The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 02, 1948, Image 4
,oi rat.iication or rejection in tin next general election. Those vot- ; in favor of the ratification of . ,;.e amendment herein prop"'se<l hall ha'e writ'en or printed on their ballots the, “For tha amendment relating to B bb ■ County repealing the amendment | to the Const'tution set out in Acts of 1945, Pages 106-108 adopted in the general election of 19-15." ! These voting against the ratifica¬ Jshail tion of the proposed amendment hr -■ written or piinfed on their ballot^ the wouls, ‘Against ihe 'meat r latir.g to Bibb Corn. j i pe l ; ti c eme;,4mrit j to the Constitution of Georgia set out in Acts of 1915, Pages 106- 103, adopted in the general elec- ,ion oi 1945." If a majority of those voting vote for tills amend- i men! herein proposed, when ih* results are c ltified to the Gov¬ ernor. he shai! proclaim tha amendment adopted. ! FRED HAND Speaker of the House JjK BOONE _ Clerk of tii' 1 Iloiue ’ WM. T. DEAN Acting President of the Senate and President Pro Teni I MRS. HENRY W. NKVIN j J Secretary of the Senate JHIOMPSQII APPROVED: JVt. _E. Ar... g t.jver.-m Th.., hii j (A . . i. ! 7 NOW. THERE- v ... . 1. E, THOM. EON, Acting Governor of Georgia, do Lsue this my proc¬ lamation hereby declaring that the proposed foregoing amend¬ ment to the Constitution of Geor¬ gia is submitted, for or reje tion, to the voters of the stale qualified to vote for mem¬ bers of the General Assembly at ihe General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 1948. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Great .Seal of the State to be affixed, at the Capitol In the City of Atlanta, this the 25*h day of August, A. D., 1948. M. E. THOMPSON Acting Governor By the Acting Governor:' BEN W. FORTSON, JR Secretary of State A Proclamation Submitting a proposed amend¬ ment, to the Constitution of Geor¬ gia to be voted on at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 1918, proposing to the qualified votcis cf the State of Geoiga an am ndment to Ar¬ ticle VII, Section VII, ParngrrpT I of the Constitution of Cjorgn, so as to aut o"ize the City of At¬ lanta to issue rcvcr."e cer i .cates for the purpose ot nv-king rep:: is and imp overren s in i s Water Works System and Sanitary De- ( partner,'; tj provide tor the pay- i ' m.-.t of r.ifirat' out of the c S j revenuei To ived from water or sanitary s.rv'r * charges, to »a- liorire II ? >• ttirg as . in spcHal i'unds a sufficient sum to retire t e rev. Lite certificates to provide the mar.per, f trm and method of is‘Ui. g ce tifieutrs; certificates to be irs ed by a majority vote of the Mayor and General Council r-d va! da: d; to provide for the allocat'd' i of antiC'pated receipts; to prov de lhat certificates shall “at be a debt of liability upon the City of Atlanta and shall be pay¬ able from and chargeable only upon tlie revenue derived from Water or Sanitary services re¬ spectively; to p.ovide for the sub¬ mission of the amendment for ratification by Re peop'e; and for other purposes. By His Excellency, M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor, State of Georgia WHEREAS, by the votes of two-thirds of the members elect¬ ed to each of t e two Houses, the General Assembly at its 1947 Ses¬ sion proposed an amendment to the Constitution of this State, as set forth in a Bill approved on the 25th day of March, 1947, to-witi Authorizing the City of At¬ lanta to Issue revenue certio¬ rates for the purpose of mak¬ ing repairs and Improvements In Its Wa'er Works System and Sanitary Department; to pro¬ vide for the payment of certio¬ rates out of the revenue* deriv¬ ed from water or sanitary ser¬ vice rbarges; to authorize the setting aside In special funds a sufficient stem to retire the rev¬ enue rertifleates; to provide tbs manner, form and method of Issuing certificate*; certificates to he issued by a majority vote of the Mayor and General Coun¬ cil and validated; to provide for the allocation of anticipated re¬ ceipts: to provide that certio¬ rates shall not be a debt or lia¬ bility upon the City of Atlanta and shall be payable from *nd chargeable only upon the reve¬ nue derived from Water or San¬ itary services respectively; provide for the submission pf the amendment for ratification A Proclamation SuLmitling a proposed amend¬ ment to the Conslitu i of Geor¬ gia, to be voted on at ;..e General Election to be hold on Tuesday, November 2, 10IS, proposing to the qualified voters of the State of Georgia an amendment to re¬ peal the amendment amending Paragraph II, Section VI, of Ar¬ ticle VII of the Constitution of the State of Georgia of 1877, ap¬ proved March 9, 1915, to enact laws to authorize the General As- s n-biy to create a retirement fur.d and/or system of pension or retirement pay for any and al! county employees and officers of F hi) County, Georgia; and for 0. ner purposes. Ey ;i Its Excellency, E TIIOM'./ON, Acting C vivr.or. State of Georgia V.ER2AS, by the votes of p !i ids of the members elect- i 1 to cub of the two Houses, the IRncrc! Assembly at its 1C47 Ses- rion proponed an amendment to the Constitution of this £> ate as sit forth hi a Resolution approv¬ ed on Hie ti.t.ii day of March, 1947, to-vvit: I’ropiwiig to tlie qualified voters of the State of Georgia an amendment t.» i i,» anirndiiK-nt impndi n •; t’ara- graplt I!, Se-tion VI, of Article VII of the (onstltui 1 >ri of the State of Georgia of Iti.., ap¬ proved March 1), 1915, t > enact laws to authorize the General Assembly to create a retire nient fund and/or h,, stem of pension or retirement pay for any and ull county employees and officers of Bibb County, Georgia; and for other purpos¬ es. H. R. No. 70-338A R. A. No. 17 A RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Article 7, Section -1, Paragraph 15 of the amended Constitution of Georgia of 1945 provides authority ample to pro¬ vide retirement or pension funds for officers and employees of any County; and, WHEREAS, the Constitutional rt,. nom. .it designated as Bibb Retirement System set forth in the Acts of 1945 of Georgia, Pages 106 to 108, and ratified by the people in the general election ef 1945 as an amendment to the Constitution of 1877, is merely cumulative and is unnecessary to the setting up of a retirement and/or pension fund for Bibb County; and, THEREFORE, BE IT RE¬ SOLVED BY THE GENERAL AFFSMEL'’ of GEORGIA, AND IT IS Hi '.BY ENACTED BY AUTHOR!' : OF THE SAME: SECTION 1. Th t the amendment amending Purqgr: u'l 11 i .' Section VI of Ar¬ ticle V I of tlie ( ms:, u.ic.i cf the S:ate of Georgia of 1877, ap¬ proved March 9, 1945, and nu- ih»rii. sft’ ■ Re. . 1 '. m’ y to nact laws to create n retirement urd and r :. s; m < pjnsi. o or eiirrment pay for any and all ounty c mlcyer : a" I cFlerrs < f Bibb County, Georgia, and for ■ ther purposes; and reading as i allows: “The General Assembly shall have authority, however, to en- f ct laws authorizing ihe County of Bibb, in the sole discretion of its governing authority, to create and contribute to a retirement fund and/or system of retirement pay, either by direct contribution to such a fund or by payment of Insurance premiums, or by a com¬ bination of such methods, for al! r.r any employees and officers who are compensa’ed by Bibb Cour.ty, ai.J v ho hold their of¬ fices tr p eith-T by elec¬ tion or appointment, to levy taxes for these purposes, and to enact lows establishing rules for tenure cf office for such officers and em- l-liyees and for other purposes i nsistent therewith;” Be, and the same is, hereby repealed and stricken in its en¬ tirety. SECTION 2. Be it further resolved by the uthority aforesaid that whenev- 1. the above proposed resolution p ealing said amendment shall have been agreed to by two-thirds cf the members elected to each :f the two Houses of the General Assembly, and the same has been tntered upon their Journal, with Ihe yeas and nays taken thereon, he Governor shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and instructed !o cause such amendment to be I ublished in one or more news¬ papers in each Congressional dis¬ trict for two months previous to the time of holding the next cen¬ tral election. SECTION 3. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution shall be sub- I it ed, as one single amendment la tiie Constitution, to the people THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, ^ RSDAY, SEPTEMI 1948. by Mix |H>uple; and for other |).l rposes. S. B. No. 70 R. A. No. 150 AN ACT To propose to the qualified vot¬ ers o.