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Entered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class
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MRS. CATHERINE C. MORRISON ........ Owner and
HERMAN V. MOORE .......................... Shop
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Member National Federation of
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Member Ga. Press
Advertising rates will be furnished on application
Acting Governor M. E. Thomp¬
son is speaking in LaFayette
next Tuesday- For a month now
he has been stumping the state
and speaking over the radio. He
began his campaign on the basis
of his record in the governors
office. We have only to look at
the State Audits which are pub¬
lished four times a year in all
the counties of the state, the
latest of which was released and
published in July 29 issue of the
Dade County Times, to see what
he has done. He has given the
common schools more than 37
million dollars. He has spent
32 million on the building and
maintaining of the highways.
He has given the Welfare De¬
partment nearly 7 million for old
age pensions and other benefits.
He has given the Department of
Public Health, the Milledgeville
institutions, the Batty Tubercu¬
losis Hospital, the Department of
Agriculture and other state de¬
partments and agencies more
money than they ever have had
in our State’s history. He has
done all this without a Sales
Tax- He has proved by his re¬
cord that it was not needed.
However both Thompson and
Talmadge are promising us a
continuation of expanding State
services. This brings up the
question of future taxation. By
his record Thompson has proved
that he has sound business
ability. He has started a pro¬
gram of service to the people and
should be given a vote of con¬
fidence by the people in the
September 8. election to continue
this program. We should have
confidence from his past record
that future taxation will be held
to a minimum and spent for
our benefit.
Governor Thompson is against
FEPC legislation. He is against
antisegregation. He is for State
Rights and disapproves bloc vot¬
ing. He is for the County Unit
System. One of his first acts
upon taking office was to veto
a bill which contained a provis¬
ion which would have destroyed
the County Unit Systeem and
which Herman Talmadge had
signed during his tenure in the
Governor’s office. In all prob¬
ability Talmadge also approves
the County Unit System inspite
of the fact that he signed this
bill without taking time to read
Thompson is speaking only 25
miles from us next Tuesday at
11 A M. Lets go and hear what
he has to say for himself.
We are getting so accustomed
to the Bookmobile Service that
perhaps we forget that it costs
money for it to come to the
county each month. Last year
in order to raise the necessary
money for this service the Dade
County Library Board put on a
series of contests. You remem¬
ber we had contests in five sec¬
tions of the county and the win¬
ners from these competed on
Labor Day at the Dade High
School for the title of Miss State
of Dade.
Last year the county had a lot
of fun as there was a lot of riv¬
alry among the various groups,
and the money was raised to
have the Bookmobile come each
month as usual. This year the
Library Board is again sponsor¬
ing this contest—the run off of
which will again be held on
Labor Day, September 6th.
Each community will run its
individual contest. For example
there will be a Miss Hooker, Miss
Slygo, Miss Wildwood, Miss Mor-
ganville gam and Miss New England,
the the winner of whom will become
Miss Miss North Dade. There will be
a a Miss V. New Salem, Miss Head
River, Miss West Brow the win-
er of whom will become Miss
kout Mountain. So it will
FOR BETTER and Expanded Telephone A. HARTLEY
Electric light, PoWer, Gas, Railroad m
11 for You New Coitimi? •» 5 '®!
as a
Local and Personal
News Items
Sgt Spencer Brandon is
on leave from California.
Mary Jo Carroll is working
the ordinary’s office with
father now.
Mrs. E. G. \yright spent
week end with relatives in
Head, Alabama.
Miss Dorothy Jean
of Bellbuckle, Tenn., spent
week with Miss Helen
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Johns
left for a months trip to
fornia and other western
Mrs. Louise Johnson of
view, Ga., visited Mrs.
Morrison and family Sunday.
Miss Louise Evans
Sunday from a weeks
at her home in Chattsworth,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
'Rena Forester) have returned
Lake Park, Ga., after
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Forester
Lakeview, Ga., were
guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gass and family.
Mrs. Mattie Wison of
nooga is visiting Mr. and
I. O. Wheeler, Sr., and
and Mrs. Mildred Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
visited Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
and Mr. and Mrs. F. T.
in Chattanooga Sunday.
Mr. Pete Taylor is working
the city installing new 3
pipe from Town Creek to
ton. 600 feet of new pipe
been obtained.
Miss Fannielu McWhorter
tended the Camp Shiloh
in Carroll County recently.
neice, Miss Mary Foster of
catur, Tenn., accompanied
Mr. and Mrs. Reid
and son, David are visiting
Bethuram’s parents, Mr.
Mrs. W. A. Scruggs. Miss
Scruggs is here for a 2
stay with her parents-
Mr. and Mrs. Jim
have returned from a visit
their daughter and
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mullins
Hall, Tenn. Mr. Jenkins
a trip and saw the
while there.
-o- v
Contributing to the
number of enlistments to
Rome Recruiting Office
July 1947, Charles D.
