Newspaper Page Text
\ II of the Constitution of
:ate of Georgia, so as to
c ard prov.Je tl.ct the
hoard of Education of
C unty nry levy a tr.x for
I rposes on all property
1 said County not included
y independent school
ated therein, ard to
t t the c:u :..plion granted
t ? r n-gr; ; i shall not
> the levy r .de by s d Board
i ication for s-hc 1
.1 f< r other purposes.
By His h >ncy,
m. e. Thompson, Acting
Govern r, State of Georg.a.
V/IISREAG. by the votes
! -thirds of the members
t > each of P i t,vo Houses,
( er: 1 A.... mbly rt i.s 1347
v prop :c.l rti Tire.endment
C<u-slliu :-n cf this Slate
or.h la a ProV-tUon
he L. ;-h day 1 cf March,
’j.hor!-'.: ■» and providing
! til • < :'y 11 -nrd of Edu-
an < f D'Iv.'.Ih County may
j « tax f r s hnol purposes
all properly Ihcfileil In said
i ml - rot In til led in any In-
t ndent-s-hool system loeut-
i i'.hrrdh, r.r 1 to provide that
exemption granted in tills
graph s’la'il rot apply to tlio
made by sa'd Board of Ed¬
en for seitool purposes;
I for oilier purposes.
No. 83-433 \ It. A. No.
Pr nosing to the qualified
r ; ( Georgia an amendment
Pure aph IV. Section I. of Ar-
tide III of the Constitution
Geor a so as to authorize
I . ' that the County Board
I !<■• ion of DeKalb County
ievy a tax for school
f;il !l ‘l property located in
l cur. y not included in any inde-; t school system located
•herein, and to provide that the
exemption granted in this para-
graph shall not apply to the levy
made by. said Board of Education
for schcol purposes; and for other
That paragraph IV. and
I, of Article VII of the
tion of Georgia be and the
is hereby amended by adding
the end thereof a provision
read as follows:
“Provided, however, that
exemption herein granted
not prevent the County Board
Education of DeKalb
from levying a tax for school
poses on all property located
DeKalb County net included
any independent school system
cated therein, including
property as may
from State and County
by reason of the homestead
emption herein provided for.
said Board of Education of
Kalb County is hereby
and empowered to levy for
purposes a ta:f rn all of the
erty located in sa.d county
included in any
school system located therein,
cluding the property which
be exempted from State
County taxation by virtue cf
paragraph of the
Be it further resolved by
authority,aforesaid that when
above proposed amendment to
Constitution shall have
agreed to by two-thirds of
members elected to each of
two Houses of the General
bly and tha same has been
on their Jou. iii '5 with 'he
ar.d nays -taken thereon, t..e G
crr.or sha'l be and he is
authorized and instructed
cause such amendment to he
IIshed in ms or mere
i i C mgrcssional- District
1 s fl.atc.- for two-months
] ctlir.g he time of holding
j :t i;e: rral ( lection, at
j-eucra! ( ction the above
j acd f me: dm-ht shall be
t ~ i for r -tification or
1 > t e c! tors of this State,
v .N il ( iCn every person *
I - qu-1. I to vote who is
i . u to Vu.'e for the members
t. l* C-enc.-. 1 Assembly. AM
i ::s votii:;; at said election
f..v\:r of dopting the
i ..screur. t to the
f iall .have written or printed
ti-.clr ballot the words, “For
ifi--at:on of Amendment to
f,..p!i IV, jetion 1 of Article
of ,,e C -titlition on
that (lie t mplion from
cf the I: mestead of
s .a'l tot i ;ply in the County
De’lalb : s against levies ot
lor school i 4rposcs by the
fi-.-ird of DeKalb County.”
rh p r us oppiising the
«).' s' -l .‘nendrnent siiall
i i or printed on their
tie \..... lit. .‘‘Against
vl il.- . nt to Paiagraph
Dc-.v.. it .... i c»‘ . uv. ; .