* Georgia an amendment to Article 7, Section 7, Paragraph 1 of the Constitution of Georgia, so as to authorize the City of At¬ lanta to issue revenue certificates for the puipose of making repairs and improvements in its Water Works System ar.d Sanitary De¬ partment; to provide for the pay¬ ment of certificates out of the revenues derived from water or sanitary service charges; to au¬ thorize the set’ing in special funds a sufficient sum to retire ! the revenue certificates; to pro¬ vide the manner, form and meth¬ od of issuing certificates; certifi¬ cates to be issued by a majority vote of the Mayor and General Council and validated; to provide for the allocation of anticipated receipts; to provide that certifi¬ cates shall not be a debt or lia¬ bility upon the City of Atlanta and shall be payable from and chargeable only upon the reve¬ nue derived from Water or Sani- tary services respectively; tp pro- vldo for the submission of the amendment for ratification by the people; and for other purposes. BE IT ENACTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same as follows: SECTION I * That Article 7 , Section 7 „ Para¬ graph 1, of the Constitution of Georgia, which has heretofore been amended, shall be further amended by adding at the end thereof a new paragraph in the following words, towit: "And, except that the City of Atlanta for the purpose of (a) improving, repairing, constructing and reconstructing, making addi- tioni, extensions, alterations, or improvements, in ita Water Works Systsm, and acquiring the neees- sary p-operty therefor; and (b) improving, repairing, purchasing, installing and constructing incine¬ rators or crematories for the dls- posal of garbage, refuse aid waste by Ita Sanitary Depart- ment, and acquiring the property therefor, either or both, may, from time to time issue in¬ terest bearing revenue certificates to be paid solely out of the reve¬ nue* derived from Water or Sani¬ tary service charges respectively. and to provide for ti e payment of said revenue certificates, by ting aside in special funds to be known as "Water Works ment Revenue Fund' ‘and I tary Department Revenue Fund," a sufficient sum, not to exceed I twenty •(20%) per cent of the I annual charges, fees and taxes re¬ ceived from the water and sani¬ tary service charge* respectively, to retire Die certificates. percentages shall be based the total annual receipts each of said services for the previous to the issue. Said cates may be issued in one more series, bearing such date or dates, maturing at such tjme or times not exceeding twenty (20) years from their respective dates; with interest at such rate or rates, not exceeding five (5%. per centum per annum, payable at such time or times, and in such medium of payment at such place ‘or places, and in such denomina¬ tion or denominations and form, either coupon or registered, and may carry such registration, con¬ version and exchangeability priv¬ ileges, and may be subject to such terms of redemption with or without premium, and to become due before the maturity date thereof, and be executed in such manner and contain such terms, covenants, assignments and con¬ ditions as the resolution authoriz¬ ing the issuance of such certifi¬ cates may provide. Said certifi¬ cates shall not be sold for less than par value. Said certificates shall be negotiable for all pur¬ poses and shall be non-taxable for any and all purposes. They shall be issued when authorized by.a majority vote of the Mayor and General Council, and signed by the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of Atlanta, and validat¬ ed pursuant to the existing laws for validation of bonds and when *o validated thereunder shall be forever incontestable and conclu¬ sive. Before issuing any such rev¬ enue certificate* the Mayor and General Council shall provide by resolution for the allocation of a percentage of the anticipated ceipts necessary to pay said cer¬ tificates as they mature from the particular service from which the certificates are to be paid for the year in which they mature, and as said funds are received shall deposited in said special funci * without deduction, for the benefit of any other or fund of the City of Atlanta and used so'ely for payment of the principal and interest of said tifica: es. Said revenue shall not be payable from or charged upon any funds other than the revenue pledged to the payment thereof, nor shall the City of Atlanta be