Newspaper Page Text
, '•,»*; t
A Proclamation
Submitting a proposed
ment to the Constitution of
gia, to be voted on at the
Election to be held on
November 2, 1948, proposing
the qualified voters of the
of Georgia an amendment to
ticle VII, Section IV Par. graph
of the Constitution of the
of Georgia of 1915 so as to
coverage on the pension
authorized by the Constitution
county employees in Fulton
ty, so as to provide that the
fits of said pension system
be available to all state, state
county and county officers,
ties and employees and the
ties,of such officers whose
or wages are paid in whole cr
part by the Treasurer of
County or out of funds of
County, so as to ratify
heretofore granted to public
ployees in Fulton County
their beneficiaries; and for
By His Excellency,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting
Governor, State of Georgia
WHEREAS, by the votes
two-thirds of the members
ed to each of the two Houses,
General Assembly at its 1947
sion proposed an amendment
the Constitution of this State,
set forth in a Resolution
oh the 27th day of March,
Extending coverage of the
pension system authorized by
Hie Constitution for county em¬
ployees in Fulton County, so as
to provide that the benefits of
*ai;l pension sysiem shall be
available to all s'ate, state and
"•ounty and county officers, dep-
■ Titles and employees and the
-deputies of such officers whose
Salaries or wages are paid In
Whole or in part by the Treasur¬
er of FaPon County or out of
*funds of Fulton County, so as
*to ratify pensions heretofore
(ranted to public employees In
I^Biilton County and their bene¬
ficiaries; and for other
ft R. No. 13 R. A. No.
- Proposing an amendment
Paragraph 1 of Section 4 of
ticle 7 of the Constitution of
State of Georgia of 1915 so as
(ftctcnl coverage of the
gysic-i authorized by the
fiiti ior county employees
Fui County, so as to
that * benefits of said
ijrs: ,.i sh: 11 be available to
•late, state and county and
ty crifiec.s, deputies and
ployees and the deputies of
Offices where salaries or
«te paid in whole or in part
the Treasurer of Fulton
Or out of lands of Fulton
io as to ratify pensions
g' to public employees
Stiltc.) County and their
{ jffcia.ics; ri and for other
That the present Constitution
4 tf the State of Georgia which was
ratified in the year 1945 is here-
mended as follows, to-wit #
1 > adding to Paragraph 1 or
on 4 of Article 7 thereof the
.ring words, to-wit:
- - I state. s‘a!e and county or
♦ou. y c"f!?e:r, d • es and em¬
ploy: ?. r- d tie (’ put its i-f such
Office-s rad County employees
who: ■ -•••' or w ges are paid
in v .Vo or in p;rt by the Treas¬
ure- of 1-' illon County or out of
fan. s ot Fui ton County, all of¬
fice i ei.J employees of the Coun¬
ty \ eii -.e Department of Ful¬
ton County, the Executive Secre¬
tary or the T.easurer of any Pen-
#lc i Board or Board of Trustees
Sdrninisterir.g a pension system in
Wh - ] public employees of Fulton
Ct y or employees of the Board
j#f Education of Fulton widows County
;^a- 'ripate, and the and
fc) ”. .i children of all such per-
■ 0 : , are ant orized to participate
In y reti r rme:t and pension
fur.:! cr syn’om of retirement pay
#st blishcd bv law for county em¬
ployees of Fulton County upon
terms and conditions now ot here¬
after provided by the General As¬
ter.'b’y for t cir participation. All
pe dor.s heretofore granted by
On- of said pension authorities in
F) n County are ratified and
pc, med. ar.d shall be paid in
me drnce with the judgement
•f oe Pension Board of Trustees
•u horizing same.’
Whenever the above proposed
*r lament to the Constitution
*h have been agreed to by two-
gt , (2/3) of the members elect¬
ed to c eh of the two houses of
the Cor. ora I Assembly and the
m: • h. s been enteed on their
*)■ -els. with the ayes and nays
g; > thereon, the Governor shall
t> < he is hereby authorized
:-ji • uc.ed to cauee such be published in
By His Excellency,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting
Governor, State of Georgia
WHEREAS, by the votes of
two-thirds of the members elect¬
ed to each of the two Houses, the
General Assembly at its 1947 Ses¬
sion proposed an amendment to
(the Constitution of this State, as
{ n forth in a Resolution approv¬
ed on the 28th day of Marcii, 1947,
Providing that the General
Assembly shall have authority
to create establish la De¬
l-alb County, Georgia, Districts
from which the members of the
County Board of Education of
DeKalb County shall be elected
by the voters of such districts:
The number of such districts
and the boundaries thereof, the
terms of such members and the
ttine, place and method of elect¬
in'; such members to tie provid¬
ed for by thy General Assem¬
bly: and to amend Article VIII,
Section VI, Paragraph I of the
Con.slKu.lon of 1915, to provide
lliat the General Assembly shall
have the authority to make pro¬
visions for the election or se-
lecllon of the county school su¬
perintendent of DeKalb (’oun¬
ty by the board of education;
and for other purposes.
