The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 02, 1948, Image 5
VOLUME XLVIII. frisdiction of the Polk Cou. ty 'Board of Education of two nv'T , upon the dollar of all taxable property lpcated in the County of Polk, when such additional two mill tax is recommended by the Polk County Board of Education.” • SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT WHEN *said amendment shall be agreed to by two-thirds vote of the members of each House with the "ayes” and "nays” taken thereon, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to the people for ratification or re¬ jection at the next general elec¬ tion at v. hlch election members of the General Assembly are chosen, at which election every person shall be qualified to vote who is qualified to vote for the members oi the General Assembly. Said amendment shall be published in one or more newspapers in each congressional district for two months previous to the time of holding the election wherein said amendment is submitted for rat¬ ification or rejection. All persons voting in said election in favor adopting the proposed amend¬ ment to the Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words “For ratifica¬ tion of amendment to Paragraph 1, Section 5, Article 8 of the Con- s.itutlon providing for nine (9) member Polk County Board of Education and the election of a County school superintendent by caid Board”and all persons op¬ posed to the adoption of said amendment shall have written or printed on their ballots the words "Against ratification of amend¬ ment to Paragraph 1, Section 5, Sr’ticle 8 of the ConsTitutlon pro- viding for a nine (9) member Polk County Board of Education aid the election of a County r hocl ' superintendent by said Beard.” If a majority of the vot- i s of tl:■> State qualified to vote for member -r of the General As- s mb’y voting theron, and if a i '.an y pf the electors qualified to vote Hr members of the Gen- i 1 Assembly in the County of - v-tlng thereon ratify such i - cent, the s_ma shall be- < .e a pert of the Constitution of 1 s fltste. The returns of the r' ciicn shall be made In like rar-.or rs returns for members C the C moral Assembly, and it £ 'all be the duty of the Secretary oi the State to ascertain the re- e-ll anJ to certify the result to the Governor, vv ho shall, if such r. .:nc men: be ratified make proc- 1,unction thereof. 1 BED HAND Speaker of the Hous« JOE DOONE Clerk of ti e House VVM. T. Dean Acting President of the Senate and President Pro Tem MRS HENRY NEVIN Secretary of the E.' Senate APPROVED: M. THOMPSON Acting Governor This 28th day of March, 1947 NOW, THEREFORE, I, M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor of Georgia, do issue this my procla¬ mation hereby declaring that the proposed foregoing amendment to the Constitution of Georgia is sub¬ mitted, for ratification or rejec¬ tion, to the voters of the State qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at the Gen¬ eral Election to be held on Tues¬ day. November 2, 1948. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at the Capitol in the City of Atlanta, this the 25th day of August, A. D., 1948 M. E. THOMPSON - By the Acting Governor: Acting Governor BEN W. FORTSON, JR. Secretary of State A Proclamation Submitting a proposed amend- to the Constitution of Geor- g.u, to be voted on at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 1948, proposing to the qualified voters of the State of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬ ticle VIII, Section VII, of the Constitution of the S.ate ot Geor- g.a, said amendment to be known as Paragraph II of said Section, so as to provide tiiat tie General Assembly of Georgia shall be au¬ thorized to pass a act or acts to merge the existing inde¬ pendent school system ot the City of Columbus and the existing school district in the County of Muscogee lying outside tie cor¬ porate limits of said city into one school d.strict or system co-ex- tensive with the limits ot said county; and for other purposes. Ey His Excellecy, M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor, State of Georgia two-thirds WHEREAS, of the by members the votes elected of | to each ot the two Houses, the I WM. T. DEAN President Pro Tem and Acting President MRS. HENRY W. NEVIN Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: M. E. THOMPSON, 1 Acting Governor This 28th day of March, 1947. NOW THEREFORE, I, M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor of Georgia, do issue this my procla¬ mation hereby declaring that the proposed foregoing amendment to the Constitution of Georgia is sub¬ mitted, for ratification or rejec¬ tion, to the voters of the State qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly at tha Gen- ieral Election to be held on Tues¬ day, November 2, 1948. