Newspaper Page Text
Those of you who read or hear
my weekly reports, will, I am
sure like to hear something of
the lighter side of life in Wash¬
ington. I have to write SO' often
of heavy things like the budget,
taxation, federal spending that
you will relish my telling you of
at> informal supper party I had
the"privilege of attending at the
apartment of our genial Con¬
gressman from the Fourth
Georgia District, the Honorable
Sidney Camp of Newman.
Sidney is a roly-pcly good
natured man who loves to eat,
and better still loves to cook.
Gathered to enjoy his cooking,
which is tops, were Senator Rus
.sell, and Congressman Paul
Brown, Prince Preston and my¬
self from Georgia, and Congress¬
man Tom Murray of Tennessee.
The delicious food perpared by
Congressman Camp included
Brunswick Stew, ‘Possum, Sweet
Potatoes, soul-satisfying Coweta
County Home Made Sausage,
Virginia Cackleberries, Big Ho¬
miny, Turnips and Turnip
Greens, Coconut Coffee, Milk which and for is desert, much J
like from milk-shake, real coconut but milk prepared which j
the Congressman had obtained
on a recent trip to Puerto Rico.
Besides the good food, the con-
genial group enjoyed an ad- j
ditional hour or so of conversa-
tion and good fellowship. All in
all it was an evening long to be
The Budget
After all this talk of good food
and good fellowship it is some¬
what distasteful to my readers
and listeners I know to have to
consider such an unpleasant
subject, the Federal Budget.
Pleasant as they may be, we
cannot forever enjoy our moun-
taintop experiences, but must
descend into the valley of real¬
ity, and come to grips with the
more serious problems that be¬
set us.
As is occasionally true of a
beautiful woman, the form of
the new budget is mere attrac¬
tive than its inner parts or con¬
tents. Even the content of the
budget for the fiscal year 1951
is better than former budgets
since the total amount is lower.
Form follows Hoover
Commission Recommendation
The form of the new budget is
in line with the Hoover Commis¬
sion Report, in that it is of the
“performance” type. The Citi¬
zens Committee for the Hoover
Report in commenting on the
new form of the budget says
“ represents one of the
most significant steps in the
nation’s history”.
Because he considered it so
fundamental to improved go¬
vernment management Mr. Hoo¬
ver himself, as Chairman of the
famed Hoover Commission, per¬
sonally undertook the prepara¬
tion of the Ccmhiission’s origi¬
nal Report on Budgeting. Presi¬
dent Truman has taken an act¬
ive interest in the restyling of
the budget along the line sug¬
gested by Mr. Hoover. Mr. Frank
Pace, Jr., the new director of
the budget has worked hard to
make the Budget meet the sug¬
gestion of the Commission, and
has accomplished much in the
six months he has had fer whip¬
ping the annual budget of ex¬
penditures into the proper form.
There is much controversy over
the contents of the budget; but
there is universal approval of its
n;w and more understandable
This universal approval comes
from the fact that the new form
the budget has taken “
mere comprenhensive and re¬
liable information to the Presi¬
dent, the Congress and the ge¬
neral public” in the words of the
Hoover Commission, and < quot¬
ing the same authority further)
“helps the individual Congress¬
man to understand what the
Government is doing, howmuch
it is doing, and what the costs’
are.” This is true because the
new budget attention is focused
upon the general character and
relative importance of the work
to be done, or upon the services
rendered by the expenditures
authorized in the budget.
Contents of Budget
For the fiscal year 1951, which
heeins July 1st, 1950, the Budget
One to three years to pay.
I I 0 o o o o o o o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 P P 0 0 a g fl fl fl a g tLB. Ji fl It IiaflJLiUULiUUiJLiUULflJL^ l
You are guaranteed a BARGAIN <°
New and Used Furniture
55 E. Main St. Chattanooga, Tenn.
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Dollars deposited regularly in a
Hamilton National savings account
will make possible for you dozens of
good things that make for better
«c utomsooGA UkHISSU
Market at Seventh
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Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Member Federal Reserve System
and the President have
proposed a total spending pro-
gram of $42.4 billions of dollars,
a decrease from the budget pro-
for the current year of
practically a billion dollars. The
budget is lower because the ex-
penditures proposed for natio-
nal defense and foreign aid
have been substantially reduced,
reductions were recoin-
mended for the Veterans pro-
gram, the farm price suppert
program. Included were $250
million dollars for the compul-
sory health insurance program
recommended by the President,
but which will not be adopted
by the Congress. Included also
is the sum of $300 million dol¬
lars for Federal Aid to Educa¬
tion, which I think is of vast
to Georgia and the
country as a whole, but which I
fear will not be adopted by the
House due to the religious con¬
troversy that has arisen in con¬
with this proposal.