II. R. No. 34-130A R. A. No. 22
To propose to the Qualified vot¬
ers of Georgia an amendment to
A.rticle VIII, Section V. Para¬
graph I of tie Constitution of
Georgia of 1915, to provide that
the General Assembly shall have
authority to create and establish
in DeKalb County, Georgia, Dis¬
tricts from which the members of
the County Board of Education of
DeKalb County shall be elected
by the voters of such districts:
The number of such districts and
the boundaries thereof, t e terms
of such members and the time,
place and method of electing such
members to be provided for by
the General Assembly: and to
amend Article VIII, Section VI,
Paragraph I of 11 e Constitution
of Georgia of 1915, to provide that
the General Assembly shall have
the authority to rrrke provision
for the election or selection of the
county school superintendent of
DeKaib by t e board ot
education and for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the General
Assembly of the State of Geor¬
gia that Arlicle VIII, Section V.
Paragraph I of ti e Constitution
of Georgia of 1915 be amended
by adding thereto the following:
“The Ger eral Assembly shall
have authority to create and es¬
tablish districts in DeKalb Coun¬
ty from which the members of
the County Board of Education
of DeKalb County shall be elected
by the voters of such districts, and
shall have authority to provide for
the number of such d.stric:s and
fix the boundaries thereof and to
fix the terms of such member-and
the time, p.ace er.d method ot
electing si:: ) members."
by the authority aforesaid that
Article VIII, Section VI, Para¬
graph I of the Constitution of
Georgia of 1945 be amended by
adding thereto the following:
"The General Assembly shall
have authority to make provisions
for the election or selection of
the County School Superintendent
of DeKalb County by The Board
of Education of said County."
that when this amendment shall
have been agreed to by the re-
quisite two-thirds of the mem¬
bers of each house, with the
"Ayes" and “Nays” entered
thereon, it shall be published and
submitted to the qualified voters
of Georgia for ratification or re¬
jection at the next general elec¬
tion, at which constitutional
amendments may be voted on. All
persons voting at said election in
favor of adopting the said pro¬
posed amendment to the Constitu¬
tion shall have written or printed
On their ballots the words, "For
the ratification of the amend¬
ment to Ari icie VIII, Section V.
paragraph I and to Article VIII,
Section VI, Paragraph 1 of the
Constitution authorizing the Gen¬
eral Assembly to provide for the
election of members of the Coun¬
ty Board of Education and the
election of ti e County School Su¬
perintendent of DeKalb Co- nty
by said Board”, and all persons
opposed to the adoption ot said
limendment shall have wriiten or
printed on their ballots the woids
"Against ratification of the
amendment to Article VIII, Sec¬
tion V, Paragraph I and to Ar¬
ticle VIII, Section VI, Paragarph
I of the Constitution authorizing
the General Assembly to provide
lor the election ot members of the
County Board of Education and
the election of the County School
Superintendent of DeKalb Coun¬
ty by said Board.” If adopted, the
results shall be declared and said
one or more newspapers in eai 1
Congressional District of th |
state, and also in the newspap )
wherein the Sheriff’s advertise
ments of Fulton County are pub-
lished, to be published in each
such newspaper for two (2)
months next preceding the time
of holding the next general elec¬
tion at which r’eetion member)
1 of the General Assembly are
The above proposed amend¬
ment shall be submitted for ra.i-
fication or rejection to the elect
tors of this state at the next gen¬
eral election at which election
members of the General Assem¬
bly are chosen to be held after ti e
publication as provided for in the
second section of this act. in the
several election d stricis of this
state, at which election every per¬
son shall be qualified to vote who
is qualified to vote for members
of the General Assembly. All per¬
sons voting at said election in fa¬
vor of adopting said amendment
to the Constitution shall have
written or printed on their bal¬
lots tre words, "for ratification
of the amendment defining the
persons who may participate in
the pension systems established
in Fulton County,” and all per¬
sons opposing the adoption of said
amendment shall have written or
printed on their ballot the words
“against ratificat Ion of the
amendment defining the persons
who may participate in the pen¬
sion systems established in Ful¬
ton County." If the people ratify
such amendment by a majority
of the electors qualified to vote
for members of the General As¬
sembly voting thereon and also if
a majority of the electors quali¬
fied to vote voting thereon in
Fulton County shall ratify said
amendment by voting in favor
thereof, said amendment shall be¬
come a part of the Constitution
of this state. The returns of the
election shall be made in like
manner as returns for members
of the General Assembly, and it
shall be the duty of the Secretary
of State to ascertain the result
and to certify the result of such
election to the Governor who
shall, if such amendment be rati¬
fied, make proclamation thereof.
