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MRS. CATHERINE C MORRISON ........ Owner and Publisher
BERMAN V MOORE .......................... Shop Apprentice
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Local and Personal
News Items
Mr. James C. Case is on a busl.
ness trip in Florida.
Mr. Otis Foster remains ill at
his home.
E. A. Ellis, Jr., was home for
the long holiday week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pace's week
end guest was Mrs. Jane Urban
from Chattanooga.
The Charles T. Sims family
spent the Fourth on the creek
near New England.
Mrs. Overa Austin and hus¬
band visited her mother. Mrs. C.
E Combs Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daniels of
Augusta, Georgia were holiday
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gaylor
announce the birth of a IVi lb.
daughter, born July 1. She has
been named Jacquelyn Rose¬
Pile. Hubert Lacy was home
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Lacy, for the holidays.
Hubert is a Marine stationed at
Camp LeJeune, N. C.
The Fish Fry at the Legion
Hall Saturday night was one of
the best ever. There were people
coming and going all evening
and the fish was delicious.
Mr. Raymond Brandon and
Mrs. Inez Johnson of Chatta¬
nooga spent Saturday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.
Those attending the summer
English and history classes spent
Monday at Lula Lake on an all
day picnic and swimming party
Their teacher, Miss Nora Pickett
accompanied them.
Fourth of July visitors of Mr.
and Mrs. H. L. Bradford were
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKaig and
children, Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Amos, Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Bradford and son, and Mr. and
Mrs. H. V. Moore and daughter,
Nearly 800 deaths throughout
the United States during the
long Fourth of July week end.
There were 17 deaths in Georgia,
14 of these were highway acci¬
dent deaths. Dade seems to have
escaped without a serious acci¬
The Garden Plots on the Court
House Square have had a work¬
ing. Mesdames E, A. Ellis, H. F.
Allison. Ed Pace and M J. Hale
put in some hot hours on them.
Mrs. Grace Morrison has also
been out pulling up a bit of
Johnson grass.
Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Newby’s
holiday guests were his sister and
her husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Mitchell, Newnan, Ga.,
Nancy Swanson, who was a
long guest and her parents
and Mrs. C. F. Swanson.
aldson, Tenn.
County Treasurer and Mrs.
V. Jenkins and children left
week for Ohio where Mrs.
kins and the children will
a visit with her mother.
Mrs. W. G. Morrison, Sr.,
; lmost laid up with an
in her leg.
County Agent and Mrs. L.
Adams holiday guests were
sister and her family, Mr.
Mrs. Harry Speering <fc
ter Geraldine and son
and Miss Lula Adams and
Dallas Adams all from
and his brother and his
Mr and Mrs. J. C. Adams
sons, John and Robert
Statesboro. Ga
Your Editor had a
surprise at the Fish Fry
day night. Got talking to
Fehlandt and find she
comes from Maine, not far
my home town. The
are new comers to Dade,
Mew row
New Salem News
<By Anna Marie Moore >
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gray from
Birmingham visited Mr. and
Mrs. Clark Gray during the-week
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Hicks &
son visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Gray over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Miller
and children were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moore.
We are glad to see Mrs. W. D.
Bradford home after being in a
Chattanooga hospital.
Those from here who attended
the Triplett Reunion in Cleve-
land Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs.
L. W. Moore Jr., and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Olen King and daughters, '
Mr and Mrs H V Moore and
daughter Mr and Mrs Leon
Moore, Dale and Anna Marie
Moore, and Mr. Earl Triplett.
All reported a nice time.
Aunt Bell Fulehum ’ is still n
the sick list.
Miss Ebise Pennington from
Jacksonville, Florida is visiting
her grandmother Mrs. C. L.
Moore and other relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Herschell Pen-
nlngton and children attended
the all day singing at Flat Rock
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Logan and
boys visited relatives here dur-
ing the week end.
We are sorry to report that
Miss Alice Moore is sick.
Mr. and Mrs Hillard Wall visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Will Wall and
family on Sand Mountain over
the week end.
Miss Sarah Housch is visiting
friends and relatives in Chick-
l Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dawkins
nd da er y
Mrs Ar , Modre Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McKaig
from Oak Ridge visited Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh McKaig and other
relatives here during the holL
Mr. and Mrs. Benton Massey
and children visited Mr. and,
Mrs. Hershell McKaig and child¬
ren Sunday.
