Newspaper Page Text
L rnunty s Only Newspaper.
Foi l " } XLIX
OUTLOOK . . . When
| stop to think of it, the first
of 1950 probably is a good
[ to climb up on top of the
[d and take a look around. It
ht do a lot of good if enough
lie, including grown-ups, gave
serious try. *
December 24th.
ble Ring Nuptials Read
Carl Gass
.ss Mary Elizabeth
;hter of Mr. and Mrs.
wens, .Sr., became the b:
lalcolm M. Fischer, son
K&4 Mrs. Horace M.
ceremony performed Dec/
le living room of their
e in North Trenton,
couple has built and
ed since they became
d a year ago.
le bride wore an ivory
li with a chantilly lace
oned with a pearl
[long r-tip fitted sleeves.
veil of imported
fell from a cap of
pee. She carried a
F book marked with a
pt e of bride's white only gardenias.
sister, Miss Sarah
pore pnd her a dress flowers of were
Fischer choose his
Fischer, as best man.
eception followed the
at the home of the
Mrs Claude Owens,
jas r assisted Morrison. as hostess
I s Fischer is a graduate
County High School
the University 0
Ip pnoega. She has ------------ been
I ith the Dade
P* tor the past ' five "
r the sister of Miss
, „!f Ud A Joe and A1
Jwens, all of Trenton. .
Fischer received his
in the Dade
hi O,.. y l atld ----
I in Servwi
me European .
S ' Arm y- He
I CT m "“ h the
ier |er of Si u/! Til ar Nea1 *' He and is
1 aU ’
of Rising Fawn,
couple are residing
r e * home in Trenton.
Joverdale N ews
Forester is a t home
ndmg 0Ver a week in
c hattancoga.
1 hei Forrester and
*‘‘ as Texas spent
1/ h^ brother Byron
) .forester
It*.,,. le ‘ *e, Jr, ■ anri an d nHfo wife of
Bib? e the fUneraI ° f Un
Jjf an h KnOXVille husbund, b. F.
hitor S ’ Were h0
J f others were
Bi hle family
> are ver y grateful
[before eck r ^ aving
f funeral of
«dt (Tnunln Siwts
Home Demonstration
Agents Column
BAZAR—H. D. Council
We wish to take this opportu¬
nity of thanking Miss Sally Mae
Page for permitting the Home
Demonstration Council Bazar to
be held in her Beauty Shop.
Many articles, including ap¬
rons, houseslippers, stuffed toys,
handkerchiefs, crochet, clothes¬
pin bags, pot holders, and nu¬
merous other handmade
were sold. These articles were
contributed to the sale by
members from over the
Returns from the sale
to $30.79.
We feel that tor a first
at having a bazar, it can
counted as a successful try
that next year we can hope
greater participation by
members and more buying
i the people.
There will be a called
of the Home
Council at 2:00 P. M. on
6 , 1950 in the Court House.
1 of this meeting is
elect officers for the new year.
Let’s have a good
! Remember any Home
i stration Club member, if she
sires, may become a member
the council.
Rising Fawn News
Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
had as their guests for
mas, Mr. and Mrs. Orman
of Pensacola, Florida; Mr.
Mrs. A. W. Coleman, David
Stevie of Nashville, Mr.
: Mrs. J. T. Wilson of
and M r. and Mrs. Fred
i of Rising Fawn,
| Holidays guests of Misses
' Bess cureton Mr.
and were
! Mrs Bedford Lampkin,
be th and Bedford Lampkin,
of Birmingham, Mr. and
wm j ac 0 W ay, Edna Wescott
'Mary, Mr. Ward Riley and
Darrell Gladish, all from
Mr and Mr|s. W. L.
spent chrls tmas day with
tives in Ashland, Alabama.
Mr and Mrs. Par k White
[daughter, Betty June of
nooga are spending several
with Mr and M rs. s . W.
' and Miss Edna white,
M r B B. Kenlmer and
Bob and Mr and M rs. Bill
tin have gone to Miami,
for several days visit, with
and Mrs. J. A. Medley.
Mr. W. A. Middleton, Rev.