sell Muiccgct Carroty
ment of Public Health to be
nuc is traced by s govern g b^uy
to be known as ‘County Board
o t Health,’’ whose jm Isdict.on
snail wi.end throug out Muscogee
County, Including the C ty cf Co¬
lumbus a 1 other Incorporated
area lying within said Court >
? MI. Section I, Pa. VI
ll i CNnstitUtioii of the iitate
i. C.n the same (o*
tofora been amended. revised
t.ianged. snail k? further
cd by *dd.r,g at the ecd thereof
i.ew pirag.vpb to p-avide as foi-
‘ .f>twithstanding th* provisions
ct Paregvapii V:, Section I, Ar-
tl.-l# HI of th# Constitution of the
State of Georg.a, or any other
provision o.' sold Constitution, the
County of Muscogee. Georgia and
, the City of Columbus, Georgia.
Ishall regulate t • health of said
County and of said City through
a "Musco^e# County Depart¬
ment of Public Health," to be ad¬
ministered by a governing body
to be known as ‘Counly Board of
Health’, whose jurisdiction shall
extend throughout Muscogee
County including the City of Co-
iumbus and other Incorporated
areas lying within said County,
created and existing under and by
virtue of an Act of th* General
Assembly of Georgia (Ga. Laws
1 1941, pages 937-947) an tilted ‘An
Aet to combift* the Department
of Health of the City of Colum-
bue with the Department of
Health of Muscogee County, and
••id e©niMfi:?d departments to be
known as ‘ttusccgzs County D«-
pertinent of Public Health/ to hf
adnuuistered by a governing body
to be known as ‘County Board of
Health,’ whose jurisdiction shali
extend throughout Muscogee
County, including th# C.ty of
Iumbus, and other incorporated
areas; to p ovide for a Commis-
Stoner of Health, end assistant
personnel; and for other pur-
\oses,* which Act and any and all
Acta amendatory tiereof, togoth-
er with ail rules and regulations
promulgated thereunder be and
the same hereby are ratified,
dated and confirmed as of the
respective dates of such eoac:-
ments and th* adoptian of such
rujvs and teguJsUoas; and the
Act of the General Assembly of
Georgia (Ga. Laws 1942, pages
885-2W) entitled ‘An Act
Ing Chapter 88-2 of th# Cod* of
Georgia of 1933, which chapter
Is a codification of Georgia Laws of
4914, page* 124 to 134, inclusive,
und refers to County Boards
Health, by adding to said
a new section, t* be known a*
Vtection 88 207', and providing
that there t* excepted front the
provisions of this chapter those
counties and munieipaliti*s in the
State of Georgia which have here¬
tofore provided or which may
hereafter provide, pursuant to
Acts of the General Assembly,
for combined county and city
' health departments,
or eounty-
wid* health departments, wheth¬
er or not euch acts refer to the
provision* of this chapter or to
th* Act from which it is codified
ar.d providing that they be au-
| thoriaed to raaictain and operate
eueh healt. department* pur¬
suant to aaid respeejiv# acts, and
upon a budget first approved by
both th* municipal and county
taxing authorities of t * cities
rod counties so c.-mb nii g *cd by
the county taxing purboritits of
t e counties operating a eouoty-
wide hea th (; provid¬
ing for rat liestionj of all such
acts heretofore enAL-.ed by the
General Assembly; prov.ding that
sv;cu combined or ounty-wide
hesito department# shall, to all
c her reapse.a conform to ch*p-
ter So-2 of the Coite of Georgia
of 195S, sod operate under tne
control of tit* State Department
of Public Health and for other
, purposes,' and any and all Act*
amends lory thereof, together
with all rules and regulations pro-
mulgsted thereunder be and the
same hereby ar# ratified, vaii-
dated and confirmed as of the re-
spec live dates of such enactments
and of th* adoption of suc.i ruies
and regulation*.”
that whenever th# above propc*-
ed anundmeat to the Constitution !
of tre State of Georgia shsil have
been agreed to by iwo-thirds of;
tile members elected to each ot -
tkf twa house# of the General As- i
sembly, and the tame has been
entered on their respective Jour- j
nils with the Yeas and Nsys tak-
*4 thereon, the Governor shali |
b* and he hereby is authorized
apd instructed to cause such 1
amendment to h* published In one
>r mors newspapers in s«ch Con-
gf*#gjoaai District, for two
months previous to the tun* of
koiding the next general election.