Any and all provisions of law
or resolutions and parts of law
in conflict with this amendment
are hereby repealed.
President Pro Tern and Presiding
Secretary of the Senate
Speaker of the House of
Clerk of the House of
Acting Governor •
This 27th day of March, 1947.
THOMPSON, Acting Governor of
Georgia, do issue this my procla¬
mation hereby declaring that the
proposed foregoing amendment to
the Constitution of Georgia is
submitted, for ratification or re¬
jection, to the voters of the State
qualified to vote for members of
the General Assembly at the Gen¬
eral Election to be held on Tues¬
day, November 2, 1948.
have hereunto set my hand, and
caused the Great Seal of the
! State to be affixed, at the Capitol
the City of Atlanta, this the 25th
day of August, A. D., 1948.
Acting Governor
By the Acting Governor
Secretary of State
A Proclamation
Submitting a proposed amend¬
ment to the Constitution of Geor¬
gia, to be voted on at the Gener¬
al Election to be held on Tuesday,
November 2, 1948, proposing to
the qualified voters of the State
of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬
ticle VIII, Section V. Paragraph
I of the Constitution of Georgia
of 1945, providing that the Gener¬
al Assembly shall have authority
to create and establish in DeKalb
County, Georgia, Districts from
which the members of the County
Board of Education of DeKaib
County shall be elected by the
voters of such districts: The num¬
ber of such districts and the boun¬
daries thereof, the terms of such
members and the time, place and
method of electing such members
to be provided for by the General
Assembly: and to amend Article
VIII,’Section VI, Paragraph I ot
the Constitution of Georgia ot
1945, to provide that the General
Assembly shall have the authority
to make provision for the election
or selection of the county school
superintendent of DeKalb County
by the board of education; and
for other purposes
sidewalks and to lay
water and sewer mains and to
sess the costs thereof
against the abutting
owners, provided the ownera
51% of the property abutting
improvements shall consent
to and to provide for the
ance and enforcement of
tion for the collection of such
sessments and for the creation
liens thereby against such
ting property." Provided,
that any act of the General
sembly adopted pursuant
shall restrict the authority
those areas of said county
the property has been
into lots having one hundred
(150) foot of street frontage
that when this amendment
have been agreed to by the
j quisite two-thirds of the mem
bers of each house, with
j ; “Ayes” and "Nays" entered there
on, it shall be published and
mitted to the qualified voters
Georgia for ratification or rejec
tion at the next general
at which constitutional
ments may be voted on. All
sons voting at said election in
favor of adopting the said propos¬
ed amendment to the Constitution
shall have written or printed on
their ballots the words, “For the
ratification of the amendment to
Article VII, Section IV, Para¬
graph II, of the Constitution au¬
thorizing the General Assembly
to permit the govenring authority
of DeKalb County to construct
streets and provide other public
improvements and to assess the
costs against the abutting proper¬
ty owners," and all persons op¬
posed to the adoption of said
amendment shall have written or
printed on their ballots the words
"Against ratification of the
amendment to Article VII, Sec¬
tion IV, Paragraph II of the Con¬
stitution authorizing the General
Assembly to permit the govern¬
ing authority of DeKalb County
to construct streets and provide
other public improvements ar.d to
assess the costs against the abut¬
ting property owners.” If adopted,
the result shall be declared and
said amendment shall become a
part of Article VII, Section IV.
Paragraph II of the Constitution
of the State of Georgia, and the
Governor s all make a proclama¬
tion therefor, as provided by law.
