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Star Route News Ris'ng Fawn News 9 Ity I 'hiakOoU SHEET ROCK
By Dux Paulson
GUAM'S Mrs. N. S. Walker Mrs. Elgar Haddon Doors, Inside 2 Panel 2 8”x6’8” $9.00
Mr C. Walker is in receipt Miss Cora Pangle and James
tussmy cf ment, a letter Washington, from the D. War C., Depart¬ saying McMahan grandmother, visited Mrs. the S. M. former’s Little, Doors, Outside Strip Top $13.00
that his request for the return to near Ider, Ala., who is ill. on last Windows Strip Top $6.25
the United States, and discharge Sunday. . . .
^TTSR from N. S. military Walker, service, Jr., who of his is now son, Mountain, Miss Laura Tenn., Little visited of her Signal sis¬ W. B. CURETON Trenton, Georgia
stationed in Austria. ter, Mrs. Julius Pangle, Sunday.
corsnrsTVAN feports Mrs. Ethel Whetzell visited her Mrs. Ernest Lyda and Mrs.
son, Frank, and Mrs. Whetzell, Louise Gaines spent the week ***** * * * * * »»»•»»»»»»» ** ***** * * * * * *
Farm Appropriations glad to get these letters, and am en end with Mr. and Mrs. B. B
hannv ppy t„ nnss p thorn alnno s <n (ho Mr - Oorge Barton visited the Kenimer. “Profit is the stuff that builds! GARDEN TRACTORS k TOOLS
The House has passed an ap- 0 ‘ Brown Gap Sunday School Sun- Mrs. J. R. Amberson Without profit we’d soon have a
^ h nianagers of the , various . co-op- A - 1UV '“ 0, - UUUi OLU1 spent last lookin’ like the old Atomic
picpiiation bill for the Depart- eratives requesting that the in- da /' week in Rising Fawn visiting country hit it!”
ment of Agrioulture making dividuals Mr and Mrs Frank Whetzel, friends. Eggbeater CHATTANOOGA PLOWS
a- asking my help be serv- Mr. Luther West and Miss Doro¬ Mrs. J.
vailable $1,443,000,000. This huge ed as quickly as possible. I wish T. Peck of Gadsden, Tfuj TbtisjhbchA
gum will be available for services it were possible for me to do thy Daily were in Trenton Sun- Ala., visited Mrs. Juanella Mc¬ COLE PLANTERS
more, but we have no authority day raplp ' Mahan Saturday. L.l\
and payments to farmers. This to direct order the local Mrs. Tennie Martin is visiting Mrs. Marvin Baker of Fort Cy
does not include- the amount or co¬ CHATTANOOGA HARDWARE CO.
operatives to extend the lines. her daughter, Mrs. Doff King, in Payne spent the week end with
necessary for farm price sup¬ Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allison.
port, as these are financed by Loan For Farm Homes Mr. H. J. Barton was in Chat¬ Mrs. M. R. Wilson and Jackie 2615 BROAD STREET
borrowings from the Treasury. This appropriation bill made tanooga on business Monday. spent Sunday in Hixon with her
available to the Farm Home Ad- Mr. and Mrs. d'friends Arthur Wood and brother and his family. •*?*»***■»•»»♦* * * * + + +■* ***,*-#**-**.« * * + X
The total estimated for this pur- , f „ visite in Shiloh Mr. and Mrs. Elgar
for the fiscal 1950 j ministration one hundred three Had^°n
p so year up- million dollars for loans to ten- . visited Mrs. S. M. Little near
on which , . , we enter July 1 this ' ant farmers whQ want to buy ' , Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Walker made Ider, Ala., recently.
year, is $538,000,000. This makes ’ their homes T hi is great a ^ siness tnp to chattano °g a Mrs. Jack Lee and Mrs. BeninH Reg. No. 4242
S a Friday.
a total for agrioulture of two program, for a nation of home- Hartline of Chattanooga visited
is and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. and Hilda Mrs. J. R. Cooper Sunday af¬ Lookout Valley Drug Company
billions of dollars. owners a more prosperous Barton were Sunday guests of Mr. ternoon.
stable nation. and Mrs. N. S. Walker.
