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Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
Judge Townsend
Strong Vote
Judge J. M. C. Townsend, in
Dade County, won over his op¬
ponent by 1431 votes to 232 and
early returns showed that he
was leading with a nice major¬
ity all over the state. Dade will
be very proud to have one of
her native sons in a state office
as Judge on the Court of Appeals
The Judge was in Dade Coun¬
ty for the election, making his
headquarters in his home dis¬
trict of Wildwood. Here during
the day he greeted many old
friends before his return to At¬
lanta Wednesday night.
The Lookout
Game Refuge
(By Hugh G. Forester)
There Is good news concern¬
ing the Lookout Mountain Game
Refuge. As some readers of this
paper may already know, there
is a vast wilderness on the Ala.,
side of Lookout Mountain that
joins our refuge to the South-
Several of our deer have been
ranging across the state line into
Alabama since their release last
November. Up until a short
time ago these deer had no
adequate protection on the Ala¬
bama side. At least two have
been killed presumably by roving
dogs on that side of the line.
Then a few months ago, two
wide awake sportsmen Mr. F. R.
Bell, a retired business man now
living in Mentone and Dr. W.
G. Allison a veterinarian also of
Mentone started doing some¬
thing about it- For several
weeks these men have worked
tirelessly getting landowners in-
trested in a game refuge on
their side of the line. At the
outset they came to me and got
all the information I could pass
along regarding a refuge. They
have been able to profit by our
mistakes and have surmounted
some of the obstacles that have
hampered us. Now they have
almost completed the signing up
of a 16,000 acre refuge and it has
recently been inspected by the
State and Federal Wildlife Ser¬
vice Coordinator for Alabama.
This official has pronounced it
an ideal range for deer and
Mr. Bell and Dr. Allison have
also organized a club whose
membership is composed of land
owners and sportsmen in the
area. This club is known as the
Mentone Conservation Club-
Their main project at present is
the Lookout Mountain Game
Refuge and the restocking of
same with deer, wild turkeys and
quail. They have recently ap¬
plied to the Alabama Conser¬
vation Department and the U. S.
Fish and Wildlife Service for 50
deer, 50 wild turkey and 250
quail to be released on the ref¬
ilk aib (f cumin f iitws
The Election At
Various Districts
Voting was very slow at most
of the polls. At the 873 District
at Slygo with almost 100 voters
only about 44 voted. Messers
W. P. Cole, Joe Doyle and B. I.
Cole were the managers.
At the 875 district at Byrd’s
Chapel having about 220 voters
only about 70 voted. Messers X.
B. Murphy, Virgil Stewart, R.
M. Castleberry and Horace' Fis¬
cher were the managers
In Trenton at the 960 district
polls with almost 700 voters only
about 260 made the effort to
vote. Messers H. F. Allison,
Monford Tatum, James Milton
Case and Charles T. Sims were
Tne ciuzens in me y mn un>-
trict in Wuawood reunj gave „
good turn out at tne polls.
About 300 of tneir *»00 odd regi¬
stered voters voted. Messers M.
K Ford, H. W. Cross and J- H
Coley were managers.
At New England in the 1037
district about 170 of the almost
400 registered voters cast their
ballot. Messers Kenneth Brown,
Joe Blevins, Lennie Castleberry
and Sam York were the manag¬
Of the 405 registered voters
of the 1038th district at Rising
managers were', Messers Charlie
Fawn about 174 voted. Here the!
B. Hale, R. C. Gatlin, Clark L. ;
Dawkins and R. P. Fricks. !
The 1089th district at Hookei J
had . . a good . turnout . _ .where , about . ,i
96 of the 135 voters voted. The i
Messers J. E. i
managers were
Strawn, W. S. Winfrey, Mrs. W. S-
Winfrey and Miss Claudia Win¬
In the 1129th district at Sul¬
phur Springs of about 222 voters
only about 78 voted. Those who
managed were Messers. Byron
Forester, J. P. Lambert, E. J. Bi¬
ble and S- B. Amos.
Of about 251 voters in the 1214
district, New Salem around 159
voted. Holding the election here
were MeSsers W. T. McCauley,
Roy Moore and Grady Bradford
At Cole City, the 1222 district
of the 794 registered voters about
203 voted. The managers were
Messers J. O. Gass, M. M. Gass
G. D. Daniel, and Lehman Shel¬
ton. \. \
Late Saturday afternoon Mr.
J. C. Lewis of Long Island, Ala.,
wrecked his 36 Ford at the cut
on top of Lookout Mountain. He
stated that he was unfamiliar
with the road and could not see
very well because of the fog; as
he rounded the curve the auto¬
mobile struck a rock, knocking
It over the cliff and heading the
vehicle into the bluff.
The four occupants of the
automobile had just been mar-
ried and were shaken up badly ;
those in the front seat received
several cuts about the face from
the broken windshield.
The collision smashed in the
grill and hood, bursted the left
tire, ripped and smashed both
front fenders. In addition the
left rear fender was battered in
when the car struck the rock.
