Newspaper Page Text
Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
Gifts To the Red
Received This Week
Those workers who, this week,
have turned in their reports on
the Red Cross 1949 Fund Drive
From Spencer H. Middleton
•P P. Fricks ............ $ 2.50
Mrs. R. P. Fricks ........ 2.50
Mrs. J. L. Fricks.......... 2.00
Mrs. W. H. Kenimer ...... 2.00
Mrs. Ola Pangle .......... 100
S. W. Woodin ............ 5.00
B. C. Thomas ............ 3 00
Mr. ft Mrs. W. L. Fannin. 1.00
I' D. S. Middleton ...... 5.00
From Mrs. Myrna McMahan
Mr. & Mrs. James Hatfield 1.00
Mrs. Cecil McMahan and
Family ................. ^.00
Mr & Mrs. Gerald Chandler,
Jr .............. 1.00
Mr. & Mrs. L. M. Allison .1.00
Misses Mae and Bess Cure-
ton 2500
Albert Allison ............ 100
From Mrs. D. P. Hood
Mrs. G. H. Kirkland ...... 100
Mr. & Mrs. D. P. Hood ... 2.00
Mr. & Mrs. Graham Hale .. 1.00
Miss Lorene Horton ...... 100
C. M. Bodenhamer ....... 100
Dork Stephens, Jr....... 1-00
Miscellaneous ......... • • • 55
From Mrs. M. R. Wilson
Miss Fannielu McWhorter. 2.50
Mr. & Mrs. R. M.Morrison 2.00
J. M. Carroll ............ I- 00
E. L. Raulston............ 100
Georgia Power Co......... 10 00
Mrs. M. R. Wilson ........ 100
Mrs. W. F. Morrison ...... 5.00
Mr. ft Mrs. H. F. Allison.. 2.00
Mr & Mrs. Floyd Brandon 1.00
Miss Belle Reeves ........ 100
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Moore 5.00
Mr. ft Mrs. L. C. Adams 2.00
Mr. & Mrs. P. A. Gates .. 1.00
Mr. & Mrs. A. W. Peck 2.00
Mr. & Mrs. Graha mHale 1.00
Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Hale .. 15.00
From Mrs. Nellie Orton
Mrs. Irmgard Ault........ 100
Mrs. W. G. Morrison...... 2.50
Miss Gladys Morrison ---- 2.50
Col. & Mrs. Douglas Morri¬
son .................... 25.00
From Mrs. J. G. Forester
Ella J. Forester .......... 100
James F. Forester ........ 100
Thelma P. Forester ...... 100
Dixie J. Forester ........ 100
Thelma Gayle Forester ... 1.00
H. S. Frizzell ............ 1-00
From Miss Claudia Winfrey
Miss Claudia Winfrey ---- 1 00
Mrs. J. E. Little .......... 5.00
R. H. Strawn ............ 100
Mrs. C. M. Smith ........ 2.00
Howard Johnson........... 25
Mr. Sills .................1°
Mrs. J. E. Strawn ........ 1.00
Mrs. Grady Bell ......... 2 -00
r' T. Mitchum ...........50
Thomas Richardson ...... 100
A. C. Johnston ........... 100
Mr. Kilgore ............... 25
From Granville Pace
Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Dyer.... 25.00
Mr. & Mrs. M. G. Bice .... 2.00
Mr. ft Mrs. J. G. Pace .... 2.00
Mrs. W. L. Wilkerson.......50
Fred A. Wheeler ......... 100
Rill Brandon ............ 1-00
G. W. Wheeler ...........50
Dewey Partlow............50
James Christopher ....... 100
Asa Long ................ 100
J. E. Combs .............. 100
Mickey Cochran .......... 100
Marvin Davis ............ 100
Sid Rogers ............... 10°
George Sullivan .......... I- 00
Bob Smith................ 100
Dave Cloud ............1-00
Mace Smith...............15
Lester Smith ............. 1-00
W. H. Troxtell............ 100
Ruel Franks.............. 100
Frank Winters............ 1-00
Horace Taylor.............50
Harlan Taylor.............50
Walter Brasher........... 100
John Frost................50
Earl Wheeler..............50
Bob Long.................50
Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Parker and
Family ................. 3.00
Dade County Lions Club. . 25.00
There are many workers who
have not yet turned in their re¬
ports. Won’t you do so as soon
as possible as these were suppos¬
ed to have been sent in to Atlan¬
ta on April 10:
The Equalization Board is
working in the Tax Commission¬
er’s office from 4 P. M. to 9 P
M. each day except Saturday.
If you want to see any of them
for any reason you can contact
them during this time.
Student Drivers
Rodeo May 9th
The Safety Education Division
of the Georgia State Patrol in
cooperation with the Motor Ve¬
hicle Association of Georgia and
Ford Dealers of Georgia, are
sponsoring a Georgia State Stu¬
dent Drivers Rodeo, to be held
in Atlanta at an early date. Par¬
ticipants must be high school
students, either boy or girl, must
be 16 through 19 years of age.
must hold a Georgia State Dri¬
vers License with no arrest or
accident record.
Each county wiii furnish one
student who will compete in a
DISTRICT MEET. The district
meet which the Dade boy or girl
will compete in will be held in
Rome on Monday, May 9. The
boy or girl who will represent
Dade will compete with the win¬
ners from 17 other counties in
an obstacle course. There will
be eight members from Rome’s
Civic Clubs who will act as jud¬
ges and who will be stationed at
Strategic points throughout the
course. The boys and girls
competing in Rome may bring
their own car or truck. Prizes
will be given. For detailed in¬
formation contact your County
School Superintendent or Ga.
State Patrol Sgt. John Goodwin
who is in charge of Safety Edu¬
cation in this District.
The winner and the runner-up
in these District Meets w r ill com -
pete in the Finals to be held in
Atlanta. The winner in the At¬
lanta event will be given a New
Ford and will also have an op¬
portunity to participate in th"
National Rodeo. Additional pri¬
zes will be awarded other con¬
testants in the final event.
Special services Sunday, April
17 at State Line Chapel Special
speaker Sunday morning, Sundav
evening, Flannelgraph presenta¬
tion by Tennessee Temple Col¬
lege student on the Resurrection
scene. Everyone is invited to at¬
tend, and you will be missing a
great blessing if you fail to come.
Everyone come to the working
at the New Salem Church Cem¬
etery Saturday morning, April
16. Bring tools with you.
The Dade County Chapter of
the American Red Cross officers |
for 1949 are:
President, Roy W. McBryar.
Vice President, Mrs. Annie D.
Secretary, Mrs. Frank Morri¬
son .
Treasurer, Mrs. Louise E.
Board of Directors, Mrs. D. P.
Hood, Miss Bess Cureton, Messrs.
E. R. Wells, E. J. Bible and Wm.
Disaster Chairman, J. C. Pace.
Home Service Chairman, Mrs.
Douglas Morrison.
Nursing Chairman, Mrs. W. W.
Head River e
j Mr. and Mrs. Lewis guests Whited of Mrs. of
;New Salem were
J Flora Hunt Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schurch
of Chattanooga spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Schurch
and family.
Miss Dot Payne and some
{friends from Lakeview L. Forester were last the
(guests of Mrs. J.
! Sunday.
Rev. Clyde Chadwick filled his
I regular appointement at the
1 church. -Mrs. Chadwdck and son.
I also Mr. Chadwick’s mother, were
1 guests of. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
I Forester and family.
| Mrs. J. M. Payne of Lakeview
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ross
and family.
Mr. Reed Johnson has return¬
ed to Chattanooga, where he is
taking treatments, after spend¬
ing the week end at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Massey
and children visited Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Smith recently. Mr. Smith
has been ill.
