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MRS. CATHERINE l MORRISON ........ Owner and Publisher
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Local and Personal
Mr. and Mrs. George Burkett
of Chattanooga spent Sunday
with her mother Mrs. Ora Ma-
rion and her son Lyle.
The Christmas lights in the
windows of Mr. and Mrs. Purdle
Slayton In Piney are some of the
prettiest we have seen.
Congratulations to Mr. Ossie
Ray Stanley, son of Guy H.
Stanley who is receiving his de-
gree from Alabama Polytechnic
Institute December 17th.
If you haven’t seen the Christ-
ma j Tree n the Williams Motor
Company building you should
drive around the square at
night and see it. It is a beauti-
ful tree.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Pangle of Rising Fawn was
completely destroyed by fire
about midnight Sunday night.
Everything was destroyed ex¬
cept the clothing they were
To Cpl. and Mrs. Charles Ault
a daughter Evelyn Gudrun,
weighing six pounds, fourteen
ounecs, on the 1st of October.
They reside at Texas and Austin
Pla.e in Shreveport. Cpl. Ault is
assigned to the 91st Medical
Star Route News
Mrs. N. S. Walker
Greeting to Mr,and Mrs. Gass
of Toledo, Ohio, and Mr. and
Mrs. James Miejiaels of Lough-
man, Florida.
Shh'ley and Sandra Lancaster
spent the day with Mrs. Omega
Walker, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Summer-
ford were the guest of Mrs. Ome¬
ga Walker. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Hardeman
and ^daughters Betty Jean and
Inadean were the guest of Mr.
& Mrs. Eugene Blevins
Comilla Blevins says she
her new school. She is attend
ing Davis High School.
Mr. and Mrs Eugene Blevins
were the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
G r a n v e 1 Bodenhammer last
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yates
and family were the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. and Hilda
and George Barton Sunday.
Cheta and Tony Whetzell vi¬
sited in our community Sabbath.
Carolyn Wood is ill
Mrs. Elza Michaels and her
grandson Carl Wood returned
home after a visit with Mrs. Mi¬
chaels son and family Mr. and
Mrs. James Michaels of Lough-
man, Florida.
Mr. and Mrs. James Lancaster
and Raymond Sharon and Dar¬
rell visited Mrs Lancaster's mo¬
ther. Mrs. Willie Pollard of Chat¬
tanooga Sunday.
George and Hilda Barton
were on the sick list last week.
We are glad to have two fine
little girls in our community to
live. They are Comilla and Betty
Carolyn Blevins.
Hooker News items
Mrs Thelma Bell
Mr. and Mrs. L L. Fredericks
and Mrs M. I. Crittendon of
Graceville, Tenn., were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Har¬
vey Williams.
Private Bobby Mitchum, who
spent a thirty day leave with
his parents, has returned to
Camp in Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barry
'Visited Mrs. Lillian Strawn Sun¬
Mr. and Mrs. Buford Mit-
chum of Hales Bar were Sunday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Scarbo-
GAME ENi>;J IN TIE, 12-12
The baseball season opened
with a big BANG last Friday
night at the Dade High Gym.
There were two close games
played between Dade High and
Davis High. The Davis boys
edged out a 1 point margin over
Wildcats by a score of 15-14
and the girls of both teams
played to a draw, 12-12. There
was never more than 2 points
difference between the teams
at any period. This was a prac-
tlce game.
Ruth Paine led the scoring in
the gifts game with 10 points,
Miss Daniel and Miss McAbee
shared scoring honors for Davis
with 5 points each. Dade had
two chances to win the game as
a Davis guard fouled two dif¬
ferent times with the score tied
and with a few seconds remain¬
ing to be played. Paine tried
both foul shots, but missed the
hoop. Helen Shankles played a
game at guard for the Wildkit-
tens. The Davis girls pulled out
to a 4-2 lead at the first quart¬
er. The half ended with Davis
ahead 9-7. Davis didn’t make a
single point in thethird quarter
and Dade pulled up to a 10-9
margin at the end of the
Crawford led the scoring for
the boys of Davis with 6 points.
L R. Gray was close behind with
4 points. High scorers for Dade
were Bernard Keith and Scott
Lynn with 5 each. Wendell
Chambers played a good floor
game and took most of the re¬
bounds off the backboards. The
score was 15-12 with 25 seconds
remaining, when Johnny Wallin
hit a long shot to make it 15-14.
Davis took the ball out and had
possession of it when the game
ended. Davis led 4-1 at the first
quarter. The Wildcats came
from behind to make it 7-6 at
J. , , T', P^Dod
9-8 ^ in Dade’s 16 floor. was
The line ups;
DADE .. .. 12 DAVIS ..
Dean .......F (5) Daniel
Paine (10) .. F (2) Gass
Chambers (2) F (5) McAbee
Wallin......G Murdock
Morrison .. . G Hundley
Howard .. ..G Castleberry
Substitutes; DADE' Carrier,
Shankles, Steele, Renfroe, Me
Donald, Barnes. DAVIS: Ro¬
gers, Gates.
DADE .. „ . 14 DAVIS .. .. 15
Wallin t4) .. F (4) L. R. Gray
Chambers .. ,C 12) Davis
Lynn (5) ...,F (1) R. Gray
Keith (5) ...G(6) Crawford
Fugatt..... G (2) Burrell
Substitutes: DADE: Cross.
rough and daughter, of Chatta¬
nooga, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Hardeman Sunday.
Howard Strawn spent Sunday
night with Carl Harris.
Rev. Dan Massengale was
called to Rossvilie, Ga., Sunday
to conduct the funeral of Mrs.
Ada Tune.
Mr. Olin Parson was seriously
injured Friday when his tractor
Mr. and Mrs. Grady Ingram
add family of North Chattanoo¬
ga spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Massengale.