The automobile was pulled In
by Rutledge—Talley Motor Co.,
Trenton Ga.
Sportsmen clubs, organized in
every community by the many
people who are directly interest¬
ed in fishing, hunting, or both,
could be the force behind the
fish and game conservation so
badly needed throughout Ga.
We go to press Talmadge is
picking up enough county unit
as well as popular votes to be
Georgia’s next Governor.
Thompson Carries
Dade County
All of Dade County districts,
with the exception of New En¬
gland, carried by a good majority
lor M. E. Thompson. Dade was
giving a vote of confidence to
a man who had not forgotten
that though Dade is across the
mountain she is still in Georgia-
Votin f? was Ught throughout
the count y onl y about a thlrd
of the registered voters exer-
cising their r privilege. Polls
were . quiet , . during , the .. day . and ,
the counting, after the polls
closed at 6 P. M., was rapidly
completed except for the Sand
Mountain box which did not turn
in unofficial returns until about
11 P. M.
Last Friday the State Highway
Board opened bids for highway
and bridge construction in 50
Georgia Counties. The 77 con¬
struction projects open a letting
estimated to cost $11,000,000.
Because of the size of the
letting, which was a record, and
the tremendous number of con¬
tracts proposed the' opening bids
were delayed almost an hour.
The State Highway Director,
Warren Neel, stated that because
Monday was a holiday and Wed¬
nesday election day the awarding
of contracts would be delayed
until Thursday of this week.
Many of the state aid contracts
were devided into two or three
sections and bid upon separately.
The apparent low bidder for
the 5.481 miles of grading and
paving of the Sand Mountain
road from Trenton to the' Ala¬
bama State Line is R. T. Smith
of Atlanta who bid $237,124.
Mrs. E. G. Wright and Mrs-
Paul Thomas will host a rehersal
dinner at the Wright home,
Saturday night September 11th
honoring Miss Elsie Orr and
James Earl Milbum of Chatta¬
Covers will be laid for Rev.
and Mrs. J. E. Milbum, Bill and
Joe Milbum, Miss Phyllis Park,
Mrs. Robert Christie and Conde
Alday of Chattanooga; Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Bunn and daught¬
er, Phllis of Atlanta, Mrs. W. L.
Clark of Memphis, James Willi¬
amson of Murfefesboro, Tenn.,
and Miss Dorothy Holback of
Cowan, Tenn.; Rev. and Mrs.
T. N. Orr, Misses Louise Orr
and Joan Grey and E A. Ellis,
Jr., of Trenton.
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
County Fair Commit¬
tee Holds Meeting
At a joint meeting of the Lions
Club and the Dade County Chap¬
ter of the’ Georgia Farm Bureau
(who are co-sponsoring our
County Fair) Committees were
appointed and plans were made
for the two day Fair on October
15 and 16th. Appointed on the
Fair Committee' on Arrange¬
ments and Planning were, from
the Lion’s Club, Cleron Kyzer,
Chairman, Granville’ Pace and
A. L. Dyer—from the Farm Bu¬
reau, Douglas Morrison, Chair¬
man, John Tatum and James
Morrison. The Finance Commit¬
tee has co-chairman of Tom
Renfroe from the Lion’s Club and
Jules Case from the Farm Bu¬
reau with other volunteering
their help. Appointed for Pub¬
licity and Catalogue are Mrs.
D. P. Hood, Mrs. Douglas Mor¬
rison, W. T. McCauley and John
At a meeting, Tuesday night
of this week plans were made
for the most important beginn- 1
ing of any plan, the raising of
the money. It was planned to 1
from the merchants and
donations and to procure 1
Carnival. It was also planned
to hove an electrical appliance
on which chances could be
There will be community ex¬
hibits as well as individual. The
4-H Clubs will be asked to assist
in the task of finding out about
much will be sent In for
to be able to estimate to
extent the amount of space [
Winners from the community contest are from left to right: Miss Anna Marie Moore as Miss
Lookout Mountain; MissRovena McAbee as Miss Sand Mountain ; Miss Beatrice Williams as Miss
Rising Fawn; Miss Edna Belle Cagle as Miss North Dade; and Miss Charlotte Sullivan as Miss
which will be needed.
Exhibits, with ribbons or prizes
for the best in the class will be
e ‘ ven on Canning. „ , „ Sewing Home
Craft, Baking and Vegetables; on
Beef Cattle and Dairy Cattle and
on Sheep, Hogs and Poultry,
with a grand prize for the Grand
Champion Animal of the Show.
