Newspaper Page Text
Dade County’s Only Newspaper.
Large Crowd Enjoys i
Barbecue & Dance
There was a very good crowd
at the Barbecue. Many were
served and many stayed to par¬
ticipate in and to watch the
Square Dance.
This affair was sponsored by
the Lions Club, Farm Bureau,
Vhe Legion and the Improve¬
ment Committee to raise money
for the Dade County Fair this
The barbecue was served out
doors around the pit in back
of the Leglin Hall. This had
been prepared by E. G. Wright,
jr„ Toll Jeffrey and Jules Case
who worked since daylight and
were assisted by T. S. Renfroe,
James Morrison, Granville Pace,
and Cleron Kyzer, chairman
later in the day. Miss Bess
Cureton and Mrs. Louise Wright
had made the tea and slaw and
brought the rest of the trimings
which made up this delicious
meal. High improvised tables
had been erected which were big-
help to the dinners. Everyone
was in a festive mood and there
was much milling about sa
friends greeted friends.
Mr. Waiter Simpson and later,
Mr. Raymond Morrison were the
callers for the Square Dance.
Music was supplied by Lewis
Sims, Mrs. Bradford, Otto Wat¬
son and Bob Russell. The new
floor of the Hall proved so new
and slippery that, except for
those with rubber soled shoes,
the participants had to remove
their shoes in order to be able
to stand up.
There was no rain all evening
to mar the festivities and it is
to be hoped the affair was a
financial success and that
enough money was raised to put
on our Fair this fall.
Mobile X-Ray Clinic
July 14
The Mobile X-ray unit will be
in Trenton on July 14th. Those
who wish to avail themselves of
this service will please see the
Public Health Nurse for an ap¬
In spite of the long fourth of
July week end, Dade seems to
have come thru with about an
average number of highway vio¬
lations and accidents.
There were seven highway
cases. These were for reckless
driving, driving while under the
influence of liquor, speeding,
driving without a license and
one case involved driving while
drunk and resisting an officer.
No local people were involved,
fhere were four forfeitures of
There have been two highway
accidents reported to us, both
on the bad stretches of road be¬
tween Trenton and Rising Fawn.
One car, one wavy, slippery when
wet unmarked road just north
of Adkins Store, turned over and
landed in the ditch with all
wheels turned up. A man and
his wife who were inside, were
hot injured and were able to
crawl out. The other accident
was just north of Rising Fawn.
The car skidded into the ditch,
lurned, on its side but again no
one was hurt.
There was a great deal of
traffic throughout the county
over the week end and with these
two bad places on stretches of
Highway 11 and the one way
traffic on parts of the Lookout
fountain Road it is indeed for¬
tunate there were no fatalities.
The Rev. T. N. Orr, pastor of
he Trenton Methodist Church,
announced that revival services
viil begin in that Church Sun-
tuy July loth, and each evening
7 '45 o'clock.
Dr. Dr. j. J. e. Milburn is pastor of
ri“ n Chattanooga arks Methodist and is Church one of, j
he leading preachers of the |
Alston Conference. •
We give you a cordial invita- I
i0 'i to be with us in these ,
neetlngs. I
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
Meeting at North Dade
School July 9th
Saturday night, July 9th at
7:30 o’clock there will be a com-
cunity wide get-to-gether at the
North Dade Junior High Schoel
There will be quartet singing
and string band music free. The
various communities represented
by the school will have for sale
homemade pies, cakes, ice cream
chicken stew, hot dogs, ham¬
burgers, Boxes and handiwork.
Proceeds to go on the heating
system for the school. Everyone
is invited to come on out for a
good nigth of entertainment and
help a wrthy cause.
f'Vw News
By Anna Marie Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Penn¬
ington and Mrs. Katherine
Moore were recent guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Waymon Donalson of
Cleveland, Tenn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Logan and
sons were week end visitors of
relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Linton Johnson
and children and Miss Lola
Moore of Oak Ridge, Tenn., have
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Art
Moore and family.
A lively group of boys and
girls from here enjoyed Monday
night at Lake Winnepesaukah.
Mr. and Mrs. Olen King and
daughters visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Dee King at Mont
Eagle, Tenn., over the week end.
Fourth of July guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Leon Moore were Mr.
J. V. Moore, Mesdames W. D.
Bradford, Arvil Bradford and
Herschel Pennington.
