The Dade County times. (Trenton, Ga.) 1908-1965, September 08, 1949, Image 2
THE DADE COUNTY TIMES Entered at the Postoffice at Trenton, Ga., as second class SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN ADVANCE: One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.25; Three Months, 75 Cents. MRS. CATHERINE t MORRISON Owner and HERMAN V. MOORE .......................... Shop Persons writing for publication are requested to furnish names, otherwise the communication will not be published. will be withheld on request, but all eommunicatics must be Obituaries, memorials, and articles , of like nature will , , cnarged foi at a minimum rate of 50 cents for 15 lines, or and 2c per line for each artditioml line over 15, cash with Advertising rates will be furnished on application NATIONAL* Ias|ocAti^n tBITORI^L T^7“l f Local and Personal News Items _ Curtis Forester left Tuesday morning to attend college at Mt. Berry. Pfc. Ranny Bice, who is sta¬ tioned in Texas, is home on fur¬ lough. Mrs. Derrill Morrison under¬ went an operation this week. She is reported as doing nicely. Miss Dianna Lichten spent last week with Miss Kathleen Mor¬ rison. Mr. J. A. Swanson became sud¬ denly ill soon after opening the John L. Case Co. on Wednesday morning and had to be taken home Mi. and Mrs. James D. Bales, Jr., are announcing the birth of a daughter on Sept. 2nd. Mr. Bales is the new Science teacher at Dade High. More new cars around Tren¬ ton. This week we see Mr. Ralph Johns in a new cream coiored Dodge sedan ad Mr. Obie Allen in a r.'.'.v gray Dodge coupe. Mr. and Mrs. Buff Bradford and family returned Monday night from Baron, Okla., where they were called by the sudden death of Mr. Bradford’s father, Mr. Joe M. Bradford. Ii was announced at the regu¬ lar City Council meeting last Monday night that the City’s books had been audited recently ana were found to be correct with no shortage. The sheriff had a busy Labor Day week end on our highways. Thi re were 18 cases in all mostly for public drunkenness and speeding with only one for driv¬ ing under the influence of whis¬ key. Mrs. Frank Morrison and Mr. Claud Owens entertain Sunday afternoon with a watermellon cutting for the new teachers and for the neighbors in around them to get better acquainted. The group from' Dade which went to see the Governor last week about the road up Sand Mountain did not have too much puce ess. The Governor referred them to the Highway Director James Gill is and they went to see him. While there and with Director of the Division of Post Roads G. T. McDonald, they dis¬ cussed what could be done. Mr. Gillis stated it would be at least next summer before anything could be expected on the paving project. He did, however, talk favorably about the suggestion that a shovel and trucks be sent to Dade to assist in getting tem¬ porary relief. -o--' Cbvadd: News The Annual Forester Reunion was held last Sunday a week ago and the report was that it was the best ever held. A good rain has come to our community and the farmers are getting ready for fall seeding of grain and clover crops. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bibie and Martha made a trip to Athens, Ga., to see their son and bro¬ ther graduate. We are proud of Ed. Jr. I do not remember if the stork’s visit to the William Phil¬ lips heme was reported or not. Anyway a big girl was left, doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bible have a new son-in-law. married a boy in Chattanooga. Mrs. Ed Bible is op the sick THE DADE COUNTY TIMES, TRENTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1949 NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE t Al fC CHICAGO NEW TOW • SAN PRANCISCO Sand Mountain News By Una Belle Stone Bro. Henderson from dale Church of Christ i at the church here Sun. Pat wheeler preached nigh t, rea i ly preached a did sermon. The meeting Mon. night. Bro. ------- Williams ' Alabama is doing the jng. Everyone is welcome come and hear the Gospel. The School at Davis Monday, all the children, .o be very glad. Mrs. Irene Dobbinshas to to Detroit to join her who has a position there. was accompanied by her ther Roy Cloud. Mrs. J. T. Cloud send Dade Co. Times to her Mrs. Dorothy Carter in Mich. She says she really it as it seems almost like at home to read the news Dade. afternoon Pvt. Gene fromArmy, his mother Mrs. Stone and grandchildren, Irene Lacy and Mrs. Woolbright. Mrs. Linerette visited Millie E. Daniel and family urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman had as guests Monday his ther, their children, Mr. Mrs. Lenard Daniel and from Chattanooga, Mr. Mrs. Herbert Sharpton Cole City. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest visited Mrs. Robert Daniel family Wednesday in Trenton. Those among Cole City attended church here at Church of Christ Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bulb Hanes, Bud Daniel and children, Dudley Davis and children Mr. and Mrs. Shaw. Deparioent Of Pahlfc Health Miss Fannielu Some 30 counties in in co-operation with the Health Department and the S. Public Health Service, under way intensive to fight venereal diseases. cently in Peach County than 8,300 residents of a tion of 11,000 obtained a blood test for syphilis during one-week drive. This is indicative of in the state in the fight to dicate venereal diseases. The remains that it is not enough. It will not be enough until these diseases wiped out—and they can be an enlightened public will in an all-out battle. Perhaps the major handicap the campaign is the fact that large segment of the maintains its “hush-hush” tude toward syphilis and rhea. As long as this false desty exists among large bers of persons, the fight will impaired. Actually, thanks to these diseases can be cleared quickly. In many cases left checked they cripple and kill leave their victims blind or sane. The longer the infection permitted to continue, the er the danger. The campaign can be fied and the results stepped if every citizen will have a test taken once a year. We Rising Fawn, Ga CHIP BASKET Come and get your tin types . k ' _ Lumpkin T . . was o in town Shade Stephens of Tren- ton was in town last week. | Governor Browns paiace car was at the Furnace last week. 1 Some pretty heavy fines have been paid into the town treas- ury Messrs. L. S. Colyar and Geo. Hibbs made a trip to Walker last week Capt. N. C. Napier of the Walker Co Mesenger, was in town last week. Ben T. Brock of Trenton left last Saturday for Kirdwood, Georgia, to attend the mill- ' tary college there. Miss Mattie Evatt’s music class is flourishing. Both patron and pupil are well pleased with the teacher. Rev. David McCracken filled his regular appointment here last Sunday. The audience was very attentive . The streets have received some attention recently. Some good work has been done bu t there is still much to do. There will be a baske t dinner mee ting at Union next Sun- dav L and w ;ii bp nrotracted for a f( w days Lets everyone at- tend A verv Dleasant time was had at the ‘sociable” given last Fri- day night wee k to Miss Fannie Jackson. Mrs. Fricks has few equals as a hostess, Col. J. C. Nisbet, who has been looking after his business in- terests in Florida and Missis- s "fit inni for hisTomcat some time nast "SLTdSe arriv- j as t Friday, Elsewhere you will find a call for the , young men to meet and y 0ung men come ou t and join ^ soc i e ^ y ‘ . , who can „„„ neither whistle nor sing who have recently disco¬ vered that they have a very de¬ cided musical talent. They all want to play the piano. The failure on our part to is¬ sue the GAZETTE last week was unavoidable, on account of an afflicted hand. We will try ( \ to meet our subscribers regu¬ larity in the future. Wm. B. Amos of Ooltewah, Tenn., was on our streets last week. Mr. Amos’ health has been bad some time. We think rid Georgia of these menacing diseases. > _Atlanta Journal. Blood tests will be offered in connection with the X-ray sur- vey which will be given in Dade County the week of Sept. 19th. liUUftcI PftokpK fnWpH LU/JICU _ Mrs. Lula H. Paris Mrs. Annie Paris Brown of (Chicago, Jer 111., formerly of Hook- is visiting her mother and s j s ter Mrs. Francis Paris and ] ARTIST AT WORK—Fannie Mennen's big hat and portable easel, propped on a forked stick, are familiar art symbols in New Salem, where she combines summer painting with community leader¬ ship. The annual art show there provides funds for bookmobile service. Miss Mennen’s current ex¬ hibit of i atercolors reflects her new-found interest in mountain flowers, mushrooms and mothb J * authentic nature studies with modernistic composition, ____. m ^ August 24, 1882 the best thing he could do would be to return to Dade coun t v y ' LUMBER — Parties wanting ir,t ^ rC ^l a H V !A.