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Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
► News At a Glance <
Atlanta, (GPS) Gist of the
News: With nearly three months
remaining in the present fiscal
year, state income is running
! 671,033 ahead of a year ago,
according to State Revenue
Commissioner Charles Redwine.
Tax collections showed an in¬
crease of $2,428,468, but the in¬
crease in tax refunds cut the
net gain to $671,033. Total col¬
lections for the first nine months
573,905,904. A year ago: $72,-
Population of Metropolitan
Atlanta is now estimated at
spo.000 persons by the Atlanta
Chamber of Commerce’s Indus¬
trial Bureau. The estimate,
which officials say is “on the
conservative side,” is an increase
of 25,000 in the last 12 months.
A total of 771 persons lost their
j,ives in Georgia traffic accidents
last year, 208 of them pedestri¬
ans, it was disclosed in the State
Department of Public Safety’s
arrmlal report. This was 16 few¬
er traffic fatalities -in the state
than in 1947, a two per cent de¬
The State Highway Depart¬
ment has called on the State
Highway Patrol to “crack down”
on overweight trucks which use
Georgia highways. They are,
officials say, causing “extensive
damage to the state’s highways.
Georgia will get 4 to 5 per cent
on its Jekyll Island Park invest¬
ment under his lease, Barney
Whitaker, Sr., of Augusta, who
takes over the island resort op¬
erations May 1. The state, he
said, gets 20 per cent of the
receipts under his lease and he
estimates the revenue for the
state will far exceed the IV 2 per
cent previously estimated by
ptate officials.
The State Board of Education
has revoked a license it granted
several weeks previously *for the
opening of a night law school
In Columbus. The latest action
was taken after a committee of
Columbus lawyers denounced it
as a “phony seeking the lush
GI funds.”
The- Georgia Ports Authority
has authorized Robert & Co., At¬
lanta engineers, to proceed with
plans for expenditure of approx¬
imately $3,200,000 to construct
pro posed interim facilities at
the Savannah State Ports Dock.
It is part of a proposed $9,950,000
program, but the remainder will
have to wait a bond issue for
Commissioner of Agriculture
Tom Linder, writing in the cur¬
rent issue of the State Market
Bulletin, advocates a heavy tax
on wood turpentine plants to
support Georgia’s schools and
, _ ,
is is the uie new new dealer ueaiei iui for uuuge Dod „ e
trucks, Dodge and Plymouth
Cars, having bought out Rut-
ledge-Talley Motor Company
and who were the former deal¬
ers. The official papers have
all been signed and Mr. Dyer is
now the ’authorized agent for
these cars.
Mr. Granville Pace will be the
new manager. Mr. Raymond
Morrison will replace him at
the Dyer Lumber Co. Mr. Mau¬
rice Rogers, the former manager
Is moving to Chattanooga where
he has accepted another
There will be a Fiddlers Con-
vention at Davis High School
this Saturday night, April 30th.
All local talent is invited to
come and compete. You might
win the grand prize. This
promises to be a big time for
This is being sponsored by the
Davis P. T. A. and the proceeds
will go for the wiring of the
new building. Better come and
bring that fiddle with you.
Davis High P. T. A.
Met Thursday
The Davis High School P. T. A.
met Thursday night of last week
at the school lunch room with
Mrs. D. P. Hood presiding. Miss
B]aneh Ware gave the Devotion¬
al, 34th Chapter of Ezekiel.
An egg relay was enjoyed by
Mrs. Ada Howell's pupils. Prizes
given to the winners.
The objects of the P. T. A. were
read by the entire group present.
A report of the spring conf er¬
ence held at Lake View School
was given by the following dele¬
gates: Mrs. D. P. Hood, Mrs
Peggie McAbee, Mrs. Lillie Hard¬
eman and Alma Bodenhamer
We are very proud of these
iadies and their fine report.
They reported that Davis High
School has the only P. T. A. in
Dade County. It was voted to
order literature for a study class
to be held at the school during
the summer months. This is
Free to all interested in P. T. A.
It seems that there is so much
needed at the school we hardly
know what to do first altho we
feel we need seats for our com¬
munity house barracks first. A
committee was elected to raise
funds to buy chairs: Mrs. Peggie
McAbee, Mrs. Inez White, Buster
Cloud, Luke Ivey and Hillard
Bodenhamer. It was also voted
to sell cookies, drinks and sand¬
wiches for Stunt Night at the
School Barracks.
The County Fair program was
explained by Mrs. Alma Boden¬
hamer and Mrs. Lillie Harde¬
Plans were made for a fiddlers
Convention at the School house
barracks Saturday night, April
30th. Eats and drinks will be
Mrs. H. H. Bodenhamer
Secretary & Treasurer.