Mrs. Morris Miller visited Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Moore, Jr., Mon¬
Pvt. and Mrs. L. J. Stephens
of Columbus, Ga. were visitors
of her mother, Mrs. John Gray
during the week end.
Mr. John Baker and mother,
Mrs. Pattie York of Indiana are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baker
and other relatives here.
Misses Dola Ann Lynn and
Freida Moore are spending their
with Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Miss Frances Barton of Tren¬
visited Anna Marie Moore
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Bradford
Trenton were guests of Mr.
Mrs. Waiter Bradford Mon¬
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. Miller Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Vinson and
were week end guests of Mr.
Mrs. L. C. Adams.
Mrs .Lela Chambers and Betty
were week end guests of Mr. and
Jimmie Moore and family.
Aunt Nan Collins and aunt
Neely Bradford have been visit¬
ing relatives in Birmingham.
Mr. and Mrs. Talley Moore and
family of Tampa, Fla., have
moved to their home here for
the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Neai and
T ittle son visited Mrs. Neal’s
parents at Shiloh over the week
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Fuller. Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Craig and chil¬
dren of Birmingham; Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Boston and daughters
of Jackson, Ala; and Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Griffin and family of
Alexandria City, Alabama spent
the holidays here visiting friends
and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Moore and
Patricia spent Monday night
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Brad¬
ford and Billy Joe.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Neal w£re
in Trenton Tuesday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Isbelle spent
the* holidays with Mrs. Isbelle’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mc¬
Weather for New Salem rain
scattered with a little sunshine
and lots of showers.
Revival si suite Line
Chapel Monday WjWuly U-
Bible School starts
Monday morning July 11 wun
Mrs. Minor Rose Benton as
teacher. A blessing awaits all
Mrs. T. H. Moore
New P. T. A. Pres.
The New Salem P. T. A. had a
called meeting June 30th for the
purpose of having the lunch
room completed.
The meeting was called to
order by the President who gave
the devotional and hints on
training children.
Report of the treasurer shows
$78.91 on hand.
Plans were made to have the
lunch room walls plastered and
painted. Floors painted and the
tables covered, with in the next
two months. The elected com¬
mittee for this work are Cecil
McKaig, Martin Bradford, Mon¬
roe McKaig and Leonard Mc¬
Officers elected for the follow¬
ing year were elected as follows:
President—Mrs. Terence Moore
V-Pres.—Cecil McKaig
Sec—Mrs. Cecil McKaig
Treas.—Mrs. Leonard McKaig
Reporter—Mrs. Edna McKaig
Program Chairman—Mrs. Bill
There were 2U members pres¬
Our next meeting will be Au¬
gust 11th. Everyone is invited
to attend this meeting and help
in this worthy cause.
Mrs. Edna McKaig, Reporter.
Risw Fawn News
Mrs. M. R. Wilson
Mrs. C. B. Hale suffered a light
stroke on last Saturday. At this
writing she is slightly improved.
Mrs. Arthur Sizemore of Birm¬
ingham, sister, and Mrs. J. R.
Bane of Mentone, daughter are
here, due to the illness of Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fricks and
Ann Marie have returned from
Newnan, Ga., where they were
called by the accidental death
of a very close friend of Mrs.
Fricks, Mrs. Murray Reid, the
former Miss Frances Jackson.
As Mrs. Jackson, she had been
a frequent visitor of the Fricks
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hadden. Mr.
and Mrs. Elgar Hadden attended
a Youth Conference in Mary¬
ville, Tennessee, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Smith
and son, Ralph Jr., were Sunday
visitors of relatives.
Mrs. Bessie Jackson spent
Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Buck Hope and her
small daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Heatherly
and daughters. Mr. and Mrs
Smyth of Chattanooga were
week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Smith.
Mrs. Ida Gearrin is spending
several days as a guest of friends
in Birmingham.
Dwan and Wayne Bradford,
sons, of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
Bradford, are confined to their
home with the measles.
Katherine Hawkins of Clover-
dale, spent Saturday night with
friends here.
Misses Frances Chambers and
Wildarae Williams r eturned
home with her Sunday and at¬
tend the annual singing at the
Cloverdale Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Blevins
and children of Byrd’s Chapel
were holiday visitors of Mr. and
Mrs. Jess Adkins.