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the G 0 1 Seal of the State to b? affixed, at Capitol in the City of Atlanta, this the 25th day of August, A. D.., 1948. M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor By the Acting Governor: BEN W. FORTSON, JR, Secretary of State A Proclamation Submitting a proposed amend¬ ment to the Constitution of Geor- to be voted on at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, 1948, proposing to the qualified voters of the State of Georgia an amendment to Article VII, Section IV, Paragraph I, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, so as to provide that the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County shall have the right and power 1 , ti assess and collect license fees and taxes from all persons, firms and corporations maintaining a place or places of business in any area of Fulton County outside the incorporated limits of municipal¬ ities; and the right and power to- license and regulate taxicabs and cars for hire in such unincorpo¬ rated areas, and the right and power to classify business and business enterprises and to assess different license fees and taxes against different classes of busi- ' ness; and so as to provide that the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County shall also have the right and power to regulate all busi¬ nesses and business enterprises in any area of Fulton County out¬ side the incorporated limits of mu¬ nicipalities, in the interest of the welfare of the citizens of Fulton County, and to prescribe rules ar.d regulations concerning the sar .e, and to provide that viola- i tio:i of any regulation adopted by the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County or the failure to pay any ‘license fee or tax prescribed for any business shall constitute a mi. demeanor punishable upon conviction thereof as prescribed by the general laws of the State, of Georgia; and for other pur¬ poses. By His Excellency, M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor, State of Georgia. WHEREAS, by the votes of two-thirds of the members elect¬ ed to each of the two Houses, the General Assembly at its 1947 Ses¬ sion proposed an amendment to the Constitution of this State, as set forth in a Resolution approved on the 28th day of March, 1947, to-wit: Providing that the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County, shall have the right and power to assess and eolleet li¬ cense fees and taxes from all persons, firms and corporations maintaining a place or places of business in any area of Fulton Codnty ontside the Incorporated limits of municipalities; and the right and power to license and requlate taxicabs and cars for hi. e in such unincorporated areas, and the right and power to classify business and business enterprises and to assess differ¬ ent license fees and taxes against different classes of busi¬ ness; and so as to provide that the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County shall also have the right and power to regulate all busi¬ nesses and business enterprises In any area of Fulton County outside the Incorporated limits of municipalities, In the Interest of the welfare of the citizens of Fulton County, and to prescribe rules and regulations concern¬ ing the same, and to provide that violation of any regulation adopted by the Board of Com¬ missioners of Roads and Reve¬ nues of Fulton County or the failure to pay any license fee or tax prescribed for any busi¬ ness shall constitute a misde¬ meanor punishable upon convic¬ tion .hereof as prescribed by the general laws ot the State General Assembly at, its 1917 Ses¬ sion proposed an amendment to the Constitution of this State, as set forth in c Resolution approved on the 23th day of March, 1947, to-wit: Providing that the General Assembly of Georgia shall be authorized to pass a special act or arts to merge the existing independent school system of the City of Columbus and the exLIkig school district in the County of Muscogee lying out¬ side the corporate limits of said city into one school district or system co-extensIve with the limits of said county; and for other purposes. H. R. No. 92-465A R. A. No. 30 A RESOLUTION To propose to the qualified Vot¬ ers of the State of Georgia an amendment to Article VIII, Sec¬ tion VII, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, said amend¬ ment to be known as Paragraph II. of said Section, so as to pro¬ vide that the General Assembly of Georgia shall be authorized to pass a special act or acts to merge the existing independent school system of the City of Columbus and the existing school district in the County of Muscogee lying out¬ side the corporate limits of said city into one school district or system co-extensive with the limits of said county. . SECTION 1 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA that Article VIII., Sec¬ tion VII. of the Constitution of the State