Mrs. Porter Everett and daugh¬
ter, Maxine, visited Mrs. Flora
Hunt Sunday,
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
Slygo Home
stration flub Met
The March meeting of the
Slygo Home Demonstration Club
was held at the home of Mrs. Guy
gave a demonstration on salads.
The devotional consisted of
Scripture^ Moore. A reading prayer by by Mi.v Miss L-L Elba
Cole. Two Easter contests were
enjoyed by the members, with
Mrs. Hazel Moore winning both
An account of the County
Council held at Trenton was giv¬
en by Miss Moss. She stated
that each club was to donate $5
to help finance the dress revue
and to send the winner and del¬
egates to Athens. The club
members decided to raise their
quota by selling “pigs ima poke’’
at next meeting, which is to be
held at the home of Mrs. Leigh¬
ton treet on April 21.
Delicious refreshments were
As of April 1st, Dade’s new
Wildlife Ranger is Creed Shelby
from LaFayette. Ranger Shelby
ves Sheriff of Walker County
for many years and he is a vet-
eran of both World Wars. He
is now the Ronger for Walker,
Dade and Catoosa counties.
Ranger Shelby says he is new
at this work but has always be"”
interested in the protection of
Fish and" Game. He will np>
no regular trips to Dade but will
come and go often enough to
krow what is going on and pro¬
tect our Wildlife.
Sdoh, sored by the County and
Community Activities groun with
| Mrs. E. G. Wright, Jr., and Miss
Bess Cureton as chairmen and
the following as community lead¬
Mrs. Maurice Rogers, Trenton.
Mrs. Victor Quinton, Piney.
Mrs. Terence Mcore, New Sa-
Mrs. Herschel Dean, Rising
Mrs. Ed Bible, Cloverdale.
Mrs. Kenneth Bodenhamer,
Sand Mountain.
Mrs. Bill Pullen. Morganville.
Mrs Frank Patterson, Slygo.
Mrs. Thelma Bell, Hooker.
firs. D. J. Haneoek, Wildwood.
Mrs. Walter Simpson, Byrds
Mrs. Joe Blevins, New England.
Thes" leaders will report to the
Chairmen any improvements
made in their community homes,
surrounding grounds or alona the
hiehway • any imorovement that
will make our county a beauti-
fnl place through which to driv ,j
and a home that wanderers will
want to come home to.
Heading the list for this w"°k
ic; jrnnrovement made in the
home of the Harvey Bradfords,
divine 1 south of Trenton on the
Birmingham-Chattancoaa High-
ivq,v Mr Bradford has built a
rock wall around the front and
.south side of the yard, leveled
the yard and planted grass and
shrubs that will make it a thing
of beauty the year round. The
driveway has been filled in on
the north side of the home and
graveled from the garage and
between the wall and hiehway
in front. This home is now on n
of the beauty spots along our
main highway.
For commercial improvement.
we extend congratulations and
thanks to the Midway Cafe and
Filling Station for cleaning out
the tin cans and trash that over-
flowed the drainage ditch in
front of their pla-e. If all the
business places along the high-
way would be so considerate in
the disposal of trash our county
would soon take on an air of
cleanliness and prosperity that
would make visitors want to lin-
eer here instead of hurrying on
There will be a meeting of the
County and Community Activi-
r 1"s and the Dade County Fair
Committee Monday, April 18. at
3-30 p. m. Every member is
urged to attend, to make plans
for our County Fair next fall
Meeting will be held only one
Morganville and Wi!d-
wood Enter Improve¬
ment Contest
viI]e closin date for entries is
April 15 Qpen house is bfiing
held in Kensington Community
in Walker County on Wednes¬
day, April 13. Groups from Mor¬
ganville and Wildwood commu
n{ties plan to attend Those
ing are Mrs. J. S. Parson, Mrs. M.
E. Patterson, Mrs. Joe Wallen,
Mrs. D. J. Hancock and Mr. Ru¬
fus Massey.