Mrs. Pinckney Williams and
small daughter, Barbara Faye,
spent Monday afternoon in Fort
Payne, Alabama.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lee Pangle
announce the birth of a son,
whom they have named Ronnie.
The Austin Reunion was held
at the home of Mrs. Henry
Quanes and family in Lake View
Ga., on Monday. Those attend¬
ing were Mrs. Frank Morrison,
her children and grandchildren;
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Austin from
Sommerset, Ky.; Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Austin their children and
grandchldren of Athens, Tenn;
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hassler, Mr.
and Mrs. Daus Stowe, Mrs. Eliz¬
abeth Hogan all from Chatta¬
nooga and many other relatives
and friends.
bo don’t fail to attend if at all
J. P. Election In New
District July 9th
Election for Justice of the
Peace and Constables will be
held in the newly created Militia
District in the northern part of
the old 1222 district on Sand
Mountain. This election is
scheduled for Saturday July 9th.
Charlie Ballard and M .T. Pat¬
ton are running for the Justice
of the Peace office but only one
man, W. J. Leverrette is out for
the office of Constable.
This new district is listed as
the New Home District and its
number has been changed to the
1885 Militia District. Because of
the large territory and the great
number of voters in the Cole City
1222 District, this new 1885 dis¬
trict was created this June to
make it more convenient for the
citizens in this part of the dis¬
trict to vote.
Mrs. Annie Dillard Wright, 89,
died July 3 in a Nashville hos¬
pital. Surviving her are three
daughters, Mrs. F. W. J. Hager
and Mrs. J. W. Kurzroek of
and Mrs. W. H. Brock
of Trenton; two sons, E. G.
Wright of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.,
and John P. Wright of Tracy
City Tenn; 10 grandchildren, 13
great-grandchildren and one
great great grandson. Funerai
services were held at the Cum¬
berland Presbyterian Church in
Jasper, Tenn. and were conduct¬
ed by the Rev. H. J. Burroughs
of Chattanooga assisted by the
Rev. T. N. Orr of Trenton. Buri¬
al was in the Pine Grove Ceme¬
tery, Jasper.
Albert S. Hardy, Jr., editor of
The Commerce News, was elected
president of the Georgia Press
Association at the annual con¬
vention in Savvanah.
Shown above are the G. P. A.
officers for 1949-50: top row,
president Albert Hardy, Jr., and
Carl Rountree, The Dawson
News, vice president: bottom row
Thomas Frier, The Douglas
Enterprise, treasurer, and Stan¬
ford Smith, Atlanta, secretary-
The Dade County Times is an
member of the Georgia
Association and was re¬
at the convention by
Catherine Morrison.
Sunday School Convention will
be Sunday July 10th at the
Church of God. Every¬
is welcome. Please come.
are looking to have a big
Any singers who wish- to
will be more than welcome.
please come.
Rev. T. A. Chastain, Pastor.
The Rising Fawn W. M. S. will
meet at the home of Mrs. J. Z.
Friday night, July 8th at
Published Weekly—Since 1901.
Rising Fawn ilome De-
monstration Club Met
The Rising Fawn Home Dem¬
onstration Club met at the
school house June 28.
The meeting was called to order
by the president, Mrs. Herschel
Mrs. Bill Smith gave the Bible
reading. Mrs. James Hatfield
read the minutes and had the
call. 21 members were
Special music was furnished
Mrs. M. R. Wilson. Thosej,
part on the program were
Acie McMahan Jr., Mrs. Acie
and Mrs. Donnie Mc¬
Miss Clara Moss gave a de¬
o n fire-proofing
Delicious refreshments were
by Mrs.'Clyde Wallin and
O. B. Allen.
Mrs. Ray Smith, Reporter.
-W r ngfend News
Mrs. Mary Patterson
Miss Martha June Derryberry
Mrs. Mary Patterson has re¬
home from LaFayette.
visiting her son, Mr. and
Charlie Higgins.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sanders
Mrs. M. E. Kirby Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lee Tatum
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirby.
Mrs. Robert Forester is on the
list. We hope she soon will
We had a good Sermon Sunday
11 o’clock. Rev. Davis of
gave it.
Prayer meeting every Wednes¬
night at the Baptist Church.
Mr. and, T. A. Halluin visited
daughter, Mrs. Jean Weeks
Blue Ridge, Ga.
Miss Violet McClinton of Chat¬
is visiting, Virginia
Roy Holmes left Tuesday to go
the Veterans hospital in
Mr. and Mrs. Nevili Stephens
as their Monday guests, Mr.