Mrs j 3 Middleton and son,
B. Middleton, Jr., have
to their home in Bruce,
after spending several days
week with Dr. and Mrs. D.
Middleton and family.
Holiday iionaay visitors vxsxxurs of ui the vuc Mid
dleton family and Mrs.
Halfr were Mr . and Mrs.
Cantrell, Nancy and Bobby
K °W‘ h ""d Frank* 1 " Cantrell
Knoxville. Mr. Spencer
ton returned to Etowah for
short visit with the Cantrell
Mrs. George Bailey of
Miss., is spending the
with her parents, Dr. and
D. S. Middleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgar
spent Christmas with Mr.
don’s parents at Athens, Ala.
Mrs. C. I. McMahan, Mr.
1 ------ Charles ------ McMahan .
Buddy McMahan were
guests of the L. M. Allison s
Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa
and daughter, Lindsey
Sunday with the Renfroe
in Trenton.
Mrs. Bernice Lyda and
W. L. Gaines have returned
their homes in Flat Rock,
after spending the holidays
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Kenimer.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Pierson
as holiday visitors his brother
V. Pierson from Michigan,
their daughter and family.
Devoted to the Best Interests of Dade County and Georgia.
8 Person hurt in
Highway accident
Eight person were injured in
an automobile accident on
Highway 11 between Rising
Fawn and Sulphur Springs on
Monday morning.
One of the cars, which was be¬
hind a funeral procession en
route to Sand Mountain, was
driven by Mr. Thomas A. Chas¬
tain, a pastor ofthe United
Church of God in Chattanooga.
In attempting to go around to
get ahead of the funeral proces¬
sion he met a 1941 Plymouth be¬
ing driven by Mr. Charles Earl
Crompton of Telphone, Texas.
Marks on theroad showed where
Mr. Crompton attempted to stop
but the two cars collided. The
left front side of Mr. Chastain’s
new 1949 Hudson was badly
knocked in and glass was splat¬
tered around.
Mr. Chastain was seriously in¬
jured suffering a fracture of the
pelvis, fracture of 4 ribs, cuts
and bruises.Riding with him was
Mr. Billo Gass of Trenton, who
suffered a fractured knee and
three broken ribs; Mrs. Elia
Fairbanks »Irom Chattanooga
who has a fractured ankle and
possible fracture of the skull due
to the force of the impact when
she was thrown from the car;
Mrs. Maude Riggsby, Chatta¬
nooga, suffered a fracture knee
and cuts on the face and hands ;
Mrs. Kathleen Chastain, Chat-
tanooga, a fractured hand and
body bruises; Charles Chastain,
Chattanooga .received bruises
on his shoulder; and Frances
Chastain, Chattanooga, suffered
cuts on her face and knee.
Mr.* Crompton was apparently
not injured but his wife, Mrs.
Betsy Crompton, who was with
him was taken to a Fort Payne
hn , n , ta i where she was treated
mr tor cuts cu ts ana and bruises bruis es.
Uncle P. G. Bible, a life long
resident of the Cloverdale com-
munity died Monday, December
26, at his home. He was born
July 20 1862. He and Louisa
Jane Forrester married in 1883
and had nine children. He was
for many years county Supt. of
Surviving him are two sons,
Charles of Cloverdale and John
B. of Michigan; five daughters,
Mrs. Minnie Phillips, Chatta¬
nooga; Mrs. Gennie Campbell,
Cloverdale; Mrs. Susie Wheeler,
Mrs. Lizzie Kennedy, Florida;
Mrs. Mamie Mize, Statesville, N.
C. and 29 grandchildren and 19
great grandchildren.
Funeral services were con¬
ducted at the home by Rev. S.
N. Harris of Chattanooga, Rev.
Fred Forrester of Drexell, N. C.
and Bro. Shankles of Trenton.
Pall mu bearers were ----- grandsons °----------- B.
K. Campbell, J. B. Phillips, Les-
lie Steel, Olan Huff, Gordon Bi-
ble and Royce Bible. Burial was
in the family cemetery in Clo
Keever Castleberry, 90
Rislng Fawn passed away Dec.