subject to any pecuniary liability thereon, nor shall any such certificates con¬ I stitute a charge, lien or incum¬ brance upon any of its property. The obligation created by said certificates shall not be constru- ed as a debt within the restriction as to debt limit of this paragraph. SECTION II BE IT FURTHER ENACTED by the authority aforesaid, that when said amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds vote of the members of each House, with the “Ayes” and “Nays" thereon, and published in one or more newspapers in each Congressional District in this State for two months previous to the time for hokling the next general election, at which, proposed amendments to tl.o Constitution of this State may be voted on, and shall at said next general election be sub¬ mitted to the people for ratifica¬ tion. All persons voting at said election in favor of adopting the said proposed amendment to the Corsfitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, “For ratification of amendment of Article 7,, Section 7„ Paragraph 1, of the Constitu¬ tion, authorizing the City of At- lanti to issue revenue certificates from time to time for the bene¬ fit of its water works system and sanitary department, and provid¬ ing for the payment of said cer¬ tificates out of a percentage of revenues derived from water or sar; ary charges respectively,’’ and all persons opposed to the ad' ;>ting of said amendment shall ha- ? written or printed on their ballots the words, “Against rati- fic: lion of amendment of Article 7, kectfbn 7, Paragraph 1, of the Co stitution, authorizing the City of Atlanta to issue revenue cer- tifi ates from time to time for the berefit of its water works sys¬ tem and sanitary department, and providing for the payment of said cei: ifiea.LS out of a percentage i of revenues derived from water j or sanitary charges respectively,’’ and if a majority of the electors qu ified to vote for members of the General Assembly, voting tltc eon, shall vote for ratifica¬ tion thereof, when the results sh 1 be consolidated as now re- qu ’d by law in election for mem- be:., of the General Assembly, ti e sa d amendments shall be- coi e a part o' Article 7, Section 7, 1 arag-rph 1, of the Corwtitu- tio:i of l e State, and the Gover- j nor shall make a proclamation 1 tin . efor, as provided by law. SECTION III / d laws and parts of lawi In co; Iict herewith are hereby re- [pe; id. WM. T. DEAN | Pr aident Pro Yam and Presiding ( Nicer I ML'3. HENRY W. NKVIN Se.vetaiy of the Senate FR :d hand S p zkcr of the House of t Representatives JOH BOONE Clc k of the House of Representatives APPROVED: M. E. THOMPSON Ac ing Governor 'ibis 25th day ot March, 1947. MOW. THEREFORE, I. M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor of Ge .-gia, do issue this my procla¬ mation hereby declaring that t. e pre posed foiegoing amendment to the Constitution of Georgia is sul ilitted, for ratification or re- jec on, to the voters cf the State qualified to vote for members of the General Assomb y at ti e Gen¬ eral Election to be held on Tues¬ day. November 2, 1948. ] I WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and cat d t e C e_: Sea! of theS e to l e effi-t'd, r.t the C pi::! in the City of Atlanta, this the 25th day of August, A. D., 1943. M. E. THOMPSON, Amin/ Governor By the Acting Governor BEN W. FORTSON, JR. See. etary of State * A Proclamation Submitting a proposed amend- me t to the Constitution of Geon- g.a to be voted on at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 1918, proposing to the qualified voters of the Stale of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬ ticle VIII. Seciion V, Paragraph I of the Constitution of Georgia, so as to provide for the division of Spalding County into sciiool districts, and for t e election ot members of the county board ot j education from such school k <- tricls, to provide for their tr j of office ar.d qualifications; j j provide for the e'ection ar. i ;>- pointment by the county b . . i t education of a superintend?!! of j the county school system, an’ to prescribe his qualifications t> d term of office; to provide Rr Re or any agent for such publisher or any person who shall have a pecuniary interest in the sale of books shall be eligible for election as a member of the County Board of Education; ar.d in