We see Mrs. Shirley Whaley
driving a nice looking 1949 Hud¬
son around the last few days.
bought Judge Townsend’s house
in Wildwood. Mr. Fehlandt plays
on the Wildwood ball team and
manages their Rinkey Dink
Wednesday afternoon a pon-
tiac car from Houston, Texas
with a man, woman and baby
in it turned over in front of the
H. L. Bradford home south of
Trenton. The pavement was wet
and the car skidded and went
into the ditch running along the
bank for about 200 fleet, crossed
the Bradford driveway and turn¬
ed over. The door on the wo¬
man’s side came open when It
crossed the drive way and she
and the baby were thrown out.
The woman was taken to a Chat¬
tanooga hospital and treated for
cuts and bruises and returned
to Trenton where the family
spent the night in a tourist
Screw Worm Smear
For Treating Livestock
And Other Livestock Remedies
Dade County Co-op
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hise
nounce the birth of a son.
Fourth of July visitors f
and Mrs. Ait Moore were:
and Mrs. Malcolm Moore of
Elmo, Miss Lola Moore and
Morris Johnson o! Oak Ridge.
We hear that we have a
married couple in our cmin
Rising Fawn, Ga.,
Mr. A1 Gibson has a fine silver
watch to be drawn for in a lew
Mrs. Webb Tatum has been
very sick for several days dur-
ing the past week.
Mr. W. P. Gilbert has opened
a salocn on the Furnace rail-
The election at this place
passed off very quietly last Tues
Hon. Judson C. Clements ad¬
dress still remains Washington,
D. C. (election for Congressman.
Dade gave Clements 517 votes to
Felton’s 125.)
Several of our young men be-
came vei T much enthused oyer
the election of Hon. J. C. Cle-
ments, and gave vent to their
feelings by building a bon lire
and shooting anvils last Wed-
f , e s ay nlg L
. We .. requested to that
are say
ing to urgent business else -
- Rev ' T G Tucker could
hold a prolracted meeting
was a ™°unced in this paper
, fevv weeks aga
5 ' 000 pounds of dried frult
at the Company store
We are ssrry lo learn of the
illness of Mrs - Dr - Mc
of Sulphur Springs.
Messers Tom Collman, Dave
and John Blevins killed
fine wild turkeys this
Mr - A B Lee accompanied by ;
Geor S ie an d Master Henry
on the freight this morning
We have room for a few more
ay * ng advertisements and cash
Mr Cov - Hale ls re Painng his
house, pteparatory to en-
his business.
We would suggest that the
men o. Rising Fawn or-
a debating society.
Mr. John Jacov/ay of Trenton
in town this week.
We are g]ad to see Mr - Lee
’ w h° was shot a few days
out on tbe streets again.
County Officers
G M Crabtree, Ordinary,
'S. H. Thurman, Circuit Court
B. P. Majors, Sheriff.
Jcseph Coleman, Tax Receiver
D. E. Tatum, Tax Collector.
Joseph Kiser, Coroner.
Wm. Morrison, Surveyor.
Smith, Georgia
Mr. Pink Welch and Whack
have returned from
issippi. They report the Mis
railroad crowd a rough
Mr. G. E. Murray and family
expected back to this place
Texas soon. George doesn’t
the idea of paying all he
for doctor’s bills.
Most all the farmers are done
corn. The corn crop
DEAD OR INJURED ANIMALS Weighing Over 200 Pound*
Within A Mile Radius Removed FREE OF CHARGE
If Not Skinned or Decomposed. WE WILL PAY PHONE
imm 5-260*
Chattanooga, Tenn.
Tercy Lorane Raines new born
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Raines died July 1, 1950. Funer-
al ^ services were held by Rev.
p afJ Tinker and faurlal was in
the New Home Cemetery.
Jack Vann Gilbreath, 61, of
New England, died suddenly at
noon Saturday July 1st. Surviv-
ing are his wife, Lillie, five sons,
Arville, J. V. Jr., and C. B. of
Trenton, Ray and Cecil P. of
Chattanooga; four daughters,
Mrs. Haxel Duke and Mrs. Nor-
renne Fuller, Valley Head, Ala.,
Mrs. Odie Fay Reeves., Wild,
wood, and Miss Jeanette Gil-
breath of New England; two
brothers, Tully Gilbreath, Fyffe,
Ala., Georgie Gilbreath, Cross-
ville, Ala., one sister, Mrs. Tres-
sie Wilson, Crossville. Funeral
services were Monday at the
General Church of God, Avans
with Rev. Harve Leatherwood
officiating. Burial was in the
church cemetery.
Glenn Wallace Castleberry,
60, died at his home Rt. 4, St.
Elmo on June 30th after a lin-
gering Illness. He is survived by
two daughters, Miss Mary I.
Castleberry and Mrs. B.
