary Sept. 8
“A Public Servant
Public Service"
CRISMAN Hardwaij
Up-To-Date Line of
Chattanooga, Tennessee I
' 511 Market St. Phone'
Coming Attractions
The Daife TM
Alan Ladd - Veronica
“Uncle Toms Cocabmi
JULY 27 AND 28
Walter Pidgeon — Deborah
Everett The Magi' 13 H |
• House l
“Mouse in the
THURSDAY AND AND f * •>•> idA *| I
stranger' |
Bing Crosby —Barry
Pete Smith I
“Neighbor P est
Gene Autrey |
“Invisible Mouse