said election, only the qualified voters of the county residing in that part of the county where the schools are under the jurisdiction and con¬ trol of the county school superin¬ tendent shall be eligible to vote. “That from and after the ratifi¬ cation of this amendment the Grand Jury of Spalding County shall make no future appoint¬ ments of members of the county board of education, but the p.e- sent board shall serve until their successors are duly elected as above provided. “No person shall be eligible to hold office as a member of the County Board of Education who is r.ot of good moral character, who has not at least a fair knovzl- edge of the elementary branch of an English education, who is r.ot favorable to the common school system, and who is not a voter qualified to vote for the members of the General Assembly. ‘The county school superinten¬ dent of Spalding County shall be elec ed or appointed by the Coun¬ ty Eoard of Education for a term not to exceed 4 years, and he shall hold such office until his succ essor is elected and qualified. Fie. l and after the ratification of this amendment the voters of Spa ding County shall r.o longer elect the cour.ty school superin¬ tendent, but the present superin¬ tendent shall serve until his sue-' cos: r is duly elected or appoint¬ ed ; s above provided by the coun¬ ty board of education. “ afore any person shall be qua ified or eligible to hold office as teuEy school superintendent, i:e ; hall have had at least two yea; ; practical experience in ech 1 edrn: vstration, and he sr: enmp led a minimum C; V ; s:; ' 1031 years cf college and s.ia i hrve grcuuated from an ac- me Yd ge rr university, sha'l held f'o degree of Master of / Ns or an equivalent Master’* deg ce.” SECTION n TE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when this proposed amend' mat shall be agreed to by two- thirds of the members elected to e i cf the two Houses of the | Ceretcl Assembly and the sam* | shmI have been entered on theit journ s with ‘ the “ayes” a , s Rk?n t creon, the pro- j posed amendment sh'dl be sub¬ mit,ed to the people far ratifica¬ tion or ic,;cction at tlie next gen¬ eral elec:ion at which election membeis oi the General Assent- | bly arc chosen, at which election every pc.son shall be qualified to vote who is qualified ij vote for members of the General Assem¬ bly. Said amendment shall be pub¬ lished in one or more i.c aperii in each congressional dis.r.ct for two months previous xo the tinui of holding the election wherein said amendment is submitted for ratification or rejection. All per¬ sons voting in said election in fav¬ or of adopting the proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words “IT. rati¬ fication of amendment to Para¬ graph 1, Section 5, Article 8 of the Constitution providing for the election of members of the Spald¬ ing County Board of Education, and tiie appointment of a county school superintendent by said Eoard,” and all persons opposed to the adoption of said amend¬ ment siiail have written or p in;cd on their ballots the words “Against ratification of amend¬ ment to Paragraph 1, Section 5, Article 8 of the Constitution pro¬ viding for the election of mem¬ bers of the Spalding County Board of Education, and tlie appoint¬ ment of a county school superin¬ tendent by said Board.” If a ma¬ jority of the voters of the State qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly voting thereon, and if a majority of the electors qualified to vote for mem¬ bers of the General Assembly in the County of Spalding voting thereon ratify such amendment, the same shall become a part of the Constitution of this State. The returns of the election shall be made in like manner as re- turrs for members of the General Assembly, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the State to ascertain the result and to certi- fy the result to the Governor, who shall, if such amendment be rati¬ fied make proclamation thejeof. FRED HAND Q Speaker of the House JOE BOONE Clerk of Re House WM. T. DEAN Acting President of the Senate and President Pro Tern MR3. HENRY W. NEVIN Secretary c: the Senate APPROVE M. E. THOMPSON Act ng C :r This 28th day ot March, 1947, •ubmission of the amendment for ratification or rejection by the people; and for other purposes. By His