Half Billion For Rural Electri¬ ! Mrs. J. R Bane and two chil¬ takes two-hours to
fication Soil Conservation Mrs. James Landcaster and dren spending “Wlici it earn >
are several days pack of cigarettes, r.o wonder the
■children are in Chattanooga this with Mfs. Bane’s parents, Mr. a doesn’t Tiftonia Phone 31083
REA is given loan authority For the soil conservation pio- average Russian own LONG!” a car, —
; wee ^ pretty lonesome, isn’t it, and Mrs. C. B. Bane. We are HE CAN’T LIVE THAT SAM STEFFNER, GRADUATE PHARMACIST
of $500,000,000. The Rural Elec¬ gram, the appropriation bill car- j ames o to learn that
trification Administration makes tried fifty-seven millions of doi- sorry Mr. Bane is Serving Tiftonia And Dade County
lars. This is hundred million Mrs. Tinker is seriously ill at fstill not able to leave Mentone Tib} 'fLdUi':AS
Joans from this authorization to a her home. because of bad health.
local co-operative associations ^more than was available this Mrs. Zada Moore has been on Misses Animal Health Products And Veterinary
for the building of rural lines jyear. This too is a most vital May and Bess Cureton By Bill P. ;:x-X
Unless soil the sick list this week. ■snent, Sunday in Gadsden and Supplies
for the distribution of electric program. we stop Mrs. Leona Wood and chiidr -1 Birmingham. They visited their
ity. As all this money is repaid .erosion and rebuild our soil, it visited Mr. and Mrs. Wood on .sister, Mrs. Bedford
from earnings of the local com- .will be only a short time until ' Lampkin. in Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention
land is not able to pioduce I Bluff Road recently, Birmingham, later attending the
panics, it is not really a govern- our a ^ d Mrs. Fred Daily enter- funeral of a friend in Gadsden STORE OF FRIENDLY SERVICE
mental expenditure. the food necessary for our sui- , ta j ned their family with a birth- We glad to learn
va * ’’day are of
v * - dinner in Mr. Dailys honor. families moving back the old
Rural Electric Lines Congressman John Wood of | to
M r. and Mrs. Oscar West. Jr . furnn-e property. They are Mr.
There is a great misunder¬ the Ninth District and were | and Mr. Luther West were guests and Mrs. Sam York and Mr. and
standing among the people who able to get “ear-marked” $104,- G f the Dailys Sunday. Mrs. Harold Castleberry and
•live in the country about the 000 for flood control and soil ero- j -[ preatlv enjoyed a card from family.
building of electric lines to their sion for areas surrounding th* our friend, Mrs. James Michaels The voung daughter of Mr. and HEAVY SERVICE
homes and farms. Many have new dam at Allatona, to prevent in Florida. She is enjoying our Mrs. Fred Givens is suffering
the idea that their congressman 'the washing of soil and silt into Dade county paper, from quite a deep cut y ^°r
can by his own efforts have the the reservoir created by the dam. j Floral Crest had an all-day leg, received Monday while play¬ “Inflation? What if e. t’”rd round
( of I ton
lines run to their doors. I wish School Lunch Program service with dinner on the ing at school. wage ; ; . „ . .e a
there were some magic by which ground last Sabbath. Wp p°r- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith of of wet cr.silage! ’
I could do this, for it would make The president did not ask for ta.inly enjoyed having our Wild- Chattanooga spent Sur^o"
home me very served happy with to electric see every energy. farm funds gram, for but the the School committee Lunch on Pro- ap- woodi da j e friends, Chattanooga as well and as College- friends Mr. young and son, Mrs. Ralph, Will Jr., Smith. has Their been 9 TUj. TbugMou
Put it isnt that easy. As I have propriations and the House itself f rom other nearby towns, spending several days with Mr. By Bill Paulson
already said, money is loaned to voted $75,000,000 for this pur- j was certainly clad to have and Mrs. W. H. Kenimer, Mrs.
