Newspaper Page Text
I announce my candidacy for
Judge of the newly created
LooKout Judicial Circuit, com-
iHjsed o! Catoosa, Chattooga,
Dade and Walker Counties, in
the Democratic primary election
to be held June 28, 19o0.
I am running my own race
and do not have and will not
have ties or connections with
other races and candidates in
the Democratic Primary or Ge¬
neral Election. I expect to see
as many voters as possible, and
regret that I may miss seeing
many of them, f earnestly re¬
quest my friends and supporters
to assist me in my election to
this highly responsible and im¬
portant office. I feel that I am
qualified to fill the office, f re¬
ceived an A. B. degree and L. L
B degree from the University of
Georgia, and have practiced law
since 1926, except approxim¬
ately fifty-five months of ser¬
vice in the U. S. Army in the
Judge Advocate General's De¬
partment during World War II
I find the people want a fair,
unbiased and impartial Judge
and a Judge who will run his
own court in a proper and digni¬
fied manner. If elected, I expect
to measure up to such require¬
ment! as lar as humanly
passible. Walker Coun¬
I am a nat ive of
ty, and practice law at LaFay-
ette, Georgia.
Freeman C. McClure.
Eugene (took, Georgia’s Attorney
General, has announced his candi¬
dacy for re-election. Mr. Cook, a
Baptist, a member of W.O.W., Elks,
Lions, and a trustee of both Mer¬
cer University and Brewton-Park-
er Institute, has made an outstand¬
ing record as attorney general in
defending Georgia's interests.
Food's On, Lome and Get ft
Hot coffee, sandwiches and cakes look good to this group of rescue
workers and disaster victims as the Red Cross canteen unit opens shop
at the site of a tornado. Canteen Service volunteers keep the food com¬
ing until all are fed. \ '
f |s*t. „
£*. \T~ r -
«r ; r.
Complete Banking Facilities
at your nearest
• Banking by Mail
• Safe Deposit Boxes
• Automobile Financing
• Checking and Savings Accounts
American National Bank
Eighth and Market Sts. 3734 St. Elmo Avenue
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Improvement Column i JUUtflJLBJLfl.fiflJLflJLfiJl fijl
The ' Piney Ccmmunily" has
gone out for a “Paint-Up”’-
Clean-Up” Campaign. Just as
one turns onto the Piney Road
he can see the back of the
home recently purchased by
Virgil Jenkins. Until he pur¬
chased this home It was hardly
noticeable from the rear since
the wooded area hid it from
view. Since Mr. Jenkins has
purchased this place he has
given the house a new coat of
white paint and has cleared off
the roadside and front and
back yard.
On farther up the road the
Haneys have a clean swept yard
with walks and roadside of
white painted rocks with flow¬
ers planted in the beds. This
summer these should be in full
bloom against the white rocks.
The Pryors have added new
windows to their home.
For yards that are always
well kept and worth seeing we
would recommend that you take
a lock at the Claytons. Slatons,
Theodore Quintons, Morrisons
and Williams.
The public road In this com¬
munity has been freshly graded
and it is now really a pleasure
to drive through this commun¬
ity and see just what a paint
brush and a green lawn can do.
I hereby announce my
dacy for election to the office of
Judge of the Superior Courts of
the New Lookout Judicial Circuit,
in the Democratic Primary to be
held June 28, 1950.
I have been engaged in the
practice of law In Walker and
the surrounding counties since
1931, and have served in the
offices of the Solicitor General
and Judge of the Walker County
City Court for several years.
In seeking this promotion, I
fully realize and appreciate the
heavy responsibilities resting on
judges of our superior courts,
and can only offer the citizens
of our circuit the best service of
which I am capable.
If you feel that I am worthy
of this important office, your
vote and.influence will be greatly
3. W. Langford.
A Letter to the Editor
by the editor to the effect that
The Times was always glad to
publish anything which might
the people of the County, Which
prompts me to write that I,
likewise, should be, and am,
glad to tell the people of
County of anything I have
learned that I feel would help
While I first saw the light of
day in ‘Dear Old Dade”, a good
deal of water has gene over the
'dam since my going to work at
an early age in Chattanooga,
frem whence I wa almost im-
mediately inducted into service
in the first World War,
ing which time I have been
mostly elsewhere, with more or
less frequent trips back home.
Having been able to spend some
time here recently, I have noted
with a great deal of interest
and want to commend the ac-
tions of the people of some of
the communities in organizing
community clubs, which
prompts me to say, with the
hope that my- so doing may be
beneficial, that during the past
two years we have lived in
Knox County, Tenn., which is
one of the leaders in our neigh-
b:r state in sponsoring commu¬
nity orgnaization It was my
pleasure to work with one of
the organized communities and
with the Knox County Council
of Community Clubs and to pay
visits to the winners of first
place in some of the state con¬
While the organization in this
section takes in some Georgia
and some Tennessee counties,
the principle is the same and I
want to state to the pleople of
the rural communities of Dade
County that I am of the opinion
that organizing and working to
gether in this manner is one of
the greatest things that can be
done for the improvement of
conditions, to the end that we
may have better homes in bet¬
ter communities.