New Salem News
By Anna Marie Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hicks
and son spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Grady M Kaig.
Miss Cynthia Moore of Wild¬
wood spent the week end with
Miss Ruby Neal.
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Penn¬
ington had as their guest, his
mother, Mrs-. Pennington of
Sand Mountain.
Misses Dot Triplett, Noval 0 ’
Carago, of Cleveland, Tenn.;Dola
Ann Lynn and Freida Moore of
Chattanooga were week end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leon W.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore had
is their guest Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Malcolm Moore, Mr. R. V.
Gladden and Mrs. Billy Jo Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mathews
had as Sunday guests Mr. and
Mrs. Gilbert Mathews of George
Town, Tenn., and Mr. and Mrs.
Mike Hawkins.
We are sorry to report the
death of Mr. C. L. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore
Friday night with her per¬
ents, , Mr. and Mrs. Leonard t Mil¬
Mrs. Harold Moore, of New Sa¬
lem announced the marriage of
her sister, Miss Dollie Euola
Gray to Ret. R. C. Avans on
Friday, 8th at the home of Mr.
Charles A. Whited of Rising
jFawn, with Mr. Whited officiat-
I Miss Vonnie Gray was the only
1 attendant.
I Mrs. Avans is the youngest
I daughter of Mr. W. D. Gray and
jthe j late Mrs. W. D. Gray,
i Mrs. Avans is employed with
1 the Richmond Hoisery Mill.
Ret. Avans is with the U. S.
4rmy and is stationed now at
Fort Lewis. Washington.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. W. Avans of Avans. Ga.
The bride wall remain at the
home of Mrs. Moore until she
joins her husband in Washing¬
| Now is the time to renew
Subscription to the Times.
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
Dress Revue In
Trenton May 13
Come and see the latest styles
on May 13 from 10 o’clock until
2:30 at the Dade Theater in
Trenton. The Home Demon¬
stration Clubs are planning to
have a county-wide dress revue
on that date.
Each club will be represented
with as many dresses as the
members wish to enter.
During the morning period
presses will be judged by out-of-
town judges, then during the
afternoon, each club member
will model her own dress. A
period of recreation during the
morning will include a movie
shown by Dr. C. J. Costner, at
a small cost of 25 cents per
At noon, lunch will be served
each club member bringing a
covered dish, sandwiches, cake
or pie.
A cordial invitation is extend¬
ed to all club members, whether
or not they plan to model a
dress. Other ladies in.the coun¬
ty interested in clothing are in¬
vited to attend the revue. If
unable to attend all clay, a look-
in on the afternoon session to
watch the club ladies model
their dresses might be of inter¬
In connection with the Horn"
Demonstration Clubs dress revue
the 4-H Dress Revue will b^
held. Dresses will be modeled
by 4-H Club girls who are taking
1 clothing as their project and
have completed a garment
themselves. All Club girls are
j Trenton W. S. C. S.
Elects Officers
The Woman’s Society of Chris-
jtian Service of the Trenton
Methodist Church elected of-
I ficers for the coming ‘ year
Thursday afternoon at the
! Church, The following, officers
were elected: President Mrs. A
L. Dyer; Vice President Mrs. H.
F. Allison ; Recording Secretary
Mrs. H. E. Gross; Promotional
Secretary Mrs. W. C. Cureton;
Treasurer Mrs. W. I. Price;
Secretary Missionary Education
and Bible Study Mrs. E. A. Ellis;
Secretary Christian Social Rela¬
tions and Local Church Activ¬
ities Mrs. G C. Tatum; Litera¬
ture and Publications Mrs. M. G.
Bice ; Secretary Student Work,
Mrs. W, R. Johns; Secretary
Children’s Work Mrs. T. N. Orr:
Secretary Spiritual Life Mrs. J.
Ac Swanson; Secretary Supplies
Mrs. S. L. Sells; Secretary Status
of Women Mrs. F. E. Fowler.
| Secretary of Youth Work,
membership chairman and pub¬
licity chairman -will be named at
the May meeting.
Mrs. W. G. Morrison, one of
the Society’s oldest and most
faithful members was made a
life member and was presented
with a beautiful life membership
; pin by Mrs. A. L. Dyer, president
; at thd Easter Service.
Floral Crest News
Mr. R. G. Peterson
Mr. J. T. Self of Riverside, Ga.,
visited his brother, J. C. Seli and
family this week end.