26th. Surviving are two sons,
Mike C. and Robert of Birming-
ham; two daughters, Mrs. Tom
Riddle of Rising Fawn, Mrs.
George Ingle, Rock Springs. Ga.,
two brothers, Ben of
Fawn and R. I>. of Flat Rock,
Ala. and 11 grandchildren. Fun-
eral P ral services services were held Tuesday
and burial was in the Furnace
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy,
Jr. announce the birth of a
daughter at the P. S. Hospital
in Chattanooga, on December
27 th. Mrs. Murphy is the former
Corinne Hannah of Ider, Ala.
Judge J. H. Paschall, while in
Trenton on Tuesday December
27th drew the Grand Jury for
the Dade Superior Court to
convene January 30, 1950.
Those drawn were:
1. J. E. Tucker
2. Clovie E. Smith
3. D. V. Keeten
4. J. T. Broomei
5. Henry L. Slmte
6 . J. R. Carson
7. Lewis C. Moore
8 . Joe Blevins
9. Bruce E. Smith
10. Grady Smith
11. Claude Owens
12. N. E. Fugatt
13. J. L. Fricks
14. Conrad Morgan
15. Grover C. Tatum
16. H. C. Cox
17. Virgil Stewart
18. L. E. Ryan
19. B. B. Kenimer
20 . S. A. Neeley
21 . J. P. Lambert
22 . W. C. Cureton, Jr.
23. Joe Lucas
24. Benbcn Massey
25. Lester Smith
26. W. H. Redding
27. Rufus W. Massey
28. W. H. Pennington
29. W. W. Williams
30. J. E. Cagle
1 31. Gus Forrester. / .
32. L. J. Ringer, Jr.
33. D. E. Morrison
j 34. E. J. Bible
35. Clyde Chadwick
36. O. B. Allen
37. Hershel Dean
38. W. H. Patterson
} 39. D. Newell Scruggs
40. Wm. D. Cureton
41. E. C. Bates
42. J. M. Redding
43. J. Euel Dickerson
44. Roy Devries
45. James L. Huff
46. Frank Cordell
47. E. A. Stallings
48. Jessie B. Sanders
While here, Judge Paschall
tried two cases. Roy Harris, who
been in the Trenton jail for
nine mon ths, was put on an 18
months probation. For Frank
Sinclair, whose father appeared
for him and who is now in the
Georgia Training School for
boys, the Judge wrote to the
school asking that as the Sin-
c i a ir family had now moved to
Tennessee that the boy be re-
leased. The Sheriff asked that
he be paid for issuing the sub-
poenas to the Grand Jurors of
the last September term of
court and the Judge said this
should be paid for but not for
issuing of subpoenas for the wit¬
-.- 0 --
Mr. Jerald Logan of the U. 8 .
Navy was visiting friends and
relatives here through the holi-
not: 111 at her
rec overy.
Beatrice jtt-j,- Williams to ti/ wed j
Ralph H. Rumley
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Williams
of Rising Fawn are announcing
the approaching marriage of
their daughter, Beatrice, to Mr.
Ralph H. Rumley of Pulaski, Va.
The young couple will be mar-
ried Qn January 8th at Bristol,
Beatrice graduated last May
frQm D&de County High Sc hool
^ attended schools ln News-
New, ’ Va., before coming
Dade Cou n ty . since her
g radua t-jon she has been work-
& Chattanooga *
Ralph . is , a o son _ of Mr. and Mrs.
George Rumley of Pulaski, Va.
He received his education in the
schools of Va., graduating from
Pulaski High School. He served
39 months in the U. S. Navy
during World War II.
The young couple will make
their future home in Virginia.
Judge Finds Klansman
in Contempt
From The Atlanta Constitution
ROME, Dec. 23 — (INS) — An
admitted Ku Klux Klansman
who refused to furnish a Fede¬
ral Grand Jury with informa¬
tion about the KKK was found
guilty of contempt of court yes¬
terday in Rome.
