The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 02, 1948, Image 8
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, ; . RSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1948. Takas 0 m m 0* '/ Ft iud r '•*. 3 ns the Way “REDS' 1 Took Over an POLAND TALMADGE STRONG ARM SQUAD STORMS GOVERNOR’S OFFICE—The bellowing, belligerent man shown by the arrow in the center above it Johnny Nahara, chief of the Talmadge "goon” squad, starting the assault by violence on the office of Governor Ellis Arnall in the early morning hours of January 15, 1947. Nahara, a Talmadge stalwart from Douglas, is slated to be named Director of the Department of Public Safety by Roy Harris If Herman Talmadge the Pretender is elected Governor. The attack on the Governor's THIS. office successful, Herman the Puppet arrived a few minutes Ut«f. leaning on the arm of Boss Roy and, under constant prodding by the Cracker Boss, demanded Arnall turn the office over to him. Next day the Talmadge-capured State Patrol, which operates under Di- rector of Public Safety, stormed the Governor’s Mansion, demanded Ainall and family get out within fifteen minutes. In the above Jm Wa^i picture, note the youth trying to help restrain the mad, bull-like, ragin;' Nahara. Then look at the picture below. , 0 i» > the is ■> "REDS *« * (Red Suspenders) Took Over in GEORGIA • 11 i :»'; k ( Don't Let It Happen LED BY mighty NAHARA, blows FORCE of his ham-llke AND VIOLENCE fists. Now RAGES note the RAMPANT—Johnny expression on the boy’s Nahara face, disposes as he of falls the resistance back, severely by the pummelled. youth with one At or two the Governor of the this point P. T. McCutcheon, Arnall’s secretary, hears the commotion, appears at door to try and protect the State of Georgia from bodily harm, possible death. Nahara, with several hanging to him, lunges at McCutcheon and swings his nam- AGAIN! Talmadge msr Herman fists Talmadge, against is elected, the and was official’s precipitated snapped Jaw. by This news and mob led photographers by scene, Johnny planned Nahara. and by went Roy who all Harris will over head the in his world, the attempt Department bringing to seive disgrace of the Safety Governorship on and the the state State In and the Patrol name humilia¬ of if tion to Georgians everywhere. Violence, as shown above, is the hallma: k of Roy and his Puppet and this scene will be enacted In many various versions many times if Herman should by chance be elected. Vote Seif. 2th to Keeo “ M. E. Thompson Governor m* Sc v - - fT 4 .4 Say Ut. £. SAY IT YOURSELF *f*- . — , The Dade County THOMPSON FOR GOVERNOR CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE GEISIM IN GEORGIA Recently as I was listening to the radio, I heard the announcer say, now we will hear an address oy Herman Talmadge candidate for Governor of Georgia. I list ened to his talk until he finished and I wondered how a man could get up and promise the people everything and conduct himself the way he has, and get away - with it. I was in Atlanta the night Herman and his mob took over (he governor’s office and I want to say I have never seen anyth¬ ing like it before, in a supposed to be civilized country. Before the legislature met, Herman real¬ izing he had no more right to the office of governor than you cr I had, called upon his friends to come to the Capitol on that date and see that he got a squar* deal, and come they did. Most cf them turned out to be thugs and hoodlums and ex-convicts his late father had pardoned out of the Chain-gangs of Georgia. This was the crowd that came to =ee that Herman got a square deal at the hands of the’ Legis¬ lature- After bickering several hours pro and con the legislature fin¬ ally declared Herman, Governor. All this time this crowd of friends and a number of the members ox legislature who came down to i-ee that Herman got the square deal, were very freely pouring the liquor down them until it was a drunken mob that ruled the State Capitol that night, you nave noticed Talmadge uses the came tactics that Hitler used in Germany, that is the bigger the lie , the more it is believed, so after some of his henchmen got so drunk they passed out, they put out the propoganda that the Thompson force had drugged these drunks, so they would not be able to vote for Herman. This was quickly spread among this mob of drunken Hoodlums who came to see Herman get the Square Deal. So they threatened cny one who was not for them. They even threatened to go in and get Thompson and mob him. He was ushered out a side to safety. They then proce to the governor’s private o led by Herman and Roy Hi they smashed the door and t ly went in and demanded Ellis Arnall, then Governor, to vacate. He did not vacate that instant, but was forced out by this mob a few days later. Herman then proceeded to have laws passed