All laws and parts of laws In
conflict with this Act be and
same are hrreby repealed.
Speaker of the House
Clerk of the House
Acting President of the Senate
and President Pro Tern
Secretary of the Senate
Acting Governor a
This 28th day of March, 19-17.
TIlOMPSQN, Acting Governor or
Georgia, do issue this my procla¬
mation hereby declaring that the
proposed foregoing amendment
to the Constitution of Georgia is
submitted, for ratification or re¬
jection, to the voters of the State
qualified to vote for members of
the General Assembly at the Gen¬
eral Election to be held on Tues¬
day, November 2, 1948.
have hereunto set my hand, and
caused the Great Seal of the State
to be affixed, at the Capitol in
the City of Atlanta, this the 25th
day of August, A. D., 1948.
Acting Governor
By the Acting Governor
A Proclamation
Submitting a proposed amend¬
ment to the Constitution of Geor-
gia, to be voted on at the General 1
Ejection to be held on Tuesday,
November 2. 1948, proposing to
the qualified voters of the State
of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬
ticle VII, Section IV, Paragraph I,
of the Constitution of the State of
Georgia, so as to provide that the
Board of Commissioners of Roads
and Revenues of Fulton County
shall have power to levy either ■
tax or an assessment, or both,
upon any part of or all the real
property (and also if desired up-
on any occupants thereof) ir said
County which is outside the inccr
porated areas of any City, Town j
pr Municipality, fot garbage dis- '
posal services and also b.r the
purpose of establishing, maintain¬
ing and operating systems of gar¬
bage disposal, and shall have pow-
it to divide said unincorporated
meas or any part thereof into *ne
i r more or any number of garbage
tisposal distric s without regard
to uniformly 'of area or papula-
tion, and any such tax or a»:ess-
ment. or both, so levied need not
amendments shall become parti'
of Article VIII, Section V, Para¬
graph 1 and Article VIII, Section
VI, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution
of the State of Georgia, and the
Governor shall make a proclama¬
tion therefor, as provided by law.
All laws and parts of laws in
conflict with this Act be and the
same are hereby repealed,
Speaker of the House
Clerk of the House
President Pro Tern and Acting
Secretary of the Senate
Acting Governor
This 28th day of March, 1947.
THOMPSON, Acting Governor (If
Georgia, do issue this my procla¬
mation hereby declaring that tha
proposed foregoing amendment to
the Constitution of Georgia is sub¬
mitted, for ratification or rejec¬
tion, to the voters of the State
qualified to vote for members of
the General Assembly at the Gen¬
eral Election to be held on Tues¬
day, November, 2, 1948.
have hereunto set my hand, and
caused the Great Seal of the Stats,
to be affixed, at the Capitol in
the City of Atlanta, this the 25th
day of August, A. D., 1948.
M. E. THOMPSON, ., |
Acting Governor i\\ 11'
By the Acting Governor
Secretary of State
A Proclamation
Submitting a proposed amend- 1
ment to the Constitution of Geor-:
gia to be voted on at the General*
Election to be held on Tuesday,
November 2, 1948, proposing to
the qualified voters of the State
of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬
ticle VII, Section IV, Paragraph
II of the Constitution of Georgia
of 1945 to provide that the Gen¬
eral Assembly may grant to the
governing authority of DeKalb
County the right to construct or
repair stree'.s and sidewalks and
to lay curbing, water and sewer
mains and to assess the cost*
thereof pro-rata against the abut- 1
ting property owners, provided
the owners of 51% of the proper¬
ty abutting such improvements
shall consent thereto and to pro¬
vide for the issuance and enforce¬
ment of execution for the collec¬
tion of such assessments and for
the creation of liens thereby
against such abutting property;,
and for other purposes.
By His Excellency,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting
Governor, State of Georgia
WHEREAS, by the votes of two-
thirds of the members elected to
each of the two Houses, the Gen-
e ral Assembly at its 1947 Sessiori
proposed an amendment to th«i
'Constitution of th.s State, as sel
forth in a Resolution approved oil
t •» 2Sth day of March, 1947, to
Providing II at the General
Assembly may grant to the gov¬
erning authority of DeKalb
County the right fa construct
or repair streets a d sidewalks
and to lay curb’ water and
sewer mains a d to assess the
costs thereof pro-rata ugainst
the nhutting property Miners,
provided the ow ners of ~ I % of
the property abutting s a-’i Im¬
provements shall consent t' ere-
to and to provide for B e Is¬
suance and enforcement of ex¬
ecution for Be collection of
such assessment and for the
creation of liens thereby i .ainst /
such abutting property; and for
other purposes.