I do not want to be regarded
as one who feels he knows the
answer to all the problems, but
if any community, organized, ot
planning to organize, has a
problem my experience has fit¬
ted me to help them with, it
would be a pleasure for me to
give them the benefit of any
advice I can.
Doubtless the goals under¬
taken here are much the same
as ours in the past two years in
Knox County. A statement I
could make which might help is
that, aside from the usual ef¬
forts to bring about a commun¬
ity spirit, improve living condi¬
tions, provide better food and
increased income, etc., one of
our goals was to sponsor a com¬
munity club in an unorganized
community. At this time I find
my heme community in Dade
County is still in the ranks of
the unorganized. I am hoping
they will give consideration to
organizing this year and it is
my purpose to contact the peo¬
ple and tell them of the bene¬
fits which I have from exper¬
ience found could be obtained
by organization and undertake
to cause them to want to bring
about an organization in our
If there are friends in the or¬
ganized communities who have
become awake to the possibili¬
ties as I have who would be
willing to help bring about an
organization, I would greatly
appreciate it if you would write
to me. that I may contact you
for assistance. I will be glad to
reciprocate by doing anything
I can for your community
which, while organized, may not
need help so badly as an un- j
organized community.
Perhaps at a later date we
may be able to effect the orga-
nization of a Dade County !
Council of Community Clubs.
Raymond Street
R. D„ Trenton, Ga.
Troopers of the State Patrol
will be in Trenton on the dates
shown below for the purpose of
renewing Driver's Licenses
through the Validating Machine
which will save an applicant the
trouble of ordering through the
mail, as the license will be run
through the machine and given
back to the applicant. Obtain
your 1951 Driver's License in
Trenton from 10 A. M. to 5 P.
M. on
Monday—April 17th.
Monday—May* 15th.
Monday—May 29th.
Monday—June 19th.
1950 Driver’s Licenses expire
June 30, 1950.
Rising Fawn Home De-
monstration Club Met
The Ri ing Fawn Home De-
m nstration Club met at the
Ttrsdaj night, March 28, at
C30. Twenty-nine members,
; including two new members
were present. Mrs. R. V. Sam-
pies and Mrs Bill Konrad were
added to the enrollment list,
A program on gardening was
given by eight club members,
[Those taking part, and the to-
;pic of each were: Mrs. Bill Aus-
tin, on The Value of a Home
.Garden; Mrs. J. Z. Bobo on The
jSize and Locati.n of the Gar-
!den; Mrs. Dewey Bradford on
Type of Soil; Mrs. Myrna Me
1 Mahan cn Preparation and Fer-
1 tilization of your Garden; Miss
|Bess Cureton on Planning the
'Garden; Mrs. Pallie Cooper on
j What to Plant, and Mrs. M. R.
: Wilson on Care of the Plants,
Mrs. Alliscn, president, clis-
cussed harvesting garden crops.
An interesting discussion among
the ladie, on this subject, fol-
Mrs. Kenimer showed the
group honey suckle vine she had
gathered to be used in making
Easter baskets for her class in
school. Discussion on the- type
of material that can be used for
weaving baskets and designs
that can be used was held.
A business session followed
these discussions. Business ses¬
sion was conducted by Mrs. Al¬
lison. The Club decided to
furnish the paint for mailboxes
in the Rising Fawn Community
and to ask home owners to plan
with each other as to the type
of post and box they will use.
The ladies were reminded of
the Council meeting with two
sessions for the day, which will
be held on April 4th at the
American Legion Hall. Demon¬
strations to be given are chair
bottoming in the morning and
party refreshments in the after¬
Refreshments were served by
the hostess, assisted by her
daughter, Mrs. Bill Austin.
The Rising Fawn Community
Club will meet on Friday night
April 7, at 8 o’clock at the school.
This is our second meeting, and
due to the bad weather at the
last meeting, the attendance
was small. Matters of import¬
ance to our community’s im¬
provement will be discussed and
we hope everyone will make an
hfort to attend. Remember
the date, Friday night, April 7.
Growing Greater
Every Day!
1. TWO great COLOR magazines
2. 12 pages favorite cormcs.
3. Complete sports coverage.
4. TWO excellent editorial pag?s
5. More pages of NEWS.
6. Preferred by more Georgians
The Journal Covers Dixie Like the Dew
Improvements made
at Hawkins cemetery
A meeting was held at the
, | school Saturday night concern-
I ing the Community Improve-
merit Program.
A report was given on the
Hawkins cemetery.
With the la-ge number of
p opi? and the machinery we
were able to accomplish a great
The ( nbankment on the south
is planted with ora s, also all
the new graves.