of Georgia shall be amended so as to add to ghid sec¬ tion a new Paragraph, to be known as Paragraph II., and to read as follows: "PARAGRAPH II. MERCER OF EXISTING INDEPENDENT SCHOOL SYSTEM OF CITY OF COLUMBUS AND EXISTING SCHOOL DISTRICT IN MUS¬ COGEE COUNTY OUTSIDE THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF SAID CITY INTO ONE SCHOOL DIS- TRIST OR SYSTEM. The Gen¬ eral Assembly of Georgia is here¬ by authorized to pass a special act or acts to merge the existing independent school system of the City of ColUmbus and the existing school district in the County of Muttcogee outside the corporate limits of said city, as said cor¬ porate limits will exist on Decem¬ ber 31, 1948, or may be thereafter extended, so that the entire area of said county shall constitute one school district or system, the existing independent school sys¬ tem of said city and the existing ) school district in said county out¬ side corporate limits of said city being thereby abolished. The con¬ struction, equipment and opera¬ tion of a public library or libra¬ ries by said school system so to be created shall be held to be a part, of said school system.” The said act or acts of the Gen¬ eral Assembly shall authorize the levying of ad valorem taxes, uni¬ form throughout said county, with or without limitation of such rate, as the General Assembly may pro¬ vide, for the support of said school system. Property taxed for support of said school system shall not be subject to the privi¬ leges of the homestead exemption provided by Article VII., Section I. , Paragraph IV., of this Consti¬ tution. The General Assembly may provide either (1) For the fixing of the rate of the county-wide school tax by the Commission of the City of Columbus and the Board of Roads and Revenues of Muscogee County meeting In joint session; after which, at sep¬ arate meetings of said Commis¬ sion and said Board, said Commis¬ sion shall levy taxes, at the fixed rate, on property within the cor¬ porate limits of said city, and said Board shall levy taxes, at the fixed rate, on property in said county outside said corporate limits. Under this plan, returns for taxation of property located in the corporate limits shall be made to the city authorities, and assessments on said city property and all proceedings for collection of taxes thereon shall be had by the city authorities; while returns for taxation of property located in said county outside the corpor¬ ate limits of said city shall be made to the regular county au¬ thorities, and assessments on said property outside the corporate limits of said city and all pro¬ ceedings for collection of taxes thereon shall be had by the regu¬ lar county authorities. Or (2) in lieu of or in combination with the said plan, the General Assembly may vest the powers of taxation, the making of provisions for tax returns and assessment ot pro¬ perty and collection of taxes, to¬ gether with such other powers necessary or incidental to the support of said school system, In any public body, hoard or com- mis ci on or co^hi- ><io-s thereof, or may create new public bod e*, THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1948. of Georgia; and for other pur¬ poses. H. R. No. 96-476A R. A. No. 32 • ' RESOLUTION To propose to the qualified vot¬ ers of the State of Georgia an Amendment to Art. 7, Sec. 4, Par. 1, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia, so as to provide that the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County shall have the right ar.d power to assess and collect li¬ cense fees ar.d taxes from all per¬ sons, firms ar.d corporations maintaining a plaee or places of business in cr.y area of Fulton County outside the incorporated limits of municipalities; and 'he right ar.d power to license and regulate taxicabs and cars for hire in such unincorporated areas, and the right and power to class¬ ify business and business enter¬ prises and to assess different li¬ cense fees and taxes against dif¬ ferent classes of business; and so as to provide that the Board of Commissioners of Roads and Rev¬ enues of Fulton County shall also have the right and power to reg¬ ulate all businesses and business enterprises in any area of Fulton County outside the incorporated limits of municipalties, in the interest of the welfare of the cit¬ izens of Fulton County, and to prescribe rules and regulations concerning the same, and to pro¬ vide that violation of any regula¬ tion adopted by the Board of Com¬ missioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County or the failure to pay any license fee or tax pre¬ scribed for any business shall con¬ stitute a misdemeanor punishable upon conviction thereof as pre¬ scribed by the general laws of 'the State of Georgia; and for other purposes. SECTION 1. Be It resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Georgia, that Art. 7, Sec. 