Misses Sarah Ann Goodge and
Mary Charles Scott, who are
teaching music at Madison Col¬
lege, Tenn., visited the Petersons
on Sabbath.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Richards,
of Orlando, Florida visited her
j parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G.
j | Peterson, and other relatives for
a few days. Mrs. R. 6. Peter¬
son returned to Florida with
Vbem on Sunday for a visit.
F. V/. Foster, Meridian, Miss.,
spent Sabbath on the mountain,
delivering an inspiring sermon
at the 11 o’clock hour, Sabbath
morning. In the afternoon he
conducted an investiture service
for the young people.
Miss Carlene Ownbey was a
week end visitor of her parents,
1 Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Ownbey.
j We are glad to see Mr. and
Mrs. Cutler in our community
Office Force At AAA
Office Increased
The office force of the AAA
office has been increased. Be¬
sides Mrs. Louise Wright, the
director of the P. M. A. program
in Dade, Miss Clara Mae Gass
is now there regularly and the
third desk is for Mr. D. P. Hood.
It seems that records from
1941 to 1949 of the cotton, wheat
and war crops of all the owners
of farms in Dade County have
to be collected and tabulated.
As there are about 300 farmers
who have not used Triple A ser¬
vice during these years and some
who have not used it every year,
this will be a big undertaking.
All farmers will be sent notices
asking them to come to the A AS
office, as the government has
s&nt a large form which will
have to be filled out.
When all this is gathered and
the statistics tabulated, if it
teems necessary, everyone will
be given an opportunity to vote
on whether or not they want
cotton and wheat quota’s similar
to what was in effect during
years prior to 1944.
Clarence L. Moore, 68, one of
the old settlers and a prominent
farmer died at his home on
Lookout Mountain April 26.
He is survived by his wife.
Mrs.' Minnie Moore; 3 daugh¬
ters, Mrs. W. P. Craig, Mrs.
Beatrice Haygood, Miss Mittie
Moore; three sons, Roy W. Lewis
C. and Harold C.; one brother.
Walter J. Moore and 17 grand¬
children all of Lookout Moun¬
Funeral services were held
Thursday with Rev. Luther Hix-
on officiating. Pallbearers were
Woodrow Gray, S. W. Gray, Carl
G. Baker, Edgar Whited, Lewis
McKaig and L. J. Neal..
Burial was in the Hawkins
Cemetery, New Salem.
Mr. J. Thomas Richardson of
Hooker, was drown last Sunday
afternoon in the Tennessee Ri¬
ver just below Hales Bar Dam.
He was in his outboard motor
boat when something happened
and it capsized. Mr. Richardson
went overboard and his body
has not yet been found.
Mr. Richardson, 37, was the
operator of a feet of coal trucks.
He is survived by a wife and
Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Rains,
41 of New England, passed away
April 26th, following a lingering
‘llness. She had professed a
hope in Christ and was of the
Holiness faith.
She is survived by her husband
John Rains; three sons, Otis, of
St. Elmo, Tenn.; Bunnell and C.
L. Raines, New England; Ruby \
Rains, New England; a grand¬
child ; one sister, Mrs. Ruby Dun¬
can. and a brother, Andrew Gil-
liham, Altoona.
Funeral services were held at
Shanty Town Thursday, with
Rev. Harve Leatherwood offici¬
ating. Burial was in the church
cemetery with McBryar Funeral
Home in charge.
Star Route News
Mrs. N. S. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whetzell
entertained with a dinner party
Sunday. Those present were
as follows: Mrs. Whetzell’s fa¬
ther and stejb mother, Mr. and
Mrs. N. S. Walker, her sister-,
and family, Mr and Mrs. E. W.
Battles of Ivie Lee, Ala., her
nieces and nephews, Barbara
Jean, Linda Gale, Allen, Darrell
and Ewing Battles, Jr., 3rd ; an¬
other sister and family of Gads¬
den, Alabama, Mr. and Mrs. G.
S. Campbell, Jr., and little son
daughter, Dan and Patricia
Campbell, Sandra and Shirley
Landcaster and Hilda Barton,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daily. The
New Salem Home De-
monstration Club Met
The New Salem Home Demon-
ptration Club met at the home
of Mrs. T. H. Moore Tuesday
afternoon, April 19th.
The meeting w T as called to
order by Mrs. Jack Neal, Presi¬
dent who gave a Scripture read¬
ing. Prayer was led by Mrs. Art
Moore. The song, “Put on your
old Gray Bonnett” was sung.
The Secretary, Mrs. T. H.
Moore read the minutes of the
previous meeting.