An . additional , .... . entrance , „ ____, and a „
d uble drive enclosing the
burial plat was started with the
center drive laid and with stone
curbing and graveled. Flowers
of the dwarf type were planted
by the curbing
A working was set for Satur¬
day April 2nd to complete the
Consumption of potatoes and
grain products in the U. S. last
year was the lowest on record.
Factors contributing to this are
popular interest in a greater va¬
riety of foods and wider distri¬
bution and lower prices of a
greater variety of vegetables.
Hadacol Helps Grocer
Work Hard, Long Hours
There is plenty of hard work A lack of only a small amount
and long hours in the retail gro¬ of the B Vitamins and certain
cery business and this is especially Minerals will cause digestive dis¬
true for Paul Earnhardt, 816 turbances . . . Your food will rot
S.uut,i Church St., in Salisbury, agree with you . . Yf>u will
N. C* Mr. Earnhardt works long suffer from heartburns, gas pains,
h~urs at the Earnhardt Super and your food will sour on your
Market in Salisbury, one of the stomach, and you will not be able
largest and most thriving modern grocery section to eat the things you like for fear
st' res in that of being in misery afterwards
6i North Carolina. Many people also suffer from con¬
file grind began to tell on Mr. stipation. And while these symp¬
E i nhardt about three months toms may be the results of other
ago and he wondered for a time causes, they are surely and cer¬
whether he would be able to tainly the symptoms and signs of
carry on at the same rigid heard pace. the lack of the B Vitamins and
But that was before he Minerals which HADACOL con¬
the blessed news about HADA- tains. And if you suffer from such
COL. a disorder, there is no known
‘ i have been taking HADACOL cure except the administration of
for three months,” said Mr. Earn¬ the Vitamins and the Mineral?
hardt. “I was which your system lacks.
weak, run HADACOL contains not only
down, nervous, I one, but 5 of the B Vitamins
had difficulty 58 HADACOL contains not only one,
sleeping a t but 4 of the necessary Minerals.
night, nervous It comes to you in liquid form,
i n d i g e stion, easily assimilated in the blood
gastric disturb- stream so that it can go to work
ainces, head¬ right away.
aches, suffered It is to understand, there¬
with stomach easy thousands
bloating and fore, why countless
gas painsfill have been benefited by this amaz¬
around my ing tonic, HADACOL. So it mat¬
heart. After the Mr. Earnhardt ters not how old you are or who
third bottle, I started gaining you are ... it matters not where
weight, had no gastric disturb¬ you live or if you have tried all
ances. headaches or gas pains. I the medicines under the sun. sive
never felt better and work long this wonderful preparation,
hours. I recommend HADACOL.” HADACOL. a trial. Don’t go on
Mr. Earnhardt, like - so many suffering. Don’t continue to k i
thousands of other suffering peo¬ a miserable life Be fair to voi --
ple. had tried many preparations self. Temporary relief is r, t
without beneficial results before fenough for you. Give HADACOL
he heard the wonderful news a trial. Accept no substitute.
abou\ HADACOL. Insist on the genuine HADA¬
Mr. Earnhardt puts in long, COL. drug
hard '‘ours at the Earnhardt Sold all the leading
grocery store now but is again stores Trial size only $1.25, but
is usual cheerful self and when save monev—buy the large fam¬
is friends comment on his im¬ ily and hospital size—only $3.50.
provement he advises them to We are so firm in our belief
five HADACOL a trial. that HADACOL HADACOL will help vnu t^t I
Mr. Earnhardt was suffering we sell on a rkn’t monev- >!
»Tom a lack of B Vitamins and back guarantee If vnu f r '
the Minerals which HADACOL -erfertlv satisfied after ust-»
contains. HADACOL comes to HAD'COL as directed, just re¬
you in liquid form, easily assimi turn the emptv carton and v r
feted in the blood stream so that!monev led. will be cheerfully fairer. refund¬
'd can co to work right away. Nothing could be
Sims Garrett,
I Jr., Milledgeville
1 business man
announced this
[week his candi-
jdacy for the of-
! flee o f State
(Treasurer in the
[ June 28th Dem¬
ocratic Primary.
Much interest in Garrett’s
candidacy is felt by many local
citizens who remember favor-
a bly his cooperation with the
county in highway matters dur-
his tenure of office as an of-
i Ificial of that Department. Gar-
re tt was Vice- Chairman under
Governor Ellis Arnall and served
as Treasurer of the Highway
Department under Governor
Herman Talmadge, until he re¬
signed last year to become Presi¬
dent of Baldwin Motors, Inc.,
at Milledgeville.
Garrett has been prominent
for many years in Georgia busi¬
ness and political circles. In
addition to his close association
with Arnall and Talmadge, he
served as Secretary to Congress¬
man Stephen Pace for four
His announcement statement
pledges competent and harmon¬
ious service as Treasurer and
“full cooperation with all Geor¬
gians in building a greater
Many leading citizens of this
county have pledged him their