Excellency, j! M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor, State of Georgia WHEREAS, by the votes of two-thirds of the members elect¬ ed to each of the two Houses, the General Assembly at its 1947 Ses¬ sion proposed an amendment to Constitution of this State, as set forth in a Bill approved on the 28th day of March, 1947, to¬ wit: Providing for the division of Spalding County into school dis¬ tricts, and for the election of members of the county board cf education from such school dis¬ tricts, to provide for their terms of office and qualifications; to provide for the election and ap¬ pointment by the county board of education of a superinten¬ dent of the county school sys¬ tem, and to prescribe his quali¬ fications and term of office; to provide for the submission of the amendment for ratification or rejection by the people; and for other purposes. H. II. No. 83-391A R. A. No. 27 A RESOLUTION Proposing to the Qualified Vot¬ ers an Amendment to Article 8, j Soclion 5, Paragraph I of the Con¬ stitution of Georgia of 1945, so j as to provide for the division of Spalding County into school dis¬ tricts, and for the election of members of the county board of education from such school dis¬ trict, to provide for their terms of office ar.d qualifications; to! provide for the election ar.d ap- j pointment by the counly b; rd c 1 education of a superintendent of the county school system, and to 1 prescribe his qualifications and term of office; to provide for the submission of the amendment for ratification or rejection by the people; and for purposes, i BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA; SECTION I That Article 8, Sect.on 5, Para¬ graph 1 of the Conslitu—l of Georgia be and the same is here¬ by amended by add ng at the end thereof a new paragraph as fol¬ lows, to-vvit: “The members of tlie County Board of Education of S raiding County shall be elcr.cJ oy ! *.c people at the same time and tor the same term that other county officers are elected, and s ail hoid their offices until their success .ns are elected and quuiuied. Sixty days after the ratification of tins amendment it shall be the duty of the ordinary of Spalding Coun¬ ty to call an election for the pur¬ pose of electing by the qualified voters in each school district of a member of the County Board of Education from that school dis¬ trict. The members of the board who are elected at that time s .all hold ofice until their successors are elected and qualified. Should a vacancy occur in the office of any member thus elected, a suc¬ cessor shall be appointed by the judge of the Superior Court for the unexpired term. The county of Spalding, outside of the city ' limits of the City of Griffin shall, by the Judge of the Superior Court, the Clerk of the Superior Court, and the Ordinary, be laid off and divided into five school districts to be known, numbered and designated as school districts. Numbers geographical 1, 2, limits 3, 4, of and such 5; school, the j dial Acts may k? changed and rc- laid off from time to time in the f discretion of the officers herein named upon an unanimous vote of the said officers so to do. One member from each of the above designated school districts shall be elected to serve on said board, and only the registered and qual¬ ified voters in each school district shall vote for the election of a member from that district. • “Should the charter providing for the operation of the Griffin Independent School System be surrendered and the laws govern¬ ing the operation of the Griffin Independent School System be re¬ pea'ed, the number of members of tlie County Board of Educa¬ tion shall be increased to 10 mem¬ bers, with 5 members being elect- ] ed from the City of Griffin, which shall be designated as School Dis¬ trict No. 6 of Spalding County; | tha - ■ m 60 days after the rati- fici f this amendment, if the; cha. of the Griffin Indepen¬ dent School System shall have been surrendered the ordinary of Spalding County shall call a spec¬ ial election for the purpose of electing 5 additional members of the county board of education from said school district, who shall serve until the next electim of other county officers, when their successors shall be elected. I Only the reg.stered and qualif 'd voters in this said school dis at shall vote for the election of t he five members from said restrict. “No