Section I of Article VII of th#
Constitution providing that th#
exemption from taxation of th#
homestead of residents shall not
| apply in levies the County of of DeKalb for school as
against taxes
purposes by the County Board of
DeKalb County." If the paopla
shell ratify such amendment by
a majority of the elector* quai-
| Car.craI i-ioj to vote Assembly for members voting thereon, of the
t such amendm'nt the!! become
part of the Constitution of thia
BUUc. The r:turns of the elec¬
tions shall be ma in like manner
;s returns for elections of mem¬
bers of the General Assembly and
It s-hall be the duty of the Secre-
tery of State to ascertain the re-
suit rrd to certify the result to
the Governor, who shall, W such
amendment be ratified, make
proclamation thereof,
Be it further resolved that *U
laws and parts of laws in conflict
with th s resolution be and tH%
same ate hereby repealed.
Speaker of the House \
Clerk of the House • I
Acting President of the Senate
ar.d President Pro Tem
Secretary of the Senate
Actirg Governor
This 28th day of March, 1947.
THOMPSON, Acting Governor of
Georgia, do Issue this my proclam-
alion hereby declaring that th#
purposed foregoing amendment to
the Constitution of Georgia la
submitted, for ratification or re-
! jection, to the voters of the Stato
qualified to vote for members of
j the General Assembly at th# Gfen-
eral Election to be held on Tuoo-
day, November 2, 1948.
have hereunto set my hand, and
caused the Great Seal of the State
to be affixed, at the Capitol la
the City of Atlanta this th* 28#'
day of August A. D„ 1948. •
j | M. Acting E. THOMPSON. Governor
|By The Actin 8 Governor:
’ BKN W F ?™™' '
Secretary . of State.
A Proclamation
Submitting s proposed amend¬
ment to the Constitution of Geor-
8‘a to be voted on at the General
i Election to be held oa Tuesday.
November 2, 1918, proposing to
the qualified voters of the Stats
of Ceoigia an amendment to Ar¬
ticle XI, Section I, Paragraph VI
of the Constitution of the State
of Georgia, r.s the same has here-
lofor< * hpen amended revised or
cln.i.g d, so as to provide that th#
Department of Health of th# City
of Columbus, Georgia may he
combined with the Department of
! Hcallh ° f M ^ C0 «~ Coun ' y ' Gw *
g.a to be u known as Muscogee
County Department of PuWie
Health”, said Muscogee County
Department of Public Health to
be administrated by a governing
body to be known as “County
| Board diction of Health”, whose juris¬
shall extend throughout
! .Muscogee County, including tha
City of Columbus and other In¬
corporated area lying within s*14
County; and for other purposes.
By His Excellency,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting
Governor, State of Georgia
WHEREAS, by the votes of
two-thirds of the members e’ectcd
to each of the two Houses, the
General Assembly at its 13-17 Sis-
s m prop sed an amendment t-o
t'•* Constitution of this Stste as
set forth in a Resolution approved
on the 281 h day of MsecM 1947,
1 Providing that tha Depart¬
ment of Health of tbs City of
J Coli-mbtu. Georgia luav be t-oui-
bineil with tin* Department of
Iteatth of Muscogee t'onnty,
(iror-la, to be known as **Mns-
\ eojree f’ountv De;rartmeBt of
Public Health”, sail Muscogee
, County Department of Public
llenMti to be adnilniatmted by a
governtn^ rtv to l>« known a*
“f’ounlv I! >:< t of llraKV’,
whose jurl dti tlon snail extern!
throurlinut Mn«"ogee Bounty,
Including the Btty of Bolumb-ia
and other Incorp.iru ed srea ly¬
ing within s:v I B.mniy; aod
to- other nurp - ■».