At the meeting in Kensington
Community, farm people from
the community will explain to
the visiting group how they went
about setting up the organiza¬
tion and give some details of the
’"ork that was done. Part of the
, . , . . ... .
provements fvZ that took place W. last
The Lookout Valley Woman’s
Missionary Union annual asso-
ciational meeting will be held at
the Rising Fawn Baptist church
April 19, beginning at 10 o’clock,
Mrs. Dewey Bradford, Associa-
tional Superintendent, will pre-
side. All churches in the Associ-
ation are urged to send repre-
sentatives from their churches,
Those taking part on the pro-
gram will be Miss Pearl Todd,
returned missionary from China;
Miss Sarah Stephens, State
Young People’s Leader, of At-
lanta: Mrs. J. V. Stewart of
Adairsville, Ga., Divisional Vice
President; and Mrs. J. Z. Bobo,
who will give the devotional.
Everyone is cordially invited.
A picnic lunch will be served at
the noon hour at the church.
Sav’d Mountain News
Mrs. Una Belle Stone
Bro. Pat Wheeler preached at
the Church of Christ last Sun-
day, giving us a really good ser¬
mon. Bro. Joe Mayhew will
preach for us next Sunday. Ev-
eryom is cordially invited to
come and hear the Gospel.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson
from lookout Mountain attended
servic~s at the Church of Christ
last Sunday.
Mr. .and Mrs. Tealors Foster
spgnt g unda y w jth Mr. and Mrs.
Pat Wheeler in Trenton.
Mr. and Mrs. Denvil Da'''" 1
Mrs. Jewell Cox and haby from
North Carolina visited Mrs. Millie
E - Da ael qwsdav Thursday^af aft-nc -
Mrs. Una Belle Stem- har’ as
guests Friday afternoon Mrs.
Lomic Carroll, Mrs. Mary Foster
and Mrs. Joe Stone,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. R harptnn
and children spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ran 1 " 1 and
Mr. and Mrs. Tealonf _ j os.
visited Mr. and Mrs. Er -st Ftp m
and family Friday night,
Mrs. Mae Davis and Mr. Eld n
Crisp from Big Woods v'sitM Mr.
and Mrs. Lyman Daniel and fam-
ily Sunday.
| Mr. and Mrs. Troy Stone and
children visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Stone Saturday afternoon.
We are sorry to report the
death of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Daniel’s little baby, which was
only 12 days old when it died
Mr. and M r< * T,"——••'■’’ted
relatives in Alabama Sunday,
j Mr. Gene Storm of Chattan-
coga visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Stone, Monday,
j -Rockfort, Mrs. Dora 111., Fiske visiting and ner son pa- of
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Crisp,
at Cole City, and her son is ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gaddis
and children of Trenton visited
Mr. Gaddis’ parents Sunday.
Mrs. Una Belle Stone and son,
Frnest, Jr., and her mother, Mrs.
Millie E. Daniel, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Buster Cloud Sunday after¬
Mrs. Inez White and Miss Lo¬
rene Horton were in Chattanooga
About two pounds cf cue :mb r
cantaloupe or watermelon seed
are required to plant an acre.
Trenton Gaden Club
%!ds April Meeting
The Garden Club of Trenton
held its meeting Thursday, April
7. at the home of Mrs. G. C. Ta¬
tum with Mesdames. Charley
Gray and Jules Case as associ¬
ate hostesses.
The meeting was opened with a
prayer by the Chaplain, Mrs. S.
L. Sells. Rudyard Kipling’s po¬
em, ‘“Glory of the Garden,” was
given by Mrs. H. F. Allison. Mrs.
J. G. Nethery presided over the
The club voted to go on record
as being opposed to mob violence
prompted by recent happenings
in our county.
Two piano numbers, “Rustle of
Spring” and “March Militaire,”
were given by Kathleen Morrison.
Garden Mints were given by Mrs.
John Hinton. Mrs. A. M. Pat¬
terson of Chattanooga gave an
interesting talk on birds, using
picture slides and records as il¬
Mrs. Maud Brown and Mrs.