After a business discussion our
Home Demonstration Agent Miss
Clara Moss gave an interesting
demonstration on pattern alter¬
Plans were discussed for The
Dress Revue to be held in Tren¬
ton. May 13th.
The next club meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. Art Moore.
Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess.
Plans were made for a party
at Mrs. Jack Neal’s next Satur¬
day night, April 30th.
Each member of the New Sa¬
lem Home Demonstration Club
will bring an article, in a poke
to be sold. There will be fun
and food for all. Come and en¬
joy it with us.
Mrs. Effie Moore
Special Guests Attend
Meeting of Rising
Fawn W. S, C. S. ( |
met The at Rising the home Fawn of W. Mrs. S. R. C. P. S. j i
Fri.'ks Thursday afternoon at
3:30 for their April meeting.
Special guests at the meeting
were: Miss Robinson, who is
Head Resident at the ‘ Vvesiey
House, in Chattanooga; Mrs
Backen, 1st Vice President of
Board of City Missions, of Chat-
tanooga; and Mrs. W. E. Brock
of Chattanooga, who is an active
worker in W. S. C. S. work in
this district.
The following program was
Devotional: God is Everything
to Everyone.
Prayer: Mrs. R. P. Fricks.
Hymn: Have Thine Own Way.
Talk by Miss Robinson on the
work at the Wesley Community
Ta]k by Mrs. W. E. Brock on:
The work of the W. S. C. S.
The business session was pre¬
sided over by the President, Mrs.
M. R. Wilson.
The nominating committee
which was composed of: Miss
Bessie Cureton, Mrs. Hailey
Dean and Mrs. Asa McMahan,
made their nominations of of¬
ficers for the coming year. The
nominations were approved by
the group.
Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess to 16 mem¬
bers and 4 guests.
table was set for twenty.
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Campbell
and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Battles visited their father, Mr.
N. S. Walker Sunday. .
Mrs. H. J. Barton visited Mrs
James Landcaster last week.
Mrs. James Landcaster is visit¬
ing her mother, Mrs. Willie Pol¬ j
lock of Rossville, Georgia. Mrs.
Landcaster’s little daughters are ,
with ... Mr. and Mrs. „t N. S. 0 Walker •
until ... she , returns . home. j I
The Branch Sabbath School
m*»t in the Walker home Sabbath |
afternoon at 3:00 o’clock last
week. There were nine present.
We were glad to have Norma
Jean Oliver, Juanita, Carolyn
and Dian Wood back with us,
also Shirley and Sandra Land¬
caster and Hilda Barton. ;
Mr. George Barton and Mr.
Arthur Wood have been extrem¬
ly nice to help Mr. Walker plant : j
his .-otton this week We ap -1
predate our wonderful neigh-
nor* 1 ?
Mr. Gray our postman is en¬
joying his new mail truck. I lost
a letter in the mail last month,
I hope if any one has failed to
put it back in mail, that I may
get it, as it is from a relative
who is ill.
Mr. George Barton attended
Published Weekly—Since 1901.
Resolution Presented
To Divide 1222 G. M.
Elsewhere in The Times is the
formal notice that three com¬
missioners and the County Sur¬
veyor have 'made a report to
ihe Ordinary for the creating
of a new District within the
boundries of the old District No,
1222 G. M. This report has been
accepted and entered an the
minutes of Dade County. The
number of the new District shall
be 1223.
This is to oe a division of the
Sand Mountain district 1222, no
other district being touched,
the north end forming the
new 1223. Messers Luke Ivey,
M. T. Patton, Cullman Graham
with County Surveyor W. P. Cole
have spent much time in their
decisions of the best place to lay
out the boundries of this new
district. It has been laid out ac¬
cording to terrain rather than
in straight ]ines so that there
be no criss-crossing in order
to make it easier for the citizens
vote. The legend on the blue
of the new district reads :-
“This plan represents the
end of 1222 G. M. and be¬
at the south east corner
of Lot No, 90, following the
line of lots 90, 91, 92, and
to the south west corner of
93, the north with west line
lot 93 and 86 to south and
brow of Newman Gulch
with this brow to south and
brow of Castle Rock Gulch
with the brow to Ga. Aja.,
•state line, and with said state
line to Tenn., state line, then
oast with Ga—Tenn., state line
to east line north of present
1222 G. M., then south to south
east corner of lot 90.”
“This was agreed to and point-
0 d out to me by Mr. Cull Gra-
ham, Mr. Luke Ivey and Mr.
Mathy Patton as commissioners
appointed by Mr. Arthur Peck,
ordinary of Dade County, Ga.,
to create a new G. M. District in
the north end of the 1222 G. M.
and the new G. M. District to
be known as 1223 G. M. and
this represents the new district
and said new district bounded
as described above.” *
“This 15 day of April 1949.