Mrs. Jane Gamlin is seriously
j ill at her home,
Mr. John Oliver, who passed
away at his home in Chattanoo¬
ga Thursday was interred in
Hcoker Cemetery Sunday after¬
Among those who were called
here on account of the death of
Mr. Charlie Sills Thursday were
Mr. and Mrs. C E, Ragan of Al-
bany, Ga.. and Mr. Ed. Gregory
of Charleston, S. C.
New England News
Mr. and Mrs. Allison Blevins
and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. James Davis of
Rev. and Mrs. Paul Gladden
and Mr. and Mrs..George Crum¬
ley and Nancy spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Steve Derry-
berry and family.
Miss Leona Day of Signal
Mountain spent Wednesday
night with Betty Blevins.
We are still having a large
crowd at. Church and Sunday
School, and everyone is inv'T.ed
to come and visit us anytime
you wish to.
Virginia York is one on our
sick list this week. Hope she
soon W’ill recover.
The Cottage Prayer Meeting
will be held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Crumley, so
let’s everyone come on out and
make this prayer service a suc¬
We are glad to report that
Mrs. Roy Holmes is improving
Mrs. Sells cf Trenton visited
Mrs. Lydia Allison and family
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Raine had
as their Sunday guests Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Loveless of Chatta¬
nooga, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Raines and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Castle¬
berry visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Holmes Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Herman Bruce visited
her mother Mrs. Jim Raines
Floral Crest News
By Mrs. R. G. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Grant have
gone to Palmetto, Florida, for
the winter.
Mr. I. L. Wade has gone to
Chicago for another check up
on his eyes.
Mrs. W. D. Wade Sr. is at the
Hinsdale (111.) Sanitarium
w'here she is convalescing from
an operation.
Elder W. J. Lighthall from
Gadsden was here over the week
end. He is the pastor of our Se¬
venth-day Adventist church. It
was Temperance Day for our
denomination every where, last
Sabbath, so he gave an interest¬
ing sermon on that subject dur¬
ing the morning hour.
Mr. and Mrs. David Whetston^
Mrs. Olive Clark and Vern, and
Mrs. R. G. Petersen and Elsie
attended an Audv.bon l.cture
held at the Frye Institute in
Chattanooga, last Thurs. night.
Ronnie Graham little son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Graham has
been very sick with pneumonia
this past week.
In sad but loveling memory of
our Darling R. T. Slaughter who
departed this life 5 years ago
today December 17, 1944.
It’s oh so lonely round the place
And Tom and I are blue,
It seems we are kind of nervous
And don’t know what to do.
No use to try to read a bcol:
To occupy the mind,
Because our thoughts are on one
Who was so sweet and kind.
If I sit beside the fire
To nap with in my chair
I just some how can’t go to sleep
For my Darling’s missing there.
I look around the room
To see if there is some mistakes,
But all I see is emptyness,
And all I feel is aches.
There is something gnawing
’round my heart.
A. dull oppressive pain,
A feeling I can’t des rib?,
And one hard to explain.
A yearning for a vanished form,
That some how should be near,
But yearning only brings me
And mist my eyes with tears.
II 11118 $ his tender soft blue eyes
That use to gaze in mine.
Two eyes that overflowed with
That seemed almost Divine.
I miss the sound of his sweet
When he said Mother to me,
And wonder in my heart to
Why parting has to be.
It's oh so lonely here to night
And Tom and I are blue.
We look into each other's eyes
And tears come breaking
I through.
It may seem kind of foolish
and we're kind of childish some
might say, but if you've loved a
child you'll know, for our child
died 5 years ago today.
Sadly missed by mother and
Tom and Annie Slaughter.
Christmas Trees
Sprayed 1.00 & $1.50
v. Santa Welcomes You
Never before .have we had so many items to choose from
V. Tops, Blocks, Tea Sets, Sewing Kits
r,\ Dolls 39c io $7.45; Toy Stoves,
r.\ Pastry Sets, Tricycles, Wagons, Cap Pisto’s, Guns, Steam Shovels, Dump
r.*. :• Trucks , Tool Sets, and many other Toys.
r.*. Towels, Tablecloths, Hadksrchiefs, Sox, Shirts, Ties, “Fine Feather”
Nylon Hose. Print and other materials.
Illustrated is 66" Twin DeLuxe Kitchenaider
to replace her old-fashioned sink!
sJTiuici: the perfect holiday note! the many work-saving features ... no¬
Give her a lasting holiday from kitchen splash bowls, big drainboards, acid-
drudgery—a “White Christmas;” that resistant one-piece porcelain-enamel
won’t pass with the Christmas season,! top, swinging mixing-faucet, handy
Come in to these white- rinse spray, wonderful storage space
soon see features that will give her
enameled steel beauties in our show 7 .. . more
room. See how the attractive lines and time for leisure.
gleaming finish of our three nexo de¬ Low price . . . low payments!
r- signs can turn any kitchen into a room Give her a lovely Kitchenaider—deliv¬
for pkatuuL living . . . make the holi¬ ery whenever convenient... with a gift-
day last all year! wrapped plastic miniaturefor under the
Give her easier “homework" tree! You can start her dream kitchen
Your whole family will enjoy a lifetime — this Christmas — for only a FEW
gift like this. And s'ucll love you for DOLLARS A MONTH!
tyoMiajfotiffii / <7 /u/c/iend $5.30
World’s Largest Makers of Steel Kitchens
Admiral Radios $ 11 * to $279 95
Admiral Ranges and Refrigerators
v. Hortons Washing Machines S89 80 to $139'
.*. Bendix Automatic Washers
$179 95 to ££49 95
'.\ Ammana Deep
Freeze 6 & 10 cu. feet