publisher of school books! NOW, THEREFORE, I. M. E. H 3MPSON, Acting Governor ot I jrgia, c!o issue this t.:y procla- i lion hereby drclarirg that | erased foregoing amendment to '.he Constitution of Georg a is sub- *____ted, for ratification or rejec- Ran, to the voters of t e State qua.ified to vote tor members of the General Assembly at the Gen- oral Election to be held on sues- day, November 2, 1918. IN WITNESS \, HEREOF. I bava hereunto set my hand, cat »ed the Creat Seal of ‘to be affixed, at the jhe City cf Atlanta, th.s the 25th day of August A. D., 19 M. E. YHOMPSC Acting Governor Ey the Acting Governor: EEN \7. FORTSC:,-. JM. Secretary cf State e A Prcc!r:r.2*i!::i » i ............... 1 Submitting a proposed err. vd- r r.t to the C usAtulion o. Clear- l to be vo' d < i ct t * <': ncr-al Fier i i to be h J t i Yi'.esdn*', November 2, 191. r t the qualified voices < l ! j of Cl orgia or. :. .: 11 gob I. Sect: .. V, .* \ . 1 cf the ConsFiuUou « ( :. i ( f UN so cs to pro-. . . a Co ‘ y board cf c uc. ' a f r PF : Cou.afy, Cro.gF, t > ! ; cf r.'re (2) m.err.he s i .1 r ■,,, r rial lore.I rmrr.':..‘3 - i ’o hr- .. vvn'? v..lh Pc: : c ur y; to provide t. ? cuaKficnf a of ti e board membeis, their tc-.m of of- fice and the manner of their Fee- tion; to vest tlie county boaiJ of education with all p weis ar.d duties new exercised by county boards of education a d local trustees; to provide for a county school superintendent and his election by the county board of education, to provide that the ter- j ritory of Polk County of l, jndependent systems *shall con- titute one , chool d , 8trict; t0 pro- j schoo , t#x of , two mills to . be levied ... „„ on all _____ prop¬ erty of the county in addition to the fifteen mills provided for in paragraph 1, Section XII. Article VIII of the Constitution; and for other purposes. ii By His Excellency, 1 M. E. THOMPSON. Acting j Governor, State of Georgia WHEREAS, by the votes of * two-thirds cf the members elected t0 cac ;, 0 f ,; ;e two Houses, • the I C , ncral Assembly at its 1947 Ses- s : on promise.I un amendment to the Constitution of this State, as set forth in a Rea ut on app;\,v. J on the 23tii d y of Marco. 1647. to-vvit: Providing for a county hoard of educati.n lor P C i, Georgia, to be com ' nf r' « <0) members e l tor f r a !- ditlonal mem!)” ■* ? i e. > town merge with 1' . t .nv; to provide the < : >!: a I i t the board m m . ‘ it R. i of effi. ‘ ji id I • i. i,t tiiolr r ection; !•> v M tha connly I >ard of < .n r. ion v. 'h all powers and Goliis now exer¬ cised by county Rmix.s of¬ tion and local trustees; to pro¬ vide for a county s haul super¬ intendent and h s election by the county board of education, to provide that tile territory of Polk County outside of .nde- pendent systems shall constitute one school district; to provide for a special school tax of Uvo milts to be levied on all property of the county In addition to Ihe fifteen mills provided for rn Paragraph I, Section XII. Ar¬ ticle VIII of the Constitution; and for other purposes. H. u D R. No. oni/ie;- 90-445A D R. A. . No on 29 A RESOLUTION Proposing to the qualified vot- ers an amendment to Paragraph I, Section 5, Article 8 of the Con- stitution of Georgia of 1945 so a* to provide for a county board of education for Polk County, Georgia, to be composed of nine (9) members and for four addi- tiona! members should Cedartown merge with Polk County; to pro- vide the qualification of the board members, their term of office and the manner, of their election, to vest t * le county board of education with all powers and duties now , exercised by county boards ot ed- ucation and local trustees; to pro- j vide tendent for and a county tps election school superin- by the | county board of education, to pro¬ vide that the territory of Polk County outside of independent systems shall constitute one school district; to provide foi a special school tax of two mills to be levied on all property of the county in addition to the fifteen mills provided for in Paragraph 1, Section 12, Article 8 of the Con¬ stitution; and for other purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA; i SECTION 1. « I That Paragraph 1, Section a Article 8 of the Constitution of 1945 be, and the samj is hereby amended by adding at 1 the cr.d thereof new paragraphs