to suit himself, by a majority of hand picked legislature Among these Bills was one for a sales tax in Georgia, he said he needed 40 million dollars more per year to run the State. His hand picked legislature passed this bill for him and he signed it. We would be paying a sales tax now if the Supreme Court had not given us a Square Deal, and ousted him from the governor’s office. Now in his radio talk he says he is against a sales tax. is he? Or is he? When he was in office he was for it. Now he I is out trying to get in, he says he is against it. We can draw | our own conclusions about this- Talmadge has a system for fool¬ ing the people that is starting something on his opponent that sounds bad. As most people are always ready to believe the worst of a person who is in office. Then when he works the people into fevor heat, he makes an issue of something about the Negro, and he will hollow nigger nigger, nigger and white supre¬ macy. During the meantime he lambasts the Federal Govern¬ ment for something some one lias done, connected with the government, that people of Ga, do not wholly approve of. This appeals to a lot of people and they think Talmadge has come to save Georgia from the nigger. He has been preaching what he will do to save us from the Negro for several years, and has not been elected to do these things, we are no closet to the Negro than we have evet been, w’hich shows it is only an election scheme, which is forgotten after each election until the next- For years they would tell some big story of w T hat a raw deal the farmrs were getting, and just as soon as he was elected how he would remedy the' situation, and every farmer in the State would get rich, but "Lo and Behold,” as soon as the election was over the farmer was forgotten. This scheme worked for years, until lie wore it out, then he fell on x. g > Issue. All ;c_....... People draw the when it comes to with negros. So starts in advance of a to put out the propoganda negros are just about to over the country using his dall Sheet, The Statesman to this out, then he has some his organized crowd, as they well organized having a crew every county in Georgia, around and verify every he has said in his paper- He used men who are very promin¬ ent in their County to head his organization, these people are high pressured into working for him with promises, that if they will carry their County for him. he will do some big personal favor for them. In lots of cases it is large sums of money, that the poor fellows who do the biggest hollowing for Talmadge, never see. These are the ones that are being hood winked, while the real agent or big shot gets the money. These are a few of the ways the Talmadge organ¬ ization works. Sometimes they get elected sometimes they fail, of course there'are some people who will never wake up to the way they are being duped, and 1 often wonder how long it will be before the others realize what they are getting into when they vote for Talmadge. Just ask yourself what has Talmadge evet done that I have benefited by. Some one has said you can’t fool all the people all the time, Tal¬ madge knows he don’t have to fool all the people when a ma¬ jority is enough. A GEORGIA CITIZEN. aooooo a obo cc Doors, Windows, Screens, Cabinets MADE TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Ask For Estimate On Your Requirements W. M. DOWDEY Contractor and Builder In the New Concrete Building Opposite the Co-Op. Store TRENTON, GEORGIA INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Complete Coverage Real Estate — on — Listings Fire & Automobile Policies Wanted H. F. ALLISON TIMES BUILDING — TRENTON, CEORCIA * Bale Ties — Grain Drills 5 - V Aluminum Roofing Syrup Buckets - Chattanooga Plows CHATTANOOGA HARDWARE CO. 2G15 BROAD STREET Wy checking account help put money in my pocket ) because it helps me keep /arm . 4 ; P. y. accounts Correctly. L’/i NATIONAL ft* CHATTANOOGA Market at Seventh Mam ai Market—taut ( hattanooja—RussviUe. Ga.-Tenn. CWmi MrCallie Ave.—.-.*W Brainerd Road— 14 Frailer We. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation federal Reserve System JAMES A. PERRY WILL BE i ED Because — 1—His record is good and his ability is recognized throughout Georgia. ,ITy " 2—He has always been on the side of the people where rates and services from utilities are involved. 3— He cast tne deciding vote in favor of the beginning of gener¬ ation of hydro-electric current in the Tallulah Falls and Blue Ridge sections of Georgia. 4— Through his efforts rural electrification had its beginning in this state. 5— He led the fight in piping natural gas to Georgia. 6— He fought successfully for uniform electric and freight rates throughout the state, as low in small towns as in the larger cities- Perry is opposed by Roval K. Mann and Hugh W- Striplin. OOOOOOOOOOQCOGQCOOOC