Mrs. Roy Holmes, Mrs.'Paul
and boys of Chattanooga
Mrs. Troy Holmes and Juan¬
Holmes of Slygo.
Clyde Long visited his sister,
and Mrs. Pat Fowler Satur¬
Miss Ruth Wilson of Rising
spent Sunday afternoon
Martha June Derryberry.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Derryberry
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Everyone enjoyed the sermon
Davis preached Sunday
and Sunday night at
Baptist Church.
Miss Frances Holmes and Ezell
are spending their
in Mississippi.
Little Patsy Fowler and Nancy
spent Saturday night
Bettye Derryberry.
Mrs. Charley Gold is visiting
of Mississippi.
The American Legion Post 106
meet at the Legion Hall
Friday night beginning
night July 8th.
W. H. Pulien, Commander
Bill Austin, Adjutant.
The Murdock Annual Reunion
held this year at the home
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hood at
This was held on Sun-
and all enjoyed the delicious
dinner. There vrere about
present and included the A.
Murdocks and family; the M.
Murdocks and family; Mrs.
M. Burk and family, Mr. Paul
and family; the Harvey
and family, and the
O. Murdocks and family from
, f ,
^ rovemeni 0 ’ !mn
Have you been to Sand Moun¬
tain lately? “If you have not,
i then you know not, half the
beauty, color, wonder” that ex¬
ists these. Take a Sunday after¬
noon and drive up there while
beautifully. The Ringers, Peter-
fhe flowers are blooming so
sons or Taylors will be glad for
you to see their acres of flowers
now in full bloom.
As you make this trip we would
suggest that you stop at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hood
who have a yard of beauty with
flowers of many varieties now in
bloom. The Hoods have realiy
c-one in for some interior decor¬
ating also. They have a sink
f or the kitchen ready for instal¬
lation and have just had a new
electric stove added to the
kitchen. In the past few weeks
they have added new rugs for
several of their rooms and have
’°ht n Q w living and bedroom
furniture, not to mention a sani-
,tary toilet, concrete platform
steps around the rear entrance.
Under the capable supervision
of Mrs. Hood we are sure you’ll
find “a house that is a Home.”
A lovely coupie and a lovelv
home could well describe the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Har¬
den who are completing a new
home in just diagonally across
the street from the Dade High
School. This couple with the as¬
sistance of only one carpenter
have built their home, complete
with bath. This home has five
other rooms all furnished to the
comfort of this deserving coupie.
Already we hear that Mrs.
Harrison has Gardenia Cuttings
to give away-r-by early fall we
kno wshe will have a yard
worthy of our visit.
Star Route News
Mrs. N. S. Walker
Mrs. J. W. Byerly and son, Mrs.
Willie Pallard are visiting Mrs.
and Mrs. James Landcaster and
Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Walker
fpent Sunday at Floral Crest.
Mr. John Wood had a heart
attack last week. He is improv¬
Mrs. Eliza Michaels was on the
ill list.
Mr. Claude Wilkerson is ill at
his home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Fox, Jr.,
and little son, Jimmie spent the
week end here with relatives.
Mrs. Frank Whetzell is visiting
relatives in Gadsden this week.
Carolyn Wood is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Denzel West on Bluff
Road this week.
Mr. N. S. Walker made two
sick visits Sabbath.
Mr. Ethell Whetzell has a large
crowd at his new airport, at
the store.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hixon and
visited Mrs. Hixon’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
last week.
Mrs. Leonia Wood and Mrs.
Whetzell have been busy
beans. They have re¬
ported 77 quarts and were still
Mrs. Tennie Martin was ill last
Hilda Barton seemed to have
forgotten to come to Sabbath
We had to omit our Sab¬
School, because so many
Little Sharon Lorrell Land-
is doing nicely.
Mr. Frank Whetzell spent the
with Mr. N. S. Walker last
Many folks were busy canning
last week.
Greetings” to Mr. and Mrs.
Michaels in Loughman
Mr. Michaels has been ill
we hope he is improving.
“Greetings” to Alma Carroll,
We regret having to give up
Watkins dealer. We hope
one will soon take his place
we wish Mr. Fred Mor-
success with his new posi-
tion as mail carrier.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie used their
last week and took a num-
of people to Shiloh to see