H R No ](. ,. ; ,1GA fl A N<» .»
A P" ’O' trr -' ■'
To pro nose to t'.e uu: ! Aid »ut-
, e » of the Sate o: Geo.g.a an
j prnp -'-m.-nt to XI.
tj on j Parr" e '1 V) of '! « C . 1 .
. stitution of the S'Me of C or;;*,
as tlie same tas b-se’ef.tre I) m
amended, rc ised or ehu ; 1, sy
as to provide t’-a* t 1 -; 1 l)r- ■-:•
ment of Neal'h cf the C'.’y nf (it.
j Iumbus; Geo- i n. y be comb
ed with the I ■tat n erd if Hei! h
of Muscogee B ai tv. Geo gia to
be known as "Uuav g e CljHnty
at »* -on c.-<____.n membcis of the
Cmcral Asset 'b!y are chosen, and
in like menn.z to cause the said
ame&omeut to be published in a
newspaper having general circu-
iation among the citizens of the
City of Columbus, and of the
County. of Musccgee.
that the above proposed amend-
meat shall be submitted for ratifi-
' cation or rejection to the qualified.
j cf the area direc'.ly affected',
j thereby, at the next General
Election to be held after the pub-
Lea tors provided for in Section
2 of ttis P.esvlution, In the several
election districts of this State, at
which every person shall be quali-
j fied to vote who Is qualified to,
vote for members of the General
Assembly. All prsons voting
said election in favor of adopting
the said proposed amendment to
the Cons itu ion of the State of
Georgia shall have written or
printed on thzir ballotj the words,
"For ratification of amendment
to Paragraph VI of Section I of
Article XI of the Constitution of
the State of Georgia, 1915, autho¬
rizing tha heal.h of Muscogee
County and t e City of Colum¬
bus to be regulated by ‘Museo-
gea County Department of Pub¬
lic Health,’ through a governing
bedy known as ‘County Board of
Health’, jurisdiction shall
extend throughout Muscogee
County including the City of Co¬
lumbus and of er incorporated
areas lying within said County."
And all persons opposed to the
adoption of said amendment shall
have written or printed on thalr
ballots th* words: *
: "Against t.iti.xa'ion of
meat to Pa g: - t »h VI of Section
l of Article V of tie Constitu-
tion of the 1 ate of Georgia,
j authorizing the health of Musco-
gee County and the City of Co-
j lentous to bj regulated by
cogee County Department of Pub-
j j body lie Health,’ known through a
| as ‘County Board of
Healt-V whose jurisdiction shall
extend throughout Muscogee
‘ County
including the City of Co
iumbus and other
areas lying within said County.”
j State If said qualified voters in the
of Gerrgia as a whole, and
; in the City cf Columbus and the
j County of f uscogee, ratify such
“to*.’ 0 *”* 0 * hy a majority of the
votcis quali..ed to vote for mem-
bers of tl;j General Assembly
ing thereo", such amendment
shall beeom.- a p^rt of the
| stitution T. of the State of
* returns of the election shall
be made in like manner ss
j turns for m.mbers of the General
Assembly, ar J it shall be the duty
the Seerc .ary of State to as-
certain the result and to certify
the result t > the Governor, who
•hall, if tucli amendment be rati¬
fied, make promulgation thereof.
Speaker of Lie House /
Clerk of the House
Acting President of the Senate
and President Pro Tem
Secretary of the Senate
Acting Gove, nor 28:h day of March, 1947.