4, Par. 1. of the Constitution of the State of Geor¬ gia be amended by adding thereto the following new paragraph, to- wit: "The Board of Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County shall have the right and power to asr./s and collect license fees and taxes from all persons, firms and corporations maintain¬ ing a place or places of business it any area of Fulton County outside the incorporated limits of municipalities; and the right and flower to license and regulate taxicabs and cars for hire in such unincorporated areas; and the right and power to classify busi¬ nesses and business enterprises and to assess different license fees and taxes against different classes of business. The Board of Com¬ missioners of Roads and Revenues of Fulton County shall also have the right and power to regulate ah businesses and business enter¬ prises in any area of Fulton County outside the ineorpira: 1 -limits of municipalities, in ri .• interest of the welfare of t’-' 1 r - izens of Fulton County. ; r. 1 m prescribe rules and mjula i >• s concerning the same, and to p. vide that violation of any n i- tion adopted by the Board of ( ni- jnissiorers of Ronds and Revr: ■: s |f Fulton County or the falln e |o pay any license K? or tax pre¬ scribed for anv ivsin.. s shall con¬ stitute a mi£. me-nor purdshr! e upon convict! i t; . rr < as pre¬ scribed by t! ■ r 1 of the State of >' SECTION 2. Be it further resolved by the 8'"’ rity afo: nid that when £ ' .* rr.em’mr' : ■ ' II be agreed I t Hvo-thir »;e of the me m- i l elected tu each of the .wo I I . of the General assembly, ! g jne.dment shall be eniered j c eir Journals with the ryes I f ays taken thereon, ar.d shall l e Governor he published in , c -r more newspapers in en-h !< essional District ar.d in or.e • e more newspapers in Fulton t< ty for two months previous t' he time for holding the next j al eleclion at vvhk’h elec: on i hers of the General As embiy r i-hosen, and said amendment I f I be submitted to the peon.a . ji said next general election • A.I - p sons voting at said election in , 1 -r of adopting said proposed Amendment to the Constitution fc).. 1 have written or printed cl ! ; tl ..r ballots the words: “For rat¬ al .tion of Amendment to Art* I fi lee. 4, Par. 1 of the Const itu< 1 authorizing Fulton County tii i t ss and collect license taxei 1 i i businesses in Fulton County e I to regulate same”. And all I or.s opposed to the adoptionl o' said Amendment shall haveS v it ten or printed on their ballots | the words. "Against ratification | oi Art. 7, Sec. 4. Par. 1 of the Constitution authorizing Fulton j l i.unty io ass and collect 11- j pense tax/ upon businesses in ; Fulton County ard to regulate 1 [same.” If a majority of the tors qualified to vote for of the General Assembly thereon in the State as a ard also a majority of said tors voting thereon In County, shall vote for thereof, when the returns be consolidated as required by in elections for »'.embers' of Genreral Assembly the Amendment shall beecr.-.e 4 of Art. 7, Sec. 4, Par. 1 of Constitution of this State the Governor shall make mation thereof. FRED HAND Speaker of the House JOE BOONE | Clerk of the House WM. T. DEAN President Pro Tem ard President of the Senate MRS. HENRY W. NEVIN Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: M. E. Acting Governor This 28th day of March. NOW THEREFORE. I, M. THOMPSON, Acting Governor Georgia, do issue this my lamation hereby declaring the proposed foregoing ment to the Constitution of gia is submitted, for or rejection, to the voters of State qualified to vote for bers of the General Assembly at the General Election, to be held Tuesday, November 2, 19-48. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. have hereunto set my hand, caused the Great Seal of the to be affixed, at the Capitol the City of Atlanta, this the day of August, A. D., 19-18. M. E. THOMPSON Acting Governor By the Acting Governor: BEN W. FORTSON, JR. Secretary of State _ ___ __ __ _ ,_ __ m ___. _ A Proclamation Submitting a proposed amend- i ment to the Constitution of gia, to be voted on at the General I Election to be held on Tuesday, ! November 2, 1948, proposing to the qualified voters of the State of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬ ticle VII, Section -IV, Paragraph I, of the Constitution of Cvorg a of 1945 so as to authorize the General Assembly to include in the Civil Service and/or Merit System heretofore authorized by constitutional a m e n d m ent for Fulton County ary persons (other than officers elected by the peo¬ ple) whose or wages are paid in whole or in part by Treasurer of Fulton County or out of funds belonging to Fulton County; to ratify ail in the coverage of s Id Civil Serv¬ ice System heretofore made the General Assembly pr'or the ratification of this amend¬ ment; and for any other pn pose. Bv His l-lx e f, l 1 "- — ' ff ET fHOMPSON. Acting Governor, State of Georgia WHEREAS, by the votes of 1 i-thirds of the members e'ccted i each of the two Houses, the TIenernl Assembly at its 1947 Ses- i on proposed an amendment to ;'.e Constitution of this Stale. as 1 t t forth in a Resolution ti'nn approved a nnr. tv A i I i the 2Sih day ot March, P517, , ii-wit: Authorizing the tlenera! A>» senility to Inehu! * In the < i\ il Service and/or Me; i: Svatei i heretofore autlio. !z.