°,l t0 „.° r i e „ r ; best plne ^ apd , imber handing or mam orders tQ Robert p Tat Risi F Georo ° . ia ' Mrs - Ja cob , Sitton died at her homc in Trenton on the 16th * . n tier 77th year. She bore her P rotra cted ilines with that resi g nation a n d submission sbown only by the true people of God ' ‘ We should not become wearied in wating”, she was wont to say to hei mourning friends - The beautiful flower that so long graced a happy home; that, while slowly fold- ing its petals with age, shed f0lth its sweetest, purest fra- grance to t he glory ° f * ts Creat ; or now u blooms , afresh in ail ’ the majestic grandeur of an in-■ mortal soul in the Paradisf of God- Mr - Mary Andrews > an a S ed Iady living on Lookout Mount- ain in Walker county, lost her way while out on the Mountain on the 30th of last July ’ and for eight days and nights was ex P° sed to the wind, and the rain that fel1 constantly. She was found on the 6th of Aug - in a hole on the bank 0f Littie f 1Ver ’ and alth ° ugh at the ex " ge years, she is slowly recovering from the ef¬ fects of the terrible ordeal.We ,rejoice with her children and many friends over the reco- y ' I h a v e purchased the GAZ ZE ™ with but one wisb -to enlarge and improve . it, and to make it worthy of Dade/ From the ___„__, present Ed J. T Sutton, 0 ,, who . in charge. Give him your good wishes, and let him feel that the paper under his care has a hold upon the people of this favored county. N. C.Napier. Having sold the material, in¬ debtedness and good will of the GAZETTE to Capt. Napier of the Walker County Messenger, it is necessary that all open ac¬ counts on the books should be closed. Mr. J. A. Moreland will call on all subscribers who are in arrears,' and he is fully authorized to represent me in the settlement. | G. W. M. Tatum. VIrs. Lillie Hale. Mr. Joe Roberts is spending his vacation at home. Mrs. Edna M. Scott was in Chattanooga Friday, Mrs. Mary Francis Chubb, Mrs. imogene Chubb and Miss Tommie Lee Clay visited a hairdreser in Chattanooga Sa- turday and came back with some beautiful curls. Mrs. Ollie Mae Ow 7 ens visited the Martin family Sunday. Miss Nell F. Paris spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott and family. Fred Harrison And Ruth Wilson [lie Winners The Womanless Wedding skit which took place at the Rising Fawn School House Saturday night was a hilarious affair. At the last minute the groom, Asa McMahan was jilted by his proposed Pride, Donnie Me ““han. SUIIerKl a attack of coid feet. f "' Not Not to t0 be be left waiting at the altar, the groom proposed to his prosp¬ ective mother-in-law, Broody Hawkins who accepted without hesitat i 0 n. In the meantime the officiating parson, L. D. Fricks, became doubtful of the legality of the maria g e not desiring to run a f 0U i the new Georgia marr i a ge regulations which re- quire blood tests from both bride and groom neither of wbom had on e, refused to per- form the cer emony so W. C. Cure t 0 n, Sr., was pressed into serv i ce as a marrying squire. A lovely musical program pre- ! ceeded the services. The New England Quartette, Mrs. O. B.' Aden E T Holmes, John War- | | ren ren and Otis Brown with Evelyn Riddle at its piano gave several [groups of songs which were ap¬ preciated by the audience as were those rendered by the lo¬ cal group, the Four B’s, Dewy Bradford, Pat Baugh, Carl Brad ford and J. Z. Bobo accompan¬ ied by Mrs. Pat Baugh, while Miss Martha Gossett sang “I Love You Truly” and “Always” just preceeding the wedding. Mrs. Milton Wilson, who accom panied Miss Gossett, played Lohengrin’s “Bridal March” and Mendelsohn’s “Wedding March.” The flower girl, Ray Bobo, wearing white shadow organdy with green picture hat and scat tering rose petals in her own inimtable way preceded the two beautiful bridesmaids, Charles Holder,, who wore a green taffeta dress, belted with emeralds and rhinestones, and Fred Harrison becomingly at¬ tired in red lace with cascades of matching material down the skirt. Both bridesmaids carried arm bouquets of yellow bitter weed and zinnias and wore pic¬ ture hats. The maid of honor J. Z. Bobo was entrancing in an off-shoulder model of white taffeta