There will be more definate’
information on these entries as -
more data comes In to the corn-
mittee. |
o > 7 )
Richard B. Russell...... 44 o S £ CO 2 174 95 m CO g ^ —J
FOR GOVERNOR 00 00 6 i 1 2 00 00 2 000 12
Hoke O’Kelley.......... 0 0 1 2
Joe Rabun 00 00 0 i 0 0 0
Herman Talmadge...... 8 19 81 10 90 77 1 33 12 79 410
M. E. Thompson........ 35 42 157 372 73 80 95 43 138 199 1234
Hoke Willis............ 1 00 1 0 2 0 0 0 *" 0 2 6
2 •5 18 7 18 13 1 52 3 17 87
Belmont Dennis.......... 29 31 68 356 91 83 94 10 125 120 1094
S. Marvin Griffin........ 7 9 21 158
Dr. L. N. Huff.......... 10 8 53 9 15 23 0
Henry Persons.......... 2 4 66 6 25 *18 1 11 8 24 161
Glenn Allen.......... 4 13 38 10 10 27 0 11 14 21 148
John D. Elliott........ 6 5 24 4 14 8 33 6 28 254
Clark Gaines............ 21 14 55 330 50 45 93 6 113 88 832
A. J. Hartley.......... 3 6 14 4 55 12 1 7 2 12 115
Perry T. Knight........ 5 6 59 12 16 38 2 44 11 18 174
31 29 81 354 66 08 91 17 120 105 939
Royal K. Mann........ 43 325
James A Perry........ 10 12 98 17 59 40 4 9 25
Hugh W. Striplin........ 2 4 20 4 19 16 0 17 5 17 96
Augustus M. Roan........ 2 13 59 4 34 30 1 55 14 58 232
J. M. C. Townsend........ 42 49 181 388 129 134 95 77 143 245 1431
-Jule W. Felton.......... 44 65 255 397 158 171 94 77. 158 242 1661
William Y. Atkinson...... 44 66 258 397 162 166 95 77 156 247 1668
SUPREME COURT 36 34 74 561
J. H. Hawkins.......... 22 28 162 29 94 80 2
Joe Quillian............ 20 18 34 340 46 45 89 31 110 88 821
Lanham...... 44 70 244 397 160 170 96 77 158 278 1694
James H. Paschall...... 44 69 256 397 162 170 96 79 159 301 1733
Warren Akin.......... 44 68 257 397 162 171 96 79 159 276 1709
Rufus W Massey...... 42 68 247 396 158 171 96 78 158 274 1688
Maddox J. Hale 43 71 256 397 162 17 96 78 158 272 1550
Published Weekly—Since 1901
Edna Belle Cagle Is
Miss State Of Dade
Five Dade bounty girl? and
as gorgeous a group of feminity
as anyone could wish to look
upon gathered on the stage of
the Dade High School last
day anxiously awatiing the ^
counting of the vote's. It was j
the Miss State of Dade Contest
held for the second year on
Labor Day to raise funds for the
continuation of the Bookmobile
Previously five community
f contests had been held. These
j fj ve w i nners> dressed In pretty
j j OI1 g evening dresse’s, were Miss
j 3 e u e Cagle, the winner
j rom north end of the coun-
^ ^ Miss North Dade was
Pressed in white embroidered
organdy; Miss Charlotte Sullivan
w j n ner in the Trenton contest,
wore a light blue brocaded silk;
Miss Beatrice Williams, the
south end winner, as Miss Rising
Fawn chose a light blue taffeta,;
Miss Rovena McAbee the winner
from Sand Mountain, wore a
sheer white net overlaid dress
and Miss Anna Marie Moore as
Miss Lookout Mountain chose
soft blue for the) occasion.
On the stage with these win¬
ners were the members of the
Library Board, Mrs. Virginia
Page, Chairman, Mrs. R. 8-
Townsend, Mrs. E. L. Raulston,
Mrs- J. M. Carroll, Mrs. D. E.
Morrison, Mrs. J. L. Fricks, Miss
Bess Cureton, Mrs D. P. Hood,
Mrs- J. O. Gass, Mrs. Art Moore
and Mrs. John McGuffey, who
were also in evening dress. Col.
D. E. Morrison was master of
ceremonies ably assisted by
James Milton Case.
There was an excellent pro¬
gram for the audience during the
voting periods. Willard Harde¬
man with two other musicians
gave several numbers and fiiled
in the absence of the Lookout
Mountain Quartet. These fea¬
tured vocals by Willard. Mrs.
Doris Hardeman gave several
numbers on the piano and she
and Miss Jesse Dyer played for
the two majorettes, Joyce Case
and Helen Faye Wheeler, in
their two charming numbera.
Tatum & Case supplied recorded
music at the beginning and end
of the program and during the
voting periods. Mr. W. C.
Holmes was on hand with his
camera and lights and we hope
next week to be able to show
you a picture.
The grand final of the voting
was Miss North Dade the grand
winner with 17,400 votes and
Miss State of Dade for 1948.
Miss Trenton received 14,047,
votes, Miss Rising Fawn 12,958,
Miss Lookout Mountain 7,380 and
Miss Sand Mountain 6,237. This
with the money raised at the
community contest assures Dads
County of the Bookmobile Ser¬
vice for another year. The
Library Board thanks all those
who helped to make this service
possible. /