-il hv <-on- stitutional amendment for I'ul- ton County u-..v |> ;so s i r than office; » e.cof • ! If" h • p >- pie) whose s;t'ark * or • « ; i are paid In whole or l.i | i ‘by ,the Treasurer of I uko-i Cotin'v or out of Linds li a • ;i % t > Fulton County; to rn !fv nil ex¬ tensions In tile coverr' e of S".t.l r ivil Service Sys'em h ■!•«• of >r«* made by the Feneruf A4- -tnfily prior to the raff!-ation of this amendment; and for o'h-r pur¬ poses. H. R. No. 97-476H R. A No 33 A RESOLUTION Proposing to the qualified vot- er, of Georgia an amendment to Article 7. Section 4. Paragr.ip , 1 ot the Constitution of Georgia of 1945 so as to au honze the Gen- eral Assembly to include in Civil Service and/or m ;tt Sys- tem heretofore authorized oy con- stitutional amendment fot Fulton County any persons (other than officers elected by the people) whose salaries ur wages are paid in whole or in part by the Treas- urcr of Fulton County or oir of funds belonging to Fulton County; to ratify all extensions in the coverage of s -id Civil Service System heretofoic made by -he General Assembly prior in the ratification of th s* am-'-nilniei t; ard for other purposes. BE IT RESOLVED BY DIE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1 " !K STATE OF GEORGIA: * . SECTION l. That Amide 7, Section i Par- boards, or commi*»ion», or combi¬ nations thereof, in which said powers may be vested. S*id pub¬ lic bodies, boards or commi**Ion«, or combinations thereof, shall have representation throughout said county. - The Act of the General Assem¬ bly providing for said school mer¬ ger may provide that all assess¬ ments Oi property made after the first day any January as a basis of taxation for said school system shall be effective as ot the first day of January of that year: aid in cases of all taxes levied for said school system after the first day of any January the tax lien shall date, rank and became ! x?d as of the first day of January o: that year. The General Assembly may vest the powers relating to issuance oi bonds, creation of debts, bar caw¬ ing of money, making of con¬ tracts, acquisition, holding, leas¬ ing or sale of lands and other pro¬ perty, together with such c, er powers necessary or inctdantal to the support of said school system, in any public bodies, boards or commissions or thereof having representation therebh throug out the County of Muscogee; Or may create new public bodies, boards, or com ses¬ sions, or combinations thereoL I : which said powers may be vested. The General Assembly rn.-.y vest said school system with a'i leges held by other school *y» at.'S and districts of this State, i clu-.i- .ing the addition the.eto of col¬ leges; and said school syj’etrf shall be entitled to its p o ra’a portion of all education.-.! funds now or hereafter provided by t e State of Georgia and of the United States. The General Assembly shall provide for a board of education, to bear such name and have such [powers administer as may be provided in siid act, to said school sys¬ tem throughout said county; said board to elect o r employ a s car- intendent of education, e- J a. 1 , teachers and employe a t to the adminis;ra i. i < school system. • The board of e- teat: n elected by such p Tic I. i bodies, having rtpros.-n :k ' t'ereon throughout the county, as may be provided hy t ? ( Assembly. The board o' tduc.. i i a....:: consist of not fr . ? ! - i f . .no (15) nor leas th i id ? i ) i : .n- bers, on-:hi:d cf t e r.... jcis of such board to l.e rzsi.'en * of Muscogee County o i. the corporate limits of the C..y of Columbus, and t e r.mai- k.g members of said b ard to Lf resi¬ dents of said cky. The General Assc-mb'y m y au¬ thorize the City of Column' s and the County of Muscogee ts ap¬ propriate money from th?’r gen¬ eral funds to the boaid of educa¬ tion so to be created, tor educa¬ tional purposes ine’uding a pub¬ lic library cr libraries to be op¬ erated by said board of educa ion. T. is power of appropriation shall aise exist upon the ratification of this amendment before the mer¬ ger of the existing city school system and the existing school dis¬ trict in said county and before the passage of an act by the General Assembly pursuant hereto, so es to .permit said city to appropri¬ ate general funds to the existing city school system and to the ex¬ isting school district in laid coun¬ ty outside the corporate limits of