Stanley D. White, Kleigraph
(secretary) of the Rossville
| Klavern, said yesterday that he
had failed to co-operate with
the Grand Jury investigating
the hooded flogging of seven Ne
groes near Hooker last April 2
because he had “sworn alle¬
giance” to the Klan not to re¬
veal anything about it.
But Federal Judge Frank A.
Hooper, who presided at the
mass civil rights trial of 10 :
Georgians acucsed of participa-
tion in the floggings, said
“There is no oath as strong as
the oath to the court and to the
United States.”
However, the Judge did not
sentence White. He said he
would give the Klansman an¬
other chance to tell the Grand
Jury what he knows when it re¬
convenes in January.
That will be about the same
(time the Government will re-
' open its case against Dade
! County, (Georgia) Sheriff John
jW. Lynch, three of his deputies
and six private citizens. Their
first trial on charges of cons¬
piracy to violate the civil rights
[of the Negroes ended in a mis-
j trial last Saturday.
’Tis the day after Christmas
I and all through the town
We’re all too exhausted for even
a frown.
We've unwrapped the presents,
for Santa’s been here,
We’ve eaten the turkey, visited
folks far and near,
But still we’re wishing you
peace, joy and cheer
1 The best of everything in the
coming New Year.
Gee, but this has been a won¬
derful Christmas. There"s been
lots to do, lots to see and lots
and lots to eat—yummy yum. 1
guess the main event for the
Townsend household was the
christening service for young
Pat. Bro. Evans christened him
in a beautiful, simple service at
the Church Sunday morning.
Billy Mike held the baby and
Stoney held the silver bowl of
water. Pat was sweet during the
service. He sure did try to grab
the preacher’s nose when he
bowed his head to pray.
I There were other very im-
an t par t 0 f the Christmas sea-
son was Maurine’s wedding to
Ray gk el i ey on Friday night. I
g UeS s I’d better tell you about it
right here and now.
To begin witb Maurine was
the calmest one in the crowd,
Instead of us having to help her,
she went around pinning on 6 ur
flowers, just for all the world as
if she got married every day.
She looked so lovely. She wore
a dark blue suit and a lacy
white blouse. She carried a
white Bible topped with a pur-
pie throated white orchid and
showered with white satin
streamers and tube roses. She
was given in marriage by her
father. Her only attendant was
Miss Sara Owens. Sara wore a
plaid suit and a corsage of pink
camellias. John David Skelley
was Ray’s best man. The mar-
riage was performed by candle
light. Rev. Evans, of the Wild-
wood Circuit, was the officiat-
ing minister. Mrs. C. A. Carroll,
Published Weekly—Since 19Q1
Ranger s Report
J. C. Pace
Christmas afternoon
was a fire in Back Valley
ably started by someone
lessly throwing a fire
the sage grass near the E.
Buchanan home. This fire
most burned up Mrs. John
home before about 20
workers and the Fire
Unit with its equipment
able to suppress it.
and friends worked hard to
it back but it crept to
8 feet of Mrs. Page’s home
fore it was stopped. It
missed Mr. Jules Case’s
where he is doing fine work
his Tree Farm. Several thou-
acres, the whole side
Sand Mountain could have burn¬
ed without the fine help
these neighbors and friends
assisted the Protection Unit
suppressing this fire so
ly started.
Later in the afternoon a
was reported on Fox
or> the Dr. D. 8. Middleton
Miss Bess Cureton
This was suppressed by the
County Protection Unit aided
the rain. It also could
burned several thousand acres
not brought under control
Fires are man made. Only
and you and you can
them. Don’t be careless
pianist and Mrs. R. S.
(that’s me) vocalist, presented
the nuptial music.
Mrs. Skelley, of Nashville;, mo¬
ther of the groom, wore
with a corsage of \arigated car¬
nations. Mrs. Dantzler,
bride’s mother, wore black
with a corsage of
Only members of the family at¬
The Cooley Clan
Christmas afternoon fer a
ly Christmas tree. We used to
4 but now we’re 22. It was
first time our entire family
been together at Christmas tire
in nine years. We really
It, too.