Trenton, enlisted in the Air
during July, according to an
nouncement by M/Sgt. Robert
Ivey, Staton Commander.
also go in Trenton, South
and Sand Mountain, and
winner from one of these
sections will become Miss
of Dade.
The priviledge of reading
books has been appreciated
Dade and we know that
will contribute and also join
the fup of the contest.
Help cnoose your
winner become Miss State
Trenton 10 — High Point 3
Trenton kept climbing for
place when they knocked
props from under High
Sunday by banging in 10
against High Point’s 3.
Pitcher Doc Hixon
his fine pitchng by
C men. Bill Presley got the
triple of the day and got a
as well. M. M. Stevens
Bases on balls, off Hixon
Perry 4, Bradford 3; left on
High Point 5, Trenton 8.
pitcher Perry; Winning
Trenton plays Boynton
Trenton Sunday in the last
game of the season.
and Boynton are tied for
place in the League. We
dict a defeat for Boynton.
Boynton 9 — Rising Fawn 4
Ten stolen bases and
lielding of the Rising Fawn
brought them defeat at
hands of Boynton, 9—4.
Starting pitcher Leslie
and relief pitcher Fred
were hampered by four
Fawn errors.
Rising Fawn scored two
in Ed Wilson’s bad innings,
third and sixth.
Left on bases, Rising Fawn
Boynton 5; bases on balls,
E. Wilson 1, Les Wilson 1,
rison 4; strikeouts, by E.
3, L. Wilson 5, Harrison 2;
off L. Wilson 6 for 5 runs in
Losing pitcher Les
Winning pitcher E. Wilson.
The game was played at
Mrs. L. M. Allison and
E. A. Ellis attended a
meeting of the Program
mittees of the W S. C. S.
Centenary Church last
Sorry to hear that
Bice cut his foot recently.
wish him a quick recovery.
Diane Lichten of
Tennessee is visiting Mr.
Mrs. R- M. Morrison and
Miss Gladys Morrison is
valescing from an operation
her home in Piney.
Sand Mountain News
Mrs. Una Belle Stone
The meeting will begin at
Church of Christ, Sunday
Bro. Black from Gadsden,
will do the preaching.
one is welcome to come
evening to hear the Gospel.
The new school building at
Davis High is going up and
looks good.
Mrs. Rachel Daniel is very
at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
and children and Mr. and
Herbert Sharpton were in
tanooga Saturday.
Mrs. Daisy Burnett and
ren from Chattanooga
spending a few days with
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Nancy Woolbright
Mrs. Atta Harris visited
Rachel Daniel Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs- Tello Foster
ed Mr. and Mrs. Bud Daniel
family Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman
and children and Doyle
attended the singing at
Church Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Jimmie Sue Fossitt
children visited Mrs. Una
Stone and family Monday.
Miss Esther Daniel is
a few days with Mrs. Irene
and family.
Mrs. Una Belle Stone and
Millie E. Daniel and
visited Mrs. Rachel
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Joe Lee Knight and
dren from Ala., visited her
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
roll and family.
Mrs. Steepel and Mrs.
ette and children visited
Jimmie Sue Fossitt, Sunday.
Mrs. Leverette went to
nooga to visit relatives
and Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
spent Sunday night with
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
and children have moved to
Michaels place.
Mrs. Mary Crisp has
some after breaking her leg.
New England News
Mary Patterson
Martha June Derryberry
Mrs. Annie Conner is
Mrs. Lydia Allison this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hallum
gone to Blue Ridge to the
Cloia Mae and Martha
Derryberry spent Sunday
their sister, Mrs. Johnny
Johnny Bookout of
ham is spending a week
Mrs. Lydia and family.
Mrs. Eva Atkinson is
relatives in Mississippi and
Mrs. Mary Patterson
Thursday with Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney
spent the week end with
R. L. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs- George
are spending awhile with
and Mrs. Bent Cole.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene
of Valdosta, Ga., and Mrs-
Tatum and Jimmy were
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee
Friday night.
A large crowd attended
Sunday night, in which we
very proud to see.
Billy Dan Atkinson has
visiting friends in Alabama.
Mrs. Allison Blevins was
ing the Wilhites and
Miss Polly Raines has
visiting her cousin, Delois
less of Chattanooga.
Miss Naomi Allison was
Chattanooga Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve
had as their Sunday
guests Mr. and Mrs.
Crumley and Nancy, Mr. and
Johnny Crumley and
Hubert Weathers visited
mother Sunday.
Ranger s Report
(By J. C. Pace)
Because 90 per cent of
County is forestland, and
the general business
and future prosperity of
county depends on how well
protect this valuable
your County Ranger, the Ga
partment of Forestry* and
editor of The Dade Coutty
have worked out a plan to
you informed about what
Fire Protection Unit is doing
also to tell you something
and then about the services
fered by the State
of Forestry.
This column will appear
week. Won’t you join us
each edition? We would
glad to have you.