THOMPSON, uauocavi Governor of Geor¬
gia, do issue this my proclamation
hereby devis ing that the propos-
ed foregoing amendment to
Constitution of Georgia is sub¬
mitted. for ratification or rejec¬
tion. to the voters of the State
qualified to vote for members of
th# General Assembly at the Gen¬
eral Election to be held on Tues¬
day, November, 2, 1948.
have hereunto set my hand, and
caused the G eat Seal of the State
to be affixed, at the Cr.pitol
the City of Atlanta, this the 25th
day of Aueu-t A D 1948
Acting Governor
By th# Acting Governor
Secretary of State
A a n TOC I IG mQtlOn •
Submitting a proposed amend-!
ment to th# Constitution of Geor-
gJ | t0 be vo‘ed on at the General
election to be held on Tuesday
November 2. 1948, proposing to
the qualified voters of the State r
of Georgia an amendment to Ai
tide XL Section I, Paragraph VI
of the Constitution of Georgia, s '
*s to authorize Bibb County am
the City of Macon to regulate th.
health of the county and city b\
and through a joint City-Coun
Boasd of Health, and to ratify
validate, and confirm the originr
and amendatory acts of the Gen
cral Assembly with respect to r
joint City-County Board of Healt
for the City of Macon and Bibb
County, Including an Act of the
General Assembly (Ga. Laws
1923. P. 735-738) and sections 119"*
eral Assembly of Georgia (Ga.
Laws 1943 p.- 265-266) entitled
‘An Act amending Chapter 88-2
of the Code of Georgia of 1933,
which chapter is a codification of
Georgia Laws of 1914, pages 124
to 134, inclusive, and refers to
County Boards of Health, by add¬
ing to said Chapter a new sec¬
tion to be known as “Section 88-
207”, and providing that there be
excepted from the provisions of
this chapter those counties and
municipalities in the State of
Georgia which have heretofore
provided or which may hereafter
provide, pursuant to Acts of the
General Assembly, for combined
county and city health depart¬
ments, or county-wide health de¬
partments, whether or not such
acts refer to the provisions of this
chapter or to the Act from which
it is codified and providing that
they be authorized to maintain
and operate such health depart¬
ments pursuant to said respective
acts, and upon a budget first ap¬
proved by both the municipal and
county taxing authorities of the
cities and Counties so combining
and by the ccunty taxing author¬
ities of the countines operating a
county-wide health department;
providing for ratification of all
such acts heretofore enacted by
the General Assembly, providing
that such crmbir.ed or county-
wide health departments shall, in
all other respects conform to
Chapter 88-2 of the Code of Geor¬
gia of 1933, and operate under the
control of th:> State Department
of Public Health and for other
purposes, ‘which acts, as amend¬
ed, together with all rules and
regulations prescribed and pro¬
mulgated pu suant to such au¬
thority are r; tified, approved and
confirmed as of the respective
dates of their enactment and
by the authority aforesaid that
whenever the above proposed
amendment to the Constitution
shall have been agreed to by two-
thirds of the members elected to
each of the two Houses of the
Gore-al Assembly, and the same
has teen entered on their Jour¬
nals, with the yeas and nays tak¬
en thereon, the Governor shall be
and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to cause such amend¬
ment to be published in one or
more newspapers in each Con-
gressional District, for two
months previous to the time oi
holding the next general election,
at which election members of the
General Assembly are chosen, and
in like manner cause the said
amendment to be advertised in
the City of Macon and County o!
by the authority aforesaid, that
the above proposed amendment
shall be submitted for ratification
or rejection to the electors of the
State and of the area directly af¬
fected thereby at the next Gen¬
eral Election to be held after th#
publication as provided for in
the second section of this Act, in
the several election districts Of
this State, at which every person
shall be qualified to vote who 1#
qualified to vote for members of
the General Assembly, all persons
voting at said election in favor of
adopt ing the said proposed amend¬
ment to the Constitution shall
have written or printed on their
ballots the words,
“For ratification of amendment
to Pcrr.grrph VI of Section I of
Article XI of the Constitution of
1945, authorizing a Joint Board
of Health for the City of Macon
and County of Bibb,” and all per¬
rons opposed to the adoption of
said amendment shall have writ¬
ten or printed on their ballots the
“Against ratification of amend¬
ment to Paragraph VI of Section
I of Article XI authorizing a Joint
Board of Health for the City of
Macon and County of Bibb.”