H. R. No. 35-130B R. A. No. 23
To propose to the qualified vot¬
ers of Georgia an amendment to
Article VII, Section TV, para¬
graph II of the Constitution of
Georgia of 1945 to provide that
the General Assembly may grant
to the governing authority of De¬
Kaib County the right to con¬
struct or repair streets and side¬
walks and to lay curbing, water
and sewer mains and to assess the
thereof pro-rata against the
pioperty owners, provid¬
the owners of 51% of the pro¬
abutting such improvements
consent thereto and to pro¬
for the issuance and enforce¬
of execution for the collec¬
of such assessments and for
creation ot liens thereby
such abutting property
for other purposes.
Be it enacted by the General
of the State of Georgia
Article VII, Section IV,
II of the Constitution
Georgia of 1945 be amended by
thereto the following:
“The General Assembly may
to the governing authority
DeKalb County the right to
or repair streets and
be uniform within the County ar.d
need not be uniform within any
garbage disposal district, notwith¬
standing the provisions of Article
VII, Section I, Paragraph III of
the Constitution; and for other
purposes. m
By His Excellency,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting
Governor, State of Georgia
WHEREAS, by the votes ot
two-thirds of the members elect¬
ed to each of the two Houses, the
General Assembly at its 1947 Ses¬
sion proposed an amendment tJ
the Constitution of this State,, a I
set forth in a Resolution approve- 1
on the 28th day of March, 1917
Providing that the Board of
Coauniesioaere of Hoads and
Beveaueo of Fulton County
ahaii have power to levy either
a tax or an assessment, or both,
upon any part of or all the real
property (and also If desired up¬
on any occupants thereof) In
•aid County which is outside tho
incorporated areas of any City,
Town or Municipality, for gar¬
bage disposal services snd also
for the purpose of establishing,
maintaining and operating sys¬
tems of garbage disposal, and
ahaii have power to divide said
unincorporated arena or any
part thereof Into one or more or
nay number of garbage disposal
districts without regard to uni¬
formity of area or population,
and any auch tax or assessment,
or both, so levied need not bn
uniform within the County and
need not be uniform within any
garbage disposal district, not¬
withstanding the provisions of
Article VII, Section I, Para¬
graph III of the Constitution;
and for other purposes.
H. R. No. 61-303A R. A. No. 24
To propose to the qualified vot¬
ers of the State of Georgia an
Amendment to Article 7, Section
4, Paragraph 1, of the Constitu¬
tion of the State of Georgia, so
as to provide that the Board of
Commissioners of Roads and Rev¬
enues of Fulton County shall have
power to levy either a tax or an
assessment, or both, upon any
part or all of the real property
(and also if desired upon any
occupants thereof) in said County
which is outside the Incorporated
areas of any City, Town or Munic¬
ipality for garbage disposal ser¬
vices ar.d also for the purpose of
establishing, maintaining and cp-
crating systems of garbage dis-
pcsal, and shall have power to
divide said unincorporated areas
or any part thereof into one or
more or any number of garbage
disposal dis.ricts without regard
to uniformity of area or popula-
tion, and eny such tax or assess-
ment, or both, so levied need not
be uniform within the County and
need not be uniform within any
garbage disposal district, notwith¬
standing the provisions of Article
7. Section 1. Paragraph 3 of the
Constitution; and for other pur¬
ticle 7, Section 4, Paragraph 1,
o. the Constitution of the State of
Georgia, be amended by udding
therc:o the following new Para¬
graph, to-wit:
“The Board of Commissioners
of Roads and Revenues of Fulton
County shall have power to levy
either a tax or an assessment or
bo:h upon any part of or all the
real properly (and also if desired
upon any occupants thereof) n
said County vvhiei, is outside the
incorporated areas of any City,
Town or Municipality, for garbage
disposal services and also tor the
purpose of estWishing, niainta n-
ing ar.d operating systems n gar¬
bage disposal, and shall have p w-
er to divide said unincorporated
areas °r an > P arl thereof in o
0,ie or more or any niinibti of
garbage disposal districts without
regard to uniformity ot area or
population, and any such tax or
assessment or both levied need
no' be uniform within the < oui ty
ard need not be uniform within
any garbage disposal district, not-
withstanding the provisions ot Ar¬
ticle 7, Section 1. Parrtq-pb 3
of the Constitution "
Be it further resolved by the
Authority aforesaid th:u when
said Amendment shall be agreed
t by two-thirds w)te of the mem
bers elected to each of tne 'wn
Houses, said Amendn eril shill lie
entered on their Journals -vith
the yeas and nays taken I her eon.