said city, and to permit sa:d coun¬ ty to appropriate general funds to the existing city school sys¬ tem and the existing school dis¬ trict in said county outside the corporate limit* of said city. The General Assembly may from time to time enact special acts amending acts enacted pur¬ suant hereto; and may also pro¬ vide for amendments directly by the qualified voter* of Muscogee County in referendum* held tor that purpose pursuant to general or special statutes of the State heretofore or hereafter enacted. The specification of certain powers herein is not intended to be exclusive, it being the inten¬ tion .hereof that all powers here¬ by granted to tbe General As¬ sembly and all powers to be granted by the General Assem¬ bly pursuant I erelo are to be liberally construed so as to ef- j fectuate .he general puipose ot establishing and maintaining a comprehensive system of pubic education throughout the limits of Muscogee County The powers hereby granted to the General Assembly and the powers to be granted by the Gen¬ eral Assembly to effectuate the purposes herein sei forth shail exist notwithstanding other pro¬ visions of this Constitution, or the general or special law’s of the State. The original act to be enacted by the General Assembly pur¬ suant hereto making provisions for the merging of the existing agraph 1 of the Constitution of Georgia of 1945 be and the s-me is hereby amended by adding at the end of said paragraph the following language: “Provided, however, the.' the General Assembly shall 1 c author¬ ized to include in the C.vil Serv¬ ice and/pr Merit System here¬ tofore authorized by cors.itutli.n-. al amendment for Fulton County any perrons (other than officers elected by the people) whose sal¬ aries or wagts are paid in whole or in jtart by . the Treasurer of Fulton Qoitnty or out of funds be¬ longing to Fqltpn County, . All extensions in, the coverage of said Civil Service System heretofore made by the General Assembly to [persons other than employees of Fulton County and employees and deputies of county officers of Ful¬ ton County are by, this amend¬ ment ratified, confirmed and con¬ tinued in force, except as the same may , hereafter be changed or amended by the ’ General Assem¬ bly.” . i •• SECTION 2. '■ vyhenever the-above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have beeri agreed to by two- thirds (2/3) vote ot the member* elected to each of the two House* of the*General Assembly and the same has been entered on their journals, with the ayes and nay* taken thereon, the Governor shall be, and he is hereby authorized a-*’ instructed to cause such amendment to be published in or-a or more' newspapers iri each Congressional District of this State and in' one or more news¬ papers in Fulton County for two (2) months previous to the time for holding the next general elec¬ tion, at which election members of the General Assembly ar* chosep, and said amendment* shall be submitted to-the people jn said next, general election. Ail persons voting at said election in favor, of adopting said proposed amendment to the Constitution shall have written or printed on their ballots the words, "For rat¬ ification of amendment to Article 7, Section 4, -Paragraph 1 of th* Constitution authorizing the'ex¬ tension of the Civil Service and/ or Merit System Irt Fulton County and ratifying its extension by th* General Assembly,” and all per¬ sons opposed to the' adoption of said amendment shall have writ¬ ten or printed on their ballots the words, "Against ratification of Amendment to Article 7, Section '*■ Paragraph I of the Constitution authorizing the extension of th* Civil Service and/or Merit Sys¬ tem in Fulton County and ratify¬ ing its extension by, the General Assembly.” If a majority of the electofs qualified to vofe and vot¬ ing thereon in the State as * whole shall vote in -favor of the adoption of said amendment, and also if a majority of the elector* f quaff fletf to vole and voting there¬ on in Fulton County shall vole in favor of the adoption of said amendment, - when the 'returns shall be-consolidated- as'required by law in elections for memb vs of the General Assembly, then said |-ttmtor-nl ! Arf ' 5!? s S Ttion all become 4. Paraph a part 1 o* the C vm trtution of Georgia of 17'7 and the Governor shall fnrke i 1 rr- "1-n thmeof acdorij ;iy. I —f J . * . T^ - - '"t e* ,u e House ! tor BOONE ■ C k of fi-e Hnu.-e j w v t nu* ! ’ v. P. r :d : r of the Senate I .' ' -P -s!der»t Pro Tciii 0 •T W NEVIN 1: r" of ti e Senate • P-PR' -YEP: • M. E. THOMPSON ' Ir- Eoverhor T s li d-v of March, 1947 ■ NOV.’. THEREFORE, I M K. n.'ONPrON; Acting Governor of Georgia, do s3iie this my proclam¬ ation hereby declaring thjit the p:vp-sed foregoing ameijijment to the Constitution of Georgia is sub- I ir.ittied, for ratification o.r rejec¬ tion. to the voters of the S'ate I out!Tied to vote for members of (h( . G , neral Assembly at the Gen- i erJ! j Election to be held otj Tue*- day November 2. 