If the people, in the State as a
whole, and in the City of Macon
and County of Bibb, ratify such
amendment by a majority of the
electors qualified to vote for mem¬
bers of the General Assembly vot¬
ing thereon, such amendment
shall become a pari of the Con¬
stitution of this State. The re¬
turns of the election shall be
made in [ike manner as returns
for members of the General As¬
sembly, and it shall be the duty of
the Secretary of State to ascer¬
tain the result and to certify the
result to the Governor, who shall,
if such amended be ratified, make
proclamation thereof.
by the authority aforesaid, that
all laws and parts of laws in con¬
flict with this Act be and the
same are hereby repealed. ;d.
Spealcer of the House
Clerk of the House
120, 121, 122. 123. 124, 125, and
126 of an Act of the General As-
sombly (Ga. Laws 1927, P. 1350,
1351, 1352, ar.l 1353) and Act of
the General Assembly of Georgia
(Ga. Laws 1943, P. 265-266) and
' all rules and regulations promul-
gated pursuant to the authority
therein contained; to provide for
' the submission of the amendment
I ratification by the people; and
^ or °iber purposes.
By His Excellency,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting
Governor. State of peorgia
WHEREAS, by the votes of
two-thirds of the members elect¬
ed to each of the two Houses, the
General Assembly at its 1947 Ses-
v on proposed an amendment to
t e Constitution of this State, as
t ;t forth in a Bill approved on
fie 28'ih day of March, 1947, to¬
ft it:
Authorizing Bibb County and
tlia City of Macon to regulate
tha health of the county and
ei'y by an«t through a joint
City-County Board of Health,
and to ratlf', validate, and con¬
firm the original and amenda¬
tory acts < f the General As¬
sembly with respect to a joint
Clly-County Board of Health
tor the City of Macon and Bibb
County, lne’uding an Act of the
General Assembly (Ga. Laws
PUS, I*. 784-7U8) and sections
119. 120, 121, 122. 123, 124, 125,
and 126 of an Aet of the Gen¬
eral Assembly (Ga. Laws 1927,
V. 1350, 12.11, 1352, and 1353)
ar.d an Act of the General As¬
sembly of Georgia (Ga Laws
19IS, P. 2G5-2C3) and all rules
and regulations promulgated
pursuant to the authority there¬
in contained; to provide for the
submission of the ndmendment
for ratlllen Ion by the people;
a 1 for oik r purposes,
i;. E. No. 3S ! R. A. No. 378
! To n '-nose to the qualified uot-
r-s of Georgia and to the voters
j ja the area directly affected an
amendment to Art ole XI. Section
| Paragraph VI, of the Constitu¬
tion of Georgia, so as to authorize
illbb County and the City of Ma-
pon to regulate the health of the
pounty and city by ard through
n joint City-County Board of
t jjealth, and to ratify, validate,
\ and confirm the original and
; amendatory acts of the General
I Assembly with respect to a joint
| pty-County Board of Health for
j lt h e City of Macon and Bibb Coun-
, j jty, including Assembly an (Ga. Act of Laws the 1923, Gen-
P. 735-738) and sections 119, 120,
121, 122, 123, 124, 125, and 126 of
an Act of the General Assembly
(Ga. Laws 1927, P. 1350, 1351,
1352, and 1353) and an Act of
j the General Assembly of Georgia
j 73k Laws 1943. P. 265-266) and
all rules and regulations promul¬
gated pursuant to the authority
(therein contained; of to amendment provide for
!the submission the
for ratification by the people; and
for other purposes.
hereby enacled by authority of
the same that Article XI, Section
I, Paragraph VI of the Constitu¬
tion of Georgia, and as the same
has heretofore been amended, re-
vised or changed, shall be further
' ££?", , , . ... /, 8 /U ... .j to"
J iiitrtui & i.i w {jet. p ciyrdjjri E ds iuj*
! lows:
) "And exc> pt that the County of
Bibb and the City of Macon may
regulate the henl'h of the County
and City by and through a joint
board of health created and ex¬
isting under and by virtue of an
Act of t e General Assemb.y oi
Gcj gia (G;r. La..s 1923. P 735-
73C) entitled 'An A.ct to A.r.erid
the of the City of Macon,
and an Ant approved February
6;!i 1873, creating a Board ot
County Comm!ss:oriers of
l ° create a Board of
Heal.h in and for the City of Ma-
con and County of Bibb, defin¬
ing their jurisdiction, rights, pow-
1 ers and priv leges, and for other
purposes’, and Sections 119-126,
both inclusive, of an Act of the
G°r!*ral Assembly of Georgia (Ga.