W. P. Cole, C. S.”
New England News
Mrs. Mary Patterson
Miss Martha June Derryberry
Rev. John North preached a
interesting sermon. Two
added to Church.
Mrs. J. B. Cole was Sunday
guest of Mrs. R. L. Wilson.
Tommy and Bobby Patterson
were the guests of their grand
Patterson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard of Ross-
ville, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Kirby Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee Tatum
been very sick.
Mrs. A. B. Allison is visiting
in Fjorida.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hallum
daughter are visiting in
Ga., this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Loy of Chatta¬
visited their mother, and
and Mrs. Lam of Chatta¬
visited Mrs. R. L. Wilson
Mr. Marvin Castleberry of
visited his sister,
Roy Holmes recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Raines
visited Mr. and Mrs. Jim Raines
Sunday „ afternoon, ..
Flora _ T Lee _ Lynn spent , Sunday _ ,
with Betty Derryberry. 1 .
Mrs. Roy Jlolmes spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. John Raines still remains
al at her home. Hope she
soon will recover.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Derryberry
had as their Sunday dinner
guests Mr. and Mrs. Johnny
Crumley of Tiftonia and Mr.
and Mrs. George Crumley and
Mr and Mrs Bud Weather5 of
Tronton spent the wert 4nd wlth
his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Weathers
School at Shiloh Sunday. |
George is really an intellegent
“Greetings to the Michaels in
Improvement Column
This week’s commendation for
community improvement is very
gratefully bestowed on the Mor-
ganville Community.
The O. A. Ward’s have a well
drilled preparatory to installa¬
tion of an electric pump and
running water in their home.
Another bright spot has been
added to the interior of their
home with a coat of new paint.
Isn’t it wonderful what a paint
brush and a bit of “elbow
grease” can do for a home?
J. S. Parson has torn down a
number of old buildings and re¬
placed them with new ones on
his place.
The W. H. Pullens having re¬
modeled their home sometime
ago have turned their attention
to their yard. The yard has
been leveled and subsoiled, thev
a sod of bermuda planted.
Several old buildings which de¬
tracted have been moved.
Improvements made on homes
and surroundings in each com¬
munity not only add to the
pleasure of those who own them
but give to Dade County the
appearance of a prosperous and
growing civilization.
Rising Fawn News
Mrs. Elgar Hadden
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Boren and
daughter, Patty of Chattanooga
spent the week end with Mrs.
Cecil McMahan and family.
Mrs. Frank Hall entertained
with a birthday party for her
niece Jo Hale on Saturday after¬
noon. Twenty-one children en¬
joyed the afternoon.
Mr. James McMahan has re¬
turned to his home here from
Erianger hospital, where he un¬
derwent treatment for a serious
illness. He is reported much
Mrs. A: Haddon held a Stanley
Party at her home here on Sat¬
urday night. Mrs.Haddon, be¬
ing an agent for Stanley pro
ducts, had the guests draw for
the hostess prize, Miss Edna
White being the lucky party.
Delicious refreshments were ser¬
ved to 16 guests.
Miss Juanella McMahan was
shopping in Fort Payne, Satur¬
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bradford
and children spent the week end
in Bessemer with Mrs. Brad¬
ford’s parents,* Mr. and Mrs
Troupe Castleberry. They were
accompanied to Bessemer by Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Castleberry and
Mrs. Dan Forester spent the
week end with relatives on Look¬
out Mountain.
Mrs. Mary Massey is spending
several days with her daughter,
Mrs. Dan Forester and Mr. For¬
Mrs. Ida Gearrin spent the
week end in Chattanooga with
her sisters, Mrs. Anna Comer
and Mrs. Lillie Hollemon. Sun¬
day marked the birthday anni¬
versary of all three sisters, and
as they have done for a number
of years, they celebrated to¬
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heatherly and
children spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith.
Miss Bess Cureton spent Sun¬
day visiting relatives in Chatta¬
Mr. and Mrs. James Hatfield
ppent Saturday night in Chatta¬
nooga with Mrs. Hatfield’s par¬
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Crawford,
Jr., announce the birth of a son
at Parkview Hospital on Monday
April 18th. He has been named
James Glenn. Mrs. Crawford
will be remembered as Polly
Hatfield, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn Hatfield.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Neal Jr.,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George
Trenton Garden Club
The Garden Club of Trenton
will meet Wednesday, May 4th
at the home of Mrs. Arthur
Brown in Valley Head, Alabama.