19-18. 1;J WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 hereunto set my hand, and [■ cilJS?( j |j, e Great Seal of the State j t0 be affixtd> a , the Capitol in | th(f Cl , y of Atlantai lhjs the day of August, A. D., 1948. .. . , j M. E. THOMPSON, Acting Governor ; Ry The Acting Governor: BEN, W. FORTSON, JR. Secretary of State. A Proclamation Submitting a prr posed amend- j ment to the Constitution of Geor- ; gia to be voted on at the-General j Election to 2. be held .on Tuesday. November {948,. proposing t-o the qualified voters,of the State of Georgia an amendment to Par- i agraph IV, Section 1, of Article NUMBER 34. independent school system of s; I city and the existing school d . trict in said county outs » t > corporate limits of said cl ty, si [ provide that said act shN! r. t 1 - come effective unt 1 a rate shall be held t. rot g • County of Muscrgee t -a . favor of said £''’aol t rg r. < that end said act shall prov. » for separate rcferer.dums, held i i the sarre d:-y. to be h?.J v/A i the City of Columbus ar.d in t • te.rlfory cf Musecqee Cm r. y c - side of said c*’y, is whi-h both n majority ot the qua’tfied vot.- i cf the city voting in s id < reftticuduja a d a r: ,ri y of t .• qu !:.! d vo' .rs of the courty Cc - sid9 of said ti y voting in £ 1 .e.tro. dui.i i. u~t m fa. of said s. fr...„.r be.ore Lucoin.s ojiera l.e, the votes vv i.n and the votes outsk'e the t - noia.e limits of the city to ■ counted separately a d not c. - sokdated. The specification of certa i pc.veis herein is not intended t i be exclusive, it being the into - tion (hat all p.ov.sijni hereof t ■ to be liberal.y tons.rued so ».» effectively to execute the gene: i purpose of extending the exist. ; Independent school system of t • City of Columbus throughout t • entire territory of Musccg .• County. SECTION 2 CE IT FURTHER ENACT’ h by t e aut ority aforesaid, t v. lie; ever the above prop-, i amendment to the Construe: i si.Ml ha'-e been ag eed to by t t irdi of the members e'ected • each of the two Houses of t ■ General Assembly, and the sa. t has been entered on their Jo - nals. vvi.h the yeas and nays t en thereon, the Governor s I be ard he Is hereby author and ins.ructc-d to cause £ i amendment to be published i ere cr more newspapers in e C, g issicr.'! D'strict of t < Ft ate. ssid amendment also to ?.Jve t's d in a newspaper ( "* e.1 i:i the City of Colum i i g g .-r.eral c I r c u 1 a t i <- i 'ougnout Muscogee County, ‘ > months next n-eepning t • jelec.ioa ; t t ot bolding the next gen 1 at which members of t „• Assembly are e.tosen. SECTION 3. ! t : rr further enact * by the authority aforesaid, ti t j ,e a ove p. oposed umendi. i j s.. i be submitted for - j cf ..-.t or L rejection of to t. e elec i I ti.e ute Georgia at t • | . , :t g;.’ieial election at wl i I s :ei„L.i cf the General Ass Ihy t .» chosen, to be bad e .* publications provided for i Section 2 of this resolution, ; i in the various election distr , cf this State, at which elec every person shall be quail t to vote who It qualified to ■ for members of the General sembly. All persons voting at . i election in favor of adopting said proposed amendment to t - Constitution shall have wr. > or printed on their ballots 1 ■ words: "For r a 11 f 1 c.a 11 o i: amendment to Article VIII., i tion VII., of tbe Constltutio i t Georgia, by adding a new i graph authorizing the General sembly to pass « special ac acts to merge the existing s system of the City of Colui and th* existing school dk . i in the County of Muscogee 1' outside the coiporate limit? ssid city Into on* school dis or system co-extensive with i limit* of *afd county," and ; person* opposed tu the adopt i i < said amendment shall have v ten or printed on their bat!u the words: "Against ratlfic ‘ of aunendment to Article VI Section VII., of th* Consti’uti of Georgia, by add'ng a new p >■ graph authorizing the Ge Assembly to pass a special or acts to merge the ex school system of the City o • lumbus and the existing i district In t * County ot . coge* lying outside the corp limits of said city into one s district or sy-rtem cn-exti with tbe limits of said cou If a majority of the ele qualified to vo e voting t in the State as a whole, anu a majority of the eec'ors t tied to vojf voting there i Muscogee County, vote in fa r the ratification ot su'd pr- ’ amendment, then said pr amendment t all become p the Constitution of tbs Sta The returns of t e elec io: be made in like man. er it? turns of elections for me: of the General Assembly; i shall be the duty ot the Sec ot State to ascertain the i ai.J to certify th* lesult i . Governor, who shall, if sue posed amendment be make proclamation thereof. FRED HAND Speaker of the House JOE BOONE Clerk of the House