L;ws 1927. P. i.33-1357) entitled
‘An Act to Re-enact tlie Charter
of the City of Macon contained
in the Act approved August 17,
1914, together with the Acts
amending some, passed since 1914,
with certain changes in said Acts;
to consolidate into one Act, with
such changes as may have become
necessary or proper, ail the Acts
constituting Hie Chatter ot the
City of Macon and relating to the
rights, powers, and duties ot said
corporation; to amend the said
Act of 1914 and the acts amenda¬
tory thereof: and for other pur¬
poses, and winch Act and any and
all Acts amendatory thereof, to-
ge iier with all rules and regula¬
tions promulgated thereunder, are
ratified, validated and confirmed
as of the respecti dates of such
enactments, rules and regula¬
tions," and an Act of the Gen¬
Acting President of the Senate
and President Pro Tem
Secretary of the Senate
Actirg Governor
Th s 28th day of March, 1913.
THOMPSON, Acting Governor of
Georgia, do issue this my proc¬
lamation hereby declaring that
the proposed foregoing amend¬
ment to the Constitution of Geor¬
gia i; submitted, for ratification
or rejection, to the voters of the
State qualified to vote for mem¬
bers of the General Assembly at
the General Election to be held
on Tuesday, November 2, 1948.
have hereunto sc* my hand, and
caused the Great Seal of the
State be affixed, at the Capitol in
the City of Atlanta, this the 25th
day of August A. D., 1918.
Acting Governor
By The Acting Governor
Secretary of State
A Proclamation
Submitting a proposed amend¬
ment to the Constitution of Geor¬
gia to be voted on at the General
Elec.ion to be held on Tuesday,
November 2, 1948, proposing to
the qualified voters of the State
of Georgia an amendment to Ar¬
ticle XI, Section I, Paragraph VI,
of t e Constitution of Georgia, so
r.s to authorize the City of Macon
ar.d Bibb County, separately or
jointly, to adopt rules and regu¬
lations or to delegate such au¬
thority to agencies or to an, for zoning and planning;
to provide for the submission ot
the amendment for ratification by
the people; and for other pur¬
By His Excellency,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting
Governor, State of Georgia
WHEREAS, by the votes of
two-lhirds of the members elect¬
ed to each of the two Houses, the
General Assembly at its 19-47 Ses¬
sion proposed an amendment to
the Constitution of this State, as
set forth in a Bill approved on
the 28th day of March, 1947, to-
Authorizing the City of Ma¬
con and Blblj County, separately
or jointly, to adopt rules and
reg Rations or to delegate tucb
authority to agencies or to an
ngenc-y, for zoning and plan¬
ning; to provide for the sub¬
mission of the amendment for
ratification by the people; and
for other purposes.
H. B. No. 389 R. A. No. 334 i
To propose to the qualified vot¬
ers of Georgia and to the vot¬
ers in the area directly affected,
an amendment to Article XI, Sec¬
tion I, Paragraph VI, of the Con¬
stitution of Georgia, so as to au¬
thorize the city of Macon and
Bibb County, separately or jointly,
to adopt ru'es and regulations or
to delegate such authority to
agencies or to an agency, for zon¬
ing and planning; to provide for
the submission of the amendment
for ratification by the peop °; and
for other purposes.
hereby enaelcd by author*.j ol
the same, tint Article XI, Sec¬
tion I. Parrg i VI, of the Con¬
stitution of C jrgia,' and as the
same has heretofore or contem¬
poraneously been amt-i :d, re¬
vised, or changed, s.ia I be fur¬
ther ded by i.ddi- ; at the
end tlK.rvf a new par; ph as
"And except that the City oi
Macon and B hh County may.