Lively, Chattanooga; one son,
Harold G. Castleberry, Chatta-
nooga; one brother, Raymond
Castleberry, Rising Fawn; se-
nieces and nephews. Fu-
services were held from
Lookout Valley Baptist
with Revs. C. W. Tucker,
M. Steele and J. E. Merrill oL
Active pallbearers
W. E. Lee, C. D. Migell, W.
Payne, R. H. Humble, W. R.
Roy Wallen. Honorary
ity. Congratluations to Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Massey.
We are sorry to see Mr. Edgar
Whited all skinned and bruised,
from an ., r n oT ,
day Mr. Whited was hit h„ by an.
other car which really tore up
his Model A Ford and banged
n I m 11 VS P mill q a n r\1 1
November 9, 1882.
is turning out well. Good land
and about 40 to 50 bushels per
acre. Some cf them are very
near done sowing wheat.
G. A. R. Bible is having his
house repaired. Also John Hamic
is having quite a costly barn
erected. ■
Mr. Wm Cook will commence
sch ° o1 a t Mt. Zion next Monday.
Let everybody send their chil-
dren along and make him a
good school.
We are sorry to learn the Rls- i
ing Fawn Seminary has closed ■
doors for the want of patronage.
From the acquaintance we had
with Prof. Blair we think Rising
Fawn will never do better.
Married at the residence of
bride, Mr. Bolick to Mrs.
Martha Beckham, on the 27th
j nst -p j foreland officiating.
p or f ear t ^e waste basket I
will close with best wishes to .he
J. Brinkins.
November 16, 1882
(This issue is the next to last
issue of the DADE COUNTY
GAZETTE in this first volume,
Mr. N. C. Napier had bought the
P a P er in September and he now
NOTICE: To Our Friends And
Subscribers. The time has come
when we are forced to change
our programme. The Gazette is
n °t paying expenses. The re-
ceipts do not cover expenditures,
We have plenty of accounts, but
negligent as our subscribers are
W e connot turn those accounts
into money. We are forced to a
change. The paper must be put
0 n a cash basis. Ten days after
this issue we hope to receive a
cash remittance from every
subscriber who has not paid In
advance. That remittance will
be placed to their credit on the
new books we shall open. The
names of all who fall to remit
will be dropped. Pay the money
to your nearest postmaster and
his receipt to you will be hon¬
ored by us. A statement of his
account on the old books will be
sent to each subscriber and an
opportunity given him of closing
it by cash or note.
We wish to thank all our
friends and neighbors tor their
kindness to us during the diffi¬
cult time of the birth and death
of our daughter, Tercy Lorane.
We are very grateful and we ap¬
preciate qll that was done to
help us during this sorrowful
The Clyde Raines family.
For Sale
1 new 1950 Dodge Pickup
1945 2 ton Dodge Truck
1942 H ton Ford Truck
* 1939 H ton Ford Truck
1941 Ford Sedan
1940 Ford Coach
Dyer Motor Co.
Trenton, Georgia
Dyer Service Station, Trenton, Ga.
■ And
See Us For Used Radios — Electric <& Batteries
pallbearers R. K. Fox, S. B. Bays
den, Sam Keef, A. F. Tucker, J.
F. Puckett, A. J. Coasts, J. L.
Chastain, Ed Boydston, Jacob
Houts, G. M. Hicks, B. C. White,
and B. C. Andrews Interment
was in the Byrd s Chapel ceme-
Clarence W. Cutter 81, of the
Floral Crest community passed
away July 1, 1950. He was a
native of Boston, Mass. As a
child he moved with his parents
to Hot Springs, Arkansas, where
he he made his home most of his
nig. As a young soldier he serv-
e d in the Spanish American War
then In later life he spent some
time in California, about the
turn of the century he united
w ith the Seventh Day Adventist
denomination and was a faith-
(ul member until the end. About
years ago his family moved
to the Floral Crest community,
there he won admiration of all
Left to mourn hU are
his ^rs. Neva Cutter, a
son, Charles L. Cutter of College-
dale, Tenn., 2 daughters, Mrs.
R. L. Saylor of Riverside, Calif.,
and Miss Jane Cutter of College-
dale, Tenn., a brother, John M.
Cutter, 2 sisters, Mrs. Henryetta
Peterson and Mrs. Mary Beldlng
of Hot Springs, Ark., 3 grand¬
Funeral services were held at
Floral Crest with Elder C. E.
Wettechebe, officiating. Active
pallbearers were Mr. Whetstone,
Sr., David Whetstone, Mr. Good-
Mr. W. D. Wade, Sr., Mr.
Hoghteling and Mr. L. C. Scott.
pallbearers were Eu-
Hanawalt, Richard Segee,
Dewitt Wade, and Edison Blan-
Internment was In the
Floral Crest Cemetery with Mc-
Bryar Funeral Home in charge.