garlanded with small red roses and the wide hoop skirt caught up in front to show a petticoat of pleated American Beauty chiffon, he also showed his lace edged panties); she carried dahlias showered with bitter weed. The bride and her father,' Pat Baugh, who gave her away, were met at the altar by the ?room and his best man, Bill Cureton Jr. who were attired in the conventional costume as was Mr. W. C. Cureton, who read the services in ringing tones easily heard throughout the auditorium. Following the ceremony a contest was held to determine which of the four women of the wedding party was the most at¬ tractive. This honor was won by Fred Harrison. The title of “Miss Rising Fawn” was won by Miss Ruth Wilson following a close race with Miss Dixie Kezziah. Star Route News Mrs. N. S. Walker Greetings to Mr. and Mrs Pate, and Ralph Gass, of Tole¬ do, Ohio, also to Alma Carroh, also Mr. and Mrs. James Mi chaels and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Michaels report through relatives, that their home was damaged by the huricane. Part of their roof was blown from their home and they were without lights, from Sabbath to Monday. We are certainly in sympathy with the Florida people . t We are glad that our prayers were not lost, and our friends were unharm¬ ed. N. S. Walker was signed out of Erlinger Hospital, August 31 and was carried to Gadsden, Ala. hospital. He will be dismis¬ sed soon. Mrs. Jennie Martin spent the week with her sister, Mrs. N. S. Walker while N. S. is away. Mrs. Doff King visited Mrs. H. J. Barton recently. H. J. Martin has returned to his home in Louisville, after a short visit with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Barton ^* ly , a ™ dinner guest „ of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. and Hilda Barton. George Barton is on the sick Jist We will miss the dear chil¬ dren next week when they go to school. Our Sabbath School met Sabbath We were favored with special music by Shirley ; a H d Sandra Landcaster. We m i ssed a S° od man Y of our Pu- pil. Cheta Whetzell, Juanita and Caroly, Dian and Alean Wood, also Hilda Barton, and Tony and Everell Whetzell, were absent. “Where were my dear little pupils Sabbath?” Norma Jean Oliver has been visiting in Chattanooga. --o- New England News Mrs. Mary Patterson Miss Martha June Derryberry Mrs. Price Jeffries has been quite sick. But much improved now. Mrs. Johns Cole & Mrs. Har¬ old Lee entertained with a Birth¬ day Party Tuesday the 30th for Ltheir two children little Georgp Lee and Linda Gail Cole. A large crowd was present. There were games and plenty of refresh¬ ments for ali. Mrs. Lyda Allison was the guesl of Mrs. Martha Derryberry last week. Mrs. Nettie Lee and children 'were the Tuesday guests of Mrs? John Cole and Mrs. Cole. Mrs. Mary Patterson was visit¬ ing the Coles and Mrs. Beulah Forrester Friday. Mrs. R. L. Wilson and son John Wilson and Mrs. Mary Patterson visited Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Allison Saturday. Little Tommy Patterson visited his grandmother Mrs Patterson. Mrs. Bill Fugatt and Mrs. Grany Morgan visited Mrs. Joe Blevins and family. Little Joe Lee Tatum visited his grandparents on Sand Moun¬ tain on the last week. Mrs. Gertrude McBryar is vi¬ siting her parents Mrs. & Mrs, Z. .A Hallum this week. We are having a good Revival. Large crowd attended. Doing lots of good. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Raines and family spent the week-end on the Smoky Mountains. A nice time was reported by all. Mr. and Mrs. James Lynn an¬ nounced the birth of a daugh¬ ter September 2. Alvin Castleberry spent the week-end with relatives in Bir¬ mingham, Alabama. Mrs. Johnny Stephens is on the sick list for this week. Burrell Castleberry has re¬ turned home after spending his vacation with relatives in Chi- ckamauga. Mrs. L. L. Fowler and children spent the week-end with her (parents of Sand Mountain. Little Dale Gold spent last week with relatives in Hunts¬ ville, Ala. The Streets and Browns had their family reunion Monday. SON BORN TO L. W. NEWMANS Mr. and Mrs. L. W.. Newman of Oak Ridge, Tennessee an¬ nounce the birth of an 8 lb 12 oz. son on September 1st. whom they have named Ste¬ phen Dennis. The father will be remembered as “Chick New¬ man’', son of Mrs. M. E. New¬ man of Cleveland Community-