through their i > Clive govern¬
ing authorities, separately or
jointly, promulgate zoning and
planning laws, rules and regula¬
tions, and administer the same,
and/or appoint agencies or agency!
for adopting zoning and plan'ing.
laws, rules and regulations, and
for administering the same, the
governing authorities or their de-!
sgnated agencies being authorize
ed to condition the application ot 1
ary zoning and planning and the*
edm nistration of the same ac- 1
cording to any presently existing'
zrm:rg or planning law, any that
m:y hereafter be enacted or ac 1
cording solved to ordained any that may be re-j
or by either or
both or by their designated
agency or SECTION agencies.” 2 J
by the authority aforesaid, that^
whenever the above proposed
amendment to the Constitution;
s' II have been agreed to by two
t'urris (2 3 s) ot the members i
0 oc.'d to each of the two Houses
01 ■ !'(* General Assembly, and the
s:me h :s ticcn entered on their,
Journals, well the yeas and nays 1
I'm thereon, the Governor 9 ' all'
*-■ and he is hereby authorized 1
instructed to cause such
amendment to be published in one
more newspapers in each Con-
District, for two
previous to the time of
holding the next general election,
at which election members of the
General Assembly a'e chose ', a, d
in like manner cause the sa : J
amendment to be advert is d in
the City of Macon, Couu.y of
by the au-hority aforesaid, that
the above proposed amendment
shall be submitted for rat if lea u
or rejection to the e'ectors of f a
State and of the area direet’y af-
fee'ed thereby at tie r.ex! g ■ r-
eral election to be held alter the
publication, as provided f r in the
second section of th s Act, in t e
several election districts of th. s
Slate, at which every person sha’l
he qualified to vote who is q tali-
fied to vote for members cf the
General Assembly. All pro's
voting at said election in favor
of adopting the said proposed
amendment to the Constitution
s'-all have written or printed on
their ballots the words:
“For ratification of amendment
to Paragraph VI of Section I of
Article XI of the Constitution of
Georgia, authorizing the City of
Macon ar.d Bibb County separate¬
ly or jointly, to establish zoning
and planning rules, regulations,
and commissions"; and all persons
opposed to the adoption of said
amendment shall have written or
printed on their ballots the words:
“Against ratification of amend¬
ment to Paragraph VI of SeeUon
I of Article XI, of the Constitu¬
tion of Georgia, authorizing the
City of Macon and County of
Bibb, separately or jointly, to es¬
tablish zoning and planning rules,
regulations, and commissions.” If
the people in the State, as a
whole, and in the City of Macon,
County of Bibb, ratify such
amendment by a majority of the
electors qualified to vote for mem¬
bers of the General Assembly vot¬
ing thereon, such amendment
shall become a part of the Con¬
stitution of this State. The re¬
turns of the election shall be
made in like manner as returns
for members of the General As¬
sembly. and it shall be the duty
of the Secretary of State to ascer¬
tain the result and to certify the
result to the Governor, who shall,
if such amendment be ratified,
make proclamation thereof.
Be it further enacted by the
authority aforesaid, that all laws
and parts of laws in conflict with
this Act, be and the same are
hereby repealed. !
of the House i r I
BOONE of the House I, t . '
Acting President of the Senate
and President Pro Tem
Secretary of the Senate
Acting Governor
This 28th day of March, 1947.
Acting Governor of
Georgia, do issue this my procla¬
mation tereby declaring that the
proposed foregoing amendment to
the Constitution of Georgia is
submitted, for ratification or re¬
jection. to the voteis of the State
qualified to vote for members of
the General Assembly at the Gen¬
eral Election to be held on Tues¬
day, November 2, 1948,
have hereunto set my hand, and.
caused the Great Seal of the?
State to be affixed, at the Capitolt
in the City of Atlanta, this th®
25th day of August A. D., 1948. ,
M. E. THOMPSON, Acting. ‘
By the Acting Governor
Secretary of State