Keglar were welcomed as new
members. Mrs. Hassell (Dabbs)
Lucier of San Francisco, Calif.,
was a guest.
Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostesses. About
twenty-one were present.
Miss Jewel Taylor, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Taylor of
Piney was married in Rossville
on April 2 to Mr. Jerry R. Ault,
son of Mrs. I. W. Orton, also of
Both of these young people
have been working in Chattanoo¬
ga, the bride at the Davenport
1 Hosiery Mill and the groom at
the City Water Co. They plan
to make their home in Chattan¬
Tire marriage of Miss Dorothy
Aileen Johns and Paul D. Snod¬
grass took place April 8 at the
(home of the officiating min'st r,
Rev. J. D. Bethune.
Daughter of Mr. and M - s. W.
R. Johns, the bride Is the
of Miss Evelyn Johns of At 1 '.ate.,
Mrs. L. M. Bryson of NY-wnrui,
|Ga„ Mr. W. E. Johns of T m on
and Mr. Eugene _ J t w > . <i , , >-an „ r , I .
Fran. isco, Californ a.
The bridegroom is th' sen of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S \oc re s and
the brother of Mrs. Glenn Cun¬
ningham of gc He is
employed at the R >ss Meehan
Company in Chatter-or ga. He
and his bride are redding in
Avans Home Demon-
stration Club Met
The Avans Home Demonstra¬
tion Club met at the home of
Mrs. D. P. Hood on March 31.
rxsxtvzs led
opened by group prayer, by
Mrs. Rich Morgan. This was fol¬
lowed by a song. Piano music
was furnished by our most wel¬
come visitor, Mrs. W. W. Daniel,
of Trenton.
We discussed the style show to
be held in May and many of the
Jadies plan to enter a dress.
It w T as voted to give five dollars
(to the County Council Treasurer.
Miss Clara Moss, our new Home
Demonstration Agent, gave a
very interesting demonstration
on pretty salads. The ladies of
our club gave Miss Stanfield a
handkerchief shower. We were
expecting her to be with us, but
since it was impossible, Miss
Moss accepted the handkerchiefs
for her and mailed them to her.
Our next meeting will be
Mrs. H. H. Bodenhacer’s.
The body of Lt. Charles J.
Woolbright of 'Trenton, arrived
home on Tuesday, April 12. He
was killed in action in France on
October 1, 1944.
Surviving him are a son, Cbas.
Wayne Woolbright, of Ideal, Ga.
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Woolbright, and a brother, Rob-
jert, all of Trenton, and a half-
brother, Gilbert Price, of Ross-
iville. Ga.
Funeral services were held at
'.he Trenton Methodist Church
on Wednesday afternoon, with
Rev. T. N. Orr officiating. Ex-
servicemen acted as pallbearers.
Burial was in the Baptist Cem-
etery nort h of Trenton, with
jMcBryar Funeral Home in
Farmer Snortsman To
Pest Their I ands
At recent . meetings ,, of , the land „ ,
| owners in the north end of the
county, the name “Dade County
Farmer Sportsman Club” was a-
greed upon. Each member will
l be given a card to show that he
bas paid his dues. An agree-
ment was drawn up for the inter¬
ested land owners to sign. This
agreement speaks for itself and
is published below
Dade County Farmer Sportsman Club - Membership Annual Dues $2
Land Owners’ Agreement
CLUB a non-profit association, is seeking to establish a fish and game refuge in Dade County to
permit the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the Georgia State Game and Fish Commission
and / or said Dade County Farmer Sportsman Club, to restock and restore said refuge with certain
species of game animals, birds and fish, and including wild de„r and turkeys.
NOW THEREFORE, the undersigned........................................................... will
hereinafter called Owner, whether one or more, in consideration of the benefit which accrue to
his property by virtue of such re-stocking of said refuge with game animals and fish, and the re-
t-rm- of ihe same in such refuge, does hereby enter the following real estate owned by him into
said refuge, said property being described as follows: ............................................