follows, to-wit: “All of Polk County lying outside of independ- j cn t school systems now in exist- encs j n sa ( j county shall compose one school district and shall be | under the control ar.d nianage- rn ent of a county board of educa- , iox There shall be a Polk County Board of Education which s ;. a ii consist of nine (9) members, vv j, a S ’ ia 'l serve without compen- cation. The judge of the supe¬ rior court of said county* shall anoint the first board and three (3) of the members so appointed shall hoid office for four years, throe (3) for three (3) years, ar.d three (3) for two (2) years, At the expiration of the terms of members cf said board so ap- em ed t... i successors shall be . Fc.-.ed by the quaiiAed voters of that par. ,.a cf Foil: County which i : / cr may hereafter be under .! ? . -rlsdlction of the Polk County For 1 of c lueaKon, and for a .m of four years. The election -hr ! card tr.o.. bars shall be held it * ; nard Tuesday in Decem- ■ .r at an election held for the e.xeh .re purpose of electing a.en.'.eis of the Polk County Eoard cf education. All candi- dates for membership on the Polk CTux.y Hoard of Education shall rcg.sAr with the ordinary of said county rt least ten days before ••• e ( on ' I- ,e ordinary shall provide for said election in the sanls manner and at the sarr.a Places as regular election and declare tlie results and certify to ^ ie proper authorities the duly c.ected members of said board, new board of education pro- vided for in this amendment shall i a ^ e office January 1, 1949 and the first election shall be held oa the second Tuesday in December, 1950, ar.d other elections shall be ht-ld on said date each year there¬ after so that the terms of the membership sha’l remain stag- '^■ ed - ° ne member of the county board of education shall be elect- ed from each of the attendance areas of Antioch, Aragon, Bene¬ dict, Brewster, Cedar-Lake, Fish, Fite, and two members shall be elected from the elementary sch<>o1 attendance area of Rock- mart - The membership of the _ Po!!: County _ — Board - of - —- Education shall be enlarged to thirteen, if ar.d when the independent school system of Cedartown merges with p °lk County School system and the four additional members shall he elected from the territory of the city limits of Cedartown. All rights, powers, and duties now exercised by the county board of education and the district trusters are hereby vested in the Polk County Board of Education. Should a vacancy occur on said board by reason of death, resig¬ nation, or otherwise, the remain¬ ing members of the board shall by secret ballot elect a successor who shall hoid office until the first election lor members of the board as herein provided. No person shall be eligible to hold office as a member of the Polk County Eoard of Education who is not of good moral character, who has not at least a fair knowl¬ edge of the elementary branch cf and English education, who is not favorable to the common school system, and who is not a voter qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly. No pub¬ lisher of school books or any agent for such publisher, or any person Who , shall , , , have a pecuniary in- , n ^ sa](? q[ ^ boQks , shall be eligible for election as a mem b e r of said board of educa- tion. There shall be a county school superintendent who shall be elect- e d or appointed by the county : ;*>ard of education of Polk County. , Before any person shall be elected oi appointed county school super- j intencient he shall have all of the qualifications which are now, or .which may hereafter be preserib- e d by law for county school super- intendents of the S ate, except , that any legal requirement as io . local residence shall not he • p- j ' plieable. From and after the rct- the | ification of this amendment voters of Polk County shall no ; longer elect a county school su- permtendent. That in addition io the tax of not less than five miHs nor greater than fifteen mills, j which the fiscal authority of the county is required to levy for the support and maintenance tf education upon property located outside independent school sys¬ tems as provided for in Paragraph 1, Section 12, Article £ of the Constitution, the fiscal author¬ ities of Polk County shall levy a tax, for the support and main¬ tenance of schools under the ju*