One of the most
things in fighting a woods
is to catch it while its still
Therefore, we depend on
citizen to help us detect
while they are small. The
phone number of your
headquarters is central. If
office is closed, call me at
house, number central.
hesitate to call just because
might be late at night, or
Sunday. Fighting fires is a
hour, seven-day job with us.
No fires in June or July.
Recent guests of Mrs. H.
Bodenhamer were Mrs.
Thorneberry of Pahokee,
who is spending the
with Mrs- Bodenhamer and
mother, Mrs. Mary Elliott,
and Mrs. Alvin Elliott of
ville, Tenn. ; Mr. and
Enniet Elliott of
Mr. and Mrs- Ira Kenimer
children of Higdon; Mrs.
Kirkland of Avens; Mrs.
Elliott of Trenton; Mrs.
Fairchild and children of
lin, Ohio; Mr. Hubert H.
hamer of Shreveport, La.;
and Mrs. Kenneth
and son, Thayer and Monty
Bodenhamer of Atlanta, Ga ;
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hardeman
Up-To-Date Line of
Chattanooga, Tennessee
511 Market St. Phone 7-1114
Dinner guests of Mr- and Mrs.
L. M. Allison Sunday were; Mr.
end Mrs. Hugh Allison of At¬
lanta; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Del¬
linger of Rome; Mr. and Mrs-
Russell Allison and son, James
of Dallas, Texas; Mrs. E. M.
Baker, Will Elrod and son, Har¬
vey of Fort Payne; Dr. Bruce
Elrod of Birmingham — Other
guests were Mrs. E. M- Allison;
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Jacoway and
daughter, Ruth; Neal Allison and
daughter, Carol Ann of Chatta¬
nooga ; Mrs. Noel Woodall and
son, Douglas of Long Island, N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Allison and
children of Valley Head; Rev.
and Mrs. T. N. Orr and Louise
of Trenton.
To The People of Trenton:
last weeks Dade County Times,
there was an article given
Times by Miss Geraldine
which I wish to make certain
corrections to. Miss Pace came
to the Sheriff and reported
a man was blocking the drive
way to her home, and asked
the Sheriff what could be done
with him. The Sheriff tried to
find out about the trouble, and
explain to her what could be
done, and Miss Pace left in a
disturbed manner. After she
left, the Sheriff and myself got
In the car and made a thorougl
search for the man, but was
unable to find him, and I want
to take this occasion to say that
I have never failed to make an
investigation of any violation
reported to me, and had Miss
Pace taken time to assist in this
I am sure that the guilty person
would have been brought in.
I have been informed that
Judge Wilkins has made a remark
that I have been paying more
attention to getting votes than
to my duty as an officer, and I
want to say here, that I am not
taking orders from Judge Wilkins
and I am running for Sheriff
without asking him, and am
going to continue my efforts in
that respect, but in the mean¬
time, I will try to do my duty
as an officer, as long as I am
an Officer.
Respectfully submitted,
Sub Soiler
F. N. Belk, Wildwood, Ga=
4t. Pd. 9—2
At LaFayette At Summerville
(Walker County) (Chattooga County)
Tuesday, August 17—11 A. M. Tuesday, August 1/—f 1 l 1
The man we want for Governor
9 speaks the language of all fisl Wmm
the people... he talks plain BMfe.ll/
facts in down-to-earth style.
Two-fisted fair and honest, jglgl i
Thompson makes horse-sense—
not non-sense—when he talks! H I /
iff ft A py mf
To hear Thompson mkL My-. y
is to vote Thompson!
VOTE sept. 8™ TO K
... .....y o u r
My checking account help- J
putmoney in my pocket,
because it helps me keep
farm accounts
4f~llgliSlpy |J
PH* ||A
■ I T®
Market at Seventh
Mum m Market—t»!«t Chattanooga—Rossvllle, Ga -Tenn.
mm McCaine Ave.—MOtt Rrainerd Road—is Crazier Avr
Member lederal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member l-ederal Reserve System
From where I sit... 61/ Joe Mars!
Ti< fire that ate up Jeb Crowell’s cause when any tavern is foul
eow barn Saturday is just another lacking in any respect, it's ward
reminder that the best way to put by the brewers to either mend I
fit Ires is before they start —by ways, or they’ll call on the proj
Inspection for defective wiring, authorities for action.
faulty heating units, and any other From where I sit, prevention
source of combustion. always the best cure. And by gl
That’s true, not just of fires, but ting after trouble before it staij
of everything. The brewers for in¬ the brewers have maintained!
stance make every effort to pre¬ high tradition of cleanliness, col
vent unpleasantness or trouble tesy, and obedience to law amd]
within their industry—by inspect¬ vb places selling beer.
ing all taverns selling beer for
possible sources of dissatisfaction.
They call it Self Regulation—be¬
Copyright, 1948, United States Si ei^is ,