And for the consideration aforesaid, the said Owner hereby agrees as follows:—
1 Tb at he will have the aforesaid land posted accruing to the laws of Georgia within a reason¬
able time from the date hereof.
2 That he will not himself, nor knowingly allow or permit any other person, to kill, harm or
molest in any way any species of animals or birds or fish which may be released on said refuge by
either of the departments or organizations above cam ?d, nor kill, harm or molest in any way any
other game species of animals, birds or fish which may now or later inhabit said refuge, until No¬
vember 20, 1950.
3 From and after November 20, 1950, the following rules shall become of forcer-
fa) Hunting and fishing on said property will be only by and with the consent of the Owner
or his successors in interest.
<b) Owner agrees that he or his successors shall not give p rmission to any o.her persons to
hunt said premises who are not bona fide members of Dade County Farmer Cportsman Club.
(c) Persons hunting or fishing on said premises shall be required to give notice to Owner or
to the in charge of said premises of the amount of game bagged during each hunt on said
property. birds day. Bag limits for rabbits
(d) Bag limits for quail shall not exceed 8 per p.rsor* per
and squirrels shall not exceed 4 each per person per day.
(e) Non-residents shall not be allowed or permitted to hunt in said Game Refugb more than
once every thirty days. herein
i Qwn°r agrees for himself and his successors that for any violation of the agreements
stipulated he or they may be barred from hunting in said Game Refuge for a minimum period of 5
years and then re-instated only upon approval of the Executive Committee of the Dade County
Farmer Sportsman Club.
This agreement becomes effective on its date, and said Dade County Farmer Sportsman Club
5. premises part of said Game Refuge.
shall thereafter be entitled to consider said as a
6. Hunting foxes with dogs is specifically excepted from this agreement.
WITNESS WHEREOF said Owner has h r '’ nto c?t h ’ r arcl a ' fixcd h:s seal cn this th '
.day of. 1949
Published Weekly—Since 190k,
Davis High School
VT. A. Reorganized
Davis High School has its P.-T.
back and everything is pro¬
nicely since the reor¬
last month.
The lunch room has been en¬
larged, more tables have been
made and a rat-proof storage
has been fixed. This work
been donated by our gener¬
bus drivers and they certain¬
ly are to be commended for this
We feel Mr. Lawson, our prin¬
together with our teachers,
a lot of praise for their
efforts, which are making all
We made $45.00 at our Chicken
on Saturday night, April 2.
Miss Gertrude Virginia Gass,
of Mr. and Mrs. Willis
and Arville Guffey, son of
and Mrs. Clarence Guffey,
married April 7 by Justice
the Peace Roy Christian on
Mountain. Arville is in the
stationed at Miami, Fla.,
was home on a furlough.
Virginia will continue to work
Wheeler’s Restaurant and is
at home with her parents.
A birthday supper was given
on Saturday, April 9, for J. D.
Massengale by his wife. Many
beautiful gifts were received in¬
cluding a three-tiered birthday
cake artfully decorated.
Those attending were: Mr. and
Mrs. Olin Parson and daughters,
Judy and Brenda, Mr. and Mrs
Dick Johnson and children, Wil
ma Sue and Albert, Mr. and Mrs
Tom Slaughter, Mrs. Ellen Sharp
and daughter, Ann, Mr. and Mrs.
Boyd Ellen and children, Wanda,
Joyce, Dannie, Ethel Mae a w
Annie Faye, Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Massengale, Jr., and son, David.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Parso: 1
and daughter, Susie Ruth, a id
Mr. and Mrs. Houston M.Nabb
and son, Donald.
Mrs. Pauline Bennefield and
D. P. Hood co-hostesses
a Bridal Shower for Mrs. C.
Stephens at Mrs. Bennefield’s
on April 9. The bride re¬
many beautiful and useful
and a good time was enjoy¬
by all present. Ice cream and
were served by the host¬