If all of the President’s plans
are adopted by the Congress,
I feel sure will not be
done, the new budget would
mean an increase in the na-
tional debt of about five billion
dollars. It is my hope that the
Congress can cut a substantial
from the budget, and bring
it more in lie with expected re-
venue. It is my hope and belief
that excise taxes will be reduced
to pre-war levels, and that the
entire tax structure can be
and improved so as
to stimulate business and pri¬
vate investment. There can be
no further substantial reduction
in taxes, no matter how econo¬
mically we conduct our domestic
M, ow on
Coronet 4-Door Soda*
Today’s bigger value dodge makes your dollars
go farther, puts you miles and money ahead.
Here’s biggkk value in comfort—because
Dodge gives you a wider, roomier car inside, yet
on the outside Dodge is more compact for easier
handling and parking.
You get a bigger VALUE in convenience. Dodge
seats are “knee-lcvcl” for relaxing support.
There’s full head room, leg room, shoulder room.
And here’s bigger VALUE in performance. You
get the flashing pick-up of the big high-eompres-
sion Dodge “Get-away” Engine . . . the amazing
smoothness of gyrol Fluid Drive. Ask us for a BIGGER VALUE! Dodge interiors ineas- BIGGER VALUE! New rear "picture
“Magic Mile” demonstration ride. Come in, see ure up to extra comfort . .-. give you window” for safer driving vision. Wider
and drive the new Dodge today. more head, elbow and relaxed leg room so you rear tread means greater safety, bettor
can sit naturally in a position. road stability, more riding comfort;
New Bigger Value
Lowest-priced automatic transmis¬
sion to free you from shifting,
is now available on Coronet
models at moderate extra cost.
Just a few dollars more •
— than the lowest-priced cars! —
DYER MOTOR COMPANY . Trenton, Georgia
affairs and our administratives
: operations, until we can make
j ! still deeper cuts in our program
and the funds for foreign aid.
I j These plished ends cannot be accom-
until we are able to
bring real peace and stability to
! our troubled world. The Cold
War with Russia continues.
, These in the best position to
| know say that this tenseness
and instability in our Interna¬
tional Relations will be with us
for another ten years at least.
So long as this situation does
continue, we must remain
strong in a military sense, and
we must discharge the duties
that rest upon us because of the
Position oi World Leadership
that has been forced up. a us,
and seek, for our own protection
and the preservation of cur
wa y d f e - to bring stability to
the war-devasted world. It is
true that power and leadership
brin S responsibilities, and that
mucb as we might like to, we
; annot escape the role that des¬
tiny has decreed for us.
Distribution of Surplus Com¬
modities Urged To Aid
Because there is need and
suffering in some sections of our
District and State I have urged
the Department of Agriculture
to speed the distribution of sur¬
plus commodities bought by the
Commodity Credit Corporation
under the farm price support
program. We authorized such
distribution when we continued
price supports last year. But
distribution so far has been con¬
fined to schools for the school
lunch program. Department of¬
ficials have promised me to in¬
crease the allotments for schools
and to try to get surplus com-
j modities to State and local Wel-
^ are agencies within the next
[thirty fervent to hope sixty that days. unemployment It is my
will decrease rapidly during the
early months of the New Year.
Let me close this report with
greetings and best wishes for all
of you during the New Year.
- o -—
Complete Coverage Real Estate
— on — Listings
Fire & Automobile
Policies Wanted
! p&dOKd WHY I
1. Nntiirnl. Chilean Nitrate is G. Ideal Condition. Chilean
the only natural nitrate in the Nitrate comes in free-flouting
world. pellets — easy to handle and
2. Nitrate Nitrogen. The to apply in any distributor.
nitrogen is 100 per cent 7. Quick Acting. Chilean
nitrate. Nitrate is immediately and
3. Soil in in. Chilean Nitrate completely available.
contains Bodiuni equivalent It. Anti-Acid. Chilean Nitrate
to about 35% sodium oxide helps keep the soil sweet.
(Na a O). This acts like potash
(KaO) and helps to make the 9, Time-Tested. Chilean
phosphate in the soil more Nitrate lias been proved by
available. more than 100 years of re¬
'4. Iodine*. Chilean Nitrate con¬ search and practical farm
tains iodine to help meet the experience.
needs of plants, animals, and 10. Doubly Profitable —
human beings. Economical. Chilean
5. other Plant Food Flo- Nitrate improves the quality
■■icnts. Chilean Nitrate con¬ of crops as well as the yield.
tains small quantities of other Consiste,ntly excellent effect
elements that contribute to of heavy applications year
strong, healthy plant growth, after year upon crop and soil
such as manganese, potas¬ alike makes it an outstand¬
sium, magnesium, boron, cal¬ ingly profitable and economi¬
cium, iron, sulphur, copper cal nitrate for every need and
and zinc. purpose.
r 1
“Just being natcbel makes Chilean soda different. 1
Lot ’em nitrate, of figure farmers and the that's soda says how and it’s plants all because the likes other the it nitergen minerals best. Lot is in all of it I
help make good, strong stands, too.” J