and shall by the Governor t» pul)
lished in one ot more new.-p pe ¬
rn each Congressional Dist.i'-,
and in one or more newspapers
i' Fulton County, foi two months
previous to the lime of hoi dir g ne
next general election at which
election members of the General
Assembly -are chose, and saidt
Amendment shall be submitted to
the people at said next general
election. All persons voting at!
said election in favor of adopting)
said proposed Amendment to the
Constitution shall have written or!
printed on their ballots the words:]
"For ratification of Amendment!
to Article 7, Section 4, Paragrrphi
1, of the Constitution, authoriz¬
ing assessment and tax in Fulton
County without re, J to uni- 1
formity for garbage uisposal ser¬
vices and systems hereby author¬
ized". And all persons opposed
to the adoption of said Amend¬
ment shall have written or printed
on their ballots the words:
"Against ratification of Amend¬
ment to Article 7, Section 4, Para¬
graph 1, of the Constitution, au¬
thorizing assessment and tax in
Fulton County without regard to
uniformity for garbage disposal
services and systems hereby au¬
If a majority of electors, qual¬
ified to vote for members of the
General Assembly, voting thereon,'
in the State as a whole, and also
a majority of said electors, voting
thereon, in Fulton County, shall
vote for ratification thereof, when
the returns shall be consolidated
as required by law in elections for
members of the General Assembly
the said Amendment shall become
• part of Article 7, Section 4,
Paragraph 1, of the Constitution
1 of this State, and the Governor
1 s' all make a proclamation there-
1 of.
Speaker of the House
Clerk of the House
Ac-ring President of the Senate
And President Pro Tern
Secretary of the Senate
This 23 day of March, 1947.
TI .OMPSON. Acting Governor of
Georgia, do i: sue this my proclam-
r ion hereby declaring that the
proposed foregoing amendment to
the Constitution of Georgia is sub¬
mitted, for ratification or rejec¬
tion, to the voters of the State
qualified to vote for members of
the General Assembly at the Gen¬
eral Election to be held on Tues-
c’-"\ Novemcber 2, 1948.
It e hereunto set my hand, and
<• d the Great Seal of the State
t I ? r.L'ixcd, at the Capitol In
t :e Cl'y of Atlanta, this the 25th
i-:.y of Augu .t, A. D., 1948.
A'‘ting Governor
T 1 ' the Ae...:g Governor:
‘ retary of State
1 i t).j,..t,ng pivpoed aniefid-
r ..i to t e Constitution of Geor-
g i to be vo.ed on at tlie General
Election to lie tcld on Tuesday,
November 2, 1918, proposing to
the qualified voters of the State
of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬
ticle VII, Section VII, Paragraph
V, of the Constitution of Georgia
as amended August 13, 1945, so
as to provide that revenue antici¬
pation obligations may be issued
by the City of Atlanta. Fulton or
DeKalb County, or either of them
or by any public corporation cre¬
ated by them or either of them,
to provide funds for tb< .nstruc-
tion in whole or in pari of grand¬
stands and stadiums or either of 1
them, or to provide funds to ex- :
tend, repair or improve such ex¬
isting facilities, to provide such
revenue anticipation obligations
shall be payable, as to principal
and interest, only from revenue
produced by such facilities, and
shall not be deemed debts of or
to create debts against, the is¬
suing political subdivision within
the meaning ot the Constitution
as amended; and no suC/i issuing
political subdivision shall exercise
the power of taxation for the pur¬
pose of paying the principal or In-,
terest of any such revenue antici¬
pation obligations or any part,
thereof; and for other purposes.
By His Excellency,
Governor. State of Georgia
WHEREAS, by the votes of
two-thirds of tf.e members elect¬
ed to each of the two Houses, the
General Assenihly at its 1947 Ses-
s on prop sed an amendment to
the Cors’itution ot this State, as
Bm forth in a Resolution approv-
I I "ip ’’3th d iy of March. 1947
I ) XV,!