Jocal co-operatives which in turn pose. There is n 0 way to esti- ^jj. and Mrs. Graham and son Smith’s brother, and family.
build the lines and buy and sell mate the good done by this pro- and daughters from Chattanooga Mr. James McWhorter was
the electric current to the farm¬ gram of helping the local com- wRb us we were happy to have taken to a Chattanooga hospital WITH A
ers who are fortunate enough to munities supply hot lunches to Proff Miller from Collegedale, on Tuesday. We wish for him
get tha lines run to their homes, children in the schools. In ad- Mr and Mrs Rav and M r. and a speedy recovery.
■j hesc local co-operatives, which dition to the money appropriated ' Donald West with us. We
everybody habitually refers to as for the school lunch program welcome every visitor who wor- WELL-PLANNED GARDENS
TVA, are managed by local di¬ the House made available surplus ships with us at Floral Crest, and
rectors, one of whom no doubt commodities in the hands of the bo they will come often. A well-planned garden can
If Credit Corporation, p e provide a family with most if not
lives in your community. you Commodity . Mrg N g Wa {k er f e lt some- all th evitamins A and C needed
have failed to get the lines run whieh is the government agency ' ,, at d i sap p 0 i n ted Sunday as her
to farm, you should call on that buys commodities to support \ in daily diets from early summer
your this wag absent The girls took until fall frost. It also furn¬ kinda like Inflation in
your local director to help you farm prices. All in all, a trip over to Mr. Woods’ home ishes important minerals and the “I’d business... if only the my
get service. makes ample provision for the Three girls went chicken
children, far the on Bluff Road. bulk or roughage needed for other fellow wouldn’t charge so
Our only connection with the school as as .without permission of their pa- normal digestion. bloomin’ much fer layin’ mash!”
entire set-up is to appropriate federal government is concerned. , rents Nqw girlg if yQU waht a
money so that the REA here in Of course,^ it calls f ° r ^oopera- , Sabbath School, be there at 1
Washington can lend the money tion 0 n the part of the state 1 o’clock Sundav; if you aren’t Honey-Topped Coffee Coke
to the local co-operatives. This and local communities. coming I should like to be noti- AGAINST
year, as I have said, we appro¬ Visitors fled. If any pupil is absent Snap C'lts B e?b Blowouts
priated five hundred million dol- Sabbath School they will miss our i - - v -
ors for this purpose—the largest It was a pleasure to have Mr. fpicnic which will be announced
cum ever authorized for the pur¬ and Mrs. J. E. Patterson of Ring- a ^ class soon.
pose. Moreover, I cooperate in gold as my guests this week. It Mr. Grav, postman, has
help the nice t have the senior our
every way possible to was also 0 prrehased a now mail truck. He
local co-operatives get their class from the Bremen High it is good as it looks. Dyer Service Stati
andtheir con¬ by the office while says as
Joans approved, School come
tracts for building the lines au¬ they were here on a tour of
thorized. Washington. The students were j POTATO CONSUMPTION
I make this rather long expla- 1 accompanied by Mr. H. A. Jones, J Tbp yearly consump-
I get many letters ave rage
nation, for Superintendent, his wife, and jiton of potatoes in the nation
from people anxious for electric .during the 1940-47 a-
help. I am several members of the,faculty, years was
service, asking my ibout 301.000,000 bushels, as com¬ checking
year pared during to 290,000,000 the period bushels 1920-29. a ffly //ly checking pocket,
HG’v ,v TO SHOOT A RIFLE VITAMIN DEFICIENCY put money helps in my keep
By ARTHUR E. COOK Studies of the blood plasma because it me
National and Olympic Rifle Champion phown of rural that school there children i» often a have de¬ L farm accounts I
Where To Shoot ficiency of ascorbic acid, or vi¬ It’s called “honey twist,” for a honey topping flavors this
winter and coffee cake. Extra honey may be served to those
tamin C. during late who like coffee cake dripping with sweetness.
eraly spring months. i Women who enjoy baking rolls and coffee cakes always dis-j
,’ng are
./J co v f *i how to make new good things to eat from a basic sweet yeast
dou ; i. A honey twist is another one to try. This delightful coffee cake
INSECT CONTROL resells when you coil a slender roll of rich yeast dough ’round and
recommend that ’round in a pan, then brush on the honey topping. Set it to rise until
Horticulturists j light and then bake it. The honey topping makes the icing.