Bea and Jack Fo d went
Cedartown', Ga. to spend
mas wlth Bea ’ s £°& s - Bed « ot
n «w brother-in-law for
mas - T ” ok a P rett y bi 8 3 ck
thaL > didn’t- it 1
Cecil and Artis Ford, Jim and
Jane Austin, Raymond # and
visited Helena and John
landt Christmas Eve nig£t.
cidently, was a spruce,
of our traditional pine or
dar. They have always
The main event of the
household was Jack s getting
come home for Christmas.
is stationed in California and it
was a real, joyful and wonder
ful surprise for all his family
when he was able to come in
this Holy Season.
No doubt every family in
Wildwood has important events
of which I’m ignorant. 1 have
not been able to contact many
people—I’ve been so busy enjoy-
ing myself at home.
There’s one little girl who has
had to be in the hospital
through Christmas. Little Mary
Helen Wright. She is improving
and will be able to come home
this week.
Well, it’s late as usual and
that dead line draws nearer
nearer so I’ll sign off until next
week. So long, Mary
visit our Caves
Once again members of the
Speleological Society are here in
Dade exploring our many caves.
Mr. Erxiest Ackerly, formerly a
member of Atlanta and now a
member of the New York GroT-
to, has been here many times
before. He brought with him Mr.
Ronald Morse also from the New
York Grotto. Members from the
Atlanta Grotto are Charles II.
Farmer, Bill Head, Secretary of
the Atlanta Society and Charles
Wilkins, who is on the Executive
Board and also State President
of the Mineral Society anc’ Co-
Operative Association. These
cave explorers are visiting Mr .
W. T. McCauley, a member of
the State Speleological Society.
This group has been re-map-
pipg and making further explo¬
rations ln the Case Cavern and
other caves around Sittin’s
Gulch. They have visited many
other caves on the sides of both
Sand and Lookout Mountains.
Some of the depth colored pic¬
tures taken inside the caves by
Mr, Wilkins are magnificent*
They tell us Dade has some of
the most beautiful caves they
have ever seen.
New Salem News
Miss Anna Marie Moore
Seems every one around here
had Merry cnraTrMs. ~
Harry, Donald and Lamar
Moore of Berry Schools visited
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Moore during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ward of
Jacksonville, Fla., visited Mrs.
Ward’s pairents Mr. ana Mrs. J.
G. McGul’fey Christmas.
Christmas dinner guests of Mr.
i and Mi's. Leon W. Muore, Sr.
were all the family and Miss
Billy Jean Reece.
Mr. and Mrs. Art E. Moore
and family had Christmas din¬
ner with Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Gladen of St. Elmo.
Mr and Mrs. Dee King and
Miss Lucille King spent Monday
and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Olen King and children.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Matthews
were entertained Sunday with
a family dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Junior Hodnett
and sen of Lineville, Ala., visited
Mrs. Hodnett’s family, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Bradford over the
Mrs. Catherine Moore's family
visit d her during the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Arvine Bradford
and children visited Mrs. Brad-
< ford’s parents in Dunlap, Tenn.,
through Christmas.
Misses Joan Craig and Deloris
‘.Pennington of Hinkle visited
Miss Imogene Pennington Iasi,
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hise and
children visited Mr. and Mrs.
John McGuifey Monday.
Mrs. Arie Pennington of Sand
Mountain spent Saturday night
with Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Pen¬
nington and children.
Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Logan were Mr. and Mrs.
Mississippi and Mr. and Mrs.
J, C. Logan and daughters of
Jack Logan and daughter.
Mrs. Joi n Gray and children
spent Sunday with her daughter
Mrs. L. J. Stephens and Mr.
Stephens 6 n Sand Mountain.
Billy Joe Forshee, 2V 2 month
old son of Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Forshee of Back Valley was
found dead in his bed on Christ-
.mas morning. This came as a
severe shock to all as the child
had seemed in good health. Left
to mourn his passing are the
parents, grandparents and other
relatives and friends. Funeral
services were held at Shanty¬
town with Rev. Leatherwood
Burial was in the Church
Cemetery with McBryar Funeral
Home In charge.