I‘r vi.iiiihat revenue anticl-
p-i'imi iiliiig:it|»nn may be l»-
mi. J »>v the City of Atlanta,
I niton or DeKalb County, or
el"‘ r ot them or by any puh-
Ihe eorporatlon eereated by
iem. or either of them, to
[ <>'. Itle funds for the construc-
I -n, In whole oi In part of
igrandstan«ji and stadiums or
either of them, or to provide
funds to extend, repair or Im-
1 prove such existing facilities;
to provide such revenue antlci-
p - ioQ obligations shall be pay¬
able, us to principal and inter¬
cut, oaiy from revenue produc¬
ed by such facilities, anJ shail
not bo deemed deb s of or to
create debts against, the Issuing
political subdivision within the
meaning of the Constitution ns
amended; and no su' Ji Issuing
pTlil-al subJivt-.t n shall exer¬
cise the power of taxation for
the purpose of pay! ■» the p I i- or Interest < f i ! • > ■ i
r.- venue antldpatia i «, ■..: 1
or auy pari t <■.. . ,
11. R. No. CT-Sri E .* "o • j
Proposing to B e pjer. *
sta y of Goo.gia a.i t .son. io t
to Article VII, Section Vii, IV:• -
graph V, of the Cr.s’.iiu.U i if
Georgia as amended Aug M 1J,
That the General A^ssimbiy of
the State of Georgia p.-pyo.i u
the people of Georg.a that Ar. -
c!e VII, Section VII, Paragra; i
V' of the Constitution of Georg a
a3 amended August 13, 1915, be
further amended by adding the
following paragraph at tie end
of said Section V:
Provided further, that revenue
anticipation obligations may be
issued by the City of Atlanta, Ful-
i ton County or DeKalb County,
or either of them or by any pub-
: lie corporation created by them
or cither of them, to provide
j whole funds for in the part construction, of grandstands in
iand stadiums or either of them,
jor to provide funds to extend, re¬
pair or Improve such existing fa¬
cilities. Such revenue anticipation
obligations shall be payable, as to
principal and interest, only from
revenue produced by *uch facili¬
ties, and shall not be deemed
deb's of or to create debts against
tr e issuing political
within '.re meaning of the Con¬
stitution as amended; and no such
issuing political aiibdivitr'.n siia'i
exercise the power «.f taxat: n
for the put pose of paying tha
principal or interest of ary sirh
revenue anticipation obligations
or any part thereof.
All persons voting at s i'1 ('"■
tion in favor of td pt an of ■ I
pr p.sod amendment to the C -
stitu.ion shall have written < r
printed on the'r hal'ats the words,
| "For ratification of the ante -
ment to Article VII, Section Vi!.
Paragraph V. so as to author 3
the issuance of revenue c\ :. .-
cates.” All persons opposed t >
the adoption of said propose i
amendment to t! e Constitution
Itheir ahaii have written or printed on
ballots the words, "Against
ratification of the amendment la
'Article VII, Section VII( Pa a-
jgrap’i V,*/j as to authorize U-e
■Issuance of revenue certificates."
If a majority of electors quali¬
fied to vote thereon shail vote
In favor of the ratification of said
* dment, when the returns
s 1 be consolidated as now re-
q d by law in such elections,
c ,4 return thereof be made to
ti. • Governor, then he shall de-
* said amendment adop’ed
make proclamation of the
t thereof, and said amend-
shall be and become a part
tide VII, Section VII, Pura-
t V, of the Constitution of
State of Georgia, as amend-
ker of the House
c ot the House
ng President of the Senate
; d President Pro Tern
Secretary of the Senate
Acting Governor
This 28th day of March, 1947.
T mpson, Acting Governor of
C ) gia, do issue this my procla¬
fi im hereby declaring that the
F prised foregoing amendment to
th Constitution of Georgia is
£ mitted, for ratification or re¬
jec: ion, to the voters of the State
qualified to vote for members of
the General Assembly at the Gen¬
eral Election to be held on Tues¬
day, November 2. 1948.
hice hereunto set my hand, and
c: used the Great Seal of the State!
to be affixed, at the Capitol in 1
the City of Atlanta, this the 25th
day of August A. D., 1948.
Acting Governoi •
By the Acting Governor
BEN Se W. FORTSON. of State JR^