home gardeners obtain dusting | Since food should be nutritious as well as taste-satisfying, it is
materials before insect damage ; in ouler to mention that the honey twist is full of good food value.
have it ready for Enr hed flour makes all breads important sources of B-vitamins and
shows up and iron
use. Smaller amounts will b * Note that the recipe calls for “from five to six” cups of enriched
needed and better results will be flour. This means you should add only as much as is needed to make a
obtained by early control. dough which can be easily handled. A dough just stiff enough to hold
steel one-inch^mr ! its shone when formed into a ball is the right consistency Too much
Finding safe place to shoot is dows with or flour will make a stiff dough that rises slowly and produces coarse-
a wood. Reinforce the front of the textured breads. Too little .makes the dough
most skillful important. shooter—-he A safe knows shooter where is box and arrange lights as shown Srr.cUey Says: won’t hold its shape. so soft the coffee cake
a bullet is going and he has a Sand about eighteen inches from ( * ' •■■■' f ( HEY-STOP! HAVE YOU THROWN NtiGifT THAT JlftT It is Your also family will make honey twist one of its breakfast favorites.
every behind his target to stop front to back will stop .22 caliber V7 V A4 BURNING. WELL, BUTT IN FAPMER ■“ a good coffee hour companion, yet it is plain enough to serve
backstop This applies both to remember repack it / BROWN'S WALLET, you 'RE ( as luncheon or dinner bread.
the bullet. bullets, but to V (burning his collars just! HONEY TWIST
hunting and target shooting. An a regularly. '•lO-7-^the SAME/
matter what kind of shooting steep hill or ’ PicLakos ycju, compressed . ■/, cup shortening
no get practice Outdoors select a Va utry lukewarm granular Vi cup sugar
you intend to do, your the only bank which is free from rocks ana 1 lup cup milk water 2 ’ teaspoons beaten salt ■v
on the target range. It is hang your target in front of it. 5 to 6 cups sifted enriched eggs, flour
to learn the basics. hold ~ ' • i*
good way I recommend fir¬ Build a simple frame to your HONEY TOPPING
For beginners standard indoor target; don’t tack it to a tree or 1 V 4 cup butter of miffanne 1 efie white
ing at 50 feet, the the bulleta will ricochet danger¬ 2 /j cup confectioners* sugar 2 tablespoons honey, warmed
distance. Later you can increase ously. Soften yeast lukewarm water. inch in diameter. Coil the roll
yards, the standard in
to 50 and 100 Best of all join or form a rifle Scald milk. Add shortening, sugar into a greased cake pan begin¬ BANK
outdoor distances. The illustration club in community or school and salt. Cool to lukewarm. Add ning at the outside edge and NATIONAL
at left above shows a safe bullet your will yeast and eggs. Add flour to covering the bottom. Cream
in your and build a real range, ''i ou 'St make soft dough. Turn to¬ Ot CHATTANOOGA UNNUSKH
stop for a 50-foot range quickly become safe and skillful a out on gether ingredients for Honey
basement or shed. Fill a large floured board or pastry cloth and Topping and brush over Twist.
packing box or crib with sand and (This Instruction based on tin knead until smooth and satiny. Let rise until doub! Bake in atari-cl ai Seventh
of solid brick let, p^i ‘•HOW ,hed"by TO "The SHOOT A It 1 i -rdM Form into a ba!! and place in attsaoo**—RnsM-itlf. r,a -Tern.
ulace it in front a lt National Itilit- Af O- greased bowl. Cover and let rise moderate ovm (375 degrees F.) Vain at Market—Last C ’•
wall. Board-up all win- Iciation, Washington, u C.) 1 Soil MeCa.Itr Ave.—: !INI Bra:ne.d Load— Vi Frar er Vve.
or masonry in warm place until doubled. 25 to 30 .tes. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
point muzzle at anything youdonotmtend to prevent needless When light, punch down, and Makes two Twists nine inches in Member
s<M , rr your gun x to Member Federal Reserve System
shape into a long roll about one diameter.